changeset 14 04becd199f91
equal deleted inserted replaced
13:f5050f1da672 14:04becd199f91
     1 @rem
     2 @rem Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 @rem All rights reserved.
     4 @rem This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 @rem under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 @rem which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 @rem at the URL "".
     8 @rem
     9 @rem Initial Contributors:
    10 @rem Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 @rem
    12 @rem Contributors:
    13 @rem
    14 @rem Description: 
    15 @rem
    17 @ECHO OFF
    18 set JDK=C:\j2sdk1.4.2_09\
    19 set WTK=C:\WTK23\
    20 set JKEY_STORE=.\
    21 set JAD_NAME=%1
    22 set JAR_NAME=%2
    24 if "%1"=="" goto :HELP
    25 if "%2"=="" goto :HELP
    26 if not exist %JDK%bin\java.exe goto :JDK_HELP
    27 if not exist %WTK%bin\JADTool.jar goto :WTK_HELP
    28 if not exist %JKEY_STORE% goto :JKEY_STORE_HELP
    30 @ECHO ON
    31 %JDK%bin\java.exe -jar %WTK%bin\JADTool.jar -addcert -keystore %JKEY_STORE%test_keystore.ks -alias JP_Operator_Domain -storepass jperformance -certnum 1 -chainnum 1 -inputjad %JAD_NAME% -outputjad %JAD_NAME%
    32 %JDK%bin\java.exe -jar %WTK%bin\JADTool.jar -addjarsig -jarfile %JAR_NAME% -keystore %JKEY_STORE%test_keystore.ks -alias JP_Operator_Domain -storepass jperformance -keypass R_and_D_Operator_Domain -inputjad %JAD_NAME% -outputjad %JAD_NAME%
    34 @ECHO OFF
    35 goto END
    37 ::::::::::::::: JDK is missing ::::::::::::::::::::::
    38 :JDK_HELP
    39 @ECHO OFF
    40 ECHO "%JDK%" does NOT exist. Please set the path of the JDK environment into this script's JDK variable and try again. 
    41 goto END
    43 ::::::::::::::: WTK is missing ::::::::::::::::::::::
    44 :WTK_HELP
    45 @ECHO OFF
    46 ECHO "%WTK%" does NOT exist. Please set the path of the Wireless Toolkit into this script's WTK variable and try again. 
    47 goto END
    49 ::::::::::::::: S60 env is missing ::::::::::::::::::::::
    51 @ECHO OFF
    52 ECHO "%JKEY_STORE%" does NOT exist. Please make sure that you run this script from the substituted drive corresponding to the S60 environment and try again.
    53 goto END
    55 :HELP
    56 @ECHO OFF
    57 ECHO Input parameters jad, jar or both missing
    58 ECHO sigMidlet_operator.cmd "JAD_FILE.JAD" "JAR_FILE.JAR"
    60 :END
    62 @ECHO OFF
    63 set JAD_NAME=
    64 set JAR_NAME= 
    65 set WTK=
    66 set JKEY_STORE=
    67 set JDK=