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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #ifndef FBSLCDGRAPHICS_H
    19 #define FBSLCDGRAPHICS_H
    21 #include <e32std.h>
    22 #include <gdi.h>
    23 #include <lcdgdrv.h>
    25 /**
    26  * Structure containing sufficient information to construct
    27  * a transform for the DrawRegion primitive.
    28  */
    29 struct TDrawRegion
    30 {
    31     TRect   iSrcRect;
    32     TPoint  iDstPoint;
    33     TInt    iAnchor;
    34     TInt    iTransform;
    35 };
    37 /**
    38  * Utility function to compute the destination rectangle given a source rectangle, an identifier for the
    39  * anchor point to translate to the destination point and a transform to apply to the source rectangle.
    40  */
    41 TRect CalcDstRect(const TPoint& aDstPoint, const TSize& aSrcSize, TTransformType aSrcTransform, TAnchor aSrcAnchor);
    43 //
    44 // FBSERV bitmap support, may be withdrawn later.
    45 //
    50 class CFbsBitmap;
    52 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TFbsLcdGraphics)
    53 {
    54 public:
    56     /**
    57      * Copy region of image represented by <aSrcColorBitmap, aSrcAlphaBitmap> pair
    58      * onto destination image represented by <aDstColorBitmap, aDstAlphaBitmap> pair.
    59      * The region to be drawn, the destination position and the transformation to
    60      * apply are supplied by aDrawRegion.
    61      */
    62     static TInt CopyRegion
    63     (
    64         CLcdGraphicsDriver& aDriver,
    65         CFbsBitmap*         aDstColorBitmap,
    66         CFbsBitmap*         aDstAlphaBitmap,
    67         TTransparency       aDstTransparency,
    68         CFbsBitmap*         aSrcColorBitmap,
    69         CFbsBitmap*         aSrcAlphaBitmap,
    70         TTransparency       aSrcTransparency,
    71         const TDrawRegion&  aRegion,
    72         const TRect&        aClipRect
    73     );
    75     /**
    76      * Copies ARGB8888 pixels into image represented by <aDstColorBitmap, aDstAlphaBitmap>
    77      */
    78     static TInt SetPixels
    79     (
    80         CLcdGraphicsDriver& aDriver,
    81         CFbsBitmap*     aDstColorBitmap,
    82         CFbsBitmap*     aDstAlphaBitmap,
    83         TTransparency   aDstTransparency,
    84         const TRect&    aDstRect,
    85         const TUint32*  aSrcARGB32Pixels,
    86         TInt            aSrcLength,
    87         TInt            aSrcOffset,
    88         TInt            aSrcLinePitch,
    89         const TSize&    aSrcSize,
    90         TBool           aAlpha
    91     );
    93     /**
    94      * Copies pixels from image represented by <aDstColorBitmap, aDstAlphaBitmap>
    95      * into an array in ARGB8888 format.
    96      */
    97     static TInt GetPixels
    98     (
    99         CLcdGraphicsDriver& aDriver,
   100         CFbsBitmap*     aSrcColorBitmap,
   101         CFbsBitmap*     aSrcAlphaBitmap,
   102         TTransparency   aSrcTransparency,
   103         const TRect&    aSrcRect,
   104         TUint32*        aARGB32Pixels,
   105         TInt            aLength,
   106         TInt            aOffset,
   107         TInt            aLinePitch,
   108         const TSize&    aSize
   109     );
   111     /**
   112     Check for pixel level collision in area of overlap in two images.
   113     Locks bitmap.
   114     @param aMask1           image1 mask
   115     @param aTransparency1   image1 transparency type
   116     @param aSize1           image1 size
   117     @param aRect1           image1 collison rect in image1 co-ordinates
   118     @param aTransform1      image1 transform
   119     @param aPoint1          position of image1 collison rect in painter's co-ordinates.
   121     @param aMask2           image2 mask
   122     @param aTransparency1   image2 transparency type
   123     @param aSize2           image2 size
   124     @param aRect2           image2 collison rect in image2 co-ordinates
   125     @param aTransform2      image2 transform
   126     @param aPoint2          position of image2 collison rect in painter's co-ordinates.
   127     */
   128     static TBool DetectCollision
   129     (
   130         CLcdGraphicsDriver& aDriver,
   132         CFbsBitmap*         aMask1,
   133         TTransparency       aTransparency1,
   134         const TSize&        aSize1,
   135         const TRect&        aRect1,
   136         TInt                aTransform1,
   137         const TPoint&       aPoint1,
   139         CFbsBitmap*         aMask2,
   140         TTransparency       aTransparency2,
   141         const TSize&        aSize2,
   142         const TRect&        aRect2,
   143         TInt                aTransform2,
   144         const TPoint&       aPoint2
   145     );
   146 };
   148 #endif
   150 #endif // FBSLCDGRAPHICS_H