changeset 14 04becd199f91
child 17 0fd27995241b
equal deleted inserted replaced
13:f5050f1da672 14:04becd199f91
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Implements the Form LCDUI component.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 //RD_SCALABLE_UI definition
    20 #include <bldvariant.hrh>
    21 // using CEikScrollBarFrame API for iSBFrame
    22 #include <eiksbfrm.h>
    24 // API used for retrieving layout for initial alignment (in ConstructL)
    25 #include <centralrepository.h>
    26 // constants used in retrieving layout for initial alignment (in ConstructL)
    27 #include <AvkonInternalCRKeys.h>
    29 // control context that provides a layout background
    30 #include <AknsListBoxBackgroundControlContext.h>
    31 // highlight background
    32 #include <AknsFrameBackgroundControlContext.h>
    33 // API for text formatting used in DrawNoDataStringL function
    34 #include <AknBidiTextUtils.h>
    36 #include "CMIDForm.h"
    37 #include "CMIDFormRow.h"
    38 // API for iDisplayable
    39 #include "CMIDDisplayable.h"
    40 #include "CMIDItem.h"
    41 #include "CMIDControlItem.h"
    42 #include "CMIDGaugeItem.h"
    43 #include "CMIDImageItem.h"
    44 #include "CMIDStringItem.h"
    45 // CMIDLabelContainerItem API used to obtain CMIDStringItem item
    46 #include "CMIDLabelContainerItem.h"
    47 #include "CMIDTextFieldItem.h"
    48 #include "CMIDChoiceGroupItem.h"
    49 #include "CMIDSpacer.h"
    50 #include "CMIDCustomItem.h"
    51 #include "CMIDDateFieldItem.h"
    52 #include "CMIDComponentFactory.h"
    53 #include "CMIDUtils.h"
    54 #include "CMIDItemLabel.h"
    55 #include "CMIDTicker.h"
    56 #include "CMIDFont.h"
    57 #include "CMIDPopupNoteController.h"
    58 // Kinetic scrolling
    59 #include "CMIDFormPhysics.h"
    61 #include <applayout.cdl.h>
    62 // LAF
    63 #include <aknlayoutscalable_avkon.cdl.h>
    64 // LAF
    65 #include <layoutmetadata.cdl.h>
    67 // Api for skin layout
    68 #include <skinlayout.cdl.h>
    69 using namespace SkinLayout;
    71 #include <j2me/jdebug.h>
    74 #define TRAP_INSTRUMENTATION_LEAVE(aResult) DEBUG_INT2("In CMIDForm.cpp, trapped method was called at line %D and got exception %D", __LINE__, aResult);
    76 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
    77 /** Dividers used when the the scroll amount is calculated*/
    78 const TInt KScrollAmountDivider = 4;
    79 const TInt KScrollAmountDividerForThumbDrag = 10;
    81 /** Interval for scrolling when stylus is dragged outside the form and held down */
    82 const TInt KScrollInterval = 100000; // 0,1 sec
    83 #endif //RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
    85 /** The minimum amount to scroll */
    86 const TInt KMinScrollAmount = 40;
    88 /** The timeout in microseconds for visual updates. When items are added or removed
    89 or modified, the form is not redrawn immediately but only after this timeout. This way
    90 if more items are being added or removed or changed we reduce the number of redraws.
    91 */
    92 const TInt KLayoutTimeout = 60000; //60 msecs
    94 /** If layout has been requested for a period longer than the cap then perform layout
    95 even if the midlet is still performing form insert/delete operations. */
    96 const TInt KLayoutCap = 1000000; // 1 sec
    98 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    99 // MMIDForm interface
   100 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   102 /**
   103  * Add items list. Note: this is no longer called by framework!!
   104  */
   105 void CMIDForm::SetAllItemsL(const RArray<MMIDItem*>& aItems)
   106 {
   107     DEBUG("CMIDForm::SetAllItemsL");
   109     ASSERT(iItems.Count() == 0);
   110     //
   111     TInt count = aItems.Count();
   112     for (TInt i=0; i<count; i++)
   113     {
   114         User::LeaveIfError(iItems.Append(aItems[i]));
   115         CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(i);
   117         AddItemToFormL(ci);
   118         ci.MakeVisible(ETrue);
   119     }
   121     RequestLayoutL();
   122 }
   124 /**
   125  * Replaces an item. Keeps the same item focused which had focus before,
   126  * and if that's the one that this is replacing, then this will be focused
   127  * if possible.
   128  */
   129 void CMIDForm::SetItemL(MMIDItem& aItem,TInt aIndex)
   130 {
   131     DEBUG("CMIDForm::SetItemL");
   133     CMIDControlItem& oldCi = ControlItem(aIndex);
   134     RemoveItemFromForm(oldCi);
   136     iItems[aIndex] = &aItem;
   137     CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(aIndex);
   138     AddItemToFormL(ci);
   140     ci.MakeVisible(ETrue);
   142     if (iFocused == aIndex)
   143     {
   144         iDisplayable.MenuHandler()->HideMenuIfVisible();
   146         if (ci.IsSelectable())
   147         {
   148             SetFocusedItem(aIndex);
   149         }
   150         else
   151         {
   152             SetFocusedItem(KErrNotFound);
   153         }
   154     }
   156     RequestLayoutL();
   157 }
   159 /**
   160  * Inserts a new Item.
   161  */
   162 void CMIDForm::InsertItemL(MMIDItem& aItem,TInt aIndex)
   163 {
   164     DEBUG("CMIDForm::InsertItemL");
   166     User::LeaveIfError(iItems.Insert(&aItem,aIndex));
   167     CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(aIndex);
   169     AddItemToFormL(ci);
   170     ci.MakeVisible(ETrue);
   171     // if insert item then index of pointed control is increase
   172     if (aIndex <= iIndexPointedControl)
   173     {
   174         iIndexPointedControl++;
   175     }
   177     // If there isn't any focused item yet, we have to set focus
   178     // to first item which is focusable. Once the item has focus,
   179     // we can skip this step.
   180     if (iFocused == KErrNotFound)
   181     {
   182         SetFocusedItem(ci.IsSelectable() ? aIndex : KErrNotFound);
   183     }
   185     RequestLayoutL();
   186 }
   188 void CMIDForm::DeleteItemL(TInt aIndex)
   189 {
   190     DEBUG("CMIDForm::DeleteItemL");
   192     TBool updateFocused = EFalse;
   193     // if delete item then index of pointed control is decrease
   194     if (iIndexPointedControl > aIndex)
   195     {
   196         iIndexPointedControl--;
   197     }
   198     else
   199         // if delete item is same as index of pointed control then index is set to not active
   200     {
   201         if (iIndexPointedControl == aIndex)
   202         {
   203             iIndexPointedControl = -1;
   204         }
   205     }
   206     if (iFocused > aIndex)
   207     {
   208         iFocused--;
   209     }
   210     else if (iFocused == aIndex)
   211     {
   212         iDisplayable.MenuHandler()->HideMenuIfVisible();
   213         ReplaceFocusedItem();
   214         updateFocused = ETrue;
   215     }
   217     CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(aIndex);
   218     RemoveItemFromForm(ci);
   219     if (&ci == iPointedControl)
   220     {
   221         iPointedControl = NULL;
   222     }
   224     iItems.Remove(aIndex);
   226     if (iFocused != KErrNotFound && updateFocused)
   227     {
   228         iFocused--;
   229     }
   231     RequestLayoutL();
   232 }
   234 void CMIDForm::DeleteAllItemsL()
   235 {
   236     DEBUG("CMIDForm::DeleteAllItemsL");
   237     iDisplayable.MenuHandler()->HideMenuIfVisible();
   238     SetFocusedItem(KErrNotFound);
   240     TInt itemCount = iItems.Count();
   241     for (TInt i=0; i < itemCount; i++)
   242     {
   243         CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(i);
   244         RemoveItemFromForm(ci);
   245     }
   246     iItems.Reset();
   248     iScroll = 0;
   249     // if delete all then index of pointed control is set to not active
   250     iIndexPointedControl = -1;
   252     iPointedControl = NULL;
   253     RequestLayoutL();
   254 }
   256 /**
   257  * Called when the item has changed its appearance in some way.
   258  */
   259 void CMIDForm::RefreshItemL(TInt aIndex)
   260 {
   261     DEBUG("CMIDForm::RefreshItemL");
   263     if (aIndex != KErrNotFound)
   264     {
   265         RequestLayoutL();
   266     }
   267 }
   269 /**
   270  * Returns whether the item is actually visible to the user. Must therefore take into
   271  * account the visibility of the entire form, and whether the specific item is scrolled
   272  * in/out of the viewable area.
   273  */
   274 TBool CMIDForm::IsItemVisible(TInt aIndex)
   275 {
   276     DEBUG("CMIDForm::IsItemVisible");
   278     CMIDControlItem& control = ControlItem(aIndex);
   280     if ((control.Position().iY > Height()) ||
   281             ((control.Position().iY + control.Size().iHeight) < 0))
   282     {
   283         return EFalse;
   284     }
   285     return ETrue;
   286 }
   288 /**
   289  * Called prior to the Form itself being made the current Displayable.
   290  * It provides an opportunity to prepare the form such that this item will
   291  * be visible and focused when the form is eventually made current
   292  */
   293 void CMIDForm::SetCurrentItemL(TInt aIndex)
   294 {
   295     DEBUG("CMIDForm::SetCurrentItemL");
   297     // If it is pending request for layout, than layout now.
   298     if (LayoutPending())
   299     {
   300         LayoutAndDrawL();
   301     }
   303     // Set focus of item to aIndex and scroll to it.
   304     SetFocusedItem(aIndex);
   306 }
   309 //
   310 // End of MMIDForm interface
   311 //
   313 TInt CMIDForm::CountComponentControls() const
   314 {
   315     return iRows.Count();
   316 }
   318 CCoeControl* CMIDForm::ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const
   319 {
   320     return iRows[aIndex];
   321 }
   323 TKeyResponse CMIDForm::OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType)
   324 {
   325     DEBUG("< CMIDForm::OfferKeyEventL");
   327     TBool isArrowKey = (aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyDownArrow || aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyUpArrow ||
   328                         aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyLeftArrow || aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyRightArrow);
   330     if (iFocused != KErrNotFound)
   331     {
   332         CMIDControlItem& controlItem = ControlItem(iFocused);
   333         TRect controlRect = GetControlRect(iFocused);
   334         TBool visible = RectPartiallyVisible(controlRect);
   336         // arrow key events are not sent to the hidden focused item
   337         if ((visible || !isArrowKey) &&
   338                 controlItem.OfferKeyEventL(aKeyEvent,aType) == EKeyWasConsumed)
   339         {
   340             DEBUG("CMIDForm::OfferKeyEventL - out after item consumed key");
   342 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
   343             // If focused TextField or DateField item is at least partly out of
   344             // Form viewport, then key event (excluding arrow keys and soft keys)
   345             // scrolls the item completely visible. This situation
   346             // is possible when scrolling has been done with scrollbar.
   348             // Soft keys and arrow keys are ignored. Filtering must be done comparing
   349             // scan codes because the aEventType.iCode is not available for all key presses.
   350             TBool ignoreKey = (aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyRightArrow ||
   351                                aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyUpArrow ||
   352                                aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDownArrow ||
   353                                aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyLeftArrow ||
   354                                aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDevice0 ||
   355                                aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDevice1 ||
   356                                aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDevice3);
   358             if ((controlItem.Type() == MMIDComponent::ETextField ||
   359                     controlItem.Type() == MMIDComponent::EDateField) &&
   360                     !RectFullyVisible(controlRect) && !ignoreKey)
   361             {
   362                 // Scroll up if controlItem is above the Form viewport.
   363                 // Otherwise scroll down.
   364                 if (controlRect.iTl.iY < 0)
   365                 {
   366                     ScrollToFocused(EUp, ETrue);
   367                 }
   368                 else
   369                 {
   370                     ScrollToFocused(EDown, ETrue);
   371                 }
   373             }
   374 #endif // RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
   376             return EKeyWasConsumed;
   377         }
   378     }
   380     DEBUG("CMIDForm::OfferKeyEventL - got chance to scroll");
   382     if ((aType == EEventKey) && isArrowKey && (iItems.Count() > 0))
   383     {
   384         DEBUG("CMIDForm::OfferKeyEventL - about to call Traverse");
   386         Traverse(ConvertKeyToDirection(aKeyEvent.iCode));
   388         DEBUG("CMIDForm::OfferKeyEventL - out after Traverse");
   389         return EKeyWasConsumed;
   390     }
   392     // msk: this is needed if MSK is not enabled
   393     if ((aType == EEventKey) &&
   394             ((aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDevice3) || (aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyEnter))
   395        )
   396     {
   397         if (!DoDefaultCommand())
   398         {
   399             iDisplayable.ShowOkOptionsMenuL();
   400         }
   402         DEBUG("CMIDForm::OfferKeyEventL - out after default command or ok menu");
   403         return EKeyWasConsumed;
   404     }
   405     // end msk
   406     DEBUG("> CMIDForm::OfferKeyEventL");
   407     return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   408 }
   410 /**  Handle a focus change. Make sure there is no layout pending and if there is
   411 one then do it, see TrappedLayoutAndDraw(). This is because when there is a layout
   412 pending we are in a temporary inconsistent phase with no rows and the rows are the
   413 intermediary to the items via the CountComponentControl() and ComponentControl() calls.
   414 Then pass on focus to our children according to the value stored in iFocused. Finally
   415 update the scroll bars if gaining focus and draw. */
   416 void CMIDForm::FocusChanged(TDrawNow /*aDrawNow*/)
   417 {
   418     DEBUG("CMIDForm::FocusChanged");
   420     TrappedLayoutAndDraw(ETrue);
   422     TInt i = -1;
   423     TInt itemCount = iItems.Count();
   424     while (++i < itemCount)
   425     {
   426         if (i == iFocused)
   427         {
   428             ControlItem(iFocused).SetFocus(IsFocused());
   429         }
   430         else
   431         {
   432             ControlItem(i).SetFocus(EFalse);
   433         }
   434     }
   436     // make sure scrollbar is up to date when we get focus
   437     if (IsFocused())
   438     {
   439         UpdateScrollBar();
   440     }
   442     DrawNow();
   443 }
   445 void CMIDForm::SizeChanged()
   446 {
   447     DEBUG("CMIDForm::SizeChanged");
   449     iBackgroundControlContext->SetParentPos(PositionRelativeToScreen()) ;
   450     iBackgroundControlContext->SetRect(Rect()) ;
   451 }
   453 /** Before calling CCoeControl::InputCapabilities(), make sure there is
   454 no outstanding layout. This is because if there is one outstanding, we have
   455 no rows and hence ComponentControls() returns zero. This means that, for example
   456 if there are any editors in the items, CCoeControl::InputCapabilities() will not
   457 reach them and the FEP will not be initialised. @see TrappedLayoutAndDraw(),
   458 CCoeControl::InputCapabilities(), CAknFepManager::HandleChangeInFocusL() and
   459 CCoeAppUi::InputCapabilities() */
   460 TCoeInputCapabilities CMIDForm::InputCapabilities() const
   461 {
   462     if (iFocused != KErrNotFound)
   463     {
   464         return ControlItem(iFocused).InputCapabilities();
   465     }
   466     return     CCoeControl::InputCapabilities(); //TCoeInputCapabilities::ENone
   467 }
   469 TTypeUid::Ptr CMIDForm::MopSupplyObject(TTypeUid aId)
   470 {
   471     if (aId.iUid == MAknsControlContext::ETypeId && iBackgroundControlContext)
   472     {
   473         return MAknsControlContext::SupplyMopObject(aId, iBackgroundControlContext);
   474     }
   476     CMIDMenuHandler* menuHandler = iDisplayable.MenuHandler();
   477     return SupplyMopObject(aId, menuHandler->Cba(), menuHandler->MenuBar());
   478 }
   481 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
   482 void CMIDForm::HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent)
   483 {
   484     if (!AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled())
   485     {
   486         return;
   487     }
   489     if (iPhysics)
   490     {
   491         HandlePhysicsPointerEventL(aPointerEvent);
   492         return;
   493     }
   495     switch (aPointerEvent.iType)
   496     {
   497     case TPointerEvent::EButton1Down:
   498     {
   499         DEBUG_INT3("CMIDForm::HandlePointerEventL(): event=%D, x,y=%D,%D",
   500                    aPointerEvent.iType, aPointerEvent.iPosition.iX, aPointerEvent.iPosition.iY);
   501         iLastValidPointerEvent = aPointerEvent;
   503         CMIDControlItem* ci = ControlItemAtPoint(aPointerEvent.iPosition);
   504         // stored on ButtonDown value
   506         if (ci && ci->IsSelectable())
   507         {
   508             TInt itemIndex = ItemIndex(*ci);
   509             iIndexPointedControl = itemIndex;
   510             iLastValidPointedItemPosition = ci->Position();
   511             TBool changeFocus = (itemIndex != iFocused);
   513             if (changeFocus)
   514             {
   515                 // changing the focused item by dragging must start from unfocused item
   516                 iCanDragFocus = ETrue;
   517                 iFocusChangingWithPen = ETrue;
   518                 // give basic tactile feedback on button down when move focus
   520                 DoFeedbackOnFocusChange(*ci);
   521 #endif // RD_TACTILE_FEEDBACK
   522                 SetFocusedItem(itemIndex, ENone, EFalse);
   523             }
   525             TInt scroll = ScrollDistanceToTappedItem(ci);
   527             iScrollOnPointerDown = (scroll != 0);
   529             CCoeControl::HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent);
   531             if (iScrollOnPointerDown)
   532             {
   533                 ScrollRelative(scroll);
   534                 ControlItem(iFocused).NotifyScrollingCompleted();
   535             }
   536             else if (changeFocus)
   537             {
   538                 HandleItemVisibilityChange();
   539                 DrawNow();
   540             }
   541             else
   542             {
   543                 iCanDragFocus = ETrue;
   544             }
   545         }
   546         else // pointer down did not happen on any control item, allow starting drag
   547         {
   548             iCanDragFocus = ETrue;
   549         }
   551         break;
   552     }
   554     case TPointerEvent::EButton1Up:
   555     {
   556         if (iIndexPointedControl>-1 && &ControlItem(iIndexPointedControl) == ControlItemAtPoint(aPointerEvent.iPosition))
   557             // When this is item where TPointerEvent::EButton1Down was happened,
   558             // then event is forwarded to item. It is its responsibility check that
   559             // up event occured if it have some actions on up event.
   560         {
   561             DEBUG_INT3("CMIDForm::HandlePointerEventL(): event=%D, x,y=%D,%D",
   562                        aPointerEvent.iType, aPointerEvent.iPosition.iX, aPointerEvent.iPosition.iY);
   564             HandleDragEventL(aPointerEvent, ETrue);
   565         }
   566         else
   567         {
   568             // When this is not item where TPointerEvent::EButton1Down was happened,
   569             // then e`vent is forwarded to item where originally. It is its responsibility
   570             // check that up event occured if it have some actions on up event.
   571             // Setting default values of related variables.
   573             if (iIndexPointedControl>-1 && &ControlItem(iIndexPointedControl))
   574             {
   575                 TBool bbutton = EFalse;
   577                 if (IsStringItem(ControlItem(iIndexPointedControl)))
   578                 {
   579                     // get appearance from StringItem
   580                     CMIDStringItem *strItem = static_cast< CMIDStringItem* >(&ControlItem(iIndexPointedControl));
   581                     MMIDItem::TAppearance appearance = strItem->Appearance();
   582                     bbutton = (appearance == MMIDItem::EButton || appearance == MMIDItem::EHyperLink);
   583                 }
   585                 if (ControlItem(iIndexPointedControl).Type() != MMIDComponent::EChoiceGroup && !bbutton)
   586                 {
   587                     TPointerEvent pointerevent;
   588                     pointerevent.iType = TPointerEvent::EButton1Up;
   589                     pointerevent.iModifiers = aPointerEvent.iModifiers;
   590                     pointerevent.iPosition = iLastValidPointerEvent.iPosition +
   591                                              ControlItem(iIndexPointedControl).Position() - iLastValidPointedItemPosition;
   592                     pointerevent.iParentPosition = iLastValidPointerEvent.iParentPosition;
   594                     ControlItem(iIndexPointedControl).HandlePointerEventL(pointerevent);
   596                     DEBUG_INT3("CMIDForm::HandlePointerEventL(): event=%D, x,y=%D,%D",
   597                                pointerevent.iType, pointerevent.iPosition.iX, pointerevent.iPosition.iY);
   599                 }
   601                 // forward event for aPointerEvent
   602                 CCoeControl::HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent);
   603             }
   604         }
   606         // If it is pending request for layout, than layout form now and refresh.
   607         if (LayoutPending())
   608         {
   609             LayoutFormL();
   610             DrawDeferred();
   611         }
   613         iCanDragFocus = EFalse;
   614         iFocusChangingWithPen = EFalse;
   615         iScrollOnPointerDown = EFalse;
   616         iIndexPointedControl = -1;
   618         break;
   619     }
   621     case TPointerEvent::EDrag:
   622         // for dragging
   623     {
   624         if (iIndexPointedControl>-1 && &ControlItem(iIndexPointedControl) == ControlItemAtPoint(aPointerEvent.iPosition))
   625         {
   626             // When this is item where TPointerEvent::EButton1Down was happened,
   627             // then it is updated iLastValidPointerEvent.
   628             iLastValidPointerEvent = aPointerEvent;
   629             // If it is pending request for layout, than layout Form now and refresh
   630             // elsewhere call HandleDragEventL and forward EDrag events to event.
   631             if (LayoutPending())
   632             {
   633                 LayoutFormL();
   634                 DrawDeferred();
   635             }
   636             else
   637             {
   638                 HandleDragEventL(aPointerEvent, ETrue);
   639             }
   640             DEBUG_INT3("CMIDForm::HandlePointerEventL(): event=%D, x,y=%D,%D",
   641                        aPointerEvent.iType, aPointerEvent.iPosition.iX,
   642                        aPointerEvent.iPosition.iY);
   643         }
   644         else
   645         {
   646             // When this is not item where TPointerEvent::EButton1Down was happened,
   647             // then we do only dragging. There it is not send event to item.
   648             HandleDragEventL(aPointerEvent, EFalse);
   649         }
   650         break;
   651     }
   653     case TPointerEvent::EButtonRepeat:
   654         // For button repeating
   655     {
   656         DEBUG_INT3("CMIDForm::HandlePointerEventL(): event=%D, x,y=%D,%D",
   657                    aPointerEvent.iType, aPointerEvent.iPosition.iX,
   658                    aPointerEvent.iPosition.iY);
   660         RequestPointerRepeat(aPointerEvent);
   662         if (iCanDragFocus)
   663         {
   664             if (aPointerEvent.iPosition.iY < 0  && CanScrollUp())
   665             {
   666                 TimedScroll(EUp);
   667             }
   668             else if (aPointerEvent.iPosition.iY > Height() && CanScrollDown())
   669             {
   670                 TimedScroll(EDown);
   671             }
   672         }
   673         else
   674         {
   675             CCoeControl::HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent);
   676         }
   678         break;
   679     }
   680     default:
   681         // By defalt only implementation of base class.
   682     {
   683         CCoeControl::HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent);
   684         DEBUG_INT3("CMIDForm::HandlePointerEventL(): event=%D, x,y=%D,%D",
   685                    aPointerEvent.iType, aPointerEvent.iPosition.iX,
   686                    aPointerEvent.iPosition.iY);
   687         break;
   688     }
   689     }
   690 }
   693 void CMIDForm::HandleDragEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent, TBool aForItem)
   694 {
   695     RequestPointerRepeat(aPointerEvent);
   697     if (iCanDragFocus)
   698     {
   699         // formRect covers the whole vertical form area, but excludes
   700         // the left and right margins and the scroll bar area
   701         TRect formRect(TPoint(iFormRect.Rect().iTl.iX, 0),
   702                        TPoint(iFormRect.Rect().iBr.iX, Height()));
   704         // Try to find the new focused item, if needed
   705         if (formRect.Contains(aPointerEvent.iPosition) &&
   706                 !FocusedItemContainsPoint(aPointerEvent.iPosition))
   707         {
   708             CMIDControlItem* ci = ControlItemAtPoint(aPointerEvent.iPosition);
   710             if (ci && ci->IsSelectable())
   711             {
   712                 TInt itemIndex = ItemIndex(*ci);
   714                 // Find the direction to which the focus is dragged
   715                 TDirection direction = ENone;
   716                 if (iFocused != KErrNotFound)
   717                 {
   718                     TRect rect = ControlItem(iFocused).Rect();
   720                     if (aPointerEvent.iPosition.iY < rect.iTl.iY)
   721                     {
   722                         direction = EUp;
   723                     }
   724                     else if (aPointerEvent.iPosition.iY >= rect.iBr.iY)
   725                     {
   726                         direction = EDown;
   727                     }
   728                     else // focus is moved horizontally
   729                     {
   730                         direction = (itemIndex < iFocused) ? ELeft : ERight;
   731                     }
   732                 }
   735                 if (iFocused != itemIndex)
   736                 {
   737                     iFeedback->InstantFeedback(ETouchFeedbackSensitive);
   738                 }
   739 #endif
   740                 SetFocusedItem(itemIndex, direction, EFalse);
   741                 HandleItemVisibilityChange();
   742                 DrawNow();
   743             }
   744         }
   746         if (FocusedItemContainsPoint(aPointerEvent.iPosition))
   747         {
   748             // forward EDrag events to the focused so that the focus can
   749             // move inside the item
   750             // (only when this is item where TPointerEvent::EButton1Down was occured)
   752             CMIDControlItem* focusedControl = ControlItemAtPoint(aPointerEvent.iPosition);
   754             if (aForItem || (iIndexPointedControl > -1 && &ControlItem(iIndexPointedControl) &&
   755                              (IsChoiceGroup(ControlItem(iIndexPointedControl)) || IsCustomItem(ControlItem(iIndexPointedControl)))) ||
   756                     focusedControl && IsChoiceGroup(*focusedControl) ||
   757                     focusedControl && IsCustomItem(*focusedControl))
   758             {
   759                 ControlItem(iFocused).HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent);
   760             }
   761             else
   762             {
   763                 if (iIndexPointedControl > -1 && &ControlItem(iIndexPointedControl))
   764                 {
   765                     TBool bbutton = EFalse;
   767                     if (IsStringItem(ControlItem(iIndexPointedControl)))
   768                     {
   769                         CMIDStringItem *strItem = static_cast< CMIDStringItem* >(&ControlItem(iIndexPointedControl));
   770                         MMIDItem::TAppearance appearance = strItem->Appearance();
   771                         bbutton = (appearance == MMIDItem::EButton || appearance == MMIDItem::EHyperLink);
   772                     }
   774                     //forward event (only for changing focus) for Button & Hyperlink
   775                     if (bbutton && &ControlItem(iIndexPointedControl))
   776                     {
   777                         ControlItem(iIndexPointedControl).HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent);
   778                     }
   779                     else
   780                     {
   781                         iDisplayable.TryDetectLongTapL(aPointerEvent);
   782                     }
   783                 }
   784                 else
   785                 {
   786                     iDisplayable.TryDetectLongTapL(aPointerEvent);
   787                 }
   788             }
   789         }
   790         else
   791         {
   792             // make sure that long tap animation is canceled in this case
   793             iDisplayable.TryDetectLongTapL(aPointerEvent);
   794         }
   795     }
   796     else // cannot drag focus
   797     {
   798         CCoeControl::HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent);
   799     }
   800 }
   803 void CMIDForm::RequestPointerRepeat(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent)
   804 {
   805     if (aPointerEvent.iPosition.iY < 0 ||
   806             aPointerEvent.iPosition.iY > Height())
   807     {
   808         TRect screen;
   809         AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect(AknLayoutUtils::EScreen, screen);
   811         TRect repeatRect = screen;
   812         if (aPointerEvent.iPosition.iY < 0)
   813         {
   814             repeatRect.iBr.iY = iMidpFormRect.Rect().iTl.iY;
   815         }
   816         else
   817         {
   818             repeatRect.iTl.iY = iMidpFormRect.Rect().iBr.iY;
   819         }
   821         // repeatRect must be given in propotion to form's window, move it up
   822         repeatRect.Move(0, -iMidpFormRect.Rect().iTl.iY);
   823         Window().RequestPointerRepeatEvent(KScrollInterval, repeatRect);
   824     }
   825 }
   828 void CMIDForm::TimedScroll(TDirection aDirection)
   829 {
   830     ASSERT(aDirection == EDown || aDirection == EUp);
   832     // First find the row that is the first or last row (depending on
   833     // the scroll direction) that is at least partailly visible on the form.
   834     // Search direction is opposite to aDirection.
   835     TDirection searchDirection = (aDirection == EUp) ? EDown : EUp;
   836     TInt idx = FirstRowOnScreen(searchDirection);
   838     if (idx == KErrNotFound)
   839     {
   840         return;
   841     }
   843     TInt scroll = Height() / KScrollAmountDividerForThumbDrag;
   845     // Find the row that will be visible (at least partially) after
   846     // after the scrolling.
   847     if (aDirection == EUp)
   848     {
   849         while (idx > 0 && (iRows[idx]->Rect().iTl.iY + scroll > 0))
   850         {
   851             --idx;
   852         }
   853     }
   854     else
   855     {
   856         while ((idx < iRows.Count() - 1) &&
   857                 (iRows[idx]->Rect().iBr.iY - scroll < Height()))
   858         {
   859             ++idx;
   860         }
   861     }
   863     TBool rowFocused = EFalse;
   864     if (iFocused != KErrNotFound)
   865     {
   866         rowFocused = GetControlRect(iFocused).Intersects(iRows[idx]->Rect());
   867     }
   869     // If the focus is not yet on the row, try to set one of its items focused
   870     if (!rowFocused)
   871     {
   872         for (TInt i = 0; i < iRows[idx]->NumItems(); ++i)
   873         {
   874             CMIDControlItem* item = iRows[idx]->Item(i);
   875             if (item->IsSelectable())
   876             {
   877                 SetFocusedItem(ItemIndex(*item), aDirection, EFalse);
   878             }
   879         }
   880     }
   883     iFeedback->InstantFeedback(ETouchFeedbackSensitive);
   884 #endif
   886     ScrollRelative((aDirection == EUp) ? scroll : -scroll);
   887 }
   890 TBool CMIDForm::CanScrollUp() const
   891 {
   892     return (iScroll < 0);
   893 }
   896 TBool CMIDForm::CanScrollDown() const
   897 {
   898     return ((iFormHeight - iScroll) < iTotalFormHeight);
   899 }
   902 TBool CMIDForm::FocusedItemContainsPoint(const TPoint& aPoint) const
   903 {
   904     if (iFocused != KErrNotFound)
   905     {
   906         if (ItemIsUnconstrained(iFocused))
   907         {
   908             return StringItemContainsPoint(
   909                        static_cast<CMIDStringItem*>(&ControlItem(iFocused)), aPoint);
   910         }
   911         else
   912         {
   913             return ControlItem(iFocused).Rect().Contains(aPoint);
   914         }
   915     }
   916     else
   917     {
   918         return EFalse;
   919     }
   920 }
   922 CMIDControlItem* CMIDForm::ControlItemAtPoint(const TPoint& aPoint) const
   923 {
   924     TInt idx = RowAtPoint(aPoint);
   926     if (idx != KErrNotFound)
   927     {
   928         for (TInt i = 0; i < iRows[idx]->NumItems(); ++i)
   929         {
   930             CMIDControlItem* ci = iRows[idx]->Item(i);
   931             if (ci && ci->Rect().Contains(aPoint))
   932             {
   933                 return ci;
   934             }
   935         }
   936     }
   938     return NULL;
   939 }
   942 TInt CMIDForm::RowAtPoint(const TPoint& aPoint) const
   943 {
   944     TInt rowCount = iRows.Count();
   945     // loop until the first row fully below the visible form area
   946     for (TInt i = 0; i < rowCount && (iRows[i]->Position().iY < iFormHeight); ++i)
   947     {
   948         if (iRows[i]->Rect().Contains(aPoint))
   949         {
   950             return i;
   951         }
   952     }
   953     return KErrNotFound;
   954 }
   956 #endif // #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
   959 void CMIDForm::SetFocusedItemIfNone(CMIDItem* aItem)
   960 {
   961     if (iFocused == KErrNotFound)
   962     {
   963         ASSERT(aItem);
   964         TInt index = Index(aItem);
   966         if (index >= 0 && index < iItems.Count())
   967         {
   968             CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(iItems[index]);
   969             if (ci.IsSelectable())
   970             {
   971                 SetFocusedItem(index);
   972                 ScrollToFocused();
   973             }
   974         }
   975     }
   976 }
   978 /** This method is called when an item loses focusability,
   979 for example because it loses all its commands. If this item
   980 is focused, call ReplaceFocusedItem() to find another focusable
   981 item. @see CMIDItem::RemoveCommand() and  ReplaceFocusedItem*/
   982 void CMIDForm::RemoveFocusIfFocused(CMIDItem* aItem)
   983 {
   984     ASSERT(aItem);
   985     TInt index = Index(aItem);
   986     if (iFocused == index)
   987     {
   988         // Hide menu because item has lost all item commands and
   989         // another item may have become focused behind the menu.
   990         iDisplayable.MenuHandler()->HideMenuIfVisible();
   991         ReplaceFocusedItem();
   992     }
   993 }
   995 /**
   996  * Traverse is a method to go thorough the form; it includes moving focus from
   997  * item to another possibly scrolling the form. Note that sometimes traversal
   998  * does not move focus, because an item is larger that the screen and thus form
   999  * is scrolled little by little so that the user can see the whole content. On
  1000  * other cases, traversing means only moving focus from item to another as both
  1001  * items are visible on the screen.
  1002  *
  1003  * @param  aDirection defines the direction of the traversing (up, down, left, right).
  1004  **/
  1005 void CMIDForm::Traverse(TDirection aDirection)
  1006 {
  1007     DEBUG("< CMIDForm::Traverse");
  1008     DEBUG_INT("< CMIDForm::Traverse Direction is %D", aDirection);
  1009     TBool horizontalScroll = EFalse;
  1011     if (LayoutPending())
  1012     {
  1013         DEBUG("CMIDForm::Traverse - calling layout");
  1014         // lets do the layout now so we can always assume that we are layed out before doing this stuff
  1015         TrappedLayoutAndDraw();
  1016     }
  1018 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
  1019     TBool focusHidden = EFalse;
  1020     // If the focused item is currently fully outside the visible form area,
  1021     // it means that form has been scrolled by moving the scrollbar with pen. In this case
  1022     // set iFocused (temporarily) to KErrNone in order that scrolling with arrow keys works ok.
  1023     if (iFocused != KErrNotFound && !RectPartiallyVisible(GetControlRect(iFocused)))
  1024     {
  1025         focusHidden = ETrue;
  1026         SetFocusedItem(KErrNotFound, ENone, EFalse);
  1027     }
  1028 #endif
  1030     if (aDirection == ELeft || aDirection == ERight)
  1031     {
  1032         DEBUG("CMIDForm::Traverse - move focus horizontally");
  1033         if (!TryMovingFocusHorizontally(aDirection))
  1034         {
  1035             if (iInitialAlignment == MMIDItem::ERight)
  1036             {//RIGHT TO LEFT
  1037                 TryMovingFocusVertically(aDirection == ELeft ? EDown : EUp, EFalse);
  1038             }
  1039             else
  1040             {//LEFT TO RIGHT
  1041                 TryMovingFocusVertically(aDirection == ELeft ? EUp : EDown, EFalse);
  1042             }
  1043         }
  1044         else
  1045         {
  1046             horizontalScroll = ETrue;
  1047         }
  1048     }
  1049     else if (aDirection == EUp || aDirection == EDown)
  1050     {
  1051         DEBUG("CMIDForm::Traverse - move focus vertically");
  1052         TryMovingFocusVertically(aDirection, ETrue);
  1053     }
  1055     // if there is still a focused item, make sure it is still on the screen.
  1056     // if it isn't remove focus as we've already tried out best to have a
  1057     // focussed item on screen
  1058     if (iFocused != KErrNotFound)
  1059     {
  1060         TRect rect = GetControlRect(iFocused);
  1061         if (!RectPartiallyVisible(rect))
  1062         {
  1063             SetFocusedItem(KErrNotFound, ENone);
  1064         }
  1065     }
  1066 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
  1067     else if (focusHidden)
  1068     {
  1069         // Try to bring the focus back to visible area by setting the last focusable
  1070         // item in the scroll direction focused.
  1071         TDirection searchDirection = (aDirection == EDown || aDirection == ERight) ?
  1072                                      EUp : EDown;
  1073         TInt newFocusIndex  = IndexOfFirstFocusableItemOnScreen(searchDirection);
  1074         if (newFocusIndex != KErrNotFound)
  1075         {
  1076             // Pass searchDirection also to SetFocusedItem(). This is needed at least
  1077             // for choice group and custom item cases, so that they can set there
  1078             // internal focus to the last element in the actual scroll direction.
  1079             SetFocusedItem(newFocusIndex, searchDirection, EFalse);
  1080             DrawDeferred();
  1081         }
  1082     }
  1083 #endif
  1085     RawScrollFinalize(horizontalScroll);
  1086     DEBUG("> CMIDForm::Traverse");
  1087 }
  1090 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1091 // Form scrolling methods
  1092 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1093 /**
  1094  * Scroll to the focused control if there is one and update form visibility (draw) and scroll bar.
  1095  * @see ScrollToRect() and SetRowExtentsWithRespectToScrolledLocation().
  1096  **/
  1097 void CMIDForm::ScrollToFocused(TDirection aDirection /*=EDown*/, TBool aReset /*= ETrue*/)
  1098 {
  1099     DEBUG("< CMIDForm::ScrollToFocused");
  1100     if (!LayoutPending())
  1101     {
  1102         if (iFocused != KErrNotFound)
  1103         {
  1104             TRect rect = GetControlRect(iFocused);
  1105             DEBUG_INT4("CMIDForm::ScrollToFocused - rect is %D %D %D %D",
  1106                        rect.iTl.iX, rect.iTl.iY, rect.iBr.iX, rect.iBr.iY);
  1107             RawScrollToRect(rect, aDirection, aReset);
  1108         }
  1110         RawScrollFinalize(ETrue);
  1112         if (iFocused != KErrNotFound)
  1113         {
  1114             ControlItem(iFocused).NotifyScrollingCompleted();
  1115         }
  1116     }
  1118     UpdatePhysics();
  1120     DEBUG("> CMIDForm::ScrollToFocused");
  1121 }
  1123 TInt CMIDForm::ScrollDistanceToTappedItem(CMIDControlItem* aPointedControl)
  1124 {
  1125     TRect focusedRect = aPointedControl->Rect();
  1126     TInt scroll = 0;
  1128     // Calculate how much we need to scroll to make the tapped item fully/more visible
  1129     if (!RectFullyVisible(focusedRect))
  1130     {
  1131         TInt topMargin = iFormRect.Rect().iTl.iY - iMidpFormRect.Rect().iTl.iY;
  1132         TInt bottomMargin = iMidpFormRect.Rect().iBr.iY - iFormRect.Rect().iBr.iY;
  1134         if (focusedRect.Height() <= Height())
  1135         {
  1136             scroll = (focusedRect.iBr.iY > Height()) ?
  1137                      Height() - focusedRect.iBr.iY : -focusedRect.iTl.iY;
  1138         }
  1139         // Scroll long item so that it fills the whole form height.
  1140         // No scroll in case item already fills the whole screen or if there would
  1141         // be just few pixels (~margins) to scroll.
  1142         else if ((focusedRect.iTl.iY > 0 && focusedRect.iTl.iY > topMargin) ||
  1143                  (focusedRect.iBr.iY < Height() &&
  1144                   Height() - focusedRect.iBr.iY > bottomMargin))
  1145         {
  1146             scroll = (focusedRect.iTl.iY > 0) ?
  1147                      -focusedRect.iTl.iY : -(focusedRect.iBr.iY - Height());
  1148         }
  1149     }
  1150     return scroll;
  1151 }
  1153 /**
  1154  * Scrolls to the rect corresponding to the row specified by aIdx using
  1155  * the direction indicated by aDirection. @see ScrollToRect()
  1156  **/
  1157 void CMIDForm::RawScrollToRow(TInt aIdx, TDirection aDirection)
  1158 {
  1159     DEBUG("< CMIDForm::RawScrollToRow");
  1160     if (aIdx >= 0 && aIdx < iRows.Count())
  1161     {
  1162         TRect rect = iRows[aIdx]->Rect();
  1163         DEBUG("CMIDForm::RawScrollToRow - scroll to rect");
  1164         RawScrollToRect(rect, aDirection);
  1165     }
  1166     DEBUG("> CMIDForm::RawScrollToRow");
  1167 }
  1169 /** */
  1170 void CMIDForm::RawScrollToRect(const TRect& aRect, TDirection aDirection, TBool aReset)
  1171 {
  1172     DEBUG("< CMIDForm::RawScrollToRect");
  1173     DEBUG_INT4("CMIDForm::RawScrollToRect - rect is %D %D %D %D", aRect.iTl.iX, aRect.iTl.iY,
  1174                aRect.iBr.iX, aRect.iBr.iY);
  1176     if (RectFullyVisible(aRect))
  1177     {
  1178         DEBUG("CMIDForm::RawScrollToRect - return rect fully visible");
  1179         TInt maxScrollValue = Height() - HeightOfAllItems();
  1180         // Avoid scrolling out of the form (i.e. after the view port has lower height)
  1182         if (iScroll < maxScrollValue)
  1183         {
  1184             RawScroll(maxScrollValue);
  1185         }
  1186         return;
  1187     }
  1189     TInt scrollOffset = 0;
  1190     if (aRect.Size().iHeight > Height())
  1191     {//rect higher than screen height
  1192         if (RectPartiallyVisible(aRect) && !aReset)
  1193         {//if already visible, scroll only of KMinScrollAmount (panning)
  1194             scrollOffset = (aDirection == EDown) ? -KMinScrollAmount : KMinScrollAmount;
  1195         }
  1196         else
  1197         {//if not visible and scrolling down scroll to top - KMinScrollAmount
  1198             // or to bottom + KMinScrollAmount if scrolling up
  1199             scrollOffset = (aDirection == EDown) ? (Height() - (aRect.iTl.iY + KMinScrollAmount))
  1200                            : -(aRect.iBr.iY - KMinScrollAmount);
  1201         }
  1202     }
  1203     else
  1204     {//if it fits on screen make sure its BR is at the bottom if scrolling down
  1205         //or its TL is at the top if scrolling up
  1206         scrollOffset = (aDirection == EDown) ? (Height() - aRect.iBr.iY) : (-aRect.iTl.iY);
  1207     }
  1209     RawScroll(iScroll + scrollOffset);
  1210     DEBUG("> CMIDForm::RawScrollToRect");
  1211 }
  1213 void CMIDForm::ScrollRelative(TInt aScroll)
  1214 {
  1215     DEBUG("CMIDForm::ScrollRelative");
  1216     RawScrollRelative(aScroll);
  1217     RawScrollFinalize(EFalse);
  1218 }
  1220 void CMIDForm::RawScrollRelative(TInt aScroll)
  1221 {
  1222     TInt scroll = iScroll + aScroll;
  1223     RawScroll(scroll);
  1224 }
  1226 void CMIDForm::RawScroll(TInt aScroll)
  1227 {
  1228     TInt contentHeight  = HeightOfAllItems();
  1229     TInt viewPortHeight = Height();
  1230     if (aScroll > 0 || contentHeight <= viewPortHeight)
  1231     { // make sure that top does not slide down
  1232         aScroll = 0;
  1233     }
  1234     if (contentHeight > viewPortHeight && ((-aScroll) + viewPortHeight) > contentHeight)
  1235     { // scroll only as long as there is content
  1236         aScroll = -(contentHeight - viewPortHeight);
  1237     }
  1238     iHasScrolled = iScroll != aScroll;
  1239     iScrollDelta = aScroll - iScroll;
  1240     iScroll = aScroll;
  1242     SetRowPositionsWithRespectToScrolledLocation();
  1243 }
  1245 void CMIDForm::SetRowExtentsWithRespectToScrolledLocation()
  1246 {
  1247     iTotalFormHeight = 0;
  1248     TInt xMargin = iFormRect.Rect().iTl.iX;
  1249     TInt yTopMargin = iFormRect.Rect().iTl.iY - iMidpFormRect.Rect().iTl.iY;
  1250     TInt yBottomMargin = iMidpFormRect.Rect().iBr.iY - iFormRect.Rect().iBr.iY;
  1252     iTotalFormHeight = yTopMargin;
  1254     TInt rowCount = iRows.Count();
  1255     for (TInt i=0; i < rowCount; i++)
  1256     {
  1257         // Form left margin is added in the beginning of each row
  1258         iRows[i]->SetExtent(TPoint(xMargin, iScroll + iTotalFormHeight),
  1259                             TSize(Width(), iRows[i]->Size().iHeight));
  1260         iTotalFormHeight += iRows[i]->Size().iHeight;
  1261     }
  1262     // Form bottom margin is added
  1263     iTotalFormHeight += yBottomMargin;
  1264 }
  1266 void CMIDForm::SetRowPositionsWithRespectToScrolledLocation()
  1267 {
  1268     TInt rowCount = iRows.Count();
  1269     for (TInt i=0; i < rowCount; i++)
  1270     {
  1271         // Form left margin is added in the beginning of each row
  1272         TPoint pos = iRows[i]->Position();
  1273         pos.iY += ScrollDelta();
  1274         iRows[i]->SetPosition(pos);
  1275     }
  1276 }
  1278 // Finalizes scrolling after any RawScrollXxxx method call, e.g. causes repaint.
  1279 // Draw can be prevented e.g. because of the performance reasons.
  1280 void CMIDForm::RawScrollFinalize(TBool forseAction, TBool aDraw /*= ETrue*/)
  1281 {
  1282     if (iHasScrolled || forseAction)
  1283     {
  1284         UpdateHighlightBackgroundPosition();
  1285         HandleItemVisibilityChange();
  1286         UpdateScrollBar();
  1287         if (iFocused != KErrNotFound)
  1288         {
  1289             CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(iFocused);
  1290             if (IsTextFieldItem(ci))
  1291             {
  1292                 if (RectPartiallyVisible(ci.Rect()))
  1293                 {
  1294                     ((CMIDTextFieldItem&) ci).SetCursorVisibility(ETrue);
  1295                 }
  1296                 else
  1297                 {
  1298                     ((CMIDTextFieldItem&) ci).SetCursorVisibility(EFalse);
  1299                 }
  1300             }
  1301             if (IsDateField(ci))
  1302             {
  1303                 // Update right cursor position on Datefiled
  1304                 ((CMIDDateFieldItem&) ci).CursorUpdate();
  1305             }
  1306         }
  1307         if (aDraw)
  1308         {
  1309             DrawDeferred();
  1310         }
  1311         iHasScrolled = EFalse;
  1312     }
  1313 }
  1315 /** Returns the client area */
  1316 TRect CMIDForm::GetClientArea()
  1317 {
  1318     TRect scrolledClientArea = TRect(Position(), TSize(Width(), Height()));
  1319     return scrolledClientArea;
  1320 }
  1322 // returns ETrue if it moved the focus
  1323 // returns EFalse otherwise
  1324 TBool CMIDForm::TryMovingFocusHorizontally(TDirection aDirection)
  1325 {
  1326     ASSERT(aDirection == ELeft || aDirection == ERight);
  1328     TInt idx = NextFocusableHorizontalIdx(aDirection);
  1329     if (idx != KErrNotFound)
  1330     {
  1331         SetFocusedItem(idx, aDirection);
  1332         return ETrue;
  1333     }
  1335     return EFalse;
  1336 }
  1338 /**
  1339   Moves the focus vertically.
  1341   We check if there is a focussable item,
  1342   which is on a row totally or partially visible and if there is such
  1343   an item we then select that row. This is done by calling
  1344   NextPartiallyVisibleRowWithFocusableItem(). If no such item was found we pick
  1345   the top or bottom (depending on scrolling direction) row that is partially
  1346   visible or the first not visible if the last one is completely shown.
  1347   This is done by FirstRowWithBottomBelowScreen() and LastRowWithTopAboveScreen().
  1349   At this point if we have a row,  we select a focussable item on it and
  1350   scroll to it if aScroll is true. Calling scroll methods doesn't mean there is going to be
  1351   scrolling of the form,
  1352   if the item is already visible no scrolling is done. We select the
  1353   next focussable item according to the value of the parameter aSelectClosest.
  1354   If this paramerter is true we call SelectClosestFocussableItem() otherwise
  1355   we either select the first or the last selectable item on the row depending
  1356   on the direction.
  1358   If we find a control we scroll to it by calling ScrollToFocused() (if aScroll is true) and move
  1359   the focus to it by calling SetFocusedItem(). Otherwise we
  1360   scroll to the row by calling ScrollToRow() if aScroll is true.
  1362   If we could not find any row with a focusable item on it, we scroll the form
  1363   of a fixed quantity, KMinScrollAmount, if aScroll is true.
  1365   We return ETrue if the focus was moved, EFalse otherwise. Note: Currently the
  1366   return value of this method is ignored.
  1368   @see  NextPartiallyVisibleRowWithFocusableItem(), FirstRowWithBottomBelowScreen(),
  1369               LastRowWithTopAboveScreen(), SelectClosestFocussableItem()
  1370                    ScrollToRow(), SetFocusedItem() and DoScrollRelative().
  1371            Also see ReplaceFocusedItem(), called when the focused item is removed or
  1372            loses focusability - in this case no scrolling will occur.
  1373   */
  1374 TBool CMIDForm::TryMovingFocusVertically(TDirection aDirection, TBool aSelectClosest,
  1375         TBool aScroll /*=ETrue*/)
  1376 {
  1377     DEBUG("> CMIDForm::TryMovingFocusVertically");
  1378     ASSERT(aDirection == EUp || aDirection == EDown);
  1380     // is VKB opened
  1381     if (iDisplayable.IsVKBOnScreen())
  1382     {
  1383         return ETrue;
  1384     }
  1386     TInt rowIdx = NextPartiallyVisibleRowWithFocusableItem(aDirection);
  1388     if (rowIdx == KErrNotFound)
  1389     {
  1390         DEBUG("CMIDForm::TryMovingFocusVertically - no partially visible focusable control found");
  1391         rowIdx = aDirection == EDown ? FirstRowWithBottomBelowScreen() : LastRowWithTopAboveScreen();
  1392     }
  1394     if (rowIdx != KErrNotFound)
  1395     {
  1396         CMIDControlItem* ci = aSelectClosest ? SelectClosestFocussableItem(rowIdx) :
  1397                               (aDirection == EDown ? iRows[rowIdx]->FirstFocusableItem() :
  1398                                iRows[rowIdx]->LastFocusableItem());
  1401         if (ci)
  1402         {
  1403             DEBUG("CMIDForm::TryMovingFocusVertically - got control");
  1404             TInt index = Index(ci);
  1406             if (index == KErrNotFound && IsLabelContainerItem(*ci))
  1407             {
  1408                 CMIDLabelContainerItem* ucsi = static_cast<CMIDLabelContainerItem*>(ci);
  1409                 CMIDStringItem& si = ucsi->StringItem();
  1410                 index = Index(&si);
  1411             }
  1413             if (index != KErrNotFound)
  1414             {
  1415                 TRect rect = GetControlRect(index);
  1417                 if (aScroll)
  1418                 {
  1419                     SetFocusedItem(index, aDirection, ETrue);
  1420                 }
  1421                 else if (RectPartiallyVisible(rect))
  1422                 {
  1423                     SetFocusedItem(index, aDirection);
  1424                 }
  1425                 else
  1426                 {
  1427                     SetFocusedItem(KErrNotFound);
  1428                 }
  1430                 DEBUG("CMIDForm::TryMovingFocusVertically - out after scroll to control");
  1431                 return ETrue;
  1432             }
  1433         }
  1435         DEBUG("CMIDForm::TryMovingFocusVertically - scrolling to row");
  1436         if (aScroll)
  1437         {
  1438             RawScrollToRow(rowIdx, aDirection);
  1439         }
  1440     }
  1441     else
  1442     {
  1443         DEBUG("CMIDForm::TryMovingFocusVertically - small default scrolling");
  1444         if (aScroll)
  1445         {
  1446             RawScrollRelative((aDirection == EDown) ? -KMinScrollAmount : KMinScrollAmount);
  1447         }
  1448     }
  1450     DEBUG("< CMIDForm::TryMovingFocusVertically");
  1451     return EFalse;
  1452 }
  1454 /** Given a row index, selects on this row the focusable control whose center on
  1455 the x axis is closes to the center of the currently focused item, if there is one.
  1456 If no control is found, returns the first selectable item on the row. */
  1457 CMIDControlItem* CMIDForm::SelectClosestFocussableItem(TInt aRowIndex) const
  1458 {
  1459     ASSERT(aRowIndex >= 0 && aRowIndex < iRows.Count());
  1460     TInt selectedIndex = -1;
  1462     if (iFocused != -1)
  1463     {
  1464         TRect rect = GetControlRect(iFocused);
  1465         TInt focusedCenter = rect.iTl.iX + rect.Width()/2;
  1467         TInt diff = iInnerWidth;
  1469         TInt numItemsOnRow = iRows[aRowIndex]->NumItems();
  1470         for (TInt i = 0; i < numItemsOnRow; i++)
  1471         {
  1472             CMIDControlItem* item = iRows[aRowIndex]->Item(i);
  1473             if (item->IsSelectable())
  1474             {
  1475                 TInt center = item->Position().iX + (item->Size().iWidth / 2);
  1476                 TInt itemDiff = focusedCenter > center ? (focusedCenter - center) : (center - focusedCenter);
  1478                 if (itemDiff < diff)
  1479                 {
  1480                     selectedIndex = i;
  1481                     diff = itemDiff;
  1482                 }
  1483             }
  1484         }
  1485     }
  1487     return selectedIndex == -1 ? iRows[aRowIndex]->FirstFocusableItem() :
  1488            iRows[aRowIndex]->Item(selectedIndex);
  1489 }
  1491 TInt CMIDForm::IndexOfFirstFocusableItemOnScreen(TDirection aDirection)
  1492 {
  1493     ASSERT(aDirection == EUp || aDirection == EDown);
  1495     TInt startIdx = FirstRowOnScreen(aDirection);
  1497     if (startIdx == KErrNotFound)
  1498     {
  1499         return KErrNotFound;
  1500     }
  1502     CMIDControlItem* ci = NULL;
  1504     if (aDirection == EDown)
  1505     {
  1506         TInt idx = startIdx - 1;
  1507         TInt rowCount = iRows.Count();
  1508         while (++idx < rowCount)
  1509         {
  1510             CMIDFormRow* row = iRows[idx];
  1511             if (row->Position().iY > Height())
  1512             {
  1513                 break;
  1514             }
  1515             ci = row->FirstFocusableItemOnScreen();
  1516             if (ci)
  1517             {
  1518                 break;
  1519             }
  1520         }
  1521     }
  1522     else
  1523     {
  1524         TInt idx = startIdx + 1;
  1525         while (--idx >= 0)
  1526         {
  1527             CMIDFormRow* row = iRows[idx];
  1528             if ((row->Position().iY + row->Size().iHeight) < 0)
  1529             {
  1530                 break;
  1531             }
  1532             ci = row->FirstFocusableItemOnScreen();
  1533             if (ci)
  1534             {
  1535                 break;
  1536             }
  1537         }
  1538     }
  1540     if (!ci)
  1541     {
  1542         return KErrNotFound;
  1543     }
  1545     TInt index = Index(ci);
  1546     if (index == KErrNotFound)
  1547     {
  1548         if (IsLabelContainerItem(*ci))
  1549         {
  1550             CMIDLabelContainerItem* ucsi = static_cast<CMIDLabelContainerItem*>(ci);
  1551             CMIDStringItem& si = ucsi->StringItem();
  1552             index = Index(&si);
  1553         }
  1554     }
  1556     return index;
  1557 }
  1559 /** Return the rect for a control, taking into account if the control is an
  1560 unconstrained string item which has been split over more than one label container
  1561 */
  1562 TRect CMIDForm::GetControlRect(TInt aIdx) const
  1563 {
  1564     CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(aIdx);
  1565     TRect rect;
  1567     if (ItemIsUnconstrained(aIdx))
  1568     {
  1569         rect = GetUnconstrainedStringItemRect(static_cast<CMIDStringItem*>(&ci));
  1570     }
  1571     else
  1572     {
  1573         rect = ci.Rect();
  1574     }
  1576     return rect;
  1577 }
  1579 /** Collate rects for unconstrained string items that have been split across more
  1580 than one lable container */
  1581 TRect CMIDForm::GetUnconstrainedStringItemRect(CMIDStringItem* aStringItem) const
  1582 {
  1583     TRect rect(0,0,0,0);
  1584     TBool found = EFalse;
  1586     TInt rowIdx = FirstRowOfUnconstrainedStringItem(*aStringItem);
  1587     TInt rowCount = iRows.Count();
  1589     // if the first row of unconstrained string item cannot be found
  1590     // it means that string item is placed as default item
  1591     // so simply return item's rect
  1592     if (rowIdx == KErrNotFound)
  1593     {
  1594         return aStringItem->Rect();
  1595     }
  1597     while (rowIdx != KErrNotFound && rowIdx < rowCount)
  1598     {
  1599         CMIDFormRow* row = iRows[rowIdx];
  1600         for (TInt idxOnRow = 0; idxOnRow < row->NumItems(); idxOnRow++)
  1601         {
  1602             CMIDControlItem* ci = row->Item(idxOnRow);
  1603             if (ci && IsLabelContainerItem(*ci))
  1604             {
  1605                 CMIDLabelContainerItem* usil = static_cast<CMIDLabelContainerItem*>(ci);
  1606                 CMIDStringItem* si = &(usil->StringItem());
  1608                 if (si == aStringItem)
  1609                 {
  1610                     if (!found)
  1611                     {
  1612                         rect.iTl = usil->Rect().iTl;
  1613                         found = ETrue;
  1614                     }
  1615                     rect.iBr = usil->Rect().iBr;
  1616                 }
  1617                 else if (found)
  1618                 {
  1619                     return rect;
  1620                 }
  1621             }
  1622             else if (found)
  1623             {
  1624                 return rect;
  1625             }
  1626         }
  1627         rowIdx++;
  1628     }
  1630     return rect;
  1631 }
  1633 TBool CMIDForm::RectPartiallyVisible(const TRect& aRect)
  1634 {
  1635     return ((aRect.iTl.iY >= 0) && (aRect.iTl.iY < Height())) ||
  1636            ((aRect.iBr.iY >= 0) && (aRect.iBr.iY < Height())) ||
  1637            ((aRect.iTl.iY < 0) && (aRect.iBr.iY >= Height()));
  1638 }
  1640 TBool CMIDForm::RectFullyVisible(const TRect& aRect)
  1641 {
  1642     return (aRect.iTl.iY >= 0) && (aRect.iBr.iY <= Height());
  1643 }
  1645 TInt CMIDForm::FirstRowWithBottomBelowScreen()
  1646 {
  1647     TInt idx = -1;
  1648     TInt rowWithFocus = iFocused == KErrNotFound ? -1 : Row(ControlItem(iFocused));
  1649     TInt rowCount = iRows.Count();
  1650     while (++idx < rowCount)
  1651     {
  1652         CMIDFormRow* row = iRows[idx];
  1653         TInt height = row->Size().iHeight;
  1654         TInt yPos = row->Position().iY;
  1655         if ((height + yPos) > Height() && row->HasNonSpacerItems() && idx != rowWithFocus)
  1656         {
  1657             return idx;
  1658         }
  1659     }
  1661     return KErrNotFound;
  1662 }
  1664 TInt CMIDForm::LastRowWithTopAboveScreen()
  1665 {
  1666     TInt idx = iRows.Count();
  1667     TInt rowWithFocus = iFocused == KErrNotFound ? -1 : Row(ControlItem(iFocused));
  1669     while (--idx >= 0)
  1670     {
  1671         CMIDFormRow* row = iRows[idx];
  1672         TInt yPos = row->Position().iY;
  1673         if (yPos < 0 && row->HasNonSpacerItems() && idx != rowWithFocus)
  1674         {
  1675             return idx;
  1676         }
  1677     }
  1679     return KErrNotFound;
  1680 }
  1682 // note: inspite of the name of this method, we only consider rows with
  1683 // a focusable item that has not already been scrolled off the screen.
  1684 // For Example:
  1685 //
  1686 //  ----
  1687 // | A  | This is a
  1688 // |    | string item
  1689 //  ----  that is placed
  1690 //----------------------- <- top of form
  1691 //        next to item A.
  1692 //        This
  1693 //        string
  1694 //        item
  1695 //        is
  1696 //        quite
  1697 //        tall
  1698 //        and
  1699 //----------------------- <- botom of form
  1700 //        fills
  1701 //        the
  1702 //        screen
  1703 //
  1704 // Assuming that A is focusable, and we are scrolling down, and also assuming
  1705 // that the string item is not focusable, we do not consider A when looking
  1706 // for focusable items, because we are scrolling down and A is already above
  1707 // the screen.
  1708 TInt CMIDForm::NextPartiallyVisibleRowWithFocusableItem(TDirection aDirection)
  1709 {
  1710     ASSERT(aDirection == EUp || aDirection == EDown);
  1712     TInt startIdx = 0;
  1713     if (iFocused != KErrNotFound)
  1714     {
  1715         //If there is layout request pending, the array of rows is probably
  1716         //empty. So we need to do layout of form, which fills the array of rows.
  1717         //Then row, where current focused item is, will be found.
  1718         if (iRows.Count() == 0)
  1719         {
  1720             TrappedLayoutAndDraw(ETrue);
  1721         }
  1722         TInt row = Row(ControlItem(iFocused));
  1723         if (row == KErrNotFound)
  1724         {
  1725             CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(iFocused);
  1726             if (IsStringItem(ci))
  1727             {
  1728                 // find the first row either above or below (depends on direction)
  1729                 // this unconstrained stringItem
  1730                 CMIDStringItem& stringItem =
  1731                     *(static_cast<CMIDStringItem*>(&ci));
  1732                 if (aDirection == EDown)
  1733                 {
  1734                     startIdx = FirstRowBelowUnconstrainedStringItem(stringItem);
  1735                 }
  1736                 else
  1737                 {
  1738                     startIdx = FirstRowAboveUnconstrainedStringItem(stringItem);
  1739                 }
  1740             }
  1741             else
  1742             {
  1743                 // shouldn't get here
  1744                 ASSERT(EFalse);
  1745             }
  1746         }
  1747         else
  1748         {
  1749             startIdx = row + ((aDirection == EDown) ? 1 : -1);
  1750         }
  1751     }
  1752     else
  1753     {
  1754         // There is no focused item on Form (iFocused value is KErrNotFound).
  1755         // So we need to try to find another Item which could gain focus.
  1756         startIdx = FirstRowOnScreen(aDirection);
  1757     }
  1759     if (startIdx == KErrNotFound)
  1760     {
  1761         return KErrNotFound;
  1762     }
  1764     if (aDirection == EDown)
  1765     {
  1766         TInt idx = startIdx - 1;
  1767         TInt rowCount = iRows.Count();
  1768         while (++idx < rowCount)
  1769         {
  1770             CMIDFormRow* row = iRows[idx];
  1771             if (row->Position().iY > Height())
  1772             {
  1773                 break;
  1774             }
  1775             if (row->HasFocusableItemOnOrBelowScreen())
  1776             {
  1777                 return idx;
  1778             }
  1779         }
  1780     }
  1781     else
  1782     {
  1783         TInt idx = startIdx + 1;
  1784         while (--idx >= 0)
  1785         {
  1786             CMIDFormRow* row = iRows[idx];
  1788             if (row->HasFocusableItemOnOrAboveScreen())
  1789             {
  1790                 return idx;
  1791             }
  1793             if ((row->Position().iY + row->Size().iHeight) < 0)
  1794             {
  1795                 break;
  1796             }
  1797         }
  1798     }
  1800     return KErrNotFound;
  1801 }
  1803 // if aFromTop is false we look from the bottom up
  1804 TInt CMIDForm::FirstRowOnScreen(TDirection aDirection)
  1805 {
  1806     ASSERT(aDirection == EUp || aDirection == EDown);
  1808     TInt idx = 0;
  1809     if (aDirection == EDown)
  1810     {
  1811         idx = -1;
  1812         TInt rowCount = iRows.Count();
  1813         while (++idx < rowCount)
  1814         {
  1815             CMIDFormRow* row = iRows[idx];
  1816             TInt bottom = row->Position().iY + row->Size().iHeight;
  1817             if (bottom > 0)
  1818             {
  1819                 return idx;
  1820             }
  1821         }
  1822     }
  1823     else
  1824     {
  1825         idx = iRows.Count();
  1826         while (--idx >= 0)
  1827         {
  1828             CMIDFormRow* row = iRows[idx];
  1829             TInt top = row->Position().iY;
  1830             if (top < Height())
  1831             {
  1832                 return idx;
  1833             }
  1834         }
  1835     }
  1837     return KErrNotFound;
  1838 }
  1840 // Returns the item index of the next focusable item in the given direction.
  1841 // Note: this may return an object that is not on the current row if there is
  1842 //       an unconstrained string item on the current row.
  1843 //
  1844 //       --------
  1845 //       |      |
  1846 //       |  A   |
  1847 //       |      | --------
  1848 //       -------- --------
  1849 //       -----------------
  1850 //       __________ ------
  1851 //                  |    |
  1852 //                  | B  |
  1853 //                  |    |
  1854 //                  ------
  1855 // In the above diagram we see a selectable item A, an unconstrained stringItem,
  1856 // and another selectable item B. If A has focus and the stringItem is not focusable
  1857 // then calling NextFocusableHorizontalIdx( ERight ) should return the index of B.
  1858 // If the string item is selectable then its index would get returned and a further
  1859 // call to NextFocusableHorizontalIdx( ERight ) would return the index of B.
  1860 // If B has focus calling NextFocusableHorizontalIdx( ELeft ) would simply return the
  1861 // index of the stringItem if it is selectable or A if not.
  1862 TInt CMIDForm::NextFocusableHorizontalIdx(TDirection aDirection)
  1863 {
  1864     ASSERT(aDirection == ELeft || aDirection == ERight);
  1866     TInt idx = KErrNotFound;
  1868     if (iFocused != KErrNotFound)
  1869     {
  1870         CMIDFormRow* rowPtr = NULL;
  1871         CMIDControlItem& controlItem = ControlItem(iFocused);
  1873         TInt rowIdx = Row(controlItem, rowPtr);
  1875         if (rowIdx != KErrNotFound)
  1876         {
  1878             idx = rowPtr->Find(&controlItem);
  1880             if (aDirection == ELeft)
  1881             {
  1882                 while (--idx >= 0)
  1883                 {
  1884                     if (rowPtr->Item(idx)->IsSelectable())
  1885                     {
  1886                         return ItemIndex(*(rowPtr->Item(idx)));
  1887                     }
  1888                 }
  1890             }
  1891             else
  1892             {
  1893                 // direction is ERight
  1894                 while (++idx < rowPtr->NumItems())
  1895                 {
  1896                     if (rowPtr->Item(idx)->IsSelectable())
  1897                     {
  1898                         return ItemIndex(*(rowPtr->Item(idx)));
  1899                     }
  1900                 }
  1902             }
  1903         }
  1904         else
  1905         {
  1906             // there is something focused but we failed to find a row index for it,
  1907             // so it is probably an unconstrained stringItem
  1908             if (aDirection == ELeft)
  1909             {
  1910                 if (IsStringItem(controlItem))
  1911                 {
  1912                     CMIDStringItem* si = static_cast<CMIDStringItem*>(&controlItem);
  1913                     idx = FirstFocusableItemBeforeStartOfUnconstrainedStringItemIdx(*si);
  1914                     return idx;
  1915                 }
  1916             }
  1917             else
  1918             {
  1919                 // direction ie ERight
  1920                 if (IsStringItem(controlItem))
  1921                 {
  1922                     CMIDStringItem* si = static_cast<CMIDStringItem*>(&controlItem);
  1923                     idx = FirstFocusableItemOnLastLineOfUnconstrainedStringItemIdx(*si);
  1924                     return idx;
  1925                 }
  1926             }
  1927         }
  1928     }
  1930     return KErrNotFound;
  1931 }
  1933 /** Replaces the currently focused item. This is called when the focused item is removed
  1934 or it loses focusability, for example a string item that loses all its commands. So this
  1935 is always triggered by a java call, never by the user. We call the same methods that are
  1936 used by Scroll(), ie TryMovingFocusHorizontally() and TryMovingFocusVertically(). However
  1937 in this case we don't want the form to scroll if the focused item is not on screen. So
  1938 these two methods will move the focus if a focusable item is either completely or partially
  1939 visible on screen following the good direction (right-down for left to right devices and
  1940 vice-versa for right to left devices). TryMovingFocusVertically() will set the focused item
  1941 to KErrNotFound if no focusable item is currently visible. */
  1942 void CMIDForm::ReplaceFocusedItem()
  1943 {
  1944     if (LayoutPending())
  1945     {
  1946         DEBUG("CMIDForm::ReplaceFocusedItem - calling layout");
  1947         TRAP_IGNORE(LayoutFormL());
  1948     }
  1950     CMIDForm::TDirection direction = (iInitialAlignment == MMIDItem::ERight) ? ELeft : ERight;
  1952     if (!TryMovingFocusHorizontally(direction))
  1953     {
  1954         if (iInitialAlignment == MMIDItem::ERight)
  1955         {//RIGHT TO LEFT
  1956             if (!TryMovingFocusVertically(direction == ELeft ? EDown : EUp, EFalse, EFalse))
  1957             {
  1958                 SetFocusedItem(KErrNotFound);
  1959             }
  1960         }
  1961         else
  1962         {//LEFT TO RIGHT
  1963             if (!TryMovingFocusVertically(direction == ELeft ? EUp : EDown, EFalse, EFalse))
  1964             {
  1965                 SetFocusedItem(KErrNotFound);
  1966             }
  1967         }
  1968     }
  1969 }
  1971 void CMIDForm::SetFocusedItem(TInt aFocusIdx, TDirection aDirection /*= ENone*/,
  1972                               TBool aDoScroll /*= ETrue*/)
  1973 {
  1974     TInt oldFocused = iFocused;
  1975     TInt focusIndexDelta = aFocusIdx - iFocused;
  1976     if (iFocused != KErrNotFound)
  1977     { // actions for the item loosing focus
  1978         CMIDControlItem& control = ControlItem(iFocused);
  1979         control.PostFocusTransferEvent(EFalse, aDirection);
  1980         control.SetFocus(EFalse);
  1981         UpdateItemCommands(NULL, NULL);
  1982     }
  1984     iFocused = aFocusIdx;
  1986     //If there is traverse from visible to invisible TextField, Form has to scroll first
  1987     //before actions for the item which gaining focus are done. Form scrolling provides
  1988     //position settings to all visible items in form.
  1989     //When TextField gains focus, cursor values are calculated. Because this step was done before
  1990     //scrolling, position of edwin in TextField was not set (@see CMIDFormRow::SizeChanged())
  1991     //and cursor was drawn to wrong position.
  1992     //So Form has to scroll first -> this action provides proper position settings
  1993     //to item and items which are part of it (e.g. edwin in TextField) and after that
  1994     //changing focus makes proper cursor drawing.
  1995     if (focusIndexDelta != 0 && aDoScroll)
  1996     {
  1997         if (oldFocused != KErrNotFound)
  1998         {
  1999             aDirection = (focusIndexDelta > 0) ? EDown : EUp;
  2000         }
  2002         ScrollToFocused(aDirection, EFalse);
  2003     }
  2005     if (iFocused != KErrNotFound)
  2006     { // actions for the item gaining focus
  2007         CMIDControlItem& control = ControlItem(iFocused);
  2009         SetHighlightBackgroundRects();
  2011         control.PostFocusTransferEvent(ETrue, aDirection);
  2012         control.SetFocus(ETrue);
  2013         // msk: deliver also the possible MSK command to displayable
  2014         UpdateItemCommands(control.CommandList(), control.GetMSKCommand());
  2015     }
  2016 }
  2018 /** Updates the model of the scrollbar and moves the thumb. Scroll bar must have
  2019 already been layouted.*/
  2020 void CMIDForm::UpdateScrollBar()
  2021 {
  2022     ASSERT(iSBFrame);
  2023     DEBUG_INT("CMIDForm::UpdateScrollBar - iScroll is %D", iScroll);
  2025     TInt heightOfAllItems = HeightOfAllItems();
  2026     TInt height = heightOfAllItems > Height() ? heightOfAllItems : Height();
  2028     TEikScrollBarModel vSbarModel(height, Height(), -iScroll);
  2029     iSBFrame->Tile(&vSbarModel);
  2030     iSBFrame->MoveVertThumbTo(-iScroll);
  2032     iPopupController->HidePopup(); // hide info popup window if visible
  2033 }
  2035 CMIDForm* CMIDForm::NewL(MMIDEnv& aEnv,MMIDDisplayable& aDisplayable)
  2036 {
  2037     CMIDForm* form = new(ELeave) CMIDForm(aEnv, static_cast<CMIDDisplayable&>(aDisplayable));
  2038     CleanupStack::PushL(form);
  2039     form->ConstructL();
  2040     CleanupStack::Pop(form);
  2041     return form;
  2042 }
  2044 CMIDForm::CMIDForm(MMIDEnv& aEnv, CMIDDisplayable& aDisplayable)
  2045         : iDisplayable(aDisplayable), iEnv(&aEnv), iFocused(KErrNotFound),
  2046         iInitialAlignment(MMIDItem::ELeft), iHasScrolled(EFalse),
  2047         iLastFadeMessage(0)
  2048 {
  2049 }
  2051 CMIDForm::~CMIDForm()
  2052 {
  2053     TRAP_IGNORE(DeleteAllItemsL());
  2054     DeleteRows();
  2055     iCurrentRow = NULL;
  2057     delete iSBFrame;
  2058     SetItemsFormPointersToVal(NULL);
  2059     iItems.Close();
  2060     iRows.Close();
  2062     delete iLayoutTimer;
  2063     delete iNoDataText;
  2065     if (iBackgroundControlContext)
  2066     {
  2067         delete iBackgroundControlContext;
  2068         iBackgroundControlContext = NULL;
  2069     }
  2070     if (iHighlightedBackgroundCc)
  2071     {
  2072         delete iHighlightedBackgroundCc;
  2073         iHighlightedBackgroundCc = NULL;
  2074     }
  2076     // Displayable is notified about content control deletion
  2077     iDisplayable.NotifyContentDestroyed();
  2079     delete iPopupController;
  2081     if (iHighlightTimer)
  2082     {
  2083         iHighlightTimer->Cancel();
  2084     }
  2085     delete iHighlightTimer;
  2087     delete iPhysics;
  2088 }
  2090 #include "javaoslayer.h"
  2092 void CMIDForm::Draw(const TRect& aRect) const
  2093 {
  2094     if (!iStartUpTraceDone)
  2095     {
  2096         java::util::JavaOsLayer::startUpTrace("MIDP: CMIDForm::Draw starts", -1, -1);
  2097     }
  2098     if (LayoutPending())
  2099     {
  2100         return;
  2101     }
  2103     CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
  2105     MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
  2106     AknsDrawUtils::Background(skin, iBackgroundControlContext, this, gc, aRect);
  2108     // Draw focus highlight
  2109     if (iFocused != KErrNotFound)
  2110     {
  2111         TRect focusedRect = ControlItem(iFocused).Rect();
  2112         if (focusedRect.Intersects(aRect))
  2113         {
  2114             AknsDrawUtils::Background(AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
  2115                                       iHighlightedBackgroundCc, this,
  2116                                       SystemGc(), focusedRect);
  2117         }
  2118     }
  2120     // If there is no items, "No data" string is printed to the middle of the screen
  2121     if (iItems.Count() == 0)
  2122     {
  2123         TRAP_IGNORE(DrawNoDataStringL());
  2124     }
  2125     if (!iStartUpTraceDone)
  2126     {
  2127         java::util::JavaOsLayer::startUpTrace("MIDP: CMIDForm::Draw done", -1, -1);
  2128         iStartUpTraceDone = ETrue;
  2129     }
  2130 }
  2132 void CMIDForm::DrawNoDataStringL() const
  2133 {
  2134     CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
  2136     // Actual skin instance
  2137     MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
  2139     // If there is not the color fot the particular skin and id found, default (black) is used
  2140     TRgb color;
  2141     // Try to receive the color by skin and color Id, if not successful, black is used
  2142     TInt err = AknsUtils::GetCachedColor(skin, color, KAknsIIDQsnTextColors, EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG6);
  2143     if (err != KErrNone)
  2144     {
  2145         color = AKN_LAF_COLOR(AknLayout::Title_pane_texts_Line_1(0, 0).iC);
  2146     }
  2148     const CFont* font = CMIDFont::DefaultFont(CMIDFont::EDefaultTextId);
  2149     TInt textWidth = font->TextWidthInPixels(iNoDataText->Des());
  2151     // Rectangle for computing the center
  2152     TRect screenRect;
  2153     AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect(AknLayoutUtils::EScreen, screenRect);
  2155     // Centers the string to the middle of the screen
  2156     TInt x = (screenRect.Width() - textWidth) / 2;
  2157     TInt y = (iInnerHeight - font->HeightInPixels()) / 2;
  2158     TPoint point(x, y);
  2159     //Reserve extra space for biditext formatting
  2160     HBufC* bidiTextBuffer = HBufC::NewLC(iNoDataText->Size() + KAknBidiExtraSpacePerLine);
  2161     TPtr bidiText = bidiTextBuffer->Des();
  2162     TPtr caption = iNoDataText->Des();
  2163     bidiText = caption;
  2164     // Handle (bidi)text formatting for all languages
  2165     AknBidiTextUtils::ConvertToVisualAndClipL(bidiText, *font, textWidth, textWidth);
  2167     gc.SetPenColor(color);
  2168     gc.UseFont(font);
  2169     gc.DrawText(bidiText, point);
  2170     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bidiTextBuffer);
  2171     gc.DiscardFont();
  2172 }
  2175 /** Request a layout operaiton. We must delete the rows if postponing layout
  2176 in case java side some of the controls have been deleted. Otherwise because those
  2177 controls may be on existing rows we would get a panic in a draw request outside
  2178 our control. By deleting the rows in the worse scenario we'll get a blank form
  2179 drawn temporarily until the next layout operation. */
  2180 void CMIDForm::RequestLayoutL(TBool aImmediately /*= EFalse*/)
  2181 {
  2182     if (aImmediately)
  2183     {
  2184         iLayoutTimer->Cancel();
  2185         LayoutAndDrawL();
  2186     }
  2187     else
  2188     {
  2189         if (LayoutPending())
  2190         {
  2191             TTime now;
  2192             now.HomeTime();
  2194             if (now.MicroSecondsFrom(iLayoutRequestTime) > KLayoutCap)
  2195             {
  2196                 LayoutAndDrawL();
  2197             }
  2198             else
  2199             {
  2200                 iLayoutTimer->Cancel();
  2201             }
  2202         }
  2203         else
  2204         {
  2205             iLayoutRequestTime.HomeTime();
  2206             DeleteRows();
  2207         }
  2209         if (iLayoutRequestTime != -1)
  2210         {
  2211             iLayoutTimer->After(KLayoutTimeout);
  2212         }
  2213     }
  2214 }
  2216 /** Return true if a layout request has been made. */
  2217 TBool CMIDForm::LayoutPending() const
  2218 {
  2219     return (iLayoutRequestTime != -1) && (iLayoutTimer->IsActive());
  2220 }
  2222 /**
  2223 Layout the form, do scrolling and draw. Reset any previous layout request.
  2225 @see RequestLayout(), LayoutPending(), LayoutFormL() and DoScroll()
  2226 */
  2227 void CMIDForm::LayoutAndDrawL()
  2228 {
  2229     DEBUG("CMIDForm::LayoutAndDrawL");
  2231     LayoutFormL();
  2233     HandleItemVisibilityChange();
  2234     UpdateScrollBar();
  2235     SetHighlightBackgroundRects();
  2236     DrawDeferred();
  2238     UpdatePhysics();
  2239 }
  2241 /** Call LayoutAndDrawL() inside a trap harness and log an error message if it
  2242 levaes.
  2244     @param aOnlyIfPending Call LayoutAndDrawL() only if there is one pending,
  2245            @see LayoutPending(). By default this parameter is EFalse, i.e. always do layout
  2247     @return The leave code returned by LayoutAndDrawL()
  2248 */
  2249 TInt CMIDForm::TrappedLayoutAndDraw(TBool aOnlyIfPending /* = EFalse */)
  2250 {
  2251     if (aOnlyIfPending  && !LayoutPending())
  2252     {
  2253         return KErrNone;
  2254     }
  2256     TRAPD(err, LayoutAndDrawL());
  2257     return err;
  2258 }
  2260 /* Called when the form becomes current and after the focus was set
  2261  * @see CMIDDisplayable::HandleCurrentL()
  2262  */
  2263 void CMIDForm::HandleCurrentL(TBool aCurrent)
  2264 {
  2265     if (iFocused != KErrNotFound)
  2266     {
  2267         CMIDControlItem& control = ControlItem(iFocused);
  2268         control.HandleCurrentL(aCurrent);
  2269     }
  2271     if (!aCurrent)
  2272     {
  2273         iPopupController->HidePopup();
  2274     }
  2276 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
  2277     iCanDragFocus = EFalse;
  2278 #endif
  2279 }
  2281 void CMIDForm::ConstructL()
  2282 {
  2283     UpdateMemberVariables();
  2285     SetContainerWindowL(iDisplayable);
  2287     iPopupController = CMIDPopupNoteController::NewL();
  2289     // Scroll initialisations
  2290 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
  2291     iSBFrame = new(ELeave) CEikScrollBarFrame(this, this, ETrue);
  2292     Window().SetPointerGrab(ETrue);
  2293 #else
  2294     iSBFrame = new(ELeave) CEikScrollBarFrame(this, NULL, ETrue);
  2295 #endif //RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
  2297     iSBFrame->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(
  2298         CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff, CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto);
  2299     iSBFrame->CreateDoubleSpanScrollBarsL(ETrue, EFalse);
  2301     // Background initialisation
  2302     iBackgroundControlContext = CAknsListBoxBackgroundControlContext::NewL(
  2303                                     KAknsIIDQsnBgAreaMainListGene, Rect(), ETrue,
  2304                                     KAknsIIDQsnBgColumnAB, Rect())  ;  // Rect parameters are only place-holders
  2306     // Background for highlighted item, frame rects are set later
  2307     iHighlightedBackgroundCc = CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext::NewL(
  2308                                    KAknsIIDQsnFrInput,
  2309                                    TRect(), TRect(), ETrue);
  2311     iDisplayable.SetComponentL(*this);
  2313     // get the layout from shared data so we can tell what our
  2314     // initial alignment should be
  2315     TInt layoutId = 0;
  2317     CRepository* repository = CRepository::NewL(KCRUidAvkon);
  2318     repository->Get(KAknLayoutId, layoutId);
  2319     delete repository;
  2321     if (layoutId == EAknLayoutIdABRW)
  2322     {
  2323         iInitialAlignment = MMIDItem::ERight;
  2324     }
  2326     iLayoutTimer = CTimeOutTimer::NewL(CActive::EPriorityIdle, *this);
  2327     iNoDataText =  iEikonEnv->AllocReadResourceL(R_AVKON_NO_DATA);
  2330     iFeedback = MTouchFeedback::Instance();
  2331 #endif
  2332     //index of pointed control is set to not active
  2333     iIndexPointedControl=-1;
  2335     if (CMIDFormPhysics::FeatureEnabled())
  2336     {
  2337         iPhysics = CMIDFormPhysics::NewL(*this);
  2339         // Destroy iPhysics immediately if physics is not allowed.
  2340         // This should happen in error situation only, when implementation
  2341         // dll couldn't be loaded although the feature was enabled.
  2342         if (iPhysics && !iPhysics->PhysicsAllowed())
  2343         {
  2344             delete iPhysics;
  2345             iPhysics = NULL;
  2346         }
  2347         else
  2348         {
  2349             iHighlightTimer = CPeriodic::NewL(CActive::EPriorityStandard);
  2350         }
  2351     }
  2353     LayoutAndDrawL();
  2354 }
  2356 void CMIDForm::UpdateMemberVariables()
  2357 {
  2358     TAknLayoutRect mainMidpPane;
  2360 #ifdef RD_JAVA_S60_RELEASE_9_2
  2361     TRect mainPaneRect;
  2362     AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect(AknLayoutUtils::EMainPane, mainPaneRect);
  2363     mainMidpPane.LayoutRect(mainPaneRect,
  2364                             AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::main_midp_pane().LayoutLine());
  2365 #else
  2366     mainMidpPane.LayoutRect(iEikonEnv->ScreenDevice()->SizeInPixels(),
  2367                             AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::main_midp_pane().LayoutLine());
  2368 #endif // RD_JAVA_S60_RELEASE_9_2
  2370     TInt variety = Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() ? 1 : 0;
  2371     iMidpFormRect.LayoutRect(mainMidpPane.Rect(),
  2372                              AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::midp_form_pane(variety).LayoutLine());
  2374     TAknLayoutRect listForm2MidpPane;
  2375     listForm2MidpPane.LayoutRect(iMidpFormRect.Rect(),
  2376                                  AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::list_form2_midp_pane().LayoutLine());
  2378     iFormRect.LayoutRect(listForm2MidpPane.Rect(),
  2379                          AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::form2_midp_field_pane().LayoutLine());
  2381     iInnerWidth = iFormRect.Rect().Width();
  2383     iInnerHeight = iFormRect.Rect().Height();
  2384     iFormHeight = iMidpFormRect.Rect().Height();
  2385 }
  2387 MMIDItem* CMIDForm::CurrentItem() const
  2388 {
  2389     return iFocused == KErrNotFound ? NULL : iItems[iFocused];
  2390 }
  2392 CMIDItem& CMIDForm::Item(TInt aIndex) const
  2393 {
  2394     MMIDItem* item = iItems[aIndex];
  2395     return ControlItem(item->Type());
  2396 }
  2398 CMIDControlItem& CMIDForm::ControlItem(TInt aIndex) const
  2399 {
  2400     return ControlItem(iItems[aIndex]);
  2401 }
  2403 CMIDControlItem& CMIDForm::ControlItem(MMIDItem* aMMidItem)
  2404 {
  2405     CMIDControlItem* base = NULL;
  2406     TInt type  = (TInt) aMMidItem->Type();
  2407     switch (type)
  2408     {
  2409     case MMIDComponent::EImageItem:
  2410         base = static_cast<CMIDImageItem*>(aMMidItem);
  2411         break;
  2412     case MMIDComponent::EStringItem:
  2413         base = static_cast<CMIDStringItem*>(aMMidItem);
  2414         break;
  2415     case MMIDComponent::ESpacer:
  2416         base = static_cast<CMIDSpacer*>(aMMidItem);
  2417         break;
  2418     case MMIDComponent::EGauge:
  2419         base = static_cast<CMIDGaugeItem*>(aMMidItem);
  2420         break;
  2421     case MMIDComponent::ETextField:
  2422         base = static_cast<CMIDTextFieldItem*>(aMMidItem);
  2423         break;
  2424     case MMIDComponent::EChoiceGroup:
  2425         base = static_cast<CMIDChoiceGroupItem*>(aMMidItem);
  2426         break;
  2427     case MMIDComponent::EDateField:
  2428         base = static_cast<CMIDDateFieldItem*>(aMMidItem);
  2429         break;
  2430     case MMIDComponent::ECustomItem:
  2431         base = static_cast<CMIDCustomItem*>(aMMidItem);
  2432         break;
  2433     default:
  2434         ASSERT(EFalse);
  2435         break;
  2436     }
  2438     return *base;
  2439 }
  2441 TInt CMIDForm::Index(CCoeControl* aControl) const
  2442 {
  2443     TInt itemCount = iItems.Count();
  2444     for (TInt i=0; i < itemCount; i++)
  2445     {
  2446         CCoeControl* control = static_cast<CCoeControl*>(&(ControlItem(i)));
  2447         if (control == aControl)
  2448         {
  2449             return i;
  2450         }
  2451     }
  2452     return KErrNotFound;
  2453 }
  2455 TInt CMIDForm::FormWidth()
  2456 {
  2457     return CMIDForm::StaticFormRect().Width();
  2458 }
  2460 /*static*/ TRect CMIDForm::StaticFormRect()
  2461 {
  2462     TInt variety = Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() ? 1 : 0;
  2463     TRect mainPaneRect;
  2465 #ifdef RD_JAVA_S60_RELEASE_9_2
  2466     AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect(AknLayoutUtils::EMainPane, mainPaneRect);
  2467 #else
  2468     mainPaneRect = iAvkonAppUi->ApplicationRect();
  2469 #endif // RD_JAVA_S60_RELEASE_9_2
  2471     TAknLayoutRect mainMidpPane;
  2472     mainMidpPane.LayoutRect(mainPaneRect,
  2473                             AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::main_midp_pane().LayoutLine());
  2475     TAknLayoutRect midpFormRect;
  2476     midpFormRect.LayoutRect(mainMidpPane.Rect(),
  2477                             AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::midp_form_pane(variety).LayoutLine());
  2479     TAknLayoutRect listForm2MidpPane;
  2480     listForm2MidpPane.LayoutRect(midpFormRect.Rect(),
  2481                                  AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::list_form2_midp_pane().LayoutLine());
  2483     TAknLayoutRect formRect;
  2484     formRect.LayoutRect(listForm2MidpPane.Rect(),
  2485                         AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::form2_midp_field_pane().LayoutLine());
  2487     return formRect.Rect();
  2488 }
  2491 TBool CMIDForm::IsCurrentItem(CMIDItem* aItem) const
  2492 {
  2493     return (iFocused != KErrNotFound) &&
  2494            (iFocused == Index(static_cast<CCoeControl*>(aItem)));
  2495 }
  2498 void CMIDForm::HandleControlEventL(CCoeControl* aControl,TCoeEvent aEventType)
  2499 {
  2500     switch (aEventType)
  2501     {
  2502     case MCoeControlObserver::EEventStateChanged:
  2503     {
  2504         TInt index = KErrNotFound;
  2505         User::LeaveIfError(index = Index(aControl));
  2506         MMIDComponent::TType type = iItems[index]->Type();
  2507         if (type == EStringItem || type == EImageItem || type == ECustomItem)
  2508         {
  2509             // These don't change state in the MIDP sense, so it must be a button
  2510             // press so we need to post a default command event, if there is one
  2512             // msk: this is needed if msk is not enabled
  2513             PostDefaultItemCommandEvent(index);
  2514         }
  2515         else
  2516         {
  2517             iEnv->PostJavaEvent(*this,EDisplayable,index);
  2518         }
  2519     }
  2520     break;
  2521     case MCoeControlObserver::EEventRequestFocus:
  2522         if (!aControl->IsNonFocusing())
  2523         {
  2524             SetFocusedItem(Index(aControl));
  2525         }
  2526         break;
  2527     default:
  2528         break;
  2529     }
  2530 }
  2533 /*
  2534  * Pointer events from different Items are are routed via this function to private HandleControlEventL.
  2535  * Focus is not accepted if Item is not focusable.
  2536  */
  2537 void CMIDForm::HandleTouchControlEventL(CCoeControl* aControl,TCoeEvent aEventType)
  2538 {
  2540     CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(Index(aControl));
  2541     if (ci.IsSelectable())
  2542     {
  2543         HandleControlEventL(aControl, aEventType);
  2544     }
  2545 }
  2548 void CMIDForm::TimerExpired()
  2549 {
  2550     TrappedLayoutAndDraw();
  2551 }
  2553 /*
  2554  * Called whenever something's happened which could change the visibility of an item
  2555  * controls. e.g. when made current, when update Items, when scroll.
  2556  */
  2557 void CMIDForm::HandleItemVisibilityChange()
  2558 {
  2560     // CUSTOM ITEM ONLY
  2561     TInt count = iItems.Count();
  2562     for (TInt i=0; i<count; i++)
  2563     {
  2564         if (iItems[i]->Type() == MMIDComponent::ECustomItem)
  2565         {
  2566             // this will get the CustomItem's FocusChanged method called which will cause
  2567             // some visibility events to be sent
  2568             CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(i);
  2569             ((CMIDCustomItem&) ci).HandleVisibilityChange();
  2570         }
  2571     }
  2572     // END CUSTOM ITEM
  2574 }
  2576 /** Handles an item size change event. This is called by within the plugin, not by java
  2577 side unlike RefreshItemL(TInt).
  2579 First of all we check if there is a layout pending operation.
  2580 If there is one we don't do anything. This is because this method is called during
  2581 control creation when items are inserted in the form. However, it is also called later
  2582 on when the control is already displaying and its size changes. During control creation
  2583 we should do a delayed layout (for performance reasons) wheras if we delay layout in the
  2584 second case we get an unpleasant redraw effect because the item control usually draws
  2585 immediately. So we should try and layout+draw immediately in the second case.
  2586 We distinguish between the two cases by checking if there is a layout
  2587 operation (which is requested by InsertItemL()). Also, in the second case, instead of
  2588 doing a full LayoutAndDrawL() we only resize elements already assigned to rows and
  2589 update the scroll bars. And then we draw. This is a bit more efficient than recreating
  2590 the rows. Because this method is only called by items that fill an entire row anyway,
  2591 we shouln't need to re-create rows.
  2592 */
  2593 void CMIDForm::RefreshItemL(MMIDItem* aItem)
  2594 {
  2595     TInt index = iItems.Find(aItem);
  2597     if (!LayoutPending() && index != KErrNotFound)
  2598     {
  2599         SizeItemsInFormRowsL();
  2600         SetRowExtentsWithRespectToScrolledLocation();
  2602         if ((aItem->Type() == MMIDComponent::ETextField) && (index == iFocused))
  2603         {
  2604             CMIDTextFieldItem* tf = static_cast<CMIDTextFieldItem*>(aItem);
  2605             TPoint p;
  2606             TBool success = tf->GetCursorPosL(p);
  2607             if (success)
  2608             {
  2609                 if (p.iY < 0)
  2610                 {
  2611                     RawScrollRelative(p.iY + 10);
  2612                 }
  2613                 else if (p.iY > Height())
  2614                 {
  2615                     RawScrollRelative(Height() - (p.iY + 10));
  2616                 }
  2617             }
  2618         }
  2619         RawScrollFinalize(ETrue);
  2620     }
  2621 }
  2623 /**
  2624  * If the item at aIndex has a default command set for it, then this will be invoked and True
  2625  * will be returned. False if a command has not been posted
  2626  */
  2627 // msk: this method is needed if msk is not enabled
  2628 TBool CMIDForm::PostDefaultItemCommandEvent(TInt aIndex)
  2629 {
  2630     if (aIndex != KErrNotFound)
  2631     {
  2632         CMIDCommand* defaultCommand = ControlItem(iItems[aIndex]).DefaultCommand();
  2633         if (defaultCommand)
  2634         {
  2635             iEnv->PostJavaEvent(*iItems[aIndex],EItem,ECommand,defaultCommand->Id());
  2636             return ETrue;
  2637         }
  2638     }
  2639     return EFalse;
  2640 }
  2642 void CMIDForm::AddItemToFormL(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  2643 {
  2644     aControlItem.SetForm(this);
  2645     aControlItem.SetContainerWindowL(*this);
  2646     aControlItem.ItemAddedToFormL();
  2647 }
  2649 void CMIDForm::RemoveItemFromForm(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  2650 {
  2651     aControlItem.MakeVisible(EFalse);
  2652     aControlItem.SetPosition(TPoint(-Width(), 0));
  2653     // Item is not allowed to access container window from now.
  2654     aControlItem.ItemRemovedFromForm();
  2655     aControlItem.SetForm(NULL);
  2656 }
  2658 void CMIDForm::UpdateItemCommands(CMIDCommandList* aCommandList, CMIDCommand* aMSKCommand)
  2659 {
  2660     iDisplayable.SetItemCommandList(aCommandList, aMSKCommand);
  2661 }
  2663 // msk: this method is needed if msk is not enabled
  2664 TBool CMIDForm::DoDefaultCommand()
  2665 {
  2666     if (iFocused != KErrNotFound)
  2667     {
  2668         CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(iFocused);
  2670         CMIDCommand* defaultCommand = ci.DefaultCommand();
  2671         if (defaultCommand)
  2672         {
  2673             iEnv->PostJavaEvent(*(iItems[iFocused]), EItem, ECommand, defaultCommand->Id());
  2674             return ETrue;
  2675         }
  2676     }
  2678     return EFalse;
  2679 }
  2682 TInt CMIDForm::Row(const CMIDControlItem& aItem) const
  2683 {
  2684     CMIDFormRow* rowPtr = NULL;
  2685     return Row(aItem, rowPtr);
  2686 }
  2688 TInt CMIDForm::Row(const CMIDControlItem& aItem, CMIDFormRow*& aRowPtr) const
  2689 {
  2690     aRowPtr = NULL;
  2691     TInt rowCount = iRows.Count();
  2692     for (TInt i=0; i < rowCount; i++)
  2693     {
  2694         TInt idx = iRows[i]->Find(&aItem);
  2695         if (idx != KErrNotFound)
  2696         {
  2697             aRowPtr = iRows[i];
  2698             return i;
  2699         }
  2700     }
  2701     return KErrNotFound;
  2702 }
  2704 CMIDForm::TDirection CMIDForm::ConvertKeyToDirection(TUint aCode)
  2705 {
  2706     switch (aCode)
  2707     {
  2708     case EKeyDownArrow:
  2709         return EDown;
  2710     case EKeyUpArrow:
  2711         return EUp;
  2712     case EKeyLeftArrow:
  2713         return ELeft;
  2714     case EKeyRightArrow:
  2715         return ERight;
  2716     default:
  2717         return ENone;
  2718     }
  2719 }
  2721 // returns the index of a CMIDControlItem in the iItems array. If the
  2722 // CMIDControlItem is a CMIDLabelContainerItem, then the index
  2723 // of the stringItem associated with it is returned.
  2724 TInt CMIDForm::ItemIndex(CMIDControlItem& aItem)
  2725 {
  2726     MMIDItem* item = aItem.iMMidItem;
  2728     TInt idx = 0;
  2729     TInt itemCount = iItems.Count();
  2730     while (idx < itemCount)
  2731     {
  2732         if (iItems[idx] == item)
  2733         {
  2734             return idx;
  2735         }
  2736         idx++;
  2737     }
  2739     // OK, so we didn't find it. Maybe it is a CMIDLabelContainerItem
  2740     if (IsLabelContainerItem(aItem))
  2741     {
  2742         CMIDLabelContainerItem* usil = static_cast<CMIDLabelContainerItem*>(&aItem);
  2743         return ItemIndex(usil->StringItem());
  2744     }
  2746     return KErrNotFound;
  2747 }
  2749 // this method will return the index of the row ABOVE the indicated unconstrained string item
  2750 // if the string item was on the top row then KErrNotFound is returned, also if the string item
  2751 // could not be found or was not an unconstrained string item.
  2752 TInt CMIDForm::FirstRowAboveUnconstrainedStringItem(CMIDStringItem& aStringItem) const
  2753 {
  2754     TInt idx = FirstRowOfUnconstrainedStringItem(aStringItem);
  2755     return (idx == KErrNotFound) ? KErrNotFound : idx - 1;
  2756 }
  2758 // returns the index of the first row of an unconstrained string item.
  2759 // Returns KErrNotFound if the string item could not be found (or if it was not
  2760 // an unconstrained string item).
  2761 TInt CMIDForm::FirstRowOfUnconstrainedStringItem(CMIDStringItem& aStringItem) const
  2762 {
  2763     TInt idx = -1;
  2764     TInt rowCount = iRows.Count();
  2765     while (++idx < rowCount)
  2766     {
  2767         CMIDFormRow* row = iRows[idx];
  2768         TInt innerIdx = -1;
  2769         while (++innerIdx < row->NumItems())
  2770         {
  2771             CMIDControlItem* ci = row->Item(innerIdx);
  2772             if (IsLabelContainerItem(*ci))
  2773             {
  2774                 CMIDLabelContainerItem* ucsi = static_cast<CMIDLabelContainerItem*>(ci);
  2775                 if (&(ucsi->StringItem()) == &aStringItem)
  2776                 {
  2777                     return idx;
  2778                 }
  2779             }
  2780         }
  2781     }
  2782     return KErrNotFound;
  2783 }
  2785 TInt CMIDForm::FirstRowBelowUnconstrainedStringItem(CMIDStringItem& aStringItem) const
  2786 {
  2787     TInt idx = iRows.Count();
  2788     TInt rowCount = iRows.Count();
  2789     while (--idx < rowCount)
  2790     {
  2791         CMIDFormRow* row = iRows[idx];
  2792         TInt innerIdx = -1;
  2793         while (++innerIdx < row->NumItems())
  2794         {
  2795             CMIDControlItem* ci = row->Item(innerIdx);
  2796             if (IsLabelContainerItem(*ci))
  2797             {
  2798                 CMIDLabelContainerItem* ucsi = static_cast<CMIDLabelContainerItem*>(ci);
  2799                 if (&(ucsi->StringItem()) == &aStringItem)
  2800                 {
  2801                     return ((idx + 1) >= rowCount) ? KErrNotFound : idx + 1;
  2802                 }
  2803             }
  2804         }
  2805     }
  2806     return KErrNotFound;
  2807 }
  2809 TInt CMIDForm::FirstFocusableItemBeforeStartOfUnconstrainedStringItemIdx(CMIDStringItem& aStringItem)
  2810 {
  2811     TInt rowIdx = FirstRowOfUnconstrainedStringItem(aStringItem);
  2812     if (rowIdx != KErrNotFound)
  2813     {
  2814         CMIDFormRow* row = iRows[rowIdx];
  2815         TInt idxOnRow = row->NumItems();
  2816         while (--idxOnRow >= 0)  // search backward along the row for the unconstrained string item
  2817             // we probably could assume it is the last element
  2818         {
  2819             CMIDControlItem* ci = row->Item(idxOnRow);
  2820             if (IsLabelContainerItem(*ci))
  2821             {
  2822                 CMIDLabelContainerItem* usil = static_cast<CMIDLabelContainerItem*>(ci);
  2823                 CMIDStringItem* si = &(usil->StringItem());
  2824                 if (si == &aStringItem)
  2825                 {
  2826                     break;
  2827                 }
  2828             }
  2829         }
  2830         if (idxOnRow > 0)
  2831         {
  2832             // there are some items on the row before the start of the unconstrained string item
  2833             while (--idxOnRow >= 0)  // search backward along the row for the first focusable item
  2834             {
  2835                 CMIDControlItem* ci = row->Item(idxOnRow);
  2836                 if (ci->IsSelectable())
  2837                 {
  2838                     return ItemIndex(*ci);
  2839                 }
  2840             }
  2841         }
  2842     }
  2843     return KErrNotFound;
  2844 }
  2846 TInt CMIDForm::FirstFocusableItemOnLastLineOfUnconstrainedStringItemIdx(CMIDStringItem& aStringItem)
  2847 {
  2848     TInt rowIdx = FirstRowBelowUnconstrainedStringItem(aStringItem) - 1;
  2850     if (rowIdx == -2)
  2851     {
  2852         rowIdx = iRows.Count() -1;
  2853     }
  2855     if (rowIdx > KErrNotFound)  // if FirstRowBelowUnconstrainedStringItem returned KErrNotFound then we have -2 so check with '>'
  2856     {
  2857         CMIDFormRow* row = iRows[rowIdx];
  2858         TInt idxOnRow = -1;
  2860         TBool found = EFalse;
  2861         while (++idxOnRow < row->NumItems())
  2862         {
  2863             CMIDControlItem* ci = row->Item(idxOnRow);
  2865             if (ControlBelongsToSameUnconstrainedItem(ci,aStringItem))
  2866             {//ok we found our item, if the next one is selectable we return
  2867                 found = ETrue;
  2868             }
  2869             else if (found && ci->IsSelectable())
  2870             {
  2871                 return ItemIndex(*ci);
  2872             }
  2873         }
  2874     }
  2875     return KErrNotFound;
  2876 }
  2878 /** Return true if aCi belongs to the same unconstrained string item (aStringItem) */
  2879 TBool CMIDForm::ControlBelongsToSameUnconstrainedItem(CMIDControlItem* aCi, CMIDStringItem& aStringItem) const
  2880 {
  2881     if (IsLabelContainerItem(*aCi))
  2882     {
  2883         CMIDLabelContainerItem* usil = static_cast<CMIDLabelContainerItem*>(aCi);
  2884         if (&(usil->StringItem()) == &aStringItem)
  2885         {
  2886             return ETrue;
  2887         }
  2888     }
  2890     return EFalse;
  2891 }
  2893 /** */
  2894 void CMIDForm::RemoveDeletedItem(CMIDControlItem& aItem)
  2895 {
  2896     iFocused = KErrNotFound;
  2897     TInt i=-1;
  2898     TInt rowCount = iRows.Count();
  2899     while (++i < rowCount)
  2900     {
  2901         CMIDFormRow* row = iRows[i];
  2902         if (row->RemoveItemIfExists(aItem))
  2903         {
  2904             break;
  2905         }
  2906     }
  2908     i = -1;
  2909     TInt itemCount = iItems.Count();
  2910     while (++i < itemCount)
  2911     {
  2912         if (aItem.iMMidItem)
  2913         {
  2914             if (aItem.iMMidItem == iItems[i])
  2915             {
  2916                 iItems.Remove(i);
  2917                 break;
  2918             }
  2919         }
  2920     }
  2922 }
  2925 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2926 // new layout methods
  2927 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2929 // does the layout for the entire form
  2930 void CMIDForm::LayoutFormL()
  2931 {
  2932     DEBUG("CMIDForm::LayoutFormL");
  2934     if (LayoutPending())
  2935     {
  2936         iLayoutRequestTime = -1;
  2937         iLayoutTimer->Cancel();
  2938     }
  2940     TReal prevHeight = HeightOfAllItems() - Height();
  2941     TInt prevFocusedYPos = 0; // by default it is on top of screen
  2942     TInt focusedItem = iFocused;
  2944     if (focusedItem != KErrNotFound)
  2945     {
  2946         TRect rect = GetControlRect(focusedItem);
  2947         prevFocusedYPos    = rect.iTl.iY;
  2948     }
  2951     // scroll bar layouting
  2952     AknLayoutUtils::LayoutVerticalScrollBar(iSBFrame, Rect(),
  2953                                             AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::scroll_pane_cp51().LayoutLine());
  2954     ResetItemsPreferredSizes();
  2956     // this prevents items from calling layout recursively
  2957     SetItemsFormPointersToVal(NULL);
  2959     AssignItemsToRowsL();
  2960     SizeItemsInFormRowsL();
  2962     SetItemsFormPointersToVal(this);
  2964     SetRowExtentsWithRespectToScrolledLocation();
  2966     TReal newHeight = HeightOfAllItems() - Height();
  2968     if (newHeight != prevHeight)
  2969     {
  2970         // layout has changed significantly, but we need to keep focused component scrolled so that
  2971         // user sees it at the same level in viewport
  2972         TInt newFocusedYPos = 0;
  2973         if (focusedItem != KErrNotFound)
  2974         {
  2975             TRect rect = GetControlRect(focusedItem);
  2976             newFocusedYPos    = rect.iTl.iY;
  2977             TInt delta = prevFocusedYPos - newFocusedYPos;
  2978             if (iScroll != 0)
  2979             {
  2980                 // correct only if not on top of window
  2981                 ScrollRelative(delta);
  2982             }
  2983         }
  2984         else
  2985         {
  2986             if (newHeight < prevHeight)
  2987             {
  2988                 // no focused item, just try to keep same component visible
  2989                 iScroll  = newHeight > 0 ? ((TReal) iScroll * (newHeight / prevHeight)) : 0;
  2990             }
  2991         }
  2993         SetRowExtentsWithRespectToScrolledLocation();
  2994     }
  2995 }
  2997 void CMIDForm::ResetItemsPreferredSizes()
  2998 {
  2999     TInt itemCount = iItems.Count();
  3000     for (TInt i=0; i < itemCount; i++)
  3001     {
  3002         CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(i);
  3003         ci.ResetPreferredSize();
  3004     }
  3005 }
  3007 void CMIDForm::SetItemsFormPointersToVal(CMIDForm* aVal)
  3008 {
  3009     TInt itemCount = iItems.Count();
  3010     for (TInt i=0; i < itemCount; i++)
  3011     {
  3012         CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(i);
  3013         ci.SetForm(aVal);
  3014     }
  3015 }
  3017 /** If an items preferred size is zero
  3018 we shouldn't add it to the form row and so we skip it */
  3019 TBool CMIDForm::SkipNullItem(TInt aIndex)
  3020 {
  3021     CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(iItems[aIndex]);
  3022     if (ci.PreferredSize() == TSize(0, 0))
  3023     {
  3024         if (iFocused == aIndex)
  3025         {
  3026             SetFocusedItem(KErrNotFound);
  3027         }
  3029         return ETrue;
  3030     }
  3032     return EFalse;
  3033 }
  3035 /**
  3036     If the current row index is the same as the row count,
  3037     create and append to iRows a new row and store it into
  3038     iCurrentRow. Increment the current row index. Also reset
  3039     the current alignment.
  3040 */
  3041 void CMIDForm::CreateNewRowAndSetAsCurrentL()
  3042 {
  3043     CMIDFormRow* row = CMIDFormRow::NewL(*this);
  3044     CleanupStack::PushL(row);
  3046     User::LeaveIfError(iRows.Append(row));
  3047     CleanupStack::Pop(row);
  3049     iCurrentRow = row;
  3050     iCurrentRow->SetAlignment(iCurrentAlignment);
  3051 }
  3053 /** Verify the current alignment and change it if the current row
  3054 is empty. If the row is not empty and the item alignement is different
  3055 and the item requires a row break, then add a new row. */
  3056 void CMIDForm::VerifyRowAlignmentL(TInt aIndex)
  3057 {
  3058     TInt leftRightMask = MMIDItem::ELeft | MMIDItem::ERight;
  3059     CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(iItems[aIndex]);
  3061     if (iCurrentRow->NumItems() == 0)
  3062     {
  3063         // this is the first item in the row
  3064         if (!LayoutDefault(ci))
  3065         {
  3066             // we take the items alignment for the row
  3067             iCurrentAlignment = MMIDItem::TLayout(ci.Layout() & leftRightMask);
  3068             iCurrentRow->SetAlignment(iCurrentAlignment);
  3069         }
  3070     }
  3071     else if (!LayoutMatchesCurrentAlignment(ci, iCurrentAlignment))
  3072     {
  3073         // the new layout doesn't match the current so go to the next row
  3074         CreateNewRowAndSetAsCurrentL();
  3075         iCurrentAlignment = MMIDItem::TLayout(ci.Layout() & leftRightMask);
  3076         iCurrentRow->SetAlignment(iCurrentAlignment);
  3077     }
  3078 }
  3080 /**
  3081      Inserts the specified number of new rows (aNumNewLines). If there is a control
  3082     item passed as a parameter it means the lines to be inserted are empty lines
  3083     preceeding the control and therefore should have their empty size set to the
  3084     size of the control.
  3086      @param aControlItem The control item used to set the size of empty rows.
  3088     @param aNumNewLines    The number of rows to be added, if equal to zero this method does
  3089                         nothing
  3090  */
  3091 void CMIDForm::InsertNewlinesL(TInt aNumNewlines, CMIDControlItem* aControlItem)
  3092 {
  3093     for (TInt idx = 0; idx < aNumNewlines; idx++)
  3094     {
  3095         if (aControlItem && aControlItem->LabelControl() && iCurrentRow && iCurrentRow->NumItems() == 0)
  3096         {
  3097             iCurrentRow->SetEmptyRowSize(TSize(iInnerWidth,aControlItem->OneLineLabelHeight()));
  3098         }
  3100         CreateNewRowAndSetAsCurrentL();
  3101     }
  3102 }
  3105 /**
  3106  * Creates a new string item, using special type CMIDLabelContainerItem.
  3107  * This is a special string item which has no label and is added to wrap
  3108  * content of a previous string item across several rows.
  3109  *
  3110  *  @see CMIDLabelContainerItem
  3111  */
  3112 void CMIDForm::CreateAndAddLabelContainerItemL(CMIDStringItem& aStringItem,
  3113         CEikLabel& aLabel, TBool aIsStringItemContent)
  3114 {
  3115     // Label container items items have an horizontal margin only
  3116     // when at the beginning of the row
  3117     TBool hasHMargin = (iCurrentRow->NumItems() == 0);
  3119     CMIDLabelContainerItem* usil =
  3120         CMIDLabelContainerItem::NewL(aStringItem, aLabel, hasHMargin);
  3122     CleanupStack::PushL(usil);
  3123     usil->SetContainerWindowL(*this);
  3124     // sets flag for detecting if label container item is created
  3125     // from string item label or content
  3126     usil->SetIsStringItemContent(aIsStringItemContent);
  3128     iCurrentRow->AppendL(usil);
  3129     CleanupStack::Pop(usil);
  3130 }
  3132 /**
  3133  *  Inserts a CMIDLabelContainerItem for each line in aTextControl.
  3134  *
  3135  *  @see CreateAndAddLabelContainerItemL()
  3136  */
  3137 void CMIDForm::InsertContainerItemsL(CMIDStringItem& aStringItem,
  3138                                      CMIDItemLabel& aTextControl, TBool aIsStringItemContent)
  3139 {
  3140     TInt numLines = aTextControl.NumLines();
  3141     for (TInt j = 0; j < numLines; j++)
  3142     { // insert every line as a CMIDLabelContainerItem
  3143         CreateAndAddLabelContainerItemL(
  3144             aStringItem, *(aTextControl.LabelAtIdx(j)), aIsStringItemContent);
  3146         if (j != (numLines-1))
  3147         { // insert a row break except for the last line
  3148             CreateNewRowAndSetAsCurrentL();
  3149         }
  3150     }
  3151 }
  3153 /**
  3154     Adds an unconstrained string item to one or more rows. If the item
  3155     has a label always insert a line break (new row) before and if it
  3156     is followed by constrained item also after the label. Crop the label
  3157     to the full line width and insert is as a CMIDLabelContainerItem.
  3159     If the item has no label we can start anywhere in the current row.
  3160     Split its content across the remaining width for the first line
  3161     and then across the full line width. Insert a CMIDLabelContainerItem
  3162     for each line and insert a row break after each CMIDLabelContainerItem
  3163     except the last one.
  3165     Item with label can be inserted as default item when one of this
  3166     situation occurs:
  3167     - it is the last item in form
  3168     - following item is constrained
  3169     - following item is unconstrained but has a label
  3171     Item without label can be inserted as default item when:
  3172     - it is the only item in form
  3173     - it is the first item in form and following item is
  3174     unconstrained but has a label (it starts in a new row)
  3176     @see CMILabelContainerItem, InsertContainerItemsL(),
  3177          CreateNewRowAndSetAsCurrentL(), InsertNewlinesL()
  3178 */
  3179 void CMIDForm::AddUnconstrainedStringItemL(TInt& aIndex)
  3180 {
  3181     CMIDStringItem* si = (CMIDStringItem*)iItems[aIndex];
  3183     TInt widthForText = Width();
  3185     // check if next item is unconstrained and has label
  3186     TBool nextUnconstrainedHasLabel(EFalse);
  3187     if (aIndex < iItems.Count()-1 && ItemIsUnconstrained(aIndex + 1))
  3188     {
  3189         CMIDStringItem* nextItem = (CMIDStringItem*)iItems[aIndex+1];
  3190         if (nextItem->LabelControl() &&
  3191                 (nextItem->LabelControl()->Text()->Length() > 0))
  3192         {
  3193             nextUnconstrainedHasLabel = ETrue;
  3194         }
  3195     }
  3197     if (si->LabelControl() && (si->LabelControl()->Text()->Length() > 0))
  3198     {//item has a label - it should be placed in a new row
  3199         if (iCurrentRow->NumItems() > 0)
  3200         {
  3201             CreateNewRowAndSetAsCurrentL();
  3202         }
  3204         // If the item is last or next item is constrained or next item
  3205         // is unconstrained but has a label (it will be placed in a new row)
  3206         // this item is placed as default item.
  3207         if ((aIndex == iItems.Count()-1) || !ItemIsUnconstrained(aIndex + 1)
  3208                 || nextUnconstrainedHasLabel)
  3209         {
  3210             AddDefaultItemL(aIndex);
  3211             return;
  3212         }
  3214         // otherwise place the label in one row and then insert the text
  3215         si->LabelControl()->SetWidthL(widthForText);
  3216         // label of string item is inserted as label container item
  3217         // EFalse identifies that label container item is created from string item label
  3218         InsertContainerItemsL(*si, *(si->LabelControl()), EFalse);
  3219         // string items is divided to label container items due to concatenation of contents
  3220         // contained in adjacent string items
  3221         si->SetIsDivided(ETrue);
  3222         CreateNewRowAndSetAsCurrentL();
  3223     }
  3224     else
  3225     { // item has no label
  3227         // If the item is the only item in form or it is the first item in form
  3228         // and the next item is unconstrained with label (it starts at a new row)
  3229         // this item is placed as default item
  3230         if ((iItems.Count() == 1) || (aIndex == 0 && nextUnconstrainedHasLabel))
  3231         {
  3232             AddDefaultItemL(aIndex);
  3233             return;
  3234         }
  3235     }
  3237     // this is either the remaining width on the current row or the full
  3238     // line width if we are on a new row
  3239     TInt remainingLineWidth = widthForText - iCurrentRow->CurrentWidth();
  3241     if ((remainingLineWidth < si->StringContentControl()->FirstWordWidth())
  3242             && (iCurrentRow->NumItems() != 0))
  3243     { // if not even one word fits then go to the next line unless
  3244         // we are already on a new line
  3245         CreateNewRowAndSetAsCurrentL();
  3246         remainingLineWidth = widthForText;
  3247     }
  3249     // wrap the content to the remaining width for the first line and to
  3250     // the full width for any other line
  3251     si->StringContentControl()->SetVariableWidthL(remainingLineWidth, widthForText);
  3252     // content of string item is inserted as label container item
  3253     // ETrue identifies that label container item is created from string item content
  3254     InsertContainerItemsL(*si, *(si->StringContentControl()), ETrue);
  3255 }
  3257 /**
  3258  * Adds a standard case item to the current row. It verifies if a new
  3259  * row should be added and adds one if so. Then it appends the item
  3260  * to the current row.
  3261  *
  3262  * @see CMIDControlItem, OkToMoveToNextRow()
  3263  */
  3264 void CMIDForm::AddDefaultItemL(TInt& aIndex)
  3265 {
  3266     CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(iItems[aIndex]);
  3268     TSize itemSize = LayoutShrink(ci) ? ci.MinimumSize() : ci.PreferredSize();
  3269     ci.SetSizeQuiet(itemSize);
  3271     if (OkToMoveToNextRow(itemSize))
  3272     {
  3273         CreateNewRowAndSetAsCurrentL();
  3274     }
  3276     iCurrentRow->AppendL(&ci);
  3277 }
  3279 /**
  3280     Return true if the given size does not fit into the current
  3281     row and the row is not empty and the size is not bigger than
  3282     an empty row.
  3283 */
  3284 TBool CMIDForm::OkToMoveToNextRow(const TSize& aItemSize) const
  3285 {
  3286     return ((iCurrentRow->CurrentWidth() + aItemSize.iWidth) > iInnerWidth) &&
  3287            !((aItemSize.iWidth > iInnerWidth) && (iCurrentRow->NumItems() == 0));
  3288 }
  3290 /**
  3291     Assigns the items to the rows, which are re-created.
  3292 */
  3293 void CMIDForm::AssignItemsToRowsL()
  3294 {
  3295     DeleteRows();
  3297     //reset current alignment
  3298     iCurrentAlignment = InitialAlignment();
  3300     //Create a row, the form must have at least an empty row
  3301     CreateNewRowAndSetAsCurrentL();
  3303     for (TInt i = 0;  i < iItems.Count(); i++)
  3304     {
  3305         if (SkipNullItem(i))
  3306         { //zero size items are ignored
  3307             continue;
  3308         }
  3310         // if the current alignment changes we may need to change row
  3311         VerifyRowAlignmentL(i);
  3313         CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(iItems[i]);
  3315         // add any extra rows before the current item if needed
  3316         InsertNewlinesL(NumNewLinesBefore(ci), &ci);
  3318         if (ItemIsUnconstrained(i))
  3319         { // unconstrained string items are processed specially
  3320             AddUnconstrainedStringItemL(i);
  3321         }
  3322         else
  3323         { // any other item is processed in here
  3324             AddDefaultItemL(i);
  3325         }
  3327         // add any additional row breaks if needed
  3328         InsertNewlinesL(NumNewLinesAfter(ci), &ci);
  3329     }
  3330 }
  3332 /** Return true if the item is an unconstrained string item, false otherwise */
  3333 TBool CMIDForm::ItemIsUnconstrained(TInt aIndex) const
  3334 {
  3335     if (aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < iItems.Count())
  3336     {
  3337         CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(iItems[aIndex]);
  3338         return (IsStringItem(ci) && ((CMIDStringItem*)&ci)->IsUnconstrainedStringItem());
  3339     }
  3341     return EFalse;
  3342 }
  3344 TBool CMIDForm::LayoutMatchesCurrentAlignment(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem,
  3345         MMIDItem::TLayout aCurrentAlignment)
  3346 {
  3347     TInt leftRightMask = MMIDItem::ELeft | MMIDItem::ERight;
  3349     return ((aControlItem.Layout() & leftRightMask) == MMIDItem::EDefault) ||
  3350            ((aControlItem.Layout() & leftRightMask) == aCurrentAlignment);
  3351 }
  3353 TBool CMIDForm::LayoutDefault(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  3354 {
  3355     TInt leftRightMask = MMIDItem::ELeft | MMIDItem::ERight;
  3357     return ((aControlItem.Layout() & leftRightMask) == MMIDItem::EDefault);
  3358 }
  3360 TBool CMIDForm::LayoutNewLineBefore(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  3361 {
  3362     return (aControlItem.Layout() & MMIDItem::ENewLineBefore);
  3363 }
  3365 TBool CMIDForm::LayoutNewLineAfter(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  3366 {
  3367     return (aControlItem.Layout() & MMIDItem::ENewLineAfter);
  3368 }
  3370 /** Return true if the LAYOUT_SHRINK directive has been set. For
  3371 string items which have one or both dimensions of the preferred
  3372 size set the layout shrink directive is ignored. */
  3373 TBool CMIDForm::LayoutShrink(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  3374 {
  3375     if (IsStringItem(aControlItem))
  3376     {
  3377         CMIDStringItem* si = (CMIDStringItem*)(&aControlItem);
  3379         if (si->WidthOrHeightSpecified())
  3380         {
  3381             return EFalse;
  3382         }
  3383     }
  3385     return (aControlItem.Layout() & MMIDItem::EShrink);
  3386 }
  3388 /** Return true if the LAYOUT_EXPAND directive has been set. For
  3389 string items which have one or both dimensions of the preferred
  3390 size set the layout expand directive is ignored. */
  3391 TBool CMIDForm::LayoutExpand(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  3392 {
  3393     if (IsStringItem(aControlItem))
  3394     {
  3395         CMIDStringItem* si = (CMIDStringItem*)(&aControlItem);
  3397         if (si->WidthOrHeightSpecified())
  3398         {
  3399             return EFalse;
  3400         }
  3401     }
  3403     return (aControlItem.Layout() & MMIDItem::EExpand);
  3404 }
  3406 /** Return true if the LAYOUT_VSHIRNK directive has been set. For
  3407 string items which have one or both dimensions of the preferred
  3408 size set the layout vertical shrink directive is ignored. */
  3409 TBool CMIDForm::LayoutVerticalShrink(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  3410 {
  3411     if (IsStringItem(aControlItem))
  3412     {
  3413         CMIDStringItem* si = (CMIDStringItem*)(&aControlItem);
  3415         if (si->WidthOrHeightSpecified())
  3416         {
  3417             return EFalse;
  3418         }
  3419     }
  3421     return (aControlItem.Layout() & MMIDItem::EVerticalShrink);
  3422 }
  3424 /** Return true if the LAYOUT_VEXPAND directive has been set. For
  3425 string items which have one or both dimensions of the preferred
  3426 size set the layout vertical expand directive is ignored. */
  3427 TBool CMIDForm::LayoutVerticalExpand(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  3428 {
  3429     if (IsStringItem(aControlItem))
  3430     {
  3431         CMIDStringItem* si = (CMIDStringItem*)(&aControlItem);
  3433         if (si->WidthOrHeightSpecified())
  3434         {
  3435             return EFalse;
  3436         }
  3437     }
  3439     return (aControlItem.Layout() & MMIDItem::EVerticalExpand);
  3440 }
  3442 TBool CMIDForm::LayoutVerticalCenter(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  3443 {
  3444     TInt layout = aControlItem.Layout();
  3445     layout &= MMIDItem::EVerticalCenter;
  3446     return (layout == MMIDItem::EVerticalCenter);
  3447 }
  3449 TBool CMIDForm::LayoutBottom(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  3450 {
  3451     TInt layout = aControlItem.Layout();
  3452     layout &= MMIDItem::EVerticalCenter;
  3453     return (layout == MMIDItem::EBottom) || (layout == 0);
  3454 }
  3456 TBool CMIDForm::IsStringItem(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  3457 {
  3458     if (!aControlItem.iMMidItem)
  3459     {
  3460         return EFalse;
  3461     }
  3462     return (aControlItem.iMMidItem->Type() == MMIDComponent::EStringItem);
  3463 }
  3465 TBool CMIDForm::IsStringItemHyperlink(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  3466 {
  3467     if (!aControlItem.iMMidItem)
  3468     {
  3469         return EFalse;
  3470     }
  3471     if (aControlItem.iMMidItem->Type() == MMIDComponent::EStringItem)
  3472     {
  3473         return (((CMIDStringItem&) aControlItem).Appearance() == MMIDItem::EHyperLink);
  3474     }
  3475     else
  3476     {
  3477         return EFalse;
  3478     }
  3479 }
  3481 TBool CMIDForm::IsStringItemButton(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  3482 {
  3483     if (!aControlItem.iMMidItem)
  3484     {
  3485         return EFalse;
  3486     }
  3487     if (aControlItem.iMMidItem->Type() == MMIDComponent::EStringItem)
  3488     {
  3489         return (((CMIDStringItem&) aControlItem).Appearance() == MMIDItem::EButton);
  3490     }
  3491     else
  3492     {
  3493         return EFalse;
  3494     }
  3495 }
  3497 TBool CMIDForm::IsCustomItem(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  3498 {
  3499     if (!aControlItem.iMMidItem)
  3500     {
  3501         return EFalse;
  3502     }
  3503     return (aControlItem.iMMidItem->Type() == MMIDComponent::ECustomItem);
  3504 }
  3506 TBool CMIDForm::IsGaugeItem(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  3507 {
  3508     if (!aControlItem.iMMidItem)
  3509     {
  3510         return EFalse;
  3511     }
  3512     return (aControlItem.iMMidItem->Type() == MMIDComponent::EGauge);
  3513 }
  3515 TBool CMIDForm::IsTextFieldItem(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  3516 {
  3517     if (!aControlItem.iMMidItem)
  3518     {
  3519         return EFalse;
  3520     }
  3521     return (aControlItem.iMMidItem->Type() == MMIDComponent::ETextField);
  3522 }
  3524 TBool CMIDForm::IsChoiceGroup(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  3525 {
  3526     if (!aControlItem.iMMidItem)
  3527     {
  3528         return EFalse;
  3529     }
  3530     return (aControlItem.iMMidItem->Type() == MMIDComponent::EChoiceGroup);
  3531 }
  3533 TBool CMIDForm::IsDateField(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  3534 {
  3535     if (!aControlItem.iMMidItem)
  3536     {
  3537         return EFalse;
  3538     }
  3539     return (aControlItem.iMMidItem->Type() == MMIDComponent::EDateField);
  3540 }
  3542 TBool CMIDForm::IsLabelContainerItem(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  3543 {
  3544     return (aControlItem.Type() == KLabelContainerItem);
  3545 }
  3547 TBool CMIDForm::IsSpacerUsedForFormatting(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  3548 {
  3549     if (!aControlItem.iMMidItem)
  3550     {
  3551         return EFalse;
  3552     }
  3553     if (aControlItem.iMMidItem->Type() == MMIDComponent::ESpacer)
  3554     {
  3555         CMIDSpacer* spacer = static_cast<CMIDSpacer*>(&aControlItem);
  3556         return spacer->UsedForStringFormatting();
  3557     }
  3558     return EFalse;
  3559 }
  3561 TBool CMIDForm::IsImageItem(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  3562 {
  3563     if (!aControlItem.iMMidItem)
  3564     {
  3565         return EFalse;
  3566     }
  3567     return (aControlItem.iMMidItem->Type() == MMIDItem::EImageItem);
  3568 }
  3570 #ifdef RD_JAVA_S60_RELEASE_9_2
  3571 void CMIDForm::PostPendingUpEventL()
  3572 {
  3573     MMIDItem* curItem = CurrentItem();
  3574     if (curItem)
  3575     {
  3576         CMIDControlItem& item = ControlItem(curItem);
  3578         if (IsChoiceGroup(item))
  3579         {
  3580             CMIDChoiceGroupItem* cgItem = static_cast<CMIDChoiceGroupItem*>(&item);
  3581             cgItem->PostPendingUpEventL();
  3582         }
  3583     }
  3584 }
  3585 #endif // RD_JAVA_S60_RELEASE_9_2
  3587 // returns: The number of new lines before an item.
  3588 //          This only takes into account new lines that come from
  3589 //          preceeding a string item with new line characters.
  3590 TInt CMIDForm::NumNewLinesBefore(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  3591 {
  3592     if (IsStringItem(aControlItem))
  3593     {
  3594         CMIDStringItem* si = (CMIDStringItem*)(&aControlItem);
  3595         TInt nLinesBefore = si->NumNewlinesBefore();
  3596         if (nLinesBefore > 0)
  3597         {
  3598             return nLinesBefore;
  3599         }
  3600     }
  3601     if (iCurrentRow && iCurrentRow->NumItems() == 0)
  3602     {
  3603         return 0;
  3604     }
  3605     return LayoutNewLineBefore(aControlItem) ? 1 : 0;
  3606 }
  3608 // returns: The number of new lines that should appear after an item
  3609 //          This takes into account the new lines that can occour from
  3610 //          newlines at the end of a string item, and if there are none
  3611 //          of these, then it returns 1 if the Layout NewLineAfter
  3612 //          directive has been used and 0 otherwise.
  3613 TInt CMIDForm::NumNewLinesAfter(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  3614 {
  3615     if (IsStringItem(aControlItem))
  3616     {
  3617         CMIDStringItem* si = (CMIDStringItem*)(&aControlItem);
  3618         if (si->NumNewlinesAfter() > 0)
  3619         {
  3620             TInt nLinesAfter = si->NumNewlinesAfter();
  3621             if (nLinesAfter > 0)
  3622             {
  3623                 return nLinesAfter;
  3624             }
  3625         }
  3626     }
  3627     return LayoutNewLineAfter(aControlItem) ? 1 : 0;
  3628 }
  3630 // effects:  Sizes the items within the rows based on their layout characteristics
  3631 // modifies: CMIDFormRow
  3632 void CMIDForm::SizeItemsInFormRowsL()
  3633 {
  3634     TInt rowCount = iRows.Count();
  3635     for (TInt i=0; i < rowCount; i++)
  3636     {
  3637         iRows[i]->SizeItemsL();
  3638     }
  3639 }
  3641 // effects:  Deletes all rows in the Form. It doesn't affect the items that have
  3642 //           been added to the form.
  3643 // modifies: CMIDForm, CMIDFormRow
  3644 void CMIDForm::DeleteRows()
  3645 {
  3646     for (TInt i=0; i < iRows.Count(); i++)
  3647     {
  3648         delete iRows[i];
  3649     }
  3651     iRows.Reset();
  3652     iCurrentRow = NULL;
  3653 }
  3655 TInt CMIDForm::HeightOfAllItems()
  3656 {
  3657     return iTotalFormHeight;
  3658 }
  3660 void CMIDForm::UpdateHeightOfAllItems()
  3661 {
  3662     TInt yTopMargin = iFormRect.Rect().iTl.iY - iMidpFormRect.Rect().iTl.iY;
  3663     TInt yBottomMargin = iMidpFormRect.Rect().iBr.iY - iFormRect.Rect().iBr.iY;
  3665     iTotalFormHeight = yTopMargin;
  3667     TInt rowCount = iRows.Count();
  3668     for (TInt i=0; i < rowCount; i++)
  3669     {
  3670         iTotalFormHeight += iRows[i]->Size().iHeight;
  3671     }
  3672     // Form bottom margin is added
  3673     iTotalFormHeight += yBottomMargin;
  3674 }
  3676 /* HandleResourceChange
  3677  *
  3678  * This method is called after a resource change event, for example after
  3679  * screen dynamic resolution change.
  3680  *
  3681  * In the case of a screen dynamic resolution change we notify all items and
  3682  * repeat the entire form layout.
  3683  *
  3684  * We calculate the % of form that has been scrolled so far and we
  3685  * modify iScroll so that we have scrolled the same % of form after resolution
  3686  * change. Note that the max extent of iScroll is HeightOfAllItems() - Height()
  3687  * and not simply HeightOfAllItems() as one may think, see
  3688  * SetRowExtentsWithRespectToScrolledLocation(). Also note that applying a %
  3689  * scrolling does not necessarily mean the same items will be on screen after a
  3690  * resolution change.
  3691  * Especially when changing from portrait to landscape or vice-versa the
  3692  * number of items on a row vary greatly and as a consequence the number of
  3693  * rows may vary. Therefore, if there is a focused item on screen before
  3694  * resolution change (iFocused not KErrNotFound) we make sure this item is
  3695  * visible and focused after res change by scrolling to it, see SetFocusedItem()
  3696  * and ScrollToFocused().
  3697  */
  3698 void CMIDForm::HandleResourceChange(TInt aType)
  3699 {
  3700     TInt maxScrollExtentOld = HeightOfAllItems() - Height(); //max extent of iScroll
  3701     CCoeControl::HandleResourceChange(aType);
  3703     if (aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch)
  3704     { // dynamic resolution change
  3705         TInt focusedItem = iFocused;
  3707         UpdateMemberVariables();
  3708         UpdateHeightOfAllItems();
  3710         TInt itemCount = iItems.Count();
  3711         for (TInt i=0; i < itemCount; i++)
  3712         {
  3713             CMIDControlItem& controlItem = ControlItem(i);
  3714             controlItem.ResolutionChange(aType);
  3716             if (controlItem.LabelControl())
  3717             {
  3718                 controlItem.LabelControl()->ResolutionChange();
  3719             }
  3720         }
  3722         TInt maxScrollExtentNew = HeightOfAllItems() - Height(); //max extent of iScroll
  3724         TRAPD(err,LayoutFormL());
  3726         if (err == KErrNone)
  3727         {
  3728             if ((maxScrollExtentNew <= 0) && (maxScrollExtentOld > 0))
  3729             {
  3730                 // scroll on top
  3731                 RawScroll(0);
  3732                 if (focusedItem != KErrNotFound)
  3733                 {
  3734                     // restore the form item focus
  3735                     CMIDControlItem& control = ControlItem(focusedItem);
  3736                     control.RestoreInnerFocus();
  3737                 }
  3738             }
  3739             else
  3740             {
  3741                 if ((maxScrollExtentNew > 0) || (maxScrollExtentOld > 0))
  3742                 {
  3743                     // if there is something focused
  3744                     if (focusedItem != KErrNotFound)
  3745                     {
  3746                         // restore the form item focus
  3747                         CMIDControlItem& control = ControlItem(focusedItem);
  3748                         ScrollToFocused();
  3749                         control.RestoreInnerFocus();
  3750                     }
  3751                     // if scroll out of maxScrollExtent
  3752                     if (maxScrollExtentNew+iScroll < 0)
  3753                     {
  3754                         // scroll to bottom
  3755                         RawScroll(-maxScrollExtentNew);
  3756                     }
  3758                 }
  3759             }
  3760         }
  3762         SetHighlightBackgroundRects();
  3763         HandleItemVisibilityChange();
  3764         UpdateScrollBar();
  3765         DrawDeferred();
  3766     }
  3767     else if (aType == KEikColorResourceChange || aType == KAknsMessageSkinChange ||
  3768              aType == KUidValueCoeColorSchemeChangeEvent)
  3769     {//skin or color scheme change
  3770         TInt itemCount = iItems.Count();
  3771         for (TInt i=0; i < itemCount; i++)
  3772         {
  3773             CMIDControlItem& controlItem = ControlItem(i);
  3774             controlItem.ColorChange(aType);
  3775         }
  3777         // send this event also to form scrollbar
  3778         CEikScrollBar* sb = iSBFrame->GetScrollBarHandle(CEikScrollBar::EVertical);
  3779         if (sb)
  3780         {
  3781             sb->HandleResourceChange(aType);
  3782         }
  3783     }
  3784     else if ((aType == KEikMessageUnfadeWindows) ||
  3785              (aType == KEikMessageFadeAllWindows))
  3786     {
  3787         iLastFadeMessage = aType;
  3788     }
  3789     else if ((aType == KEikMessageWindowsFadeChange) &&
  3790              ((iLastFadeMessage == KEikMessageUnfadeWindows) ||
  3791               (iLastFadeMessage == KEikMessageFadeAllWindows)))
  3792     {
  3793         TInt itemCount = iItems.Count();
  3794         for (TInt i=0; i < itemCount; i++)
  3795         {
  3796             CMIDControlItem& controlItem = ControlItem(i);
  3797             controlItem.HandleWindowFade(iLastFadeMessage == KEikMessageFadeAllWindows);
  3798         }
  3799         iLastFadeMessage = 0;
  3800     }
  3802     UpdatePhysics();
  3803 }
  3805 TBool CMIDForm::TryDetectLongTapL(const TPointerEvent &aPointerEvent)
  3806 {
  3807     return iDisplayable.TryDetectLongTapL(aPointerEvent);
  3808 }
  3810 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
  3811 void CMIDForm::HandleScrollEventL(CEikScrollBar* aScrollBar, TEikScrollEvent aEventType)
  3812 {
  3813     if (AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled())
  3814     {
  3816         if (LayoutPending())
  3817         {
  3818             LayoutFormL();
  3819         }
  3821         TInt pixelIndex;
  3823         switch (aEventType)
  3824         {
  3825         case EEikScrollUp:
  3826         {
  3827             pixelIndex = iScroll + (Height() / KScrollAmountDivider);
  3828             break;
  3829         }
  3831         case EEikScrollDown:
  3832         {
  3833             pixelIndex = iScroll - (Height() / KScrollAmountDivider);
  3834             break;
  3835         }
  3837         case EEikScrollPageUp:
  3838         {
  3839             pixelIndex = iScroll + Height();
  3840             break;
  3841         }
  3843         case EEikScrollPageDown:
  3844         {
  3845             pixelIndex = iScroll - Height();
  3846             break;
  3847         }
  3849         default://thumb drag
  3850         {
  3851             //scroll form if thumb position has moved more than 1/10 of the screen height either up or down
  3852             //or thumb position is at top or at bottom of the scrollbar.
  3853             if (-aScrollBar->ThumbPosition() < (iScroll - (Height() / KScrollAmountDividerForThumbDrag))
  3854                     || -aScrollBar->ThumbPosition() > (iScroll + (Height() / KScrollAmountDividerForThumbDrag))
  3855                     || aScrollBar->ThumbPosition() == 0
  3856                     || aScrollBar->ThumbPosition() == aScrollBar->Model()->MaxThumbPos())
  3857             {
  3858                 aScrollBar->DrawNow();
  3859                 pixelIndex = - aScrollBar->ThumbPosition();
  3860             }
  3861             else
  3862             {
  3863                 return;
  3864             }
  3865             break;
  3866         }
  3867         }
  3868         RawScroll(pixelIndex);
  3869         RawScrollFinalize(ETrue);
  3870         UpdatePhysics();
  3871     }
  3872 }
  3875 TBool CMIDForm::StringItemContainsPoint(CMIDStringItem* aStringItem, const TPoint& aPoint) const
  3876 {
  3877     CMIDControlItem* ci = ControlItemAtPoint(aPoint);
  3879     if (ci)
  3880     {
  3881         if (IsLabelContainerItem(*ci))
  3882         {
  3883             CMIDLabelContainerItem *lci = static_cast<CMIDLabelContainerItem*>(ci);
  3884             CMIDStringItem& si = lci->StringItem();
  3885             if (&si == aStringItem)
  3886             { // LabelContainer item is (part of) StringItem
  3887                 if (si.IsDivided())
  3888                 { // StringItem was divided due to concatenation of contents
  3889                     if (lci->IsStringItemContent())
  3890                     { // return ETrue if is pointed to StringItem content
  3891                         return ETrue;
  3892                     }
  3893                     else
  3894                     { // return EFasle if is pointed to StringItem label
  3895                         return EFalse;
  3896                     }
  3897                 }
  3898                 else
  3899                 { // StringItem was not divided, pointed directly to unconstrained StringItem
  3900                     return ETrue;
  3901                 }
  3902             }
  3903         }
  3904         else
  3905         {
  3906             return (ci == aStringItem && aStringItem->TappingActionRect().Contains(aPoint));
  3907         }
  3908     }
  3910     return EFalse;
  3911 }
  3913 TBool CMIDForm::IsFocusChangingWithPen() const
  3914 {
  3915     return iFocusChangingWithPen;
  3916 }
  3918 #endif //RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
  3921 void CMIDForm::HandleForegroundL(TBool aForeground)
  3922 {
  3923     // send HandleForegroundL notification to gauge items
  3924     TInt itemsCount = iItems.Count();
  3925     for (TInt i=0; i < itemsCount; i++)
  3926     {
  3927         if (iItems[i]->Type() == MMIDComponent::EGauge)
  3928         {
  3929             CMIDGaugeItem* gauge = static_cast<CMIDGaugeItem*>(iItems[i]);
  3930             ASSERT(gauge);
  3931             gauge->HandleForegroundL(aForeground);
  3932         }
  3933     }
  3934 }
  3936 CMIDPopupNoteController* CMIDForm::GetPopupNoteController() const
  3937 {
  3938     return  iPopupController;
  3939 }
  3941 TInt CMIDForm::GetMidpNaviPos()
  3942 {
  3943     // get main pane size from CEikAppU
  3944     TRect mainPane = iAvkonAppUi->ApplicationRect();
  3946     // get screen size in pixels
  3947     TAknLayoutRect mainMidpPane;
  3948     mainMidpPane.LayoutRect(iEikonEnv->ScreenDevice()->SizeInPixels(),
  3949                             AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::main_midp_pane().LayoutLine());
  3951     // getting form size depends on screen orientation
  3952     TInt variety = Layout_Meta_Data::IsLandscapeOrientation() ? 1 : 0;
  3953     iMidpFormRect.LayoutRect(mainMidpPane.Rect(),
  3954                              AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::midp_form_pane(variety).LayoutLine());
  3956     // different between screen size and form size
  3957     TInt xFormDiff = mainMidpPane.Rect().iBr.iX - iMidpFormRect.Rect().iBr.iX;
  3958     // width of navi bar position only for ( iAlignment == MMIDItem::ERight )
  3959     TInt xNaviPos  = iMidpFormRect.Rect().iTl.iX - xFormDiff;
  3961     return xNaviPos;
  3962 }
  3964 void CMIDForm::UpdatePhysics()
  3965 {
  3966     if (iPhysics)
  3967     {
  3968         TSize worldSize(Width(), HeightOfAllItems());
  3969         TSize viewSize(Width(), Height());
  3970         TPoint viewCenter(Width() / 2, -iScroll + Height() / 2);
  3971         TRAP_IGNORE(iPhysics->InitPhysicsL(worldSize, viewSize, viewCenter));
  3972     }
  3973 }
  3975 TInt CMIDForm::HighlightTimerCallback(TAny* aPtr)
  3976 {
  3977     CMIDForm* me = static_cast<CMIDForm*>(aPtr);
  3978     me->HandleHighlightTimer();
  3979     return 0;
  3980 }
  3982 void CMIDForm::HandleHighlightTimer()
  3983 {
  3984     iHighlightTimer->Cancel();
  3986     if (iPointedControl && iPointedControl->IsSelectable())
  3987     {
  3988         // If tactile feedback has not been given already
  3989         // give basic tactile feedback when focus changes.
  3990         // Don't give tactile feedback for button because it is handled
  3991         // by button implementation.
  3993         if (!iFeedbackExecutedInPointerDown)
  3994         {
  3995             DoFeedbackOnFocusChange(*iPointedControl);
  3996             iFeedbackExecutedInPointerDown = ETrue;
  3997         }
  3998 #endif // RD_TACTILE_FEEDBACK
  4000         TInt itemIndex = ItemIndex(*iPointedControl);
  4002         if (itemIndex != iFocused)
  4003         {
  4004             SetFocusedItem(itemIndex, ENone, EFalse);
  4005             DrawDeferred();
  4006         }
  4008         if (!PhysicsScrolling() && !iUpEventSent)
  4009         {
  4010             TRAP_IGNORE(ForwardPointerEventToItemL(iLastPointerDownEvent));
  4011         }
  4012     }
  4013 }
  4015 void CMIDForm::SetHighlightBackgroundRects()
  4016 {
  4017     if (iFocused == KErrNotFound)
  4018     {
  4019         return;
  4020     }
  4022     CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(iFocused);
  4024     // Limit rect size to screen size. If Rect() is way larger
  4025     // than screen, the svg engine will not cope handling that.
  4026     TRect r(ci.Size());
  4027     TRect s;
  4028     AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect(AknLayoutUtils::EScreen, s);
  4030     if (r.Intersects(s))
  4031     {
  4032         s.Intersection(r);
  4033     }
  4035     TRect rect(s);
  4036     rect.Normalize(); // ensure positive w & h, just in case
  4038     TAknLayoutRect topLeft ;
  4039     topLeft.LayoutRect(rect, SkinLayout::Input_field_skin_placing__general__Line_2());
  4041     TAknLayoutRect bottomRight;
  4042     bottomRight.LayoutRect(rect, SkinLayout::Input_field_skin_placing__general__Line_5());
  4044     TRect outerRect = TRect(topLeft.Rect().iTl, bottomRight.Rect().iBr);
  4045     TRect innerRect = TRect(topLeft.Rect().iBr, bottomRight.Rect().iTl);
  4047     iHighlightedBackgroundCc->SetParentContext(iDisplayable.BackGroundControlContext());
  4048     iHighlightedBackgroundCc->SetFrameRects(outerRect, innerRect);
  4050     UpdateHighlightBackgroundPosition();
  4051 }
  4053 void CMIDForm::UpdateHighlightBackgroundPosition()
  4054 {
  4056     if (iFocused != KErrNotFound)
  4057     {
  4058         CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(iFocused);
  4059         TPoint highlightPosition = ci.PositionRelativeToScreen();
  4060         TRect focusedRect = ci.Rect();
  4062         // Max size of the higlight background is limited to screen size,
  4063         // see SetHighlightBackgroundRects().
  4064         // Need to adjust the highlight position if focused item is partially visible
  4065         // on top of the form and it is larger than screen.
  4066         if (focusedRect.iTl.iY < 0 && focusedRect.iBr.iY > 0)
  4067         {
  4068             TRect screen;
  4069             AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect(AknLayoutUtils::EScreen, screen);
  4070             if (focusedRect.Height() > screen.Height())
  4071             {
  4072                 if (focusedRect.iBr.iY > iSize.iHeight)
  4073                 {
  4074                     // Focused item fills the visible form area fully
  4075                     highlightPosition.iY = 0;
  4076                 }
  4077                 else
  4078                 {
  4079                     // Bottom of focused item is in the visible form area
  4080                     highlightPosition.iY += focusedRect.Height() - screen.Height();
  4081                 }
  4082             }
  4083         }
  4085         iHighlightedBackgroundCc->SetParentPos(highlightPosition);
  4086     }
  4087 }
  4089 void CMIDForm::HandlePhysicsPointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent)
  4090 {
  4091     if (iPhysics && iPhysics->CanBeStopped())
  4092     {
  4093         switch (aPointerEvent.iType)
  4094         {
  4095         case TPointerEvent::EButton1Down:
  4096         {
  4097             iPreventPhysicsScrolling = EFalse;
  4098             iFlickStoppedOnDownEvent = iFlickOngoing;
  4099             iFeedbackExecutedInPointerDown = EFalse;
  4100             iPhysics->Stop();
  4101             CMIDControlItem* ci = ControlItemAtPoint(aPointerEvent.iPosition);
  4103             // Physics scrolling was not ongoing and tap hit already selected item.
  4104             // Then forward pointer event to the item.
  4105             if (ci && IsCurrentItem((CMIDItem*)ci) && !iFlickStoppedOnDownEvent)
  4106             {
  4107                 iPointedControl = ci;
  4108                 ForwardPointerEventToItemL(aPointerEvent);
  4109             }
  4110             else
  4111             {
  4112                 // Tactile fedback is executed when kinetic scrolling is stopped on down event.
  4113                 if (iFlickStoppedOnDownEvent)
  4114                 {
  4117                     iFeedback->InstantFeedback(ETouchFeedbackList);
  4118 #else
  4119                     iFeedback->InstantFeedback(ETouchFeedbackBasic);
  4121                     iFeedbackExecutedInPointerDown = ETrue;
  4122 #endif // RD_TACTILE_FEEDBACK
  4123                 }
  4125                 // Pointed control changes.
  4126                 if (ci && ci->IsSelectable() && (MMIDItem*)ci != CurrentItem())
  4127                 {
  4128                     iFocusChangingWithPen = ETrue;
  4129                 }
  4131                 // Start highlight timer
  4132                 iPointedControl = ci;
  4133                 iHighlightTimer->Cancel();
  4134                 // Start highlight timer if some any control is tapped.
  4135                 if (iPointedControl)
  4136                 {
  4137                     TInt highlightTimeout = iPhysics->HighlightDelay() * 1000;
  4138                     iHighlightTimer->Start(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(highlightTimeout),
  4139                                            TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32(highlightTimeout),
  4140                                            TCallBack(HighlightTimerCallback, this));
  4141                 }
  4142             }
  4143             // Setup members
  4144             iStartPosition = aPointerEvent.iPosition;
  4145             iLastPointerDownEvent = aPointerEvent;
  4146             iUpEventSent = EFalse;
  4147             iStartTime.HomeTime();
  4148             iLastDragPosition = aPointerEvent.iPosition;
  4150             break;
  4151         }
  4152         // EDrag
  4153         case TPointerEvent::EDrag:
  4154         {
  4155             TInt dragY = iStartPosition.iY - aPointerEvent.iPosition.iY;
  4156             TInt dragX = iStartPosition.iX - aPointerEvent.iPosition.iX;
  4157             iDisplayable.TryDetectLongTapL(aPointerEvent);
  4159             // Override triggering of physicsScrolling in case of doing text painting in TextField-item
  4160             // or moving slider in Gauge-item.
  4161             if (!iPreventPhysicsScrolling && iPointedControl && iPointedControl->iMMidItem &&
  4162                     iPointedControl->iMMidItem->Type() == MMIDComponent::ETextField)
  4163             {
  4164                 if ((Abs(dragX) > iPhysics->DragThreshold()) && (Abs(dragY) < iPhysics->DragThreshold()))
  4165                 {
  4166                     iPreventPhysicsScrolling = ETrue;
  4167                 }
  4168             }
  4170             // Check whether DragTreshold for panning is exceeded. If yes, then cancel timer and longtap.
  4171             if (!iPanningOngoing && Abs(dragY) > iPhysics->DragThreshold() && !iPreventPhysicsScrolling)
  4172             {
  4173                 iPanningOngoing = ETrue;
  4174                 iHighlightTimer->Cancel();
  4175                 iPhysics->SetPanningPosition(iLastDragPosition - aPointerEvent.iPosition);
  4176                 iLastDragPosition = aPointerEvent.iPosition;
  4177                 //Forward one drag event to the focused textField or Gauge when panning is triggered
  4178                 if ((iFocused != KErrNotFound)
  4179                         && IsTextFieldItem(ControlItem(iFocused)))
  4180                 {
  4181                     ControlItem(iFocused).HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent);
  4182                 }
  4183             }
  4184             // If panning is already ongoing. Update panning position. Also we redraw entire Form
  4185             // to prevent unexpected behavior(artifacts on the screen) during flick scrolling and
  4186             // to make scrolling smoother.
  4187             else if (iPanningOngoing)
  4188             {
  4189                 iPhysics->SetPanningPosition(iLastDragPosition - aPointerEvent.iPosition);
  4190                 iLastDragPosition = aPointerEvent.iPosition;
  4191                 DrawDeferred();
  4192             }
  4193             // If dragged outside of StringItem area or panning starts, then up event is sent to the item.
  4194             if (!iUpEventSent && iPointedControl && IsStringItem(*iPointedControl)  && (iPanningOngoing ||
  4195                     (iPointedControl && !iPointedControl->Rect().Contains(aPointerEvent.iPosition)))
  4196                )
  4197             {
  4198                 TPointerEvent pointerEvent = aPointerEvent;
  4199                 pointerEvent.iType = TPointerEvent::EButton1Up;
  4200                 ForwardPointerEventToItemL(pointerEvent);
  4201                 iPointedControl = ControlItemAtPoint(aPointerEvent.iPosition);
  4202                 iUpEventSent = ETrue;
  4203             }
  4204             // If physics scrolling is not ongoing forward event to the item.
  4205             else if (!iHighlightTimer->IsActive() && !PhysicsScrolling() &&
  4206                      (iPointedControl && iPointedControl->Rect().Contains(aPointerEvent.iPosition)))
  4207             {
  4208                 ForwardPointerEventToItemL(aPointerEvent);
  4209             }
  4210 #ifdef RD_JAVA_S60_RELEASE_9_2
  4211             // ChoiceGroup gets drag events while physics scrolling.
  4212             // Enables internal highlight disappearing when panning begins.
  4213             // We have control if there is any Item on Form.
  4214             else if (!iHighlightTimer->IsActive()
  4215                      && (iFocused > KErrNotFound)
  4216                      && IsChoiceGroup(ControlItem(iFocused))
  4217                      && PhysicsScrolling())
  4218             {
  4219                 ForwardPointerEventToItemL(aPointerEvent);
  4220             }
  4221 #endif // RD_JAVA_S60_RELEASE_9_2             
  4222             break;
  4223         }
  4225         // EButton1Up
  4226         case TPointerEvent::EButton1Up:
  4227         {
  4228             TPoint distance = iStartPosition - aPointerEvent.iPosition;
  4229             if (Abs(distance.iY) > iPhysics->DragThreshold() && !iPreventPhysicsScrolling)
  4230             {
  4231                 iFlickOngoing = iPhysics->StartFlick(distance, iStartTime);
  4232                 if (!iUpEventSent)
  4233                 {
  4234                     ForwardPointerEventToItemL(aPointerEvent);
  4235                     iUpEventSent = ETrue;
  4236                 }
  4237             }
  4238             else
  4239             {
  4240                 if (!iUpEventSent)
  4241                 {
  4242                     ForwardPointerEventToItemL(aPointerEvent);
  4243                     iUpEventSent = ETrue;
  4244                 }
  4245             }
  4246             iPanningOngoing = EFalse;
  4247             iCanDragFocus = EFalse;
  4248             break;
  4249         }
  4250         default:
  4251         {
  4252             ForwardPointerEventToItemL(aPointerEvent);
  4253             break;
  4254         }
  4255         }
  4256     }
  4257     else
  4258     {
  4259         IgnoreEventsUntilNextPointerUp();
  4260         return;
  4261     }
  4262 }
  4264 void CMIDForm::ForwardPointerEventToItemL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent)
  4265 {
  4266     if (iPointedControl)
  4267     {
  4268         // Drag events are not forwarded to CustomItem
  4269         if (!iFlickStoppedOnDownEvent &&
  4270                 !(IsCustomItem(*iPointedControl) && aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EDrag))
  4271         {
  4272             if (iFocused != KErrNotFound)
  4273             {
  4274                 ControlItem(iFocused).HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent);
  4275             }
  4277             if (LayoutPending())
  4278             {
  4279                 LayoutFormL();
  4280                 DrawDeferred();
  4281             }
  4282         }
  4284         if (aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Up)
  4285         {
  4286             iFocusChangingWithPen = EFalse;
  4287         }
  4288     }
  4289 }
  4291 void CMIDForm::HandlePhysicsScroll(TInt aScroll, TBool aDrawNow, TUint /*aFlags*/)
  4292 {
  4294     //Dragging/flicking of Form content should give tactile feedback.
  4295     //This implementation is similar to native List: during dragging/flicking
  4296     //feedback is given when new item appears ont top/bottom of Form
  4297     //visible area.
  4298     //
  4299     //First we have to reset current visibility for all items in Form.
  4300     TInt count = iItems.Count();
  4301     for (TInt i=0; i<count; i++)
  4302     {
  4303         CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(i);
  4304         ci.SetVisibilityInForm(RectPartiallyVisible(ci.Rect()));
  4305     }
  4308     iScroll = iScroll + aScroll;
  4309     if (aScroll)
  4310     {
  4311         iHasScrolled = ETrue;
  4312     }
  4313     iScrollDelta = aScroll;
  4314     SetRowPositionsWithRespectToScrolledLocation();
  4316     if (aDrawNow)
  4317     {
  4318         RawScrollFinalize(ETrue, ETrue);
  4319         DrawNow();
  4320     }
  4321     else
  4322     {
  4323         RawScrollFinalize(ETrue, EFalse);
  4324     }
  4327     //Tactile feedback on dragging/flicking.
  4328     if (aScroll > 0)
  4329     {
  4330         //scrolling up (pointer dragged down)
  4331         DoFeedbackOnDraggingUp();
  4332     }
  4333     if (aScroll < 0)
  4334     {
  4335         //scrolling down (pointer dragged up)
  4336         DoFeedbackOnDraggingDown();
  4337     }
  4339 }
  4341 void CMIDForm::PhysicsScrollingEnd()
  4342 {
  4343     iFlickOngoing = EFalse;
  4344     iPanningOngoing = EFalse;
  4345 }
  4347 TBool CMIDForm::PhysicsEnabled()
  4348 {
  4349     if (iPhysics)
  4350     {
  4351         return ETrue;
  4352     }
  4353     else
  4354     {
  4355         return EFalse;
  4356     }
  4357 }
  4359 TBool CMIDForm::PhysicsScrolling()
  4360 {
  4361     return iFlickOngoing | iPanningOngoing;
  4362 }
  4364 TInt CMIDForm::ScrollDelta()
  4365 {
  4366     return iScrollDelta;
  4367 }
  4369 void CMIDForm::DoFeedbackOnFocusChange(CMIDControlItem& aControlItem)
  4370 {
  4371     //Tapping on StringItem BUTTON should not do feedback, here.
  4372     //Native class CAknButton does it by itself
  4373     if (!IsStringItemButton(aControlItem))
  4374     {
  4375         //Other items should do some feedback
  4377         if (IsStringItemHyperlink(aControlItem))
  4378         {
  4379             //if StringItem is HYPERLIK it should give sensitive button feedback
  4380             iFeedback->InstantFeedback(ETouchFeedbackSensitiveButton);
  4381         }
  4382         else if (IsImageItem(aControlItem))
  4383         {
  4384             //if pointed control is ImageItem, its focusable, it has to be either
  4385             //HYPERLIK ot BUTTON, so it should give sensitive button feedback
  4386             iFeedback->InstantFeedback(ETouchFeedbackSensitiveButton);
  4387         }
  4388         else if (IsChoiceGroup(aControlItem))
  4389         {
  4390             //tapping on unfocused ChoiceGroup makes also activation, so it should
  4391             //give basic list feedback
  4392             iFeedback->InstantFeedback(ETouchFeedbackList);
  4393         }
  4394         else
  4395         {
  4396             //changing focus to other items should give sensitive list feedback
  4397             iFeedback->InstantFeedback(ETouchFeedbackSensitiveList);
  4398         }
  4399 #else
  4400         iFeedback->InstantFeedback(ETouchFeedbackBasic);
  4401 #endif //RD_JAVA_ADVANCED_TACTILE_FEEDBACK                
  4402     }
  4403 }
  4406 void CMIDForm::DoFeedbackOnDraggingUp()
  4407 {
  4408     TInt count = iItems.Count();
  4409     //If dragging/flicking reaches the first/last item in Form,
  4410     //tactile feedback shouldn't be given. There should be only
  4411     //'bounce' effect, when first/last item goes back to to/bottom
  4412     //of screen. Flag firstOrLastItemReached determines this case.
  4413     //NOTE: feedback for 'bounce' is implemented in CAknPhysics.
  4414     TBool firstOrLastItemReached = EFalse;
  4415     for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
  4416     {
  4417         //Try find first item from top, which changed its visibility
  4418         CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(i);
  4419         CMIDControlItem& last = ControlItem(count-1);
  4420         TBool visibility = RectPartiallyVisible(ci.Rect());
  4421         //In case of 'bounce' effect, there shouldn't be any feedback
  4422         //on dragging/flicking (as in native side):
  4423         if (RectFullyVisible(last.Rect()))
  4424         {
  4425             firstOrLastItemReached = ETrue;
  4426         }
  4427         if (i == 0 && RectFullyVisible(ci.Rect()))
  4428         {
  4429             firstOrLastItemReached = ETrue;
  4430         }
  4431         if (ci.GetVisibilityInForm() != visibility)
  4432         {
  4433             //item changed its visibility form invisible to visible
  4434             if (visibility && !firstOrLastItemReached)
  4435             {
  4436                 //if there isn't 'bounce' effect, do feedback
  4437                 iFeedback->InstantFeedback(ETouchFeedbackSensitiveList);
  4438                 break;
  4439             }
  4440         }
  4441     }
  4442 }
  4444 void CMIDForm::DoFeedbackOnDraggingDown()
  4445 {
  4446     TInt count = iItems.Count();
  4447     //If dragging/flicking reaches the first/last item in Form,
  4448     //tactile feedback shouldn't be given. There should be only
  4449     //'bounce' effect, when first/last item goes back to to/bottom
  4450     //of screen. Flag firstOrLastItemReached determines this case.
  4451     //NOTE: feedback for 'bounce' is implemented in CAknPhysics.
  4452     TBool firstOrLastItemReached = EFalse;
  4453     for (TInt i = count-1; i >= 0; i--)
  4454     {
  4455         CMIDControlItem& ci = ControlItem(i);
  4456         CMIDControlItem& first = ControlItem(0);
  4457         TBool visibility = RectPartiallyVisible(ci.Rect());
  4458         if (RectFullyVisible(first.Rect()))
  4459         {
  4460             firstOrLastItemReached = ETrue;
  4461         }
  4462         if (i == count-1 && RectFullyVisible(ci.Rect()))
  4463         {
  4464             firstOrLastItemReached = ETrue;
  4465         }
  4466         if (ci.GetVisibilityInForm() != visibility)
  4467         {
  4468             //item changed its visibility form invisible to visible
  4469             if (visibility && !firstOrLastItemReached)
  4470             {
  4471                 iFeedback->InstantFeedback(ETouchFeedbackSensitiveList);
  4472                 break;
  4473             }
  4474         }
  4475     }
  4476 }