changeset 14 04becd199f91
child 19 71c436fe3ce0
equal deleted inserted replaced
13:f5050f1da672 14:04becd199f91
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  ?Description
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <eiklabel.h>
    20 // AknsUtils used for label and content colors settings
    21 #include <AknsDrawUtils.h>
    22 // skins for drawing
    23 #include <skinlayout.cdl.h>
    24 #include <AknUtils.h>
    25 #include <applayout.cdl.h>
    26 // LAF
    27 #include <aknlayoutscalable_avkon.cdl.h>
    28 #include <aknconsts.h>
    29 #include <avkon.mbg>
    31 #include "CMIDStringItem.h"
    32 // API for iCommandList
    33 #include "CMIDCommandList.h"
    34 // some API for text formating before label settings
    35 #include "CMIDUtils.h"
    36 // CMIDItemLabel* iContentControl
    37 #include "CMIDItemLabel.h"
    39 #include <j2me/jdebug.h>
    42 /** This constant determines the maximum number
    43 of lines for button labels and content */
    44 const TInt KMaxNumLinesForButtons = 10;
    46 /** Content can have unlimited lines */
    47 const TInt KMaxNumLinesForContent = -1;
    49 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    50 //
    51 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    52 //
    53 MMIDStringItem* CMIDStringItem::NewL(
    54     const TDesC& aLabel, const TDesC& aText, TAppearance aAppearance, CMIDUIManager* aUIManager)
    55 {
    56     CMIDStringItem* item=new(ELeave) CMIDStringItem(aAppearance, aUIManager);
    57     CleanupStack::PushL(item);
    58     item->ConstructL(aLabel,aText);
    59     CleanupStack::Pop(item);
    60     return item;
    61 }
    63 /**
    64  * Assumes label has been set before in order to work out if a prefix is
    65  * required
    66  */
    67 void CMIDStringItem::SetTextL(const TDesC& aText)
    68 {
    69     DEBUG("CMIDStringItem::SetTextL - begin");
    71     delete iText;
    72     iText = NULL;
    74     // count the newlines at the beginning and the end of the content
    75     CountNewlinesBeforeAndAfter(aText);
    77     // create a TPtrC of the string without the beginning and training newlines
    78     TPtrC ptr;
    79     if (iNumNewlinesBefore < aText.Length())
    80     {
    81         ptr.Set(aText.Mid(iNumNewlinesBefore, aText.Length() -
    82                           (iNumNewlinesBefore + iNumNewlinesAfter)));
    83     }
    85     iText = ptr.AllocL();
    86     if (iText->Length() != 0)
    87     {
    88         CMIDUtils::MapJavaToETextChars(iText);
    89     }
    91     iContentControl->SetTextL(*iText);
    92     if (iAppearance == MMIDItem::EButton)
    93     {
    94         // leave only text before line separator, if any
    95         TInt i = 0;
    96         while ((i < iText->Length()) && (!CMIDUtils::IsLineSeparator((*iText)[i])))
    97         {
    98             i++;
    99         }
   100         ptr.Set(iText->Mid(0, i));
   102         // if there was line separator add ellipis in the end
   103         HBufC* textWithEllipsis = HBufC::NewLC(i + 1);
   104         textWithEllipsis->Des().Append(ptr); // text without line separators
   105         if (i < iText->Length())
   106         {
   107             // if there was line separator add ellipsis in the end
   108             textWithEllipsis->Des().Append(KEllipsis);
   109         }
   111         iButton->State()->SetTextL(textWithEllipsis->Des());
   113         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(textWithEllipsis);
   114     }
   116     if (iForm)
   117     {
   118         iForm->RequestLayoutL();
   119     }
   120     DEBUG("CMIDStringItem::SetTextL - end");
   121 }
   123 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   124 //
   125 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   126 //
   127 CMIDStringItem::CMIDStringItem(TAppearance aAppearance, CMIDUIManager* aUIManager)
   128         : CMIDControlItem(EDefault, aUIManager),
   129         iAppearance(aAppearance),
   130         iIsDivided(EFalse)
   131 {
   132     iMMidItem = this;
   133 }
   135 void CMIDStringItem::ConstructL(const TDesC& aLabel,const TDesC& aText)
   136 {
   137     DEBUG("CMIDStringItem::ConstructL - begin");
   138     // Initializes the label control
   139     CMIDControlItem::ConstructL();
   141     if (iAppearance == MMIDItem::EButton)
   142     { //buttons can only have one line
   144         iButton = CAknButton::NewL(NULL,   // aIcon
   145                                    NULL,  // aDimmedIcon
   146                                    NULL,  // aPressedIcon
   147                                    NULL,  // aHoverIcon
   148                                    aText,
   149                                    KNullDesC,
   150                                    KAknButtonSizeFitText, // iFlags set to respect text width
   151                                    0);
   152         iLabelControl->SetMaxNumLines(KMaxNumLinesForButtons);
   153     }
   154     // iContentControl is always created because RenderedAppearance() can be PLAIN
   155     iContentControl = CMIDItemLabel::NewL(FormClientAreaWidth(), ETrue,
   156                                           KMaxNumLinesForContent, CMIDFont::EDefaultTextId, ETrue);
   159     SetLabelL(aLabel);
   160     SetTextL(aText); // Sets CMIDStringitem::iText
   161     iContentControl->SetFont(Font());
   162     if (iAppearance != MMIDItem::EButton)
   163     {
   164         MMIDFont* font = Font();
   165         if (font)
   166         {
   167             iButton->SetTextFont(font->Font());
   168         }
   169     }
   170     SetColorL();
   172     if (iAppearance == MMIDItem::EButton)
   173     {
   174         CalculateButtonEllipsedSizeL();
   175     }
   176     ResetPreferredSize();
   179     iFeedback = MTouchFeedback::Instance();
   180 #endif
   182     DEBUG("CMIDStringItem::ConstructL - end");
   183 }
   185 CMIDStringItem::~CMIDStringItem()
   186 {
   187     delete iText;
   188     delete iContentControl;
   189     delete iButton;
   190 }
   192 void CMIDStringItem::SetContainerWindowL(const CCoeControl& aContainer)
   193 {
   194     CMIDControlItem::SetContainerWindowL(aContainer);
   195     iContentControl->SetContainerWindowL(*this);
   196     if (iAppearance == MMIDItem::EButton)
   197     {
   198         iButton->SetContainerWindowL(*this);
   199     }
   200     ActivateL();
   201 }
   203 void CMIDStringItem::CountNewlinesBeforeAndAfter(const TDesC& aText)
   204 {
   205     TInt i = 0;
   207     iNumNewlinesBefore = 0;
   208     iNumNewlinesAfter = 0;
   209     while ((i < aText.Length()) && (aText[i] == '\n'))
   210     {
   211         iNumNewlinesBefore++;
   212         i++;
   213     }
   215     if (iNumNewlinesBefore == aText.Length())
   216     {
   217         return;
   218     }
   220     // we get here if the string isn't all newlines
   221     i = aText.Length() - 1;
   222     while ((i >= 0) && (aText[i] == '\n'))
   223     {
   224         iNumNewlinesAfter++;
   225         i--;
   226     }
   227 }
   229 TBool CMIDStringItem::IsSelectable() const
   230 {
   231     return (iCommandList->Count() > 0);
   232 }
   234 /**
   235  * Sets the preferred width and height for this Item. If the width is between zero and
   236  * the minimum width, inclusive, the minimum width is used. If the height is between
   237  * zero and the minimum height, inclusive, the minimum height is used.
   238  * By default, the preferred width and height are based entirely on the Item's contents.
   239  * If both width and height parameters are -1, the default values for width and height
   240  * are established. If neither width nor height is -1, the values specified become the
   241  * Item's preferred size.
   242  *
   243  * If width is -1 and height is a legal value, the width will be computed based on the
   244  * item's contents and the given height. If height is -1 and width is a legal value,
   245  * the height will be computed based on the item's contents and the given width.
   246  *
   247  * If a StringItem has been assigned a preferred width or height by
   248  * the application, it is wrapped to fit that width and height and
   249  * is treated as a rectangle whose minimum and preferred width and height
   250  * are the width and height of this rectangle
   251  *
   252  * iPreferredSize includes margins. Margins are added in CMIDItemLabel class.
   253  */
   254 void CMIDStringItem::SetPreferredSizeL(const TSize& aSize)
   255 {
   257     iRequestedPreferredSize = CheckRequestedSize(aSize);
   258     iPreferredSize = iRequestedPreferredSize;
   260     if (iPreferredSize.iWidth < 0)
   261     { // width is not specified
   262         if (RenderedAppearance() != MMIDItem::EButton)
   263         {
   264             iPreferredSize.iWidth = Max(iLabelControl->PreferredWidth(),
   265                                         iContentControl->PreferredWidth());
   266         }
   267         else
   268         {
   269             iPreferredSize.iWidth = Max(iLabelControl->PreferredWidth(),
   270                                         iButton->MinimumSize().iWidth);
   271             // add margins
   272             TAknWindowLineLayout layout =
   273                 AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::form2_midp_label_pane_cp(0).LayoutLine();
   274             TInt leftMargin =;
   275             TInt rightMargin =;
   276             iPreferredSize.iWidth += leftMargin + rightMargin; // add left and right margins
   277         }
   278     }
   280     TSize minimumSize = MinimumSize();
   282     // make sure the width doesn't get bigger than the form width
   283     iPreferredSize.iWidth = Min(iPreferredSize.iWidth, FormClientAreaWidth());
   285     // make sure the width doesn't get smaller than the minimum width
   286     iPreferredSize.iWidth = Max(iPreferredSize.iWidth, minimumSize.iWidth);
   288     // preferred width is set to label and content
   289     if (iLabelControl && iLabelControl->Text()->Length() > 0)
   290     {
   291         iLabelControl->SetWidthL(iPreferredSize.iWidth);
   292     }
   293     if (RenderedAppearance() != MMIDItem::EButton)
   294     {
   295         iContentControl->SetWidthL(iPreferredSize.iWidth);
   296     }
   297     else
   298     {
   299         SetButtonWidth(iPreferredSize.iWidth);
   300     }
   302     if (iPreferredSize.iHeight < 0)
   303     {  // height is not specified, do text wrapping (call SetWidthL)
   304         // so that we can then calculate the height
   305         iPreferredSize.iHeight = LabelHeight() + ItemPreferredHeightWithoutLabel();
   306     }
   308     //make sure the preferred size is not smaller than the minimum size
   309     iPreferredSize.iHeight = Max(iPreferredSize.iHeight, minimumSize.iHeight);
   311     if ((minimumSize.iWidth == 0) && (minimumSize.iHeight == 0))
   312     { //it means there is no control and no label, so set our size to null
   313         iPreferredSize.iWidth = 0;
   314         iPreferredSize.iHeight = 0;
   315     }
   317     AdjustToSizeL(iPreferredSize);
   318 }
   320 TSize CMIDStringItem::MinimumSize() const
   321 {
   322     TInt numNewLines = iNumNewlinesBefore + iNumNewlinesAfter;
   323     TBool labelNotEmpty = (iLabelControl->Text()->Length() > 0);
   325     TInt width;
   326     TInt height;
   327     if (RenderedAppearance() != MMIDItem::EButton)
   328     {
   329         // if no label and no content then size is zero
   330         if (!labelNotEmpty  &&
   331                 ((iContentControl->Text()->Length() == 0)) && (numNewLines == 0))
   332         {
   333             return TSize(0, 0);
   334         }
   336         width = Max(iLabelControl->MinimumSize().iWidth, iContentControl->MinimumSize().iWidth);
   337         height = (
   338                      (iLabelControl && iLabelControl->Text()->Length() > 0) ?
   339                      OneLineLabelHeight() : 0) +
   340                  (iContentControl ?
   341                   iContentControl->LineHeight() + iContentControl->ItemLabelMargin() : 0) +
   342                  ItemContentBottomMargin();
   344         if (width > FormClientAreaWidth())
   345         {
   346             width = FormClientAreaWidth();
   347         }
   348     }
   349     else
   350     {
   351         // if no label and no content then size is zero
   352         if (!labelNotEmpty
   353                 &&((iButton->State()->Text().Length() == 0))
   354                 && (numNewLines == 0))
   355         {
   356             return TSize(0, 0);
   357         }
   359         TInt width = iEllipsedButtonSize.iWidth;
   360         TInt height = iEllipsedButtonSize.iHeight;
   362         // add margins
   363         TAknWindowLineLayout layout =
   364             AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::form2_midp_label_pane_cp(0).LayoutLine();
   365         TInt leftMargin =;
   366         TInt rightMargin =;
   368         width = Max(iLabelControl->MinimumSize().iWidth, width);
   369         width += leftMargin + rightMargin; // add left and right margins
   371         if (labelNotEmpty)
   372         {
   373             height += OneLineLabelHeight() + ItemContentBottomMargin(); // add label and bottom margin
   374         }
   375         else
   376         {
   377             height += ItemContentBottomMargin(); // use the value for top margin
   378         }
   380         if (width > FormClientAreaWidth())
   381         {
   382             width = FormClientAreaWidth();
   383         }
   384         return TSize(width, height);
   385     }
   386     return TSize(width, height);
   387 }
   389 #ifdef RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
   390 void CMIDStringItem::HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent &aPointerEvent)
   391 {
   392     if (AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled())
   393     {
   394         // check if string item is a hyperlink and colour the link according to activation/deactivation with pointer
   395         // note that want to colour the link and have tactile feedback even though have long tap
   396         if (RenderedAppearance() == EHyperLink)
   397         {
   398             if (aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down)
   399             {
   400                 if (!HasLabel() || TappingActionRect().Contains(aPointerEvent.iPosition) ||
   401                         iForm->StringItemContainsPoint(this, aPointerEvent.iPosition))
   402                 {
   403                     iHyperLinkActivated = ETrue;
   405                     // RenderedAppearance returns EHyperlink for initially hyperlink-created StringItem,
   406                     // or for plain-created StringItem with commands added later.
   407                     // if focus is changing, tactile feedback is given already in Form
   408                     if (!iForm->IsFocusChangingWithPen())
   409                     {
   411                         //Feedback for HYPERLINK only on touch down
   412                         iFeedback->InstantFeedback(ETouchFeedbackSensitiveButton);
   413 #else
   414                         iFeedback->InstantFeedback(ETouchFeedbackBasic);
   416                     }
   417 #endif // RD_TACTILE_FEEDBACK
   418                 }
   419                 else // tap on label
   420                 {
   421                     iHyperLinkActivated = EFalse;
   422                 }
   423                 FocusChanged(EDrawNow);
   424             }
   425         }
   427         if (aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down)
   428         {
   429             iPointerDownOnContentArea = iForm->StringItemContainsPoint(
   430                                             this, aPointerEvent.iPosition);
   431         }
   433         // pass the event to the button
   434         if (iButton)
   435         {
   438             if (aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down &&
   439                     iForm->IsFocusChangingWithPen() &&
   440                     !(!HasLabel() || TappingActionRect().Contains(aPointerEvent.iPosition) ||
   441                       iForm->StringItemContainsPoint(this, aPointerEvent.iPosition)))
   442             {
   443                 //On touch down, when focus is changing to this item and user
   444                 //tapped to label (if exists), it should give sesitive list feedback
   445                 iFeedback->InstantFeedback(ETouchFeedbackSensitiveList);
   446             }
   449             CCoeControl::HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent);
   450         }
   452         TBool consumed = iForm->TryDetectLongTapL(aPointerEvent);
   453         if (aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Up)
   454         {
   455             // always remove hyperlink activated colour
   456             iHyperLinkActivated = EFalse;
   457             if (!consumed)
   458             {
   459                 if (!iButton)
   460                 {
   461                     CMIDControlItem::HandlePointerEventL(aPointerEvent);
   462                 }
   463                 // check if the pen was dragged out of button and that pointer down has happened on content area,
   464                 // i.e. dragging pointer from label to content area should not invoke any action.
   465                 if (!iForm->PhysicsScrolling() && (iForm->StringItemContainsPoint(this, aPointerEvent.iPosition) &&
   466                                                    iPointerDownOnContentArea))
   467                 {
   468                     iForm->HandleTouchControlEventL(this, MCoeControlObserver::EEventStateChanged);
   469                 }
   470             }
   471             FocusChanged(EDrawNow);
   472         }
   473     }
   474 }
   475 #endif // RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
   477 /** Recalculate the preferred size.*/
   478 TSize CMIDStringItem::ResetPreferredSize() const
   479 {
   480     CMIDStringItem* self = const_cast<CMIDStringItem*>(this);
   481     TRAP_IGNORE(self->SetPreferredSizeL(iRequestedPreferredSize));
   482     return iPreferredSize;
   483 }
   485 /** @see CMIDControlItem::AdjustToNewWidthL()
   486 * Margins are added in CMIDItemLabel class */
   487 void CMIDStringItem::AdjustToNewWidthL(TInt aWidth)
   488 {
   489     ASSERT(aWidth >= 0);
   491     if (aWidth != iPreferredSize.iWidth)
   492     {
   493         if (RenderedAppearance() != MMIDItem::EButton)
   494         {
   495             iContentControl->SetWidthL(aWidth);
   496         }
   497         else
   498         {
   499             SetButtonWidth(aWidth);
   500         }
   501     }
   502     CMIDControlItem::AdjustToNewWidthL(aWidth);
   503 }
   506 /** This method is never called by C++ side, only java side. CMIDItem::PreferredSize() is
   507 called instead, which returns the minimum between iPreferredSize and the minimum size.
   508 */
   509 TSize CMIDStringItem::PreferredSize() const
   510 {
   511     return iPreferredSize;
   512 }
   514 // return Item appearance
   515 MMIDItem::TAppearance CMIDStringItem::Appearance() const
   516 {
   517     return iAppearance;
   518 }
   520 /** This method is never called by C++ side, only java side. CMIDItem::PreferredSize() is
   521 called instead, which returns the minimum between iPreferredSize and the minimum size.
   522 */
   523 TSize CMIDStringItem::PreferredSize()
   524 {
   525     return iPreferredSize;
   526 }
   528 // We display a string as a hyperlink or a button depending on both its appearance and if it has any commands
   529 void CMIDStringItem::AddCommandL(MMIDCommand* aCommand)
   530 {
   531     DEBUG("CMIDStringItem::AddCommandL - begin");
   532     CMIDItem::AddCommandL(aCommand);
   534     TBool underlined = (iFont ? iFont->IsUnderlined() : EFalse) ||
   535                        (RenderedAppearance() == EHyperLink);
   537     iContentControl->SetUnderlined(underlined);
   538     if (iForm)
   539     {
   540         iForm->RequestLayoutL();
   541     }
   542     if (RenderedAppearance() == MMIDItem::EButton)
   543     {
   544         iButton->SetTextUnderlineStyle((underlined?EUnderlineOn:EUnderlineOff));
   545     }
   546     DEBUG("CMIDStringItem::AddCommandL - end");
   547 }
   549 // We display a string as a hyperlink or a button depending on both its appearance and if it has any commands
   550 void CMIDStringItem::RemoveCommand(MMIDCommand* aCommand)
   551 {
   552     DEBUG("CMIDStringItem::RemoveCommand - begin");
   554     CMIDItem::RemoveCommand(aCommand);
   556     TBool underlined = (iFont ? iFont->IsUnderlined() : EFalse) ||
   557                        (RenderedAppearance() == EHyperLink);
   559     iContentControl->SetUnderlined(underlined);
   560     if (iForm)
   561     {
   562         TRAP_IGNORE(iForm->RequestLayoutL());
   563     }
   564     if (RenderedAppearance() == MMIDItem::EButton)
   565     {
   566         iButton->SetTextUnderlineStyle((underlined?EUnderlineOn:EUnderlineOff));
   567     }
   568     DEBUG("CMIDStringItem::RemoveCommand - end");
   569 }
   571 void CMIDStringItem::SetDefaultCommand(MMIDCommand* aCommand)
   572 {
   573     DEBUG("CMIDStringItem::SetDefaultCommand - begin");
   574     CMIDItem::SetDefaultCommand(aCommand);
   575     DEBUG("CMIDStringItem::SetDefaultCommand - end");
   576 }
   578 void CMIDStringItem::SetFontL(MMIDFont* aFont)
   579 {
   580     iFont = aFont;
   582     iContentControl->SetFont(iFont);
   584     TBool underlined = (iFont ? iFont->IsUnderlined() : EFalse) ||
   585                        (RenderedAppearance() == EHyperLink);
   587     iContentControl->SetUnderlined(underlined);
   589     if (iAppearance == MMIDItem::EButton)
   590     {
   591         iButton->SetTextFont(aFont->Font());
   592         iButton->SetTextUnderlineStyle((underlined?EUnderlineOn:EUnderlineOff));
   593         CalculateButtonEllipsedSizeL();
   594     }
   595     ResetPreferredSize();
   596 }
   598 /**
   599  * Returns the label WITH the prefix if it's not a control, and WITHOUT if it is.
   600  */
   601 TPtrC CMIDStringItem::Label() const
   602 {
   603     return *iLabel;
   604 }
   606 const TDesC& CMIDStringItem::Text() const
   607 {
   608     return *iText;
   609 }
   611 /**
   612     Because MMIDItem declares a pure virtual const method called MinimumSize()
   613     whilst CCoeControl has a virtual non const method called MinimumSize()
   614     we are forced to make sure these two methods behave in the same way
   615     in every item and hence the non cost method calls the const method.
   617     We cannot do this once and for all in CMIDControlItem because only
   618     concrete items inherit from the MMID LCDUI framework classes:
   620         CCoeControl                 MMIDItem
   621             |                           |
   622         CMIDItem                  MMIDStringItem
   623             |                           |
   624       CMIDControlItem                   |
   625             |                           |
   626        CMISStringItem--------------------
   628     This is true for every other item.
   629 */
   630 TSize CMIDStringItem::MinimumSize()
   631 {
   632     const CMIDStringItem* self = const_cast<const CMIDStringItem*>(this);
   634     return self->MinimumSize();
   635 }
   637 TInt CMIDStringItem::CountComponentControls() const
   638 {
   639     return 2;
   640 }
   642 CCoeControl* CMIDStringItem::ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const
   643 {
   644     switch (aIndex)
   645     {
   646     case 0:
   647         return iLabelControl;
   648     case 1:
   649         if (RenderedAppearance() != MMIDItem::EButton)
   650         {
   651             return iContentControl;
   652         }
   653         else
   654         {
   655             return iButton;
   656         }
   657     }
   658     return NULL;
   659 }
   661 /**
   662  * Sets label and content colors according to the appearance mode and focusing info
   663  */
   664 void CMIDStringItem::SetColorL()
   665 {
   666     DEBUG("CMIDStringItem::SetColorL - begin");
   667     // Create & initialize a color variable according to the focus & appearance info
   668     TBool focused = IsFocused();
   669     TRgb labelColor;
   670     TRgb contentColor;
   671     TRgb color;
   672     // Set colors in case of plain
   673     // NOTE: All items (e.g hyperlinks) are rendered as plain if there are no commands.
   674     if (RenderedAppearance() == MMIDItem::EPlain)
   675     {
   676         // The appearance mode is the EPlain.
   677         DEBUG("CMIDStringItem::SetColorL - EPlain");
   678         // Same color - no matter if focused or not
   679         AknsUtils::GetCachedColor(
   680             AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), color,
   681             KAknsIIDQsnTextColors, EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG8);
   682         labelColor = color;
   683         contentColor = color;
   684     }
   685     else
   686     {
   687         // The appearance mode is EHyperLink or EButton
   688         DEBUG("CMIDStringItem::SetColorL - not EPlain");
   689         if (focused)
   690         {
   691             // Item is focused
   692             // If item is focused, label is always focused,
   693             AknsUtils::GetCachedColor(
   694                 AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), labelColor,
   695                 KAknsIIDQsnTextColors, EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG10);
   697             if (RenderedAppearance() == MMIDItem::EHyperLink)
   698             {
   699                 if (iHyperLinkActivated)
   700                     // link was activated
   701                 {
   702                     AknsUtils::GetCachedColor(
   703                         AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), contentColor,
   704                         KAknsIIDQsnTextColors, EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG10);
   705                 }
   706                 else
   707                     // link was not activated
   708                 {
   709                     AknsUtils::GetCachedColor(
   710                         AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), contentColor,
   711                         KAknsIIDQsnTextColors, EAknsCIQsnHighlightColorsCG3);
   712                 }
   713             }
   714         }
   715         else
   716         {
   717             // Item is not focused
   718             AknsUtils::GetCachedColor(
   719                 AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), labelColor,
   720                 KAknsIIDQsnTextColors, EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG8);
   721             AknsUtils::GetCachedColor(
   722                 AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), contentColor,
   723                 KAknsIIDQsnHighlightColors, EAknsCIQsnHighlightColorsCG3);
   724         }
   726         if (RenderedAppearance() == MMIDItem::EButton)
   727         {
   728             // Note: BorderColor() is the color of the border internal background, not the outline
   729             ColorUtils::GetRgbDerivedBorderColors(
   730                 iBorderColors, BorderColor(), iEikonEnv->DefaultDisplayMode());
   731         }
   732     }
   733     // Set content & label colors
   734     if (RenderedAppearance() != MMIDItem::EButton)
   735     {
   736         iContentControl->SetColorL(contentColor);
   737     }
   738     iLabelControl->SetColorL(labelColor);
   740     // Text color for CAknButton has to be set
   741     if (RenderedAppearance() == MMIDItem::EButton)
   742     {
   743         if (iButton)
   744         {
   745             iButton->SetTextColorIds(
   746                 KAknsIIDQsnTextColors, EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG8);
   747         }
   748     }
   750     DEBUG("CMIDStringItem::SetColorL - end");
   751 }
   754 /** The color for the border background in buttons.
   755 */
   756 TRgb CMIDStringItem::BorderColor() const
   757 {
   758     DEBUG("CMIDStringItem::BorderColor - begin");
   760     TRgb color;
   761     AknsUtils::GetCachedColor(
   762         AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), color,
   763         KAknsIIDQsnTextColors, EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG12);
   764     DEBUG("CMIDStringItem::BorderColor - end");
   765     return color;
   766 }
   768 /**  Draw a frame (border) for buttons and then draw the grid highlight frame if
   769 we have focus. Note: only hyperlinks and buttons can have focus.  */
   770 void CMIDStringItem::Draw(const TRect& aRect) const
   771 {
   772     DEBUG("CMIDStringItem::Draw - begin");
   774     if (RenderedAppearance() == MMIDItem::EButton)
   775     {
   776         // To avoid clipping button's border to the form's client area
   777         // we pass entire button's rectangle - Rect() - as parameter
   778         Border().Draw(SystemGc(), Rect(), iBorderColors);
   779     }
   781     if (IsFocused())
   782     { //only buttons or hyperlinks
   783         DEBUG("CMIDStringItem::Draw - focused");
   785         // A focused item e.g. hyperlink
   786         TAknLayoutRect topLeft;
   787         topLeft.LayoutRect(aRect,
   788                            SkinLayout::List_highlight_skin_placing__apps_specific__Line_2());
   790         TAknLayoutRect bottomRight;
   791         bottomRight.LayoutRect(aRect,
   792                                SkinLayout::List_highlight_skin_placing__apps_specific__Line_5());
   794         TRect outerRect = TRect(topLeft.Rect().iTl, bottomRight.Rect().iBr);
   795         TRect innerRect = TRect(topLeft.Rect().iBr, bottomRight.Rect().iTl);
   797         AknsDrawUtils::DrawFrame(AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), SystemGc(),
   798                                  outerRect, innerRect,
   799                                  KAknsIIDQsnFrList, KAknsIIDQsnFrListCenter);
   800     }
   801     DEBUG("CMIDStringItem::Draw - end");
   802 }
   804 void CMIDStringItem::SizeChanged()
   805 {
   806     /* Margins are added in CMIDItemLabel class */
   807     // If rects of label and content are layouted according to parent rect
   808     // their width should be the same as parent. So text within labels is
   809     // placed to proper side: to left in left-to right and to right in
   810     // right-to-left variants.
   811     iLabelControl->SetExtent(Position(),
   812                              TSize(Size().iWidth, iLabelControl->Size().iHeight));
   813     iContentControl->SetExtent(Position() + TPoint(0, LabelHeight()),
   814                                TSize(Size().iWidth, iContentControl->Size().iHeight));
   816     if (RenderedAppearance() == MMIDItem::EButton)
   817     {
   818         TBool labelEmpty = (iLabelControl->Text()->Length() == 0);
   820         TAknWindowLineLayout layout =
   821             AknLayoutScalable_Avkon::form2_midp_label_pane_cp(0).LayoutLine();
   823         TInt leftMargin =;
   824         TInt rightMargin =;
   825         TInt topMargin = ItemContentBottomMargin();
   827         TPoint buttonPos = Position() + TPoint(0, LabelHeight());
   828         TSize buttonSize = iSavedButtonSize;
   830         buttonPos += TPoint(leftMargin, 0);
   831         buttonSize -= TSize(leftMargin + rightMargin, 0); // these margins were added in MinimumSize()
   833         if (labelEmpty)
   834         {
   835             buttonPos += TPoint(0, topMargin); // shift down, we need some space above
   836         }
   838         iButton->SetExtent(buttonPos, buttonSize);
   839     }
   841     CMIDControlItem::SizeChanged();
   842 }
   844 TKeyResponse CMIDStringItem::OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& /*aKeyEvent*/, TEventCode /*aType*/)
   845 {
   846     return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
   847 }
   849 // this assumes that the item has been formatted by the form
   850 TInt CMIDStringItem::ItemPreferredHeightWithoutLabel()
   851 {
   852     if (iAppearance != MMIDItem::EButton)
   853     {
   854         return iContentControl->Size().iHeight + ItemContentBottomMargin();
   855     }
   856     else
   857     {
   858         TInt height =  iButton->Size().iHeight + ItemContentBottomMargin();
   859         TBool labelEmpty = (iLabelControl->Text()->Length() == 0);
   860         if (labelEmpty)
   861         {
   862             height += ItemContentBottomMargin(); // add top margin
   863         }
   864         return height;
   865     }
   866 }
   868 TRect CMIDStringItem::FocusableRect()
   869 {
   870     TRect rect = Rect();
   872     if (rect.iTl.iY > rect.iBr.iY)
   873     {
   874         TInt tmp = rect.iBr.iY;
   875         rect.iBr.iY = rect.iTl.iY;
   876         rect.iTl.iY = tmp;
   877     }
   879     return rect;
   880 }
   884 /** Set text colors according to the focus: label color stays
   885 the same as all other items (currently text entry), see CMIDControlItem::SetLabelColor().
   886 Content colors is either NormalColor() or HighlightColor() according to focus.
   887 Note: only hyperlinks and buttons can have focus. Currently NormalColor() is text
   888 entry color (same as labels) whilst HighlightColor() is grid highlight text color. */
   889 void CMIDStringItem::FocusChanged(TDrawNow aDrawNow)
   890 {
   891     DEBUG("CMIDStringItem::FocusChanged - begin");
   893     TRAP_IGNORE(SetColorL());
   895     if (EDrawNow == aDrawNow && DrawableWindow())
   896     {
   897         if (!HasLabel() && RenderedAppearance() == EHyperLink)
   898         {
   899             // Have to do a call back to Form to draw a hyperlink without label correctly.
   900             // Note: a hyperlink without label is a CMIDLabelContainerItem and not a CMIDStringItem
   901             // Hyperlink without label is created by Form and this string item has no knowledge of it.
   902             // CMIDStringItem FocusChanged() is called when focus changes for drawing all kinds of string items even though
   903             // they are not necessarily drawn here. See CMIDLabelContainerItem too.
   904             iForm->DrawNow();
   905         }
   906         else
   907         {
   908             if (iIsDivided)
   909             {
   910                 // For correct drawing of StringItem with label which is divided
   911                 // to CMIDLabelContainerItem objects due to concatenation of contents contained
   912                 // in adjacent string items.
   913                 iForm->DrawNow();
   914             }
   915             else
   916             {
   917                 DrawNow();
   918             }
   919         }
   920     }
   921     DEBUG("CMIDStringItem::FocusChanged - end");
   922 }
   924 MMIDItem::TAppearance CMIDStringItem::RenderedAppearance() const
   925 {
   926     TBool hasCommands(CommandList()->Count() > 0);
   927     if (hasCommands)
   928     {
   929         return (iAppearance == EButton) ? EButton : EHyperLink;
   930     }
   931     return EPlain;
   932 }
   934 CMIDItemLabel* CMIDStringItem::StringContentControl() const
   935 {
   936     return iContentControl;
   937 }
   939 TBool CMIDStringItem::IsUnconstrainedStringItem()
   940 {
   941     return !(WidthOrHeightSpecified() || (RenderedAppearance() == EButton));
   942 }
   944 TBool CMIDStringItem::WidthOrHeightSpecified() const
   945 {
   946     return WidthSpecified() || HeightSpecified();
   947 }
   949 TBool CMIDStringItem::WidthSpecified() const
   950 {
   951     return (iRequestedPreferredSize.iWidth != -1);
   952 }
   954 TBool CMIDStringItem::HeightSpecified() const
   955 {
   956     return (iRequestedPreferredSize.iHeight != -1);
   957 }
   959 /**
   960   Make sure label and content do not go beyond the available size. This method
   961   is called after setting the preferred size and when the row needs to size
   962   the items. If the item height (available height) cannot fit label and content
   963   then fit the label as much as possible and fit the control with the
   964   remaining height. However, reserve to the control at least one line. Because
   965   the minimumsize is one line for label (if available) and one line for control
   966   then there should always be space at least for one label line and for one control line.
   967 */
   968 void CMIDStringItem::AdjustToSizeL(const TSize& aSize)
   969 {
   970     if (iAppearance != MMIDItem::EButton)
   971     {
   972         TInt availableHeight = aSize.iHeight;
   973         TInt requestedHeight = iContentControl->Size().iHeight;
   975         if (iLabelControl && iLabelControl->Text()->Length() > 0)
   976         {
   977             requestedHeight += LabelHeight();
   978         }
   980         if (requestedHeight > availableHeight)
   981         {// label + control do not fit
   982             if (iLabelControl && iLabelControl->Text()->Length() > 0)
   983             {
   984                 //reserve one line to the control
   985                 TInt heightForLabel = iContentControl->Text()->Length() > 0 ?
   986                                       availableHeight - iContentControl->LineHeight() - iContentControl->ItemLabelMargin() :
   987                                       availableHeight;
   989                 if (iLabelControl->Size().iHeight > heightForLabel)
   990                 { //label does not fit
   992                     //By setting a temporary max number of lines and then calling
   993                     //SetWidthL() we limit the number of lines to the temporary max number
   994                     //However then the max number must be resetted
   995                     TInt oldMaxNumLabelLines = iLabelControl->MaxNumLines();
   996                     iLabelControl->SetMaxNumLines(
   997                         (heightForLabel - iLabelControl->ItemLabelMargin())/ iLabelControl->LineHeight());
   998                     iLabelControl->SetWidthL(aSize.iWidth);
   999                     iLabelControl->SetMaxNumLines(oldMaxNumLabelLines);
  1000                 }
  1002                 //height available for the control
  1003                 availableHeight -= iLabelControl->Size().iHeight;
  1004             }
  1006             TInt oldMaxNumContentLines = iContentControl->MaxNumLines();
  1007             iContentControl->SetMaxNumLines(
  1008                 (availableHeight - iLabelControl->ItemLabelMargin()) / iContentControl->LineHeight());
  1009             iContentControl->SetWidthL(aSize.iWidth);
  1010             iContentControl->SetMaxNumLines(oldMaxNumContentLines);
  1011         }
  1012     }
  1013     else
  1014     {
  1015         TInt availableHeight = aSize.iHeight;
  1016         TInt requestedHeight = iButton->Size().iHeight;
  1018         if (iLabelControl && iLabelControl->Text()->Length() > 0)
  1019         {
  1020             requestedHeight += LabelHeight();
  1021         }
  1023         if (requestedHeight > availableHeight)
  1024         {// label + control do not fit
  1025             if (iLabelControl && iLabelControl->Text()->Length() > 0)
  1026             {
  1027                 //reserve one line to the control
  1028                 TInt heightForLabel = iButton->Size().iHeight;
  1030                 if (iLabelControl->Size().iHeight > heightForLabel)
  1031                 { //label does not fit
  1033                     //By setting a temporary max number of lines and then calling
  1034                     //SetWidthL() we limit the number of lines to the temporary max number
  1035                     //However then the max number must be resetted
  1036                     TInt oldMaxNumLabelLines = iLabelControl->MaxNumLines();
  1037                     iLabelControl->SetMaxNumLines(
  1038                         (heightForLabel - iLabelControl->ItemLabelMargin())/ iLabelControl->LineHeight());
  1039                     iLabelControl->SetWidthL(aSize.iWidth);
  1040                     iLabelControl->SetMaxNumLines(oldMaxNumLabelLines);
  1041                 }
  1042             }
  1044             SetButtonWidth(aSize.iWidth);
  1045         }
  1046     }
  1047 }
  1050 void CMIDStringItem::SetLabelL(const TDesC& aLabel)
  1051 {
  1052     CMIDControlItem::SetLabelL(aLabel);
  1053 }
  1055 void CMIDStringItem::SetLayoutL(TLayout aLayout)
  1056 {
  1057     CMIDItem::SetLayoutL(aLayout);
  1058 }
  1060 void CMIDStringItem::Dispose()
  1061 {
  1062     delete this;
  1063 }
  1065 MMIDFont* CMIDStringItem::Font() const
  1066 {
  1067     return iFont;
  1068 }
  1070 TInt CMIDStringItem::NumNewlinesBefore()
  1071 {
  1072     return iNumNewlinesBefore;
  1073 }
  1075 TInt CMIDStringItem::NumNewlinesAfter()
  1076 {
  1077     return iNumNewlinesAfter;
  1078 }
  1080 void CMIDStringItem::SetButtonWidth(TInt aNewWidth)
  1081 {
  1082     TSize buttonSize = iButton->Size();
  1083     if (!buttonSize.iWidth || !buttonSize.iHeight)
  1084     {
  1085         buttonSize = iButton->MinimumSize();
  1086     }
  1087     buttonSize.iWidth = aNewWidth;
  1088     iButton->SetSize(buttonSize);
  1089     iSavedButtonSize = buttonSize;
  1090 }
  1092 //
  1093 // The area sensitive to actions is contentControl label for hyperlink and button for button appearance
  1094 //
  1095 TRect CMIDStringItem::TappingActionRect()
  1096 {
  1097     if (iAppearance != MMIDItem::EButton)
  1098     {
  1099         return iContentControl->Rect();
  1100     }
  1101     else
  1102     {
  1103         return iButton->Rect();
  1104     }
  1105 }
  1107 void CMIDStringItem::ResolutionChange(TInt /*aType*/)
  1108 {
  1109     iContentControl->SetMaxWidth(FormClientAreaWidth());
  1110     iLabelControl->SetMaxWidth(FormClientAreaWidth());
  1111 }
  1113 void CMIDStringItem::CalculateButtonEllipsedSizeL()
  1114 {
  1115     ASSERT(iAppearance == MMIDItem::EButton);
  1117     TBuf<1> ellipsis;
  1118     ellipsis.Append(KEllipsis);
  1120     CAknButton* tempButton = CAknButton::NewLC(NULL,   // aIcon
  1121                              NULL,  // aDimmedIcon
  1122                              NULL,  // aPressedIcon
  1123                              NULL,  // aHoverIcon
  1124                              ellipsis,
  1125                              KNullDesC,
  1126                              KAknButtonSizeFitText, // iFlags set to respect text width
  1127                              0);
  1129     iEllipsedButtonSize = tempButton->MinimumSize();
  1130     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tempButton);
  1131 }
  1133 TBool CMIDStringItem::IsDivided()
  1134 {
  1135     return iIsDivided;
  1136 }
  1138 void CMIDStringItem::SetIsDivided(TBool aIsDivided)
  1139 {
  1140     iIsDivided = aIsDivided;
  1141 }