changeset 14 04becd199f91
equal deleted inserted replaced
13:f5050f1da672 14:04becd199f91
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    17 #include "javax_microedition_m3g_KeyframeSequence.h"
    19 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_javax_microedition_m3g_KeyframeSequence__1getRepeatMode
    20 (JNIEnv* aEnv, jclass, jint aHandle)
    21 {
    22     M3G_DO_LOCK
    23     jint mode = (jint)m3gGetRepeatMode((M3GKeyframeSequence)aHandle);
    24     M3G_DO_UNLOCK(aEnv)
    25     return mode;
    26 }
    28 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_javax_microedition_m3g_KeyframeSequence__1setKeyframe
    29 (JNIEnv* aEnv, jclass, jint aHandle, jint aIndex, jint aTime, jfloatArray aValue)
    30 {
    31     jfloat* elems = NULL;
    32     if (aValue)
    33     {
    34         elems = aEnv->GetFloatArrayElements(aValue, NULL);
    35         if (elems == NULL)
    36         {
    37             M3G_RAISE_EXCEPTION(aEnv, "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError");
    38             return;
    39         }
    40     }
    42     jsize length = aValue ? aEnv->GetArrayLength(aValue) : 0;
    44     M3G_DO_LOCK
    45     m3gSetKeyframe((M3GKeyframeSequence)aHandle,
    46                    aIndex,
    47                    aTime,
    48                    length,
    49                    (const M3Gfloat *)elems);
    50     M3G_DO_UNLOCK(aEnv)
    52     if (elems)
    53         aEnv->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(aValue, elems, 0);
    54 }
    56 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_javax_microedition_m3g_KeyframeSequence__1setRepeatMode
    57 (JNIEnv* aEnv, jclass, jint aHandle, jint aMode)
    58 {
    59     M3G_DO_LOCK
    60     m3gSetRepeatMode((M3GKeyframeSequence)aHandle, (M3Genum)aMode);
    61     M3G_DO_UNLOCK(aEnv)
    62 }
    64 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_javax_microedition_m3g_KeyframeSequence__1setDuration
    65 (JNIEnv* aEnv, jclass, jint aHandle, jint aDuration)
    66 {
    67     M3G_DO_LOCK
    68     m3gSetDuration((M3GKeyframeSequence)aHandle, (int)aDuration);
    69     M3G_DO_UNLOCK(aEnv)
    70 }
    72 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_javax_microedition_m3g_KeyframeSequence__1ctor
    73 (JNIEnv* aEnv, jclass, jint aM3g, jint aNumKeyframes, jint aNumComponents, jint aInterpolation)
    74 {
    75     M3G_DO_LOCK
    76     jint handle = (jint)m3gCreateKeyframeSequence((M3GInterface)aM3g, aNumKeyframes,
    77                   aNumComponents, aInterpolation);
    78     M3G_DO_UNLOCK(aEnv)
    79     return handle;
    80 }
    82 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_javax_microedition_m3g_KeyframeSequence__1setValidRange
    83 (JNIEnv* aEnv, jclass, jint aHandle, jint aFirst, jint aLast)
    84 {
    85     M3G_DO_LOCK
    86     m3gSetValidRange((M3GKeyframeSequence)aHandle, aFirst, aLast);
    87     M3G_DO_UNLOCK(aEnv)
    88 }
    90 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_javax_microedition_m3g_KeyframeSequence__1getDuration
    91 (JNIEnv* aEnv, jclass, jint aHandle)
    92 {
    93     M3G_DO_LOCK
    94     jint duration = (jint)m3gGetDuration((M3GKeyframeSequence)aHandle);
    95     M3G_DO_UNLOCK(aEnv)
    96     return duration;
    97 }
    99 /* M3G 1.1 JNI Calls */
   101 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_javax_microedition_m3g_KeyframeSequence__1getComponentCount
   102 (JNIEnv* aEnv, jclass, jint aHandle)
   103 {
   104     M3G_DO_LOCK
   105     jint count = (jint)m3gGetComponentCount((M3GKeyframeSequence)aHandle);
   106     M3G_DO_UNLOCK(aEnv)
   107     return count;
   108 }
   110 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_javax_microedition_m3g_KeyframeSequence__1getInterpolationType
   111 (JNIEnv* aEnv, jclass, jint aHandle)
   112 {
   113     M3G_DO_LOCK
   114     jint type = (jint)m3gGetInterpolationType((M3GKeyframeSequence)aHandle);
   115     M3G_DO_UNLOCK(aEnv)
   116     return type;
   117 }
   119 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_javax_microedition_m3g_KeyframeSequence__1getKeyframe
   120 (JNIEnv* aEnv, jclass, jint aHandle, jint aIndex, jfloatArray aValue)
   121 {
   122     jfloat* elems = NULL;
   123     if (aValue)
   124     {
   125         elems = aEnv->GetFloatArrayElements(aValue, NULL);
   126         if (elems == NULL)
   127         {
   128             M3G_RAISE_EXCEPTION(aEnv, "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError");
   129             return 0;
   130         }
   131     }
   133     jsize length = aValue ? aEnv->GetArrayLength(aValue) : 0;
   135     if ((length < m3gGetComponentCount((M3GKeyframeSequence)aHandle)) &&
   136             (aValue != NULL))
   137     {
   138         if (elems)
   139         {
   140             aEnv->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(aValue, elems, JNI_ABORT);
   141         }
   142         M3G_RAISE_EXCEPTION(aEnv, "java/lang/IllegalArgumentException");
   143         return 0;
   144     }
   146     M3G_DO_LOCK
   147     jint keyFrame = m3gGetKeyframe((M3GKeyframeSequence)aHandle, aIndex, elems);
   148     M3G_DO_UNLOCK(aEnv)
   150     if (elems)
   151     {
   152         /* copy array to java side and release arrays */
   153         aEnv->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(aValue, elems, 0);
   154     }
   155     return keyFrame;
   156 }
   158 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_javax_microedition_m3g_KeyframeSequence__1getKeyframeCount
   159 (JNIEnv* aEnv, jclass, jint aHandle)
   160 {
   161     M3G_DO_LOCK
   162     jint count = (jint)m3gGetKeyframeCount((M3GKeyframeSequence)aHandle);
   163     M3G_DO_UNLOCK(aEnv)
   164     return count;
   165 }
   167 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_javax_microedition_m3g_KeyframeSequence__1getValidRangeFirst
   168 (JNIEnv* aEnv, jclass, jint aHandle)
   169 {
   170     int first = 0;
   171     int last = 0;
   172     M3G_DO_LOCK
   173     m3gGetValidRange((M3GKeyframeSequence)aHandle, &first, &last);
   174     M3G_DO_UNLOCK(aEnv)
   175     return first;
   176 }
   178 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_javax_microedition_m3g_KeyframeSequence__1getValidRangeLast
   179 (JNIEnv* aEnv, jclass, jint aHandle)
   180 {
   181     int first = 0;
   182     int last = 0;
   183     M3G_DO_LOCK
   184     m3gGetValidRange((M3GKeyframeSequence)aHandle, &first, &last);
   185     M3G_DO_UNLOCK(aEnv)
   186     return last;
   187 }