changeset 14 04becd199f91
equal deleted inserted replaced
13:f5050f1da672 14:04becd199f91
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  This class is used for storing and parsing properties
    15 *
    16 */
    19 //  INCLUDE FILES
    20 #include <jdebug.h>
    21 #include "cmmaplayerproperties.h"
    23 const TInt KPropertyNameEndChar = '=';
    24 const TInt KPropertyEndChar = '&';
    25 const TInt KDefaultGranularity = 8;
    27 CMMAPlayerProperties* CMMAPlayerProperties::NewL(const TDesC& aProperties,
    28         MMMAParameterRule& aRule)
    29 {
    30     CMMAPlayerProperties* props = new(ELeave) CMMAPlayerProperties(aProperties, aRule);
    31     return props;
    32 }
    34 CMMAPlayerProperties::~CMMAPlayerProperties()
    35 {
    36 }
    39 CMMAPlayerProperties::CMMAPlayerProperties(const TDesC& aProperties, MMMAParameterRule& aRule) :
    40         iProperties(aProperties),
    41         iRule(aRule)
    42 {
    43 }
    45 TBool CMMAPlayerProperties::GetProperty(const TDesC& aKey,
    46                                         TInt& aValue) const
    47 {
    48     return iRule.FindProperty(aKey, aValue);
    49 }
    51 TBool CMMAPlayerProperties::GetProperty(const TDesC& aKey, TPtrC& aValue) const
    52 {
    53     return iRule.FindProperty(aKey, aValue);
    54 }
    56 TBool CMMAPlayerProperties::Compare(const TDesC& aKey, const TDesC& aValue) const
    57 {
    58     return iRule.Compare(aKey, aValue);
    59 }
    61 TBool CMMAPlayerProperties::Compare(const TDesC& aKey, const TInt& aValue) const
    62 {
    63     return iRule.Compare(aKey, aValue);
    64 }
    66 // Parse property values: "key=value&key2=value2&..."
    67 void CMMAPlayerProperties::ValidateL() const
    68 {
    69     // Empty properties are valid
    70     if (iProperties.Length() == 0)
    71     {
    72         return;
    73     }
    74     TInt pos = 0;
    75     while (pos != KErrNotFound)
    76     {
    77         // Getting everything from 'pos' to end and finding '&'
    78         TPtrC property = iProperties.Mid(pos);
    79         TInt valueEndPos = property.Locate(KPropertyEndChar);
    81         if (valueEndPos != KErrNotFound)
    82         {
    83             // This is not last property, clipping remaining chars
    84             property.Set(iProperties.Mid(pos, valueEndPos));
    85         }
    87         TInt keyEndPos = property.Locate(KPropertyNameEndChar);
    88         // if we are getting KErrNotFound then properties is not valid
    89         if (keyEndPos == KErrNotFound)
    90         {
    91             User::Leave(KErrArgument);
    92         }
    94         // "key=value"
    95         TPtrC propertyKey(property.Left(keyEndPos));
    96         TPtrC propertyValue(property.Mid(keyEndPos + 1));
    98         // check is the pair valid, leave if not
    99         // check also that this key was expected, leave if not
   100         TPtrC tmp;
   101         TInt tmpInt;
   102         if (!iRule.ValidateAndStoreL(propertyKey, propertyValue) ||
   103                 !(iRule.FindProperty(propertyKey, tmp) ||
   104                   iRule.FindProperty(propertyKey, tmpInt)))
   105         {
   106             User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   107         }
   109         // prepare for next token or mark end
   110         if (valueEndPos != KErrNotFound)
   111         {
   112             pos += valueEndPos + 1;
   113         }
   114         else
   115         {
   116             pos = valueEndPos;
   117         }
   118     }
   119 }
   122 CMMAParameterRuleSet* CMMAParameterRuleSet::NewLC()
   123 {
   124     CMMAParameterRuleSet* self = new(ELeave)CMMAParameterRuleSet();
   125     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   126     self->ConstructL();
   127     return self;
   128 }
   130 CMMAParameterRuleSet::~CMMAParameterRuleSet()
   131 {
   132     if (iRules)
   133     {
   134         iRules->Reset();
   135         delete iRules;
   136     }
   137 }
   139 CMMAParameterRuleSet::CMMAParameterRuleSet()
   140 {
   141 }
   143 void CMMAParameterRuleSet::ConstructL()
   144 {
   145     iRules = new(ELeave)CArrayPtrSeg< MMMAParameterRule >(KDefaultGranularity);
   146 }
   148 #define LOOPUNTILRULE( endRule ) \
   149     TInt rules = iRules->Count(); \
   150     TInt i( 0 ); \
   151     while( ( i < rules ) && \
   152            endRule ) \
   153         { \
   154         i++; \
   155         }
   157 TBool CMMAParameterRuleSet::ValidateAndStoreL(const TDesC& aKey, const TDesC& aValue)
   158 {
   159     LOOPUNTILRULE(iRules->At(i)->ValidateAndStoreL(aKey, aValue));
   160     // if loop has ended before end then some validation has failed.
   161     return (i == rules);
   162 }
   164 TBool CMMAParameterRuleSet::Compare(const TDesC& aKey, const TDesC& aValue)
   165 {
   166     LOOPUNTILRULE(!iRules->At(i)->Compare(aKey, aValue));
   167     // if loop has ended before end then key-value pair has been found
   168     return (i != rules);
   169 }
   171 TBool CMMAParameterRuleSet::Compare(const TDesC& aKey, const TInt aValue)
   172 {
   173     LOOPUNTILRULE(!iRules->At(i)->Compare(aKey, aValue));
   174     // if loop has ended before end then key-value pair has been found
   175     return (i != rules);
   176 }
   178 TBool CMMAParameterRuleSet::FindProperty(const TDesC& aKey, TPtrC& aValue)
   179 {
   180     LOOPUNTILRULE(!iRules->At(i)->FindProperty(aKey, aValue));
   181     // if loop has ended before end then key has been found
   182     return (i != rules);
   183 }
   185 TBool CMMAParameterRuleSet::FindProperty(const TDesC& aKey, TInt& aValue)
   186 {
   187     LOOPUNTILRULE(!iRules->At(i)->FindProperty(aKey, aValue));
   188     // if loop has ended before end then key has been found
   189     return (i != rules);
   190 }
   192 void CMMAParameterRuleSet::AppendRuleL(MMMAParameterRule* aRule)
   193 {
   194     iRules->AppendL(aRule);
   195 }
   197 TMMAParameterRuleBase::TMMAParameterRuleBase(const TDesC& aKey) :
   198         iKey(aKey),
   199         iAssigned(EFalse)
   200 {}
   202 TBool TMMAParameterRuleBase::ValidateAndStoreL(const TDesC& aKey, const TDesC& aValue)
   203 {
   204     if ((aKey.Length() == 0) ||
   205             (aValue.Length() == 0))
   206     {
   207         // key or value length is zero, fail
   208         User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   209     }
   211     TBool isValid = ETrue;
   212     // this is same key as in rule
   213     if (iKey.Compare(aKey) == 0)
   214     {
   215         //if this key is already assigned then there is same key more than once
   216         if (iAssigned)
   217         {
   218             User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   219         }
   220         isValid = ValidateValueL(aValue);
   222         // if it was valid we mark this key as assigned
   223         if (isValid)
   224         {
   225             iAssigned = ETrue;
   226         }
   227     }
   228     return isValid;
   229 }
   231 TBool TMMAParameterRuleBase::Compare(const TDesC& /*aKey*/, const TDesC& /*aValue*/)
   232 {
   233     // by default we do not found this key
   234     return EFalse;
   235 }
   237 TBool TMMAParameterRuleBase::Compare(const TDesC& /*aKey*/, const TInt /*aValue*/)
   238 {
   239     // by default we do not found this key
   240     return EFalse;
   241 }
   243 TBool TMMAParameterRuleBase::FindProperty(const TDesC& /*aKey*/, TPtrC& /*aValue*/)
   244 {
   245     // by default we do not found this key
   246     return EFalse;
   247 }
   249 TBool TMMAParameterRuleBase::FindProperty(const TDesC& /*aKey*/, TInt& /*aValue*/)
   250 {
   251     // by default we do not found this key
   252     return EFalse;
   253 }
   255 TMMAParameterRuleInt::TMMAParameterRuleInt(const TDesC& aKey) :
   256         TMMAParameterRuleBase(aKey),
   257         iUpperLimit(KMaxTInt),
   258         iLowerLimit(KMinTInt)
   259 {}
   261 TMMAParameterRuleInt::TMMAParameterRuleInt(const TDesC& aKey,
   262         const TInt aLowerLimit) :
   263         TMMAParameterRuleBase(aKey),
   264         iUpperLimit(KMaxTInt),
   265         iLowerLimit(aLowerLimit)
   266 {}
   268 TMMAParameterRuleInt::TMMAParameterRuleInt(const TDesC& aKey,
   269         const TInt aLowerLimit,
   270         const TInt aUpperLimit) :
   271         TMMAParameterRuleBase(aKey),
   272         iUpperLimit(aUpperLimit),
   273         iLowerLimit(aLowerLimit)
   274 {}
   276 TBool TMMAParameterRuleInt::ValidateValueL(const TDesC& aValue)
   277 {
   278     TLex lex(aValue);
   279     TInt valueInt = 0;
   280     if ((lex.Val(valueInt) != KErrNone) ||
   281             !lex.Eos())
   282     {
   283         User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   284     }
   285     if ((valueInt < iLowerLimit) ||
   286             (valueInt > iUpperLimit))
   287     {
   288         // value is not valid
   289         return EFalse;
   290     }
   291     else
   292     {
   293         // value is valid, store it
   294         iValue = valueInt;
   295         return ETrue;
   296     }
   297 }
   299 TBool TMMAParameterRuleInt::Compare(const TDesC& aKey, const TInt aValue)
   300 {
   301     TBool match = EFalse;
   302     if (iAssigned &&
   303             (iKey.Compare(aKey) == 0) &&
   304             (aValue == iValue))
   305     {
   306         match = ETrue;
   307     }
   308     return match;
   309 }
   311 TBool TMMAParameterRuleInt::FindProperty(const TDesC& aKey, TInt& aValue)
   312 {
   313     TBool match = EFalse;
   314     if (iAssigned &&
   315             iKey.Compare(aKey) == 0)
   316     {
   317         aValue = iValue;
   318         match = ETrue;
   319     }
   320     return match;
   321 }
   323 TMMAParameterRuleDes::TMMAParameterRuleDes(const TDesC& aKey) :
   324         TMMAParameterRuleBase(aKey),
   325         iValidValues(NULL),
   326         iArraySize(0)
   327 {}
   329 TMMAParameterRuleDes::TMMAParameterRuleDes(const TDesC& aKey,
   330         const TMMAStaticStrArray* aValidValues,
   331         const TInt aArraySize) :
   332         TMMAParameterRuleBase(aKey),
   333         iValidValues(aValidValues),
   334         iArraySize(aArraySize)
   335 {}
   337 TBool TMMAParameterRuleDes::ValidateValueL(const TDesC& aValue)
   338 {
   339     TInt i = 0;
   340     while ((i < iArraySize) &&
   341             aValue.Compare(iValidValues[i]()) != 0)
   342     {
   343         i++;
   344     }
   345     // if there is not valid values then we treat every value as valid
   346     if (iValidValues &&
   347             (i == iArraySize))
   348     {
   349         // there was no hit
   350         return EFalse;
   351     }
   353     // find match or every value is valid, storing
   354     iValue.Set(aValue);
   355     return ETrue;
   356 }
   358 TBool TMMAParameterRuleDes::Compare(const TDesC& aKey, const TDesC& aValue)
   359 {
   360     TBool match = EFalse;
   361     if (iAssigned &&
   362             (iKey.Compare(aKey) == 0) &&
   363             (iValue.Compare(aValue) == 0))
   364     {
   365         match = ETrue;
   366     }
   367     return match;
   368 }
   370 TBool TMMAParameterRuleDes::FindProperty(const TDesC& aKey, TPtrC& aValue)
   371 {
   372     TBool match = EFalse;
   373     if (iAssigned &&
   374             iKey.Compare(aKey) == 0)
   375     {
   376         aValue.Set(iValue);
   377         match = ETrue;
   378     }
   379     return match;
   380 }
   381 //  END OF FILE