1 /* |
2 * Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
3 * All rights reserved. |
4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
8 * |
9 * Initial Contributors: |
10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
11 * |
12 * Contributors: |
13 * |
14 * Description: Menu pane handling, common across all Displayables. |
15 * |
16 */ |
17 |
18 |
20 // CEikonEnv API for iEkonEnv : |
21 // - to retrieving CEikAppUi |
22 // - to obtain device screen size |
23 #include <eikenv.h> |
24 // API for iAppUi |
25 #include <eikappui.h> |
26 // API for iMenuBar |
27 #include <eikmenub.h> |
28 #include <e32cmn.h> |
29 #include <AknUtils.h> |
30 // using constants for soft keys |
31 #include <avkon.hrh> |
32 // mocros for avkon resources |
33 #include <avkon.rsg> |
34 // macros for resources |
35 #include <lcdui.rsg> |
36 // API needed for iDisplayable and iDefaultDisplayable members |
37 #include "CMIDDisplayable.h" |
38 #include "CMIDCanvas.h" |
39 #include "CMIDMenuHandler.h" |
40 // CMIDTickerController API for iTickerController (stored in tls structure) |
41 #include "CMIDTicker.h" |
42 // for setting key decoder in tls |
43 #include "CMIDKeyDecoder.h" |
44 #include "lcdui.h" |
45 #include <j2me/jdebug.h> |
46 #include "CMIDUIManager.h" |
47 #include "coreuiavkonlcdui.h" |
48 #include "coreuiappui.h" |
49 |
50 |
51 const TInt KResolutionStringLength = 4; |
52 |
53 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS =============================== |
54 |
55 |
56 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
57 // CMIDMenuHandler::NewL |
58 // Two-phased constructor. |
59 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
60 // |
61 CMIDMenuHandler* CMIDMenuHandler::NewL(MMIDEnv& aEnv) |
62 { |
63 CMIDMenuHandler* self = new(ELeave) CMIDMenuHandler(aEnv); |
64 CleanupStack::PushL(self); |
65 self->ConstructL(); |
66 CleanupStack::Pop(self); |
67 |
68 return self; |
69 } |
70 |
71 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
72 // CMIDMenuHandler::ConstructL |
73 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave. |
74 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
75 // |
76 void CMIDMenuHandler::ConstructL() |
77 { |
78 iAppUi = iEikEnv.EikAppUi(); |
79 iMenuBar = new(ELeave) CEikMenuBar; |
80 iMenuBar->ConstructL(this, 0, R_MIDP_MENUBAR_DEFAULT); |
81 |
82 iCba = CEikButtonGroupContainer::NewL(CEikButtonGroupContainer::ECba, |
83 CEikButtonGroupContainer::EHorizontal, |
84 this, |
86 #ifdef RD_JAVA_S60_RELEASE_9_2 |
87 static_cast<CEikCba*>(iCba->ButtonGroup())->EnableItemSpecificSoftkey(EFalse); |
88 #endif |
89 const TSize screenSize = iEikEnv.ScreenDevice()->SizeInPixels(); |
90 iCba->SetBoundingRect(TRect(screenSize)); |
91 iViewRect = iAppUi->ClientRect(); |
92 iCba->ReduceRect(iViewRect); |
93 iAppUi->AddToStackL(iMenuBar,ECoeStackPriorityMenu,ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus); |
94 SetScalingFactors(); |
95 } |
96 |
97 |
98 void CMIDMenuHandler::HideMenuIfVisible() |
99 { |
100 if (iMenuBar->IsDisplayed()) |
101 { |
102 iMenuBar->StopDisplayingMenuBar(); |
103 } |
104 } |
105 |
106 void CMIDMenuHandler::UpdateMenuIfVisibleL() |
107 { |
108 if (iMenuBar->IsDisplayed()) |
109 { // Menu is currently displayed |
110 |
111 iMenuBar->StopDisplayingMenuBar(); |
112 |
113 ShowMenuL(iMenuType); |
114 } |
115 } |
116 |
117 |
118 // C++ default constructor |
119 CMIDMenuHandler::CMIDMenuHandler(MMIDEnv& aEnv) |
120 : iEnv(aEnv) |
121 ,iEikEnv(*(CEikonEnv::Static())) |
122 { |
123 } |
124 |
125 // Destructor |
126 CMIDMenuHandler::~CMIDMenuHandler() |
127 { |
128 HideMenuIfVisible(); |
129 if (iAppUi) |
130 { |
131 iAppUi->RemoveFromStack(iMenuBar); |
132 } |
133 delete iMenuBar; |
134 delete iCba; |
135 iMenuItems.Reset(); |
136 } |
137 |
138 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
139 // CMIDMenuHandler::ShowMenuL |
140 // |
141 // @see DynInitMenuPaneL() |
142 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
143 // |
144 void CMIDMenuHandler::ShowMenuL(const TMenuType& aType) |
145 { |
146 if (iDisplayable && aType != ENoMenu && !iAttemptingToDisplayMenu) |
147 { |
148 iMenuType = aType; |
149 iDisplayable->CreateMenuItemsL(iMenuType, iMenuItems); |
150 |
151 // Set the CEikMenuBar type according to internal type |
152 if (aType == EOptionsMenu) |
153 { |
154 iMenuBar->SetMenuType(CEikMenuBar::EMenuOptions); |
155 } |
156 else if (aType == EOkMenu || aType == EHelpMenu || aType == EScreenAndHelpMenu) |
157 { |
158 iMenuBar->SetMenuType(CEikMenuBar::EMenuContext); |
159 } |
160 |
161 // If there is anything to show, open the menu |
162 if (iMenuItems.Count() > 0 && !iMenuBar->IsDisplayed()) |
163 { |
164 iAttemptingToDisplayMenu = ETrue; |
165 iMenuBar->TryDisplayMenuBarL(); |
166 } |
167 // Reset the menu type always to options menu just in case |
168 iMenuBar->SetMenuType(CEikMenuBar::EMenuOptions); |
169 } |
170 } |
171 |
172 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
173 // CMIDMenuHandler::MenuItemsCount |
174 // |
175 // |
176 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
177 // |
178 TUint CMIDMenuHandler::MenuItemsCount() const |
179 { |
180 return iMenuItems.Count(); |
181 } |
182 |
183 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
184 // CMIDMenuHandler::SetDisplayable |
185 // |
186 // |
187 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
188 // |
189 void CMIDMenuHandler::SetDisplayable(CMIDDisplayable* aDisplayable) |
190 { |
191 iDisplayable = aDisplayable; |
192 |
193 if (iDisplayable) |
194 { |
195 SendMultipleKeyPressedEvent(); |
196 } |
197 } |
198 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
199 // CMIDMenuHandler::SendMultipleKeyPressedEventL |
200 // |
201 // |
202 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
203 // |
204 void CMIDMenuHandler::SendMultipleKeyPressedEvent() |
205 { |
206 ASSERT(iDisplayable); |
207 java::ui::CoreUiAvkonAppUi* appUi = |
208 java::ui::CoreUiAvkonLcdui::getInstance().getJavaUiAppUi(); |
209 if (appUi) |
210 { |
211 MMIDComponent* component = iDisplayable->Component(); |
212 if (component) |
213 { |
214 if (component->Type() == MMIDComponent::ECanvas) |
215 { |
216 appUi->glueSetKeyBlockMode(ENoKeyBlock); |
217 } |
218 else |
219 { |
220 appUi->glueSetKeyBlockMode(EDefaultBlockMode); |
221 } |
222 } |
223 } |
224 } |
225 |
226 |
227 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
228 // CMIDMenuHandler::ProcessCommandL |
229 // |
230 // |
231 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
232 // |
233 void CMIDMenuHandler::ProcessCommandL(TInt aCommandId) |
234 { |
235 HideMenuIfVisible(); |
236 |
237 // |
238 if (aCommandId == EAknSoftkeyExit) |
239 { |
240 iAppUi->HandleCommandL(EEikCmdExit); |
241 return; |
242 } |
243 |
244 if (aCommandId == EEikCmdCanceled) |
245 { |
246 return; |
247 } |
248 |
249 if (aCommandId == EAknSoftkeyOptions) |
250 { |
251 ShowMenuL(EOptionsMenu); |
252 return; |
253 } |
254 |
255 if (aCommandId == EStdKeyDevice3) |
256 { |
257 ShowMenuL(EOkMenu); |
258 return; |
259 } |
260 |
261 if (iDisplayable) |
262 { |
263 iDisplayable->ProcessCommandL(aCommandId); |
264 } |
265 } |
266 |
267 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
268 // CMIDMenuHandler::SetEmphasis |
269 // |
270 // |
271 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
272 // |
273 void CMIDMenuHandler::SetEmphasis(CCoeControl* aMenuControl,TBool aEmphasis) |
274 { |
275 if (!iDisplayable) |
276 { |
277 return; |
278 } |
279 |
280 if (aEmphasis) |
281 { |
282 if (MMIDComponent::ECanvas == iDisplayable->Component()->Type()) |
283 { |
284 iEnv.PostMidletEvent(EBackground); |
285 } |
286 } |
287 else |
288 { |
289 if (MMIDComponent::ECanvas == iDisplayable->Component()->Type()) |
290 { |
291 iEnv.PostMidletEvent(EForeground); |
292 } |
293 } |
294 |
295 iAppUi->UpdateStackedControlFlags(aMenuControl, aEmphasis? 0: ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus, |
296 ECoeStackFlagRefusesFocus); |
297 iAppUi->HandleStackChanged(); |
298 } |
299 |
300 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
301 // CMIDMenuHandler::DynInitMenuPaneL |
302 // |
303 // |
304 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
305 void CMIDMenuHandler::DynInitMenuPaneL(TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane) |
306 { |
307 if (aResourceId == R_MIDP_MENUPANE_DISPLAYABLE) |
308 { |
309 TInt numItems = iMenuItems.Count(); |
310 for (TInt i = 0; i < numItems; i++) |
311 { |
312 aMenuPane->AddMenuItemL(iMenuItems[i]); |
313 } |
314 |
315 iAttemptingToDisplayMenu = EFalse; |
316 } |
317 |
318 } |
319 |
320 |
321 /** SetScalingFactors |
322 |
323 Sets MIDlet's original size and target size resolutions if those are defined in JAD or manifest. |
324 If attribute is missing or it's not defined correctly, the value will be 0,0. |
325 This value is later used as an "error value". |
326 @param - |
327 @return - |
328 |
329 */ |
330 void CMIDMenuHandler::SetScalingFactors() |
331 { |
332 TPtrC orgSize; |
333 // If JAD attribute Nokia-MIDlet-Original-Display-Size is defined, it will be used to scale Canvas. |
334 if (iEnv.MidletAttribute(LcduiMidletAttributes::KAttribOrigDisplaySize, orgSize) == KErrNone) |
335 { |
336 iOrgMIDletScrSize = DesToTSize(orgSize); |
337 TPtrC targetSize; |
338 // If JAD attribute Nokia-MIDlet-Original-Display-Size and Nokia-MIDlet-Target-Display-Size are defined, |
339 // those will be used to scale Canvas. |
340 // If Nokia-MIDlet-Target-Display-Size is invalid, Canvas will still be scaled, |
341 // if Nokia-MIDlet-Original-Display-Size is correct. |
342 if (iOrgMIDletScrSize.iHeight != 0 && iOrgMIDletScrSize.iWidth != 0 && |
343 iEnv.MidletAttribute(LcduiMidletAttributes::KAttribTargetDisplaySize, |
344 targetSize) == KErrNone) |
345 { |
346 iTargetMIDletScrSize = DesToTSize(targetSize); |
347 } |
348 |
349 // Load Nokia-MIDlet-allow-scaling-on-orientation-switch attribute |
350 // setting. This attribute is valid only when original MIDlet size |
351 // is defined. |
352 if (iOrgMIDletScrSize.iHeight != 0 && iOrgMIDletScrSize.iWidth != 0) |
353 { |
354 iScaleMIDletOnOrientSwitch = iEnv.MidletAttributeIsSetToVal( |
355 LcduiMidletAttributes::KAttribAllowScalingOnOrientationSwitch, |
356 LcduiMidletAttributeValues::KTrueValue); |
357 } |
358 } |
359 } |
360 |
361 /** DesToTSize |
362 |
363 Utility to parse TPtrC to TSize. |
364 This util is made for graphics scaling feature. |
365 @param TPtrC |
366 @return TSize |
367 |
368 */ |
369 TSize CMIDMenuHandler::DesToTSize(TPtrC scrSize) |
370 { |
371 TSize newSize; |
372 TSize errorSize(0, 0); |
373 TInt newIntWidth; |
374 TInt newIntHeight; |
375 // Assumed max. 9999 pixels in width. |
376 TBuf<KResolutionStringLength> newWidth; |
377 // Assumed max. 9999 pixels in height. |
378 TBuf<KResolutionStringLength> newHeight; |
379 TChar tmpChar; |
380 _LIT(lComma, ","); |
381 TChar comma(','); |
382 |
383 // The digits of width and height must be divided by comma |
384 if (scrSize.Find(lComma) != KErrNotFound) |
385 { |
386 TLex16 lex(scrSize); |
387 while (lex.Peek() != comma) |
388 { |
389 tmpChar = lex.Get(); |
390 if (tmpChar.IsDigit() && newWidth.Length() < KResolutionStringLength) |
391 { |
392 newWidth.Append(tmpChar); |
393 } |
394 else if (!tmpChar.IsSpace()) |
395 { |
396 // If character is not digit or space |
397 return errorSize; |
398 } |
399 } |
400 lex.Get(); |
401 while (!lex.Eos()) |
402 { |
403 tmpChar = lex.Get(); |
404 if (tmpChar.IsDigit() && newHeight.Length() < KResolutionStringLength) |
405 { |
406 newHeight.Append(tmpChar); |
407 } |
408 else if (!tmpChar.IsSpace()) |
409 { |
410 // If character is not digit or space |
411 return errorSize; |
412 } |
413 } |
414 |
415 // Width and height must have at least one digit each |
416 if (newWidth.Length() > 0 && newHeight.Length() > 0) |
417 { |
418 TLex16 widthLex(newWidth); |
419 widthLex.Val(newIntWidth); |
420 TLex16 heightLex(newHeight); |
421 heightLex.Val(newIntHeight); |
422 newSize.SetSize(TInt(newIntWidth), TInt(newIntHeight)); |
423 return newSize; |
424 } |
425 } |
426 // If there is no comma between the digits or there is no digits in width or height |
427 return errorSize; |
428 } |
429 |
430 TSize CMIDMenuHandler::GetScreenSize() const |
431 { |
432 // It get size of screen from iEikEnv's screen device. |
433 const CEikonEnv* env = &iEikEnv; |
434 return env->ScreenDevice()->SizeInPixels(); |
435 } |
436 |
437 TBool CMIDMenuHandler::IsScalingEnabled() const |
438 { |
439 //If iOrgMIDletScrSize has been initialized then scaling is on. |
440 //It's enough to check either height or width only. |
441 return (iOrgMIDletScrSize.iHeight != 0); |
442 } |
443 |
444 TBool CMIDMenuHandler::IsScalingEffectiveInCurrentScreen() const |
445 { |
446 if (IsScalingEnabled()) |
447 { |
448 TRect screen; |
449 AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect(AknLayoutUtils::EScreen, screen); |
450 TSize screenSize = screen.Size(); |
451 |
452 TSize origResolution = iOrgMIDletScrSize; |
453 if (iScaleMIDletOnOrientSwitch) |
454 { |
455 // ensure that origResolution and screenSize are in portrait |
456 origResolution = TSize(Min(iOrgMIDletScrSize.iHeight, iOrgMIDletScrSize.iWidth), |
457 Max(iOrgMIDletScrSize.iHeight, iOrgMIDletScrSize.iWidth)); |
458 screenSize = TSize(Min(screen.Height(), screen.Width()), |
459 Max(screen.Height(), screen.Width())); |
460 } |
461 |
462 // If origResolution and screenSize are different, then |
463 // scaling is effective. |
464 return (screenSize.iHeight != origResolution.iHeight || |
465 screenSize.iWidth != origResolution.iWidth); |
466 } |
467 else |
468 { |
469 return EFalse; |
470 } |
471 } |
472 // End of File |