1 /* |
2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). |
3 * All rights reserved. |
4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available |
5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" |
6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available |
7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". |
8 * |
9 * Initial Contributors: |
10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. |
11 * |
12 * Contributors: |
13 * |
14 * Description: |
15 * |
16 */ |
17 #include <hbmessagebox.h> |
18 #include <hbdataformviewitem.h> |
19 #include <hbcombobox.h> |
20 #include <hbdataform.h> |
21 #include <hbdataformmodel.h> |
22 #include <hbdataformmodelitem.h> |
23 #include <hblabel.h> |
24 #include <QApplication> |
25 #include <QTranslator> |
26 |
27 #include "javaapplicationsettings.h" |
28 #include "javaapplicationsettingsview.h" |
29 #include "javaapplicationsettingsview_p.h" |
30 |
31 #include "securitystoragedatadefs.h" |
32 #include "javastoragenames.h" |
33 |
34 using namespace java::storage; |
35 using namespace std; |
36 |
37 const wchar_t ON_SCREEN_KEYPAD_VALUE_NO[] = L"0"; |
38 const wchar_t ON_SCREEN_KEYPAD_VALUE_GAMEACTIONS[] = L"1"; |
39 const wchar_t ON_SCREEN_KEYPAD_VALUE_NAVIGATION[] = L"2"; |
40 |
41 JavaApplicationSettingsViewPrivate::JavaApplicationSettingsViewPrivate(const QString& aJavaAppUid): |
42 mainForm(0), model(0), generalSettingsGroup(0), securitySettingsGroup(0), iJavaAppUid(aJavaAppUid.toStdWString()) |
43 { |
44 // load the correct translation of the localized strings |
45 QTranslator translator; |
46 // Current solution reads it from Z only (this does not work with IAD) |
47 // -> check if translator can handle path without drive letter (e.g. the resource |
48 // is loaded from the same drive where the DLL is loaded) |
49 if (translator.load("z:/resource/qt/translations/javaruntimeapplicationsettings_" + QLocale::system().name())) |
50 { |
51 qApp->installTranslator(&translator); |
52 } |
53 // init strings |
54 BLANKET = hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_permission_val_blanket"); |
55 SESSION = hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_permission_val_session"); |
56 ONESHOT = hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_permission_val_oneshot"); |
57 DENIED = hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_permission_val_no"); |
58 SECURITY_LEVEL = hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_security_level"); |
59 USER_DEFINED = hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_security_level_val_user_defined"); |
60 SENSITIVE_SETTINGS = hbTrId("txt_java_sett_info_query_perm_sec"); |
61 SENSITIVE_SETTINGS_NET_USAGE = hbTrId("txt_java_sett_info_query_perm_net"); |
62 MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE_SETTINGS = hbTrId("txt_java_sett_info_query_perm_warn"); |
63 OK = hbTrId("txt_java_sett_button_settings_ok"); |
64 CANCEL = hbTrId("txt_java_sett_button_settings_cancel"); |
65 SECURITY_WARNING_TITLE = hbTrId("txt_java_sett_title_note_security_warn"); |
66 NET_ACCESS = hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_net_access"); |
67 LOW_LEVEL_NET_ACCESS = hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_low_level_net_access"); |
68 |
69 // storage |
70 iStorage.reset(JavaStorage::createInstance()); |
71 try |
72 { |
73 iStorage->open(); |
74 } |
75 catch (JavaStorageException& aJse) {} |
76 |
77 // read all settings |
78 readAllSettings(); |
79 |
80 // init form |
81 mainForm = new HbDataForm(); |
82 mainForm->setHeading(hbTrId("txt_java_sett_title_settings")); |
83 model = new HbDataFormModel(); |
84 |
85 // init settings |
86 generalSettingsGroup = model->appendDataFormGroup( |
87 hbTrId("txt_java_sett_subtitle_general"), model->invisibleRootItem()); |
88 initSettings(generalSettings, generalSettingsGroup); |
89 securitySettingsGroup = model->appendDataFormGroup( |
90 hbTrId("txt_java_sett_subtitle_security"), model->invisibleRootItem()); |
91 initSettings(securitySettings, securitySettingsGroup); |
92 |
93 // if security warnings is user defined -> add the extra settings, expand |
94 if (securitySettings[0].getCurrentValue() == 1) |
95 { |
96 securityWarningsChanged(USER_DEFINED); |
97 } |
98 |
99 // link form and model |
100 mainForm->setModel(model); |
101 mainForm->setExpanded(model->indexFromItem(generalSettingsGroup), true); |
102 mainForm->setExpanded(model->indexFromItem(securitySettingsGroup), (securitySettings[0].getCurrentValue() == 1)); |
103 } |
104 |
105 void JavaApplicationSettingsViewPrivate::init(JavaApplicationSettingsView* aPublicView) |
106 { |
107 iPublicView = aPublicView; |
108 |
109 // do the connect for the main form |
110 iPublicView->connect(mainForm, SIGNAL(activated(const QModelIndex)), |
111 iPublicView, SLOT(_q_dataItemDisplayed(const QModelIndex))); |
112 |
113 // set the form as view's widget |
114 iPublicView->setWidget(mainForm); |
115 |
116 // set title |
117 iPublicView->setTitle(QString::fromStdWString(readFromStorage(PACKAGE_NAME, L"", L"", APPLICATION_PACKAGE_TABLE))); |
118 } |
119 |
120 JavaApplicationSettingsViewPrivate::~JavaApplicationSettingsViewPrivate() |
121 { |
122 delete mainForm; |
123 delete model; |
124 } |
125 |
126 void JavaApplicationSettingsViewPrivate::readAllSettings() |
127 { |
128 // general settings |
129 QStringList settingsValues; |
130 vector<wstring> storageValues; |
131 if (!findFromStorage(VALUE, NAME, L"Nokia-MIDlet-On-Screen-Keypad", APPLICATION_PACKAGE_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE)) |
132 { |
133 // if the on screen keypad is predefined, it should not be changable by user |
134 // -> right now it is not added to settings list. It should be changed so that |
135 // the setting should not be editable by user |
136 settingsValues<<hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_osk_val_no")<<hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_osk_val_game")<<hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_osk_val_navigation"); |
137 storageValues.push_back(ON_SCREEN_KEYPAD_VALUE_NO); |
138 storageValues.push_back(ON_SCREEN_KEYPAD_VALUE_GAMEACTIONS); |
139 storageValues.push_back(ON_SCREEN_KEYPAD_VALUE_NAVIGATION); |
140 generalSettings.append(JavaApplicationSettings(hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_osk"), settingsValues, ON_SCREEN_KEYPAD, MIDP_PACKAGE_TABLE, storageValues)); |
141 } |
142 settingsValues = QStringList(); |
143 settingsValues<<hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_network_conn_val_default")<<hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_network_conn_val_ask_user"); |
144 generalSettings.append(JavaApplicationSettings(hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_network_conn"), settingsValues)); |
145 |
146 // security settings |
147 settingsValues = QStringList(); |
148 storageValues.clear(); |
149 settingsValues<<hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_security_level_val_default")<<hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_security_level_val_user_defined"); |
150 storageValues.push_back(SECURITY_WARNINGS_DEFAULT_MODE); |
151 storageValues.push_back(SECURITY_WARNINGS_USER_DEFINED_MODE); |
152 securitySettings.append(JavaApplicationSettings(hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_security_level"), settingsValues, SECURITY_WARNINGS, MIDP_PACKAGE_TABLE, storageValues)); |
153 |
154 // extra settings |
155 int i=0; |
156 settingsValues = QStringList(); |
157 storageValues.clear(); |
158 settingsValues<<hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_permission_val_oneshot")<<hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_permission_val_session")<<hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_permission_val_blanket")<<hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_permission_val_no"); |
159 storageValues.push_back(ONESHOT_INTERACTION_MODE); |
160 storageValues.push_back(SESSION_INTERACTION_MODE); |
161 storageValues.push_back(BLANKET_INTERACTION_MODE); |
162 storageValues.push_back(DENIED_INTERACTION_MODE); |
163 extraSettings.append(JavaApplicationSettings(NET_ACCESS, settingsValues, CURRENT_SETTING, MIDP_FUNC_GRP_SETTINGS_TABLE, storageValues, FUNCTION_GROUP, NET_ACCESS_SETTINGS)); |
164 readFromStorage(extraSettings[i]); |
165 i++; |
166 extraSettings.append(JavaApplicationSettings(LOW_LEVEL_NET_ACCESS, settingsValues, CURRENT_SETTING, MIDP_FUNC_GRP_SETTINGS_TABLE, storageValues, FUNCTION_GROUP, LOW_LEVEL_NET_ACCESS_SETTINGS)); |
167 readFromStorage(extraSettings[i]); |
168 i++; |
169 extraSettings.append(JavaApplicationSettings(hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_messaging"), settingsValues, CURRENT_SETTING, MIDP_FUNC_GRP_SETTINGS_TABLE, storageValues, FUNCTION_GROUP, MESSAGING_SETTINGS)); |
170 readFromStorage(extraSettings[i]); |
171 i++; |
172 extraSettings.append(JavaApplicationSettings(hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_restricted_messaging"), settingsValues, CURRENT_SETTING, MIDP_FUNC_GRP_SETTINGS_TABLE, storageValues, FUNCTION_GROUP, RESTRICTED_MESSAGING_SETTINGS)); |
173 readFromStorage(extraSettings[i]); |
174 i++; |
175 extraSettings.append(JavaApplicationSettings(hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_call_control"), settingsValues, CURRENT_SETTING, MIDP_FUNC_GRP_SETTINGS_TABLE, storageValues, FUNCTION_GROUP, CALL_CONTROL_SETTINGS)); |
176 readFromStorage(extraSettings[i]); |
177 i++; |
178 extraSettings.append(JavaApplicationSettings(hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_local_conn"), settingsValues, CURRENT_SETTING, MIDP_FUNC_GRP_SETTINGS_TABLE, storageValues, FUNCTION_GROUP, LOCAL_CONNECTIVITY_SETTINGS)); |
179 readFromStorage(extraSettings[i]); |
180 i++; |
181 extraSettings.append(JavaApplicationSettings(hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_mm_record"), settingsValues, CURRENT_SETTING, MIDP_FUNC_GRP_SETTINGS_TABLE, storageValues, FUNCTION_GROUP, MULTIMEDIA_RECORDING_SETTINGS)); |
182 readFromStorage(extraSettings[i]); |
183 i++; |
184 extraSettings.append(JavaApplicationSettings(hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_write_data"), settingsValues, CURRENT_SETTING, MIDP_FUNC_GRP_SETTINGS_TABLE, storageValues, FUNCTION_GROUP, WRITE_USER_DATA_ACCESS_SETTINGS)); |
185 readFromStorage(extraSettings[i]); |
186 i++; |
187 extraSettings.append(JavaApplicationSettings(hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_read_data"), settingsValues, CURRENT_SETTING, MIDP_FUNC_GRP_SETTINGS_TABLE, storageValues, FUNCTION_GROUP, READ_USER_DATA_ACCESS_SETTINGS)); |
188 readFromStorage(extraSettings[i]); |
189 i++; |
190 extraSettings.append(JavaApplicationSettings(hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_location"), settingsValues, CURRENT_SETTING, MIDP_FUNC_GRP_SETTINGS_TABLE, storageValues, FUNCTION_GROUP, LOCATION_SETTINGS)); |
191 readFromStorage(extraSettings[i]); |
192 i++; |
193 extraSettings.append(JavaApplicationSettings(hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_landmarks"), settingsValues, CURRENT_SETTING, MIDP_FUNC_GRP_SETTINGS_TABLE, storageValues, FUNCTION_GROUP, LANDMARK_SETTINGS)); |
194 readFromStorage(extraSettings[i]); |
195 i++; |
196 extraSettings.append(JavaApplicationSettings(hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_auth"), settingsValues, CURRENT_SETTING, MIDP_FUNC_GRP_SETTINGS_TABLE, storageValues, FUNCTION_GROUP, AUTHENTICATION_SETTINGS)); |
197 readFromStorage(extraSettings[i]); |
198 i++; |
199 extraSettings.append(JavaApplicationSettings(hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_smartcard"), settingsValues, CURRENT_SETTING, MIDP_FUNC_GRP_SETTINGS_TABLE, storageValues, FUNCTION_GROUP, SMART_CARD_COMMUNICATION_SETTINGS)); |
200 readFromStorage(extraSettings[i]); |
201 i++; |
202 extraSettings.append(JavaApplicationSettings(hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_app_auto_invoc"), settingsValues, CURRENT_SETTING, MIDP_FUNC_GRP_SETTINGS_TABLE, storageValues, FUNCTION_GROUP, APPLICATION_AUTO_INVOCATION_SETTINGS)); |
203 readFromStorage(extraSettings[i]); |
204 i++; |
205 extraSettings.append(JavaApplicationSettings(hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_broadcast"), settingsValues, CURRENT_SETTING, MIDP_FUNC_GRP_SETTINGS_TABLE, storageValues, FUNCTION_GROUP, BROADCAST_SETTINGS)); |
206 readFromStorage(extraSettings[i]); |
207 i++; |
208 extraSettings.append(JavaApplicationSettings(hbTrId("txt_java_sett_setlabel_nfc_write_access"), settingsValues, CURRENT_SETTING, MIDP_FUNC_GRP_SETTINGS_TABLE, storageValues, FUNCTION_GROUP, NFC_WRITE_ACCESS_SETTINGS)); |
209 readFromStorage(extraSettings[i]); |
210 i++; |
211 |
212 // configure the high risk lists |
213 QList<JavaApplicationSettings*> highRiskList; |
214 // net access with multimedia and read user data |
215 highRiskList << &(extraSettings[6]) << &(extraSettings[8]); |
216 extraSettings[0].setHighRiskList(highRiskList); |
217 // low level net access with multimedia and read user data |
218 extraSettings[1].setHighRiskList(highRiskList); |
219 // messaging with multimedia and read user data |
220 extraSettings[2].setHighRiskList(highRiskList); |
221 // restricted messaging with multimedia and read user data |
222 extraSettings[3].setHighRiskList(highRiskList); |
223 // call control with multimedia and read user data |
224 extraSettings[4].setHighRiskList(highRiskList); |
225 // local connectivity with multimedia and read user data |
226 extraSettings[5].setHighRiskList(highRiskList); |
227 // multimedia with net access, low level net access, messaging, |
228 // restricted messaging, call control and local connectivity |
229 highRiskList.clear(); |
230 highRiskList << &(extraSettings[0]) << &(extraSettings[1]) |
231 << &(extraSettings[2]) << &(extraSettings[3]) |
232 << &(extraSettings[4]) << &(extraSettings[5]); |
233 extraSettings[6].setHighRiskList(highRiskList); |
234 // read user data with net access, low level net access, messaging, |
235 // restricted messaging, call control and local connectivity |
236 extraSettings[8].setHighRiskList(highRiskList); |
237 |
238 // configure the mutually exclusive list |
239 QList<JavaApplicationSettings*> mutuallyExclusiveList; |
240 //net access with application auto invocation |
241 mutuallyExclusiveList << &(extraSettings[13]); |
242 extraSettings[0].setMutuallyExclusiveList(mutuallyExclusiveList); |
243 //low level net access with application auto invocation |
244 extraSettings[1].setMutuallyExclusiveList(mutuallyExclusiveList); |
245 //application auto invocation with net access and low level net access |
246 mutuallyExclusiveList.clear(); |
247 mutuallyExclusiveList << &(extraSettings[0]) << &(extraSettings[1]); |
248 extraSettings[13].setMutuallyExclusiveList(mutuallyExclusiveList); |
249 } |
250 |
251 void JavaApplicationSettingsViewPrivate::initSettings(QVector<JavaApplicationSettings>& settings, HbDataFormModelItem * parent) |
252 { |
253 for (int i=0; i<settings.size(); i++) |
254 { |
255 HbDataFormModelItem * appSettings = model->appendDataFormItem( |
256 HbDataFormModelItem::ComboBoxItem, |
257 settings[i].getName(), parent); |
258 settings[i].setId(appSettings); |
259 appSettings->setContentWidgetData(QString("items"), settings[i].getValues()); |
260 appSettings->setContentWidgetData(QString("currentIndex"),readFromStorage(settings[i])); |
261 } |
262 } |
263 |
264 void JavaApplicationSettingsViewPrivate::writeSettings(JavaApplicationSettings& settings, const QString &aNewValue) |
265 { |
266 QStringList values = settings.getValues(); |
267 int currentValue = settings.getCurrentValue(); |
268 int newValue = settings.getValue(aNewValue); |
269 if (newValue != -1 && currentValue != newValue) |
270 { |
271 // handle blanket settings |
272 if (aNewValue == BLANKET) |
273 { |
274 // check blanket settings |
275 if (!blanketAllowed(settings)) |
276 { |
277 // change back to the old value |
278 HbComboBox * settingsCombo = itemToComboBox(settings.getId()); |
279 settingsCombo->setCurrentIndex(currentValue); |
280 return; |
281 } |
282 } |
283 settings.setCurrentValue(newValue); |
284 writeToStorage(settings); |
285 } |
286 } |
287 |
288 bool JavaApplicationSettingsViewPrivate::blanketAllowed(const JavaApplicationSettings &settings) |
289 { |
290 // handle the high risk items |
291 QList<JavaApplicationSettings*> highRiskList = settings.getHighRiskList(); |
292 if (highRiskList.size() > 0) |
293 { |
294 // go through the list and see if any of the setings are in blanket |
295 for (int i=0; i<highRiskList.size(); i++) |
296 { |
297 if (highRiskList[i]->getValue(highRiskList[i]->getCurrentValue()) |
298 == BLANKET) |
299 { |
300 QString secWarning = SENSITIVE_SETTINGS; |
301 if (settings.getName() == NET_ACCESS |
302 || highRiskList[i]->getName() == NET_ACCESS |
303 || settings.getName() == LOW_LEVEL_NET_ACCESS |
304 || highRiskList[i]->getName() == LOW_LEVEL_NET_ACCESS) |
305 { |
307 } |
308 /*if (!(HbMessageBox::launchQuestionMessageBox( |
309 secWarning,OK,CANCEL ,new HbLabel(SECURITY_WARNING_TITLE)))) |
310 { |
311 return false; |
312 }*/ |
313 break; |
314 } |
315 } |
316 } |
317 // handle the mutually exclusive rules |
318 QList<JavaApplicationSettings*> mutuallyExclusiveList = settings |
319 .getMutuallyExclusiveList(); |
320 if (mutuallyExclusiveList.size() > 0) |
321 { |
322 // go through the list and see if any of the setings are in blanket |
323 for (int i=0; i<mutuallyExclusiveList.size(); i++) |
324 { |
325 if (mutuallyExclusiveList[i]->getValue( |
326 mutuallyExclusiveList[i]->getCurrentValue()) == BLANKET) |
327 { |
328 bool isBlanketAllowed = true /*(HbMessageBox::launchQuestionMessageBox( |
330 if (isBlanketAllowed) |
331 { |
332 // change the current value to the maximum allowed |
333 bool isBlanket = true; |
334 do |
335 { |
336 if (isBlanket) |
337 { |
338 QStringList allowedValues = mutuallyExclusiveList[i]->getValues(); |
339 int selectedValue = mutuallyExclusiveList[i]->getCurrentValue(); |
340 // select the maximum allowed value |
341 for (int j=0; j<allowedValues.size(); j++) |
342 { |
343 if (allowedValues[j] == SESSION) |
344 { |
345 selectedValue = j; |
346 break; |
347 } |
348 if (allowedValues[j] == ONESHOT) |
349 { |
350 selectedValue = j; |
351 } |
352 else if (allowedValues[j] == DENIED |
353 && allowedValues[selectedValue] == BLANKET) |
354 { |
355 selectedValue = j; |
356 } |
357 } |
358 // set the maximum allowed value |
359 mutuallyExclusiveList[i]->setCurrentValue(selectedValue); |
360 HbComboBox * settingsCombo = itemToComboBox( |
361 mutuallyExclusiveList[i]->getId()); |
362 settingsCombo->setCurrentIndex(selectedValue); |
363 writeToStorage(*mutuallyExclusiveList[i]); |
364 } |
365 i++; |
366 // end of list? |
367 if (i >= mutuallyExclusiveList.size()) |
368 { |
369 break; |
370 } |
371 // move on into the list |
372 isBlanket = (mutuallyExclusiveList[i]->getValue( |
373 mutuallyExclusiveList[i]->getCurrentValue()) == BLANKET); |
374 } |
375 while (true); |
376 } |
377 return isBlanketAllowed; |
378 } |
379 } |
380 } |
381 return true; |
382 } |
383 |
384 void JavaApplicationSettingsViewPrivate::_q_settingsChanged(const QString &newValue) |
385 { |
386 HbComboBox * sender = static_cast<HbComboBox*>(iPublicView->sender()); |
387 if (sender) |
388 { |
389 JavaApplicationSettings* settings = findSettings(sender); |
390 if (settings != NULL) |
391 { |
392 // security warnings |
393 if (settings->getName() == SECURITY_LEVEL) |
394 { |
395 securityWarningsChanged(newValue); |
396 // return; |
397 } |
398 // any other settings are treated same |
399 writeSettings(*settings, newValue); |
400 } |
401 } |
402 } |
403 |
404 void JavaApplicationSettingsViewPrivate::securityWarningsChanged(const QString &newValue) |
405 { |
406 if (newValue == USER_DEFINED) |
407 { |
408 // append the extra settings and values |
409 for (int i=0; i<extraSettings.size(); i++) |
410 { |
411 if (extraSettings[i].getCurrentValue() >= 0) |
412 { |
413 HbDataFormModelItem * appSettings = model->appendDataFormItem( |
414 HbDataFormModelItem::ComboBoxItem, |
415 extraSettings[i].getName(), securitySettingsGroup); |
416 extraSettings[i].setId(appSettings); |
417 appSettings->setContentWidgetData(QString("currentIndex"),extraSettings[i].getCurrentValue()); |
418 } |
419 } |
420 } |
421 else |
422 { |
423 // remove the extra settings |
424 for (int i=0; i<extraSettings.size(); i++) |
425 { |
426 if (extraSettings[i].getId()) |
427 { |
428 HbComboBox * extraSettingsId = itemToComboBox(extraSettings[i].getId()); |
429 if (extraSettingsId) |
430 { |
431 JavaApplicationSettingsView::disconnect(extraSettingsId, 0, 0, 0); |
432 model->removeItem(model->indexFromItem(extraSettings[i].getId())); |
433 extraSettings[i].setId(0); |
434 } |
435 } |
436 } |
437 } |
438 } |
439 |
440 void JavaApplicationSettingsViewPrivate::_q_dataItemDisplayed(const QModelIndex dataItemIndex) |
441 { |
442 HbDataFormModelItem *item = static_cast<HbDataFormModel*>( |
443 mainForm->model())->itemFromIndex(dataItemIndex); |
444 int itemType = item->data(HbDataFormModelItem::ItemTypeRole).toInt(); |
445 if (HbDataFormModelItem::DataItemType(itemType) |
446 == HbDataFormModelItem::ComboBoxItem) |
447 { |
448 HbComboBox * comboBox = static_cast<HbComboBox*>( |
449 mainForm->dataFormViewItem(dataItemIndex)->dataItemContentWidget()); |
450 // add the extra settings values |
451 for (int i=0; i<extraSettings.size(); i++) |
452 { |
453 if (extraSettings[i].getId() == item) |
454 { |
455 if (comboBox->count() == 0) |
456 { |
457 comboBox->addItems(extraSettings[i].getValues()); |
458 } |
459 comboBox->setCurrentIndex(extraSettings[i].getCurrentValue()); |
460 break; |
461 } |
462 } |
463 iPublicView->connect(comboBox, |
464 SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(const QString &)), |
465 iPublicView, SLOT(_q_settingsChanged(const QString &))); |
466 } |
467 } |
468 |
469 JavaApplicationSettings* JavaApplicationSettingsViewPrivate::findSettings(HbComboBox* id) |
470 { |
471 JavaApplicationSettings* settings = findSettings(id, generalSettings); |
472 if (settings == NULL) |
473 { |
474 settings = findSettings(id, securitySettings); |
475 if (settings == NULL) |
476 { |
477 settings = findSettings(id, extraSettings); |
478 } |
479 } |
480 return settings; |
481 } |
482 |
483 JavaApplicationSettings* JavaApplicationSettingsViewPrivate::findSettings(HbComboBox* id, QVector<JavaApplicationSettings>& allSettings) |
484 { |
485 for (int i=0; i<allSettings.size(); i++) |
486 { |
487 if (itemToComboBox(allSettings[i].getId()) == id) |
488 { |
489 return &allSettings[i]; |
490 } |
491 } |
492 return NULL; |
493 } |
494 |
495 HbComboBox * JavaApplicationSettingsViewPrivate::itemToComboBox(const HbDataFormModelItem * item) |
496 { |
497 HbDataFormViewItem * viewItem = mainForm->dataFormViewItem( |
498 model->indexFromItem(item)); |
499 if (viewItem) |
500 { |
501 return static_cast<HbComboBox*>(viewItem->dataItemContentWidget()); |
502 } |
503 return NULL; |
504 } |
505 |
506 int JavaApplicationSettingsViewPrivate::readFromStorage(JavaApplicationSettings& settings) |
507 { |
508 int currentValue = -1; |
509 if (settings.getColumnName().size() > 0 && settings.getTableName().size() > 0) |
510 { |
511 wstring value = L""; |
512 |
513 JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t query; |
514 JavaStorageApplicationList_t queryResult; |
515 JavaStorageEntry attr; |
516 attr.setEntry(ID, iJavaAppUid); |
517 query.insert(attr); |
518 if (settings.getFilterColumnName().size() > 0) |
519 { |
520 attr.setEntry(settings.getFilterColumnName(), settings.getFilterColumnValue()); |
521 query.insert(attr); |
522 } |
523 attr.setEntry(settings.getColumnName(), L""); |
524 query.insert(attr); |
525 |
526 try |
527 { |
528 iStorage->search(settings.getTableName(), query, queryResult); |
529 } |
530 catch (JavaStorageException& aJse) |
531 { |
532 // Don't leave. Set defaults. |
533 } |
534 |
535 findEntry(queryResult, settings.getColumnName(), value); |
536 |
537 if (value.size() > 0) |
538 { |
539 vector<wstring> storageValues = settings.getStorageValues(); |
540 for (int i=0; i<storageValues.size(); i++) |
541 { |
542 if (storageValues[i] == value) |
543 { |
544 currentValue = i; |
545 break; |
546 } |
547 } |
548 } |
549 } |
550 |
551 settings.setCurrentValue(currentValue); |
552 return currentValue; |
553 } |
554 |
555 void JavaApplicationSettingsViewPrivate::writeToStorage(JavaApplicationSettings& settings) |
556 { |
557 JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t oldEntry; |
558 JavaStorageEntry attr; |
559 attr.setEntry(ID, iJavaAppUid); |
560 oldEntry.insert(attr); |
561 JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t entry; |
562 if (settings.getFilterColumnName().size() > 0) |
563 { |
564 attr.setEntry(settings.getFilterColumnName(), settings.getFilterColumnValue()); |
565 oldEntry.insert(attr); |
566 } |
567 attr.setEntry(settings.getColumnName(), settings.getStorageValues()[settings.getCurrentValue()]); |
568 entry.insert(attr); |
569 |
570 try |
571 { |
572 iStorage->update(settings.getTableName(), entry, oldEntry); |
573 } |
574 catch (JavaStorageException& aJse) |
575 { |
576 } |
577 } |
578 |
579 void JavaApplicationSettingsViewPrivate::findEntry(const JavaStorageApplicationList_t& queryResult, |
580 const std::wstring& eName, |
581 std::wstring& eValue) |
582 { |
583 if (queryResult.size() > 0) |
584 { |
585 JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t entry = queryResult.front(); |
586 JavaStorageEntry findPattern; |
587 findPattern.setEntry(eName, L""); |
588 JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t::const_iterator findIterator = |
589 entry.find(findPattern); |
590 if (findIterator != entry.end()) |
591 { |
592 eValue = findIterator->entryValue(); |
593 } |
594 } |
595 } |
596 |
597 bool JavaApplicationSettingsViewPrivate::findFromStorage(const std::wstring& aColumnName, const std::wstring& aColumnFilterName, const std::wstring& aColumnFilterValue, const std::string& aTableName) |
598 { |
599 wstring value = readFromStorage(aColumnName, aColumnFilterName, aColumnFilterValue, aTableName); |
600 |
601 return (value.size() > 0); |
602 } |
603 |
604 wstring JavaApplicationSettingsViewPrivate::readFromStorage(const std::wstring& aColumnName, const std::wstring& aColumnFilterName, const std::wstring& aColumnFilterValue, const std::string& aTableName) |
605 { |
606 wstring value = L""; |
607 |
608 JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t query; |
609 JavaStorageApplicationList_t queryResult; |
610 JavaStorageEntry attr; |
611 attr.setEntry(ID, iJavaAppUid); |
612 query.insert(attr); |
613 if (aColumnFilterName.size() > 0) |
614 { |
615 attr.setEntry(aColumnFilterName, aColumnFilterValue); |
616 query.insert(attr); |
617 } |
618 attr.setEntry(aColumnName, L""); |
619 query.insert(attr); |
620 |
621 try |
622 { |
623 iStorage->search(aTableName, query, queryResult); |
624 } |
625 catch (JavaStorageException& aJse) |
626 { |
627 // Don't leave. Set defaults. |
628 } |
629 |
630 findEntry(queryResult, aColumnName, value); |
631 |
632 return value; |
633 } |
634 |
635 |
636 #ifdef WIN32 |
637 #include "./moc/moc_javaapplicationsettingsview.cpp" |
638 #else |
639 #include "moc_javaapplicationsettingsview.cpp" |
640 #endif |