changeset 18 9ac0a0a7da70
parent 17 0fd27995241b
child 19 71c436fe3ce0
equal deleted inserted replaced
17:0fd27995241b 18:9ac0a0a7da70
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Manipulates the audio output mode.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <AudioPreference.h>
    20 #include <logger.h>
    21 #include "cammsaudiooutputcontrol.h"
    22 #include <cmmaplayerevent.h>
    23 #include <cmmaaudioplayer.h>
    24 #include <cmmavideoplayer.h>
    25 #include <mmfcontroller.h>
    26 #include <midiclientutility.h>
    27 #include <cammscustomcommandutility.h>
    28 #include <JniEnvWrapper.h>
    29 // CONSTANTS
    30 _LIT(KErrAudioOutputControlError, "AMMS AudioOutputControl error: %d");
    31 const TInt KEventMessageSize = 64;
    32 const TInt KNoPriference = 0;
    33 const TInt KAllSpeakers = 1;
    34 const TInt KNoAudioOutput = 2;
    35 const TInt KAudioEarpiece = 3;
    36 const TInt KAudioLoudspeaker = 4;
    38 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    40 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    41 // CAMMSAudioOutputControl::NewLC
    42 // Two-phased constructor.
    43 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    44 CAMMSAudioOutputControl* CAMMSAudioOutputControl::NewLC(CMMAPlayer* aPlayer)
    45 {
    46     CAMMSAudioOutputControl* self = new(ELeave) CAMMSAudioOutputControl(aPlayer);
    48     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    50     self->ConstructL();
    52     return self;
    53 }
    55 // Destructor
    56 CAMMSAudioOutputControl::~CAMMSAudioOutputControl()
    57 {
    58     LOG( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::~");
    59     if (iAudioOutput)
    60     {
    61         iAudioOutput->UnregisterObserver(*this);
    62         delete iAudioOutput;
    63     }
    64     if (iAccMonitor)
    65     {
    66         iAccMonitor ->StopObserving();
    67         delete iAccMonitor;
    68     }
    69 }
    71 //set java AudioOutput object
    72 void CAMMSAudioOutputControl::SetJavaAudioOutputObject(jobject object)
    73 {
    74     LOG( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::SetJavaAudioOutputObject ");
    75     iJavaAudioOutputObj = object;
    76     // JNI interface pointer can't be passed to different thread, so
    77     // it is needed to get valid JNI interface pointer for Event Server thread
    78   //  iJni = JniEnvWrapper::GetValidJniRef();
    79 }
    81 void CAMMSAudioOutputControl::ResetJavaAudioOutputObject()
    82 {
    83     LOG( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::ResetJavaAudioOutputObject ");
    84     jmethodID setOutputModeID = iJni->GetMethodID(
    85                                     iJni->GetObjectClass(iJavaAudioOutputObj),
    86                                     "setOutputMode",
    87                                     "(I)V");
    89     jint jpref = (jint)GetCurrentPrefInt();
    90     iJni->CallVoidMethod(iJavaAudioOutputObj,setOutputModeID,jpref);
    91 }
    93 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    94 // CAMMSAudioOutputControl::SetAudioOutput
    95 // Sets the preference using a linear point scale between 0 and 4.
    96 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    97 //
    98 TInt CAMMSAudioOutputControl::SetAudioOutput(TInt aPreference)
    99 {
   100     LOG1( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::SetAudioOutputL %d", aPreference);
   102     TInt temppreference = 0;
   103     LOG( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::SetAudioOutputL  After __ASSERT_DEBUG");
   104     // Set a new preference only if it differs from the previous one.
   105     if (aPreference != iRoutingUserPreference)
   106     {
   107         switch (aPreference)
   108         {
   109         case KNoPriference:
   110         {
   111             temppreference = SetAudioOutputToMmf(CAudioOutput::ENoPreference);
   112         }
   113         break;
   114         case KAllSpeakers:
   115         {
   116             temppreference = SetAudioOutputToMmf(CAudioOutput::EAll);
   117         }
   118         break;
   119         case KNoAudioOutput:
   120         {
   121             temppreference = SetAudioOutputToMmf(CAudioOutput::ENoOutput);
   122         }
   123         break;
   124         case KAudioEarpiece:
   125         {
   126             temppreference = SetAudioOutputToMmf(CAudioOutput::EPrivate);
   127         }
   128         break;
   129         case KAudioLoudspeaker:
   130         {
   131             temppreference = SetAudioOutputToMmf(CAudioOutput::EPublic);
   132         }
   133         break;
   134         default:
   135             break;
   136         }
   137     }
   139     LOG1( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::SetAudioOutputL - = %d", temppreference);
   140     return temppreference;
   142 }
   144 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   145 // CAMMSAudioOutputControl::GetAudioOutput
   146 // Gets the preference.
   147 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   148 TInt CAMMSAudioOutputControl::GetAudioOutput()
   149 {
   150     LOG1( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::GetAudioOutput %d", (TInt)iRoutingUserPreference);
   151     return (TInt)iRoutingUserPreference;
   152 }
   154 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   155 // CAMMSAudioOutputControl::GetCurrentPreference
   156 // Gets the preference.if user preference is not set return the current device preference
   157 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   158 void CAMMSAudioOutputControl::GetCurrentPreference()
   159 {
   160     // reset the java AudioOutput object with current mode
   161     ResetJavaAudioOutputObject();
   162 }
   164 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   165 // CAMMSAudioOutputControl::GetCurrentPrefInt
   166 // Gets the preference.if user preference is not set return the current device preference in TInt form
   167 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   169 TInt CAMMSAudioOutputControl::GetCurrentPrefInt()
   170 {
   171     TInt pref ;
   172     // get the value of current preference
   173     if (iRoutingUserPreference == CAudioOutput::ENoPreference)
   174     {
   175         LOG1( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::GetCurrentPrefInt_if %d", (TInt)iDefaultDevicePreference);
   176         pref = GetDeviceDefaultPreference();
   177     }
   178     else
   179     {
   180         LOG1( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::GetCurrentPrefInt_else %d", (TInt)iRoutingUserPreference);
   181         pref = (TInt)iRoutingUserPreference;
   182     }
   183     return pref;
   184 }
   185 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   186 // CAMMSAudioOutputControl::GetDeviceDefaultPreference
   187 // Gets the current device preference used as default
   188 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   189 TInt CAMMSAudioOutputControl::GetDeviceDefaultPreference()
   190 {
   191     LOG1( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::GetDeviceDefaultPreference %d", (TInt)iDefaultDevicePreference);
   192     array.Reset();
   193     TInt temp = 0;
   194     TRAPD(err,iAccMonitor->GetConnectedAccessoriesL(array));
   195     if (err)
   196     {
   197         temp = -1;
   198     }
   199     TInt count = array.Count();
   200     if (count == 0)
   201     {
   202         temp = (TInt)CAudioOutput::EPublic;
   203     }
   204     LOG1( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::GetDeviceDefaultPreference :RConnectedAccessories count = %d",count);
   205     for (TInt i = 0; i != count; i++)
   206     {
   207         TAccMonCapability deviceType = array[ i ]->AccDeviceType();
   208         if ((deviceType == KAccMonHeadset)||(deviceType == KAccMonBluetooth))
   209         {
   210             LOG( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::CreateHeadsetStateObserverL info = Headset Connected  ");
   211             temp = (TInt)CAudioOutput::EPrivate;
   212             break;
   213         }
   215     }
   216     return temp;
   217 }
   218 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   219 // CAMMSAudioOutputControl::StateChanged
   220 // Called when player state is changed.
   221 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   222 void CAMMSAudioOutputControl::StateChanged(TInt aState)
   223 {
   224     LOG1( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::StateChanged +, state = %d",  aState);
   225     playerState = (CMMAPlayer::TPlayerState)aState;
   226     if (aState == CMMAPlayer::EStarted)
   227     {
   228         NotifyJavaOnChange();
   229     }
   230 }
   232 const TDesC& CAMMSAudioOutputControl::ClassName() const
   233 {
   234     LOG( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "CAMMSAudioOutputControl::ClassName");
   235     return KAMMSAudioOutputControl;
   236 }
   238 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   239 // CAMMSAudioOutputControl::SetPriorityToMmf
   240 // Scales the given AMMS priority to MMF priority and sets it to MMF.
   241 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   242 TInt CAMMSAudioOutputControl::SetAudioOutputToMmf(CAudioOutput::TAudioOutputPreference aPref)
   243 {
   244     LOG( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::SetAudioOutputToMmfL +");
   245     CAudioOutput::TAudioOutputPreference tempPreference = iRoutingUserPreference ;
   246     iRoutingUserPreference = aPref;
   247     TRAPD(err,CreateNativeAudioOutputControlL();
   248           iAudioOutput->SetAudioOutputL(aPref));
   249     if (KErrNone != err)
   250     {
   251         iRoutingUserPreference = tempPreference;
   252         TBuf<KEventMessageSize> errorMessage;
   253         errorMessage.Format(KErrAudioOutputControlError, err);
   254         iPlayer->PostStringEvent(CMMAPlayerEvent::EError, errorMessage);
   255     }
   256     // if during play user set a preference event should be sent to java
   257     if (playerState == CMMAPlayer::EStarted)
   258     {
   259         NotifyJavaOnChange();
   260     }
   261     return (TInt)iRoutingUserPreference;
   262 }
   263 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   264 // CAMMSAudioOutputControl::DefaultAudioOutputChanged
   265 // MAudioOutputObserver's function is implemented to notify about the change in routing preference
   266 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   268 void CAMMSAudioOutputControl::DefaultAudioOutputChanged(CAudioOutput& /*aAudioOutput*/,
   269         CAudioOutput::TAudioOutputPreference /*aNewDefault*/)
   270 {
   271     LOG( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::DefaultAudioOutputChanged ");
   273 }
   275 void CAMMSAudioOutputControl::NotifyJavaOnChange()
   276 {
   277     TInt tempPref = GetCurrentPrefInt();
   278     if (iCurrentPreference == tempPref)
   279     {
   280         LOG( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::NotifyJavaOnChange - No Event ");
   281         return;
   282     }
   283     //reset the java side object with the current iCurrentActualPreference
   284     ResetJavaAudioOutputObject();
   285     iCurrentPreference = tempPref;
   286     LOG( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::NotifyJavaOnChange - Sending Event ");
   287     iPlayer->PostObjectEvent(CMMAPlayerEvent::EAudioOutputPreferenceChangeEvent, iJavaAudioOutputObj);
   288 }
   290 void CAMMSAudioOutputControl::AccMonitorObserverError(TInt /*aError*/)
   291 {
   292     LOG( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::AccMonitorObserverError");
   293 }
   294 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   295 // CAMMSAudioOutputControl::CAMMSAudioOutputControl
   296 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
   297 // might leave.
   298 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   299 CAMMSAudioOutputControl::CAMMSAudioOutputControl(CMMAPlayer* aPlayer)
   300         : CAMMSControl(aPlayer),
   301         iRoutingUserPreference(CAudioOutput::ENoPreference)
   302 {
   303 }
   305 void CAMMSAudioOutputControl::ConnectedL(CAccMonitorInfo* aAccessoryInfo)
   306 {    // Reserve memory for the accessory information instance if necessary
   307     LOG( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::ConnectedL +");
   308     if (!iAccessoryInfo)
   309     {
   310         iAccessoryInfo = CAccMonitorInfo::NewL();
   311         LOG( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::ConnectedL iAccessoryInfo created");
   312     }
   313     // Otherwise just reset accessory information instance
   314     else
   315     {
   316         iAccessoryInfo->Reset();
   317     }
   318     iAccessoryInfo->CopyL(aAccessoryInfo);
   319     TAccMonCapability deviceType = iAccessoryInfo->AccDeviceType() ;
   320     if ((deviceType == KAccMonHeadset) || (deviceType == KAccMonBluetooth))
   321     {
   322         LOG( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::DisconnectedL: Headset connected");
   323         //send a callback
   324         if (iRoutingUserPreference == (TInt)(CAudioOutput::ENoPreference))
   325         {
   326             NotifyJavaOnChange();
   327         }
   328     }
   329     LOG( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::ConnectedL -");
   330 }
   333 void CAMMSAudioOutputControl::DisconnectedL(CAccMonitorInfo*  aAccessoryInfo)
   334 {   // Reserve memory for the accessory information instance if necessary
   336     LOG( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::DisconnectedL +");
   337     if (!iAccessoryInfo)
   338     {
   339         iAccessoryInfo = CAccMonitorInfo::NewL();
   340         LOG( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::DisconnectedL: iAccessoryInfo created");
   341     }
   342     else
   343     {
   344         iAccessoryInfo->Reset();
   345     }
   346     iAccessoryInfo->CopyL(aAccessoryInfo);
   347     TAccMonCapability deviceType = iAccessoryInfo->AccDeviceType();
   348     if ((deviceType == KAccMonHeadset)||(deviceType == KAccMonBluetooth))
   349     {
   350         LOG( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::DisconnectedL: Headset Disconnected");
   351         //send a callback
   352         if (iRoutingUserPreference == (TInt)(CAudioOutput::ENoPreference))
   353         {
   354             NotifyJavaOnChange();
   355         }
   356     }
   357     LOG( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::DisconnectedL -");
   358 }
   360 // start observing headset connection disconnection
   362 void CAMMSAudioOutputControl::CreateHeadsetStateObserverL()
   363 {
   364     // Headset connection and disconnection
   365     iAccessoryInfo = NULL;
   366     capabilityArray.Append(KAccMonHeadset);
   367     capabilityArray.Append(KAccMonBluetooth);
   369     iAccMonitor = CAccMonitor::NewL();
   370     iDefaultDevicePreference = (CAudioOutput::TAudioOutputPreference)GetDeviceDefaultPreference();
   371     iCurrentPreference = (TInt)iDefaultDevicePreference;
   372     TBool isObserving = iAccMonitor->IsObserving();
   373     if (!isObserving)
   374     {
   375         iAccMonitor->StartObservingL(this, capabilityArray);
   376     }
   377 }
   379 // end CreateHeadsetStateObserver
   381 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   382 // CAMMSPlayerStateListener::ConstructL
   383 // 2nd phase constructor.
   384 // (other items were commented in a header).
   385 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   386 void CAMMSAudioOutputControl::ConstructL()
   387 {
   388     LOG( EJavaAMMS, EInfo, "AMMS::CAMMSAudioOutputControl::ConstructL +");
   389     // create an observer to notify the state of headset
   390     //and initialize iDefaultDevicePreference with CAudioOutput::EPrivate if headset is connected.
   391     CreateHeadsetStateObserverL();
   392     iPlayer->AddStateListenerL(this);
   393 }
   395 void CAMMSAudioOutputControl::CreateNativeAudioOutputControlL()
   396 {
   397     if (iAudioOutput)
   398     {
   399         return;
   400     }
   402     if (iPlayer->Type() == KMMAMIDIPlayer)
   403     {
   404         CMMAMIDIPlayer* mmaMIDIPlayer =
   405             reinterpret_cast< CMMAMIDIPlayer* >(iPlayer);
   406         iAudioOutput = CAudioOutput::NewL(*(mmaMIDIPlayer->MidiClient()));
   407     }
   408     else if (iPlayer->Type() == KMMAAudioPlayer)
   409     {
   410         MCustomCommand* customCommandUtility = (MCustomCommand *)CreateCustomCommandUtilityL();
   411         // Create the CAudioOutput Object to handle the audio routing
   412         iAudioOutput = CAudioOutput::NewL(*customCommandUtility);
   413     }
   414     else if (iPlayer->Type() == KMMAVideoPlayer)
   415     {
   416         CMMAVideoPlayer* mmaVideoPlayer =
   417             reinterpret_cast< CMMAVideoPlayer* >(iPlayer);
   418         RMMFController& mmfController = mmaVideoPlayer->Controller();
   419         MCustomCommand* customCommandUtility =
   420             CAMMSCustomCommandUtility::NewL(mmfController);
   421         iAudioOutput = CAudioOutput::NewL(*customCommandUtility);
   422     }
   424     if(iAudioOutput)
   425     {
   426    		iAudioOutput->RegisterObserverL(*this);
   427   	}
   428     else
   429     {
   430     	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   431     }	
   432 }
   435 //  End of File