--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/build/properties.xml Tue Apr 27 16:30:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+<project name="Properties">
+ This file contains common properties for each build.xml file.
+ It assumes that before using the properties target "init.properties"
+ is run.
+ <!--The environment properties -->
+ <property environment="env"/>
+ <!--The root of the source files -->
+ <property name="java.src.root" location="${ant.file.Properties}/../../"/>
+ <!--The used bytecode version -->
+ <property name="javac.source" value="1.3"/>
+ <property name="javac.target" value="1.3"/>
+ <!--Set the component.dir -->
+ <property name="component.dir" value="${ant.project.name}"/>
+ <!--Search import file="${platform.utilities.xml.file} in utilities.xml file
+ for reason why this property is defined"/> -->
+ <property name="platform.utilities.xml.file" value="utilities.fake.xml"/>
+ <!--The cldc/cdc class file locations -->
+ <property name="bootclasspath.cldc" location="${java.src.root}/inc/classes.cldc.zip"/>
+ <property name="bootclasspath.cdc" location="${java.src.root}/inc/classes.cdc.zip"/>
+ <property name="bootclasspath.fp" location="${java.src.root}/inc/classes.fp.zip"/>
+ <!--NOTE!!! Properties defined below can be used only inside a target-->
+ <!--Set the properties with S60 specific values-->
+ <target name="set.s60.properties" if="target.s60">
+ <condition property="real.cfg.name"
+ value="udeb"
+ else="urel">
+ <equals arg1="${target.cfg}" arg2="debug"/>
+ </condition>
+ <!-- Set internal epoc root -->
+ <condition property="epocroot"
+ value="${env.EPOCROOT}"
+ else="">
+ <isset property="env.EPOCROOT"/>
+ </condition>
+ <!--Location of eswt.jar. This is not needed in S60 Avkon,
+ but needed in S60 Qt. -->
+ <property name="eswt.jar" value=":${java.src.root}/javauis/bin/eswt.jar"/>
+ <!--The root for the java compile time outputs-->
+ <property name="compile.result.root"
+ location="${epocroot}epoc32/build/jrt/javabuild"/>
+ <!--The root file where the jarfiles are put that are used to build against-->
+ <property name="jar.destination.root"
+ location="${epocroot}epoc32/release/${target.platform}/${real.cfg.name}"/>
+ <!--JAVA_HOME for JAPT & JAR2JXE -->
+ <!-- Set executable ending for Java platform tools -->
+ <condition property="j9.java.home"
+ value="${epocroot}epoc32/tools/java/japtjxe.windows"
+ else="${epocroot}epoc32/tools/java/japtjxe.linux">
+ <os family="windows"/>
+ </condition>
+ <!--The utility file containing platform specific fetures-->
+ <property name="dyn.platform.utilities.xml.file" value="utilities.s60.xml"/>
+ <!--The default directory for cldc based s60 java code-->
+ <property name="javasrc.platform.specific" value="../javasrc.s60"/>
+ <!--The default directory for cdc based s60 java code-->
+ <property name="javasrc.platform.specific.cdc" value="../javasrc.s60.cdc"/>
+ <!--The java resource root -->
+ <property name="java.res.root"
+ location="${epocroot}epoc32/release/${target.platform}/${real.cfg.name}/z/resource/java"/>
+ <!--The java captain datacage -->
+ <property name="java.captain.datacage"
+ location="${epocroot}epoc32/release/${target.platform}/${real.cfg.name}/z/private/200211dc"/>
+ <!--The extension directory of the VM. -->
+ <property name="vm.extension.directory"
+ location="${java.res.root}/jvm/lib/common"/>
+ <!--The directory for entitys to be set to bootclass path. This is the location
+ where the jar and/or odc files goes to -->
+ <property name="bcp.dest.directory"
+ location="${java.res.root}/jvm/lib/jrt"/>
+ </target>
+ <!--Set the properties with linux specific values-->
+ <target name="set.linux.properties" if="target.linux">
+ <!--The root for the java compile time outputs-->
+ <property name="compile.result.root"
+ location="${env.JAVA_BIN_ROOT}/javabuild"/>
+ <!--Location of eswt.jar. This is needed in compile time in Linux-->
+ <property name="eswt.jar" value=":${java.src.root}/javauis/bin/eswt.jar"/>
+ <!--The root file where the interface jarfiles are put -->
+ <property name="jar.destination.root"
+ location="${compile.result.root}/jars/${target.platform}/${target.cfg}"/>
+ <!--The utility file containing platform specific fetures-->
+ <property name="dyn.platform.utilities.xml.file" value="utilities.linux.xml"/>
+ <!--The default directory for cldc based linux java code-->
+ <property name="javasrc.platform.specific" value="../javasrc.linux"/>
+ <!--The default directory for cdc based linux java code-->
+ <property name="javasrc.platform.specific.cdc" value="../javasrc.linux.cdc"/>
+ <!--The java resource root -->
+ <property name="java.res.root"
+ location="${env.JAVA_BIN_ROOT}"/>
+ <!--The java captain datacage -->
+ <property name="java.captain.datacage"
+ location="${env.JAVA_BIN_ROOT}"/>
+ <!--The extension directory of the VM. -->
+ <property name="vm.extension.directory" location="${env.JAVA_BIN_ROOT}/jsr/classes/common"/>
+ <!--The directory for entitys to be set to bootclass path. This is the location
+ where the jar and/or odc files goes to -->
+ <property name="bcp.dest.directory"
+ location="${vm.extension.directory}"/>
+ </target>
+ <!-- Set target.s60 or target.linux -->
+ <target name="set.target" depends="explicit.target.type, implicit.target.type">
+ <condition property="target.s60">
+ <equals arg1="${target.type}" arg2="s60"/>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="target.linux">
+ <equals arg1="${target.type}" arg2="linux"/>
+ </condition>
+ </target>
+ <!-- Get implicit target.type (s60 or linux) -->
+ <target name="implicit.target.type" unless="target.type">
+ <condition property="target.type" value="s60">
+ <os family="windows"/>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="target.type" value="linux">
+ <os family="unix"/>
+ </condition>
+ </target>
+ <!-- Get explicit target type from variable "target.buildenv" -->
+ <target name="explicit.target.type" if="env.BUILDENV">
+ <condition property="target.type" value="s60">
+ <equals arg1="${env.BUILDENV}" arg2="symbian"/>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="target.type" value="linux">
+ <equals arg1="${env.BUILDENV}" arg2="linux"/>
+ </condition>
+ </target>
+ <!--Set default value for target.platform -->
+ <target name="define.target.platform" unless="target.platform">
+ <condition property="target.platform"
+ value="winscw"
+ else="linux">
+ <isset property="target.s60" />
+ </condition>
+ </target>
+ <!--Set default value for target.cfg -->
+ <target name="define.target.cfg" unless="target.cfg">
+ <property name="target.cfg" value="debug"/>
+ </target>
+ <!--Set default value for bootclasspath -->
+ <target name="define.bootclasspath" unless="bootclasspath">
+ <property name="bootclasspath" value="${bootclasspath.cldc}"/>
+ </target>
+ <!--Set default value for java.src.paths -->
+ <target name="define.javasrc.path" unless="java.src.paths">
+ <property name="java.src.paths" value="../javasrc"/>
+ </target>
+ <!--Set default value for jar.filename -->
+ <target name="define.jar.filename" unless="jar.filename">
+ <property name="jar.filename" value="${ant.project.name}.jar"/>
+ </target>
+ <!--Set default value for native.dll.name -->
+ <target name="define.native.dll.name" unless="native.dll.name">
+ <property name="native.dll.name" value="${ant.project.name}"/>
+ </target>
+ <!--Set default value for odc.file.name -->
+ <target name="define.odc.file.name" unless="odc.file.name">
+ <property name="odc.file.name" value="${ant.project.name}"/>
+ </target>
+ <!--Set default value for bootclasspath.second -->
+ <target name="define.bootclasspath.second" unless="bootclasspath.second">
+ <property name="bootclasspath.second" value="${bootclasspath.cdc}"/>
+ </target>
+ <!--Set default value for bootclasspath.second -->
+ <target name="define.java.src.second.paths" unless="java.src.second.paths">
+ <property name="java.src.second.paths" value="../javasrc.cdc"/>
+ </target>
+ <!--Target for making component specific initalizations depending on
+ the values of dynamic properties (e.g. Target platform).
+ The default implementation of this target is empty and the component
+ should override this if it provides public APIs -->
+ <target name="init.component.properties">
+ </target>
+ <!--Initilize the dynamic properties -->
+ <target name="init.properties" depends="set.target,
+ define.target.platform,
+ define.target.cfg,
+ set.s60.properties,
+ set.linux.properties,
+ define.bootclasspath,
+ init.component.properties,
+ define.javasrc.path,
+ define.jar.filename,
+ define.native.dll.name,
+ define.odc.file.name,
+ define.bootclasspath.second,
+ define.java.src.second.paths">
+ <!--The directory where the component specific compile results are put to -->
+ <property name="component.root.dir" location="${compile.result.root}/${component.dir}"/>
+ <!--The directory where the component specific classes are put to -->
+ <property name="classes.dir" location="${component.root.dir}/classes"/>
+ <!--The directory where the component specific classes (1) are put to -->
+ <property name="classes.first.dir" location="${classes.dir}/first"/>
+ <!--The directory where the component specific classes (2) are put to -->
+ <property name="classes.second.dir" location="${classes.dir}/second"/>
+ <!--The directory where the component specific classes are collected to -->
+ <property name="classes.collection.dir" location="${classes.dir}/collection"/>
+ <!--The directory where the temporary javah header files are put to -->
+ <property name="temp.javah.dir" location="${component.root.dir}/temp.javah"/>
+ <!--The directory where the compile time javah header files are put to -->
+ <!--property name="javah.dir" location="${component.root.dir}/inc.javah"/-->
+ <property name="javah.dir" location="${compile.result.root}/inc.javah"/>
+ <!--The jar file containing all the internal API class files-->
+ <property name="platform.api.jar" location="${jar.destination.root}/java_platform_api.jar"/>
+ <!--The jar file containing all the public API class files-->
+ <property name="public.api.jar" location="${jar.destination.root}/java_public_api.jar"/>
+ <!--The jar file containing all the cldc based class files-->
+ <property name="impl.cldc.jar" location="${jar.destination.root}/java_impl_cldc.jar"/>
+ <!--The jar file containing all the cldc based class files-->
+ <property name="impl.cdc.jar" location="${jar.destination.root}/java_impl_cdc.jar"/>
+ <!--The jar file containing all the localization files-->
+ <property name="resource.jar" location="${bcp.dest.directory}/resources.jar"/>
+ <!--The jar file containing all the cldc based class files and cldc classes itself
+ This is for signature testing -->
+ <property name="signature.jar" location="${jar.destination.root}/java_signature_test.jar"/>
+ <!--Property for setting the javadebug for java compilation-->
+ <condition property="javac.debug.on"
+ value="true"
+ else="false">
+ <equals arg1="${target.cfg}" arg2="debug"/>
+ </condition>
+ <!--Does the directory containing platform specific cldc based code exist -->
+ <available file="${javasrc.platform.specific}" property="javasrc.platform.specific.present"/>
+ <!--Does the directory containing platform specific cdc based code exist -->
+ <available file="${javasrc.platform.specific.cdc}" property="javasrc.platform.specific.cdc.present"/>
+ </target>