--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/javacommons/fileutils/src.s60/filedrmcontenthandler.cpp Tue Apr 27 16:30:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Handles DRM File IO Operations
+ *
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string>
+#include "s60commonutils.h"
+#include "javacommonutils.h"
+#include "jniarrayutils.h"
+#include "logger.h"
+#include "functionserver.h"
+#include "fs_methodcall.h"
+#include "filedrmcontenthandler.h"
+#include "s60filesystemutilities.h"
+#include "com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileDRMContentHandler.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace java::util;
+using namespace java::fileutils;
+TBool FileDRMContentHandler::isDRMProtectedFile(const TDesC& aFullName)
+ JELOG2(EJavaFile);
+ LOG(EJavaFile, EInfo, "+FileDRMContentHandler::isDRMProtectedFile{}");
+ TInt value = 0;
+ HBufC* fileName = 0;
+ TRAPD(err, fileName = HBufC::NewL(aFullName.Length()));
+ if (KErrNone == err)
+ {
+ TPtr fileNamePtr(fileName->Des());
+ fileNamePtr = aFullName;
+ S60FileSystemUtilities::ReplaceCharacters(fileNamePtr, '/', '\\');
+ ContentAccess::CContent* content = 0;
+ // Use CAF to check whether the content is protected
+ TRAP(err, content = ContentAccess::CContent::NewL(fileNamePtr));
+ if (KErrNone == err)
+ {
+ LOG(EJavaFile, EInfo,
+ " FileDRMContentHandler::isDRMProtectedFile: " \
+ "Getting attribute.");
+ err = content->GetAttribute(ContentAccess::EIsProtected, value);
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ delete content; //Cleanup after NewL
+ }
+ }
+ LOG1(EJavaFile, EInfo,
+ "-FileDRMContentHandler::isDRMProtectedFile: returns %d",
+ value);
+ delete fileName;
+ return value ? ETrue : EFalse;
+ContentAccess::TIntent FileDRMContentHandler::mapIntentToCAF(TInt aIntent)
+ JELOG2(EJavaFile);
+ ContentAccess::TIntent intent;
+ switch (aIntent)
+ {
+ case com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileDRMContentHandler_Peek:
+ intent = ContentAccess::EPeek;
+ break;
+ case com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileDRMContentHandler_Play:
+ intent = ContentAccess::EPlay;
+ break;
+ case com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileDRMContentHandler_View:
+ intent = ContentAccess::EView;
+ break;
+ case com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileDRMContentHandler_Execute:
+ intent = ContentAccess::EExecute;
+ break;
+ case com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileDRMContentHandler_Print:
+ intent = ContentAccess::EPrint;
+ break;
+ default:
+ intent = ContentAccess::EUnknown;
+ }
+ return intent;
+void FileDRMContentHandler::setDrmArguments(TInt aIntent, TBool aExecuteIntent)
+ LOG2(EJavaFile, EInfo, "FileDRMContentHandler::setDrmArguments(): "
+ " Intent to %d and Set Intent?", aIntent, aExecuteIntent);
+ mExecuteIntent = aExecuteIntent;
+ mDrmIntent = mapIntentToCAF(aIntent);
+FileDRMContentHandler::FileDRMContentHandler(const std::wstring aName) :
+ NativeFileIOHandler(aName), mContent(0), mData(0), mReadPosition(0)
+ // CContent and CData both use RFile internally.
+ // Calling in different thread context will result in a panic.
+ // Hence we need to use Function Server to maintain a single thread context.
+ LOG(EJavaFile, EInfo, "FileDRMContentHandler: Creating new FunctionServer");
+ mFunctionServer = new FunctionServer("FileDRMContentHandler");
+ mFunctionServer->createServerToNewThread();
+ JELOG2(EJavaFile);
+ CallMethod(this, &FileDRMContentHandler::clearContent, mFunctionServer);
+ delete mFunctionServer;
+void FileDRMContentHandler::clearContent()
+ if (mContent)
+ {
+ delete mContent;
+ mContent = 0;
+ }
+ if (mData)
+ {
+ delete mData;
+ mData = 0;
+ }
+long FileDRMContentHandler::skip(const long aOffset)
+ long result = 0;
+ CallMethod(result, this, &FileDRMContentHandler::skipFs, aOffset,
+ mFunctionServer);
+ return result;
+long FileDRMContentHandler::skipFs(const long aOffset)
+ JELOG2(EJavaFile);
+ handleReopenCase();
+ TInt pos = aOffset;
+ TInt currentOffset = mReadPosition;
+ LOG1(EJavaFile, EInfo, "FileDRMContentHandler::skip: trying to skip: %d",
+ aOffset);
+ TInt error = mData->Seek(ESeekCurrent, pos);
+ TInt skipped = 0;
+ if (KErrNone == error)
+ {
+ mReadPosition = pos;
+ LOG1(EJavaFile, EInfo,
+ "FileDRMContentHandler::skip: setting read pos to: %d",
+ mReadPosition);
+ skipped = (mReadPosition - currentOffset);
+ }
+ LOG1(EJavaFile, EInfo, "FileDRMContentHandler::skip: skipped: %d", skipped);
+ return skipped;
+int FileDRMContentHandler::readBytes(char* aBuffer, int aLength)
+ int result = 0;
+ CallMethod(result, this, &FileDRMContentHandler::readBytesFs, aBuffer,
+ aLength, mFunctionServer);
+ return result;
+int FileDRMContentHandler::readBytesFs(char* aBuffer, int aLength)
+ JELOG2(EJavaFile);
+ handleReopenCase();
+ HBufC8* data = HBufC8::New(aLength + 1);
+ TPtr8 buffer(data->Des());
+ LOG(EJavaFile, EInfo, "FileDRMContentHandler::readBytes() Reading data...");
+ TInt error = mData->Read(buffer, aLength);
+ TInt bytesRead = buffer.Size();
+ memcpy(aBuffer, buffer.Ptr(), bytesRead);
+ aBuffer[bytesRead] = 0;
+ mReadPosition += bytesRead;
+ delete data;
+ LOG1(EJavaFile, EInfo, "FileDRMContentHandler::readBytes: returning: %d",
+ bytesRead);
+ return bytesRead;
+int FileDRMContentHandler::writeBytes(char* /*aBuffer*/, int /*aLength*/)
+ JELOG2(EJavaFile);
+ // There is no write for DRM protected content. We should not be here.
+ return 0;
+void FileDRMContentHandler::stopReading()
+ JELOG2(EJavaFile);
+ mReadPosition = 0;
+void FileDRMContentHandler::stopWriting()
+ JELOG2(EJavaFile);
+ ELOG(EJavaFile, "FileDRMContentHandler::stopWriting() "
+ // NOTE: There is no write for DRM protected content. We should not be here.
+void FileDRMContentHandler::initializeAndOpenL()
+ JELOG2(EJavaFile);
+ LOG(EJavaFile, EInfo, "+FileDRMContentHandler::initializeAndOpenL() ");
+ // Check and initialize DRM content here.
+ HBufC* fileName = S60CommonUtils::wstringToDes(mFileName.c_str());
+ TPtr fileNameDes(fileName->Des());
+ S60FileSystemUtilities::ReplaceCharacters(fileNameDes, '/', '\\');
+ CleanupStack::PushL(fileName);
+ mContent = ContentAccess::CContent::NewL(fileNameDes);
+ mData = mContent->OpenContentL(mDrmIntent);
+ LOG(EJavaFile, EInfo,
+ " FileDRMContentHandler::initializeAndOpenL(): Content opened.");
+ int error = mData->EvaluateIntent(mDrmIntent);
+ User::LeaveIfError(error);
+ LOG(EJavaFile, EInfo,
+ " FileDRMContentHandler::initializeAndOpenL(): Intent evaluated");
+ if (mExecuteIntent)
+ {
+ LOG(EJavaFile, EInfo,
+ " FileDRMContentHandler::initializeAndOpenL(): Executing intent");
+ // Initialize and open should be called only once until the file is not closed.
+ error = mData->ExecuteIntent(mDrmIntent);
+ User::LeaveIfError(error);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fileName);
+ LOG(EJavaFile, EInfo, "-FileDRMContentHandler::initializeAndOpenL() ");
+void FileDRMContentHandler::openForReading()
+ JELOG2(EJavaFile);
+ LOG1(EJavaFile, EInfo, "FileDRMContentHandler::openForReading(): "
+ " Opening: %S", mFileName.c_str());
+ TRAPD(error, CallMethodL(this,
+ &java::fileutils::FileDRMContentHandler::initializeAndOpenL,
+ mFunctionServer));
+ if ((KErrCANoPermission == error) || (KErrCANoRights == error)
+ || (KErrCAPendingRights == error))
+ {
+ ELOG1(EJavaFile, "FileDRMContentHandler::openForReading() Open failed."
+ " Error: %d", error);
+ throw EPERM;
+ }
+ if (KErrNone != error)
+ {
+ ELOG1(EJavaFile, "FileDRMContentHandler::openForReading() Open failed."
+ " Error: %d", error);
+ throw EIO;
+ }
+ mReadPosition = 0;
+void FileDRMContentHandler::openForWriting(const long /*aOffset*/)
+ JELOG2(EJavaFile);
+ // NOTE: There is no write for DRM protected content. We should not be here.
+ ELOG(EJavaFile, "FileDRMContentHandler::openForWriting(): "
+ " Trying to write into DRM file. Throwing exception EPERM.");
+ throw EPERM;
+void FileDRMContentHandler::closeFileToReopen()
+ JELOG2(EJavaFile);
+ // We never close file to re-open again.
+void FileDRMContentHandler::handleReopenCase()
+ JELOG2(EJavaFile);
+ // File is never closed temporarily in case of DRM files.
+ // Kept for future use.
+long FileDRMContentHandler::available()
+ JELOG2(EJavaFile);
+ TInt fileLength = 0;
+ TRAPD(error, CallMethodL(mData, &ContentAccess::CData::DataSizeL,
+ fileLength, mFunctionServer));
+ TInt total = 0;
+ if (KErrNone == error)
+ {
+ total = fileLength - mReadPosition;
+ }
+ LOG1(EJavaFile, EInfo, "FileDRMContentHandler::available: Returning: %d",
+ total);
+ return total;