changeset 14 04becd199f91
child 17 0fd27995241b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/javaextensions/location/landmarks/src/clapilandmarkstore.cpp	Tue Apr 27 16:30:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Implements native landmark store functionality
+ *
+#include    "clapilandmarkstore.h"
+#include    "mlapicategorymanager.h"
+#include    "mlapilmdatabaseeventnotifier.h"
+#include    "clapilandmarksearchfactory.h"
+#include    "clapilandmark.h"
+#include    "tlapisearchcriteria.h"
+#include    "cleanupresetanddestroy.h"
+#include    "lapipanics.h"
+#include    "logger.h"
+#include    <EPos_CPosLandmark.h>
+#include    <EPos_CPosLandmarkDatabase.h>
+#include    <EPos_CPosLmItemIterator.h>
+// Minimum usage of the native landmark database. If the usage drops
+// below this level, the database will be compacted to avoid that the
+// Landmark Server would do that which eventually locks the database
+const TReal KLAPIMinCompactUsage = 0.7;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLAPILandmarkStore::CLAPILandmarkStore
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+    // Closes the database and releases all resources
+    Close();
+    delete iStoreUri;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLAPILandmarkStore::ConstructL
+// (other items were commented in a header
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLAPILandmarkStore::ConstructL()
+    JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+    // Get the name of the landmark store
+    iStoreUri = iLandmarkDatabase->DatabaseUriLC();
+    CleanupStack::Pop(iStoreUri);
+    // Create landmark search factory for filtering landmarks
+    iSearchFactory = CLAPILandmarkSearchFactory::NewL(*iLandmarkDatabase);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLAPILandmarkStore::NewL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CLAPILandmarkStore* CLAPILandmarkStore::NewL(const TCtorParams& aParams)
+    JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+    CLAPILandmarkStore* self = CLAPILandmarkStore::NewLC(aParams);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+    return self;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLAPILandmarkStore::NewLC
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CLAPILandmarkStore* CLAPILandmarkStore::NewLC(const TCtorParams& aParams)
+    JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+    CLAPILandmarkStore* self = new(ELeave) CLAPILandmarkStore(aParams);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL();
+    return self;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLAPILandmarkStore::ReadFullLandmarkL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLAPILandmarkStore::ReadFullLandmarkL(CLAPILandmark& aLandmark)
+    JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+    // Check if the database has been closed
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iLandmarkDatabase, User::Leave(KErrSessionClosed));
+    TLAPIItemId id = aLandmark.Id();
+    // Check that the landmark id is valid
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(id != KLAPINullItemId, LAPIError::Panic(
+                       ELAPIPanicInvalidLandmarkId));
+    // Read the full landmark from the database and add it to the item
+    // Note that this overwrites the native entry in the item. The function
+    // leaves with KErrNotFound if there is no such item in the database
+    CPosLandmark* fullLandmark = iLandmarkDatabase->ReadLandmarkLC(id);
+    aLandmark.SetPosLandmark(fullLandmark);
+    // The ownership of fullLandmark is transferred to landmark object
+    CleanupStack::Pop(fullLandmark);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLAPILandmarkStore::ReadLandmarkAttributesL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLAPILandmarkStore::ReadLandmarkAttributesL(CLAPILandmark& aLandmark,
+        const TUint aAttributes, const RArray<TUint>* aAddressInfos)
+    JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+    // Check if the database has been closed
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iLandmarkDatabase, User::Leave(KErrSessionClosed));
+    // Create new set of partial read parameters. The old parameters in the
+    // store will not be used since those can have additional fields which
+    // are not needed when reading the requested landmark data
+    CPosLmPartialReadParameters* params = CPosLmPartialReadParameters::NewLC();
+    params->SetRequestedAttributes(aAttributes);
+    // Set requested address info fields if specified
+    if (aAddressInfos)
+    {
+        params->SetRequestedPositionFields(*aAddressInfos);
+    }
+    TLAPIItemId id = aLandmark.Id();
+    // Check that the landmark id is valid
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(id != KLAPINullItemId, LAPIError::Panic(
+                       ELAPIPanicInvalidLandmarkId));
+    // Read the landmark using the partial read parameters
+    iLandmarkDatabase->SetPartialReadParametersL(*params);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(params);
+    // Read the partial landmark from the landmark database
+    CPosLandmark* newLm = iLandmarkDatabase->ReadPartialLandmarkLC(id);
+    // The ownership is transferred to landmark object
+    aLandmark.SetPosLandmark(newLm);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(newLm);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLAPILandmarkStore::CategoryManager
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MLAPICategoryManager* CLAPILandmarkStore::CategoryManagerL() const
+    JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+    // Check if the database has been closed
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iLandmarkDatabase, User::Leave(KErrSessionClosed));
+    return iCategoryManager;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLAPILandmarkStore::LandmarkDisposed
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLAPILandmarkStore::LandmarkDisposed(CLAPILandmark& aLandmark)
+    JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+    TInt landmarkIndex = iLandmarks.Find(&aLandmark);
+    // Remove the specified landmark if it was found from this store
+    if (landmarkIndex != KErrNotFound)
+    {
+        iLandmarks.Remove(landmarkIndex);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLAPILandmarkStore::StoreUri
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TDesC& CLAPILandmarkStore::StoreUri() const
+    JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+    return *iStoreUri;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLAPILandmarkStore::LandmarksL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CArrayPtr<CLAPILandmark>* CLAPILandmarkStore::LandmarksL(
+    const TUint aAttributes, const TLAPISearchCriteria* aSearchCriteria)
+    JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+    // Check if the database has been closed
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iLandmarkDatabase, User::Leave(KErrSessionClosed));
+    CPosLmItemIterator* iter = iSearchFactory->CreateIteratorL(aSearchCriteria);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(iter);
+    // Do not initialize anything if there is nothing to initialize
+    TInt itemCount = iter->NumOfItemsL();
+    // Ensure that the granularity is always more than zero. Flat array
+    // is used because the buffer will not be increased after it has
+    // been initialized
+    CArrayPtr<CLAPILandmark>* landmarks = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<
+    CLAPILandmark> (itemCount + 1);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(landmarks);
+    // Put the array to cleanup stack for reset and destroy since the
+    // array owns the objects and those must also be deleted
+    CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(*landmarks);
+    if (itemCount > 0)
+    {
+        // Get item identifiers only from the iterator
+        RArray<TPosLmItemId> ids;
+        CleanupClosePushL(ids);
+        iter->GetItemIdsL(ids, 0, iter->NumOfItemsL());
+        // Set partial read paramaters to the native database.
+        CPosLmPartialReadParameters* params =
+            CPosLmPartialReadParameters::NewLC();
+        params->SetRequestedAttributes(aAttributes);
+        iLandmarkDatabase->SetPartialReadParametersL(*params);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(params);
+        // Prepare partial landmarks. This reads the specified landmark id array
+        // from the native database and initializes the requested attributes to
+        // the previously read landmark objects.
+        CPosLmOperation* op = iLandmarkDatabase->PreparePartialLandmarksL(ids);
+        // ids are on top of the stack and are not needed anymore
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&ids);
+        CleanupStack::PushL(op);
+        // Execute the operation. This needs to be done before the partial
+        // landmarks can be taken from the landmark database. The time of the
+        // operation depends on the partial read parameters set above
+        op->ExecuteL();
+        // The operation has been completed and prepared landmarks are available
+        CArrayPtr<CPosLandmark>* preparedLandmarks =
+            iLandmarkDatabase->TakePreparedPartialLandmarksL(op);
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(op);
+        // Make this leave-safe since the prepared array cannot be put to
+        // cleanup stack safely because it needs two leaving operations
+        TRAPD(error, HandlePreparedLandmarksL(*preparedLandmarks, *landmarks));
+        // Cleanup the prepared landmarks
+        preparedLandmarks->ResetAndDestroy();
+        delete preparedLandmarks;
+        // Now it is safe to leave
+        User::LeaveIfError(error);
+    }
+    CleanupStack::Pop(2, landmarks); // The object and ResetAndDestroy
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(iter);
+    return landmarks;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLAPILandmarkStore::AddLandmarkL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLAPILandmarkStore::AddLandmarkL(CLAPILandmark& aLandmark)
+    JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+    // Check if the database has been closed
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iLandmarkDatabase, User::Leave(KErrSessionClosed));
+    TUint id = aLandmark.Id();
+    LOG1(EJavaLocation, EInfo, "CLAPILandmarkStore::AddLandmarkL - id %d", id);
+    CPosLandmark* landmark(NULL);
+    TRAPD(err, landmark = iLandmarkDatabase->ReadLandmarkLC(id);
+          CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(landmark));    // We dont need the landmark
+    // The landmark was not found from the database. Add a new landmark
+    if (err == KErrNotFound)
+    {
+        LOG(EJavaLocation, EInfo,
+            "CLAPILandmarkStore::AddLandmarkL - adding new landmark");
+        // Prepare the landmark for saving. This will guarantee that partially
+        // read landmarks will be up to date when those are added to the native
+        // database. All data are not necessary available in the item if it has
+        // been partially loaded from the native database
+        aLandmark.PrepareForSaveL();
+        // Add new landmark to the database. Note that the added landmark
+        // should not initially belong to any categories
+        CPosLandmark& landmark = aLandmark.PosLandmark();
+        landmark.RemoveLandmarkAttributes(CPosLandmark::ECategoryInfo);
+        iLandmarkDatabase->AddLandmarkL(landmark);
+        err = iLandmarks.Append(&aLandmark);
+        if (err != KErrNone)
+        {
+            // Remove the added landmark to keep the store in sync. Note
+            // that this call leaves only if the database hasn't been initialized
+            iLandmarkDatabase->RemoveLandmarkL(id);
+            User::Leave(err);
+        }
+        // Mark that this landmark has been associated to a landmark store
+        aLandmark.AssociateToStore(this);
+        err = KErrNone;
+        // Compact the database if it is necessary
+        CompactIfNeededL();
+    }
+    User::LeaveIfError(err);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLAPILandmarkStore::UpdateLandmarkL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLAPILandmarkStore::UpdateLandmarkL(CLAPILandmark& aLandmark)
+    JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+    // Check if the database has been closed
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iLandmarkDatabase, User::Leave(KErrSessionClosed));
+    LOG1(EJavaLocation, EInfo,
+         "CLAPILandmarkStore::UpdateLandmarkL - id %d",
+         aLandmark.Id());
+    // Refresh all landmarks before updating this landmark. This needs to be
+    // done because it is expected that all Java side landmark objects will
+    // not be updated if one specific landmark is updated
+    RefreshLandmarksL(aLandmark.Id());
+    // Prepare the landmark for saving. This will guarantee that partially
+    // read landmarks will be up to date when those are added to the native
+    // database. All data are not necessary available in the item if it has
+    // been partially loaded from the native database
+    aLandmark.PrepareForSaveL();
+    // Update the existing landmark into the database. The existing data
+    // will be overwritten
+    iLandmarkDatabase->UpdateLandmarkL(aLandmark.PosLandmark());
+    // Compact the database if it is necessary
+    CompactIfNeededL();
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLAPILandmarkStore::DeleteLandmarkL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLAPILandmarkStore::RemoveLandmarkL(CLAPILandmark& aLandmark)
+    JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+    // Check if the database has been closed
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iLandmarkDatabase, User::Leave(KErrSessionClosed));
+    TUint32 id = aLandmark.Id();
+    LOG1(EJavaLocation, EInfo,
+         "CLAPILandmarkStore::RemoveLandmarkL - id %d", id);
+    // Refresh all related landmarks which match for the given landmark's id
+    TRAPD(err, RefreshLandmarksL(id, ETrue));
+    // Do not leave if the landmark was already removed from the store
+    if (err == KErrNone)
+    {
+        LOG(EJavaLocation, EInfo,
+            "CLAPILandmarkStore::RemoveLandmarkL - removing from database");
+        // Remove the landmark from the native database.
+        iLandmarkDatabase->RemoveLandmarkL(id);
+        // Compact the database if it is necessary
+        CompactIfNeededL();
+    }
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS(err == KErrNone || err == KErrNotFound,
+                    User::Leave(err));
+    // Not associated anymore. Remove from list
+    aLandmark.AssociateToStore(NULL);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLAPILandmarkStore::CompactIfNeededL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLAPILandmarkStore::CompactIfNeededL()
+    JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+    // Check if the database has been closed
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iLandmarkDatabase, User::Leave(KErrSessionClosed));
+    CPosLandmarkDatabase::TSize databaseSize =
+        iLandmarkDatabase->SizeL();
+    // Execute synchronised compact operation if the the usage is below
+    // the minimum compact limit. This prevents that Landmarks Server will
+    // not do this operation and lock the database
+    if (databaseSize.iUsage < KLAPIMinCompactUsage)
+    {
+        ExecuteAndDeleteLD(iLandmarkDatabase->CompactL());
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLAPILandmarkStore::Close
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLAPILandmarkStore::Close()
+    JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+    TInt count = iLandmarks.Count();
+    for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
+    {
+        // The store has been closed. This indicates that there are no
+        // landmark objects in the java side and the landmark store has
+        // gone out of scope
+        iLandmarks[i]->StoreClosed();
+    }
+    // The landmark objects are not owned by the store
+    iLandmarks.Close();
+    delete iCategoryManager;
+    iCategoryManager = NULL;
+    delete iSearchFactory;
+    iSearchFactory = NULL;
+    delete iEventNotifier;
+    iEventNotifier = NULL;
+    delete iLandmarkDatabase;
+    iLandmarkDatabase = NULL;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLAPILandmarkStore::HandlePreparedLandmarksL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLAPILandmarkStore::HandlePreparedLandmarksL(CArrayPtr<
+        CPosLandmark>& aSrcArray, CArrayPtr<CLAPILandmark>& aDestArray)
+    JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+    aDestArray.Reset();
+    // Create Location API landmark objects from each native landmark
+    TInt lmCount = aSrcArray.Count();
+    while (lmCount-- > 0)
+    {
+        // Handle items in accending order from the start of the array
+        CPosLandmark* landmark = aSrcArray.At(0);
+        // The new landmark takes the ownership of the CPosLandmark object
+        // Associate the new landmark to this landmark store
+        CLAPILandmark::TCtorParams params;
+        params.iLandmark = landmark;
+        params.iLandmarkStore = this;
+        CLAPILandmark* newLandmark = CLAPILandmark::NewLC(params);
+        // Remove the landmark from the prepared array since newLandmark
+        // takes the ownership of the returned value
+        aSrcArray.Delete(0);
+        aDestArray.AppendL(newLandmark);
+        CleanupStack::Pop(newLandmark);
+        iLandmarks.AppendL(newLandmark);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLAPILandmarkStore::RefreshLandmarksL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CLAPILandmarkStore::RefreshLandmarksL(TLAPIItemId aLandmarkId,
+        TBool aRemoveFromStore)
+    JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+    TInt landmarksCount = iLandmarks.Count();
+    CPosLandmark* posLm =
+        iLandmarkDatabase->ReadLandmarkLC(aLandmarkId);
+    // Refresh all landmarks which match for the given id. Iterate backwards
+    // if the landmarks are removed from the store
+    while (landmarksCount-- > 0)
+    {
+        CLAPILandmark* landmark = iLandmarks[landmarksCount];
+        if (landmark->Id() == aLandmarkId)
+        {
+            CPosLandmark* copyLandmark = CPosLandmark::NewLC(*posLm);
+            landmark->SetPosLandmark(copyLandmark);
+            // The landmark takes the ownership of copyLandmark
+            CleanupStack::Pop(copyLandmark);
+            // Remove the landmark from this store if requested. This is
+            // usually done because removed landmark must update all its
+            // duplicates since those landmarks must not be updated
+            if (aRemoveFromStore)
+            {
+                // The landmark disposes itself from this store
+                landmark->AssociateToStore(NULL);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(posLm);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLAPILandmarkStore::CLAPILandmarkStore
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CLAPILandmarkStore::CLAPILandmarkStore(const TCtorParams& aParams) :
+        iLandmarkDatabase(aParams.iLandmarkDatabase), iCategoryManager(
+            aParams.iCategoryManager), iEventNotifier(
+                aParams.iEventNotifier)
+    JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+// End of file