--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/javaextensions/location/landmarks/src/landmarkstoremanager.cpp Tue Apr 27 16:30:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: JNI implementation of LandmarkStoreManager class
+ *
+#include "com_nokia_mj_impl_location_LandmarkStoreManager.h"
+#include "jstringutils.h"
+#include "clapilandmarkstoremanager.h"
+#include "lapijnicommon.h"
+#include "lapipanics.h"
+#include "locationfunctionserver.h"
+using namespace java::location;
+LOCAL_C void CreateManagerL(TInt* aManagerHandle)
+ JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+ CLAPILandmarkStoreManager* manager = CLAPILandmarkStoreManager::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(manager);
+ // Add object to event source
+ TInt managerHandle = reinterpret_cast<TInt>(manager);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(manager);
+ // Return the handle to the JNI context
+ *aManagerHandle = managerHandle;
+ * Class: com_nokia_microedition_location_LandmarkStoreManager
+ * Method: _createNativePeer
+ * Signature: (I)I
+ */
+JNICALL Java_com_nokia_mj_impl_location_LandmarkStoreManager__1createNativePeer(
+ JNIEnv* /*aJniEnv*/,
+ jobject /*aPeer*/,
+ jint aEventSourceHandle)
+ JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+ LocationFunctionServer* eventSource =
+ reinterpret_cast< LocationFunctionServer*>(aEventSourceHandle);
+ TInt managerHandle = KErrGeneral;
+ TInt error = eventSource->ExecuteTrap(
+ CreateManagerL,
+ &managerHandle);
+ // Return the handle if it was successfully obtained
+ return error == KErrNone ? managerHandle : error;
+LOCAL_C void OpenStoreL(CLAPILandmarkStoreManager* aManager,
+ const TDesC* aStoreName, TInt* aStoreHandle)
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aStoreName, LAPIError::Panic(ELAPIPanicNullArgument));
+ // KNulDesC indicates that the default store should be opened
+ CLAPILandmarkStore* store = aManager->OpenStoreL(*aStoreName);
+ // Add opened store to the event source
+ TInt storeHandle = reinterpret_cast<TInt>(store);
+ *aStoreHandle = storeHandle;
+ * Class: com_nokia_microedition_location_LandmarkStoreManager
+ * Method: _openStore
+ * Signature: (IILjava/lang/String;)I
+ */
+JNICALL Java_com_nokia_mj_impl_location_LandmarkStoreManager__1openStore(
+ JNIEnv* aJniEnv,
+ jobject /*aPeer*/,
+ jint aEventSourceHandle,
+ jint aManagerHandle,
+ jstring aStoreName)
+ JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+ LocationFunctionServer* eventSource =
+ reinterpret_cast< LocationFunctionServer*>(aEventSourceHandle);
+ CLAPILandmarkStoreManager* manager =
+ reinterpret_cast< CLAPILandmarkStoreManager*>(aManagerHandle);
+ const JStringUtils storeName(*aJniEnv, aStoreName);
+ const TDesC* storeNameArg = (aStoreName ? &storeName : &KNullDesC());
+ TInt storeHandle = KErrGeneral;
+ TInt error = eventSource->ExecuteTrap(
+ OpenStoreL,
+ manager,
+ storeNameArg,
+ &storeHandle);
+ // Return the handle if it was successfully obtained
+ return error == KErrNone ? storeHandle : error;
+LOCAL_C void CreateStoreL(CLAPILandmarkStoreManager* aManager,
+ const TDesC* aStoreName)
+ aManager->CreateStoreL(*aStoreName);
+ * Class: com_nokia_microedition_location_LandmarkStoreManager
+ * Method: _createStore
+ * Signature: (IILjava/lang/String;)I
+ */
+JNICALL Java_com_nokia_mj_impl_location_LandmarkStoreManager__1createStore(
+ JNIEnv* aJniEnv,
+ jobject /*aPeer*/,
+ jint aEventSourceHandle,
+ jint aManagerHandle,
+ jstring aStoreName)
+ JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+ LocationFunctionServer* eventSource =
+ reinterpret_cast< LocationFunctionServer*>(aEventSourceHandle);
+ CLAPILandmarkStoreManager* manager =
+ reinterpret_cast< CLAPILandmarkStoreManager*>(aManagerHandle);
+ // Store name must not be null
+ const JStringUtils storeName(*aJniEnv, aStoreName);
+ TInt error = eventSource->ExecuteTrap(
+ CreateStoreL,
+ manager,
+ static_cast< const TDesC*>(&storeName));
+ LOG1(EJavaLocation,EInfo, "Java_com_nokia_microedition_location_LandmarkStoreManager__1createStore - error %d", error);
+ return error;
+LOCAL_C void DeleteStoreL(CLAPILandmarkStoreManager* aManager,
+ const TDesC* aStoreName)
+ aManager->DeleteStoreL(*aStoreName);
+ * Class: com_nokia_microedition_location_LandmarkStoreManager
+ * Method: _deleteStore
+ * Signature: (IILjava/lang/String;)I
+ */
+JNICALL Java_com_nokia_mj_impl_location_LandmarkStoreManager__1deleteStore(
+ JNIEnv* aJniEnv,
+ jobject /*aPeer*/,
+ jint aEventSourceHandle,
+ jint aManagerHandle,
+ jstring aStoreName)
+ JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+ LocationFunctionServer* eventSource =
+ reinterpret_cast< LocationFunctionServer*>(aEventSourceHandle);
+ CLAPILandmarkStoreManager* manager =
+ reinterpret_cast< CLAPILandmarkStoreManager*>(aManagerHandle);
+ // Store name must not be null
+ const JStringUtils storeName(*aJniEnv, aStoreName);
+ TInt error = eventSource->ExecuteTrap(
+ DeleteStoreL,
+ manager,
+ static_cast< const TDesC*>(&storeName));
+ LOG1(EJavaLocation,EInfo, "Java_com_nokia_microedition_location_LandmarkStoreManager__1deleteStore - error %d", error);
+ return error;
+LOCAL_C void RemoveLandmarkStore(CLAPILandmarkStoreManager* aManager,
+ CLAPILandmarkStore* aLandmarkStore)
+ if (aLandmarkStore)
+ {
+ aManager->RemoveStore(*aLandmarkStore);
+ }
+ * Class: com_nokia_microedition_location_LandmarkStoreManager
+ * Method: _removeStore
+ * Signature: (III)V
+ */
+JNICALL Java_com_nokia_mj_impl_location_LandmarkStoreManager__1removeStore(
+ JNIEnv* /*aJniEnv*/,
+ jobject /*aPeer*/,
+ jint aEventSourceHandle,
+ jint aManagerHandle,
+ jint aStoreHandle)
+ JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+ LocationFunctionServer* eventSource =
+ reinterpret_cast< LocationFunctionServer*>(aEventSourceHandle);
+ CLAPILandmarkStoreManager* manager =
+ reinterpret_cast< CLAPILandmarkStoreManager*>(aManagerHandle);
+ CLAPILandmarkStore* landmarkStore =
+ reinterpret_cast< CLAPILandmarkStore*>(aStoreHandle);
+ eventSource->ExecuteV(
+ RemoveLandmarkStore,
+ manager,
+ landmarkStore);
+LOCAL_C void ListStoresL(JNIEnv *aJniEnv, CLAPILandmarkStoreManager* aManager,
+ jobjectArray* aStoreUris)
+ JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+ // Get an array of landmark store uris from the manager
+ CDesCArray* stores = aManager->LandmarkStoresL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(stores);
+ // Create a java object array from the store uris: Java-side takes
+ // the ownership of the new object array
+ *aStoreUris = CopyToNewJavaStringArrayL(*aJniEnv, *stores);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(stores);
+ * Class: com_nokia_microedition_location_LandmarkStoreManager
+ * Method: _listStores
+ * Signature: (II)[Ljava/lang/String;
+ */
+JNIEXPORT jobjectArray
+JNICALL Java_com_nokia_mj_impl_location_LandmarkStoreManager__1listStores(
+ JNIEnv* aJniEnv,
+ jobject /*aPeer*/,
+ jint aEventSourceHandle,
+ jint aManagerHandle,
+ jintArray aErrors)
+ JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+ LocationFunctionServer* eventSource =
+ reinterpret_cast< LocationFunctionServer*>(aEventSourceHandle);
+ CLAPILandmarkStoreManager* manager =
+ reinterpret_cast< CLAPILandmarkStoreManager*>(aManagerHandle);
+ // Ownership of the name array is transferred to Java side
+ jobjectArray javaStringArray = NULL;
+ TInt error = eventSource->ExecuteTrap(
+ ListStoresL,
+ eventSource->getValidJniEnv(),
+ manager,
+ &javaStringArray);
+ LOG1(EJavaLocation,EInfo, "Java_com_nokia_microedition_location_LandmarkStoreManager__1listStores - error %d", error);
+ SetJavaErrorCode(*aJniEnv, aErrors, error);
+ return javaStringArray;
+ * Class: com_nokia_microedition_location_LandmarkStoreManager
+ * Method: _dispose
+ * Signature: (II)V
+ */
+JNICALL Java_com_nokia_mj_impl_location_LandmarkStoreManager__1dispose(
+ JNIEnv* /*aJniEnv*/,
+ jobject /*aPeer*/,
+ jint /*aFunctionServerHandle*/,
+ jint aManagerHandle)
+ JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
+ CBase* object = reinterpret_cast< CBase*>(aManagerHandle);
+ delete object;
+// End of file