--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/javaextensions/pim/agnadapter/src.s60/cpimagntodoadapter.cpp Tue Apr 27 16:30:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,719 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Handles PIM API todo item <-> Agenda Model todo conversions
+ *
+#include "cpimagntodoadapter.h"
+#include "mpimtodoitem.h"
+#include "mpimitemdata.h"
+#include "pimpanics.h"
+#include "pimtypes.h"
+#include "logger.h"
+#include <e32math.h>
+#include <calentry.h>
+#include <calalarm.h>
+// Seconds in a one minute
+const TInt KPIMSecondsInMinute = 60;
+// Maximum length of ToDo item string fields in S60
+const TInt KPIMToDoStringValueMaxLength = 160;
+// Alarm offset for TTime in seconds from the start of the date. This is
+// the default alarm value which is set to the item if the user defined
+// alarm value is too small (meaning that it has been passed to the next
+// day when start of the event occurs
+const TInt KPIMDefaultAlarmInterval = 43200;
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CPIMAgnToDoAdapter* CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::NewL(
+ java::util::FunctionServer* aFuncServer)
+ JELOG2(EPim);
+ CPIMAgnToDoAdapter* self = new(ELeave) CPIMAgnToDoAdapter(aFuncServer);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+ return self;
+// destructor
+ JELOG2(EPim);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::CreateItemToAgnL
+// Creates a new Agenda Model To-Do item from a PIM item data.
+// Returns: A To-do item based on PIM item data.
+// The ownership of the To-do item is transferred to the caller.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCalEntry* CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::CreateItemToAgnL(const MPIMToDoItem& aItem)
+ JELOG2(EPim);
+ // Create new calendar entry
+ CCalEntry* entry = CreateCalendarEntryLC(CCalEntry::ETodo);
+ // Export entry. No need to reset since this is a new entry
+ ExportItemL(aItem, *entry, EFalse);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(entry);
+ return entry;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::ReadAgnToItemL
+// Reads an Agenda Model To-do item and converts it to a framework PIM item.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::ReadAgnToItemL(MPIMToDoItem& aItem, CCalEntry& aEntry)
+ JELOG2(EPim);
+ MPIMItemData& itemData = aItem.ItemData();
+ // Read string fields to PIM API ToDo entry (summary and note)
+ ReadStringFieldsL(itemData, aEntry);
+ // Read integer fields to PIM API ToDo entry (priority and class)
+ ReadIntFieldsL(itemData, aEntry);
+ // Read date fields to PIM API ToDo entry (due and completion date). Alarm
+ // is read here also because it is related to the due date of the item
+ ReadDateFieldsL(itemData, aEntry);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::UpdateItemToAgnL
+// Reads an Agenda Model To-do item and updates it based on the PIM item data.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::UpdateItemToAgnL(const MPIMToDoItem& aItem,
+ CCalEntry& aEntry)
+ JELOG2(EPim);
+ // Export PIM item data to the native entry. Reset the entry for new data
+ ExportItemL(aItem, aEntry, ETrue);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::ExportItemL
+// (other items were commented in a header)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::ExportItemL(const MPIMToDoItem& aItem,
+ CCalEntry& aEntry, TBool aResetEntry)
+ JELOG2(EPim);
+ if (aResetEntry)
+ {
+ // Reset native entry for exporting new data
+ aEntry.SetSummaryL(KNullDesC());
+ aEntry.SetDescriptionL(KNullDesC());
+ aEntry.SetPriorityL(0);
+ aEntry.SetCompletedL(EFalse, aEntry.CompletedTimeL());
+ }
+ // Export item data to the native ToDo calendar entry
+ const MPIMItemData& itemData = aItem.ItemData();
+ CArrayFix<TPIMField>* fields = itemData.FieldsLC();
+ // Add default values to the calendar entry
+ AddDefaultValuesToEntryL(itemData, aEntry);
+ // Convert each field to the native ToDo calendar entry
+ TInt count = fields->Count();
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ TPIMToDoField field = static_cast<TPIMToDoField>(fields->At(i));
+ ConvertToAgnL(field, aEntry, itemData);
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fields);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::AddDefaultValuesToEntryL
+// (other items were commented in a header)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::AddDefaultValuesToEntryL(const MPIMItemData& aData,
+ CCalEntry& aEntry) const
+ JELOG2(EPim);
+ // Calendar creates medium priority ToDos by default
+ if (!aData.CountValues(EPIMToDoPriority))
+ {
+ aEntry.SetPriorityL(EPIMToDoNativePriorityMedium);
+ }
+ // Calendar uses private synchronization by default
+ if (!aData.CountValues(EPIMToDoClass))
+ {
+ aEntry.SetReplicationStatusL(CCalEntry::EPrivate);
+ }
+ // Calendar does not support timed ToDo so the time is set to 00:00 o'clock
+ if (!aData.CountValues(EPIMToDoDue))
+ {
+ TTime thisTime;
+ thisTime.HomeTime();
+ // Set time to calendar specific due time. Currently this is the start
+ // of the date. Note that No conversion needed since time is local
+ TCalTime calThisTime;
+ // Set time as local time since acquired above as local time
+ calThisTime.SetTimeLocalL(StartOfDay(thisTime));
+ aEntry.SetStartAndEndTimeL(calThisTime, calThisTime);
+ }
+ if (!aData.CountValues(EPIMToDoCompletionDate) && !aData.CountValues(
+ EPIMToDoCompleted))
+ {
+ aEntry.SetCompletedL(EFalse, aEntry.CompletedTimeL());
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::ReadStringFieldsL
+// (other items were commented in a header)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::ReadStringFieldsL(MPIMItemData& aData,
+ CCalEntry& aEntry)
+ JELOG2(EPim);
+ // Summary is converted to PIM API ToDo summary field
+ const TDesC& sum = aEntry.SummaryL();
+ if (sum != KNullDesC)
+ {
+ TPIMFieldData fieldData(EPIMToDoSummary, KPIMAttrNone, sum.AllocLC());
+ aData.AddValueL(fieldData);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); // agnSummary.AllocLC()
+ }
+ // Description is converted to PIM API ToDo note field
+ const TDesC& note = aEntry.DescriptionL();
+ if (note != KNullDesC)
+ {
+ TPIMFieldData fieldData(EPIMToDoNote, KPIMAttrNone, note.AllocLC());
+ aData.AddValueL(fieldData);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); // AllocLC
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::ReadIntFieldsL
+// (other items were commented in a header)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::ReadIntFieldsL(MPIMItemData& aData, CCalEntry& aEntry)
+ JELOG2(EPim);
+ // Convert synchornization field to PIM API. The default value is private
+ // and unrecognized priority values are mapped also to private due to
+ // security reasons
+ TPIMToDoClassValue value = EPIMToDoClassPrivate;
+ const CCalEntry::TReplicationStatus status = aEntry.ReplicationStatusL();
+ if (status == CCalEntry::EOpen)
+ {
+ // Open is mapped as public synhronization
+ value = EPIMToDoClassPublic;
+ }
+ else if (status == CCalEntry::ERestricted)
+ {
+ // Open is mapped as user confidential synhronization
+ value = EPIMToDoClassConfidential;
+ }
+ // Note that boolean and integer fields must be identified in the constructor
+ TPIMFieldData classData(EPIMToDoClass, EPIMFieldInt, KPIMAttrNone, value);
+ aData.AddValueL(classData);
+ // Default value is zero acording to vCalendar specification. PIM API default
+ // priority is medium which indicates normal native priority
+ // See common/pimtodo.h for platform-specific native priorities.
+ TUint nativePriority = aEntry.PriorityL();
+ TPIMToDoPriority priority = EPIMToDoPriorityMedium;
+ if (nativePriority == EPIMToDoNativePriorityHigh)
+ {
+ // Native priority value High is mapped to value 1
+ priority = EPIMToDoPriorityHigh;
+ }
+ else if (nativePriority == EPIMToDoNativePriorityLow)
+ {
+ // Native priority value Low is mapped to value 7
+ priority = EPIMToDoPriorityLow;
+ }
+ // Note that boolean and integer fields must be identified in the constructor
+ TPIMFieldData
+ prData(EPIMToDoPriority, EPIMFieldInt, KPIMAttrNone, priority);
+ aData.AddValueL(prData);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::ReadDateFieldsL
+// (other items were commented in a header)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::ReadDateFieldsL(MPIMItemData& aData, CCalEntry& aEntry)
+ JELOG2(EPim);
+ TTime nullTime = Time::NullTTime();
+ // The Agenda todo entry end field is the due date
+ TTime due(aEntry.EndTimeL().TimeLocalL());
+ if (due != nullTime)
+ {
+ // Set due to the PIM API specific due date, in this case, the start of date
+ // Note that PIM API uses times as UTC times so the due date must be in
+ // correct format. Previously requested as local time -> do not change
+ TPIMDate pimDueDate(StartOfDay(due));
+ // Date must be converted UTC time because acquired as local above
+ ConvertTimeL(pimDueDate, EPIMDateUTC);
+ TPIMFieldData dueFieldData(EPIMToDoDue, KPIMAttrNone, pimDueDate);
+ aData.AddValueL(dueFieldData);
+ // Get alarm. Ownership is transferred to the caller. Alarm cannot be set
+ // if the due date is not set because the calculation is done as an offset
+ // from the ToDo due date.
+ CCalAlarm* calAlarm = aEntry.AlarmL();
+ if (calAlarm)
+ {
+ TTimeIntervalMinutes nativeValue = calAlarm->TimeOffset();
+ // The alarm is not needed anymore so it can be deleted
+ delete calAlarm;
+ calAlarm = NULL;
+ // Change the time to the start of the due date
+ TTime startOfDayLocal(StartOfDay(due));
+ // Calculate the difference from the start of due date and start time including
+ // the original alarm offset which was previously read
+ TTimeIntervalMinutes temp(0);
+ User::LeaveIfError(startOfDayLocal.MinutesFrom(due, temp));
+ // Since it is not possible to substract TTimeIntervalMinutes
+ // from TTime (probably a Symbian error), the difference has
+ // to be calculated using the following way...
+ TInt alarm = (nativeValue.Int() + temp.Int()) * KPIMSecondsInMinute;
+ // Add alarm value to the item
+ TPIMFieldData fieldData(EPIMToDoExtAlarm, EPIMFieldInt,
+ KPIMAttrNone, alarm);
+ // Add value to the PIM item data
+ aData.AddValueL(fieldData);
+ }
+ }
+ // Completion date. If the item has a completion date, the item is then completed
+ // and completed flag is set to true in PIM API. Null time if not crossed out.
+ TTime completed = aEntry.CompletedTimeL().TimeUtcL();
+ if (completed != nullTime)
+ {
+ TPIMFieldData dateData(EPIMToDoCompletionDate, KPIMAttrNone, completed);
+ aData.AddValueL(dateData);
+ // Note that boolean and integer fields must be identified in the constructor
+ TPIMFieldData flag(EPIMToDoCompleted, EPIMFieldBoolean, KPIMAttrNone,
+ ETrue);
+ aData.AddValueL(flag);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::ConvertToAgnL
+// Makes the conversion from framework PIM item data field to To-do item field.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::ConvertToAgnL(TPIMToDoField aField, // The field to be converted
+ CCalEntry& aEntry, const MPIMItemData& aItem)
+ JELOG2(EPim);
+ TInt amount = aItem.CountValues(aField);
+ for (TInt index = 0; index < amount; index++)
+ {
+ switch (aField)
+ {
+ case EPIMToDoCompletionDate: // fallthrough
+ case EPIMToDoDue:
+ {
+ ConvertDateToAgnL(aField, index, aEntry, aItem);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EPIMToDoSummary: // fallthrough
+ case EPIMToDoNote:
+ {
+ ConvertStringToAgnL(aField, index, aEntry, aItem);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EPIMToDoClass: // fallthrough
+ case EPIMToDoExtAlarm:
+ case EPIMToDoPriority:
+ {
+ ConvertIntToAgnL(aField, index, aEntry, aItem);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EPIMToDoCompleted:
+ {
+ ConvertBooleanToAgnL(aField, index, aEntry, aItem);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EPIMToDoUid: // fallthrough
+ case EPIMToDoRevision:
+ {
+ // nothing
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KPIMPanicCategory,
+ EPIMPanicUnsupportedField));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::ConvertDateToAgnL
+// Makes date conversion from framework PIM item data field to To-do item field.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::ConvertDateToAgnL(TPIMToDoField aField, // Date field to be converted
+ TInt aIndex, // Index of the date field
+ CCalEntry& aEntry, const MPIMItemData& aItem) // The PIM item to read the field from
+ JELOG2(EPim);
+ const TPIMFieldData fieldData = aItem.ValueL(aField, aIndex);
+ const TPIMDate& date = fieldData.DateValue();
+ switch (aField)
+ {
+ case EPIMToDoDue:
+ {
+ // Because undated to-dos are possible, the due date can be set
+ // to a null value.
+ if (date != Time::NullTTime() && !IsDateInValidAgendaRange(date))
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrAbort);
+ }
+ // Java dates cannot be set to native null TTime
+ else
+ {
+ // Convert due date and time to calendar specific due time
+ // Note that PIM API dates are in UTC time format -> convert
+ TTime dueDate(date);
+ ConvertTimeL(dueDate, EPIMDateLocal);
+ // Set time to native entry. Note that the time is local
+ TCalTime calDate;
+ calDate.SetTimeLocalL(StartOfDay(dueDate));
+ aEntry.SetStartAndEndTimeL(calDate, calDate);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EPIMToDoCompletionDate:
+ {
+ if (date != Time::NullTTime())
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(IsDateInValidAgendaRange(date), User::Leave(
+ KErrAbort));
+ TCalTime calDate;
+ calDate.SetTimeUtcL(date);
+ aEntry.SetCompletedL(ETrue, calDate);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aEntry.SetCompletedL(EFalse, aEntry.CompletedTimeL());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Panic(KPIMPanicCategory,
+ EPIMPanicUnsupportedField));
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::ConvertStringToAgnL
+// Makes string conversion from framework PIM item data field to To-do item field
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::ConvertStringToAgnL(TPIMToDoField aField, // String field to be converted
+ TInt aIndex, // Index of the date field
+ CCalEntry& aEntry, // The Agenda Model entry
+ const MPIMItemData& aItem) // The PIM item to read the field from
+ JELOG2(EPim);
+ const TPIMFieldData fieldData = aItem.ValueL(aField, aIndex);
+ const TDesC& string = fieldData.StringValue();
+ // Check that string is not too long
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(string.Length() <= KPIMToDoStringValueMaxLength,
+ User::Leave(KErrTooBig));
+ switch (aField)
+ {
+ case EPIMToDoSummary:
+ {
+ aEntry.SetSummaryL(string);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EPIMToDoNote:
+ {
+ aEntry.SetDescriptionL(string);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ // Should not happen
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::ConvertIntToAgnL
+// Makes int conversion from framework PIM item data field to To-do item field.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::ConvertIntToAgnL(TPIMToDoField aField, // Int field to be converted
+ TInt aIndex, // Index of the date field
+ CCalEntry& aEntry, // The Agenda model entry typecasted to a Todo item
+ const MPIMItemData& aItemData) // The PIM item to read the field from
+ JELOG2(EPim);
+ const TPIMFieldData fieldData = aItemData.ValueL(aField, aIndex);
+ switch (aField)
+ {
+ case EPIMToDoPriority:
+ {
+ TInt intField = fieldData.IntegerValue();
+ if ((EPIMToDoPriorityHigh <= intField) && (intField
+ < EPIMToDoPriorityMedium))
+ {
+ aEntry.SetPriorityL(EPIMToDoNativePriorityHigh);
+ }
+ else if ((EPIMToDoPriorityMedium <= intField) && (intField
+ < EPIMToDoPriorityLow))
+ {
+ aEntry.SetPriorityL(EPIMToDoNativePriorityMedium);
+ }
+ else if ((EPIMToDoPriorityLow <= intField) && (intField
+ <= EPIMToDoPriorityMaxValue))
+ {
+ aEntry.SetPriorityL(EPIMToDoNativePriorityLow);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // From requirement specification: Imported to-do items with
+ // priority set to zero must be mapped to the native priority
+ // value Medium.
+ aEntry.SetPriorityL(EPIMToDoNativePriorityMedium);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case EPIMToDoClass:
+ {
+ CCalEntry::TReplicationStatus replicationStatus = CCalEntry::EPrivate;
+ // Single value assumed
+ TInt classValue = fieldData.IntegerValue();
+ switch (classValue)
+ {
+ case EPIMToDoClassPrivate:
+ {
+ replicationStatus = CCalEntry::EPrivate;
+ break;
+ }
+ case EPIMToDoClassConfidential:
+ {
+ replicationStatus = CCalEntry::ERestricted;
+ break;
+ }
+ case EPIMToDoClassPublic:
+ {
+ replicationStatus = CCalEntry::EOpen;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ aEntry.SetReplicationStatusL(replicationStatus);
+ break;
+ }
+ case EPIMToDoExtAlarm:
+ {
+ CCalAlarm* agnAlarm = CCalAlarm::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(agnAlarm);
+ agnAlarm->SetTimeOffset(AlarmOffsetL(aItemData, aEntry));
+ aEntry.SetAlarmL(agnAlarm);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(agnAlarm);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ // Should not happen
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, User::Invariant());
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::ConvertBooleanToAgnL
+// Makes boolean conversion from framework PIM item data field to To-do item field
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::ConvertBooleanToAgnL(TPIMToDoField aField, // Boolean field to be converted
+ TInt aIndex, // Index of the date field
+ CCalEntry& aEntry, // The Agenda model entry typecasted to a Todo item
+ const MPIMItemData& aItem) // The PIM item to read the field from
+ JELOG2(EPim);
+ const TPIMFieldData fieldData = aItem.ValueL(aField, aIndex);
+ TBool booleanField = fieldData.BooleanValue();
+ if (booleanField) // completed flag is set to value TRUE
+ {
+ // Check if the completed date field is present
+ if (aItem.CountValues(EPIMToDoCompletionDate) == 0)
+ {
+ // If completed date is not present, use the current time.
+ TTime currentTime;
+ currentTime.HomeTime();
+ TCalTime calCurrentTime;
+ // Set time as local time since acquired above as local time
+ calCurrentTime.SetTimeLocalL(currentTime);
+ aEntry.SetCompletedL(ETrue, calCurrentTime);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TPIMFieldData completionData = aItem.ValueL(EPIMToDoCompletionDate,
+ aIndex);
+ const TPIMDate& date = completionData.DateValue();
+ if (date != Time::NullTTime())
+ {
+ TCalTime calDate;
+ calDate.SetTimeUtcL(date);
+ aEntry.SetCompletedL(ETrue, calDate);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If completed date is set to null time, use the current time.
+ TTime currentTime;
+ currentTime.HomeTime();
+ TCalTime calCurrentTime;
+ // Set time as local time since acquired above as local time
+ calCurrentTime.SetTimeLocalL(currentTime);
+ aEntry.SetCompletedL(ETrue, calCurrentTime);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else // completed flag is set to value FALSE
+ {
+ aEntry.SetCompletedL(EFalse, aEntry.CompletedTimeL());
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::AlarmOffsetL
+// Calculates PIM alarm offset for native Calendar entry
+// The offset calculation is done by calculating the difference between the
+// due date and the alarm offset. After we know the alarm date and time we
+// calculate difference between calender specific todo due date (which now is
+// 00:00)
+// For example:
+// If our due time is 23:00 and the alarm offset is 900 seconds before it.
+// Then the alarm should launch at 22:45 at the same day. So, the offset which
+// we have to write to the native alarm is the difference between 00:00 and 22:45
+// which is a negative value because the alarm rises in the future. This all is
+// done because the calendar understands only the date of the due date and not the
+// exact time of it. The time is ignored and set to 00:00 by default.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TTimeIntervalMinutes CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::AlarmOffsetL(
+ const MPIMItemData& aItemData, CCalEntry& aEntry)
+ JELOG2(EPim);
+ // Note that start time must be set before alarm can be calculated
+ // Add start to the item so alarm can be properly converted. The
+ // native entry does not accept alarm value if start is not present
+ // Due has been already set to default time (current home time) if
+ // ToDo due field is not present in the field so start should be present
+ if (!aItemData.CountValues(EPIMToDoDue))
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ConvertDateToAgnL(EPIMToDoDue, 0, aEntry, aItemData);
+ }
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aEntry.StartTimeL().TimeUtcL() != Time::NullTTime(),
+ User::Panic(KPIMPanicCategory, EPIMPanicInvalidState));
+ // Get alarm value from the Java item. There should be only one alarm
+ // value supported by the PIM API because native entries do not support
+ // multiple alarm values.
+ const TPIMFieldData alarmData = aItemData.ValueL(EPIMToDoExtAlarm, 0);
+ TInt value = alarmData.IntegerValue();
+ // Count the alarm value from the start date of the event
+ TTime entryStart = aEntry.StartTimeL().TimeLocalL();
+ const TPIMFieldData dateData = aItemData.ValueL(EPIMToDoDue, 0);
+ TPIMDate dueDate(dateData.DateValue());
+ ConvertTimeL(dueDate, EPIMDateLocal);
+ TTimeIntervalSeconds temp(0);
+ User::LeaveIfError(entryStart.SecondsFrom(dueDate, temp));
+ // Add difference between PIM API start and start which has been
+ // converted to the item (in case if the date has been changed, it is
+ // reflected here)
+ value += temp.Int();
+ // Check that if the alarm has passed to the following day. In this case,
+ // the alarm is transferred back to 12 o'clock of the current start date
+ TTime alarmTime(entryStart - TTimeIntervalSeconds(value));
+ // Temporary date. This date is used when calculating if the alarm
+ // value has passed to the following date.
+ TTime startOfNextDay(StartOfDay(dueDate + TTimeIntervalDays(1)));
+ if (alarmTime >= startOfNextDay)
+ {
+ alarmTime = StartOfDay(entryStart);
+ alarmTime += TTimeIntervalSeconds(KPIMDefaultAlarmInterval);
+ User::LeaveIfError(entryStart.SecondsFrom(alarmTime, temp));
+ value = temp.Int();
+ }
+ // Convert seconds to minutes
+ return TTimeIntervalMinutes(value / KPIMSecondsInMinute);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::CPIMAgnToDoAdapter
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CPIMAgnToDoAdapter::CPIMAgnToDoAdapter(java::util::FunctionServer* aFuncServer) :
+ CPIMAgnItemAdapter(aFuncServer)
+ JELOG2(EPim);
+// End of File