--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/javaextensions/pim/cntadapter/inc.s60/cpimcmadaptermanager.h Tue Apr 27 16:30:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Provides static information about contact lists and creates
+ * contact list adapters.
+ *
+#include "mpimcontactadaptermanager.h"
+#include "mpimadaptermanager.h"
+#include "pimcontact.h" // field enums
+#include "pimcommon.h" // basic types
+#include <e32base.h>
+const TPIMField KPIMSupportedFields[] =
+ EPIMContactPhoto,
+ EPIMContactName,
+ EPIMContactNickname,
+ EPIMContactTel,
+ EPIMContactEmail,
+ EPIMContactExtDtmf,
+ EPIMContactExtVoip,
+ EPIMContactExtPTT,
+ EPIMContactExtSWIS,
+ EPIMContactExtSip,
+ EPIMContactOrg,
+ EPIMContactExtDepartment,
+ EPIMContactTitle,
+ EPIMContactExtAssistantName,
+ EPIMContactExtSpouse,
+ EPIMContactExtChildren,
+ EPIMContactUrl,
+ EPIMContactAddr,
+ EPIMContactBirthday,
+ EPIMContactExtAnniversary,
+ EPIMContactNote,
+ EPIMContactClass,
+ EPIMContactExtWvUserId,
+ EPIMContactUid,
+ EPIMContactRevision
+ * Number of supported Contact fields by S60 platform
+ */
+const TInt KPIMSupportedFieldsCount = sizeof(KPIMSupportedFields)
+ / sizeof(TPIMField);
+ * Maximum number of values for all standard PIM API Contact fields.
+ *
+ * The field constants are numbered from 100 to 118; thus they can be
+ * mapped to a table starting from 0 by reducing 100 from the field
+ * constant values.
+ *
+ * See @ref KPIMContactMaxValueMappingOffset.
+ */
+const TInt KPIMMaxValues[] =
+ 3, // address
+ 1, // birthday
+ 1, // class
+ KPIMUnlimitedValues, // email
+ 0, // formatted address
+ 0, // formatted name
+ 1, // name
+ 1, // nickname
+ KPIMUnlimitedValues, // note
+ 1, // org
+ 1, // photo
+ 0, // photo url
+ 0, // public key
+ 0, // public key string
+ 1, // revision
+ KPIMUnlimitedValues, // tel
+ KPIMUnlimitedValues, // title
+ 1, // uid
+ KPIMUnlimitedValues // url
+ * Maximum number of values for all extended PIM API Contact fields.
+ *
+ * The field constants are numbered from 0x1005001 to 0x1005003;
+ * thus they can be mapped to a table starting from 0 by reducing 0x1005001
+ * from the field constant values.
+ *
+ * See @ref KPIMContactMaxExtValueMappingOffset.
+ */
+const TInt KPIMMaxExtValues[] =
+ 1, // Extended WV User ID
+ KPIMUnlimitedValues, // Extended SIP
+ KPIMUnlimitedValues, // Extended DTMF
+ 1, // Extended Department
+ 1, // Extended Assistant name
+ 1, // Extended Children
+ 1, // Extended Spouse
+ 1, // Extended Anniversary
+ KPIMUnlimitedValues, // Extended VOIP
+ KPIMUnlimitedValues, // Extended PTT
+ KPIMUnlimitedValues // Extended SWIS
+ * Smallest Contact standard field constant.
+ */
+const TInt KPIMContactSmallestField = 100;
+ * Largest Contact standard field constant.
+ */
+const TInt KPIMContactLargestField = 118;
+ * The offset for mapping Contact standard field constant values to
+ * elements in @ref KPIMMaxValues table.
+ */
+const TInt KPIMContactMaxValueMappingOffset = 100;
+ * Smallest Contact extended field constant.
+ */
+const TInt KPIMContactSmallestExtField = 0x1005001;
+ * Largest Contact extended field constant.
+ */
+const TInt KPIMContactLargestExtField = 0x100500B;
+ * The offset for mapping Contact extended field constant values to
+ * elements in @ref KPIMMaxExtValues table.
+ */
+const TInt KPIMContactMaxExtValueMappingOffset = 0x1005001;
+ * Number of Contact fields in PIM API.
+ */
+const TInt KPIMFieldCount = sizeof(KPIMMaxValues) / sizeof(TInt)
+ + sizeof(KPIMMaxExtValues) / sizeof(TInt);
+// Supported ADDR attributes
+const TPIMAttribute KPIMAddrAttributes[] =
+ EPIMContactAttrHome,
+ EPIMContactAttrWork
+const TPIMAttribute KPIMAddrAttributesCombined = (EPIMContactAttrWork
+ | EPIMContactAttrHome);
+const TInt KPIMAddrAttributeCount = sizeof(KPIMAddrAttributes)
+ / sizeof(TPIMAttribute);
+// Supported EMAIL attributes
+const TPIMAttribute KPIMEmailAttributes[] =
+ EPIMContactAttrHome,
+ EPIMContactAttrWork,
+ EPIMContactAttrPreferred
+const TPIMAttribute KPIMEmailAttributesCombined = (EPIMContactAttrHome
+ | EPIMContactAttrWork | EPIMContactAttrPreferred);
+const TInt KPIMEmailAttributeCount = sizeof(KPIMEmailAttributes)
+ / sizeof(TPIMAttribute);
+// Supported TEL attributes
+const TPIMAttribute KPIMTelAttributes[] =
+ EPIMContactAttrHome,
+ EPIMContactAttrWork,
+ EPIMContactAttrMobile,
+ EPIMContactAttrAuto,
+ EPIMContactAttrExtVideoCall,
+ EPIMContactAttrFax,
+ EPIMContactAttrPager,
+ EPIMContactAttrPreferred,
+ EPIMContactAttrSms,
+ EPIMContactAttrAsst,
+ EPIMContactAttrOther // We "support" this but it is silently discarded
+const TPIMAttribute KPIMTelAttributesCombined = (EPIMContactAttrHome
+ | EPIMContactAttrWork | EPIMContactAttrMobile | EPIMContactAttrAuto
+ | EPIMContactAttrExtVideoCall | EPIMContactAttrFax
+ | EPIMContactAttrPager | EPIMContactAttrPreferred | EPIMContactAttrSms
+ | EPIMContactAttrAsst | EPIMContactAttrOther);
+const TInt KPIMTelAttributeCount = sizeof(KPIMTelAttributes)
+ / sizeof(TPIMAttribute);
+// Note: These are only the supported elements
+const TPIMArrayElement KPIMNameElements[] =
+ EPIMContactNamePrefix,
+ EPIMContactNameGiven,
+ EPIMContactExtGivenNameReading,
+ EPIMContactNameOther,
+ EPIMContactNameFamily,
+ EPIMContactExtFamilyNameReading,
+ EPIMContactNameSuffix
+const TInt KPIMNameElementCount = sizeof(KPIMNameElements)
+ / sizeof(TPIMArrayElement);
+const TInt KPIMNameArraySize = EPIMContactNameNumElements;
+// Note: All elements are currently supported
+const TInt KPIMAddrElementCount = EPIMContactAddrNumElements;
+const TPIMArrayElement KPIMAddrElements[KPIMAddrElementCount] =
+ EPIMContactAddrPoBox,
+ EPIMContactAddrExtra,
+ EPIMContactAddrStreet,
+ EPIMContactAddrPostalCode,
+ EPIMContactAddrLocality,
+ EPIMContactAddrRegion,
+ EPIMContactAddrCountry
+// Supported VOIP attributes
+const TPIMAttribute KPIMVoipAttributes[] =
+ EPIMContactAttrHome,
+ EPIMContactAttrWork,
+ EPIMContactAttrPreferred
+const TInt KPIMVoipAttributeCount = sizeof(KPIMVoipAttributes)
+ / sizeof(TPIMAttribute);
+class MPIMItem;
+ * This class provides access to the PIM Contacts Model list
+ */
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CPIMCMAdapterManager): public CBase,
+ public MPIMContactAdapterManager,
+ public MPIMAdapterManager
+public: // Constructors and a destructor
+ /**
+ * Two-phased constructor.
+ *
+ * @param aListName List name.
+ */
+ static CPIMCMAdapterManager* NewL(const TDesC& aListName);
+ /**
+ * destructor
+ */
+ ~CPIMCMAdapterManager();
+public: // MPIMAdapterManager
+ const TDesC& ListNameL();
+ /**
+ * Provides number of maximum categories supported by the list adapter.
+ * @return Number of maximum supported categories .
+ */
+ TInt MaxCategories();
+ /**
+ * Checks whether a specific field is supported by the list adapter.
+ * @param aField The field to be checked.
+ * @return ETrue if the given field is supported, EFalse otherwise.
+ */
+ TBool IsSupportedField(TPIMField aField);
+ /**
+ * Provides all fields supported by the list adapter.
+ *
+ * @return An array containing all supported fields.
+ *
+ * @par Leaving:
+ * The method leaves on error. Such error always means that the adapter
+ * is non-functional.
+ */
+ const CArrayFix<TPIMField>& GetSupportedFieldsL();
+ /**
+ * Checks whether a specific attribute is supported by the list adapter.
+ * @param aAttribute The attribute to be checked.
+ * @return ETrue if the given attribute is supported, EFalse otherwise.
+ */
+ TBool IsSupportedAttribute(TPIMField aField,
+ TPIMAttribute aAttribute);
+ /**
+ * Provides all attributes supported by the list adapter.
+ *
+ * @return An array containing all supported attributes.
+ *
+ * @par Leaving:
+ * The method leaves on error. Such error always means that the adapter
+ * is non-functional.
+ */
+ const CArrayFix<TPIMAttribute>& GetSupportedAttributesL(
+ TPIMField aField);
+ /**
+ * Provides attributes supported for a field, combined into single
+ * integer value.
+ *
+ * @param aField The field to which the attributes are associated with.
+ *
+ * @return An integer holding the combination of all attributes
+ * supported for \a aField.
+ *
+ * @par Leaving.
+ * The method leaves on error. Error codes should be interpreted as
+ * follows:
+ * @li \c KErrArgument - \a aField is not valid.
+ */
+ TPIMAttribute GetSupportedAttributesCombinedL(
+ TPIMField aField);
+ /**
+ * Provides all attributes supported for all fields, combined into
+ * single integer value.
+ *
+ * @return An integer holding the combination of all attributes
+ * supported for all fields.
+ */
+ TPIMAttribute GetAllSupportedAttributesCombined();
+ /**
+ * Checks whether a specific array element is supported by the list adapter.
+ * @param aArrayElement The array element to be checked.
+ * @return ETrue if the given array element is supported, EFalse otherwise.
+ */
+ TBool IsSupportedArrayElement(TPIMField aStringArrayField,
+ TPIMArrayElement aArrayElement);
+ /**
+ * Provides all array elements supported by the list adapter.
+ *
+ * @return An array containing all supported array elements.
+ *
+ * @par Leaving:
+ * The method leaves on error. Such error always means that the adapter
+ * is non-functional.
+ */
+ const CArrayFix<TPIMArrayElement>& GetSupportedArrayElementsL(
+ TPIMField aStringArrayField);
+ /**
+ * Provides the number of maximum values supported for a specific field.
+ * @param aField The field to be evaluated.
+ * @return Number of values supported for the field.
+ */
+ TInt MaxValues(TPIMField aField);
+ /**
+ * Provides the array size of a specific string array field.
+ * The values in a string array field are arrays themselves.
+ * StringArraySize method returns the number of elements in every value
+ * of the field.
+ *
+ * @param aStringArrayField The string array field to be evaluated.
+ * @return Number of elements in a single string array value.
+ *
+ * @par Leaving:
+ * The method leaves with \c KErrArgument if \a aStringArrayField
+ * is not a string array field.
+ */
+ TInt StringArraySizeL(TPIMField aStringArrayField);
+ /**
+ * Provides pointer to a function which implements an algorithm that
+ * determines the order of two items.
+ *
+ * @return Item comparison function.
+ */
+ TPIMItemComparisonFunc ItemOrder();
+public: // MPIMContactAdapterManager
+ /**
+ * Provides access to the \ref MPIMAdapterManager representation of
+ * this object.
+ *
+ * @return The \ref MPIMAdapterManager representation of this object.
+ */
+ MPIMAdapterManager* GetAdapterManager();
+public: // new methods
+ /**
+ * Compares two MPIMItemData objects.
+ * Used for determining
+ * their ordering in an item enumeration.
+ *
+ * @param aFirst first object to compare
+ * @param aSecond second object to compare
+ * @return
+ * @li < 0, if aFirst becomes \b before aSecond
+ * @li 0, if the objects are equal in the ordering
+ * @li > 0, if aFirst becomes \b after aSecond
+ */
+ static TInt ItemComparisonFunc(const MPIMItem& aFirst,
+ const MPIMItem& aSecond);
+ /**
+ * Compares two MPIMItemData objects.
+ * Used for determining
+ * their ordering in an item enumeration.
+ *
+ * @param aFirst first object to compare
+ * @param aSecond second object to compare
+ * @return
+ * @li < 0, if aFirst becomes \b before aSecond
+ * @li 0, if the objects are equal in the ordering
+ * @li > 0, if aFirst becomes \b after aSecond
+ */
+ static TInt ItemComparisonFuncL(const MPIMItem& aFirst,
+ const MPIMItem& aSecond);
+protected: // New methods
+ /**
+ * Provides data type of a specific field.
+ * @param aField The field to be evaluated.
+ * @return Field type.
+ */
+ TPIMFieldDataType GetFieldDataTypeL(TPIMField aField);
+ /**
+ * C++ default constructor.
+ */
+ CPIMCMAdapterManager();
+ /**
+ * Symbian 2nd phase constructor
+ */
+ void ConstructL(const TDesC& aListName);
+private: // private methods
+ TBool IsSupportedAttributeL(TPIMField aField,
+ TPIMAttribute aAttribute);
+ TBool IsSupportedArrayElementL(TPIMField aArrayField,
+ TPIMArrayElement aElement);
+private: // members
+ /** List name, owned. The name does not change after initialization. */
+ TDesC* iListName;
+ // List of supported fields by this adapter, owned.
+ CArrayFixFlat<TPIMField>* iSupportedFields;
+ // List of attributes for those fields which support no attributes,
+ // owned.
+ CArrayFixFlat<TPIMAttribute>* iNoAttributes;
+ // List of attributes for address and url fields, owned.
+ CArrayFixFlat<TPIMAttribute>* iAddrAttributes;
+ // List of attributes for the email field, owned.
+ CArrayFixFlat<TPIMAttribute>* iEmailAttributes;
+ // List of attributes for the tel field, owned.
+ CArrayFixFlat<TPIMAttribute>* iTelAttributes;
+ // List of supported name array elements, owned.
+ CArrayFixFlat<TPIMArrayElement>* iNameElements;
+ // List of supported address array elements, owned.
+ CArrayFixFlat<TPIMArrayElement>* iAddrElements;
+ // List of attributes for the voip field, woned.
+ CArrayFixFlat<TPIMAttribute>* iVoipAttributes;
+// End of File