changeset 14 04becd199f91
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/javaextensions/wma/mms/src.s60/cmmsmessageinformation.cpp	Tue Apr 27 16:30:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  ?Description
+ *
+#include "logger.h"
+#include "s60commonutils.h"
+#include "cmmsmessageinformation.h"
+using namespace java::util;
+namespace java
+namespace wma
+const TInt KArrayGranularity = 2;
+// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
+ ***************************   CMidMessageInformation  *************************
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ *    CMidMessageInformation
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+ *  NewL
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+CMMSMessageInformation* CMMSMessageInformation::NewL(const TDesC& aFromAddress,
+        TInt64 aDate, const TDesC8& aApplicationID8, TMsvId aReceivedMsvId)
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    CMMSMessageInformation *self = new(ELeave) CMMSMessageInformation;
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL(aFromAddress, aDate, aApplicationID8, aReceivedMsvId);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+    return self;
+ *    ConstructL
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+void CMMSMessageInformation::ConstructL(const TDesC& aFromAddress,TInt64 aDate,
+                                        const TDesC8& aApplicationID8,
+                                        TMsvId aReceivedMsvId)
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    S60CommonUtils::ConvertWiderToNarrowL(aFromAddress, (TDesC8*&)mFromAddress8);
+    S60CommonUtils::CopyNarrowL(aApplicationID8, (TDesC8*&) mApplicationID8);
+    mDateTime = aDate;
+    mMessagePriority = EMmsPriorityHigh;
+    mReceivedMsvId = aReceivedMsvId;
+    mAttachmentArray
+    = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrSeg<CMMSMessageAttachment> (KArrayGranularity);
+    mToAddressArray = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrSeg<TDesC> (KArrayGranularity);
+    mCcAddressArray = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrSeg<TDesC> (1);
+    mBccAddressArray = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrSeg<TDesC> (1);
+ *    ~CMidMessageInformation
+ * This will delete the following
+ * iFromAddress8;    // HBufC*
+ * iApplicationID8;  // HBufC*
+ * iReplyToApplicationID8;
+ * iMessageSubject8;  //HBufC*
+ * iToAddressArray   Arrays just not their contents
+ * iBccAddressArray  Arrays just not their contents
+ * iCcAddressArray   Arrays just not their contents
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    delete mFromAddress8;
+    mFromAddress8 = NULL; // HBufC*
+    delete mApplicationID8;
+    mApplicationID8 = NULL; // HBufC*
+    delete mReplyToApplicationID8;
+    mReplyToApplicationID8 = NULL;
+    delete mMessageSubject8;
+    mMessageSubject8 = NULL; //HBufC*
+    //
+    mDateTime = 0;
+    mMessageSize = 0;
+    if (mAttachmentArray)
+    {
+        mAttachmentArray->ResetAndDestroy();
+        delete mAttachmentArray;
+        mAttachmentArray = NULL;
+    }
+    if (mToAddressArray)
+    {
+        mToAddressArray->ResetAndDestroy();
+        delete mToAddressArray;
+        mToAddressArray = NULL;
+    }
+    if (mBccAddressArray)
+    {
+        mBccAddressArray->ResetAndDestroy();
+        delete mBccAddressArray;
+        mBccAddressArray = NULL;
+    }
+    if (mCcAddressArray)
+    {
+        mCcAddressArray->ResetAndDestroy();
+        delete mCcAddressArray;
+        mCcAddressArray = NULL;
+    }
+ * Attachment
+ * return null if there is not more attachement
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+CMMSMessageAttachment& CMMSMessageInformation::Attachment(TInt aIndex)
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    CMMSMessageAttachment* attachment = NULL;
+    if (aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < mAttachmentArray->Count())
+        attachment = mAttachmentArray->At(aIndex);
+    return *attachment;
+ * InsertAttachmentL
+ * Insert Attachment, Attachment will be applended in the array
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+void CMMSMessageInformation::InsertAttachmentL(
+    CMMSMessageAttachment* aMessageAttachment)
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    mAttachmentArray->AppendL(aMessageAttachment);
+ * SetMessageSubjectL
+ * set the subject of the message
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+void CMMSMessageInformation::SetMessageSubjectL(TDesC16& aSubject)
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    delete mMessageSubject8;
+    mMessageSubject8 = NULL;
+    S60CommonUtils::ConvertWiderToNarrowL(aSubject, (TDesC8*&) mMessageSubject8);
+ * SetMessageSubjectL
+ * set the subject of the message
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+void CMMSMessageInformation::SetMessageSubjectL(TDesC8& aSubject)
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    delete mMessageSubject8;
+    mMessageSubject8 = NULL;
+    S60CommonUtils::CopyNarrowL(aSubject, (TDesC8*&) mMessageSubject8);
+ * MessageFromAddress
+ *  Get from Message Address
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+TDesC8& CMMSMessageInformation::MessageFromAddressL()
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    return *mFromAddress8;
+ * SetApplicationIdL(const TDesC8& aAppId)
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+void CMMSMessageInformation::SetApplicationIdL(const TDesC8& aAppId)
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    delete mApplicationID8;
+    mApplicationID8 = NULL;
+    S60CommonUtils::CopyNarrowL(aAppId, (TDesC8*&) mApplicationID8);
+ * SetApplicationIdL(const TDesC16& aAppId)
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+void CMMSMessageInformation::SetApplicationIdL(const TDesC16& aAppId)
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    delete mApplicationID8;
+    mApplicationID8 = NULL;
+    S60CommonUtils::ConvertWiderToNarrowL(aAppId, (TDesC8*&) mApplicationID8);
+ *  TDesC8& ApplicationID
+ *  GetApplicationID
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+TDesC8& CMMSMessageInformation::ApplicationIdL()
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    return *mApplicationID8;
+ * SetReplyToApplicationIdL(const TDesC16& aReplyAppId)
+ * Set reply AppId
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+void CMMSMessageInformation::SetReplyToApplicationIdL(
+    const TDesC16& aReplyAppId)
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    delete mReplyToApplicationID8;
+    mReplyToApplicationID8 = NULL;
+    S60CommonUtils::ConvertWiderToNarrowL(aReplyAppId,
+                                          (TDesC8*&) mReplyToApplicationID8);
+ * SetApplicationIdL(const TDesC8& aAppId)
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+void CMMSMessageInformation::SetReplyToApplicationIdL(
+    const TDesC8& aReplyToAppId)
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    delete mReplyToApplicationID8;
+    mReplyToApplicationID8 = NULL;
+    S60CommonUtils::CopyNarrowL(aReplyToAppId, (TDesC8*&)mReplyToApplicationID8);
+ * TDesC8& ReplyToApplicationIdL
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+TDesC8& CMMSMessageInformation::ReplyToApplicationIdL()
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    return *mReplyToApplicationID8;
+ * TDesC8& MessageSubject
+ * Get the message subject
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+TDesC8& CMMSMessageInformation::MessageSubjectL() const
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    return *mMessageSubject8;
+ * TInt SetMessageSize
+ * Set the message size
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+void CMMSMessageInformation::SetMessageSize(TInt aSize)
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    mMessageSize = aSize;
+ * TInt AddressesCount
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+TInt CMMSMessageInformation::AddressesCount(
+    TMsvRecipientTypeValues aAddressType)
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    TInt count = 0;
+    switch (aAddressType)
+    {
+    case EMsvRecipientTo:
+    {
+        count = mToAddressArray->Count();
+        break;
+    }
+    case EMsvRecipientCc:
+    {
+        count = mCcAddressArray->Count();
+        break;
+    }
+    case EMsvRecipientBcc:
+    {
+        count = mBccAddressArray->Count();
+        break;
+    }
+    default:
+        break;
+    }
+    return count;
+ * TDesC& MessageAddress
+ * return type is TDesC
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+TDesC& CMMSMessageInformation::MessageAddressL(
+    TMsvRecipientTypeValues aAddressType, TInt aIndex)
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    TDesC* address = NULL;
+    if (aIndex < 0) // aIndex is less then zero return null;
+        return *address;
+    switch (aAddressType)
+    {
+    case EMsvRecipientTo:
+    {
+        if (aIndex < mToAddressArray->Count())
+            address = mToAddressArray->At(aIndex);
+        break;
+    }
+    case EMsvRecipientCc:
+    {
+        if (aIndex < mCcAddressArray->Count())
+            address = mCcAddressArray->At(aIndex);
+        break;
+    }
+    case EMsvRecipientBcc:
+    {
+        if (aIndex < mBccAddressArray->Count())
+            address = mBccAddressArray->At(aIndex);
+        break;
+    }
+    default:
+        break;
+    }
+    return *address;
+ * AddAddressL(TMsvRecipientTypeValues aAddressType, TDesC8& aAddress8)
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+void CMMSMessageInformation::AddAddressL(TMsvRecipientTypeValues aAddressType,
+        TDesC8& aAddress8)
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    TDesC16* address = NULL;
+    S60CommonUtils::ConvertNarrowToWiderLC(aAddress8, address);
+    AddAddressL(aAddressType, address);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(address);
+ * AddAddressL(TMsvRecipientTypeValues aAddressType, TDesC16& aAddress)
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+void CMMSMessageInformation::AddAddressL(TMsvRecipientTypeValues aAddressType,
+        TDesC16* aAddress)
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    if (!aAddress)
+        return;
+    switch (aAddressType)
+    {
+    case EMsvRecipientTo:
+    {
+        AddToAddressL(aAddress);
+        break;
+    }
+    case EMsvRecipientCc:
+    {
+        AddCcAddressL(aAddress);
+        break;
+    }
+    case EMsvRecipientBcc:
+    {
+        AddBccAddressL(aAddress);
+        break;
+    }
+    default:
+        break;
+    }
+ * AddToAddressL
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+void CMMSMessageInformation::AddToAddressL(TDesC* aAddress)
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    if (aAddress)
+        mToAddressArray->AppendL(aAddress);
+ * AddCcAddressL
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+void CMMSMessageInformation::AddCcAddressL(TDesC* aAddress)
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    if (aAddress)
+        mCcAddressArray->AppendL(aAddress);
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+void CMMSMessageInformation::AddBccAddressL(TDesC* aAddress)
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    if (aAddress)
+        mBccAddressArray->AppendL(aAddress);
+ * SetMessagePriority
+ *
+ *------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+void CMMSMessageInformation::SetMessagePriority(TMmsMessagePriority aPriority)
+    JELOG2(EWMA);
+    mMessagePriority = aPriority;
+// End of File
+} //namespace wma
+} //namespace java