changeset 14 04becd199f91
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/javamanager/javaregistry/tsrc/registryserver/src/testinstalledappsregistryentry.cpp	Tue Apr 27 16:30:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string>
+#include "TestHarness.h"
+#include "javastorage.h"
+#include "javastorageexception.h"
+#include "javastoragenames.h"
+#include "javauid.h"
+#include "javasymbianoslayer.h"
+#include "storagetestutils.h"
+#include "javaregistry.h"
+#include "javaregistryentry.h"
+#include "logger.h"
+#include "minstalledappsregistry.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace Java;
+using namespace java::storage;
+using namespace java::util;
+    JavaStorage* js;
+    JavaStorageTestUtils* jtu;
+    {
+        js = JavaStorage::createInstance();
+        jtu = new JavaStorageTestUtils();
+    }
+    {
+        try
+        {
+            js->rollbackTransaction();
+            js->close();
+            delete js;
+            js = NULL;
+        }
+        catch (...)
+        {
+            // No can do
+        }
+        delete js;
+        js = 0;
+        delete jtu;
+        jtu = 0;
+    }
+ * Test CInstalledAppsRegistryEntry::SizeL() method.
+ * 1. Test no application suite size set. 0 as size.
+ * 2. Test no application suite size set via application entry. 0 as size.
+ * 3. Test size set to 0.
+ * 4. Test size set to 12345.
+ * 5. Test size set to 12345.
+ */
+TEST(TestInstalledAppsRegistryEntry, TestSizeL)
+    // This will always fail as size is not asked from server but it is
+    // calculated from file system which is not populated.
+    /*LOG(EJavaStorage, EInfo, "+TestSizeL");
+    MInstalledAppsRegistry* appsRegistry = MInstalledAppsRegistry::CreateL();
+    CleanupReleasePushL(*appsRegistry);
+    JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t suite1;
+    JavaStorageEntry attr;
+    attr.setEntry(PACKAGE_NAME, L"TestMIDletByUidL");
+    suite1.insert(attr);
+    string tableName = APPLICATION_PACKAGE_TABLE;
+    Uid suite1Uid(L"[e1230043]");
+    attr.setEntry(ID, suite1Uid.toString());
+    suite1.insert(attr);
+    js->open();
+    js->startTransaction();
+    CHECK(jtu->populate(*js, tableName, suite1));
+    js->commitTransaction();
+    JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t midlet1;
+    attr.setEntry(NAME, L"MyMIDlet1");
+    midlet1.insert(attr);
+    attr.setEntry(PACKAGE_ID, suite1Uid.toString());
+    midlet1.insert(attr);
+    string appTableName = APPLICATION_TABLE;
+    Uid midlet1Uid(L"[e12a0078]");
+    attr.setEntry(ID, midlet1Uid.toString());
+    midlet1.insert(attr);
+    js->startTransaction();
+    CHECK(jtu->populate(*js, appTableName, midlet1));
+    js->commitTransaction();
+    // 1. No suite size set.
+    TUid suiteUid;
+    uidToTUid(suite1Uid, suiteUid);
+    MInstalledAppsRegistryEntry* entry = appsRegistry->EntryL(suiteUid);
+    CleanupReleasePushL(*entry);
+    CHECK(entry->SizeL() == 0);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
+    // 1. No suite size set via application.
+    TUid midletUid;
+    uidToTUid(midlet1Uid, midletUid);
+    entry = appsRegistry->EntryL(midletUid);
+    CleanupReleasePushL(*entry);
+    CHECK(entry->SizeL() == 0);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
+    JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t updateEntry;
+    attr.setEntry(INITIAL_SIZE, L"0");
+    updateEntry.insert(attr);
+    js->startTransaction();
+    CHECK(jtu->update(*js, tableName, updateEntry, suite1));
+    js->commitTransaction();
+    entry = appsRegistry->EntryL(suiteUid);
+    CleanupReleasePushL(*entry);
+    CHECK(entry->SizeL() == 0);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
+    // 3. Test size set to 0.
+    uidToTUid(midlet1Uid, midletUid);
+    entry = appsRegistry->EntryL(midletUid);
+    CleanupReleasePushL(*entry);
+    CHECK(entry->SizeL() == 0);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
+    attr.setEntry(INITIAL_SIZE, L"12345");
+    updateEntry.insert(attr);
+    js->startTransaction();
+    CHECK(jtu->update(*js, tableName, updateEntry, suite1));
+    js->commitTransaction();
+    // 4. Test size set to 12345.
+    entry = appsRegistry->EntryL(suiteUid);
+    CleanupReleasePushL(*entry);
+    CHECK(entry->SizeL() == 12345);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
+    // 5. Test size set to 12345 via application.
+    uidToTUid(midlet1Uid, midletUid);
+    entry = appsRegistry->EntryL(midletUid);
+    CleanupReleasePushL(*entry);
+    CHECK(entry->SizeL() == 12345);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
+    // Clean
+    js->startTransaction();
+    CHECK(jtu->remove(*js, tableName, suite1));
+    CHECK(jtu->remove(*js, appTableName, midlet1));
+    js->commitTransaction();
+    js->close();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(appsRegistry);
+    LOG(EJavaStorage, EInfo, "-TestSizeL");*/
+ * Test CInstalledAppsRegistryEntry::UidL() method.
+ * 1. Application uid.
+ * 2. Application suite uid.
+ * NOTE: Invalid Uid cannot be tested as it cannot be queried.
+ */
+TEST(TestInstalledAppsRegistryEntry, TestUidL)
+    LOG(EJavaStorage, EInfo, "+TestUidL");
+    MInstalledAppsRegistry* appsRegistry = MInstalledAppsRegistry::CreateL();
+    CleanupReleasePushL(*appsRegistry);
+    JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t midlet1;
+    JavaStorageEntry attr;
+    Uid suite1Uid(L"[e22a4577]");
+    attr.setEntry(PACKAGE_ID, suite1Uid.toString());
+    midlet1.insert(attr);
+    Uid midlet1Uid(L"[e22a4588]");
+    attr.setEntry(ID, midlet1Uid.toString());
+    midlet1.insert(attr);
+    js->open();
+    js->startTransaction();
+    CHECK(jtu->populate(*js, APPLICATION_TABLE, midlet1));
+    JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t suite1;
+    attr.setEntry(PACKAGE_NAME, L"MySuite");
+    suite1.insert(attr);
+    attr.setEntry(ID, suite1Uid.toString());
+    suite1.insert(attr);
+    attr.setEntry(MEDIA_ID, L"-124614446");
+    suite1.insert(attr);
+    CHECK(jtu->populate(*js, APPLICATION_PACKAGE_TABLE, suite1));
+    js->commitTransaction();
+    // 1. Application uid.
+    TUid midletUid;
+    uidToTUid(midlet1Uid, midletUid);
+    MInstalledAppsRegistryEntry* entry = NULL;
+    TRAPD(err, entry = appsRegistry->EntryL(midletUid));
+    // CHECK(entry != NULL);
+    CHECK(KErrNotFound == err);
+    // CleanupReleasePushL(*entry);
+    // CHECK(entry->UidL() == midletUid);
+    // CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
+    // 2. Application suite uid.
+    TUid suiteUid;
+    uidToTUid(suite1Uid, suiteUid);
+    entry = appsRegistry->EntryL(suiteUid);
+    CHECK(entry != NULL);
+    CleanupReleasePushL(*entry);
+    CHECK(entry->UidL() == suiteUid);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
+    // Clean
+    js->startTransaction();
+    CHECK(jtu->remove(*js, APPLICATION_TABLE, midlet1));
+    CHECK(jtu->remove(*js, APPLICATION_PACKAGE_TABLE, suite1));
+    js->commitTransaction();
+    js->close();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(appsRegistry);
+    LOG(EJavaStorage, EInfo, "-TestUidL");
+ * Test CInstalledAppsRegistryEntry::VersionL() method.
+ * 1. Test version set via suite.
+ * 2. Test version via application.
+ * 3. Test version not set via suite. Version is 0.0.0.
+ * 4. Test version not set via application. Version is 0.0.0.
+ */
+TEST(TestInstalledAppsRegistryEntry, TestVersionL)
+    LOG(EJavaStorage, EInfo, "+TestVersionL");
+    MInstalledAppsRegistry* appsRegistry = MInstalledAppsRegistry::CreateL();
+    CleanupReleasePushL(*appsRegistry);
+    JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t midlet1;
+    JavaStorageEntry attr;
+    Uid suite1Uid(L"[e22a4577]");
+    attr.setEntry(PACKAGE_ID, suite1Uid.toString());
+    midlet1.insert(attr);
+    Uid midlet1Uid(L"[e22a4588]");
+    attr.setEntry(ID, midlet1Uid.toString());
+    midlet1.insert(attr);
+    js->open();
+    js->startTransaction();
+    CHECK(jtu->populate(*js, APPLICATION_TABLE, midlet1));
+    JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t suite1;
+    attr.setEntry(PACKAGE_NAME, L"MySuite");
+    suite1.insert(attr);
+    wstring vendor = L"SuiteVendor";
+    attr.setEntry(VENDOR, vendor);
+    suite1.insert(attr);
+    attr.setEntry(VERSION, L"0.1");
+    suite1.insert(attr);
+    attr.setEntry(ID, suite1Uid.toString());
+    suite1.insert(attr);
+    attr.setEntry(MEDIA_ID, L"-124614446");
+    suite1.insert(attr);
+    CHECK(jtu->populate(*js, APPLICATION_PACKAGE_TABLE, suite1));
+    js->commitTransaction();
+    TUid suiteUid;
+    uidToTUid(suite1Uid, suiteUid);
+    MInstalledAppsRegistryEntry* entry = appsRegistry->EntryL(suiteUid);
+    CHECK(entry != NULL);
+    CleanupReleasePushL(*entry);
+    TAppVersion appVersion = entry->VersionL();
+    TAppVersion refVersion(0, 1, 0);
+    CHECK(appVersion.iMajor == refVersion.iMajor);
+    CHECK(appVersion.iMinor == refVersion.iMinor);
+    CHECK(appVersion.iBuild == refVersion.iBuild);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
+    TUid midletUid;
+    uidToTUid(midlet1Uid, midletUid);
+    TRAPD(err, entry = appsRegistry->EntryL(midletUid));
+    CHECK(KErrNotFound == err);
+    // CHECK(entry != NULL);
+    // CleanupReleasePushL(*entry);
+    // appVersion = entry->VersionL();
+    // CHECK(appVersion.iMajor == refVersion.iMajor);
+    // CHECK(appVersion.iMinor == refVersion.iMinor);
+    // CHECK(appVersion.iBuild == refVersion.iBuild);
+    // CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
+    Uid suite2Uid(L"[e22b4577]");
+    JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t suite2;
+    attr.setEntry(PACKAGE_NAME, L"MySuite2");
+    suite2.insert(attr);
+    attr.setEntry(VENDOR, L"Inc. inc.");
+    suite2.insert(attr);
+    attr.setEntry(ID, suite2Uid.toString());
+    suite2.insert(attr);
+    attr.setEntry(MEDIA_ID, L"-124614446");
+    suite2.insert(attr);
+    JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t midlet2;
+    attr.setEntry(PACKAGE_ID, suite2Uid.toString());
+    midlet2.insert(attr);
+    Uid midlet2Uid(L"[e22b4588]");
+    attr.setEntry(ID, midlet2Uid.toString());
+    midlet2.insert(attr);
+    js->startTransaction();
+    CHECK(jtu->populate(*js, APPLICATION_TABLE, midlet2));
+    CHECK(jtu->populate(*js, APPLICATION_PACKAGE_TABLE, suite2));
+    js->commitTransaction();
+    uidToTUid(suite2Uid, suiteUid);
+    TAppVersion refVersion2(0, 0, 0);
+    entry = appsRegistry->EntryL(suiteUid);
+    CHECK(entry != NULL);
+    CleanupReleasePushL(*entry);
+    appVersion = entry->VersionL();
+    CHECK(appVersion.iMajor == refVersion2.iMajor);
+    CHECK(appVersion.iMinor == refVersion2.iMinor);
+    CHECK(appVersion.iBuild == refVersion2.iBuild);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
+    uidToTUid(midlet2Uid, midletUid);
+    TRAP(err, entry = appsRegistry->EntryL(midletUid));
+    CHECK(KErrNotFound == err); // Only suite can be get via EntryL
+    // CHECK(entry != NULL);
+    // CleanupReleasePushL(*entry);
+    // appVersion = entry->VersionL();
+    // CHECK(appVersion.iMajor == refVersion2.iMajor);
+    // CHECK(appVersion.iMinor == refVersion2.iMinor);
+    // CHECK(appVersion.iBuild == refVersion2.iBuild);
+    // CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
+    // Clean
+    js->startTransaction();
+    CHECK(jtu->remove(*js, APPLICATION_TABLE, midlet1));
+    CHECK(jtu->remove(*js, APPLICATION_TABLE, midlet2));
+    CHECK(jtu->remove(*js, APPLICATION_PACKAGE_TABLE, suite1));
+    CHECK(jtu->remove(*js, APPLICATION_PACKAGE_TABLE, suite2));
+    js->commitTransaction();
+    js->close();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(appsRegistry);
+    LOG(EJavaStorage, EInfo, "-TestVersionL");
+ * Test CInstalledAppsRegistryEntry::DriveL() method.
+ * 1. Test application suite drive.
+ * 2. Test application drive.
+ */
+TEST(TestInstalledAppsRegistryEntry, TestDriveL)
+    LOG(EJavaStorage, EInfo, "+TestDriveL");
+    MInstalledAppsRegistry* appsRegistry = MInstalledAppsRegistry::CreateL();
+    CleanupReleasePushL(*appsRegistry);
+    JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t midlet1;
+    JavaStorageEntry attr;
+    Uid suite1Uid(L"[eaaa4577]");
+    attr.setEntry(PACKAGE_ID, suite1Uid.toString());
+    midlet1.insert(attr);
+    Uid midlet1Uid(L"[eaaa4588]");
+    attr.setEntry(ID, midlet1Uid.toString());
+    midlet1.insert(attr);
+    js->open();
+    js->startTransaction();
+    CHECK(jtu->populate(*js, APPLICATION_TABLE, midlet1));
+    JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t suite1;
+    attr.setEntry(ID, suite1Uid.toString());
+    suite1.insert(attr);
+    attr.setEntry(MEDIA_ID, L"-124614446");
+    suite1.insert(attr);
+    attr.setEntry(ROOT_PATH, L"e:\\private\\MIDlets\\[eaaa4577]");
+    suite1.insert(attr);
+    CHECK(jtu->populate(*js, APPLICATION_PACKAGE_TABLE, suite1));
+    js->commitTransaction();
+    // 1. Application uid.
+    TUid midletUid;
+    uidToTUid(midlet1Uid, midletUid);
+    MInstalledAppsRegistryEntry* entry = NULL;
+    TRAPD(err, entry = appsRegistry->EntryL(midletUid));
+    // CHECK(entry != NULL);
+    CHECK(KErrNotFound == err); // Only suite can be get.
+    // CleanupReleasePushL(*entry);
+    // CHECK(entry->DriveL() == 'E');
+    // CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
+    TUid suiteUid;
+    uidToTUid(suite1Uid, suiteUid);
+    entry = appsRegistry->EntryL(suiteUid);
+    CHECK(entry != NULL);
+    CleanupReleasePushL(*entry);
+    CHECK(entry->DriveL() == 'E');
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
+    js->startTransaction();
+    CHECK(jtu->remove(*js, APPLICATION_TABLE, midlet1));
+    CHECK(jtu->remove(*js, APPLICATION_PACKAGE_TABLE, suite1));
+    js->commitTransaction();
+    js->close();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(appsRegistry);
+    LOG(EJavaStorage, EInfo, "-TestDriveL");
+ * Test CInstalledAppsRegistryEntry::IsInRomL() method.
+ * 1. Test application suite not in ROM.
+ * 2. Test application not in ROM.
+ * 3. Test application suite in ROM.
+ * 4. Test application in ROM.
+ */
+TEST(TestInstalledAppsRegistryEntry, TestIsInRomL)
+    LOG(EJavaStorage, EInfo, "+TestIsInRomL");
+    MInstalledAppsRegistry* appsRegistry = MInstalledAppsRegistry::CreateL();
+    CleanupReleasePushL(*appsRegistry);
+    JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t midlet1;
+    JavaStorageEntry attr;
+    Uid suite1Uid(L"[e0004577]");
+    attr.setEntry(PACKAGE_ID, suite1Uid.toString());
+    midlet1.insert(attr);
+    Uid midlet1Uid(L"[e0004588]");
+    attr.setEntry(ID, midlet1Uid.toString());
+    midlet1.insert(attr);
+    js->open();
+    js->startTransaction();
+    CHECK(jtu->populate(*js, APPLICATION_TABLE, midlet1));
+    JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t suite1;
+    attr.setEntry(ID, suite1Uid.toString());
+    suite1.insert(attr);
+    attr.setEntry(MEDIA_ID, L"-124614446");
+    suite1.insert(attr);
+    attr.setEntry(JAR_PATH, L"e:\\private\\MIDlets\\[e0004577]");
+    suite1.insert(attr);
+    attr.setEntry(ROOT_PATH, L"e:\\private\\MIDlets\\[e0004577]");
+    suite1.insert(attr);
+    CHECK(jtu->populate(*js, APPLICATION_PACKAGE_TABLE, suite1));
+    js->commitTransaction();
+    TUid midletUid;
+    uidToTUid(midlet1Uid, midletUid);
+    MInstalledAppsRegistryEntry* entry = NULL;
+    TRAPD(err, entry = appsRegistry->EntryL(midletUid));
+    // CHECK(KErrNotFound == err);
+    // CHECK(entry != NULL);
+    // CleanupReleasePushL(*entry);
+    // 2. Test application not in ROM.
+    // CHECK(entry->IsInRomL() == EFalse);
+    // CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
+    TUid suiteUid;
+    uidToTUid(suite1Uid, suiteUid);
+    // 1. Test application suite not in ROM.
+    entry = appsRegistry->EntryL(suiteUid);
+    CHECK(entry != NULL);
+    CleanupReleasePushL(*entry);
+    CHECK(entry->IsInRomL() == EFalse);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
+    // Move suite to ROM.
+    JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t updateEntry;
+    attr.setEntry(JAR_PATH, L"z:\\private\\MIDlets\\[e0004577]");
+    updateEntry.insert(attr);
+    attr.setEntry(ROOT_PATH, L"z:\\private\\MIDlets\\[e0004577]");
+    suite1.insert(attr);
+    js->startTransaction();
+    CHECK(jtu->update(*js, APPLICATION_PACKAGE_TABLE, updateEntry, suite1));
+    js->commitTransaction();
+    // TRAP(err, entry = appsRegistry->EntryL(midletUid));
+    //CHECK(KErrNotFound == err);
+    // CHECK(entry != NULL);
+    // CleanupReleasePushL(*entry);
+    // 4. Test application in ROM.
+    // CHECK(entry->IsInRomL() == true);
+    // CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
+    entry = appsRegistry->EntryL(suiteUid);
+    CHECK(entry != NULL);
+    CleanupReleasePushL(*entry);
+    // 3. Test application suite in ROM.
+    // CHECK(entry->IsInRomL() == true);
+    // According to current implementation when application is installed
+    // to system using S60 JavaIntaller (as always) isInRom is always set
+    // to EFalse thus it cannot be set ETrue after that.
+    CHECK(entry->IsInRomL() == false);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entry);
+    suite1.clear();
+    attr.setEntry(ID, suite1Uid.toString());
+    suite1.insert(attr);
+    attr.setEntry(MEDIA_ID, L"-124614446");
+    suite1.insert(attr);
+    js->startTransaction();
+    CHECK(jtu->remove(*js, APPLICATION_TABLE, midlet1));
+    CHECK(jtu->remove(*js, APPLICATION_PACKAGE_TABLE, suite1));
+    js->commitTransaction();
+    js->close();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(appsRegistry);
+    LOG(EJavaStorage, EInfo, "-TestIsInRomL");