--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/javatools/usersettingsconfigurator/tsrc/src/testusersettingsconfigurator.cpp Tue Apr 27 16:30:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include "TestHarness.h"
+#include "teststoragehandler.h"
+#include "j2me/midp2/security/MFunctionGroupBinding.h"
+#include "j2me/midp2/security/MExtendedProtectionDomain.h"
+#include "j2me/midp2/security/MFunctionGroup.h"
+#include "j2me/midp2/security/MPermission.h"
+#include "j2me/midp2/security/MSecurityPolicyV2.h"
+using namespace MIDP;
+const TInt KSecurityPolicyFlags = 0x0200;
+_LIT(KSecurityPolicy, "midp2_rp");
+extern MSecurityPolicyV2* GetSecurityPolicyL(TUint32 aFlags, const TDesC& aPolicyName);
+const TInt BLANKET = 1;
+const TInt SESSION = 2;
+const TInt ONESHOT = 3;
+const TInt NO = 4;
+const TInt UNKNOWN = 5;
+const TInt INVALID = 6;
+const TInt EMPTY = 7;
+const TInt GAMEACTIONS = 8;
+ MSecurityPolicyV2* iSecurityPolicy;
+ {
+ iSecurityPolicy = GetSecurityPolicyL(KSecurityPolicyFlags, KSecurityPolicy);
+ }
+ {
+ delete iSecurityPolicy;
+ }
+HBufC8* GetCustomAttributes(const TDesC& aValue)
+ _LIT(KOnScreenKeyboardAttribute, "Nokia-MIDlet-On-Screen-Keypad");
+ _LIT8(KSpace, " ");
+ TInt countLength = 1;
+ TInt spaceLength = KSpace().Length();
+ TInt keyLength = KOnScreenKeyboardAttribute().Length();
+ TInt keyByteLength = keyLength + keyLength;
+ TInt valueLength = 2 + aValue.Length();
+ TInt valueByteLength = valueLength + valueLength;
+ HBufC8* customAttributesValue = HBufC8::NewL(
+ 4 /* count */
+ + 4 /* key length */
+ + keyByteLength /* key */
+ + 3 /* max padding */
+ + 4 /* value length */
+ + 4 /* flag */
+ + valueByteLength /* value */
+ + 3 /* max padding */);
+ TPtr8 ptr = customAttributesValue->Des();
+ ptr.Append(TPtrC8((const TUint8*)&countLength, 4));
+ ptr.Append(TPtrC8((const TUint8*)&keyLength, 4));
+ ptr.Append(TPtrC8((const TUint8*)KOnScreenKeyboardAttribute().Ptr(), keyByteLength));
+ switch (keyByteLength % 4)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ ptr.Append(KSpace);
+ case 2:
+ ptr.Append(KSpace);
+ case 3:
+ ptr.Append(KSpace);
+ break;
+ }
+ // flag
+ ptr.Append(TPtrC8((const TUint8*)&valueLength, 4));
+ ptr.Append(KSpace);
+ ptr.Append(KSpace);
+ ptr.Append(KSpace);
+ ptr.Append(KSpace);
+ ptr.Append(TPtrC8((const TUint8*)aValue.Ptr(), (2 * aValue.Length())));
+ switch (valueByteLength % 4)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ ptr.Append(KSpace);
+ case 2:
+ ptr.Append(KSpace);
+ case 3:
+ ptr.Append(KSpace);
+ break;
+ }
+ return customAttributesValue;
+HBufC8* GetSecurityPreferences(const MSecurityPolicyV2& aSecurityPolicy, std::wstring aSecuritySettingsName, int aInteractionMode)
+ int BITS_PER_BYTE = 8;
+ int BITS_PER_GROUP = 2;
+ RPointerArray<const MFunctionGroupBinding> bindings;
+ aSecurityPolicy.UntrustedProtectionDomainL().FunctionGroupBindingsL(bindings);
+ TInt count = bindings.Count();
+ std::string preferences = "";
+ std::string interactionMode;
+ HBufC8* prefs = HBufC8::NewMaxL((count + 3)/4);
+ TPtr8 ptr = prefs->Des();
+ TInt length = ptr.Length();
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ {
+ ptr[i] = 0;
+ }
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ const MFunctionGroupBinding& binding = *(bindings[i]);
+ HBufC* name = binding.FunctionGroup().Name().AllocLC();
+ std::wstring securitySettingsName = std::wstring((wchar_t*) name->Ptr(), name->Length());
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(name);
+ TInt byteIndex = ((i) * BITS_PER_GROUP) / BITS_PER_BYTE;
+ TInt bitIndex = ((i) - (byteIndex * GROUPS_PER_BYTE)) * BITS_PER_GROUP;
+ TUint8 byte = ptr[byteIndex];
+ if (securitySettingsName == aSecuritySettingsName)
+ {
+ switch (aInteractionMode)
+ {
+ case ONESHOT:
+ ptr[byteIndex] = (TText8)((byte & ~(3 << bitIndex)) | (2 << bitIndex));
+ break;
+ case SESSION:
+ ptr[byteIndex] = (TText8)((byte & ~(3 << bitIndex)) | (3 << bitIndex));
+ break;
+ case BLANKET:
+ ptr[byteIndex] = (TText8)((byte & ~(3 << bitIndex)) | (1 << bitIndex));
+ break;
+ case NO:
+ ptr[byteIndex] = (TText8)((byte & ~(3 << bitIndex)) | (0 << bitIndex));
+ break;
+ case UNKNOWN:
+ ptr[byteIndex] = (TText8)((byte & ~(3 << bitIndex)) | (4 << bitIndex));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // get the default one from the legacy policy
+ switch (binding.DefaultInteractionMode())
+ {
+ case MPermission::EDenied:
+ ptr[byteIndex] = (TText8)((byte & ~(3 << bitIndex)) | (0 << bitIndex));
+ break;
+ case MPermission::EBlanket:
+ ptr[byteIndex] = (TText8)((byte & ~(3 << bitIndex)) | (1 << bitIndex));
+ break;
+ case MPermission::EOneshot:
+ ptr[byteIndex] = (TText8)((byte & ~(3 << bitIndex)) | (2 << bitIndex));
+ break;
+ case MPermission::ESession:
+ ptr[byteIndex] = (TText8)((byte & ~(3 << bitIndex)) | (3 << bitIndex));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bindings.Close();
+ return prefs;
+std::wstring GetDefaultInteractionModeFromPolicy(const MSecurityPolicyV2& aSecurityPolicy, std::wstring aSecuritySettingsName)
+ RPointerArray<const MFunctionGroupBinding> bindings;
+ aSecurityPolicy.UntrustedProtectionDomainL().FunctionGroupBindingsL(bindings);
+ TInt count = bindings.Count();
+ std::wstring interactionMode = L"";
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ const MFunctionGroupBinding& binding = *(bindings[i]);
+ HBufC* name = binding.FunctionGroup().Name().AllocLC();
+ std::wstring securitySettingsName = std::wstring((wchar_t*) name->Ptr(), name->Length());
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(name);
+ if (securitySettingsName == aSecuritySettingsName)
+ {
+ // get the default one from the legacy policy
+ switch (binding.DefaultInteractionMode())
+ {
+ case MPermission::EDenied:
+ interactionMode = L"4";
+ break;
+ case MPermission::EBlanket:
+ interactionMode = L"3";
+ break;
+ case MPermission::EOneshot:
+ interactionMode = L"1";
+ break;
+ case MPermission::ESession:
+ interactionMode = L"2";
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ bindings.Close();
+ return interactionMode;
+void ExecuteConfigurator()
+ _LIT(KJavaUsersettingsConfiguratorExe, "javausersettingsconfigurator.exe");
+ RProcess proc;
+ int rc = proc.Create(KJavaUsersettingsConfiguratorExe, KNullDesC());
+ if (rc == KErrNone)
+ {
+ proc.Resume();
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ proc.Logon(status);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ }
+ proc.Close();
+TEST(TestUserSettingsConfigurator, TestUserSecuritySettingsL)
+ // init
+ TInt err;
+ TestStorageHandler* storage = TestStorageHandler::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(storage);
+ std::vector<SecuritySettings*> securitySettings;
+ bool success = false;
+ // unknown unsigned suite
+ storage->cleanup(TUint32(0), L"appUid");
+ storage->populateLegacyStorageL(TUint32(0), _L("name"), _L("vendor"), _L("version"), _L8("prefs"));
+ storage->populateOmjStorageL(L"appUid", L"name1", L"vendor", L"version", L"settingsName", L"1");
+ ExecuteConfigurator();
+ securitySettings.clear();
+ storage->retrieveSecuritySettings(L"name", L"vendor", L"version", securitySettings);
+ storage->cleanup(TUint32(0), L"appUid");
+ success = (securitySettings.size() == 0);
+ for (int i=0; i<securitySettings.size(); i++)
+ {
+ delete securitySettings[i];
+ }
+ CHECK(success);
+ // OMJ "Net Access" settings: No for current interaction mode, Oneshot&Session for allowed interaction modes
+ // Legacy settings: unknown value for "Net Access"
+ // -> new OMJ settings: the default interaction mode taken from the legacy policy for "Net Access"
+ storage->cleanup(TUint32(0), L"appUid");
+ HBufC8* prefs = GetSecurityPreferences(*iSecurityPolicy, L"Local Connectivity", UNKNOWN);
+ storage->populateLegacyStorageL(TUint32(0), _L("name"), _L("vendor"), _L("version"), *prefs);
+ delete prefs;
+ storage->populateOmjStorageL(L"appUid", L"name", L"vendor", L"version", L"Net Access", L"4" , L"12");
+ ExecuteConfigurator();
+ securitySettings.clear();
+ storage->retrieveSecuritySettings(L"name", L"vendor", L"version", securitySettings);
+ storage->cleanup(TUint32(0), L"appUid");
+ success = (securitySettings.size() == 1 && securitySettings[0]->iCurrentInteractionMode == GetDefaultInteractionModeFromPolicy(*iSecurityPolicy, L"Net Access") && securitySettings[0]->iSettingsName == L"Net Access");
+ for (int i=0; i<securitySettings.size(); i++)
+ {
+ delete securitySettings[i];
+ }
+ CHECK(success);
+ // OMJ "Read User Data Access" settings: No for current interaction mode, Session for allowed interaction modes
+ // Legacy settings: unknown value for "Read User Data Access"
+ // -> new OMJ settings: unchanged settings (the default interaction mode taken from the legacy policy for Net Access is not found among the allowed interaction modes)
+ storage->cleanup(TUint32(0), L"appUid");
+ storage->populateLegacyStorageL(TUint32(0), _L("name"), _L("vendor"), _L("version"), _L8("prefs"));
+ storage->populateOmjStorageL(L"appUid", L"name", L"vendor", L"version", L"Read User Data Access", L"4" , L"4");
+ ExecuteConfigurator();
+ securitySettings.clear();
+ storage->retrieveSecuritySettings(L"name", L"vendor", L"version", securitySettings);
+ storage->cleanup(TUint32(0), L"appUid");
+ success = (securitySettings.size() == 1 && securitySettings[0]->iCurrentInteractionMode == L"4" && securitySettings[0]->iSettingsName == L"Read User Data Access");
+ for (int i=0; i<securitySettings.size(); i++)
+ {
+ delete securitySettings[i];
+ }
+ CHECK(success);
+ // OMJ "Write User Data Access" settings: No for current interaction mode, Oneshot&Session for allowed interaction modes
+ // Legacy settings: oneshot for "Write User Data Access"
+ // -> new OMJ settings: oneshot for "Write User Data Access"
+ storage->cleanup(TUint32(0), L"appUid");
+ prefs = GetSecurityPreferences(*iSecurityPolicy, L"Write User Data Access", ONESHOT);
+ storage->populateLegacyStorageL(TUint32(0), _L("name"), _L("vendor"), _L("version"), *prefs);
+ delete prefs;
+ storage->populateOmjStorageL(L"appUid", L"name", L"vendor", L"version", L"Write User Data Access", L"4" , L"12");
+ ExecuteConfigurator();
+ securitySettings.clear();
+ storage->retrieveSecuritySettings(L"name", L"vendor", L"version", securitySettings);
+ storage->cleanup(TUint32(0), L"appUid");
+ success = (securitySettings.size() == 1 && securitySettings[0]->iCurrentInteractionMode == L"1" && securitySettings[0]->iSettingsName == L"Write User Data Access");
+ for (int i=0; i<securitySettings.size(); i++)
+ {
+ delete securitySettings[i];
+ }
+ CHECK(success);
+ // OMJ "Local Connectivity" settings: Oneshot for current interaction mode, Oneshot&Session for allowed interaction modes
+ // Legacy settings: session for "Local Connectivity"
+ // -> new OMJ settings: session for "Local Connectivity"
+ storage->cleanup(TUint32(0), L"appUid");
+ prefs = GetSecurityPreferences(*iSecurityPolicy, L"Local Connectivity", SESSION);
+ storage->populateLegacyStorageL(TUint32(0), _L("name"), _L("vendor"), _L("version"), *prefs);
+ delete prefs;
+ storage->populateOmjStorageL(L"appUid", L"name", L"vendor", L"version", L"Local Connectivity", L"1" , L"12");
+ ExecuteConfigurator();
+ securitySettings.clear();
+ storage->retrieveSecuritySettings(L"name", L"vendor", L"version", securitySettings);
+ storage->cleanup(TUint32(0), L"appUid");
+ success = (securitySettings.size() == 1 && securitySettings[0]->iCurrentInteractionMode == L"2" && securitySettings[0]->iSettingsName == L"Local Connectivity");
+ for (int i=0; i<securitySettings.size(); i++)
+ {
+ delete securitySettings[i];
+ }
+ CHECK(success);
+ // OMJ "Messaging" settings: Oneshot for current interaction mode, Oneshot&Session&Blanket for allowed interaction modes
+ // Legacy settings: Blanket for "Messaging"
+ // -> new OMJ settings: Blanket for "Messaging"
+ storage->cleanup(TUint32(0), L"appUid");
+ prefs = GetSecurityPreferences(*iSecurityPolicy, L"Messaging", BLANKET);
+ storage->populateLegacyStorageL(TUint32(0), _L("name"), _L("vendor"), _L("version"), *prefs);
+ delete prefs;
+ storage->populateOmjStorageL(L"appUid", L"name", L"vendor", L"version", L"Messaging", L"1" , L"14");
+ ExecuteConfigurator();
+ securitySettings.clear();
+ storage->retrieveSecuritySettings(L"name", L"vendor", L"version", securitySettings);
+ storage->cleanup(TUint32(0), L"appUid");
+ success = (securitySettings.size() == 1 && securitySettings[0]->iCurrentInteractionMode == L"3" && securitySettings[0]->iSettingsName == L"Messaging");
+ for (int i=0; i<securitySettings.size(); i++)
+ {
+ delete securitySettings[i];
+ }
+ CHECK(success);
+ // OMJ "ApplicationAutoInvocation" settings: Oneshot for current interaction mode, Oneshot&No for allowed interaction modes
+ // Legacy settings: No for "ApplicationAutoInvocation"
+ // -> new OMJ settings: No for "ApplicationAutoInvocation"
+ storage->cleanup(TUint32(0), L"appUid");
+ prefs = GetSecurityPreferences(*iSecurityPolicy, L"Application Auto Invocation", NO);
+ storage->populateLegacyStorageL(TUint32(0), _L("name"), _L("vendor"), _L("version"), *prefs);
+ delete prefs;
+ storage->populateOmjStorageL(L"appUid", L"name", L"vendor", L"version", L"Application Auto Invocation", L"1" , L"9");
+ ExecuteConfigurator();
+ securitySettings.clear();
+ storage->retrieveSecuritySettings(L"name", L"vendor", L"version", securitySettings);
+ storage->cleanup(TUint32(0), L"appUid");
+ success = (securitySettings.size() == 1 && securitySettings[0]->iCurrentInteractionMode == L"4" && securitySettings[0]->iSettingsName == L"Application Auto Invocation");
+ for (int i=0; i<securitySettings.size(); i++)
+ {
+ delete securitySettings[i];
+ }
+ CHECK(success);
+ // cleanup
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(storage);
+TEST(TestUserSettingsConfigurator, TestUserCustomAttributesSettingsL)
+ // init
+ TInt err;
+ TestStorageHandler* storage = TestStorageHandler::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(storage);
+ bool success = false;
+ // "gameactions" value
+ HBufC8* customAttributes = GetCustomAttributes(_L("gameactions"));
+ storage->populateLegacyStorageL(TUint32(12345), *customAttributes);
+ delete customAttributes;
+ storage->populateOmjStorageL(L"[00003039]", L"0");
+ ExecuteConfigurator();
+ std::wstring onScreenKeypad;
+ storage->retrieveOnScreenKeypad(L"[00003039]", onScreenKeypad);
+ storage->cleanup(TUint32(0), L"[00003039]");
+ success = (onScreenKeypad == L"1");
+ CHECK(success);
+ // "navigationkeys" value
+ customAttributes = GetCustomAttributes(_L("navigationkeys"));
+ storage->populateLegacyStorageL(TUint32(12345), *customAttributes);
+ delete customAttributes;
+ storage->populateOmjStorageL(L"[00003039]", L"0");
+ ExecuteConfigurator();
+ onScreenKeypad = L"";
+ storage->retrieveOnScreenKeypad(L"[00003039]", onScreenKeypad);
+ storage->cleanup(TUint32(0), L"[00003039]");
+ success = (onScreenKeypad == L"2");
+ CHECK(success);
+ // "no" value
+ customAttributes = GetCustomAttributes(_L("no"));
+ storage->populateLegacyStorageL(TUint32(12345), *customAttributes);
+ delete customAttributes;
+ storage->populateOmjStorageL(L"[00003039]", L"2");
+ ExecuteConfigurator();
+ onScreenKeypad = L"";
+ storage->retrieveOnScreenKeypad(L"[00003039]", onScreenKeypad);
+ storage->cleanup(TUint32(0), L"[00003039]");
+ success = (onScreenKeypad == L"0");
+ CHECK(success);
+ // unknown value
+ customAttributes = GetCustomAttributes(_L("unknown"));
+ storage->populateLegacyStorageL(TUint32(12345), *customAttributes);
+ delete customAttributes;
+ storage->populateOmjStorageL(L"[00003039]", L"2");
+ ExecuteConfigurator();
+ onScreenKeypad = L"";
+ storage->retrieveOnScreenKeypad(L"[00003039]", onScreenKeypad);
+ storage->cleanup(TUint32(0), L"[00003039]");
+ success = (onScreenKeypad == L"2");
+ CHECK(success);
+ // no value at all
+ storage->populateOmjStorageL(L"[00003039]", L"1");
+ ExecuteConfigurator();
+ onScreenKeypad = L"";
+ storage->retrieveOnScreenKeypad(L"[00003039]", onScreenKeypad);
+ storage->cleanup(TUint32(0), L"[00003039]");
+ success = (onScreenKeypad == L"1");
+ CHECK(success);
+ // empty value
+ customAttributes = GetCustomAttributes(_L(""));
+ storage->populateLegacyStorageL(TUint32(12345), *customAttributes);
+ delete customAttributes;
+ storage->populateOmjStorageL(L"[00003039]", L"1");
+ ExecuteConfigurator();
+ onScreenKeypad = L"";
+ storage->retrieveOnScreenKeypad(L"[00003039]", onScreenKeypad);
+ storage->cleanup(TUint32(0), L"[00003039]");
+ success = (onScreenKeypad == L"1");
+ CHECK(success);
+ // cleanup
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(storage);