--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/javauis/amms_akn/mmacontrol/src/cammsequalizercontrol.cpp Tue Apr 27 16:30:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Manipulates the equalization settings of a Player.
+#include <jdebug.h>
+#include "cammsequalizercontrol.h"
+// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAMMSEqualizerControl::NewLC
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAMMSEqualizerControl* CAMMSEqualizerControl::NewLC(CMMAPlayer* aPlayer)
+ CAMMSEqualizerControl* self =
+ new(ELeave) CAMMSEqualizerControl(aPlayer);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ return self;
+// Destructor
+ DEBUG("AMMS::CAMMSEqualizerControl::~CAMMSEqualizerControl");
+ // Perform DeallocateControl, if the state change has not yet performed it.
+ DeallocateControl();
+ delete iEqualizerUtility;
+ delete iPresetNames;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAMMSEqualizerControl::BandLevelL
+// Gets the gain set for the given equalizer band.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAMMSEqualizerControl::BandLevelL(TInt aBand)
+ // if aBand is out of range the method must leave with KErrArgument.
+ if (aBand < 0 || aBand > (NumberOfBands() - 1))
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ // Returns the band level in mB for the specified band
+ // AudioEqualizerBase: TInt32 BandLevel( TUint8 aBand ) const;
+ return ((CAudioEqualizer*)iAudioEffect)->BandLevel(
+ (TUint8)(aBand + KAMMSBandOffset));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAMMSEqualizerControl::MaxBandLevel
+// Returns the maximum band level supported.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAMMSEqualizerControl::MaxBandLevel()
+ // Get the dB range in mB for the equalizer.
+ TInt32 minLevel = 0;
+ TInt32 maxLevel = 0;
+ ((CAudioEqualizer*)iAudioEffect)->DbLevelLimits(minLevel, maxLevel);
+ return maxLevel;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAMMSEqualizerControl::MinBandLevel
+// Returns the minimum band level supported.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAMMSEqualizerControl::MinBandLevel()
+ // Get the dB range in mB for the equalizer.
+ TInt32 minLevel = 0;
+ TInt32 maxLevel = 0;
+ ((CAudioEqualizer*)iAudioEffect)->DbLevelLimits(minLevel, maxLevel);
+ return minLevel;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAMMSEqualizerControl::BandWidth
+// Returns the band width in Hz for the specified band.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAMMSEqualizerControl::BandWidth(TInt aBand)
+ return ((CAudioEqualizer*)iAudioEffect)->BandWidth(
+ (TUint8)(aBand + KAMMSBandOffset));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAMMSEqualizerControl::CenterFrequency
+// Returns the center frequency in Hz for a given band.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAMMSEqualizerControl::CenterFrequency(TInt aBand)
+ return ((CAudioEqualizer*)iAudioEffect)->CenterFrequency(
+ (TUint8)(aBand + KAMMSBandOffset));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAMMSEqualizerControl::CrossoverFrequency
+// Returns the cross-over frequency between the given frequency.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAMMSEqualizerControl::CrossoverFrequency(TInt aBand)
+ return ((CAudioEqualizer*)iAudioEffect)->CrossoverFrequency(
+ (TUint8)(aBand + KAMMSBandOffset));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAMMSEqualizerControl::NumberOfBands
+// Gets the number of frequency bands that the equalizer supports.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CAMMSEqualizerControl::NumberOfBands()
+ // Returns the number of equalizer bands.
+ // AudioEqualizerBase: TUint8 NumberOfBands() const;
+ return ((CAudioEqualizer*)iAudioEffect)->NumberOfBands();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAMMSEqualizerControl::SetBandLevelL
+// Sets the given equalizer band to the given gain value.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAMMSEqualizerControl::SetBandLevelL(
+ TInt aLevel,
+ TInt aBand)
+ DEBUG_INT2("AMMS::CAMMSEqualizerControl::SetBandLevelL: level=%d, band=%d",
+ aLevel, aBand);
+ // If aBand or aLevel is out of valid range the method must leave
+ // with KErrArgument.
+ if (aBand < 0 ||
+ aBand > (NumberOfBands() - 1) ||
+ aLevel < MinBandLevel() ||
+ aLevel > MaxBandLevel())
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+ // Sets the equalizer band level value in mB, ranging from Min to Max
+ ((CAudioEqualizer*)iAudioEffect)->SetBandLevelL(
+ (TInt8)(aBand + KAMMSBandOffset), aLevel);
+ ApplySettingsL();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAMMSEqualizerControl::SetPresetL
+// Sets the effect according to the given preset.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAMMSEqualizerControl::SetPresetL(const TDesC& aPreset)
+ DEBUG_STR("AMMS::CAMMSEqualizerControl::SetPresetL \"%S\"", aPreset);
+ const CDesCArray& presetNames = PresetNamesL();
+ TInt presetPosition = 0;
+ TInt findPreset = presetNames.Find(aPreset, presetPosition);
+ if (findPreset == 0) // Find returns zero, if a matching element is found.
+ {
+ // This supposes that the indexing of the presets starts at zero.
+ iEqualizerUtility->GetPresetL(presetPosition);
+ // Set the base class audio effect as the new CAudioEqualizer
+ // that is set with the previous GetPresetL method.
+ iAudioEffect = &(iEqualizerUtility->Equalizer());
+ iCurrentPreset = presetPosition;
+ DEBUG_STR("AMMS::CAMMSEqualizerControl::SetPresetL \"%S\" GetPresetL OK",
+ aPreset);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ User::Leave(KErrArgument);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAMMSEqualizerControl::PresetNamesL
+// Gets the available preset names.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const CDesCArray& CAMMSEqualizerControl::PresetNamesL()
+ // Returns an array of all preset names (pre-defined and user-defined).
+ // The pre-defined presets are in the beginning of the list.
+ TArray< TEfAudioEqualizerUtilityPreset > presetNames =
+ iEqualizerUtility->Presets();
+ // Before appending the preset names, reset the member array
+ iPresetNames->Reset();
+ for (TInt i = 0; i < presetNames.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ iPresetNames->AppendL(presetNames[ i ].iPresetName);
+ }
+ return *iPresetNames;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAMMSEqualizerControl::PresetL
+// Gets the current preset.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const TDesC& CAMMSEqualizerControl::PresetL()
+ //if no preset is set, return null
+ if (iCurrentPreset < 0)
+ {
+ return KNullDesC;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Retrieves a Preset with the given index from the Central Repository
+ // AudioEqualizerUtility.h:
+ // const TDesC& GetPresetL(TInt aPresetIndex)
+ return iEqualizerUtility->GetPresetL(iCurrentPreset);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAMMSEqualizerControl::SetEnabledL
+// Enables/disables the effect.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAMMSEqualizerControl::SetEnabledL(TBool aEnable)
+ if (aEnable)
+ {
+ // Enable the effect
+ // Instead of using CAudioEffectBase: virtual void EnableL(),
+ // use the derived effect's (=preset's) ApplyL which calls EnableL.
+ DEBUG("AMMS::CAMMSEqualizerControl::SetEnabledL(true), calling ApplyL");
+ iAudioEffect->ApplyL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Disable the effect
+ // Instead of using CAudioEffectBase: virtual void DisableL(),
+ // use the utility class DisableEqualizerL,
+ // which calls DisableL for the correct preset
+ DEBUG("AMMS::CAMMSEqualizerControl::SetEnabledL(false), calling DisableEqualizerL");
+ iEqualizerUtility->DisableEqualizerL();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAMMSEqualizerControl::PrepareControlL
+// Function which is called after the correct state is set in Player.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAMMSEqualizerControl::PrepareControlL()
+ // Perform the action only for the first time, skip if called afterwards
+ if (!iEqualizerUtility)
+ {
+ DEBUG("AMMS::CAMMSEqualizerControl::PrepareControlL");
+ CCustomCommandUtility* customCommandUtility =
+ CreateCustomCommandUtilityL();
+ // Effect API takes the ownership of customCommandUtility.
+ iEqualizerUtility = CAudioEqualizerUtility::NewL(
+ customCommandUtility);
+ // Set the base class audio effect as CAudioEqualizer,
+ // even the native AudioEqualizerUtility has an empty CAudioEqualizer
+ iAudioEffect = &(iEqualizerUtility->Equalizer());
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAMMSEqualizerControl::DeallocateControl
+// Function which is called after the correct state is set in Player.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAMMSEqualizerControl::DeallocateControl()
+ if (iEqualizerUtility)
+ {
+ DEBUG("AMMS::CAMMSEqualizerControl::DeallocateControlL");
+ // Delete the Effect API class.
+ TRAPD(err, iEqualizerUtility->DisableEqualizerL());
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ // The only even theoritically possible error code here would be
+ // KErrAccessDenied which is a result from Effect API calling ApplyL
+ // method without having update rights, but since the Utility
+ // class is already created, that situation can be discarded here.
+ }
+ delete iEqualizerUtility;
+ iEqualizerUtility = NULL;
+ }
+const TDesC& CAMMSEqualizerControl::ClassName() const
+ return KAMMSEqualizerControl;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAMMSEqualizerControl::ConstructL
+// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CAMMSEqualizerControl::ConstructL()
+ // Create array for preset names
+ iPresetNames = new(ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(1);
+ // Set current preset to a negative value as it is not set yet
+ iCurrentPreset = -1;
+ CAMMSEffectControl::ConstructL();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CAMMSEqualizerControl::CAMMSEqualizerControl
+// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CAMMSEqualizerControl::CAMMSEqualizerControl(CMMAPlayer* aPlayer)
+ : CAMMSBaseEqualizerControl(aPlayer)
+// End of File