changeset 14 04becd199f91
child 17 0fd27995241b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/javauis/eswt_akn/org.eclipse.ercp.swt.s60/native/inc/swtlaffacade.h	Tue Apr 27 16:30:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ *     Nokia Corporation - S60 implementation
+ *******************************************************************************/
+#include <AknUtils.h>
+ * CSwtLafFacade
+ * Class for providing layout-related functionality not found in S60 SDK for eSWT.
+ * @lib eswtapifacade.dll
+ */
+class CSwtLafFacade
+        : public CBase
+    // Default scroll span, thumb span and thumb position for ScrollBar.
+    static const TInt KSwtDefaultScrollBarModelScrollSpan    = 100;
+    static const TInt KSwtDefaultScrollBarModelThumbSpan     = 50;
+    static const TInt KSwtDefaultScrollBarModelThumbposition = 0;
+    // Layout information structure returned by GetChoiceListPaneLayout.
+    struct TSwtLafFacadeWindowLineLayout
+    {
+        TInt16 iC;
+        TInt16 il;
+        TInt16 it;
+        TInt16 ir;
+        TInt16 ib;
+        TInt16 iW;
+        TInt16 iH;
+    };
+    // Layout information structure returned by GetChoiceListPaneT1Layout.
+    struct TSwtLafFacadeTextLineLayout
+    {
+        TInt16 iC;
+        TInt16 il;
+        TInt16 ir;
+        TInt16 iB;
+        TInt16 iW;
+        TInt16 iJ;
+        TInt32 iFont;
+    };
+    // Component id's for GetLayoutRect.
+    enum TSwtLafFacadeRectId
+    {
+        EUndefinedRectId,
+        /**
+         * main_eswt_pane(0): classic status pane
+         * main_eswt_pane(1): small status pane
+         * main_eswt_pane(2): no status pane
+         * main_eswt_pane(3): full screen
+         */
+        EMainEswtPane,
+        EControlButtonPaneG2,
+        EToolbarButtonPaneG2,
+        EToolbarButtonPaneG5,
+        EInputFieldSkinPlacingGeneralLine2,
+        EInputFieldSkinPlacingGeneralLine5,
+        EEswtControlPaneG1,
+        EEswtControlPaneG2,
+        EEswtControlPaneG3,
+        EEswtControlPaneG4,
+        EPopupWindowsSkinPlacingFrameGeneralLine2,
+        EPopupWindowsSkinPlacingFrameGeneralLine5,
+        EForm2MidpLabelPane,
+        ESeparatorVerticalPane,
+        ESeparatorVerticalPaneG1,
+        ESeparatorVerticalPaneG2,
+        ESeparatorVerticalPaneG3,
+        ESeparatorHorizontalPane,
+        ESeparatorHorizontalPaneG1,
+        ESeparatorHorizontalPaneG2,
+        ESeparatorHorizontalPaneG3,
+        EListScrollGenPane,
+        EListGenPane,
+        EListSinglePane,
+        EListSinglePaneG1,
+        EListSinglePaneG1Cp2,
+        EListSingleNumberPane,
+        EListSingleNumberPaneG1,
+        EListSingleGraphicH1Pane,
+        EListSingleGraphicPane,
+        EListSingleGraphicPaneG1,
+        EListSingleGraphicPaneG2,
+        EListSingleLargeGraphicPane,
+        EListSingleLargeGraphicPaneG1,
+        EListSingleLargeGraphicPaneG2,
+        EListSingle2GraphicPaneG1Cp4,
+        EListSingleHeadingPane,
+        EListSingleHeadingPaneG1,
+        EListSingle2HeadingMsgPane,
+        EListSingle2HeadingMsgPaneG1,
+        EListSingle2HeadingMsgPaneG2,
+        EListSingleNumberHeadingPane,
+        EListSingleNumberHeadingPaneG1,
+        EListSingleGraphicHeadingPane,
+        EListSingleGraphicHeadingPaneG1,
+        EListSingleGraphicHeadingPaneG4,
+        EListDoublePane,
+        EListDoublePaneG1,
+        EListDoubleNumberPane,
+        EListDoubleNumberPaneG1,
+        EListDoubleGraphicPane,
+        EListDoubleGraphicPaneG1,
+        EListDoubleGraphicPaneG2,
+        EListDoubleLargeGraphicPane,
+        EListDoubleLargeGraphicPaneG1,
+        EListDoubleLargeGraphicPaneG2,
+        EESwtCtrlWaitPane,
+        EESwtCtrlWaitPaneH,
+        EWaitBorderPaneG1,
+        EWaitBorderPaneG2,
+        EWaitBorderPaneG3,
+        ECellEswtAppPane,
+        ECellEswtAppPaneG1,
+        ECellEswtAppPaneG2,
+        EListHighlightSkinPlacingGeneralLine2,
+        EListHighlightSkinPlacingGeneralLine5,
+        EButtonValueAdjustPane,
+        EButtonValueAdjustPaneG1,
+        EButtonValueAdjustPaneG2,
+        ESliderSetPaneCP3,
+        ESliderSetPaneG1,
+        ESliderSetPaneG2,
+        EListSettingNumberPane,
+        ESetValuePaneVC,
+        ESetValuePane,
+        EBgSetOptPane,
+        EBgSetOptPaneG2,
+        EBgSetOptPaneG5,
+        EChildShellWithTitlePane,
+        EChildShellWithoutTitlePane,
+        EMenuItemPane,
+        ESubMenuItemPane,
+        /**
+         * popup_eswt_tasktip_window(0): task tip bar + label
+         * popup_eswt_tasktip_window(1): task tip bar or label only
+         */
+        EPopupEswtTasktipWindow,
+        /**
+         * wait_bar_pane_cp71(0): progress bar in task tip bar + label
+         * wait_bar_pane_cp71(1): progress bar in task tip bar or label only
+         */
+        EWaitBarPaneCp71,
+        EChildShellTitleImagePane,
+        EFindPane,
+        EPopupMidpNoteAlarmWindowG1,
+        EPopupWindowGeneral,
+        EHeadingPane,
+        ECellHcAppPane,
+        ECellHcAppPaneG1,
+        ECellHcAppPaneG2,
+        ECellAppPane,
+        ECellAppPaneG1,
+        ECellAppPaneG2,
+        EAreaBottomPane,
+    };
+    // Component id's for GetLayoutText.
+    enum TSwtLafFacadeTextId
+    {
+        EUndefinedTextId,
+        EListSinglePaneT1,
+        EListSinglePaneT1Cp2,
+        EListSingleGraphicPaneT1,
+        EListSingleLargeGraphicPaneT1,
+        EListSingleNumberPaneT1,
+        EListSingleHeadingPaneT1,
+        EListSingle2HeadingMsgPaneT1,
+        EListSingleNumberHeadingPaneT1,
+        EListSingleGraphicHeadingPaneT1,
+        EListSinglePopupSubmenuPaneT1,
+        EListDoublePaneT1,
+        EListDoublePaneT2,
+        EListDoubleGraphicPaneT1,
+        EListDoubleGraphicPaneT2,
+        EListDoubleNumberPaneT2,
+        EListDoubleNumberPaneT3,
+        EListDoubleLargeGraphicPaneT1,
+        EListDoubleLargeGraphicPaneT2,
+        ECellEswtAppPaneT1,
+        EFormDataWideGraphicFieldTextsLine2,
+        /**
+         * popup_eswt_tasktip_window_t1(0): label in task tip bar + label
+         * popup_eswt_tasktip_window_t1(1): label in task tip bar or label only
+         */
+        EPopupEswtTasktipWindowT1,
+        ETabs4ActivePaneT1,
+        ECellHcAppPaneT1,
+        ECellAppPaneT1,
+    };
+    // Component id's for GetFondId.
+    enum TSwtLafFacadeFontId
+    {
+        EUndefinedFontId,
+        EForm2MidpLabelPaneT1Font,
+        EFont2MidpTextPaneT1Font,
+        EFont2MidpTimePaneT1Font,
+        ECellEswtAppPaneT1Font,
+        EListSingleGraphicPaneT1Font,
+        ECellHcAppPaneT1Font,
+        ECellAppPaneT1Font,
+    };
+    enum TSwtComposeLayoutRectId
+    {
+        EUndefinedComposeLayoutId,
+        EButtonValueAdjustPaneG1Compose,
+        EButtonValueAdjustPaneG2Compose,
+        EMainPaneCompose
+    };
+    // Id's for GetConstant.
+    enum TSwtLafFacadeConstantId
+    {
+        EBrowserFreeRam,
+        EBrowserMemoryGood,
+        EBrowserCRCommonFlags,
+        EBrowserCRCdmaFlags,
+        EMIDletSuiteAPNNotSpecified,
+        EJavaDefaultAPNKey,
+        EJavaAPNRepositoryUid,
+        EBrowserConnectionDialogs,
+        EBrowserNGPopupBlocking,
+        EBrowserFormDataSaving,
+        EBrowserMultipleWindows,
+        EBrowserGraphicalPage,
+        EBrowserGraphicalHistory,
+        EBrowserAutoFormFill,
+        EBrowserAccessKeys,
+        ESwtAknExplicitStartupEffectCompletion,     // CAknAppUiBase::EAknExplicitStartupEffectCompletion
+        ESwtBrowserGenericParamURL,                 // TGenericParamIdValue::EGenericParamURL
+        ESwtBrowserGenericParamMIMEType,            // TGenericParamIdValue::EGenericParamMIMEType
+        ESwtBrowserGenericParamCharSet,             // TGenericParamIdValue::EGenericParamCharSet
+        ESwtBrowserGenericParamAccessPoint,         // TGenericParamIdValue::EGenericParamAccessPoint
+        ESwtBrowserGenericParamReferringURI,        // TGenericParamIdValue::EGenericParamReferringURI
+        ESwtBrowserGenericParamAllowSave,           // TGenericParamIdValue::EGenericParamAllowSave
+        ESwtBrowserGenericParamAllowMove            // TGenericParamIdValue::EGenericParamAllowMove
+    };
+    /**
+     * Get layout rectangle for given component id.
+     *
+     * @param aRectId Id of the component.
+     * @param aParentRect Parent rectangle.
+     * @param aArg1 Optional argument for the internal function.
+     * @param aArg2 Optional argument for the internal function.
+     * @param aArg3 Optional argument for the internal function.
+     * @return Layout rectangle for the component.
+     */
+    IMPORT_C static TAknLayoutRect GetLayoutRect(
+        TSwtLafFacadeRectId aRectId, const TRect& aParentRect,
+        TInt aArg1 = 0, TInt aArg2 = 0, TInt aArg3 = 0);
+    /**
+     * Get layout rectangle for given component id. This version composes the
+     * rectangle and returns the resulting rectangle.
+     *
+     * @param aRectId Id of the component.
+     * @param aParentRect Parent rectangle.
+     * @param aArg1 Optional argument for the internal function.
+     * @param aArg2 Optional argument for the internal function.
+     * @param aArg3 Optional argument for the internal function.
+     * @return Layout rectangle for the component.
+     */
+    IMPORT_C static TAknLayoutRect GetComposeAndLayoutRect(
+        TSwtComposeLayoutRectId aRectId, const TRect& aParentRect,
+        TInt aArg1 = 0, TInt aArg2 = 0, TInt aArg3 = 0);
+    /**
+     * Get layout text rectangle for given component id.
+     *
+     * @param aTextId Id of the component.
+     * @param aParentRect Parent rectangle.
+     * @param aArg1 Optional argument for the internal function.
+     * @return Layout rectangle for the component.
+     */
+    IMPORT_C static TAknLayoutText GetLayoutText(
+        TSwtLafFacadeTextId aTextId, const TRect& aParentRect,
+        TInt aArg1 = 0);
+    /**
+     * Get layout font id for given component id.
+     *
+     * @param aFontId Id of the component.
+     * @param aArg1 Optional argument for the internal function.
+     * @param aArg2 Optional argument for the internal function.
+     * @return System font id for the component.
+     */
+    IMPORT_C static TInt GetFontId(TSwtLafFacadeFontId aFontId,
+                                   TInt aArg1 = 0, TInt aArg2 = 0);
+    /**
+     * Get choice list pane layout information.
+     *
+     * @return Layout information.
+     */
+    IMPORT_C static TSwtLafFacadeWindowLineLayout GetChoiceListPaneLayout();
+    /**
+     * Get choice list pane text layout information.
+     *
+     * @return Layout information.
+     */
+    IMPORT_C static TSwtLafFacadeTextLineLayout GetChoiceListPaneT1Layout();
+    /**
+     * Get screen orientation.
+     *
+     * @return ETrue if landscape, EFalse otherwise.
+     */
+    IMPORT_C static TBool IsLandscapeOrientation();
+    /**
+     * Get java  apnid.
+     *
+     * @return apnid.
+     */
+    IMPORT_C static TUint32 JavaAPNL(TUint32 aAppId);
+    /**
+     * Window layout line
+     */
+    IMPORT_C static TSwtLafFacadeWindowLineLayout WindowLineLayout(
+        TSwtLafFacadeRectId aRectId, TInt aVariety = 0);
+    /**
+     * Text layout line
+     */
+    IMPORT_C static TSwtLafFacadeTextLineLayout TextLineLayout(
+        TSwtLafFacadeTextId aTextId, TInt aVariety = 0);
+    /**
+     * Get constant for given id.
+     *
+     * @param aConstantId  eSwt defined id for a specific constant
+     * @return contant for given id.
+     */
+    IMPORT_C static TInt GetConstant(TSwtLafFacadeConstantId aConstantId);
+    /**
+     * Get TUint constant for given id.
+     *
+     * @param aConstantId  eSwt defined id for a specific constant
+     * @return TUint contant for given id.
+     */
+    IMPORT_C static TUint GetUintConstant(TSwtLafFacadeConstantId aConstantId);
+    /**
+     * Gets Enumerator for mobile device flip status.
+     */
+    IMPORT_C static TInt GetFlipWatchEnumerationStatus();
+    /**
+     * Gets flip status for Mobile Device.
+     */
+    IMPORT_C static TUint32 GetFlipWatchStatus();
+    /**
+     * Gets UID for Flip Watch.
+     */
+    IMPORT_C static TUid GetFlipWatchUid();
+    /**
+     * Gets the current or cashe language for TextExtension.
+     */
+    IMPORT_C static TLanguage GetLanguage();
+    /**
+     * Initialize feature manager.
+     *
+     */
+    IMPORT_C static void InitFeatureManagerL();
+    /**
+     * Uninitialize feature manager.
+     *
+     */
+    IMPORT_C static void UnInitFetureManager();
+    /**
+     * Fetches information whether a certain feature is supported.
+     *
+     * @param aFeature feature ID
+     * @return feature support status
+     */
+    IMPORT_C static TBool FeatureSupported(TInt aFeature);
+    /**
+     * Sets inputCapability for password text.
+     *
+     * @param aCapabilities InputCapability of text
+     */
+    IMPORT_C static void SetPasswordCapability(TCoeInputCapabilities aInputCapabilities);
+    /**
+     * Signals the transition effects engine for the second phase of the
+     * full screen transition.
+     */
+    IMPORT_C static void SignalFullScreenTransitionReady();
+    // Private constructors to prevent the facade class from being instantiated
+    CSwtLafFacade();
+    CSwtLafFacade(const CSwtLafFacade&);
+    ~CSwtLafFacade();