--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/javauis/lcdui_akn/lcdui/src/CMIDUIManager.cpp Tue Apr 27 16:30:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Implementation of CMIDUIManager
+#include <bldvariant.hrh>
+// CDictionaryFileStore API to open ini file
+#include <s32file.h>
+#include <bautils.h>
+#include <eikenv.h>
+#include <eikappui.h>
+#include <j2me/jdebug.h>
+#include "CMIDUIManager.h"
+// CMIDTickerController API to obtain instance
+#include "CMIDTicker.h"
+#include "CMIDDisplayable.h"
+#include "CMIDCanvas.h"
+#include "CMIDKeyDecoder.h"
+#include "CMIDScaler.h"
+#include "CMIDCanvasKeypad.h"
+#include "CMIDDefaultBackground.h"
+/** This macro is executed each time a trapped call returns an error code different than KErrNone */
+#define TRAP_INSTRUMENTATION_LEAVE(aResult) DEBUG_INT2("In CMIDDisplayable.cpp, trapped method was called at line %D and got exception %D", __LINE__, aResult);
+const TUid KUidZoomIndex={0x10003EE0};
+CMIDUIManager* CMIDUIManager::NewL(MMIDEnv& aEnv)
+ CMIDUIManager* uiManager = new(ELeave)CMIDUIManager(aEnv);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(uiManager);
+ uiManager->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop(uiManager);
+ return uiManager;
+void CMIDUIManager::ConstructL()
+ iEnv.AddObserverL(*this);
+ RestoreIniL();
+CMIDUIManager::CMIDUIManager(MMIDEnv& aEnv)
+ : iEnv(aEnv)
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CloseDefaultDisplayable();
+ iEnv.RemoveObserver(*this);
+ TRAP_IGNORE(StoreIniL());
+ delete iMenuHandler;
+ delete iNaviPaneController;
+ delete iKeyDecoder;
+ delete iScaler;
+ delete iCanvasKeypad;
+void CMIDUIManager::ZoomIn()
+ TInt zoomState = iZoomState;
+ if (++ zoomState > EZoomMax)
+ {
+ zoomState=EZoomMin;
+ }
+ SetZoomState(zoomState);
+void CMIDUIManager::ZoomOut()
+ TInt zoomState = iZoomState;
+ if (-- zoomState < EZoomMin)
+ {
+ zoomState = EZoomMax;
+ }
+ SetZoomState(zoomState);
+void CMIDUIManager::SetZoomState(TInt aZoomState)
+ if (iZoomState != aZoomState)
+ {
+ iZoomState = aZoomState;
+ MMIDDisplayable* displayable = iEnv.Current();
+ MMIDComponent* content = (displayable ? displayable->Component() : NULL);
+ if (content)
+ {
+ if (content->Type() == MMIDComponent::ECanvas)
+ {
+ CMIDCanvas* canvas = static_cast<CMIDCanvas*>(content);
+ canvas->SetZoomState(iZoomState);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *@return the current canvas zoom state.
+ */
+TInt CMIDUIManager::ZoomState() const
+ return iZoomState;
+void CMIDUIManager::StoreIniL()
+ CDictionaryStore* iniFile = OpenIniFileLC(CCoeEnv::Static()->FsSession());
+ RDictionaryWriteStream writeStream;
+ writeStream.AssignLC(*iniFile,KUidZoomIndex);
+ writeStream.WriteInt32L(iZoomState);
+ writeStream.CommitL();
+ iniFile->CommitL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //writeStream, iniFile
+void CMIDUIManager::RestoreIniL()
+ TInt zoomState;
+ CDictionaryStore* iniFile=OpenIniFileLC(CCoeEnv::Static()->FsSession());
+ if (!iniFile->IsNullL())
+ {
+ RDictionaryReadStream readStream;
+ readStream.OpenLC(*iniFile,KUidZoomIndex);
+ zoomState = readStream.ReadInt32L();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //readStream
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ zoomState = EZoomMin;
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(iniFile);
+ SetZoomState(zoomState);
+// Opens the ini file if it exists, otherwise creates a new one
+CDictionaryStore* CMIDUIManager::OpenIniFileLC(RFs& aFs) const
+ TBuf<KMaxFileName> iniName;
+ iniName.Append(iEnv.MidletHome());
+ _LIT(KSeparator,"\\");
+ iniName.Append(KSeparator);
+ iniName.Append(iEnv.MidletName());
+ _LIT(KIniExtension,".ini");
+ iniName.Append(KIniExtension);
+ //
+ // ensure that all directories in the path exist
+ //
+ aFs.MkDirAll(iniName); // ignore the error
+ //
+ CDictionaryStore* inifile=NULL;
+ //
+ // if first attempt to open ini fails because of corrupt file, delete it and try again.
+ //
+ TRAPD(err,inifile=CDictionaryFileStore::OpenL(aFs,iniName,iEnv.MidletUid()));
+ if (err==KErrNone)
+ CleanupStack::PushL(inifile);
+ else if (err==KErrEof || err==KErrCorrupt)
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(aFs.Delete(iniName));
+ inifile=CDictionaryFileStore::OpenLC(aFs,iniName,iEnv.MidletUid());
+ err=KErrNone;
+ }
+ User::LeaveIfError(err);
+ return inifile;
+void CMIDUIManager::HandleResourceChangeL(TInt /*aType*/)
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMIDUIManager::HandleSwitchOnL(TBool aSwitchOn)
+ OpenNaviPaneControllerL()->ShowTickerL(aSwitchOn);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMIDUIManager::HandleForegroundL(TBool aForeground)
+ if (iNaviPaneController)
+ {
+ GetNaviPaneController()->ShowTickerL(aForeground);
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMIDMenuHandler* CMIDUIManager::OpenMenuHandlerL()
+ if (!iMenuHandler)
+ {
+ iMenuHandler = CMIDMenuHandler::NewL(iEnv);
+ }
+ return iMenuHandler;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMIDMenuHandler* CMIDUIManager::GetMenuHandler()
+ return iMenuHandler;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMIDNaviPaneController* CMIDUIManager::OpenNaviPaneControllerL()
+ if (!iNaviPaneController)
+ {
+ iNaviPaneController = CMIDNaviPaneController::NewL();
+ }
+ return iNaviPaneController;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMIDNaviPaneController* CMIDUIManager::GetNaviPaneController()
+ return iNaviPaneController;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMIDKeyDecoder* CMIDUIManager::OpenKeyDecoderL()
+ if (!iKeyDecoder)
+ {
+ iKeyDecoder = CMIDKeyDecoder::NewL(iEnv);
+ }
+ return iKeyDecoder;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMIDKeyDecoder* CMIDUIManager::GetKeyDecoder()
+ return iKeyDecoder;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMIDScaler* CMIDUIManager::OpenScalerL()
+ if (!iScaler)
+ {
+ iScaler = CMIDScaler::NewL();
+ }
+ iScaler->iRefC++;
+ return iScaler;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMIDScaler* CMIDUIManager::GetScaler(TBool aIsOwner)
+ if (iScaler && aIsOwner)
+ {
+ iScaler->iRefC++;
+ }
+ return iScaler;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMIDUIManager::CloseScaler(CMIDScaler* /*aScaler*/)
+ if (iScaler)
+ {
+ if (iScaler->iRefC > 0)
+ {
+ iScaler->iRefC--;
+ }
+ if (iScaler->iRefC <= 0)
+ {
+ delete iScaler;
+ iScaler = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMIDCanvasKeypad* CMIDUIManager::OpenCanvasKeypadL(MMIDDisplayable* aDisplayable)
+ if (aDisplayable)
+ {
+ if (!iCanvasKeypad)
+ {
+ iCanvasKeypad = CMIDCanvasKeypad::NewL(aDisplayable);
+ }
+ iCanvasKeypad->iRefC++;
+ }
+ return iCanvasKeypad;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMIDCanvasKeypad* CMIDUIManager::GetCanvasKeypad(TBool aIsOwner)
+ if (iCanvasKeypad && aIsOwner)
+ {
+ iCanvasKeypad->iRefC++;
+ }
+ return iCanvasKeypad;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMIDUIManager::CloseCanvasKeypad(CMIDCanvasKeypad* aCanvasKeypad)
+ if (iCanvasKeypad && iCanvasKeypad == aCanvasKeypad)
+ {
+ if (iCanvasKeypad->iRefC > 0)
+ {
+ iCanvasKeypad->iRefC--;
+ }
+ if (iCanvasKeypad->iRefC <= 0)
+ {
+ delete iCanvasKeypad;
+ iCanvasKeypad = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// parameter aVisible is for DafaultDisplayable visibility.
+CMIDDisplayable* CMIDUIManager::OpenDefaultDisplayableL(TBool aVisible)
+ if (!iDefaultDisplayable)
+ {
+ iDefaultDisplayable = CMIDDisplayable::NewL(iEnv, *this);
+ CCoeControl& window = static_cast< CMIDDisplayable& >(*iDefaultDisplayable).ContentWindow();
+ iDefaultBackground = CMIDDefaultBackground::NewL(window);
+ iDefaultDisplayable->SetComponentL(*iDefaultBackground);
+ // call HandleCurrent with TRUE for store pointer of Displayable
+ iDefaultDisplayable->HandleCurrentL(ETrue);
+ // Default displayable is not currnet in this moment
+ iDefaultDisplayable->HandleCurrentL(EFalse);
+ iDefaultDisplayable->MakeVisible(aVisible);
+ CEikonEnv::Static()->EikAppUi()->RemoveFromStack(iDefaultBackground);
+ }
+ return iDefaultDisplayable;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CMIDDisplayable* CMIDUIManager::GetDefaultDisplayable()
+ return iDefaultDisplayable;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CMIDUIManager::CloseDefaultDisplayable()
+ if (iDefaultDisplayable)
+ {
+ // HandleCurrentL cannot leave when called with argument EFalse,
+ // but because of naming convention we cannot trust that is the
+ // case in the future so trap it anyway.
+ TInt err = 0;
+ DEBUG("CMIDMenuHandler::RemoveDefaultDisplayable - calling iDefaultDisplayable->HandleCurrentL");
+ TRAP(err, iDefaultDisplayable->HandleCurrentL(EFalse));
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ DEBUG_INT("CMIDMenuHandler::RemoveDefaultDisplayable - Exception from HandleCurrentL. Error = %d", err);
+ }
+ delete iDefaultBackground;
+ iDefaultBackground = NULL;
+ iDefaultDisplayable->Dispose();
+ iDefaultDisplayable = NULL;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TSize CMIDUIManager::ReadPointerEventSuppressorValues()
+ TSize values;
+ TPtrC suppressorValues;
+ //Read JAD attribute value
+ if (iEnv.MidletAttribute(LcduiMidletAttributes::KAttribPointerEventSuppressorValues,
+ suppressorValues) == KErrNone)
+ {
+ //JAD attribute found.
+ //Attributes are parsed to TSize format + validity check performed.
+ //TSize is used as return value for ease of use.
+ //TSize.iWidth=first value, TSize.iHeight=second value
+ values = TwoDesValuesToTSize(suppressorValues);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //No JAD attribute found. Error value returned->Use default values.
+ values = TSize(KPESErrorValue, KPESErrorValue);
+ }
+ return values;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CMIDUIManager::TwoDesValuesToTSize
+// Utility to parse TPtrC to TSize (two values separated with comma).
+// @param TPtrC
+// @return TSize
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TSize CMIDUIManager::TwoDesValuesToTSize(TPtrC values)
+ TSize newValues;
+ TSize errorValues = TSize(KPESErrorValue, KPESErrorValue);
+ TInt newIntValue1;
+ TInt newIntValue2;
+ // Assumed max. value is 9999.
+ TBuf<KPESParameterLength> value1;
+ // Assumed max. value is 9999.
+ TBuf<KPESParameterLength> value2;
+ TChar tmpChar;
+ _LIT(lComma, ",");
+ TChar comma(',');
+ // value1 and value2 must be divided by comma
+ if (values.Find(lComma) != KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ TLex16 lex(values);
+ while (lex.Peek() != comma)
+ {
+ tmpChar = lex.Get();
+ if (tmpChar.IsDigit() && value1.Length() < KPESParameterLength)
+ {
+ value1.Append(tmpChar);
+ }
+ else if (!tmpChar.IsSpace())
+ {
+ // If character is not digit or space
+ return errorValues;
+ }
+ }
+ lex.Get();
+ while (!lex.Eos())
+ {
+ tmpChar = lex.Get();
+ if (tmpChar.IsDigit() && value2.Length() < KPESParameterLength)
+ {
+ value2.Append(tmpChar);
+ }
+ else if (!tmpChar.IsSpace())
+ {
+ // If character is not digit or space
+ return errorValues;
+ }
+ }
+ // Width and height must have at least one digit each
+ if (value1.Length() > 0 && value2.Length() > 0)
+ {
+ TLex16 widthLex(value1);
+ widthLex.Val(newIntValue1);
+ TLex16 heightLex(value2);
+ heightLex.Val(newIntValue2);
+ newValues.SetSize(TInt(newIntValue1), TInt(newIntValue2));
+ return newValues;
+ }
+ }
+ // If there is no comma between the digits or there is no digits in value1 or value2
+ return errorValues;
+// End of File