--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/javauis/m2g_akn/src/CM2GRenderContext.cpp Tue Apr 27 16:30:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,589 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Render context implementation
+#include <eikenv.h> // CCoeEnv
+#include "CMIDGraphics.h"
+#include "CM2GRenderContext.h"
+#include "MM2GSVGProxy.h"
+/* static */ const TReal32 MM2GRenderContext::KFullOpaque = 1.0;
+/* static */
+const TReal32 MM2GRenderContext::KFullTransparency = 0.0;
+/* static */
+const TUint8 MM2GRenderContext::KMaxAlphaValue = 255;
+/* static */
+const TDisplayMode MM2GRenderContext::KDefaultDisplayMode = EColor16MA;
+/* static */
+const TDisplayMode MM2GRenderContext::KMaskDisplayMode = EGray256;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CM2GRenderContext::CM2GRenderContext
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ : CBase(),
+ iProxy(NULL),
+ iEngineHandle(M2G_INVALID_HANDLE),
+ iAlpha(MM2GRenderContext::KFullOpaque),
+ iScaledAlpha(MM2GRenderContext::KMaxAlphaValue),
+ iMaskBmp(NULL),
+ iTargetBmp(NULL),
+ iImgBmp(NULL)
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::CM2GRenderContext");
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CM2GRenderContext::NewL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CM2GRenderContext* CM2GRenderContext::NewL(MM2GSVGProxy* aProxy)
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::NewL()");
+ CM2GRenderContext* self = new(ELeave) CM2GRenderContext;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aProxy);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CM2GRenderContext::~CM2GRenderContext
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ M2G_DEBUG_2("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::~CM2GRenderContext() - proxy=%d, engine=%d", iProxy, iEngineHandle);
+ if ((iEngineHandle != M2G_INVALID_HANDLE) && (iProxy != NULL))
+ {
+ TRAP_IGNORE(iProxy->DeleteSvgEngineL(iEngineHandle));
+ }
+ delete iImgBmp;
+ delete iMaskBmp;
+ iFbsSession.Disconnect();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CM2GRenderContext::BindL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CM2GRenderContext::BindL(TInt& aTargetHandle, TBool aUiToolKit)
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::BindL()");
+ if (!aUiToolKit)
+ {
+ // Current Ui Toolkit is LCDUI
+ // Set target graphics bitmap
+ CMIDGraphics* graphics = MIDUnhand<CMIDGraphics>(aTargetHandle);
+ iTargetBmp = graphics->Bitmap();
+ User::LeaveIfNull(iTargetBmp);
+ iTargetCanvas = graphics->GetTargetCanvas();
+ }
+ // initialize the svg image bitmap (on which we will render later during RenderL())
+ InitImageBitmapL();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CM2GRenderContext::GetImgHandleL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TM2GBitmapHandle CM2GRenderContext::GetImgHandleL() const
+ User::LeaveIfNull(iImgBmp);
+ return REINTERPRET_CAST(TM2GBitmapHandle, iImgBmp);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CM2GRenderContext::InitImageBitmapL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CM2GRenderContext::InitImageBitmapL()
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::InitImageBitmapL() - begin");
+ // get the screen size
+ TSize screenSize = CEikonEnv::Static()->ScreenDevice()->SizeInPixels();
+ if (iImgBmp == NULL || (iImgBmp && iImgBmp->SizeInPixels() != screenSize))
+ {
+ M2G_DEBUG_2("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::InitImageBitmapL() - new bitmap: w=%d, h=%d", screenSize.iWidth, screenSize.iHeight);
+ // Create a new svg surface if first time
+ // or the size of the screen is different than the actual buffer size
+ delete iImgBmp;
+ iImgBmp = NULL;
+ iImgBmp = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
+ User::LeaveIfError(
+ iImgBmp->Create(screenSize, KDefaultDisplayMode));
+ }
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::InitImageBitmapL() - end");
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CM2GRenderContext::InitMaskL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CM2GRenderContext::InitMaskL(TSize aSize)
+ M2G_DEBUG_2("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::InitMaskL( w=%d, h=%d ) - begin", aSize.iWidth, aSize.iHeight);
+ if (iMaskBmp == NULL || (iMaskBmp && iMaskBmp->SizeInPixels() != aSize))
+ {
+ // Create a new mask but first delete the previous one if allocated
+ delete iMaskBmp;
+ iMaskBmp = NULL;
+ M2G_DEBUG_0(" M2G_DEBUG: >CM2GRenderContext::InitMaskL() creates new mask ");
+ iMaskBmp = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
+ User::LeaveIfError(
+ iMaskBmp->Create(aSize, KMaskDisplayMode));
+ }
+ User::LeaveIfNull(iMaskBmp);
+ // Mask is filled with the current alpha factor
+ FillBitmapL(iMaskBmp, iScaledAlpha);
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::InitMaskL() - end");
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CM2GRenderContext::ReleaseL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CM2GRenderContext::ReleaseL()
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::ReleaseL() - begin");
+ iTargetBmp = NULL;
+ iTargetCanvas = NULL;
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::ReleaseL() - end");
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CM2GRenderContext::RenderL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CM2GRenderContext::RenderLCDUIL(
+ TM2GSvgDocumentHandle& aSvgDocHandle,
+ const TReal32 aCurrentTime,
+ TInt aSvgW, TInt aSvgH,
+ TM2GRenderRect& aRect
+ // prepare viewbox
+ TRect viewbox;
+ TPoint anchor;
+ PrepareViewbox(aRect, aSvgW, aSvgH, viewbox, anchor);
+ RenderLCDUIL(aSvgDocHandle, aCurrentTime, viewbox, anchor);
+ if (iTargetCanvas && iTargetCanvas->IsEglAvailable())
+ {
+ iTargetCanvas->UpdateRect(TRect(anchor, viewbox.Size()));
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CM2GRenderContext::RenderESWTL(
+ TM2GSvgDocumentHandle& aSvgDocHandle,
+ const TReal32 aCurrentTime,
+ TInt aSvgW, TInt aSvgH,
+ TM2GRenderRect& aRect,
+ MSwtClient* aClientHandle,
+ TBool aUseNativeClear,
+ TInt* aReturnData)
+ // prepare viewbox
+ TRect viewbox;
+ TPoint anchor;
+ PrepareViewbox(aRect, aSvgW, aSvgH, viewbox, anchor);
+ aReturnData[0] = 0;
+ aReturnData[1] = 0;
+ aReturnData[2] = 0;
+ aReturnData[3] = 0;
+ aReturnData[4] = anchor.iX;
+ aReturnData[5] = anchor.iY;
+ aReturnData[6] = viewbox.iTl.iX;
+ aReturnData[7] = viewbox.iTl.iY;
+ aReturnData[8] = viewbox.Width();
+ aReturnData[9] = viewbox.Height();
+ RenderESWTL(aSvgDocHandle, aCurrentTime, viewbox, anchor, aClientHandle, aUseNativeClear, aReturnData);
+ return;
+// CM2GRenderContext::SetRenderingQualityL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CM2GRenderContext::SetRenderingQualityL(TInt aMode)
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::SetRenderingQualityL()");
+ User::LeaveIfNull(iProxy);
+ iProxy->RenderQualityL(iEngineHandle, aMode);
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CM2GRenderContext::SetTransparencyL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CM2GRenderContext::SetTransparency(TReal32 aAlpha)
+ iAlpha = aAlpha;
+ iScaledAlpha = STATIC_CAST(TUint8, (aAlpha * MM2GRenderContext::KMaxAlphaValue));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CM2GRenderContext::ConstructL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CM2GRenderContext::ConstructL(MM2GSVGProxy* aProxy)
+ // Init member variables
+ SetTransparency(MM2GRenderContext::KFullOpaque);
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::ConstructL() - begin");
+ if (aProxy)
+ {
+ iProxy = aProxy;
+ iProxy->CreateSvgEngineL(iEngineHandle);
+ M2G_DEBUG_2("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::ConstructL() - proxy: %d, new engine: %d", iProxy, iEngineHandle);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::ConstructL() - proxy is invalid");
+ M2G_THROW(KM2GArgNotOk);
+ }
+ User::LeaveIfError(iFbsSession.Connect());
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::ConstructL() - end");
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CM2GRenderContext::PrepareViewbox
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CM2GRenderContext::PrepareViewbox(
+ TM2GRenderRect& aRr,
+ TInt aSvgW, TInt aSvgH,
+ TRect& aViewbox, TPoint& aAnchor)
+ M2G_DEBUG_6("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::PrepareViewbox() cX=%d, cY=%d, cW=%d, cH=%d, anchorX=%d, anchorY=%d - begin", aRr.GetClipX(), aRr.GetClipY(), aRr.GetClipW(), aRr.GetClipH(), aRr.GetAnchorX(), aRr.GetAnchorY());
+ // Create an anchor point and an svg render area rect
+ aAnchor.SetXY(aRr.GetAnchorX(), aRr.GetAnchorY());
+ aViewbox.SetRect(aAnchor, TSize(aSvgW, aSvgH));
+ // NOTE: It's already verified in Java side that the SVG render area and
+ // the clip area intersects each other
+ aViewbox.Intersection(aRr);
+ // Check if the clip rect has changes the svg rect
+ if (aViewbox.iTl != aAnchor)
+ {
+ // Update anchor position
+ TPoint oldAnchor(aAnchor);
+ aAnchor = aViewbox.iTl;
+ // Update svg rect
+ aViewbox.Move((-oldAnchor.iX), (-oldAnchor.iY));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // The clip rect has not changed the svg rect. Only the
+ // anchor position need to be updated
+ aViewbox.Move(-aAnchor.iX, -aAnchor.iY);
+ }
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::PrepareViewbox() - end");
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CM2GRenderContext::RenderL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * @see CBitmapContext::BitBltMasked()
+ * @note CBitmapContext::BitBltMasked() does alpha blending if the provided mask is 256 and not null,
+ * and simply blits otherwise
+ */
+void CM2GRenderContext::RenderLCDUIL(
+ TM2GSvgDocumentHandle& aSvgDocHandle,
+ TReal32 aCurrentTime,
+ const TRect& aViewbox,
+ const TPoint& aAnchor
+ M2G_DEBUG_4("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::RenderL() viewbox: x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d begin", aViewbox.iTl.iX, aViewbox.iTl.iY, aViewbox.Size().iWidth, aViewbox.Size().iHeight);
+ // No need to render if content is fully transparency (i.e. alpha=0)
+ if (iScaledAlpha == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // 0: clear the previous rendered image
+ ClearBitmapL(iImgBmp);
+ // 1: render the svg document on the iImgBmp
+ iProxy->RenderDocumentL(
+ iEngineHandle,
+ aSvgDocHandle,
+ GetImgHandleL(), NULL, aCurrentTime);
+ CFbsBitmap* mask = NULL;
+ // 2: calculate mask if alpha-blending is used
+ if (iScaledAlpha < MM2GRenderContext::KMaxAlphaValue)
+ {
+ // mask is always the same size as the viewbox
+ CreateAlphaBlendMaskL(aViewbox.Size());
+ mask = iMaskBmp; // use this mask for alpha blending
+ }
+ // 3: blit the rendered image on the target bitmap
+ // it will do alpha blending when mask is not null
+ M2GBitmapUtils::BitBlt(*iTargetBmp,
+ *iImgBmp,
+ aAnchor,
+ &aViewbox,
+ mask);
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::RenderL() end");
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CM2GRenderContext::RenderESWTL(
+ TM2GSvgDocumentHandle& aSvgDocHandle,
+ TReal32 aCurrentTime,
+ const TRect& aViewbox,
+ const TPoint& aAnchor,
+ MSwtClient* /*aClientHandle*/,
+ TBool /*aUseNativeClear*/,
+ TInt* aReturnData)
+ M2G_DEBUG_4("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::RenderL() viewbox: x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d begin", aViewbox.iTl.iX, aViewbox.iTl.iY, aViewbox.Size().iWidth, aViewbox.Size().iHeight);
+ // No need to render if content is fully transparency (i.e. alpha=0)
+ if (iScaledAlpha == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // 0: clear the previous rendered image
+ ClearBitmapL(iImgBmp);
+ // 1: render the svg document on the iImgBmp
+ iProxy->RenderDocumentL(
+ iEngineHandle,
+ aSvgDocHandle,
+ GetImgHandleL(), NULL, aCurrentTime);
+ CFbsBitmapHack* tempImgBmp = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmapHack();
+ tempImgBmp->Create(aViewbox.Size(), iImgBmp->DisplayMode());
+ ClearBitmapL(tempImgBmp);
+ M2GBitmapUtils::BitBlt(*tempImgBmp,
+ *iImgBmp,
+ aAnchor,
+ &aViewbox,
+ NULL);
+ aReturnData[0] = tempImgBmp->Handle();
+ aReturnData[1] = tempImgBmp->GetMyHandle();
+ tempImgBmp = NULL;
+ // 2: calculate mask if alpha-blending is used
+ if (iScaledAlpha < MM2GRenderContext::KMaxAlphaValue)
+ {
+ // mask is always the same size as the viewbox
+ CreateAlphaBlendMaskL(aViewbox.Size());
+ if (iMaskBmp)
+ {
+ CFbsBitmapHack* tempMaskBmp = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmapHack();
+ tempMaskBmp->Create(aViewbox.Size(), iMaskBmp->DisplayMode());
+ ClearBitmapL(tempMaskBmp);
+ M2GBitmapUtils::BitBlt(*tempMaskBmp,
+ *iMaskBmp,
+ aAnchor,
+ &aViewbox,
+ NULL);
+ aReturnData[2] = tempMaskBmp->Handle();
+ aReturnData[3] = tempMaskBmp->GetMyHandle();
+ tempMaskBmp = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // Is this needed ??
+ //iImgBmp = NULL;
+ //iMaskBmp = NULL;
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::RenderL() end");
+// CM2GRenderContext::CreateAlphaBlendMask
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * <li> mask is initialized with iScaledAlpha for all pixels.
+ * <li> reset the mask for those pixels that are not rendered (a = 0).
+ * <li> due to anti-aliasing (a != 1),
+ * recompute the mask by combining the pixel's alpha with the whole image alpha
+ *
+ * @note The svg backbuffer area is larger than the viewbox
+ * @note The size of the mask is the same as for SVG backbuffer
+ */
+void CM2GRenderContext::CreateAlphaBlendMaskL(const TSize& aViewBox)
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::CreateAlphaBlendMaskL() - begin");
+ // the mask will have the same size as the svg image bitmap
+ // allocate memory for mask according to the size
+ // and initializes it with iScaledAlpha for each pixel ( i.e. Mem::Fill() = fast operation )
+ InitMaskL(iImgBmp->SizeInPixels());
+ // lock svg buffer and mask bitmaps
+ TM2GBitmapLock maskLock(iMaskBmp);
+ TM2GBitmapLock imgLock(iImgBmp);
+ TUint8* maskDataPtr = REINTERPRET_CAST(TUint8*, iMaskBmp->DataAddress());
+ const TUint32* imgDataPtr = iImgBmp->DataAddress();
+ // Each row of CFbsBitmap is aligned to a 4 bytes boundary
+ // if the mask width in pixels is not a multiple of 4, then we must align the pointer
+ // to the correct address corresponding to the first pixel on the line below
+ TInt maskMaxWidthBytes = iMaskBmp->ScanLineLength(
+ iMaskBmp->SizeInPixels().iWidth, KMaskDisplayMode);
+ const TInt maskDeltaIndex = maskMaxWidthBytes - aViewBox.iWidth;
+ // the svg backbuffer width could be larger than the viewbox width
+ const TInt imgDeltaIndex = iImgBmp->SizeInPixels().iWidth - aViewBox.iWidth;
+ // how many pixels from the viewbox will be rechecked for alpha value
+ const TUint32 countViewBoxPixels = aViewBox.iHeight * aViewBox.iWidth;
+ TUint32 imgAlphaMSB;
+ TUint32 imgAlpha32;
+ TUint32 index = 0;
+ while (index < countViewBoxPixels)
+ {
+ // get the alpha channel in the most left octet (MSB) within a 4 octet
+ imgAlphaMSB = *imgDataPtr & 0xFF000000;
+ if (imgAlphaMSB == 0x0)
+ {
+ // pixel is not rendered so we mask it out
+ *maskDataPtr = 0x0;
+ }
+ else if (imgAlphaMSB != 0xFF000000)
+ {
+ // combine the pixel's alpha with the whole image's alpha (iScaledAlpha)
+ // we are not sure if shifting to right pads it with 0 to the left
+ imgAlpha32 = (imgAlphaMSB >> 24) & 0xFF;
+ // compute the combined alpha on 32b because of possible overflow,
+ // and then downcast to TUint8
+ // iScaledAlpha = 8b, KMaxAlphaValue = 8b
+ *maskDataPtr = TUint8(
+ (imgAlpha32 * iScaledAlpha) / MM2GRenderContext::KMaxAlphaValue);
+ }
+ imgDataPtr++;
+ maskDataPtr++;
+ index++;
+ // synchronize the image and mask indexes because the viewbox could be smaller than the image/mask
+ if (index % aViewBox.iWidth == 0)
+ {
+ imgDataPtr += imgDeltaIndex;
+ maskDataPtr += maskDeltaIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::CreateAlphaBlendMaskL() - end");
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CM2GRenderContext::ClearBitmapL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CM2GRenderContext::ClearBitmapL(CFbsBitmap* aBmp)
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::ClearBitmap - begin");
+ User::LeaveIfNull(aBmp);
+ TM2GBitmapLock lock(aBmp);
+ TSize size = aBmp->SizeInPixels();
+ TInt scanlineLength = aBmp->ScanLineLength(size.iWidth, aBmp->DisplayMode());
+ TUint32* buf = aBmp->DataAddress();
+ char* bufBytes = REINTERPRET_CAST(char*, buf);
+ Mem::FillZ(bufBytes, size.iHeight * scanlineLength);
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::ClearBitmap - end");
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CM2GRenderContext::FillBitmapL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CM2GRenderContext::FillBitmapL(CFbsBitmap* aBmp, const TUint8& aChar)
+ M2G_DEBUG_1("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::FillBitmap() filled with=%d - begin", aChar);
+ User::LeaveIfNull(aBmp);
+ TM2GBitmapLock lock(aBmp);
+ TSize size = aBmp->SizeInPixels();
+ TInt scanlineLength = aBmp->ScanLineLength(size.iWidth, aBmp->DisplayMode());
+ TUint32* buf = aBmp->DataAddress();
+ char* bufBytes = REINTERPRET_CAST(char*, buf);
+ Mem::Fill(bufBytes, size.iHeight * scanlineLength, aChar);
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: CM2GRenderContext::FillBitmap - end");