--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/javauis/m2g_akn/src/jni/M2GDocument.cpp Tue Apr 27 16:30:29 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,799 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: JNI methods
+#include "CM2GEventSource.h"
+#include "com_nokia_microedition_m2g_M2GDocument.h"
+#include "MM2GSVGProxy.h"
+#include <methodwrappers.h>
+// ================================ FUNCTIONS ==================================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Java_com_nokia_microedition_m2g_M2GDocument::_createDocument
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Calls MM2GSVGProxy::CreateDocumentL method.
+ * @since Series S60 3.0
+ * @param aProxy Proxy instance.
+ * @param aData Document data
+ * @param aHandle Document handle to be returned
+ * @throws Exception if not ok
+ */
+LOCAL_C void DoCreateDocumentL(
+ MM2GSVGProxy* aProxy,
+ TPtrC16* aData,
+ TInt* aHandle)
+ aProxy->CreateDocumentL(*aData, *aHandle);
+ *
+ */
+ JNIEnv* aJni,
+ jclass,
+ jint aEventSourceHandle,
+ jint aSvgProxyHandle,
+ jstring aData,
+ jboolean aUiToolkit)
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: JNI ( M2GDocument ) _createDocument - begin");
+ TInt handle = M2G_INVALID_HANDLE;
+ TInt err = KM2GNotOk;
+ RJString data(*aJni, aData);
+ if (aUiToolkit) // If eSWT is the current toolkit
+ {
+ MSwtClient* client = reinterpret_cast< MSwtClient* >(aEventSourceHandle);
+ if (client && aSvgProxyHandle)
+ {
+ typedef void (MM2GSVGProxy::*pCreateDocumentL)(const TPtrC16& ,TInt&);
+ pCreateDocumentL CreateDocumentL = &MM2GSVGProxy::CreateDocumentL;
+ TPtrC16* aData = STATIC_CAST(TPtrC16*, &data);
+ MM2GSVGProxy* aProxy = JavaUnhand<MM2GSVGProxy>(aSvgProxyHandle);
+ TMethodWrapper2<MM2GSVGProxy, const TPtrC16&, TInt& > DoCreateDocument(
+ *aProxy,
+ CreateDocumentL,
+ *aData,
+ handle);
+ err = client->Execute(DoCreateDocument);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CM2GEventSource* eventSource = JavaUnhand< CM2GEventSource >(aEventSourceHandle);
+ // RJString is a subclass of TPtrC16
+ RJString data(*aJni, aData);
+ if (eventSource && aSvgProxyHandle)
+ {
+ err = eventSource->ExecuteTrap(
+ &DoCreateDocumentL,
+ JavaUnhand<MM2GSVGProxy>(aSvgProxyHandle),
+ STATIC_CAST(TPtrC16*, &data),
+ &handle);
+ }
+ }
+ handle = M2GGeneral::CheckErrorCodeAndHandle(aJni, err, handle, M2G_INVALID_HANDLE);
+ M2G_DEBUG_1("M2G_DEBUG: JNI ( M2GDocument ) _createDocument: %d - end", handle);
+ return handle;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Java_com_nokia_microedition_m2g_M2GDocument::_createElementNS
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Calls MM2GSVGProxy::CreateElementNsL method.
+ * @since Series S60 3.0
+ * @param aProxy Proxy instance.
+ * @param aType Element type id.
+ * @param aDocumentHandle Document handle.
+ * @param aHandle Element handle to be returned
+ * @throws Exception if not ok
+ */
+LOCAL_C void DoCreateElementNsL(
+ MM2GSVGProxy* aProxy,
+ TInt16 aType,
+ TInt aDocumentHandle,
+ TInt* aHandle)
+ aProxy->CreateElementNsL(
+ aType,
+ aDocumentHandle,
+ *aHandle);
+ *
+ */
+ JNIEnv* aJni,
+ jclass,
+ jint aEventSourceHandle,
+ jint aSvgProxyHandle,
+ jshort aType,
+ jint aDocumentHandle,
+ jboolean aUiToolkit)
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: JNI ( M2GDocument ) _createElementNS - begin");
+ // Execute native engine method
+ TInt handle = M2G_INVALID_HANDLE;
+ TInt err = KM2GNotOk;
+ if (aUiToolkit) // If eSWT is the current toolkit
+ {
+ // get access to function server
+ MSwtClient* client = reinterpret_cast< MSwtClient* >(aEventSourceHandle);
+ if (client && aSvgProxyHandle)
+ {
+ // Original function prototype
+ typedef void (MM2GSVGProxy::*pCreateElementNsL)(const TInt16& ,const TInt&, TInt&);
+ pCreateElementNsL CreateElementNsL = &MM2GSVGProxy::CreateElementNsL;
+ MM2GSVGProxy* aProxy = JavaUnhand<MM2GSVGProxy>(aSvgProxyHandle);
+ TMethodWrapper3<MM2GSVGProxy, const TInt16&, const TInt&, TInt& > DoCreateElementNs(
+ *aProxy,
+ CreateElementNsL,
+ aType,
+ aDocumentHandle,
+ handle);
+ // call 'DoCreateElementNsL' on aSvgProxyHandle
+ err = client->Execute(DoCreateElementNs);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CM2GEventSource* eventSource = JavaUnhand< CM2GEventSource >(aEventSourceHandle);
+ if (eventSource && aSvgProxyHandle)
+ {
+ err = eventSource->ExecuteTrap(
+ &DoCreateElementNsL,
+ JavaUnhand<MM2GSVGProxy>(aSvgProxyHandle),
+ aType,
+ aDocumentHandle,
+ &handle);
+ }
+ }
+ M2GGeneral::CheckErrorCode(aJni, err);
+ M2G_DEBUG_1("M2G_DEBUG: JNI ( M2GDocument ) _createElementNS: %d - end", handle);
+ return handle;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Java_com_nokia_microedition_m2g_M2GDocument::_deleteDocument
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Calls MM2GSVGProxy::DeleteDocumentL method.
+ * @since Series S60 3.0
+ * @param aProxy Proxy instance.
+ * @param aDocumentHandle Document handle
+ * @throws Exception if not ok
+ */
+LOCAL_C void DoDeleteDocumentL(MM2GSVGProxy* aProxy, TInt aDocumentHandle)
+ aProxy->DeleteDocumentL(aDocumentHandle);
+ * JNI method
+ */
+ JNIEnv* aJni,
+ jclass,
+ jint aEventSourceHandle,
+ jint aSvgProxyHandle,
+ jint aDocumentHandle,
+ jboolean aUiToolkit)
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: JNI ( M2GDocument ) _deleteDocument - begin");
+ TInt err = KM2GNotOk;
+ if (aUiToolkit) // If eSWT is the current toolkit
+ {
+ // get access to function server
+ MSwtClient* client = reinterpret_cast< MSwtClient* >(aEventSourceHandle);
+ if (client && aSvgProxyHandle)
+ {
+ // Original function prototype
+ typedef void (MM2GSVGProxy::*pDeleteDocumentL)(const TInt&);
+ // Get member function address
+ pDeleteDocumentL DeleteDocumentL = &MM2GSVGProxy::DeleteDocumentL;
+ // Extract the SVGProxy handle
+ MM2GSVGProxy* aProxy = JavaUnhand<MM2GSVGProxy>(aSvgProxyHandle);
+ // Use the Method wrapper for 1 Arg
+ TMethodWrapper1<MM2GSVGProxy, const TInt& > DeleteDocument(
+ *aProxy,
+ DeleteDocumentL,
+ aDocumentHandle);
+ // call 'DeleteDocumentL' on aSvgProxyHandle
+ err = client->Execute(DeleteDocument);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CM2GEventSource* eventSource = JavaUnhand< CM2GEventSource >(aEventSourceHandle);
+ if (eventSource && aSvgProxyHandle && aDocumentHandle)
+ {
+ // Execute native engine method
+ err = eventSource->ExecuteTrap(
+ &DoDeleteDocumentL,
+ JavaUnhand<MM2GSVGProxy>(aSvgProxyHandle),
+ aDocumentHandle);
+ }
+ }
+ M2GGeneral::CheckErrorCode(aJni, err);
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: JNI ( M2GDocument ) _deleteDocument - end");
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Java_com_nokia_microedition_m2g_M2GDocument::_getElementById
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Calls MM2GSVGProxy::GetElementByIdL method.
+ * @since Series S60 3.0
+ * @param aProxy Proxy instance.
+ * @param aDocumentHandle Document pointer.
+ * @param aId Element ID.
+ * @param aHandle Element handle to be returned.
+ */
+LOCAL_C void DoGetElementByIdL(
+ MM2GSVGProxy* aProxy,
+ TInt aDocumentHandle,
+ TPtrC16* aId,
+ TInt* aHandle)
+ aProxy->GetElementByIdL(aDocumentHandle, *aId, *aHandle);
+ * JNI method
+ */
+ JNIEnv* aJni,
+ jclass,
+ jint aEventSourceHandle,
+ jint aSvgProxyHandle,
+ jint aDocumentHandle,
+ jstring aId,
+ jboolean aUiToolkit)
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: JNI ( M2GDocument ) _getElementById - begin");
+ TInt handle = M2G_INVALID_HANDLE;
+ TInt err = KM2GNotOk;
+ RJString id(*aJni, aId);
+ if (aUiToolkit)
+ {
+ // get access to function server
+ MSwtClient* client = reinterpret_cast< MSwtClient* >(aEventSourceHandle);
+ if (client && aSvgProxyHandle)
+ {
+ typedef void (MM2GSVGProxy::*pGetElementByIdL)(const TInt&, const TPtrC16& ,TInt&);
+ pGetElementByIdL GetElementByIdL = &MM2GSVGProxy::GetElementByIdL;
+ TPtrC16* lId = STATIC_CAST(TPtrC16*, &id);
+ MM2GSVGProxy* aProxy = JavaUnhand<MM2GSVGProxy>(aSvgProxyHandle);
+ TMethodWrapper3<MM2GSVGProxy, const TInt&, const TPtrC16&, TInt& > GetElementById(
+ *aProxy,
+ GetElementByIdL,
+ aDocumentHandle,
+ *lId,
+ handle);
+ err = client->Execute(GetElementById);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CM2GEventSource* eventSource = JavaUnhand< CM2GEventSource >(aEventSourceHandle);
+ if (eventSource && aSvgProxyHandle)
+ {
+ err = eventSource->ExecuteTrap(
+ &DoGetElementByIdL,
+ JavaUnhand<MM2GSVGProxy>(aSvgProxyHandle),
+ aDocumentHandle,
+ STATIC_CAST(TPtrC16*, &id),
+ &handle);
+ }
+ }
+ M2GGeneral::CheckErrorCode(aJni, err);
+ M2G_DEBUG_1("M2G_DEBUG: JNI ( M2GDocument ) _getElementById: %d - end", handle);
+ return handle;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Java_com_nokia_microedition_m2g_M2GDocument::_getViewportHeight
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Calls MM2GSVGProxy::GetViewportHeightL method.
+ * @since Series S60 3.0
+ * @param aProxy Proxy instance.
+ * @param aDocumentHandle Document pointer.
+ * @param aHeight Height to be returned.
+ */
+LOCAL_C void DoGetViewportHeightL(
+ MM2GSVGProxy* aProxy,
+ TInt aDocumentHandle,
+ TInt* aHeight)
+ aProxy->GetViewportHeightL(aDocumentHandle, *aHeight);
+ * JNI method
+ */
+ JNIEnv* aJni,
+ jclass,
+ jint aEventSourceHandle,
+ jint aSvgProxyHandle,
+ jint aDocumentHandle,
+ jboolean aUiToolkit)
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: JNI ( M2GDocument ) _getViewportHeight - begin");
+ TInt err = KM2GNotOk;
+ TInt height = 0;
+ if (aUiToolkit)
+ {
+ MSwtClient* client = reinterpret_cast< MSwtClient* >(aEventSourceHandle);
+ if (client && aSvgProxyHandle)
+ {
+ // Original function prototype
+ typedef void (MM2GSVGProxy::*pGetViewportHeightL)(const TInt& ,TInt&);
+ pGetViewportHeightL GetViewportHeightL = &MM2GSVGProxy::GetViewportHeightL;
+ MM2GSVGProxy* aProxy = JavaUnhand<MM2GSVGProxy>(aSvgProxyHandle);
+ TMethodWrapper2<MM2GSVGProxy, const TInt& ,TInt& > GetViewportHeight(
+ *aProxy,
+ GetViewportHeightL,
+ aDocumentHandle,
+ height);
+ err = client->Execute(GetViewportHeight);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CM2GEventSource* eventSource = JavaUnhand< CM2GEventSource >(aEventSourceHandle);
+ if (eventSource && aSvgProxyHandle)
+ {
+ err = eventSource->ExecuteTrap(
+ &DoGetViewportHeightL,
+ JavaUnhand<MM2GSVGProxy>(aSvgProxyHandle),
+ aDocumentHandle,
+ &height);
+ }
+ }
+ M2GGeneral::CheckErrorCode(aJni, err);
+ M2G_DEBUG_1("M2G_DEBUG: JNI ( M2GDocument ) _getViewportHeight: %d - end", height);
+ return height;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Java_com_nokia_microedition_m2g_M2GDocument::_getViewportWidth
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Calls MM2GSVGProxy::GetViewportWidthL method.
+ * @since Series S60 3.0
+ * @param aProxy Proxy instance.
+ * @param aDocumentHandle Document pointer.
+ * @param aWidth Width to be returned.
+ */
+LOCAL_C void DoGetViewportWidthL(
+ MM2GSVGProxy* aProxy,
+ TInt aDocumentHandle,
+ TInt* aWidth)
+ aProxy->GetViewportWidthL(aDocumentHandle, *aWidth);
+ * Class: com_nokia_microedition_m2g_M2GDocument
+ * Method: _getViewportWidth
+ * Signature:
+ */
+ JNIEnv* aJni,
+ jclass,
+ jint aEventSourceHandle,
+ jint aSvgProxyHandle,
+ jint aDocumentHandle,
+ jboolean aUiToolkit)
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: JNI ( M2GDocument ) _getViewportWidth - begin");
+ TInt err = KM2GNotOk;
+ TInt width = 0;
+ if (aUiToolkit)
+ {
+ MSwtClient* client = reinterpret_cast< MSwtClient* >(aEventSourceHandle);
+ if (client && aSvgProxyHandle)
+ {
+ typedef void (MM2GSVGProxy::*pGetViewportWidthL)(const TInt& ,TInt&);
+ pGetViewportWidthL GetViewportWidthL = &MM2GSVGProxy::GetViewportWidthL;
+ MM2GSVGProxy* aProxy = JavaUnhand<MM2GSVGProxy>(aSvgProxyHandle);
+ TMethodWrapper2<MM2GSVGProxy, const TInt& ,TInt& > GetViewportWidth(
+ *aProxy,
+ GetViewportWidthL,
+ aDocumentHandle,
+ width);
+ err = client->Execute(GetViewportWidth);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CM2GEventSource* eventSource = JavaUnhand< CM2GEventSource >(aEventSourceHandle);
+ if (eventSource && aSvgProxyHandle)
+ {
+ err = eventSource->ExecuteTrap(
+ &DoGetViewportWidthL,
+ JavaUnhand<MM2GSVGProxy>(aSvgProxyHandle),
+ aDocumentHandle,
+ &width);
+ }
+ }
+ M2GGeneral::CheckErrorCode(aJni, err);
+ M2G_DEBUG_1("M2G_DEBUG: JNI ( M2GDocument ) _getViewportWidth: %d - end", width);
+ return width;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Java_com_nokia_microedition_m2g_M2GDocument::_isElementInDom
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Calls MM2GSVGProxy::IsElementInDomL method.
+ * @since Series S60 3.0
+ * @param aProxy Proxy instance.
+ * @param aDocumentHandle Document pointer.
+ * @param aElementHandle Element pointer.
+ * @param aIsElementInDom Result
+ */
+LOCAL_C void DoIsElementInDomL(
+ MM2GSVGProxy* aProxy,
+ TInt aDocumentHandle,
+ TInt aElementHandle,
+ TInt* aIsElementInDom)
+ aProxy->IsElementInDomL(
+ aDocumentHandle, aElementHandle, *aIsElementInDom);
+ * JNI method.
+ */
+ JNIEnv* aJni,
+ jclass,
+ jint aEventSourceHandle,
+ jint aSvgProxyHandle,
+ jint aDocumentHandle,
+ jint aElementHandle,
+ jboolean aUiToolkit)
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: JNI _isElementInDOM - begin");
+ TInt isElementInDom = -1;
+ TInt err = KM2GNotOk;
+ if (aUiToolkit)
+ {
+ MSwtClient* client = reinterpret_cast< MSwtClient* >(aEventSourceHandle);
+ if (client && aSvgProxyHandle)
+ {
+ typedef void (MM2GSVGProxy::*pIsElementInDomL)(const TInt& ,const TInt&, TInt&);
+ pIsElementInDomL IsElementInDomL = &MM2GSVGProxy::IsElementInDomL;
+ MM2GSVGProxy* aProxy = JavaUnhand<MM2GSVGProxy>(aSvgProxyHandle);
+ TMethodWrapper3<MM2GSVGProxy, const TInt& ,const TInt&, TInt& > IsElementInDom(
+ *aProxy,
+ IsElementInDomL,
+ aDocumentHandle,
+ aElementHandle,
+ isElementInDom);
+ err = client->Execute(IsElementInDom);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CM2GEventSource* eventSource = JavaUnhand< CM2GEventSource >(aEventSourceHandle);
+ if (eventSource && aSvgProxyHandle)
+ {
+ err = eventSource->ExecuteTrap(
+ &DoIsElementInDomL,
+ JavaUnhand<MM2GSVGProxy>(aSvgProxyHandle),
+ aDocumentHandle,
+ aElementHandle,
+ &isElementInDom);
+ }
+ }
+ M2GGeneral::CheckErrorCode(aJni, err);
+ M2G_DEBUG_1("M2G_DEBUG: JNI _isElementInDOM: %d - end", isElementInDom);
+ return isElementInDom;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Java_com_nokia_microedition_m2g_M2GDocument::_requestCompleted
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Calls MM2GSVGProxy::RequestCompletedL method.
+ * @since Series S60 3.0
+ * @param aProxy Proxy instance.
+ * @param aDocumentHandle Document pointer.
+ * @param aURI Resource uri
+ * @param aResourceData Resource data
+ * @param aCompleted Result
+ */
+LOCAL_C void DoRequestCompletedL(
+ MM2GSVGProxy* aProxy,
+ TM2GSvgDocumentHandle aDocumentHandle,
+ TPtrC16* aURI,
+ TPtrC8* aResourceData,
+ TInt* aCompleted)
+ aProxy->RequestCompletedL(
+ aDocumentHandle,
+ *aURI,
+ *aResourceData,
+ *aCompleted);
+ M2G_DEBUG_1("M2G_DEBUG: JNI ( M2GDocument ) DoRequestCompletedL: %d - end", *aCompleted);
+ * JNI method
+ */
+ JNIEnv* aJni,
+ jclass,
+ jint aEventSourceHandle,
+ jint aSvgProxyHandle,
+ jint aDocumentHandle,
+ jstring aURI,
+ jbyteArray aResourceData,
+ jboolean aUiToolkit)
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: JNI ( M2GDocument ) _requestCompleted - begin");
+ CM2GEventSource* eventSource = JavaUnhand< CM2GEventSource >(aEventSourceHandle);
+ RJString uri(*aJni, aURI);
+ TInt err = KM2GNotOk;
+ TPtrC8 lResData8;
+ jbyte* resBytes = NULL;
+ if (aResourceData)
+ {
+ resBytes = aJni->GetByteArrayElements(aResourceData, NULL);
+ lResData8.Set(REINTERPRET_CAST(TUint8*, resBytes), aJni->GetArrayLength(aResourceData));
+ }
+ TInt completed = -1;
+ if (aUiToolkit)
+ {
+ MSwtClient* client = reinterpret_cast< MSwtClient* >(aEventSourceHandle);
+ if (client && aSvgProxyHandle)
+ {
+ TPtrC16* pUri = STATIC_CAST(TPtrC16*, &uri);
+ typedef void (MM2GSVGProxy::*pRequestCompletedL)(const TInt& ,const TPtrC16&, const TPtrC8&, TInt&);
+ pRequestCompletedL RequestCompletedL = &MM2GSVGProxy::RequestCompletedL;
+ MM2GSVGProxy* aProxy = JavaUnhand<MM2GSVGProxy>(aSvgProxyHandle);
+ TMethodWrapper4<MM2GSVGProxy, const TInt& ,const TPtrC16&, const TPtrC8&, TInt& > RequestCompleted(
+ *aProxy,
+ RequestCompletedL,
+ aDocumentHandle,
+ *pUri,
+ lResData8,
+ completed);
+ err = client->Execute(RequestCompleted);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (eventSource && aSvgProxyHandle)
+ {
+ err = eventSource->ExecuteTrap(
+ &DoRequestCompletedL,
+ JavaUnhand<MM2GSVGProxy>(aSvgProxyHandle),
+ aDocumentHandle,
+ STATIC_CAST(TPtrC16*, &uri),
+ &lResData8,
+ &completed);
+ }
+ }
+ M2GGeneral::CheckErrorCode(aJni, err);
+ if (aResourceData)
+ {
+ aJni->ReleaseByteArrayElements(aResourceData, resBytes, JNI_ABORT); // don't copy back
+ }
+ M2G_DEBUG_1("M2G_DEBUG: JNI ( M2GDocument ) _requestCompleted: %d - end", completed);
+ return completed;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Java_com_nokia_microedition_m2g_M2GDocument::_setViewportHeight
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Calls MM2GSVGProxy::SetViewportHeightL method.
+ * @since Series S60 3.0
+ * @param aProxy Proxy instance.
+ * @param aDocumentHandle Document pointer.
+ * @param aHeight Height
+ */
+LOCAL_C void DoSetViewportHeightL(
+ MM2GSVGProxy* aProxy,
+ TInt aDocumentHandle,
+ TInt aHeight)
+ aProxy->SetViewportHeightL(
+ (TM2GSvgDocumentHandle)aDocumentHandle, aHeight);
+ * JNI method
+ */
+ JNIEnv* aJni,
+ jclass,
+ jint aEventSourceHandle,
+ jint aSvgProxyHandle,
+ jint aDocumentHandle,
+ jint aHeight,
+ jboolean aUiToolkit)
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: JNI ( M2GDocument ) _setViewportHeight - begin");
+ TInt err = KM2GNotOk;
+ if (aUiToolkit)
+ {
+ MSwtClient* client = reinterpret_cast< MSwtClient* >(aEventSourceHandle);
+ if (client && aSvgProxyHandle)
+ {
+ typedef void (MM2GSVGProxy::*pSetViewportHeightL)(const TInt& ,TInt);
+ pSetViewportHeightL SetViewportHeightL = &MM2GSVGProxy::SetViewportHeightL;
+ MM2GSVGProxy* aProxy = JavaUnhand<MM2GSVGProxy>(aSvgProxyHandle);
+ TMethodWrapper2<MM2GSVGProxy, const TInt& ,TInt > SetViewportHeight(
+ *aProxy,
+ SetViewportHeightL,
+ aDocumentHandle,
+ aHeight);
+ err = client->Execute(SetViewportHeight);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CM2GEventSource* eventSource = JavaUnhand< CM2GEventSource >(aEventSourceHandle);
+ if (eventSource && aSvgProxyHandle)
+ {
+ err = eventSource->ExecuteTrap(
+ &DoSetViewportHeightL,
+ JavaUnhand<MM2GSVGProxy>(aSvgProxyHandle),
+ aDocumentHandle,
+ aHeight);
+ }
+ }
+ M2GGeneral::CheckErrorCode(aJni, err);
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: JNI ( M2GDocument ) _setViewportHeight - end");
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Java_com_nokia_microedition_m2g_M2GDocument::_setViewportWidth
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Calls MM2GSVGProxy::SetViewportWidthL method.
+ * @since Series S60 3.0
+ * @param aProxy Proxy instance.
+ * @param aDocumentHandle Document pointer.
+ * @param aWidth Width
+ */
+LOCAL_C void DoSetViewportWidthL(
+ MM2GSVGProxy* aProxy,
+ TInt aDocumentHandle,
+ TInt aWidth)
+ aProxy->SetViewportWidthL(
+ (TM2GSvgDocumentHandle)aDocumentHandle, aWidth);
+ * JNI method
+ */
+ JNIEnv* aJni,
+ jclass,
+ jint aEventSourceHandle,
+ jint aSvgProxyHandle,
+ jint aDocumentHandle,
+ jint aWidth,
+ jboolean aUiToolkit)
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: JNI ( M2GDocument ) _setViewportWidth - begin");
+ TInt err = KM2GNotOk;
+ if (aUiToolkit)
+ {
+ MSwtClient* client = reinterpret_cast< MSwtClient* >(aEventSourceHandle);
+ if (client && aSvgProxyHandle)
+ {
+ typedef void (MM2GSVGProxy::*pSetViewportWidthL)(const TInt& ,TInt);
+ pSetViewportWidthL SetViewportWidthL = &MM2GSVGProxy::SetViewportWidthL;
+ MM2GSVGProxy* aProxy = JavaUnhand<MM2GSVGProxy>(aSvgProxyHandle);
+ TMethodWrapper2<MM2GSVGProxy, const TInt& ,TInt > SetViewportWidth(
+ *aProxy,
+ SetViewportWidthL,
+ aDocumentHandle,
+ aWidth);
+ err = client->Execute(SetViewportWidth);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CM2GEventSource* eventSource = JavaUnhand< CM2GEventSource >(aEventSourceHandle);
+ if (eventSource && aSvgProxyHandle)
+ {
+ err = eventSource->ExecuteTrap(
+ &DoSetViewportWidthL,
+ JavaUnhand<MM2GSVGProxy>(aSvgProxyHandle),
+ aDocumentHandle,
+ aWidth);
+ }
+ }
+ M2GGeneral::CheckErrorCode(aJni, err);
+ M2G_DEBUG_0("M2G_DEBUG: JNI ( M2GDocument ) _setViewportWidth - end");