changeset 26 2455ef1f5bbc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/javauis/eswt_akn/org.eclipse.ercp.swt.s60/native/src/swtlabel.cpp	Wed Sep 01 12:33:18 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1432 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2005, 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+ * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+ * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+ * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+ *
+ *
+ * Contributors:
+ *     Nokia Corporation - S60 implementation
+ *******************************************************************************/
+#include <AknsDrawUtils.h>
+#include <AknUtils.h>
+#include <eiklbi.h>
+#include <eikenv.h>
+#include <AknsUtils.h>
+#include <aknconsts.h>
+#include <AknLayoutFont.h>
+#include <AknBidiTextUtils.h>
+#include <swtlaffacade.h>
+#include <avkon.mbg>
+#include "swtlabel.h"
+#include "swtcontrolbase.h"
+#include "swtfont.h"
+const TInt KBorderMargin = 1;
+// ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::CSwtLabel
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSwtLabel::CSwtLabel(MSwtDisplay& aDisplay, TSwtPeer aPeer,
+                     MSwtComposite& aParent, TInt aStyle)
+        : ASwtControlBase(aDisplay, aPeer, &aParent, aStyle)
+        , iOriginalText(NULL)
+    SetFocusing(EFalse);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::~CSwtLabel
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    delete iEikLabel;
+    delete iSeparatorHead;
+    delete iSeparatorHeadMask;
+    delete iSeparatorCenter;
+    delete iSeparatorCenterMask;
+    delete iSeparatorTail;
+    delete iSeparatorTailMask;
+    delete iOriginalText;
+    if (iDefaultFont)
+    {
+        iDefaultFont->RemoveRef();
+    }
+    if (iImage != NULL)
+        iImage->RemoveRef();
+#ifdef _lint
+    iDefaultFont = NULL;
+    iImage       = NULL;
+    iForegroundColor = NULL;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::ConstructL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSwtLabel::ConstructL()
+    CCoeControl& coeParent = iParent->Control()->CoeControl();
+    SetContainerWindowL(coeParent);
+    CAknControl::MakeVisible(coeParent.IsVisible());
+    CAknControl::SetDimmed(coeParent.IsDimmed());
+    if (iStyle & KSwtStyleSeparator)
+    {
+        CreateSeparatorL();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        CreateTextL();
+    }
+    SetBackground(this);   // Back will be drawn by ASwtControlBase::Draw
+    ActivateL();
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::CreateTextL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSwtLabel::CreateTextL()
+    ASSERT(!(iStyle & KSwtStyleSeparator));
+    ASSERT(!iEikLabel);
+    iEikLabel = new(ELeave) CEikLabel();
+    iEikLabel->SetFocusing(EFalse);
+    iEikLabel->SetContainerWindowL(*this);
+    iEikLabel->MakeVisible(EFalse);
+    iEikLabel->SetDimmed(IsDimmed());
+    iEikLabel->SetTextL(KNullDesC);
+    SetAlignment(iStyle & KSwtAlignmentMask);
+    RetrieveDefaultFontL();
+    DoSetFontL(&iDefaultFont->Font());
+    UpdateTextColor();
+    // Correct position of CEikLabel will be set in PositionChanged()
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::CreateSeparatorL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSwtLabel::CreateSeparatorL()
+    ASSERT(!iEikLabel);
+    ASSERT(!iImage);
+    delete iSeparatorHead;
+    iSeparatorHead = NULL;
+    delete iSeparatorHeadMask;
+    iSeparatorHeadMask = NULL;
+    delete iSeparatorCenter;
+    iSeparatorCenter = NULL;
+    delete iSeparatorCenterMask;
+    iSeparatorCenterMask = NULL;
+    delete iSeparatorTail;
+    iSeparatorTail = NULL;
+    delete iSeparatorTailMask;
+    iSeparatorTailMask = NULL;
+    // Get skin and bitmap ids
+    TAknsItemID separatorHeadSkinId;
+    TAknsItemID separatorCenterSkinId;
+    TAknsItemID separatorTailSkinId;
+    TInt separatorCenterId;
+    TInt separatorCenterMaskId;
+    if (iStyle & KSwtStyleVertical)
+    {
+        if (iStyle & KSwtStyleShadowIn)
+        {
+            separatorHeadSkinId.Set(KAknsIIDQsnFrSeparatorVTShdwin);
+            separatorCenterSkinId.Set(KAknsIIDQsnFrSeparatorVMShdwin);
+            separatorTailSkinId.Set(KAknsIIDQsnFrSeparatorVBShdwin);
+        }
+        else if (iStyle & KSwtStyleShadowOut)
+        {
+            separatorHeadSkinId.Set(KAknsIIDQsnFrSeparatorVTShdwout);
+            separatorCenterSkinId.Set(KAknsIIDQsnFrSeparatorVMShdwout);
+            separatorTailSkinId.Set(KAknsIIDQsnFrSeparatorVBShdwout);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            separatorHeadSkinId.Set(KAknsIIDQsnFrSeparatorVTShdwnone);
+            separatorCenterSkinId.Set(KAknsIIDQsnFrSeparatorVMShdwnone);
+            separatorTailSkinId.Set(KAknsIIDQsnFrSeparatorVBShdwnone);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (iStyle & KSwtStyleShadowIn)
+        {
+            separatorHeadSkinId.Set(KAknsIIDQsnFrSeparatorHLShdwin);
+            separatorCenterSkinId.Set(KAknsIIDQsnFrSeparatorHMShdwin);
+            separatorTailSkinId.Set(KAknsIIDQsnFrSeparatorHRShdwin);
+        }
+        else if (iStyle & KSwtStyleShadowOut)
+        {
+            separatorHeadSkinId.Set(KAknsIIDQsnFrSeparatorHLShdwout);
+            separatorCenterSkinId.Set(KAknsIIDQsnFrSeparatorHMShdwout);
+            separatorTailSkinId.Set(KAknsIIDQsnFrSeparatorHRShdwout);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            separatorHeadSkinId.Set(KAknsIIDQsnFrSeparatorHLShdwnone);
+            separatorCenterSkinId.Set(KAknsIIDQsnFrSeparatorHMShdwnone);
+            separatorTailSkinId.Set(KAknsIIDQsnFrSeparatorHRShdwnone);
+        }
+    }
+    MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
+    // first, try to get separator specific images from skin
+    _LIT(KNoneFile," ");
+    TInt err(KErrNone);
+    TRAP(err, AknsUtils::CreateIconL(
+             skin,
+             separatorHeadSkinId,
+             iSeparatorHead,
+             iSeparatorHeadMask,
+             KNoneFile,
+             0,
+             0));
+    if (err == KErrNone)
+    {
+        TRAP(err, AknsUtils::CreateIconL(
+                 skin,
+                 separatorCenterSkinId,
+                 iSeparatorCenter,
+                 iSeparatorCenterMask,
+                 KNoneFile,
+                 0,
+                 0));
+    }
+    if (err == KErrNone)
+    {
+        TRAP(err, AknsUtils::CreateIconL(
+                 skin,
+                 separatorTailSkinId,
+                 iSeparatorTail,
+                 iSeparatorTailMask,
+                 KNoneFile,
+                 0,
+                 0));
+    }
+    if (err != KErrNone)
+        // if separator specific images are not available from skin
+        // try to use dashed line image from skin, or from image file
+    {
+        if (iStyle & KSwtStyleVertical)
+        {
+            separatorCenterSkinId = KAknsIIDQgnGrafLinePrimaryVerticalDashed;
+            separatorCenterId = EMbmAvkonQgn_graf_line_primary_vertical_dashed;
+            separatorCenterMaskId = EMbmAvkonQgn_graf_line_primary_vertical_dashed_mask;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            separatorCenterSkinId = KAknsIIDQgnGrafLinePrimaryHorizontalDashed;
+            separatorCenterId = EMbmAvkonQgn_graf_line_primary_horizontal_dashed;
+            separatorCenterMaskId = EMbmAvkonQgn_graf_line_primary_horizontal_dashed_mask;
+        }
+        AknsUtils::CreateIconL(
+            skin,
+            separatorCenterSkinId,
+            iSeparatorCenter,
+            iSeparatorCenterMask,
+            KAvkonBitmapFile,
+            separatorCenterId,
+            separatorCenterMaskId);
+        delete iSeparatorHead;
+        iSeparatorHead = NULL;
+        delete iSeparatorHeadMask;
+        iSeparatorHeadMask =NULL;
+        delete iSeparatorTail;
+        iSeparatorTail = NULL;
+        delete iSeparatorTailMask;
+        iSeparatorTailMask = NULL;
+        iDashedLineSeparatorInUse =  ETrue;
+    }
+    // Get separator thickness
+    TAknLayoutRect layoutRect;
+    const TInt KBigEnough(50);
+    if (iStyle & KSwtStyleVertical)
+    {
+        layoutRect = CSwtLafFacade::GetLayoutRect(CSwtLafFacade::ESeparatorVerticalPane,
+                     TRect(0, 0, KBigEnough, KBigEnough), 0);
+        iSeparatorThickness = layoutRect.Rect().Size().iWidth;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        layoutRect = CSwtLafFacade::GetLayoutRect(CSwtLafFacade::ESeparatorHorizontalPane,
+                     TRect(0, 0, KBigEnough, KBigEnough), 0);
+        iSeparatorThickness = layoutRect.Rect().Size().iHeight;
+    }
+    if (iDashedLineSeparatorInUse)
+    {
+        iSeparatorThickness = 1;
+    }
+    ResizeSeparatorImages();
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::NewL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CSwtLabel* CSwtLabel::NewL(MSwtDisplay& aDisplay,
+                           TSwtPeer aPeer, MSwtComposite& aParent, TInt aStyle)
+    CSwtLabel* self = new(ELeave) CSwtLabel(aDisplay, aPeer, aParent, aStyle);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+    self->ConstructL();
+    self->InitControlBaseL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+    return self;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::ClipTextL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void  CSwtLabel::ClipTextL(TInt aWHint)
+    if (iOriginalText == NULL || aWHint <= 0 || !iEikLabel)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    RBuf textToClip;
+    textToClip.Create(*iOriginalText);
+    textToClip.CleanupClosePushL();
+    const CFont* font = iEikLabel->Font();
+    if (iOriginalTextLineCount == 1)
+    {
+        if (aWHint > font->CharWidthInPixels(CEditableText::EEllipsis))
+        {
+            AknTextUtils::ClipToFit(textToClip, *font, aWHint);
+        }
+    }
+    iEikLabel->SetTextL(textToClip);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // textToClip
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::ComputeTextSizeL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TSize CSwtLabel::ComputeTextSizeL(TInt aWHint, TInt aHHint)
+    // Return non default hints
+    if (aWHint != KSwtDefault && aHHint != KSwtDefault)
+    {
+        return TSize(aWHint, aHHint);
+    }
+    // Compute size
+    TSize prefSize(0, 0);
+    if ((iStyle & KSwtStyleWrap) && !(aWHint == KSwtDefault && aHHint == KSwtDefault))
+    {
+        // Wrap text with a default hint
+        if (aWHint != KSwtDefault)
+        {
+            prefSize.iWidth = aWHint;
+            prefSize.iHeight = CalcWrappedTextHeightL(aWHint);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            prefSize.iHeight = aHHint;
+            prefSize.iWidth = CalcWrappedTextWidth(aHHint);
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // This will return the width of the longer line and height that fits all lines
+        prefSize = MinimumSize();
+    }
+    // Avoid text touching the border
+    prefSize += TPoint(2 * KBorderMargin, 2 * KBorderMargin);
+    if (aHHint != KSwtDefault)
+    {
+        prefSize.iHeight = aHHint;
+    }
+    if (aWHint != KSwtDefault)
+    {
+        prefSize.iWidth = aWHint;
+    }
+    return prefSize;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::CalcWrappedTextHeightL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSwtLabel::CalcWrappedTextHeightL(TInt aWidth)
+    if (iOriginalText == NULL || aWidth <= 0 || !iEikLabel)
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    // Calculate the number of lines when wrapping text to the given rectangle
+    const TInt ARRAY_GRANULARITY = 4;
+    CArrayFixFlat<TPtrC>* wrappedArray = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TPtrC>(ARRAY_GRANULARITY);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(wrappedArray);
+    const CFont* font(iEikLabel->Font());
+    // NOTE!!! AknTextUtils::WrapToArrayL behaves strange for strings that
+    // contain '-' (dash) char. Sometimes return one lesser line if several
+    // dashes are encountered.
+    AknTextUtils::WrapToArrayL(*iOriginalText, aWidth, *font, *wrappedArray);
+    TInt nbStrings = wrappedArray->Count();
+    if (nbStrings < 1)
+    {
+        // It happens when aWidth < Char's width
+        // here just set nBStrings to 1
+        // so something can be visible.
+        nbStrings = 1;
+    }
+    // Calculate text height
+    const TInt result(MinimumHeight(nbStrings));
+    wrappedArray->Reset();
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(wrappedArray);
+    return result;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::CalcWrappedTextWidth
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSwtLabel::CalcWrappedTextWidth(TInt aHeight)
+    if (iOriginalText == NULL || aHeight <= 0)
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    // This will return the width of the longer line and height that fits all lines
+    return MinimumWidth();
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::WrapTextL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSwtLabel::WrapTextL(TSize aSize)
+    WrapTextL(aSize.iWidth, aSize.iHeight);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::WrapTextL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSwtLabel::WrapTextL(TInt aWHint, TInt aHHint)
+    if (iOriginalText == NULL || aWHint <= 0 || aHHint <= 0 || !iEikLabel)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    const CFont* font = iEikLabel->Font();
+    // Estimate how many text rows within given rectangle
+    TInt textPaneHeight = GetFontHeight(font);
+    const TInt gap = iEikLabel->PixelGapBetweenLines();
+    // The last row in label does not add a gap after it. So...
+    // aHHint = rows * textPaneHeight + (rows - 1) * gap; and therefore...
+    TInt rows = (aHHint + gap) / (textPaneHeight + gap);
+    if (rows < 1)
+    {
+        // It happens when hint height < Char's height
+        // here just set nBStrings to 1
+        // so something can be visible.
+        rows = 1;
+    }
+    // Setup width arrray
+    CArrayFixFlat< TInt >* widthsArray = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat< TInt >(rows);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(widthsArray);
+    widthsArray->SetReserveL(rows);
+    TInt i;
+    for (i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
+    {
+        widthsArray->AppendL(aWHint);
+    }
+    // Convert text into wrapped text with AKnTextUtils
+    RBuf wrappedBuffer;
+    const TInt KDouble(2);
+    wrappedBuffer.CreateL(KDouble *(iOriginalText->Length()));
+    wrappedBuffer.CleanupClosePushL();
+    AknTextUtils::WrapToStringAndClipL(*iOriginalText, *widthsArray, *font, wrappedBuffer);
+    // Set wrapped text
+    iEikLabel->SetTextL(wrappedBuffer);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // wrappedBuffer
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(widthsArray);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::RetrieveDefaultFontL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSwtLabel::RetrieveDefaultFontL()
+    ASSERT(iEikLabel);
+    if (iDefaultFont)
+    {
+        iDefaultFont->RemoveRef();
+        iDefaultFont = NULL;
+    }
+    // Same as Button's
+    iDefaultFont = CSwtFont::NewL(iDisplay.Device(), iDisplay.Device().GetSystemFont()->Font());
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::MinimumSize
+// Replaces CEikLabel's MinimumSize to fix some texts getting ellipsed and clipped
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TSize CSwtLabel::MinimumSize() const
+    const TInt height = MinimumHeight();
+    const TInt width = MinimumWidth();
+    return TSize(width, height);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::MinimumWidth
+// Replaces CEikLabel's MinimumWidth to fix some texts getting ellipsed.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSwtLabel::MinimumWidth() const
+    if (!iEikLabel || !iOriginalText)
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    TInt result = 0;
+    TPtrC ptr(iOriginalText->Des());
+    const CFont* font = iEikLabel->Font();
+    CFont::TMeasureTextInput::TFlags order = CFont::TMeasureTextInput::EFVisualOrder;
+    if (AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored())
+    {
+        order = CFont::TMeasureTextInput::EFVisualOrderRightToLeft;
+    }
+    {
+        const TInt pos = ptr.Locate('\n');
+        TPtrC left = ptr;
+        if (pos >= 0)
+        {
+            left.Set(ptr.Left(pos));
+        }
+        TInt lineW = AknBidiTextUtils::MeasureTextBoundsWidth(*font, left, order);
+        if (lineW > result)
+        {
+            result = lineW;
+        }
+        if (pos < 0 || pos == ptr.Length() - 1)
+        {
+            break;
+        }
+        ptr.Set(ptr.Mid(pos + 1));
+    }
+    return result;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::MinimumHeight
+// Replaces CEikLabel's MinimumHeight to fix some texts getting clipped
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSwtLabel::MinimumHeight() const
+    return(MinimumHeight(iOriginalTextLineCount));
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::MinimumHeight
+// Replaces CEikLabel's MinimumHeight to fix some texts getting clipped
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSwtLabel::MinimumHeight(TInt aLineCount) const
+    if (!iEikLabel)
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    // Compared to CEikLabel's MinimumHeight() we add one more gap.
+    // This is to fix some fonts getting clipped from above.
+    // Do not change this ever, as wrapping will surely brake.
+    return aLineCount * iEikLabel->PixelGapBetweenLines()
+           + aLineCount * GetFontHeight(iEikLabel->Font());
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::DoSetFontL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSwtLabel::DoSetFontL(const CFont* aFont)
+    if (!iEikLabel)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    iEikLabel->SetFont(aFont);
+    if (aFont)
+    {
+        // The gap must be set exaclty in the same way as in AknLayoutUtils::LayoutLabel().
+        // So, do not modify this unless CEikLabel does too!
+        iEikLabel->SetPixelGapBetweenLines(
+            Max(aFont->FontLineGap() - aFont->HeightInPixels(), KSwtMinLinePadding));
+        // This is to fix some fonts getting to much space after last line.
+        iEikLabel->iMargin.iTop = aFont->FontMaxDescent();
+        TRAP_IGNORE(ClipTextL(iEikLabel->Size().iWidth));
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::GetFontHeight
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSwtLabel::GetFontHeight(const CFont* aFont) const
+    if (!aFont)
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+#ifdef RD_JAVA_S60_RELEASE_9_2
+    return aFont->FontMaxHeight();
+    return aFont->HeightInPixels();
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::Draw
+// From CCoeControl
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSwtLabel::Draw(const TRect& aRect) const
+    ASSERT(!(iCtrlFlags & EFlagDoNotDraw));
+    const TRect clientRect(BorderInnerRect());
+    TRect dirtyClientRect(clientRect);
+    dirtyClientRect.Intersection(aRect);
+    CWindowGc& gc = SystemGc();
+    // Draw the image if we have one
+    if (iImage != NULL && !iEikLabel->IsVisible())   //lint !e613 iEikLabel cannot be NULL if iImage is not
+    {
+        const TSize imgSize(iImage->GetBounds().Size());
+        TPoint imgPos(TPoint::EUninitialized);
+        const TBool leftToRight((iStyle & KSwtStyleRightToLeft)
+                                || AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored());
+        if (iStyle & KSwtStyleCenter)
+        {
+            imgPos.iX = clientRect.iTl.iX + (clientRect.Width() - imgSize.iWidth) / 2;
+        }
+        else if (((iStyle & KSwtStyleTrail) && (!leftToRight))
+                 || ((iStyle &  KSwtStyleLead) && leftToRight))
+        {
+            imgPos.iX = clientRect.iBr.iX - imgSize.iWidth;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            imgPos.iX = clientRect.iTl.iX;
+        }
+        // Vertical alignment ( always centered )
+        imgPos.iY = clientRect.iTl.iY + (clientRect.Height() - imgSize.iHeight) / 2;
+        TRect drawRect(imgPos, imgSize);
+        drawRect.Intersection(dirtyClientRect);
+        if (!drawRect.IsEmpty())
+        {
+            TRect imgRect(drawRect);
+            imgRect.Move(-imgPos);
+            const CFbsBitmap& bitmap = iImage->Bitmap();
+            const CFbsBitmap* mask   = iImage->MaskBitmap();
+            if (mask == NULL)
+                gc.BitBlt(drawRect.iTl, &bitmap, imgRect);
+            else
+                gc.BitBltMasked(drawRect.iTl, &bitmap, imgRect, mask, EFalse);
+        }
+    }
+    else if (iSeparatorCenter)
+    {
+        DrawSeparator(gc);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::FocusChanged
+// From CCoeControl
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSwtLabel::FocusChanged(TDrawNow aDrawNow)
+    // Labels are not supposed to gain focus on their own, but they may still
+    // get it through ForceFocus().
+    TBool focused = IsFocused();
+    if (iEikLabel)
+    {
+        iEikLabel->SetFocus(focused);
+    }
+    HandleFocusChanged(aDrawNow);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::SetDimmed
+// From CCoeControl
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSwtLabel::SetDimmed(TBool aDimmed)
+    CAknControl::SetDimmed(aDimmed);
+    if (iEikLabel)
+    {
+        iEikLabel->SetDimmed(aDimmed);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::ComponentControl
+// From CCoeControl
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCoeControl* CSwtLabel::ComponentControl(TInt /*aIndex*/) const
+    if (iEikLabel)
+    {
+        return static_cast< CCoeControl* >(iEikLabel);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+} //lint !e1763
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::CountComponentControls
+// From CCoeControl
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSwtLabel::CountComponentControls() const
+    if (iEikLabel)
+    {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::OfferKeyEventL
+// From CCoeControl
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TKeyResponse CSwtLabel::OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType)
+    return HandleKeyL(aKeyEvent, aType, ETrue);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::HandleResourceChange
+// From CCoeControl
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSwtLabel::HandleResourceChange(TInt aType)
+    TRAP_IGNORE(SwtHandleResourceChangeL(aType));
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::SwtHandleResourceChangeL
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSwtLabel::SwtHandleResourceChangeL(TInt aType)
+    CAknControl::HandleResourceChange(aType);
+    if (aType == KAknsMessageSkinChange || aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch)
+    {
+        if (iEikLabel)
+        {
+            RetrieveDefaultFontL();
+            if (!iFont)
+            {
+                iEikLabel->SetFont(&iDefaultFont->Font());
+            }
+        }
+        else if (iStyle & KSwtStyleSeparator)
+        {
+            CreateSeparatorL();
+        }
+        if (aType == KAknsMessageSkinChange)
+        {
+            UpdateTextColor();
+        }
+    }
+    else if (aType == KEikDynamicLayoutVariantSwitch)
+    {
+        SetAlignment(iStyle & KSwtAlignmentMask);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::PositionChanged
+// From CCoeControl
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSwtLabel::PositionChanged()
+    if (iEikLabel)
+    {
+        TRect clientRect(BorderInnerRect());
+        if (HasBorderStyle())
+        {
+            // The text should not touch the border
+            iEikLabel->SetPosition(clientRect.iTl + TPoint(KBorderMargin, KBorderMargin));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            iEikLabel->SetPosition(clientRect.iTl);
+        }
+    }
+    else if (iSeparatorCenter)
+    {
+        ResizeSeparatorImages();
+    }
+    HandlePositionChanged();
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::SizeChanged
+// From CCoeControl
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSwtLabel::SizeChanged()
+    if (iEikLabel)
+    {
+        const TRect clientRect(BorderInnerRect());
+        if (HasBorderStyle())
+        {
+            // The text should not touch the border
+            iEikLabel->SetSize(clientRect.Size() - TPoint(2 * KBorderMargin, 2 * KBorderMargin));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            iEikLabel->SetSize(clientRect.Size());
+        }
+        if (iStyle & KSwtStyleWrap)
+        {
+            TRAP_IGNORE(WrapTextL(iEikLabel->Size()));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            TRAP_IGNORE(ClipTextL(iEikLabel->Size().iWidth));
+        }
+    }
+    else if (iSeparatorCenter)
+    {
+        ResizeSeparatorImages();
+    }
+    HandleSizeChanged();
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::MopSupplyObject
+// From CCoeControl
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TTypeUid::Ptr CSwtLabel::MopSupplyObject(TTypeUid aId)
+    TTypeUid::Ptr id = ASwtControlBase::SwtMopSupplyObject(aId);
+    if (id.Pointer() == NULL)
+    {
+        return CAknControl::MopSupplyObject(aId);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return id;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::CoeControl
+// From MSwtControl
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCoeControl& CSwtLabel::CoeControl()
+    return *this;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::CoeControl
+// From MSwtControl
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const CCoeControl& CSwtLabel::CoeControl() const
+    return *this;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::IsFocusable
+// From MSwtControl
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TBool CSwtLabel::IsFocusable(TInt aReason /*=KSwtFocusByApi*/) const
+    const CCoeControl& coeCtrl = CoeControl();
+    // Invisible or disabled controls can never get the focus ( not even forced )
+    if (!coeCtrl.IsVisible() || coeCtrl.IsDimmed())
+        return EFalse;
+    else
+        return aReason == KSwtFocusByForce;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::ProcessKeyEventL
+// From MSwtControl
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSwtLabel::ProcessKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& /*aKeyEvent*/, TEventCode /*aType*/)
+    // Do nothing
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::ComputeSizeL
+// From MSwtControl
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TSize CSwtLabel::ComputeSizeL(TInt aWHint, TInt aHHint)
+    if (aWHint != KSwtDefault && aHHint != KSwtDefault)
+    {
+        return TSize(aWHint, aHHint);
+    }
+    TSize prefSize(0, 0);
+    if (iSeparatorCenter)
+    {
+        if (aHHint != KSwtDefault)
+        {
+            prefSize.iHeight = aHHint;
+        }
+        else if (!(iStyle & KSwtStyleVertical))
+        {
+            prefSize.iHeight = Min(iSeparatorThickness, prefSize.iHeight);
+        }
+        if (aWHint != KSwtDefault)
+        {
+            prefSize.iWidth = aWHint;
+        }
+        else if (iStyle & KSwtStyleVertical)
+        {
+            prefSize.iWidth = Min(iSeparatorThickness, prefSize.iWidth);
+        }
+    }
+    if (iImage)
+    {
+        prefSize = iImage->GetBounds().Size();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        prefSize = ComputeTextSizeL(aWHint, aHHint);
+    }
+    if (!iSeparatorCenter)
+    {
+        prefSize += BorderSizeDelta();
+    }
+    if (aWHint != KSwtDefault)
+    {
+        prefSize.iWidth = aWHint;
+    }
+    if (aHHint != KSwtDefault)
+    {
+        prefSize.iHeight = aHHint;
+    }
+    return prefSize;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::DrawSeparator
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSwtLabel::DrawSeparator(CWindowGc& aGc) const
+    aGc.SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush);
+    if (iSeparatorHead && iSeparatorHeadMask)
+    {
+        aGc.BitBltMasked(iSeparatorHeadRect.iTl, iSeparatorHead,
+                         iSeparatorHeadRect.Size(), iSeparatorHeadMask, ETrue);
+    }
+    else if (iSeparatorHead)
+    {
+        aGc.BitBlt(iSeparatorHeadRect.iTl, iSeparatorHead, iSeparatorHeadRect.Size());
+    }
+    if (iSeparatorCenter && iSeparatorCenterMask)
+    {
+        aGc.BitBltMasked(iSeparatorCenterRect.iTl, iSeparatorCenter,
+                         iSeparatorCenterRect.Size(), iSeparatorCenterMask, ETrue);
+    }
+    else if (iSeparatorCenter)
+    {
+        aGc.BitBlt(iSeparatorCenterRect.iTl, iSeparatorCenter, iSeparatorCenterRect.Size());
+    }
+    if (iSeparatorTail && iSeparatorTailMask)
+    {
+        aGc.BitBltMasked(iSeparatorTailRect.iTl, iSeparatorTail,
+                         iSeparatorTailRect.Size(), iSeparatorTailMask, ETrue);
+    }
+    else if (iSeparatorTail)
+    {
+        aGc.BitBlt(iSeparatorTailRect.iTl, iSeparatorTail, iSeparatorTailRect.Size());
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::CalcAndUpdateSeparatorRect
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TRect CSwtLabel::CalcAndUpdateSeparatorRect()
+    TRect rect(Rect());
+    TRect separatorRect;
+    TAknLayoutRect layoutRect;
+    if (iStyle & KSwtStyleVertical)
+    {
+        layoutRect = CSwtLafFacade::GetLayoutRect(CSwtLafFacade::ESeparatorVerticalPane, rect, 0);
+        separatorRect =  layoutRect.Rect();
+        if (iDashedLineSeparatorInUse)
+        {
+            separatorRect.SetWidth(iSeparatorThickness);
+        }
+        // adjust seperator's width according to the width of the parent
+        if (separatorRect.Width() > rect.Width())
+        {
+            separatorRect.iTl.iX = rect.iTl.iX;
+            separatorRect.iBr.iX = rect.iBr.iX;
+        }
+        // move to center
+        TInt xPos = rect.iTl.iX + Max(0, (rect.Width() - separatorRect.Width()) / 2);
+        separatorRect.SetRect(TPoint(xPos, separatorRect.iTl.iY), separatorRect.Size());
+        if (iDashedLineSeparatorInUse)
+        {
+            iSeparatorCenterRect = separatorRect;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            layoutRect = CSwtLafFacade::GetLayoutRect(CSwtLafFacade::ESeparatorVerticalPaneG1, separatorRect, 0);
+            iSeparatorHeadRect = layoutRect.Rect();
+            layoutRect = CSwtLafFacade::GetLayoutRect(CSwtLafFacade::ESeparatorVerticalPaneG2, separatorRect, 0);
+            iSeparatorCenterRect = layoutRect.Rect();
+            layoutRect = CSwtLafFacade::GetLayoutRect(CSwtLafFacade::ESeparatorVerticalPaneG3, separatorRect, 0);
+            iSeparatorTailRect = layoutRect.Rect();
+            // adjust seperator's height according to the height of the parent
+            if ((iSeparatorHeadRect.Height()
+                    + iSeparatorTailRect.Height()) > separatorRect.Height())
+            {
+                iSeparatorHeadRect = separatorRect;
+                iSeparatorHeadRect.iBr.iY  = separatorRect.Center().iY;
+                iSeparatorTailRect = separatorRect;
+                iSeparatorTailRect.iTl.iY  = iSeparatorHeadRect.iBr.iY;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        layoutRect = CSwtLafFacade::GetLayoutRect(CSwtLafFacade::ESeparatorHorizontalPane, rect, 0);
+        separatorRect =  layoutRect.Rect();
+        if (iDashedLineSeparatorInUse)
+        {
+            separatorRect.SetHeight(iSeparatorThickness);
+        }
+        // adjust seperator's height according to height of the parent
+        if (separatorRect.Height() > rect.Height())
+        {
+            separatorRect.iTl.iY = rect.iTl.iY;
+            separatorRect.iBr.iY = rect.iBr.iY;
+        }
+        // move to center
+        TInt yPos = rect.iTl.iY + Max(0,
+                                      (rect.Height() - separatorRect.Height()) / 2);
+        separatorRect.SetRect(TPoint(separatorRect.iTl.iX, yPos), separatorRect.Size());
+        if (iDashedLineSeparatorInUse)
+        {
+            iSeparatorCenterRect = separatorRect;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            layoutRect = CSwtLafFacade::GetLayoutRect(CSwtLafFacade::ESeparatorHorizontalPaneG1, separatorRect, 0);
+            iSeparatorHeadRect = layoutRect.Rect();
+            layoutRect = CSwtLafFacade::GetLayoutRect(CSwtLafFacade::ESeparatorHorizontalPaneG2, separatorRect, 0);
+            iSeparatorCenterRect = layoutRect.Rect();
+            layoutRect = CSwtLafFacade::GetLayoutRect(CSwtLafFacade::ESeparatorHorizontalPaneG3, separatorRect, 0);
+            iSeparatorTailRect = layoutRect.Rect();
+            // adjust seperator's width according to the width of the parent
+            if ((iSeparatorHeadRect.Width()
+                    + iSeparatorTailRect.Width()) > separatorRect.Width())
+            {
+                iSeparatorHeadRect = separatorRect;
+                iSeparatorHeadRect.iBr.iX  = separatorRect.Center().iX;
+                iSeparatorTailRect = separatorRect;
+                iSeparatorTailRect.iTl.iX  = iSeparatorHeadRect.iBr.iX;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return separatorRect;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::ResizeSeparatorImages
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void  CSwtLabel::ResizeSeparatorImages()
+    CalcAndUpdateSeparatorRect();
+    AknIconUtils::SetSize(iSeparatorHead,
+                          iSeparatorHeadRect.Size(), EAspectRatioNotPreserved);
+    AknIconUtils::SetSize(iSeparatorHeadMask,
+                          iSeparatorHeadRect.Size(), EAspectRatioNotPreserved);
+    AknIconUtils::SetSize(iSeparatorCenter,
+                          iSeparatorCenterRect.Size(), EAspectRatioNotPreserved);
+    AknIconUtils::SetSize(iSeparatorCenterMask,
+                          iSeparatorCenterRect.Size(), EAspectRatioNotPreserved);
+    AknIconUtils::SetSize(iSeparatorTail,
+                          iSeparatorTailRect.Size(), EAspectRatioNotPreserved);
+    AknIconUtils::SetSize(iSeparatorTailMask,
+                          iSeparatorTailRect.Size(), EAspectRatioNotPreserved);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::DefaultFont
+// From MSwtControl
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSwtLabel::SetFontL(const MSwtFont* aFont)
+    ASwtControlBase::DoSetFontL(aFont);
+    if (iEikLabel)
+    {
+        const MSwtFont* swtFont = GetFont();
+        ASSERT(swtFont != NULL);
+        const CFont& font = (swtFont->Font());
+        DoSetFontL(&font);
+    }
+    Redraw();
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::UpdateTextColor
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSwtLabel::UpdateTextColor()
+    // This method is used only when label has parent, that has gained focus
+    // highlight. In such case label gets focus highlight and text color
+    // has to be updated
+    if (iEikLabel)
+    {
+        TRgb color(0);
+        TInt err(KErrNone);
+        if (HasHighlight())
+        {
+            // Highlighted foreground color, overrides all others.
+            err = AknsUtils::GetCachedColor(AknsUtils::SkinInstance()
+                                            , color
+                                            , KAknsIIDQsnTextColors
+                                            , KHighlightedTextColor);
+        }
+        else if (iCustomFg)
+        {
+            // Custom foreground color, overrides the default.
+            color = iCustomFg->RgbValue();
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // Default foreground color.
+            err = AknsUtils::GetCachedColor(AknsUtils::SkinInstance()
+                                            , color
+                                            , KAknsIIDQsnTextColors
+                                            , KNonHighlightedTextColor);
+        }
+        if (err == KErrNone)
+        {
+            TRAP_IGNORE(iEikLabel->OverrideColorL(EColorLabelText, color));
+        }
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::HandleHighlightChange
+// From MSwtControl
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSwtLabel::HandleHighlightChange()
+    UpdateTextColor();
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::SetForegroundL
+// From MSwtControl
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSwtLabel::SetForegroundL(const MSwtColor* aColor)
+    ASwtControlBase::DoSetForegroundL(aColor);
+    SetColorL(EColorLabelText, aColor);
+    iCustomFg = aColor;
+    UpdateTextColor();
+    Redraw();
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::DefaultFont
+// From ASwtControlBase
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+const MSwtFont& CSwtLabel::DefaultFont() const
+    if (iDefaultFont != NULL)   // Implies iEikLabel != NULL
+        return *iDefaultFont;
+    return *iDisplay.Device().GetSystemFont();
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::Control
+// From MSwtLabel
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MSwtControl* CSwtLabel::Control()
+    return this;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::GetAlignment
+// From MSwtLabel
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+TInt CSwtLabel::GetAlignment() const
+    return iStyle & KSwtAlignmentMask;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::SetAlignment
+// From MSwtLabel
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSwtLabel::SetAlignment(TInt aAlignment)
+    ASSERT(!(iStyle & KSwtStyleSeparator));
+    TGulAlignment alignmentValueOS;
+    if (aAlignment == KSwtStyleCenter)         // Center
+    {
+        alignmentValueOS = EHCenterVCenter;
+    }
+    else if (aAlignment == KSwtStyleTrail)     // Trail
+    {
+        if ((iStyle & KSwtStyleRightToLeft)
+                || AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored())
+            alignmentValueOS = EHLeftVCenter;
+        else
+            alignmentValueOS = EHRightVCenter;
+    }
+    else                                    // Lead ( default )
+    {
+        ASSERT(aAlignment==KSwtStyleLead);
+        if (iStyle & KSwtStyleRightToLeft
+                || AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMirrored())
+            alignmentValueOS = EHRightVCenter;
+        else
+            alignmentValueOS = EHLeftVCenter;
+    }
+    iStyle &= ~KSwtAlignmentMask;
+    iStyle |= aAlignment;
+    if (iEikLabel != NULL)
+    {
+        iEikLabel->SetAlignment(alignmentValueOS);
+    }
+    Redraw();
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::SetImageL
+// From MSwtLabel
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSwtLabel::SetImageL(const MSwtImage* aImage)
+    ASSERT(!(iStyle & KSwtStyleSeparator));
+    ASSERT(!iSeparatorCenter);
+    if (iImage != NULL)
+        iImage->RemoveRef();
+    iImage = aImage;
+    TBool showText;
+    if (iImage != NULL)
+    {
+        iImage->AddRef();
+        showText = EFalse;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        showText = ETrue;
+    }
+    iEikLabel->MakeVisible(showText);   //lint !e613
+    Redraw();
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CSwtLabel::SetTextL
+// From MSwtLabel
+// NOTE! The text was already set on the Java side and that Label.getText() returns.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CSwtLabel::SetTextL(const TDesC& aText)
+    ASSERT(!(iStyle & KSwtStyleSeparator));
+    // Replace local copy of the text
+    delete iOriginalText;
+    iOriginalText = NULL;
+    iOriginalText = aText.AllocL();
+    iEikLabel->MakeVisible(ETrue);
+    // Count lines and cache result
+    TInt numberOfLines = 1;
+    TPtrC ptr = aText;
+    {
+        const TInt offset = ptr.Locate('\n');
+        if (offset < 0 || offset == ptr.Length() - 1)
+        {
+            break;
+        }
+        numberOfLines++;
+        ptr.Set(ptr.Mid(offset + 1));
+    }
+    iOriginalTextLineCount = numberOfLines;
+    // Wrap or clip text and set the result to CEikLabel
+    if (iStyle & KSwtStyleWrap)
+    {
+        WrapTextL(iEikLabel->Size());
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        ClipTextL(iEikLabel->Size().iWidth);
+    }
+    Redraw();