changeset 18 9ac0a0a7da70
parent 17 0fd27995241b
child 19 71c436fe3ce0
--- a/javatools/usersettingsconfigurator/src.s60/storagehandler.cpp	Tue May 11 16:07:20 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,652 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-#include <centralrepository.h>
-#include "storagehandler.h"
-#include "javastoragenames.h"
-#include "javastorage.h"
-#include "javastorageexception.h"
-#include "javasymbianoslayer.h"
-#include "javauid.h"
-#include <d32dbms.h>
-#include "logger.h"
-#include "j2me/midp2/security/MFunctionGroupBinding.h"
-#include "j2me/midp2/security/MExtendedProtectionDomain.h"
-#include "j2me/midp2/security/MFunctionGroup.h"
-#include "j2me/midp2/security/MPermission.h"
-#include "midletlist.h"
-#include "connectionmanager.h"
-_LIT(KUserDatabaseName,     "c:MIDP2SystemAMSUserV2");
-_LIT(KMSId,             "MSId");
-// security preferences table
-_LIT(KSecurityPreferencesIndexName,        "UserMSSecurityPreferencesIndex");
-_LIT(KSecurityPreferencesTableName,        "UserMSSecurityPreferences");
-_LIT(KSecureUid,        "secure[102045FE]");
-_LIT(KMSName,           "MSName");
-_LIT(KMSVendor,         "MSVendor");
-_LIT(KMSVersion,        "MSVersion");
-_LIT(KMSDomain,         "ProtectionDomain");
-_LIT(KMSSecurityPrefs,  "MSSecurityPrefs");
-// custom attributes table
-_LIT(KCustomAttributesTableName,    "MIDletProperties");
-_LIT(KCustomAttribsValue,            "Value");
-const TInt KSecurityPolicyFlags = 0x0200;
-_LIT(KSecurityPolicy, "midp2_rp");
-// This is in the private data cage of javausersettingsconfigurator
-_LIT(KMidletImportDirectory, "C:\\private\\20022E7A\\data\\");
-// Java access point CenRep Id
-const TInt KJavaAPNRepositoryUid = 0x10206EC5;
-// CenRep indicator to use the Java default APN
-const TInt KUseJavaDefaultAPN = -2;
-// CenRep key for Java default APN key-value pair
-const TUint32 KJavaDefaultAPNKey = KMaxTUint32;
-using namespace java::tools::usersettingsconfigurator;
-using namespace java::storage;
-using namespace java::util;
-using namespace MIDP;
-IMPORT_C MSecurityPolicyV2* GetSecurityPolicyL(TUint32 aFlags, const TDesC& aPolicyName);
-StorageHandler* StorageHandler::NewL()
-    StorageHandler* self = new(ELeave) StorageHandler();
-    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-    self->ConstructL();
-    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
-    return self;
-void StorageHandler::ConstructL()
-    User::LeaveIfError(iDbs.Connect());
-    User::LeaveIfError(iUserDb.Open(iDbs, KUserDatabaseName(), KSecureUid()));
-    User::LeaveIfError(iSecurityPreferencesTable.Open(iUserDb, KSecurityPreferencesTableName));
-    User::LeaveIfError(iSecurityPreferencesTable.SetIndex(KSecurityPreferencesIndexName));
-    User::LeaveIfError(iCustomAttributesTable.Open(iUserDb, KCustomAttributesTableName));
-    // security preferences column identifiers
-    CDbColSet* colSet = iSecurityPreferencesTable.ColSetL();
-    iSPNameColId            = colSet->ColNo(KMSName);
-    iSPVendorColId          = colSet->ColNo(KMSVendor);
-    iSPVersionColId         = colSet->ColNo(KMSVersion);
-    iSPDomainColId          = colSet->ColNo(KMSDomain);
-    iSPPreferencesColId     = colSet->ColNo(KMSSecurityPrefs);
-    iSPIdColId              = colSet->ColNo(KMSId);
-    // custom attributes column identifiers
-    colSet = iCustomAttributesTable.ColSetL();
-    iCAIdColId              = colSet->ColNo(KMSId);
-    iCAValueColId           = colSet->ColNo(KCustomAttribsValue);
-    delete colSet;
-    try
-    {
-        iStorage = JavaStorage::createInstance();
-        iStorage->open();
-    }
-    catch (JavaStorageException& aJse)
-    {
-        User::Leave(aJse.mStatus);
-    }
-    iSecurityPolicy = GetSecurityPolicyL(KSecurityPolicyFlags, KSecurityPolicy);
-void StorageHandler::ReadSecuritySettingsL(std::vector<MidletSuiteSecuritySettings*>& aMidletSuitesSecuritySettings)
-    TUint32 cnt = iSecurityPreferencesTable.CountL();
-    iSecurityPreferencesTable.BeginningL();
-    for (int i=0; i<cnt; i++)
-    {
-        iSecurityPreferencesTable.NextL();
-        iSecurityPreferencesTable.GetL();
-        // alloc the buffers
-        HBufC* name = HBufC::NewLC(iSecurityPreferencesTable.ColLength(iSPNameColId));
-        TPtr namePtr = name->Des();
-        HBufC* vendor = HBufC::NewLC(iSecurityPreferencesTable.ColLength(iSPVendorColId));
-        TPtr vendorPtr = vendor->Des();
-        HBufC* version = HBufC::NewLC(iSecurityPreferencesTable.ColLength(iSPVersionColId));
-        TPtr versionPtr = version->Des();
-        HBufC* domain = HBufC::NewLC(iSecurityPreferencesTable.ColLength(iSPDomainColId));
-        TPtr domainPtr = domain->Des();
-        HBufC8* securityPrefs = HBufC8::NewLC(iSecurityPreferencesTable.ColLength(iSPPreferencesColId));
-        TPtr8 securityPrefsPtr = securityPrefs->Des();
-        TUint32 suiteUid = iSecurityPreferencesTable.ColUint32(iSPIdColId);
-        // fill in the buffers
-        RDbColReadStream in;
-        in.OpenL(iSecurityPreferencesTable, iSPNameColId);
-        in.ReadL(namePtr,  iSecurityPreferencesTable.ColLength(iSPNameColId));
-        in.Close();
-        in.OpenL(iSecurityPreferencesTable, iSPVendorColId);
-        in.ReadL(vendorPtr,  iSecurityPreferencesTable.ColLength(iSPVendorColId));
-        in.Close();
-        in.OpenL(iSecurityPreferencesTable, iSPVersionColId);
-        in.ReadL(versionPtr,  iSecurityPreferencesTable.ColLength(iSPVersionColId));
-        in.Close();
-        in.OpenL(iSecurityPreferencesTable, iSPDomainColId);
-        in.ReadL(domainPtr,  iSecurityPreferencesTable.ColLength(iSPDomainColId));
-        in.Close();
-        in.OpenL(iSecurityPreferencesTable, iSPPreferencesColId);
-        in.ReadL(securityPrefsPtr,  iSecurityPreferencesTable.ColLength(iSPPreferencesColId));
-        in.Close();
-        // process the buffers
-        std::wstring suiteName((wchar_t*) name->Ptr(), name->Length());
-        std::wstring suiteVendor((wchar_t*) vendor->Ptr(), vendor->Length());
-        std::wstring suiteVersion((wchar_t*) version->Ptr(), version->Length());
-        std::string prefs((char *) securityPrefs->Ptr(), securityPrefs->Length());
-        std::wstring securitySettingsName = L"";
-        std::wstring currentInteractionMode = L"";
-        std::vector<SecuritySettings*> securitySettings;
-        DecodeSecuritySettingsL(domainPtr, std::string((char *) securityPrefs->Ptr(), securityPrefs->Length()), securitySettings);
-        if (securitySettings.size() > 0)
-        {
-            MidletSuiteSecuritySettings* suiteSecuritySettings =
-                new MidletSuiteSecuritySettings(suiteUid, suiteName, suiteVendor, suiteVersion);
-            suiteSecuritySettings->iSecuritySettings = securitySettings;
-            aMidletSuitesSecuritySettings.push_back(suiteSecuritySettings);
-        }
-        // free the buffers
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(securityPrefs);
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(domain);
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(version);
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(vendor);
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(name);
-    }
-void StorageHandler::WriteSecuritySettingsL(const std::vector<MidletSuiteSecuritySettings*>& aMidletSuitesSecuritySettings)
-    for (int i=0; i<aMidletSuitesSecuritySettings.size(); i++)
-    {
-        try
-        {
-            // get the UID of the suite
-            JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t query;
-            JavaStorageApplicationList_t queryResult;
-            JavaStorageEntry attr;
-            std::wstring midletSuiteUid = L"";
-            attr.setEntry(ID, L"");
-            query.insert(attr);
-            attr.setEntry(PACKAGE_NAME, aMidletSuitesSecuritySettings[i]->iName);
-            query.insert(attr);
-            attr.setEntry(VENDOR, aMidletSuitesSecuritySettings[i]->iVendor);
-            query.insert(attr);
-            attr.setEntry(VERSION, aMidletSuitesSecuritySettings[i]->iVersion);
-            query.insert(attr);
-            iStorage->search(APPLICATION_PACKAGE_TABLE, query, queryResult);
-            findEntry(queryResult, ID, midletSuiteUid);
-            if (midletSuiteUid.size() > 0)
-            {
-                // write the currentInteractionMode
-                for (int j=0; j<aMidletSuitesSecuritySettings[i]->iSecuritySettings.size(); j++)
-                {
-                    // check that the function group exists and the current
-                    // interaction mode is found among the allowed interaction modes
-                    JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t fgQuery;
-                    JavaStorageApplicationList_t fgQueryResult;
-                    attr.setEntry(ID, midletSuiteUid);
-                    fgQuery.insert(attr);
-                    attr.setEntry(FUNCTION_GROUP, aMidletSuitesSecuritySettings[i]->iSecuritySettings[j]->iName);
-                    fgQuery.insert(attr);
-                    attr.setEntry(ALLOWED_SETTINGS, L"");
-                    fgQuery.insert(attr);
-                    std::wstring allowedInteractionModes = L"";
-                    iStorage->search(MIDP_FUNC_GRP_SETTINGS_TABLE, fgQuery, fgQueryResult);
-                    findEntry(fgQueryResult, ALLOWED_SETTINGS, allowedInteractionModes);
-                    if (IsInteractionModeAllowed(aMidletSuitesSecuritySettings[i]->iSecuritySettings[j]->iCurrentInteractionMode,
-                                                 allowedInteractionModes))
-                    {
-                        JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t newEntry;
-                        JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t oldEntry;
-                        attr.setEntry(ID, midletSuiteUid);
-                        newEntry.insert(attr);
-                        oldEntry.insert(attr);
-                        attr.setEntry(FUNCTION_GROUP, aMidletSuitesSecuritySettings[i]->iSecuritySettings[j]->iName);
-                        newEntry.insert(attr);
-                        oldEntry.insert(attr);
-                        attr.setEntry(CURRENT_SETTING, aMidletSuitesSecuritySettings[i]->iSecuritySettings[j]->iCurrentInteractionMode);
-                        newEntry.insert(attr);
-                        iStorage->update(MIDP_FUNC_GRP_SETTINGS_TABLE, newEntry, oldEntry);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        catch (JavaStorageException& aJse)
-        {
-            ELOG1(EJavaConverters, "Can not write security settings to storage: %s", aJse.toString().c_str());
-        }
-    }
-void StorageHandler::ReadCustomAttributesL(std::vector<MidletSuiteCustomAttributes*>& aMidletSuitesCustomAttributes)
-    TUint32 cnt = iCustomAttributesTable.CountL();
-    iCustomAttributesTable.BeginningL();
-    for (int i=0; i<cnt; i++)
-    {
-        iCustomAttributesTable.NextL();
-        iCustomAttributesTable.GetL();
-        TUint32 suiteUid = iCustomAttributesTable.ColUint32(iCAIdColId);
-        HBufC8* customAttribs = HBufC8::NewLC(iCustomAttributesTable.ColLength(iCAValueColId));
-        TPtr8 customAttribsPtr = customAttribs->Des();
-        RDbColReadStream in;
-        in.OpenL(iCustomAttributesTable, iCAValueColId);
-        in.ReadL(customAttribsPtr,  iCustomAttributesTable.ColLength(iCAValueColId));
-        in.Close();
-        // the custom attributes are stored in the following form:
-        //       attrib_count attrib1_name_length attrib1_name attrib1_value_length attrib1_value ...
-        // where attrib_count is 4 bytes
-        //       attribX_name_length is 4 bytes
-        //       attribX_name is multiple of 4
-        //       attribX_value_length is 4 bytes
-        //       attribX_value is multiple of 4 with first 4 bytes as a flag applicable to the value
-        //                     and the rest of the bytes the actual value
-        const TUint8* ptr     = customAttribs->Ptr() + 4;
-        TUint32 attrib_count =  *((TUint32*)customAttribs->Ptr());
-        for (TUint32 i = 0; i < attrib_count; i++)
-        {
-            TPtrC attrib_name;
-            TPtrC attrib_value;
-            // read the attrib_name_length and move the pointer further
-            TUint32 attrib_name_length     = *((TUint32*)ptr);
-            ptr += 4;
-            // read the attrib_name and move the pointer further
-            attrib_name.Set((const TUint16*)ptr, attrib_name_length);
-            // skip everything until we hit the multiple of 4 bytes
-            ptr += ((2 * attrib_name_length + (4 - ((2 * attrib_name_length) % 4))));
-            // read the attrib_value_length and move the pointer further
-            TUint32 attrib_value_length     = *((TUint32*)ptr);
-            // skip the 8 bytes (4 bytes for the length and another 4 bytes for the the flag associated with the value)
-            ptr += 8;
-            // read the attrib_value and move the pointer further
-            attrib_value.Set((const TUint16*)ptr, ((2*attrib_value_length) - 4)/2);
-            // skip everything until we hit the multiple of 4 bytes
-            ptr += ((2 * attrib_value_length + (4 - ((2 * attrib_value_length) % 4))));
-            // map the value to the value known by omj
-            CustomAttribute* customAttribute = NULL;
-            if (attrib_value.Compare(_L("gameactions")) == 0)
-            {
-                customAttribute = new CustomAttribute(
-                    std::wstring((wchar_t*)attrib_name.Ptr(),
-                                 attrib_name.Length()),
-                    L"1");
-            }
-            else if (attrib_value.Compare(_L("no")) == 0)
-            {
-                customAttribute = new CustomAttribute(
-                    std::wstring((wchar_t*)attrib_name.Ptr(),
-                                 attrib_name.Length()),
-                    L"0");
-            }
-            else if (attrib_value.Compare(_L("navigationkeys")) == 0)
-            {
-                customAttribute = new CustomAttribute(
-                    std::wstring((wchar_t*)attrib_name.Ptr(),
-                                 attrib_name.Length()),
-                    L"2");
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                // unknown value -> ignore
-                continue;
-            }
-            std::vector<CustomAttribute*> customAttributes;
-            customAttributes.push_back(customAttribute);
-            MidletSuiteCustomAttributes* suiteCustomAttributes =
-                new MidletSuiteCustomAttributes(suiteUid);
-            suiteCustomAttributes->iCustomAttributes = customAttributes;
-            aMidletSuitesCustomAttributes.push_back(suiteCustomAttributes);
-        }
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(customAttribs);
-    }
-void StorageHandler::WriteCustomAttributesL(const std::vector<MidletSuiteCustomAttributes*>& aMidletSuitesCustomAttributes)
-    for (int i=0; i<aMidletSuitesCustomAttributes.size(); i++)
-    {
-        for (int j=0; j<aMidletSuitesCustomAttributes[i]->iCustomAttributes.size(); j++)
-        {
-            try
-            {
-                if (aMidletSuitesCustomAttributes[i]->iCustomAttributes[j]->iName
-                        != L"Nokia-MIDlet-On-Screen-Keypad")
-                {
-                    continue;
-                }
-                // try to update the value
-                TUid tuid;
-                tuid.iUid = aMidletSuitesCustomAttributes[i]->iUid;
-                Uid uid;
-                TUidToUid(tuid, uid);
-                JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t oldEntry;
-                JavaStorageEntry attr;
-                attr.setEntry(ID, uid.toString());
-                oldEntry.insert(attr);
-                JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t entry;
-                attr.setEntry(ON_SCREEN_KEYPAD, aMidletSuitesCustomAttributes[i]->iCustomAttributes[j]->iValue);
-                entry.insert(attr);
-                iStorage->update(MIDP_PACKAGE_TABLE, entry, oldEntry);
-            }
-            catch (JavaStorageException& aJse)
-            {
-                ELOG1(EJavaConverters, "Can not write custom attributes to storage: %s", aJse.toString().c_str());
-            }
-        }
-    }
-void StorageHandler::readMidletSuitesPropertiesL(std::vector<MidletSuiteSecuritySettings*>& aMidletSuitesSecuritySettings, std::vector<MidletSuiteCustomAttributes*>& aMidletSuitesCustomAttributes)
-    // read security settings
-    ReadSecuritySettingsL(aMidletSuitesSecuritySettings);
-    // read custom attributes
-    ReadCustomAttributesL(aMidletSuitesCustomAttributes);
-void StorageHandler::writeMidletSuitePropertiesL(const std::vector<MidletSuiteSecuritySettings*>& aMidletSuitesSecuritySettings, const std::vector<MidletSuiteCustomAttributes*>& aMidletSuitesCustomAttributes)
-    // write security settings
-    WriteSecuritySettingsL(aMidletSuitesSecuritySettings);
-    // write custom attributes
-    WriteCustomAttributesL(aMidletSuitesCustomAttributes);
-void StorageHandler::convertAPNSettingsL() const
-    TFileName dataFile(KMidletImportDirectory);
-    dataFile.Append(KMidletExportDataFileName);
-    TUint attributes;
-    RFs fs;
-    TInt err = fs.Connect();
-    if (KErrNone != err)
-    {
-        ELOG1(EJavaConverters, "Cannot open RFs connection, err %d ", err);
-        return;
-    }
-    err = fs.Att(dataFile, attributes);
-    if (KErrNone != err)
-    {
-        ELOG1(EJavaConverters, "Cannot handle imported file: %d ", err);
-        fs.Close();
-        return;
-    }
-    TFileName importDirectory(KMidletImportDirectory);
-    CMidletList* midlets = new(ELeave) CMidletList();
-    TRAP(err, midlets->ImportListL(fs, importDirectory));
-    if (err == KErrNone)
-    {
-        TUid repUid = TUid::Uid(KJavaAPNRepositoryUid);
-        std::auto_ptr<CRepository> rep(CRepository::NewL(repUid));
-        JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t matchEntry;
-        JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t updateEntry;
-        JavaStorageEntry attr;
-        for (TInt i = 0; i < midlets->Count(); i++)
-        {
-            const CMidletInfo* oneApp = midlets->GetNext();
-            TInt apnId = -1;
-            TInt err = rep->Get(oneApp->GetSuiteId(), apnId);
-            if (KErrNone != err)
-            {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (KUseJavaDefaultAPN == apnId)
-            {
-                rep->Get(KJavaDefaultAPNKey, apnId);
-            }
-            matchEntry.clear();
-            updateEntry.clear();
-            try
-            {
-                java::util::Uid appUid;
-                JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t foundEntry;
-                iStorage->read(APPLICATION_TABLE,
-                               TUidToUid(oneApp->GetMidletUid(), appUid), foundEntry);
-                attr.setEntry(PACKAGE_ID, L"");
-                JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t::const_iterator finder
-                = foundEntry.find(attr);
-                java::util::Uid suiteUid((*finder).entryValue());
-                ConnectionManager::setApnIdL(suiteUid, apnId);
-            }
-            catch (JavaStorageException& jse)
-            {
-                ELOG2(EJavaConverters,
-                      "Cannot write APN Id: %d of App: %d",
-                      apnId,
-                      oneApp->GetMidletUid().iUid);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    midlets->ResetAndDestroy();
-    fs.Delete(dataFile);
-    fs.Close();
-    LOG(EJavaConverters, EInfo, "APNs converted");
-    iSecurityPreferencesTable.Close();
-    iCustomAttributesTable.Close();
-    iUserDb.Close();
-    iDbs.Close();
-    if (iStorage)
-    {
-        iStorage->close();
-        delete iStorage;
-        iStorage = NULL;
-    }
-    delete iSecurityPolicy;
-void StorageHandler::DecodeSecuritySettingsL(const TDesC& aProtectionDomain, const std::string& aEncodedSecuritySettings, std::vector<SecuritySettings*>& aSecuritySettings)
-    int BITS_PER_BYTE = 8;
-    int BITS_PER_GROUP = 2;
-    RPointerArray<const MFunctionGroupBinding>  bindings;
-    if (aProtectionDomain.Length() > 0)
-    {
-        iSecurityPolicy->ProtectionDomainL(aProtectionDomain).FunctionGroupBindingsL(bindings);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        iSecurityPolicy->UntrustedProtectionDomainL().FunctionGroupBindingsL(bindings);
-    }
-    TInt count = bindings.Count();
-    for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
-    {
-        const MFunctionGroupBinding& binding = *(bindings[i]);
-        HBufC* name = binding.FunctionGroup().Name().AllocLC();
-        std::wstring securitySettingsName = L"";
-        std::wstring currentInteractionMode = L"";
-        // mape the current interaction mode
-        // try to read it from the encoded string -> if it fails, then go on with the default
-        TInt    byteIndex = (i * BITS_PER_GROUP) / BITS_PER_BYTE;
-        TInt    bitIndex  = (i - (byteIndex * GROUPS_PER_BYTE)) * BITS_PER_GROUP;
-        if (byteIndex < aEncodedSecuritySettings.size())
-        {
-            switch (((aEncodedSecuritySettings[byteIndex] >> bitIndex) & 3))
-            {
-            case 1:
-                // blanket
-                currentInteractionMode = L"3";
-                break;
-            case 2:
-                // oneshot
-                currentInteractionMode = L"1";
-                break;
-            case 3:
-                // session
-                currentInteractionMode = L"2";
-                break;
-            default:
-                // denied
-                currentInteractionMode = L"4";
-            }
-        }
-        if (currentInteractionMode.size() == 0)
-        {
-            // get the default one from the legacy policy
-            switch (binding.DefaultInteractionMode())
-            {
-            case MPermission::EDenied:
-                currentInteractionMode = L"4";
-                break;
-            case MPermission::EBlanket:
-                currentInteractionMode = L"3";
-                break;
-            case MPermission::EOneshot:
-                currentInteractionMode = L"1";
-                break;
-            case MPermission::ESession:
-                currentInteractionMode = L"2";
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if (currentInteractionMode.size() > 0)
-        {
-            aSecuritySettings.push_back(new SecuritySettings(
-                                            std::wstring((wchar_t*) name->Ptr(), name->Length()), currentInteractionMode));
-        }
-        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(name);
-    }
-    bindings.Close();
-bool StorageHandler::IsInteractionModeAllowed(const std::wstring& aInteractionMode, const std::wstring& aAllowedInteractionModes)
-    bool res = false;
-    if (aAllowedInteractionModes.size() > 0)
-    {
-        int interactionMode = JavaCommonUtils::wstringToInt(aInteractionMode);
-        // 1 = ONESHOT, 2 = SESSION, 3 = BLANKET, 4 = NO
-        int allowedInteractionModes = JavaCommonUtils::wstringToInt(aAllowedInteractionModes);
-        // allowedInteraction is a 4 bit number with the following representation:
-        //     oneshot session blanket no
-        // E.g. 1011 (=11 in decimal) means that oneshot, blanket and no are allowed
-        bool oneshotAllowed = ((allowedInteractionModes & 0x8) == 0x8);
-        bool sessionAllowed = ((allowedInteractionModes & 0x4) == 0x4);
-        bool blanketAllowed = ((allowedInteractionModes & 0x2) == 0x2);
-        bool noAllowed = ((allowedInteractionModes & 0x1) == 0x1);
-        res = (interactionMode == 1 && oneshotAllowed)
-              || (interactionMode == 2 && sessionAllowed)
-              || (interactionMode == 3 && blanketAllowed)
-              || (interactionMode == 4 && noAllowed);
-    }
-    return res;
-void StorageHandler::findEntry(const JavaStorageApplicationList_t& queryResult,
-                               const std::wstring& eName,
-                               std::wstring& eValue)
-    if (queryResult.size() > 0)
-    {
-        JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t entry = queryResult.front();
-        JavaStorageEntry findPattern;
-        findPattern.setEntry(eName, L"");
-        JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t::const_iterator findIterator =
-            entry.find(findPattern);
-        if (findIterator != entry.end())
-        {
-            eValue = findIterator->entryValue();
-        }
-    }
-MidletSuiteSecuritySettings::MidletSuiteSecuritySettings(const TUint32& aUid,
-        const std::wstring& aName,
-        const std::wstring& aVendor,
-        const std::wstring& aVersion)
-        : iUid(aUid), iName(aName), iVendor(aVendor), iVersion(aVersion)
-SecuritySettings::SecuritySettings(const std::wstring& aName,
-                                   const std::wstring& aCurrentInteractionMode)
-        : iName(aName), iCurrentInteractionMode(aCurrentInteractionMode)
-SecuritySettings& SecuritySettings::operator=(const SecuritySettings& aSecuritySettings)
-    iName = aSecuritySettings.iName;
-    iCurrentInteractionMode = aSecuritySettings.iCurrentInteractionMode;
-    return *this;
-        : iName(L""), iCurrentInteractionMode(L"")
-CustomAttribute::CustomAttribute(const std::wstring& aName,
-                                 const std::wstring& aValue)
-        : iName(aName), iValue(aValue)
-CustomAttribute& CustomAttribute::operator=(const CustomAttribute& aCustomAttribute)
-    iName = aCustomAttribute.iName;
-    iValue = aCustomAttribute.iValue;
-    return *this;
-        : iName(L""), iValue(L"")
-MidletSuiteCustomAttributes::MidletSuiteCustomAttributes(const TUint32& aMidletSuiteUid)
-        : iUid(aMidletSuiteUid)