changeset 18 9ac0a0a7da70
parent 17 0fd27995241b
child 19 71c436fe3ce0
--- a/javauis/mmapi_qt/audiostreaming/src.mmf/cmmaaudiostreamplayer.cpp	Tue May 11 16:07:20 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:  This class is used for streaming audio.
-#include <mmf/server/mmfdes.h>
-#include <audiopreference.h>
-#include <logger.h>
-#include "CMMAAudioStreamPlayer.h"
-#include "CMMADataSourceStream.h"
-#include "MMAFunctionServer.h"
-#include "CMMAStreamHandler.h"
-const TInt KPlayerPriority = KAudioPriorityRecording;
-_LIT(KMMAStreamErrorMessage, "Internal error: %d");
-// Uid must be same as in S60StreamingSourceUIDs.hrh which is not exported from
-// EnhancedAudioPlayerUtility/AudioStreaming/AudioStreamingSource.
-const TUid KMMAMmfS60StreamingSourceUid = { 0x10207AF3 };
-CMMAAudioStreamPlayer* CMMAAudioStreamPlayer::NewLC(
-    CMMAMMFResolver* aResolver)
-    CMMAAudioStreamPlayer* self = new(ELeave) CMMAAudioStreamPlayer(aResolver);
-    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-    self->ConstructL();
-    return self;
-    delete iStreamHandler;
-    CMMAMMFResolver* aResolver):
-        CMMAAudioPlayer(aResolver)
-void CMMAAudioStreamPlayer::ConstructL()
-    CMMAAudioPlayer::ConstructL();
-    iStreamHandler = CMMAStreamHandler::NewL(*this, iController);
-TInt CMMAAudioStreamPlayer::DoOpen(TUid aSourceUid,
-                                   const TDesC8& aSourceData,
-                                   TUid aSinkUid,
-                                   const TDesC8& aSinkData,
-                                   TMMFPrioritySettings aPrioritySettings)
-    // Make sure any existing controller is closed.
-    iEventMonitor->Cancel();
-    iController.Close();
-    // Try opening and configuring each controller in turn
-    TInt error = KErrNotSupported;
-    TInt index = 0;
-    // Try controllers until found a good controller or out of list
-    while ((error != KErrNone) &&
-            (index < iControllerInfos->Count()))
-    {
-        // Open the controller
-        error = iController.Open((*iControllerInfos)[ index ]->Uid(),
-                                 aPrioritySettings);
-        // If the controller was opened without error, start receiving events from it.
-        if (!error)
-        {
-            iEventMonitor->Start();
-            // Add the data source to the controller.
-            error = iController.AddDataSource(aSourceUid,
-                                              aSourceData,
-                                              iStreamHandler->MessageDestination());
-        }
-        // Add the data sink
-        if (!error)
-        {
-            error = iController.AddDataSink(aSinkUid, aSinkData);
-        }
-        // If an error occurred in any of the above, close the controller.
-        if (error)
-        {
-            iEventMonitor->Cancel();
-            iController.Close();
-        }
-        index++;
-    }
-    return error;
-CMMASourceStream* CMMAAudioStreamPlayer::AddSourceStreamL(JNIEnv* aJNIEnv,
-        MMAFunctionServer* aEventSource,
-        jobject aReader)
-    CMMADataSourceStream* sourceStream = CMMADataSourceStream::NewLC(aJNIEnv,
-                                         aEventSource,
-                                         aReader,
-                                         this);
-    User::LeaveIfError(iSourceStreams.Append(sourceStream));
-    CleanupStack::Pop(sourceStream);
-    iStreamHandler->SetSourceStream(sourceStream);
-    return sourceStream;
-void CMMAAudioStreamPlayer::PrefetchL()
-    __ASSERT_DEBUG(iSourceStreams.Count() > 0, User::Invariant());
-    // player priority settings
-    TMMFPrioritySettings prioritySettings;
-    prioritySettings.iPriority = KPlayerPriority;
-    prioritySettings.iPref = EMdaPriorityPreferenceTimeAndQuality;
-    prioritySettings.iState = EMMFStatePlaying;
-    User::LeaveIfError(DoOpen(KMMAMmfS60StreamingSourceUid,
-                              KNullDesC8,
-                              KUidMmfAudioOutput,
-                              KNullDesC8,
-                              prioritySettings));
-    iStreamHandler->PrepareL();
-void CMMAAudioStreamPlayer::StartL()
-    // If the player is in Prefetched state then it is implied that it has read "KMMAStreamRequestBufferSize"
-    // and it can be played
-    LOG1(EJavaMMAPI,EInfo,"CMMAAudioStreamPlayer::StartL() , state = %d",iState);
-    if (iState == EPrefetched)
-    {
-        TInt64 time;
-        GetMediaTime(&time);
-        // inform java side
-        PostLongEvent(CMMAPlayerEvent::EStarted, time);
-        // go to started state
-        ChangeState(EStarted);
-        PostActionCompleted(KErrNone);   // java start return
-    }
-    iStreamHandler->StartL();
-void CMMAAudioStreamPlayer::StopL(TBool aPostEvent)
-    LOG1( EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "CMMAAudioStreamPlayer::Stop state %d", iState);
-    if (iState == EStarted)
-    {
-        User::LeaveIfError(Pause());
-        // go back to prefetched state
-        ChangeState(EPrefetched);
-        if (aPostEvent)
-        {
-            TInt64 time;
-            GetMediaTime(&time);
-            PostLongEvent(CMMAPlayerEvent::EStopped, time);
-        }
-    }
-    LOG( EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "CMMAAudioStreamPlayer::Stop OK");
-TInt CMMAAudioStreamPlayer::Pause()
-    iStreamHandler->Pause();
-    return iController.Pause();
-void CMMAAudioStreamPlayer::PlayCompleteL(TInt aError)
-    ELOG1( EJavaMMAPI, "MMA::CMMAAudioStreamPlayer::PlayCompleteL error %d",
-              aError);
-    // Before controller is started it must be primed
-    iControllerPrimed = EFalse;
-    TInt64 time;
-    GetDuration(&time);
-    // Send 'Stopped' only when stop() is called.
-    PostLongEvent(CMMAPlayerEvent::EEndOfMedia, time);
-    ChangeState(EPrefetched);   // ready to play again
-    if (aError == KErrNone)
-    {
-        iRepeatCount++;
-        if (iRepeatForever || iRepeatCount < iRepeatNumberOfTimes)
-        {
-            StartL();
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            iRepeatCount = 0;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // error has occured, setting correct number of
-        // repeats for next start
-        SetLoopCount(iRepeatNumberOfTimes);
-    }
-void CMMAAudioStreamPlayer::GetDuration(TInt64* aDuration)
-    CMMAPlayer::GetDuration(aDuration);
-void CMMAAudioStreamPlayer::PrepareComplete(TInt aError)
-    ELOG1( EJavaMMAPI, "MMA::CMMAAudioStreamPlayer::PrepareComplete error %d",
-              aError);
-    if (aError == KErrNone)
-    {
-        ChangeState(EPrefetched);
-    }
-    PostActionCompleted(aError);   // java prefetch return
-void CMMAAudioStreamPlayer::StartComplete(TInt aError)
-    ELOG1( EJavaMMAPI, "MMA::CMMAAudioStreamPlayer::StartComplete error %d",
-              aError);
-    // do not start if player is deallocated or closed
-    // RateControl start can start controller in started state
-    if ((iState != EStarted) &&
-            (iState != EPrefetched))
-    {
-        return;
-    }
-    TInt err = aError;
-    if (!iControllerPrimed)
-    {
-        // Prime must be called when player is started first time or restarted
-        LOG( EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "MMA::CMMAAudioStreamPlayer::StartComplete PRIME");
-        err = iController.Prime();
-        iControllerPrimed = ETrue;
-        ELOG1( EJavaMMAPI, "MMA::CMMAAudioStreamPlayer::StartComplete prime error %d",
-                  err);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        err = KErrNone;
-    }
-    TInt64 time;
-    if (err == KErrNone)
-    {
-        // must be primed before media time can be get
-        GetMediaTime(&time);
-        err = iController.Play();
-        ELOG1( EJavaMMAPI, "MMA::CMMAAudioStreamPlayer::StartComplete play error %d",
-                  err);
-    }
-    // RateControl can start controller in started state, then Java event is
-    // not sent
-    if (err == KErrNone && iState != EStarted)
-    { // move to started state and post started event
-        PostLongEvent(CMMAPlayerEvent::EStarted, time);
-        ChangeState(EStarted);
-    }
-    else
-    { // post error event
-        HandleError(aError);
-    }
-void CMMAAudioStreamPlayer::HandleError(TInt aError)
-    ELOG1( EJavaMMAPI, "MMA::CMMAAudioStreamPlayer::HandleError error %d",
-              aError);
-    TName errorMessage;
-    errorMessage.Format(KMMAStreamErrorMessage, aError);
-    PostStringEvent(CMMAPlayerEvent::EError, errorMessage);