--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/javauis/mmapi_qt/baseline/inc/cmmadisplay.h Tue Aug 31 15:09:22 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: This class implements MMMADisplay
+//#include <reflcdui.h>
+#include "mmmadisplay.h"
+#include "mmafunctionserver.h"
+#include "qwidget.h"
+#include "jni.h"
+#include "jutils.h"
+#include "mmmaguiplayer.h"
+class MMMADisplayWindow;
+* This class implements MMMADisplay
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CMMADisplay): public CBase,public MMMADisplay
+ /*,
+ public MDirectContent*/
+ // Constructors and destructors
+ ~CMMADisplay(); // Destructor ()
+protected: // Constructors and destructors
+ // Default constructor, protected to allow derivation
+ CMMADisplay();
+ void Construct(MMAFunctionServer* eventSource ,JNIEnv* aJni, jobject javadisplayref);
+public: // Methods derived from MMMADisplay
+ void DrawFrameL(const CFbsBitmap* aBitmap);
+ TSize DisplaySize();
+ void SetDisplaySizeL(const TSize& aSize);
+ void SetVisible(TBool aValue);
+ void SetWindowL(MMMADisplayWindow* aWindow);
+ MMMADisplayWindow* Window();
+ TBool IsVisible();
+ TBool IsFullScreen();
+ virtual void SetForeground(TBool aIsForeground, TBool aUseEventServer);
+ void SourceSizeChanged(const TSize& aSourceSize);
+ void SetUIPlayer(MMMAGuiPlayer* player);
+ TSize SourceSize();
+ virtual void SourceSizeChanged(TInt aJavaControlWidth, TInt aJavaControlHeight,TInt x,TInt y, TRect aBoundsRect) = 0;
+ TBool iseSWT();
+ void SetFullscreenSize(TSize& aSize);
+ /**
+ * Gets notification that there is container to draw assigned
+ *
+ * @return ETrue if container have been set
+ * EFalse if container is not set
+ */
+ virtual TBool HasContainer();
+ /**
+ * Gets resources necessary to start DirectScreenAccess
+ * Doesn't run in mmapi event server thread!
+ *
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ * @param "aConsumer" A consumer of callback
+ * @param "aThreadType" Indicates the thread type (UI or MMAPI)
+ */
+ // void UIGetDSAResources(
+ // MUiEventConsumer& aConsumer,
+ // MMMADisplay::TThreadType aThreadType);
+ /**
+ * Invokes a callback in UI thread
+ *
+ * @since S60 v5.0
+ * @param "aConsumer" A consumer of callback
+ * @param "aCallbackId" A number identifying the callback
+ */
+ //virtual void UIGetCallback(
+ // MUiEventConsumer& aConsumer,
+ // TInt aCallbackId);
+public: // Methods derived from MDirectContent
+ /**
+ * Not used method.
+ */
+ // virtual void MdcContainerWindowChangedL(RWindow* aWindow);
+ /**
+ * Same functionality is shared in canvas and item displays.
+ */
+ // virtual void MdcContainerVisibilityChanged(TBool aVisible);
+ /**
+ * Default implementation, panics in debug build. Must be written in
+ * derived classes if needed.
+ */
+ // virtual void MdcItemContentRectChanged(const TRect& aContentRect,
+// const TRect& aScreenRect);
+ /**
+ * Notify content that container is about to be destoryed.
+ */
+ // virtual void MdcContainerDestroyed();
+ /**
+ * Notify player's window that any drawing
+ * via direct screen access must be aborted
+ */
+ // void MdcAbortDSA();
+ /**
+ * Allow player's window to draw
+ * via direct screen access after MdcAbortDSA
+ */
+ // void MdcResumeDSA();
+protected:// New Methods
+ /**
+ * Scales drawarea to full screen. Aspect ratio of the source size
+ * will be maintained.
+ */
+ TRect ScaleToFullScreen(const TSize& aFullScreenSize,
+ const TSize& aSourceSize);
+ /**
+ * Set clipping region to LCDUI UI component according
+ * to current window drawrect so that the LCDUI component
+ * does not paint over the area that is occupied by video.
+ * Based on current visibility of video image, this method
+ * either sets or removes the clipping region.
+ * LCDUI component is then redrawn.
+ */
+ void SetClippingRegion();
+ /**
+ * MMAPI_UI 3.x req
+ * set content bound to eSWT control
+ */
+ void SetContentBoundToJavaControl(const TRect& aRect);
+ /**
+ * Remove currently set clip region and refresh canvas
+ */
+ void RemoveClippingRegion();
+ /**
+ * MMAPI_UI 3.x req
+ * removes content bound from eSWT control
+ */
+ void RemoveContentBoundFromJavaControl(const TRect& aRect);
+ /**
+ * Add clip region
+ */
+ void AddClippingRegion();
+ /**
+ * MMAPI_UI 3.x req
+ * Redraw the java side eSWT control
+ */
+ void RefreshJavaControl();
+ /**
+ * MMAPI_UI 3.x req
+ * Reset the rectangle dimension in eSWT control
+ */
+ void ResetJavaRectObject(const TRect& aRect);
+ /**
+ * Handling the change in container visibility
+ */
+ void HandleContainerVisibilityChanged( TBool aVisible );
+ /**
+ * called from java when shell visibility gets change
+ */
+ void SetContainerVisibility(TBool aValue);
+ /**
+ * called from java to set the window resources
+ */
+ void SetWindowResources(QWidget* qtWidget);
+ /**
+ * Trigger a function call CalledBackInUiThread() from java in UI thread
+ * arg 'placeholder' is used to identify the function, to be called back from UI Thread
+ */
+ void GetCallbackInUiThread(TInt placeholder);
+ /**
+ * Called from java in UI thread context
+ * arg 'placeholder' is used to identify the function, to be called back from UI Thread
+ */
+ void CalledBackInUiThread(TInt placeholder);
+ void SetSourceSizeToDisplay(const TSize& aSourceSize);
+ void SetDisplayPosition(TInt uiControlLocationX,TInt uiControlLocationY,TInt videoControlLocationX,TInt videoControlLocationY);
+protected: // Data
+ /**
+ * Not owned.
+ * Actual drawing place of the content.
+ */
+ MMMADisplayWindow* iWindow;
+ /**
+ * Source contents size.
+ */
+ TSize iSourceSize;
+ /**
+ * Indicates visibility set from from Java.
+ */
+ TBool iVisible;
+ /**
+ * Screenmode set from Java.
+ */
+ TBool iFullScreen;
+ /**
+ * Is native container visible.
+ */
+ TBool iContainerVisible;
+ /**
+ * Draw rect set from java.
+ */
+ TRect iUserRect;
+ /**
+ * Not owned, obtained from lcdui components.
+ */
+ //MDirectContainer* iDirectContainer;
+ /**
+ * Clip rectangle currently set to LCDUI.
+ * NOTE: need to be removed at last during destruction phase!
+ */
+ TRect iClipRect;
+ /**
+ * Is midlet is in foreground ?
+ */
+ TBool iIsForeground;
+ /**
+ * Indicates that iUserRect has been changed
+ * during container invisibility
+ */
+ TBool iResetDrawRect;
+ // not owned
+ MMAFunctionServer* iEventSource;
+ JNIEnv* iJni;
+ jobject iJavaDisplayObject;
+ jclass iJavaDisplayClass;
+ TSize iFullScreenSize;
+ MMMAGuiPlayer* iUiPlayer;
+ TBool iIseSWT;
+ jmethodID setRectID;
+ jfieldID iRectDimensionField;
+ jfieldID iDisplayboundarrField;
+ jmethodID setContentBoundID;
+ jmethodID removeContentBoundID;
+ jmethodID redrawControlID;
+ jmethodID getCallBackMethodID;
+ jobject iJavadisplayref;
+ jmethodID getBoundRectID;
+#endif // CMMADISPLAY_H