changeset 25 ae942d28ec0e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/javauis/mmapi_qt/baseline/src/cmmavideocontrol.cpp	Tue Aug 31 15:09:22 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  This class is a VideoControl.
+#include <logger.h>
+//#include <lcdui.h>
+#include <JniEnvWrapper.h>
+#include "com_nokia_microedition_media_control_VideoControl.h"
+#include "cmmavideocontrol.h"
+#include "cmmacameraplayer.h"
+#include "mmmaeventposter.h"
+#include "cmmacanvasdisplay.h"
+#include "cmmaitemdisplay.h"
+#include "cmmasnapshotevent.h"
+#include "mmmaguiplayer.h"
+#include "cmmasnapshot.h"
+#include "mmmadisplaywindow.h"
+#include "cmmaplayerproperties.h"
+#include "cmmadcdisplay.h"
+#include "cmmavideocontrol.h"
+_LIT(KControlName, "VideoControl");
+EXPORT_C CMMAVideoControl::CMMAVideoControl(MMMAGuiPlayer* aGuiPlayer):
+        CMMAControl()
+    iGuiPlayer = aGuiPlayer;
+    iIsForeground = 1;
+    iDisplay = 0;
+EXPORT_C CMMAVideoControl::~CMMAVideoControl()
+    delete iDisplay;
+    // Event server takes event ownership
+    if (iEventPoster)
+    {
+        if (iDeleteRefEvent)
+        {
+            iEventPoster->PostEvent(iDeleteRefEvent);
+        }
+    }
+    if (iSnapshot)
+    {
+        iSnapshot->Cancel();
+        delete iSnapshot;
+    }
+void CMMAVideoControl::ConstructL(CMMAVideoControl* aControl,
+                                  jobject aControlObject,
+                                  MMAFunctionServer* aEventSource,
+                                  JNIEnv* aJni,
+                                  MMMAEventPoster* aEventPoster/*,
+                                  CMIDToolkit* aToolkit*/) // mobitv fix // 3.x QT based UI
+    aControl->iListenerObject = aControlObject;
+    aControl->iJni = aEventSource->getValidJniEnv();
+    aControl->iEventPoster = aEventPoster;
+    // snapshot ready method. Created here because jni cannot be used later.
+    aControl->iSnapshotReadyMethod = aJni->GetMethodID(
+                                         aJni->GetObjectClass(aControlObject),
+                                         "snapshotReady",
+                                         "(I[B)V");
+    aControl->iSnapshot = CMMASnapshot::NewL(aControl->iGuiPlayer,
+                          *aControl);
+    // aControl->RegisterForegroundListenerL(aToolkit);   // 3.x QT based UI
+/*   // 3.x QT based UI
+// mobitv fix`
+void CMMAVideoControl::RegisterForegroundListenerL(CMIDToolkit* aToolkit)
+    LOG(EJavaMMAPI,EInfo,"CMMAVideoControl::RegisterForegroundListener + ");
+    // Initialize IsForeground to true, we might have already missed the event (HandleForegroundL), events before observer registration
+    iIsForeground = ETrue;
+    iToolkit = aToolkit;
+    if (iToolkit)
+    {
+        LOG(EJavaMMAPI,EInfo,"CMMAVideoControl::RegisterForegroundListenerL : iToolkit->Env(); +");
+        iMidEnv = iToolkit->Env();
+        LOG(EJavaMMAPI,EInfo,"CMMAVideoControl::RegisterForegroundListenerL : iToolkit->Env(); -");
+    }
+    if (iMidEnv)
+    {
+        LOG(EJavaMMAPI,EInfo,"CMMAVideoControl::RegisterForegroundListenerL : iMidEnv->AddObserverL + ");
+        // register for getting the foreground change event
+        iMidEnv->AddObserverL(*this);
+        LOG(EJavaMMAPI,EInfo,"CMMAVideoControl::RegisterForegroundListenerL : iMidEnv->AddObserverL - ");
+    }
+    LOG(EJavaMMAPI,EInfo,"CMMAVideoControl::RegisterForegroundListenerL - ");
+void CMMAVideoControl::StaticInitL(CMMAVideoControl* aControl,
+                                   jobject javaDisplayRef,
+                                   MMAFunctionServer* aEventSource,
+                                   TInt* aDisplayHandle,
+                                   CMMAEvent* aDeleteRefEvent,
+                                   TInt aGuiType)
+    LOG(EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "MMA::CMMAVideoControl::StaticInitL +");
+    if (aGuiType == CMMAVideoControl::EDISPLAY_VIDEOITEM)
+    {
+        LOG(EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "MMA::CMMAVideoControl::StaticInitL - aGuiType is customitem ");
+        aControl->iDeleteRefEvent = aDeleteRefEvent;
+        CMMAItemDisplay* itemDisplay =
+            CMMAItemDisplay::NewLC(aEventSource,javaDisplayRef);
+        aControl->iDisplay = itemDisplay;
+        CleanupStack::Pop(itemDisplay);
+        *aDisplayHandle = reinterpret_cast<TInt>(itemDisplay);
+    }
+    else if (aGuiType == CMMAVideoControl::EDISPLAY_CANVAS)
+    {
+        LOG(EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "MMA::CMMAVideoControl::StaticInitL - aGuiType is canvas ");
+        aControl->iDeleteRefEvent = aDeleteRefEvent;
+        CMMACanvasDisplay* canvasDisplay =
+            CMMACanvasDisplay::NewLC(aEventSource,javaDisplayRef);
+        aControl->iDisplay = canvasDisplay;
+        CleanupStack::Pop(canvasDisplay);
+        *aDisplayHandle = reinterpret_cast<TInt>(canvasDisplay);
+    }
+    /*    MMIDComponent::TType componentType = aComponent->Type();
+        switch (componentType)
+        {
+        case MMIDComponent::ECustomItem:
+        {
+            //MMIDCustomItem  // end of // 3.x QT based UI
+           // MMIDCustomItem* customItem =
+             //   reinterpret_cast< MMIDCustomItem* >(aComponent);
+            CMMAItemDisplay* itemDisplay =
+                CMMAItemDisplay::NewLC(customItem);
+            aControl->iDisplay = itemDisplay;
+            CleanupStack::Pop(itemDisplay);
+            *aDisplayHandle = JavaMakeHandle(itemDisplay);
+            break;
+        }
+        case MMIDComponent::ECanvas:
+        {
+            //MMIDCanvas
+            MMIDCanvas* canvas = reinterpret_cast< MMIDCanvas* >(aComponent);
+            CMMACanvasDisplay* canvasDisplay =
+                CMMACanvasDisplay::NewLC(canvas);
+            aControl->iDisplay = canvasDisplay;
+            CleanupStack::Pop(canvasDisplay);
+            *aDisplayHandle = JavaMakeHandle(canvasDisplay);
+            break;
+        }
+        default:
+        {
+            // other component types are not supported
+            User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+        }
+        }*/
+    aControl->iGuiPlayer->SetDisplayL(aControl->iDisplay);
+    LOG(EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "MMA::CMMAVideoControl::StaticInitL - ");
+void CMMAVideoControl::SetDisplayHandleToJavaPeer(MMAFunctionServer* eventSource ,jobject aJavaVideoControlPeer)
+    JNIEnv* validJNI = eventSource->getValidJniEnv();
+    jmethodID jmid = validJNI->GetMethodID(validJNI->GetObjectClass(aJavaVideoControlPeer),
+                                           "setNativeDisplayHandleToJavaPeer",
+                                           "(I)V");
+    // DEBUG_INT("CMMADisplay::GetCallbackInUiThread getCallBackMethodID = %d",getCallBackMethodID);
+    TInt handle = reinterpret_cast<TInt>(iDisplay);
+    validJNI->CallVoidMethod(aJavaVideoControlPeer,jmid,handle);
+    TRAP_IGNORE(iGuiPlayer->SetDisplayL(iDisplay));
+void CMMAVideoControl::StaticInitDynamicModeL(
+    CMMAVideoControl* aVideoControl,
+    JNIEnv* aJni,
+    TInt* aContentHandle,
+    MMAFunctionServer* aEventSource,
+    jobject aGUIObject,
+    CMMAEvent* aDeleteRefEvent)
+    LOG(EJavaMMAPI,EInfo,"MMA::CMMAVideoControl::StaticInitDynamicModeL+");
+    aVideoControl->iDeleteRefEvent = aDeleteRefEvent;
+    CMMADCDisplay* dcDisplay = CMMADCDisplay::NewLC(aVideoControl->iGuiPlayer,
+                               aEventSource,
+                               aJni,
+                               aGUIObject);
+    //MMMADirectContent* content = dcDisplay;
+    *aContentHandle = reinterpret_cast< TInt >(dcDisplay);
+    aVideoControl->iDisplay = dcDisplay;
+    aVideoControl->iGuiPlayer->SetDisplayL(aVideoControl->iDisplay);
+    CleanupStack::Pop(dcDisplay);
+    LOG(EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "MMA::CMMAVideoControl::StaticInitDynamicModeL-");
+void CMMAVideoControl::StaticGetPropertyL(CMMAVideoControl* aControl,
+        TInt aPropertyType,
+        TInt* aReturnValue)
+    LOG1(EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "MMA::CMMAVideoControl::StaticGetPropertyL property %d",
+         aPropertyType);
+// MMAPI UI 3.x req.
+// remove the below return and uncomment the below code once  display is implemented in java
+//    return;
+    MMMADisplay* display = aControl->iDisplay;
+    if (aPropertyType != com_nokia_microedition_media_control_VideoControl_PROPERTY_SOURCE_WIDTH &&
+            aPropertyType != com_nokia_microedition_media_control_VideoControl_PROPERTY_SOURCE_HEIGHT &&
+            !display)
+    {
+        LOG(EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "MMA::CMMAVideoControl::StaticGetPropertyL not initialized yet");
+        // init is not done yet, returning 0
+        *aReturnValue = 0;
+        return;
+    }
+    switch (aPropertyType)
+    {
+    case com_nokia_microedition_media_control_VideoControl_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_WIDTH:
+    {
+        *aReturnValue = display->DisplaySize().iWidth;
+        break;
+    }
+    case com_nokia_microedition_media_control_VideoControl_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_HEIGHT:
+    {
+        *aReturnValue = display->DisplaySize().iHeight;
+        LOG1(EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "MMA::CMMAVideoControl::StaticGetPropertyL aReturnValue %d",
+             *aReturnValue);
+        break;
+    }
+    case com_nokia_microedition_media_control_VideoControl_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_X:
+    {
+        *aReturnValue = display->DisplayLocation().iX;
+        break;
+    }
+    case com_nokia_microedition_media_control_VideoControl_PROPERTY_DISPLAY_Y:
+    {
+        *aReturnValue = display->DisplayLocation().iY;
+        break;
+    }
+    case com_nokia_microedition_media_control_VideoControl_PROPERTY_SOURCE_WIDTH:
+    {
+        LOG(EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "MMA::CMMAVideoControl::StaticGetPropertyL get source width");
+        *aReturnValue = aControl->iGuiPlayer->SourceSize().iWidth;
+        break;
+    }
+    case com_nokia_microedition_media_control_VideoControl_PROPERTY_SOURCE_HEIGHT:
+    {
+        LOG(EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "MMA::CMMAVideoControl::StaticGetPropertyL get source height");
+        *aReturnValue = aControl->iGuiPlayer->SourceSize().iHeight;
+        break;
+    }
+    default:
+    {
+        *aReturnValue = KErrNotFound;
+        User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+        break;
+    }
+    }
+void CMMAVideoControl::StaticSetPropertyL(CMMAVideoControl* aControl,
+        TInt aPropertyType,
+        TInt aPropertyA,
+        TInt aPropertyB)
+    //LOG1( EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "MMA::CMMAVideoControl::StaticSetPropertyL property type %d",
+    //          aPropertyType);
+    //LOG1( EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "MMA::CMMAVideoControl::StaticSetPropertyL a property %d",
+    //         aPropertyA);
+    // LOG1( EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "MMA::CMMAVideoControl::StaticSetPropertyL b property %d",
+    //          aPropertyB);
+// MMAPI UI 3.x req.
+// remove the below return and uncomment the below code; once  display is implemented in java
+    // return;
+    MMMADisplay* display = aControl->iDisplay;
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(display != NULL,
+                   User::Panic(_L("display not initialized"), KErrNotReady));
+    switch (aPropertyType)
+    {
+    case com_nokia_microedition_media_control_VideoControl_SET_DISPLAY_SIZE:
+    {
+        TSize displaySize(aPropertyA, aPropertyB);
+        LOG1(EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "CMMAVideoControl::statepropertyl %d",displaySize);
+        display->SetDisplaySizeL(displaySize);
+        LOG(EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "CMMAVideoControl::SetDisplayProperty:: setDisplaySizeL Completed");
+        // inform java side
+        if (!display->IsFullScreen())
+        {
+            aControl->iGuiPlayer->NotifyWithStringEvent(
+                CMMAPlayerEvent::ESizeChanged, KControlName);
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+    case com_nokia_microedition_media_control_VideoControl_SET_DISPLAY_LOCATION:
+    {
+        TPoint displayLocation(aPropertyA, aPropertyB);
+        display->SetDisplayLocationL(displayLocation);
+        break;
+    }
+    case com_nokia_microedition_media_control_VideoControl_SET_DISPLAY_VISIBLE_TRUE:
+    {
+        display->SetVisible(ETrue);
+        break;
+    }
+    case com_nokia_microedition_media_control_VideoControl_SET_DISPLAY_VISIBLE_FALSE:
+    {
+        display->SetVisible(EFalse);
+        break;
+    }
+    case com_nokia_microedition_media_control_VideoControl_SET_DISPLAY_FULLSCREEN_TRUE:
+    {
+        // store old user rect to determine if SIZE_CHANGED event
+        // has to be delivered when full screen mode is turned off.
+        aControl->iOldDisplaySize = display->DisplaySize();
+        LOG1(EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "MMA::CMMAVideoControl::StaticSetPropertyL a property %d",
+             aPropertyA);
+        LOG1(EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "MMA::CMMAVideoControl::StaticSetPropertyL b property %d",
+             aPropertyB);
+        TSize fullscreenSize(aPropertyA, aPropertyB);
+        display->SetFullscreenSize(fullscreenSize);
+        //display->SetDisplaySizeL(fullsclreenSize);
+        display->SetFullScreenL(ETrue);
+        //display->SourceSizeChanged(aPropertyA, aPropertyB,0,0,TRect(0,0,0,0));
+        break;
+    }
+    case com_nokia_microedition_media_control_VideoControl_SET_DISPLAY_FULLSCREEN_FALSE:
+    {
+        display->SetFullScreenL(EFalse);
+        // Send SIZE_CHANGED event when fullscreen is turned off if
+        // size of the video display has changed. Possible position
+        // change is however disregarded
+        if (aControl->iOldDisplaySize != display->DisplaySize())
+        {
+            aControl->iGuiPlayer->NotifyWithStringEvent(
+                CMMAPlayerEvent::ESizeChanged, KControlName);
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+    default:
+    {
+        User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
+        break;
+    }
+    }
+void CMMAVideoControl::TakeSnapShotL(CMMAVideoControl* aControl,
+                                     const TDesC* aProperties)
+        aControl,
+        User::Panic(_L("CMMAVideoControl::TakeSnapShotL CMMAVideoControl is NULL"),
+                    KErrArgument)
+    );
+    ASSERT(aProperties);
+    aControl->iSnapshot->TakeSnapShotL(*aProperties);
+EXPORT_C void CMMAVideoControl::SnapshotReady()
+    LOG(EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "MMA::CMMAVideoControl::SnapshotReady()");
+    // now this class owns the buffer
+    HBufC8* imageBuffer = iSnapshot->ImageBuffer();
+    // Use standard new to avoid useless trap.
+    CMMASnapshotEvent* event =
+        new CMMASnapshotEvent(iListenerObject,
+                              iSnapshotReadyMethod,
+                              iSnapshot->iStatus.Int(),
+                              imageBuffer,
+                              CMMAEvent::EDisposableEvent);
+    if (event)
+    {
+        // ok, ownership of buffer transfered to event
+        // event poster takes the ownership of the event
+        iEventPoster->PostEvent(event, CMMAEvent::ENotifyPriority);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        // we own the buffer
+        delete imageBuffer;
+    }
+EXPORT_C const TDesC& CMMAVideoControl::ClassName() const
+    return KControlName;
+TBool CMMAVideoControl::IsForeground()
+    LOG1(EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "CMMAVideoControl::IsForeground() %d",iIsForeground);
+    return iIsForeground;
+void CMMAVideoControl::StaticSetForegroundL(CMMAVideoControl* aControl,
+        TInt aForeground)
+    LOG1(EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "MMA::CMMAVideoControl::StaticSetForegroundL + aForeground %d",
+         aForeground);
+        aControl,
+        User::Panic(_L("MMA::CMMAVideoControl::StaticSetForegroundL : CMMAVideoControl is NULL"),
+                    KErrArgument)
+    );
+    if (aControl)
+    {
+        aControl->SetForeground(aForeground, EFalse);
+    }
+    LOG(EJavaMMAPI, EInfo, "MMA::CMMAVideoControl::StaticSetForegroundL - ");
+/*   // 3.x QT based UI
+// Implement MMIDEnvObserver
+void CMMAVideoControl::HandleSwitchOnL(TBool aSwitchOn)
+    // Dummy implementation, no intent to do anything
+ * Handles the case when the MIDlet is brought to the foreground.
+ */
+void CMMAVideoControl::HandleForegroundL(TBool aForeground)
+    SetForeground(aForeground, ETrue);
+void CMMAVideoControl::SetForeground(TBool aForeground, TBool aUseEventServer)
+    iIsForeground = aForeground;
+    if (iDisplay)
+    {
+        iDisplay->SetForeground(iIsForeground, aUseEventServer);
+    }
+MMMAGuiPlayer* CMMAVideoControl::GuiPlayer()
+    return iGuiPlayer;
+ * Handles a change to resources which are shared accross the environment.
+ */
+void CMMAVideoControl::HandleResourceChangeL(TInt aType)
+    // Dummy implementation, no intent to do anything
+*/  // end of // 3.x QT based UI