* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Declares view for application.
#include <aknview.h> // CAknView
#include <eiklbo.h> // MEikListBoxObserver
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "appmngr2midletsettingsutil.h"
// MIDlet suite settings view ID
const TUid KMidletSuiteSettingsViewId = { 0x20016BF8 };
class CAppMngr2MidletSettingsContainer;
class CAppMngr2MidletSettingsHandler;
class CAppMngr2SuiteSnapItem;
class CPKIXValidationResult;
class CAppMngr2MidletResourceHandler;
* MIDlet suite settings view class.
* @lib appmngr2midletplugin.dll
* @since S60 v9.1
class CAppMngr2MidletSettingsView : public CAknView, public MEikListBoxObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CAppMngr2MidletSettingsView* NewL(
const TDesC& aMidletSuiteName,
TUid aMidletSuiteUid,
CAppMngr2MidletResourceHandler& aResourceHandler);
* Destructor.
virtual ~CAppMngr2MidletSettingsView();
public: // Functions from base classes
* From ?base_class ?member_description
TUid Id() const;
* From ?base_class ?member_description
void HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand);
* From ?base_class ?member_description
void HandleClientRectChange();
protected: //from MEikListBoxObserver
* Handles the commands given with keys
* @param aListbox is the listbox concerned.
* @param aEventType is the corrent event that took place.
void HandleListBoxEventL(CEikListBox* aListBox, TListBoxEvent aEventType);
protected: //from MAknSettingPageObserver
* Constructor
CAppMngr2MidletSettingsView(CAppMngr2MidletResourceHandler& aResourceHandler);
* Default constructor.
void ConstructL(const TDesC& aMidletSuiteName,TUid aMidletSuiteUid);
* Initializas the container
void InitL(const TDesC& aMidletSuiteName,TUid aMidletSuiteUid);
* From AknView, ?member_description
void DoActivateL(const TVwsViewId& aPrevViewId,
TUid aCustomMessageId,
const TDesC8& aCustomMessage);
* From AknView, ?member_description
void DoDeactivate();
* Handles settings by showing proper settings page/view
* (access point page, on screen keypad page or security settings page)
void HandleSettingsL();
* Shows the view for settings the internet access point
void ShowAccessPointPageL();
* Shows the view for settings either the on screen
* keypad value or for handling security settings, depending of the pageId
void ShowPageL(int aPageId);
* Initializes all the security settings
void InitSettings(const std::vector<MidletSuiteSecuritySettings>& aAllSettings);
* Updates the flag indicating if certain settings are set to Blanket
void UpdateBlanketSettings(const MidletSuiteSecuritySettings& aSettings, bool aBlanket);
* Checks if certain settings obey the mutually exclusive rules
bool CheckBlanketSettingsL(const MidletSuiteSecuritySettings& aSettings);
* Handles the mutually exclusive rules by showing notes to tge user
void HandleMutuallyExclusiveSettingsL(const MidletSuiteSecuritySettings& aSettings);
* Show warning security dialog
* Runs the dialog and returns a boolean indicating if the dialog was accepted
* @return a boolean indicating if the dialog was accepted
bool ShowWarningSecDlgL(bool networkUsage);
* Show warning exclude dialog
* Runs the dialog and returns a boolean indicating if the dialog was accepted
* @return a boolean indicating if the dialog was accepted
bool ShowWarningExclDlgL();
private: // Data
* MIDlet suite settings container
* Owned
CAppMngr2MidletSettingsContainer* iContainer;
* MIDlet suite settings handler
* Owned
CAppMngr2MidletSettingsHandler* iSettingsHandler;
* Previous view ID
TVwsViewId iPrevViewId;
* OnScreen Keypad settings vissibility
TBool iOnscreenKeypadSettingsVisible;
* Security settings vissibility
TBool iSecuritySettingsVisible;
* Vector containing the settings which are subject to
* mutually exclusive rules
std::vector<MidletSuiteSecuritySettings> iMutuallyExclusiveSettings;
* Vector containing flags indicating which settings (from the ones which
* are subject to mutually exclusive rules) are set to Blanket
bool* iBlanketSettings;
* Resource file offset
TInt iResourceFileOffset;
CAppMngr2MidletResourceHandler& iResourceHandler;
// End of File