author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Tue, 27 Apr 2010 16:30:29 +0300
changeset 14 04becd199f91
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: v2.1.22 Kit: 201017

* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Matches JAD and JAR attributes.


#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32def.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <mtclreg.h>

#include "jcfjadjarmatcherobservable.h"
#include "mjavaattribute.h"

enum TStates
    EBegin = 0,         // 0
    EOpenSession,       // 1
    EOpenMtmRegistry,   // 2
    EOpenMtmClient,     // 3
    EOpenJarFile,       // 4
    EOpenJadFile,       // 5
    EScanJarFile,       // 6
    EScanJadFile,       // 7
    EEntrySelect,       // 8
    EScanEntries,       // 9
    EScanAttchms,       // 10
    ESeekRootEntries,   // 11
    ESeekEntries,       // 12
    EScanStores,        // 13
    EEnd                // 14

enum TMode

* Base class for scanner classes.
*  Contains common funcionality of scanner classes
*  @lib JcfJadJarMatcher.lib
*  @since S60 2.0
class CJcfJadJarMatcherState :
        public CActive, public MJcfJadJarMatcherObservable
     * To construct new CJcfJadJarMatcherState.
     * Preconditions. The following conditions must be true prior to calling
     * this method; otherwise, its operation is undefined.
     * - None.
     * Postconditions. The following condition is true immediately after
     * returning from this method.
     * - None.
     * @param aObs - an observer of this class.
    CJcfJadJarMatcherState(MJcfJadJarMatcherObserver* aObs);

     * To destruct CJcfJadJarMatcherState.
     * Preconditions. The following conditions must be true prior to calling
     * this method; otherwise, its operation is undefined.
     * - None.
     * Postconditions. The following condition is true immediately after
     * returning from this method.
     * - None.
    virtual ~CJcfJadJarMatcherState();

     * To execute this state.
     * Preconditions. The following conditions must be true prior to calling
     * this method; otherwise, its operation is undefined.
     * - None.
     * Postconditions. The following condition is true immediately after
     * returning from this method.
     * - None.
     * @param aJarName - a name of the file.
     * @param aDirName - a name of the directory to be scanned.
     * @param aJadNamePtr - a pointer to the output descriptor.
    virtual void ExecuteL(const TDesC& aJarName,
                          const TDesC& aDirName,
                          TDes* aJadNamePtr) = 0;

     * To handle errors.
     * Preconditions. The following conditions must be true prior to calling
     * this method; otherwise, its operation is undefined.
     * - None.
     * Postconditions. The following condition is true immediately after
     * returning from this method.
     * - None.
     * @param aError - The reason of error.
     * @return KErrNone.
    virtual TInt RunError(TInt aError);

     * To do clean-up for next round.
     * Preconditions. The following conditions must be true prior to calling
     * this method; otherwise, its operation is undefined.
     * - None.
     * Postconditions. The following condition is true immediately after
     * returning from this method.
     * - iState == EBegin.
    virtual void Cleanup() = 0;

    * To check whether JAD and JAR files match or not.
    * Definition. Operation returns true if following statements are all true:
    * 1) The version of JAD is same as the version of JAR.
    * 2) The vendor of JAD is same as the vendor of JAR.
    * 3) The name of JAD is same as the name of JAR.
    * 4) Suite has at least one MIDlet.
    * Preconditions. The following conditions must be true prior to calling
    * this method; otherwise, its operation is undefined.
    * - None.
    * Postconditions. The following condition is true immediately after
    * returning from this method.
    * - None.
    TBool Match(const RPointerArray<Java::MJavaAttribute>& aJadAttributes,
                const RPointerArray<Java::MJavaAttribute>& aJarAttributes);

     * Check attributes with given name equals.
     * @param aJadAttributes JAD attributes to look for.
     * @param aJarAttributes JAR attributes to look for.
     * @param aName Attribute name to checked.
     * @return true if attributes equal, false otherwise.
    TBool AttributesEqual(
        const RPointerArray<Java::MJavaAttribute>& aJadAttributes,
        const RPointerArray<Java::MJavaAttribute>& aJarAttributes,
        const TDesC& aName) const;

     * Get attribute index. Attribute is searched by name.
     * @param aAttributes where to search.
     * @param aName attribute name to look for.
     * @return attribute index, KErrNotFound if not found.
    TInt AttributeIndex(
        const RPointerArray<Java::MJavaAttribute>& aAttributes,
        const TDesC& aName) const;

    TStates iState;
    TInt iValue;