* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <graphicsaccelerator.h>
#include <gdi.h>
#include "lcdgdrvif.h"
#include "lcdgdrvutil.h"
#include "lcdtransform.h"
#include "lcdbitblt.h"
LOCAL_C INLINE TInt PixelPitch(const TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* aBitmap)
switch (aBitmap->iDisplayMode)
case EColor64K:
case EColor4K:
return 2;
case EColorARGB8888:
case EColor16MU:
return 4;
case EGray256:
return 1;
// Any other display mode is either invalid, or has a fractional number of
// bytes per pixel, and cannot be handled by this routine.
return 0; // Pacify the compiler
extern void GenericBlit
const TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* aDstColorBitmap,
const TRect& aDstRect, // must be clipped to destination
const TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* aSrcColorBitmap,
const TLcdTransform& aTransform, // includes anchor
TBlitLineFunction aBlitLineFn // function to call on each line
ASSERT(aDstColorBitmap != NULL);
ASSERT(aSrcColorBitmap != NULL);
TPoint srcPoint = aTransform(aDstRect.iTl);
TInt dudx = aTransform.iDuDx;
TInt dudy = aTransform.iDuDy;
TInt dvdx = aTransform.iDvDx;
TInt dvdy = aTransform.iDvDy;
// For each bitmap, calculate the starting address and byte offsets to the
// next address for one line down and one pixel right.
const TInt dstLinePitch = aDstColorBitmap->iLinePitch;
const TInt dstPixelPitch = PixelPitch(aDstColorBitmap);
TUint8* dstAddress = aDstColorBitmap->iAddress;
dstAddress += aDstRect.iTl.iY * dstLinePitch + aDstRect.iTl.iX * dstPixelPitch;
const TInt colorLinePitch = aSrcColorBitmap->iLinePitch;
const TInt colorPixelPitch = PixelPitch(aSrcColorBitmap);
TUint8* colorAddress = aSrcColorBitmap->iAddress;
colorAddress += srcPoint.iY * colorLinePitch + srcPoint.iX * colorPixelPitch;
// For the source bitmap, also calculate the pitch to the next address for
// one line down and one pixel right in the destination bitmap.
const TInt colorDstLinePitch = colorLinePitch * dvdy + colorPixelPitch * dudy;
const TInt colorDstPixelPitch = colorLinePitch * dvdx + colorPixelPitch * dudx;
// Iterate over destination pixels.
const TInt width = aDstRect.Width();
TInt h = aDstRect.Height();
while (h-- > 0)
(*aBlitLineFn)(dstAddress, width, colorAddress, colorDstPixelPitch);
dstAddress += dstLinePitch;
colorAddress += colorDstLinePitch;
extern void GenericMaskBlit
const TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* aDstColorBitmap,
const TRect& aDstRect, // must be clipped to destination
const TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* aSrcColorBitmap,
const TLcdTransform& aTransform, // includes anchor
const TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* aAlphaBitmap, // source or destination alpha
TBool aIsSrcAlpha, // ETrue if alpha is source
TMaskBlitLineFunction aBlitLineFn // function to call on each line
ASSERT(aDstColorBitmap != NULL);
ASSERT(aSrcColorBitmap != NULL);
ASSERT(aAlphaBitmap != NULL);
TPoint srcPoint = aTransform(aDstRect.iTl);
TInt dudx = aTransform.iDuDx;
TInt dudy = aTransform.iDuDy;
TInt dvdx = aTransform.iDvDx;
TInt dvdy = aTransform.iDvDy;
// For each bitmap, calculate the starting address and byte offsets to the
// next address for one line down and one pixel right.
const TInt dstLinePitch = aDstColorBitmap->iLinePitch;
const TInt dstPixelPitch = PixelPitch(aDstColorBitmap);
TUint8* dstAddress = aDstColorBitmap->iAddress;
dstAddress += aDstRect.iTl.iY * dstLinePitch + aDstRect.iTl.iX * dstPixelPitch;
const TInt colorLinePitch = aSrcColorBitmap->iLinePitch;
const TInt colorPixelPitch = PixelPitch(aSrcColorBitmap);
TUint8* colorAddress = aSrcColorBitmap->iAddress;
colorAddress += srcPoint.iY * colorLinePitch + srcPoint.iX * colorPixelPitch;
const TInt alphaLinePitch = aAlphaBitmap->iLinePitch;
const TInt alphaPixelPitch = PixelPitch(aAlphaBitmap);
TUint8* alphaAddress = aAlphaBitmap->iAddress;
// Choose the start according to whether alpha/mask is source or destination
TPoint alphaTl(aIsSrcAlpha ? srcPoint : aDstRect.iTl);
alphaAddress += alphaTl.iY * alphaLinePitch + alphaTl.iX * alphaPixelPitch;
// For the source and alpha bitmaps, also calculate the pitch to the next
// address for one line down and one pixel right in the destination bitmap.
const TInt colorDstLinePitch = colorLinePitch * dvdy + colorPixelPitch * dudy;
const TInt colorDstPixelPitch = colorLinePitch * dvdx + colorPixelPitch * dudx;
TInt alphaDstLinePitch;
TInt alphaDstPixelPitch;
if (aIsSrcAlpha)
alphaDstLinePitch = alphaLinePitch * dvdy + alphaPixelPitch * dudy;
alphaDstPixelPitch = alphaLinePitch * dvdx + alphaPixelPitch * dudx;
alphaDstLinePitch = alphaLinePitch;
alphaDstPixelPitch = alphaPixelPitch;
// Iterate over destination pixels.
const TInt width = aDstRect.Width();
TInt h = aDstRect.Height();
while (h-- > 0)
(*aBlitLineFn)(dstAddress, width, colorAddress, colorDstPixelPitch,
alphaAddress, alphaDstPixelPitch);
dstAddress += dstLinePitch;
colorAddress += colorDstLinePitch;
alphaAddress += alphaDstLinePitch;
extern void BitBltOneBpp
const TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* aDstColorBitmap,
const TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* /*aDstAlphaBitmap*/,
const TRect& aDstRect,
const TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* aSrcColorBitmap,
const TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* /*aSrcAlphaBitmap*/,
const TLcdTransform& aTransform
TPoint srcPoint = aTransform(aDstRect.iTl);
TInt dudx = aTransform.iDuDx;
TInt dudy = aTransform.iDuDy;
TInt dvdx = aTransform.iDvDx;
TInt dvdy = aTransform.iDvDy;
TInt u0 = srcPoint.iX;
TInt v0 = srcPoint.iY;
TInt u = u0;
TInt v = v0;
TUint8* dstAddress = aDstColorBitmap->iAddress;
TUint8* srcAddress = aSrcColorBitmap->iAddress;
TInt dstLinePitch = aDstColorBitmap->iLinePitch;
TInt srcLinePitch = aSrcColorBitmap->iLinePitch;
TInt height = aDstRect.Height();
TInt width = aDstRect.Width();
const TInt x0 = aDstRect.iTl.iX;
const TInt x3 = aDstRect.iBr.iX;
const TInt x2 = Max(x0, aDstRect.iBr.iX & ~7);
const TInt x1 = Min(x3,(aDstRect.iTl.iX + 7) & ~7);
for (; height>0; --height)
TUint8 accum;
TInt x;
u = u0;
v = v0;
x = x0;
if (x < x1)
// Left edge.
accum = dstAddress[x0>>3];
for (; x<x1; x++)
TUint8 mb = 1<<(x&0x7);
TUint8 sb = *(srcAddress + srcLinePitch*v + (u>>3));
if (sb & (1<<(u&7)))
accum |= mb;
accum &= ~mb;
u += dudx;
v += dvdx;
dstAddress[x0>>3] = accum;
// Middle section.
for (; x<x2; x+=8)
ASSERT((x & 7) == 0); // must be byte aligned
accum = 0;
for (TInt j=0; j<8; j++)
TUint8 sb = *(srcAddress + srcLinePitch*v + (u>>3));
if (sb & (1<<(u&7)))
accum |= (1<<j);
u += dudx;
v += dvdx;
dstAddress[x>>3] = accum;
// Right edge
if (x < x3)
accum = dstAddress[x>>3];
for (; x<=x3; x++)
TUint8 mb = 1<<(x&0x7);
TUint8 sb = *(srcAddress + srcLinePitch*v + (u>>3));
if (sb & (1<<(u&7)))
accum |= mb;
accum &= ~mb;
u += dudx;
v += dvdx;
dstAddress[x>>3] = accum;
u0 += dudy;
v0 += dvdy;
dstAddress += dstLinePitch;
LOCAL_C void BlitLineEightBppSimple
TUint8* aDstAddress,
TInt aWidth,
TUint8* aColorAddress,
TInt aColorPixelPitch
ASSERT(aColorPixelPitch == sizeof(TUint8));
UNUSED(aColorPixelPitch); // ASSERT is the only use otherwise.
Mem::Copy(aDstAddress, aColorAddress, aWidth);
extern void BitBltEightBppSimple
const TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* aDstColorBitmap,
const TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* /*aDstAlphaBitmap*/,
const TRect& aDstRect,
const TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* aSrcColorBitmap,
const TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* /*aSrcAlphaBitmap*/,
const TLcdTransform& aTransform
GenericBlit(aDstColorBitmap, aDstRect, aSrcColorBitmap, aTransform,
LOCAL_C void BlitLineEightBpp
TUint8* aDstAddress,
TInt aWidth,
TUint8* aColorAddress,
TInt aColorPixelPitch
TUint8* dst = aDstAddress;
TUint8* end = dst + aWidth;
TUint8* colorAddr = aColorAddress;
while (dst < end)
*dst++ = *colorAddr;
colorAddr += aColorPixelPitch;
extern void BitBltEightBpp
const TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* aDstColorBitmap,
const TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* /*aDstAlphaBitmap*/,
const TRect& aDstRect,
const TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* aSrcColorBitmap,
const TAcceleratedBitmapInfo* /*aSrcAlphaBitmap*/,
const TLcdTransform& aTransform
GenericBlit(aDstColorBitmap, aDstRect, aSrcColorBitmap, aTransform,