* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: ?Description
#include <msvids.h>
#include <mtclreg.h>
#include <mmsclient.h>
#include <mmsapplicationadapter.h>
#include "monitor.h"
#include "functionserver.h"
#include "cmmsmessageinformation.h"
#include "cjavammsmessagehandler.h"
#include "mmsplatformservice.h"
using namespace java::push;
using namespace java::util;
_LIT8(KSlash, "/");
const TInt KArrayGranularity = 2;
const TInt KSlashLength = 1;
* to create and send the MMS messages
namespace java
namespace wma
class CMMSPlatformServiceS60Impl: public CActive,
public MMSPlatformService,
public FunctionServer,
public MMsvSessionObserver,
public MMsvEntryObserver
* Destructor.
virtual ~CMMSPlatformServiceS60Impl();
static CMMSPlatformServiceS60Impl* New(JNIEnv& aJni, jobject aPeer,
const bool aServerConnection,
const std::wstring& aUri,
ConnectionListener* aListener);
* Sends a multimedia message to its recipients.
* @param aJni JNI environment
* @param jbyteArray message byte array
* @param aOffset
* @param aLength message length
* @param aDestination destination address
* @return int status of the send functionality.
int send(JNIEnv& aJni, jbyteArray aJavaBuffer, int aOffset, int aLength,
jstring aDestination);
* Retrieves the first message from the queue.
* @param aJni JNI environment
* @return A byte array containing the first multimedia message received
jbyteArray retrieveMessage(JNIEnv& aJni);
* closes the connection
void closeConnection(JNIEnv& aJni, jobject aPeer);
int getNumberOfMessages();
int getError();
* C++ default constructor.
* @param aServerConnection for handling server connection
* @param aServerApplicationId to register for incoming messages
* @return
CMMSPlatformServiceS60Impl(const bool aServerConnection,
HBufC* aServerApplicationId, ConnectionListener* aListener);
// From FunctionServer
virtual void vmAttached();
//From FunctionServer
virtual void doServerSideInit();
* Notifies java side send about the status of sending mms message
* @param aJni - Jni interface pointer
* @param aPeer - Jni object reference
* @param aError - status of send functionality
void NotifySend(JNIEnv& aJni, jobject aPeer, int aError);
* Send the Message
* @param aMidMessageInformation contain the message information and
* attachments
* @return
void SendMultiPartMessageL();
* From MMsvSessionObserver
* @param aEvent: Event type
* @param aArg1: contain different values for different aEvent
* @param aArg2: contain different values for different aEvent
* @param aArg3: contain different values for different aEvent
* @return
void HandleSessionEventL(TMsvSessionEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2,
TAny* aArg3);
* Clears the message send array. If there is some message that is not
* send yet.Delete it and do not send the messages.
* @return
void ClearSendMessageArray();
* ReceivedMessage
* get the received message
* @param aMessageId: Received message Id
* @return CMidMessageInformation: received message
CMMSMessageInformation* ReceivedMessage(TMsvId aMessageId);
* NotifyReceivedMessageL
* Get the URL check for the register folder. If already register
* then check for the messages in the register folder. If there are messages
* in the folder then send notification to the connection for the messages.
* @return
void NotifyReceivedMessageL();
* HandleEntryEventL
* From MMsvEntryObserver
* @param aEvent: TMsv entry event
* @param aArg1:
* @param aArg2:
* @param aArg3:
* @return
void HandleEntryEventL(TMsvEntryEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2,
TAny* aArg3);
* ScanRegisterFolderAndNotifyL
* Scan the register folder and Notify the listener.
* @return
void ScanRegisterFolderAndNotifyL();
* create MMS messsage in draft folder.
* @return TMsvId: Id of the newly created message.
TMsvId CreateMessageL();
* Load the message by TMsvId
* @param aMessageEntry:
* @return
void LoadMessageL(TMsvId aMessageEntry);
* Set the subject of newly created MMS message.
* @param aSubject:
* @return
void SetSubjectL(const TDesC& aSubject);
* add receipient addresses by type to the newly created message.
* @param aAddress:
* @param aAddressType:
* @return
void AddRecipientL(const TDesC& aAddress, TMmsRecipients aAddressType);
* add attachment by name to the newly created MMS message.
* @param aFileName:
* @param aMimeType:
* @return
void AddAttchmentL(TDesC& aFileName, TDesC8& aMimeType);
* Set application-id in the newly created message.
* @param aApplicationId:
* @return
void SetApplicationIdL(const TDesC& aApplicationId);
* Set reply-to -application-id in the newly created message.
* @param aReplyToApplicationId:
* @return
void SetReplyToApplicationIdL(const TDesC& aReplyToApplicationId);
* Set the date of the newly created message.
* @param aLong:
* @return
void SetMessageSendDate(TInt64& aLong);
* Set the setting of the newly created message.
* @return
void SetMessageSettingL();
* create and send the MMS messge from CMidMessageInformation
* @param aMidMessageInformation:
* @return
// send MMS message from send array
void SendMmsMessageL(CMMSMessageInformation* aMessageInformation);
* Read the message Setting of received message.
* @return
void ReadSettingL();
* Delete the message by TMsvId
* @param aMsvId:
* @return
void DeleteMmsMessageL(TMsvId aMsvId);
* Read the newly received message. Client connection should not call
* this method.It will panic if invoked on client connection
* @param aMsvId:
* @return
void ReceiveMessageL(TMsvId aMsvId);
* Send the message from by TMsvId
* @param aSendMmsMsgId:
* @return
void SendMmsMessageL(TMsvId aSendMmsMsgId);
* close the connection
* @return
void Close();
* add attachment to newly created entry in the message store.
* @param aMidMessageInformation:
* @return
void AddAttachmentsL(CMMSMessageInformation* aMessageInformation);
* During construction of this method create the send message array.
* @return
void CreateSendMessageArrayL();
* Clear and Destroy the message send array. If there is some message
* that is not send yet. Delete it and do not send the messages.
* @return
void ClearAndDestroySendMessageArray();
* Delete the message of given Id.
* @param aMsvId: Id of the messagethat should be deleted.
* @return
void DeleteSentMessageL(TMsvId aMsvId);
* Received the message one by one.
* @param aMsvId: Id of the message that is received in the device.
* @return
void DoReceiveMessageL(TMsvId aMsvId);
* ReadAttachmentsL
* Read the attachmnets and add it to aMidMessageInformation
* @param aMidMessageInformation:
* @return
void ReadAttachmentsL(CMMSMessageInformation& aMessageInformation);
* Read data from the attached files
* @param aRFile: Handle of the file to read the data from
* @param aDataArray: Copy the data to the dataArray
* @return
void ReadDataFromAttachFileL(RFile& aRFile, TDesC8*& aDataArray);
* Sends notifications towards java about the number of messages arrived.
* @param aDescription
* @param messages
void NotifyJava(const TDesC& aDescription, int aMessages);
* default Symbian 2nd phase constructor
* @return
void ConstructL();
void mmsRequestComplete(int result);
* from CActive
* @return
void RunL();
* from CActive
* @return
void DoCancel();
* from CActive
* @param aError: error value
* @return TInt
TInt RunError(TInt aError);
// flag used to indicate that 'send' operation is ongoing
bool mIsSending;
//flag used to indicate Client/Server connection
bool mServerConnection;
int mError;
//number of new messages
int mNewMessages;
// handle to the file system
RFs mRFs;
RArray<TMsvId> mSendTMsvIdArray;
// array containing the IDs of the received MMS messages
RArray<TMsvId> mReceivedMMSIDs;
//message sent callback method id
jmethodID mSendCallBackMethodId;
// The delivery date
TTime mMessageDeliveryDate;
TMmsMessagePriority mMmsMessagePriority;
//Own the mServerApplicationId
HBufC* mServerApplicationId;
// buffer to be used when sending
CBufFlat* mSendBuf;
//Own the mSession
CMsvSession* mSession;
//Own the mMmsClient
CMmsClientMtm* mMmsClient;
//Own the mServerMmsMtm
CMmsClientMtm* mServerMmsMtm;
CMsvEntry* mRegisterCMsvEntry;
//listener to be notified for an incoming message
ConnectionListener* mMessageListener;
//Own the ClientMtmRegistry
CClientMtmRegistry* mClientMtmRegistry;
CJavaMMSMessageHandler* mMessageHandler;
//Own the mMmsApplicationAdapter
CMmsApplicationAdapter* mMmsApplicationAdapter;
//Own the mSendMsgArray
CArrayPtrSeg<CMMSMessageInformation>* mSendMsgArray;
// Own the mReceivedMsgArray
CArrayPtrSeg<CMMSMessageInformation>* mReceivedMsgArray;
inline int CMMSPlatformServiceS60Impl::getError()
return mError;
} //namespace wma
} //namespace java
// End of File