author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Tue, 11 May 2010 16:07:20 +0300
changeset 17 0fd27995241b
parent 14 04becd199f91
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: v2.1.24 Kit: 201019

* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Base class for control groups

#include <jdebug.h>
#include "cammscontrolgroup.h"
#include <cmmaplayer.h>
#include "cammscontrol.h"
#include "ammsutil.h"
#include "cammsplayerstatelistener.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
_LIT(KAMMSNoGroupNameError, "No group name");

// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAMMSControlGroup::~CAMMSControlGroup
// Destructor.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (iPlayerStateListeners)
        delete iPlayerStateListeners;


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAMMSControlGroup::PlayerStateChangedL
// This function is called when state of a player has changed.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAMMSControlGroup::PlayerStateChangedL(
    CMMAPlayer* aPlayer,
    TInt aNewState)
    CMMAControl* findControl = AMMSUtil::FindControl(
                                   aPlayer, iName, iControlType);

    // It is safe to cast CMMAControl to the subclass CAMMSControl, as only
    // AMMS Controls are returned from FindControl method
    CAMMSControl* control = static_cast< CAMMSControl* >(findControl);

    // The player has a control belonging to this group if this function
    // is called.
    __ASSERT_DEBUG(control, User::Invariant());

    TInt controlIndex = iControls.Find(control);

    // Add the control of the player to the group if the player is prefetched
    // or started.
    if (controlIndex == KErrNotFound)
        if ((aNewState == CMMAPlayer::EPrefetched) ||
                (aNewState == CMMAPlayer::EStarted))
            // Now it is safe to call PrepareControlL to initialize the Control
            DEBUG_INT("AMMS::CAMMSControlGroup::PlayerStateChangedL calling PrepareControl for type: %d",

            // Add control to controls array

            // Notify derived classes about new player control
            NotifyPlayerAddedL(aPlayer, control);

    // Remove the control of the player from the group if the player is
    // deallocated or closed.
        if ((aNewState == CMMAPlayer::ERealized) ||
                (aNewState == CMMAPlayer::EClosed))
            // Call DeallocateControl to delete the Control's Effect API class
            DEBUG_INT("AMMS::CAMMSControlGroup::PlayerStateChangedL calling DeallocateControl for type: %d",

            NotifyPlayerRemoved(aPlayer, control);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAMMSControlGroup::ConstructL
// 2nd phase constructor.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAMMSControlGroup::ConstructL()
    iPlayerStateListeners =
        new(ELeave) CArrayPtrSeg< CAMMSPlayerStateListener >(1);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAMMSControlGroup::ControlCount
// Returns the total count of controls in this group.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CAMMSControlGroup::ControlCount() const
    return iControls.Count();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAMMSControlGroup::Control
// Gets control. Ownership is not tranferred.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CMMAControl* CAMMSControlGroup::Control(TInt aIndex) const
    // aIndex must not be negative and must not be greater than the number
    // of objects currently in the array,
    // otherwise the operator raises a USER-130 panic.
    return iControls[ aIndex ];

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAMMSControlGroup::NotifyPlayerRemoved
// Called by PlayerAddedL when new player is added
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAMMSControlGroup::NotifyPlayerAddedL(
    CMMAPlayer* /*aPlayer*/,
    CMMAControl* /*aControl*/)

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAMMSControlGroup::NotifyPlayerRemoved
// Called by PlayerRemoved when a player is removed
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAMMSControlGroup::NotifyPlayerRemoved(
    CMMAPlayer* /*aPlayer*/,
    CMMAControl* /*aControl*/)

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAMMSControlGroup::PlayerAddedL
// Called by the owning module when a player is added
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAMMSControlGroup::PlayerAddedL(CMMAPlayer *aPlayer)
    // All derived classes must define name for the group
    __ASSERT_DEBUG(iName != KNullDesC,

    // Do nothing if the player does not have a control belonging to this group.
    CMMAControl* findControl = AMMSUtil::FindControl(
                                   aPlayer, iName, iControlType);
    if (!findControl)

    // It is safe to cast CMMAControl to the subclass CAMMSControl, as only
    // AMMS Controls are returned from FindControl method
    CAMMSControl* control = static_cast< CAMMSControl* >(findControl);

    CAMMSPlayerStateListener* playerListener =
        CAMMSPlayerStateListener::NewLC(aPlayer, this);



    // Add the control of the player directly to the group
    // if the player is in STARTED or PREFETCHED state.
    // If not, the control is added later when the player changes
    // its state to PREFETCHED.
    TInt playerState = aPlayer->State();

    if ((playerState == CMMAPlayer::EPrefetched) ||
            (playerState == CMMAPlayer::EStarted))
        // Now it is safe to call PrepareControlL to initialize the Control
        DEBUG_INT("AMMS::CAMMSControlGroup::PlayerAddedL calling PrepareControl for type: %d",

        // Add control to controls array

        // Notify derived classes about new player control
        NotifyPlayerAddedL(aPlayer, control);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAMMSControlGroup::PlayerRemoved
// Called by the owning module when a player is removed
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CAMMSControlGroup::PlayerRemoved(CMMAPlayer *aPlayer)
    CMMAControl* control = AMMSUtil::FindControl(
                               aPlayer, iName, iControlType);

    // Do nothing if the player does not have a control belonging to this group.
    if (!control)

    // Remove the control of the player if the control is in the group.
    TInt controlIndex = iControls.Find(control);
    if (controlIndex != KErrNotFound)
        // It is safe to cast CMMAControl to the subclass CAMMSControl, as only
        // AMMS Controls are returned from FindControl method
        CAMMSControl* ammsControl = static_cast< CAMMSControl* >(control);

        // Call DeallocateControl to delete the Control's Effect API class
        DEBUG_INT("AMMS::CAMMSControlGroup::PlayerRemoved calling DeallocateControl for type: %d",

        NotifyPlayerRemoved(aPlayer, ammsControl);

    // Remove the state listener belonging to the given player.

    TInt listenerCount = iPlayerStateListeners->Count();
    TInt listenerIndex = KErrNotFound;

    for (TInt i = 0; i < listenerCount; i++)
        // Elements in the listener array are never null.
        if (iPlayerStateListeners->At(i)->Player() == aPlayer)
            listenerIndex = i;

    if (listenerIndex != KErrNotFound)
        delete iPlayerStateListeners->At(listenerIndex);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CAMMSControlGroup::CAMMSControlGroup
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    const TDesC& aName,
    TAMMSControlTypes aControlType) :

//  End of File