author Pat Downey <>
Wed, 01 Sep 2010 12:33:18 +0100
changeset 26 2455ef1f5bbc
parent 14 04becd199f91
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revert incorrect RCL_3 drop: Revision: v2.2.11 Kit: 201035

* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:


#include <map>
#include "serverconnectionfactory.h"
#include "serverconnection.h"
#include "scopedlocks.h"

namespace java
namespace push

class PendingConnectionListener;

 * This class is internal helper class of ServerConnectionFactoryBase class.
 * This class contains data of one ServerConnection object.
class SrvConnContainerData

    enum ServerConnectionType_t
        PUSH, //Push server connection which is listen by Push Controller
        NORMAL, //non-push server connection
        PUSH_LISTEN_BY_MIDLET //Push server connection listen by MIDlet.

     * @param aConn This class does not take ownership of this argument.
    SrvConnContainerData(ServerConnection* aConn,PendingConnectionListener* aListener,
                         bool aIsActive,ServerConnectionType_t aType)

    virtual ~SrvConnContainerData()

    ServerConnection* getConn() const
        return mSrvConn;

    void setPendingConnListener(PendingConnectionListener* aListener)
        mPendingConnListener = aListener;

    PendingConnectionListener* getPendingConnListener() const
        return mPendingConnListener;

    void setActive(bool aIsActive)
        mIsActive = aIsActive;
    bool isActive() const
        return mIsActive;

    void setConnType(ServerConnectionType_t aConnType)
        mConnType = aConnType;
    ServerConnectionType_t connType() const
        return mConnType;

    SrvConnContainerData(const SrvConnContainerData &x)
        *this = x;

    SrvConnContainerData &operator=(const SrvConnContainerData &x)
        mSrvConn = x.mSrvConn;
        mPendingConnListener = x.mPendingConnListener;
        mIsActive = x.mIsActive;
        mConnType = x.mConnType;
        return *this;


    //This class does not take ownership of this datamember.
    ServerConnection* mSrvConn;
    PendingConnectionListener* mPendingConnListener;
    //Indicates whether incoming message has arrived to the connection.
    bool mIsActive;
    ServerConnectionType_t mConnType;

 * This class has "default" implementation of ServerConnectionFactory interface.
 * Probably this implementation is enough for most of protocols. I.e. it is recommened
 * to use this implementation if protocol does not have special reguirements for
 * implementation of ServerConnectionFactory.
class ServerConnectionFactoryBase : public ServerConnectionFactory


    OS_IMPORT ServerConnectionFactoryBase();

    OS_IMPORT virtual ~ServerConnectionFactoryBase();

    //Methods of ServerConnectionFactory interface.
     * See comments from ServerConnectionFactory::createPushServerConn() operation.
    OS_IMPORT virtual ServerConnection& createPushServerConn(const std::wstring& aUri,
            const std::wstring& aFilter,
            ConnectionListener* aListener,
            PendingConnectionListener* aPendingConnListener);

     * This operation creates ServerConnection if it is not already created.
     * @exception throws RuntimeException if type of the existing ServerConnection
     *            object is PUSH_LISTEN_BY_MIDLET || PUSH and isMultipleSrvConnAllowed()
     *            operation returns 'false'.
    OS_IMPORT virtual ServerConnection* create(const std::wstring& aUri);

     * Returns all connections which connection type is PUSH_LISTEN_BY_MIDLET || PUSH.
    OS_IMPORT virtual void getPushConnections(bool aAvailable,std::list<std::wstring>& aUriList);

     * See comments ServerConnectionFactory::closeAllConnections() operation.
    OS_IMPORT virtual void closeAllConnections();

     * See comments ServerConnectionFactory::deletePushConnection() operation.
    OS_IMPORT virtual void deletePushConnection(const std::wstring& aUri);

     * See comments ServerConnectionFactory::getPushConnection() operation.
    OS_IMPORT virtual ServerConnection* getPushConnection(const std::wstring& aUri);

     * See comments ServerConnectionFactory::releaseConnection() operation.
    OS_IMPORT virtual void releaseConnection(const std::wstring& aUri);

     * Implementation class of the ServerConnection interface must update status whether
     * ServerConnection object has pending message(= message arrived but not yet read).
     * This information is needed for PushRegistry.listConnections() operation. MIDlet can
     * retrieve by this operation active but not handled connections.
     * @param aUri        URI of the connection.
     * @param aPendingMsg Updating logic of pending message flag:
     *                    - Set it 'true' when message arrives to the connection.
     *                    - Set it 'false' when ServerConnection::open() operation has been called.
    OS_IMPORT void setPendingMsgFlag(const std::wstring& aUri,bool aPendingMsg);

     * This operation creates protocol specific ServerConnection object. Validation of
     * arguments must be done java framework.
     * Note: This operation does not open push connection.
     * @param aUri    ServerConnection URI.
     * @param aFilter Connection URL indicating which senders are allowed to cause
       *                the MIDlet to be launched.
       *                Value of this argument is empty string in the normal server connection case.
       *                Note: START_APP_IN_LISTEN_MODE mode is used in the creation of normal server connection.
       * @throws        PushException with following error codes:
       *                COMMON_SRV_CONN_PLUGIN_ERROR:
       *                reserved for other errors in the creation of ServerConnection object.
    virtual ServerConnection* createSrvConnObj(const std::wstring& aUri,
            const std::wstring& aFilter) = 0;

     * This method indicates whether multiple operation call is allowed
     * for a connection. Normally this is not allowed but e.g. for some new protocol it might
     * be allowed.
    virtual bool isMultipleSrvConnAllowed() = 0;


    typedef std::map<std::wstring,SrvConnContainerData> SrvConnContainer_t;
    typedef std::map<std::wstring,SrvConnContainerData>::iterator SrvConnContainerIter_t;

    SrvConnContainer_t mServerConnections;
    java::util::ScopedMutex mMutex;


    //Internal operations.
    bool deletePushConnection(SrvConnContainerIter_t& aIter);

    //Not implemented.
    ServerConnectionFactoryBase(const ServerConnectionFactoryBase &x);
    ServerConnectionFactoryBase &operator=(const ServerConnectionFactoryBase &x);


}//end namespace push
}//end namespace java