author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Mon, 21 Jun 2010 15:32:50 +0300
changeset 21 4376525cdefb
parent 19 71c436fe3ce0
child 24 6c158198356e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: v2.1.30 Kit: 2010125

 * Copyright (c) 2005, 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     Nokia Corporation - S60 implementation


#include <AknPopupFader.h>
#include "eswtwidgetscore.h"

class CAknNavigationDecorator;

 * CSwtUiUtils
 * @lib eswt.dll
        : public CBase
        , public MSwtUiUtils
        , public MEikStatusPaneObserver
        , public MAknFadedComponent
     * Two phase constructor
    static CSwtUiUtils* NewL(MSwtDisplay& aDisplay);

     * Destructor

     * Register shell.
     * @param aShell
    void RegisterShellL(MSwtShell& aShell);

     * Unregister shell.
     * @param aShell
    void UnregisterShell(MSwtShell& aShell);

     * Try setting a shell active. See CanBeActive().
     * @param aShell The Shell to be made active.
     * @param aSetFocus Instructs the newly activated Shell to try and set
     *        the focus on one of its children.
     * @return whether the Shell was actually made active.
    TBool SetActiveShell(MSwtShell& aShell, TBool aSetFocus);

     * Test if a shell can become active taking into account the current
     * active shell. For instance only modal Shells can become active
     * when there is already an active Shell.
     * @param aShell
     * @param aStrictCheck controls if modality is a factor
    TBool CanBeActive(MSwtShell& aShell, TBool aStrictCheck = ETrue) const;

     * Test if a shell can be displayed as top most (behind active child).
     * @param aShell
    TBool CanBeTopMost(MSwtShell& aShell) const;

     * Inform that the shell's activity may have changed.
     * @param aShell
    void ShellActivabilityChanged(MSwtShell& aShell);

     * Sets next focused control. This function is called when app lost focus, which stores
     * a pointer of control that can be focused when app gains focus again.
     * Calling with NULL of course unsets.
     * @param aNextFocusedControl The pointer of control that can be focused when app gains focus again.
    void SetNextFocusedControl(MSwtControl* aNextFocusedControl);

     * Returns the control that will gain focus when app gains focus again.
    MSwtControl* NextFocusedControl();

     * Changes the application focus and sets the given shell to be active.
     * @param aShell The shell to be activated after gaining to focus.
     * @param aForeground brings application to foreground if True
    void ChangeAppFocus(MSwtShell& aShell, TBool aForeground);

     * Browser engine dll loading must be done dynamically due to WSD.
     * This function returns the interface creation function of the dll.
     * The browser dll is loaded the first time this function is called.
    TLibraryFunction BrowserDllEntryL();

     * Returns number of active browsers in applicaition.
    TInt ActiveBrowserCount() const;

     * Notifies UiUtils that new instance of Browser was created
     * and therefore previous garbage browser (and its shell
     * if neccessary) can be removed.
    void NotifyNewBrowserCreated();

     * Browser instance must be deleted only just before the application exits.
     * If attempted earlier, the browser engine dll will crash due to WSD.
     * This function sets the browser instance to be kept in limbo till app exit.
    void GarbageCollect(MSwtBrowser& aBrowser);

     * Aside with browser we must collect also the window that contains it.
    void GarbageCollect(MSwtShell& aShell);

     * First phase constructor.
    CSwtUiUtils(MSwtDisplay& aDisplay);

     * Second phase constructor.
    void ConstructL();

     * Set active shell.
     * @param aShell
     * @param aSetFocus
    void DoSetActiveShell(MSwtShell& aShell, TBool aSetFocus);

     * Search for a shell capable of being active and activate it. The Shell
     * list is searched in reverse order because this should match the
     * Shells Z-order.
     * @return TBool If no Shell found, return EFalse.
    TBool FindAndActivateShell();

     * Test if a shell is application modal.
     * @param aShell
     * @return TBool
    static TBool IsApplicationModal(MSwtShell& aShell);

     * Free memory from eSwt Browser and its children.
     * @param aComposite The pointer to composite
     * @return void
    void FreeBrowserRamL(MSwtComposite* aComposite, TInt aEventType);

     * Move a Shell at the end of the Shell queue.
    void MoveToEndOfQueue(MSwtShell& aShell);

     * Highest inline control default font. See InlineReferenceFontHeight.
    const CFont& InlineReferenceFont() const;

    void HideIndicator(TInt aId);
    void HideIndicators();
    void DoSetSplitInputShellPos(const TPoint& aPos);
    void DoSetSplitInputViewSize(const TSize& aSize);
    MSwtControl* ScrolledCompositeAncestor(const MSwtControl& aControl) const;

// From MSwtUiUtils
    TRgb GetSystemColor(TSwtColorId aId) const;
    TFontSpec SystemFontSpec() const;
    TInt RunMessageBoxDlgLD(MSwtDisplay& aDisplay, const TDesC& aTitle,
                            const TDesC& aMessage, TInt aStyle) const;
    MSwtShell* GetActiveShell() const
        return iActiveShell;
    MSwtShell* GetParentTopShellOfActiveShell() const;
    MSwtShell* TopMostTopShell() const;
    TSwtPeer GetActiveShellPeer() const;
    inline const RPointerArray<MSwtShell>& Shells() const;
    CSwtPeerArray* GetShellPeersL() const;
    TSwtPeer GetFocusControl() const;
    MSwtShell& GetControlTopShell(const MSwtControl& aControl) const;
    void DrawFocusRect(MSwtGc& aGc, const TRect& aRect) const;
    CEikButtonGroupContainer& Cba() const;
    void UpdateStatusPaneL();
    TBool IsAppFocused() const;
    const HBufC* GetCommandOkTitleL() const;
    const HBufC* GetCommandCancelTitleL() const;
    TInt  GetPointerEventStateMask(TUint aPointerEventModifiers) const;
    MSwtShell* FadingShell() const
        return iFadingShell;
    TMargins8 InlineReferencePadding() const;
    TInt InlineReferenceFontHeight() const;
    void SetAppNameL(const TDesC* aAppName);
    TSize GetBestImageSize(TInt aImageType);
    void HandleResourceChangedL(TInt aType);
    TInt ScrollBarBreadth(const CEikScrollBar* aBar);
    TBool NaviKeyInput() const;
    void SetNaviKeyInput(TBool aStatus);
    void SetCbaVisible(TBool aVisible);
    MSwtControl* GetPointerGrabbingControl();
    TRect TaskTipRect() const;
    void SetPointerCaptureControl(MSwtControl* aControl);
    MSwtControl* PointerCaptureControl();
    void SetSplitInputEditor(MSwtControl *aEditor);
    MSwtControl* SplitInputEditor() const;
    MSwtControl* SplitInputView() const;
    void SetSplitInputShellPos(const TPoint& aOriginalPos);
    void SetSplitInputViewSize(const TSize& aOriginalSize);
    void AdjustSplitInputShellPos();
    void HandleFreeRamEventL(TInt aEventType);

// From MSwtAppFocusObserver
    void HandleAppFocusChangeL(TBool aFocused);

// From MEikStatusPaneObserver
    void HandleStatusPaneSizeChange();

    void SetShellFade(MSwtShell* aShell, TBool aStatus);
    TBool CanBeFaded(MSwtShell* aShell) const;

// From MAknFadedComponent
    TInt CountFadedComponents();
    CCoeControl* FadedComponent(TInt aIndex);

// Data
     * Display reference needed for getting CEikEnv for now.
    MSwtDisplay& iDisplay;

     * All shells.
     * Not own.
    RPointerArray<MSwtShell> iShells;

     * The currently active shell. Can be NULL.
     * Not own.
    MSwtShell* iActiveShell;

     * The next shell to be made active. Can be NULL.
     * See HandleFocusLost(), HandleFocusLost()
     * Not own.
    MSwtShell* iNextActiveShell;

     * The next control to focus.
     * Not own.
    MSwtControl* iNextFocusedControl;

     * Focus lost flag.
     * See HandleFocusLost(), HandleFocusLost().
    TBool iFocusLost;

     * CBA, cannot be NULL
     * Own.
    CEikButtonGroupContainer* iCba;

     * The NaviDecorator which contain the text set by SetNaviPaneText()
     * Not own.
    CAknNavigationDecorator* iNaviDecorator;

     * The Status Pane
     * Not own.
    CEikStatusPane* iStatusPane;

     * Pointer to the control that has been
     * set pointer capturing with setCapture.
     * Not Own
    MSwtControl* iPointerCaptureControl;

     * Browser engine dll.
    RLibrary iBrowserEngineLib;

     * Entry point of browser engine dll.
    TLibraryFunction iBrowserDllEntry;

     * Number of currently existing browser instances.
    TInt iCurrentBrowserCount;

     * Browser instance must be deleted only just before the application exits.
     * If attempted earlier, the browser engine dll will crash due to WSD.
     * This is the browser instance to be kept in limbo till app exit.
    MSwtBrowser* iBrowserGarbage;

     * Shell instance to be also garbage collected together with browser.
     * The browser needs to have the parent window alive till destroyed.
    MSwtShell* iBrowserShellGarbage;

     * Flag signalling whether Browser's parent shell was requested to
     * collect.
    TBool iShellGarbageCollectionRequested;

     * The string of status text separator.
    HBufC* iSeparatorString;

     * Keep track of top most shells.
    MSwtShell* iLastTopMostShell;

     * Used to fade the whole system behind modal child shells.
    TAknPopupFader iFader;

     * The Shell which fades behind.
    MSwtShell* iFadingShell;

     * Used by display appName to set the title for status pane.
     * Own.
    TDesC* iAppName;

     * Cached scrollbar breadth. Valid till next resolution change.
    TInt iScrollBarBreadth;

     * Inline reference stuff
    mutable const CFont* iInlineFont;
    mutable TInt iInlineFontHeight;
    mutable TMargins8 iInlinePadding;

     * Key input flag.
    TBool iNaviKeyInput;
     * Split input data.
    MSwtControl* iSplitInputEditor;
    MSwtControl* iSplitInputView;
    TSize iSplitInputViewSize;
    TPoint iSplitInputShellPos;
    TBool iSplitInputSPVisible;

 * Return the existing shells
inline const RPointerArray<MSwtShell>& CSwtUiUtils::Shells() const
    return iShells;

#endif // SWTUIUTILS_H