* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Handles conversion between PIM API Contact Items and Contacts
* Model Contact Cards.
#include "pimcommon.h"
#include "pimcontact.h"
#include <e32base.h>
#include <badesca.h>
#include <cntdef.h>
/** Maximum lengths of address elements in S60 */
const TInt KContactAddrElemMaxLengths[EPIMContactAddrNumElements] =
20, // P.O.Box
50, // Extra/Extension
50, // Street
50, // City
50, // State/Region
20, // Postal code
50 // Country
/** Maximum lengths of name elements in S60 */
const TInt KContactNameElemMaxLengths[EPIMContactNameNumElements] =
50, // Family/surname
50, // Given/First name
50, // Other
10, // Prefix
10, // Suffix
50, // Family name reading
50 // Given name reading
* Maximum lengths of standard string field values in S60.
* An offset to the table is found by substracting
* KContactStringMaxLengthsOffset from a field id.
const TInt KContactStringMaxLengths[] =
KErrNotFound, // EPIMContactAddr
KErrNotFound, // EPIMContactBirthday
KErrNotFound, // EPIMContactClass
150, // EPIMContactEmail
KErrNotSupported, // EPIMContactFormattedAddr
KErrNotSupported, // EPIMContactFormattedName
KErrNotFound, // EPIMContactName
50, // EPIMContactNickname
1000, // EPIMContactNote
50, // EPIMContactOrg
KErrNotFound, // EPIMContactPhoto
KErrNotFound, // EPIMContactPhotoUrl
KErrNotSupported, // EPIMContactPublicKey
KErrNotSupported, // EPIMContactPublicKeyString
KErrNotFound, // EPIMContactRevision
48, // EPIMContactTel
50, // EPIMContactTitle
KErrNotFound, // EPIMContactUid
1000 // EPIMContactUrl
const TInt KContactStringMaxLengthsOffset = 100;
const TInt KContactStringMaxLengthsLen = sizeof(KContactStringMaxLengths)
/ sizeof(TInt);
* Maximum lengths of extended string field values in S60.
const TInt KContactExtStringMaxLengths[] =
50, // Extended WV user ID
100, // Extended SIP
60, // Extended DTFM
50, // Extended Department
50, // Extended Assistant name
50, // Extended Children
50, // Extended Spouse
KErrNotFound, // Extended Anniversary
100, // Extended VOIP
100, // Extended PTT
100 // Extended SWIS
const TInt KContactExtStringMaxLengthOffset = 0x1005001;
const TInt KContactExtStringMaxLengthsLen = sizeof(KContactExtStringMaxLengths)
/ sizeof(TInt);
class CPIMContactCategoryManager;
class CContactCard;
class CViewContact;
class RContactViewSortOrder;
class MPIMContactItem;
class MPIMItemData;
class CContentType;
class CContactItemField;
class CPIMImageScaler;
class CPIMContactFieldInfo;
* Contact Item Adapter
* Converts Contact Items from PIM representation to Contacts Model
* representation and vice versa.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CPIMContactItemAdapter): public CBase
public: // Constructor and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CPIMContactItemAdapter* NewL(
CPIMContactCategoryManager& aCategoryManager);
* Destructor.
public: // new methods
* Converts from a PIM item data to a Contacts Model contact card.
* @param aItem The item to convert
* @return A contact card with the same information as given in
* the parameter item. The \b ownership of the card is
* transferred to the caller.
* @par Leaving:
* This leaves on an error with system wide error codes.
* @par NOTE!
* The debug version of this method panics if the item contains
* unsupported fields!
CContactCard* CardL(const MPIMContactItem& aItem);
* Converts from a Contacts Model contact card to the PIM
* representation.
* @param aItem Item data container to fill with the data
* @param aCard Contact card to convert
* @par Leaving:
* - KErrNotFound: The contact belongs to a group which either does not
* exist, or does not have a label. In other words, the
* database has been corrupted.
* - This method may also leave with other system wide error codes.
void FillItemL(MPIMContactItem& aItem, const CContactCard& aCard);
* Updates the data in the Contacts Model contact card to match
* the data in the PIM item data container.
* @param aItem Item from which the data is read
* @param aCard The card which is updated
* @par Leaving:
* This leaves on an error with system wide error codes.
* @par NOTE!
* The debug version of this method panics if the item contains
* unsupported fields!
void UpdateCardL(const MPIMContactItem& aItem,
CContactCard& aCard);
* Updates the category information in the database.
* @param aItem Item which contains the category information which
* is used in the update.
* @param aCard the card which is updated.
* @par Leaving:
* - KErrNotFound: There is something fishy about the groups in the
* database.
void UpdateCategoriesL(const MPIMContactItem& aItem,
const CContactCard& aCard);
* Returns Contacts model field which is mapped to the PIM contact
* field. Ownership of the returned array is transferred to the caller
* @return Mapped Contacts Model fields
CArrayFix< TInt>* ContactsModelFieldTypeL(
TPIMContactField aContactField) const;
* C++ constructor.
CPIMContactItemAdapter(CPIMContactCategoryManager& aCategoryManager);
* Symbian 2nd phase constructor.
void ConstructL();
* Deletes all the supported fields from the contact card.
* Those fields which are not supported are left as is.
* @param aCard The card which is cleaned
void CleanCard(CContactCard& aCard);
* Checks if we support this particular contact field.
* @param aField The field which is checked
* @return ETrue if the field is supported, EFalse otherwise
TBool IsSupportedField(CContactItemField& aField);
* Converts a field from a PIM Item to a Contact Card.
* @param aItem item to read the field from
* @param aCard card to write the field to
* @param aField field to convert
* @par Leaving:
* This method leaves on error with system wide error codes.
* @par NOTE!
* The debug version of this method panics if the field is unsupported!
void ConvertFieldL(const MPIMContactItem& aItem,
CContactCard& aCard,
TPIMContactField aField);
* Converts a field from a Contact Card to a PIM Item
* @param aField field to read the data from
* @param aItem item to write the data to
* @par Leaving:
* This method leaves on an error with system wide error codes.
void ConvertFieldL(const CContactItemField& aField,
MPIMContactItem& aItem);
* Converts a text field from a Contact Card to a PIM Item
* @param aField field to read the data from
* @param aItem item to write the data to
* @par Leaving:
* This method leaves on error with system wide error codes
void ConvertTextFieldL(const CContactItemField& aField,
MPIMContactItem& aItem);
* Adds a string field to the item, and optionally sets the
* fields label.
* @param aItem item to which the string field is added
* @param aField field type
* @param aAttributes attributes of the field to be added
* @param aInternalAttributes Internal attributes of the field
* @param aValue value to be added. Ownership gets transferred
* to the item.
* @param aLabel label to be set. NULL if default label is to
* be used. Ownership gets transferred.
void AddStringFieldWithLabelL(
MPIMItemData& aItem,
TPIMField aField,
TPIMAttribute aAttributes,
CArrayFix< TUid>* aInternalAttributes,
const TPtrC aValue,
const TPtrC aLabel);
* Converts a date field from a Contact Card to a PIM Item
* @param aField field to read the data from
* @param aItem item to write the data to
* @par Leaving:
* This method leaves on error with system wide error codes
void ConvertDateFieldL(const CContactItemField& aField,
MPIMContactItem& aItem);
* Converts a store field from a Contact Card to a PIM Item
* @param aField field to read the data from
* @param aItem item to write the data to
* @par Leaving:
* This method leaves on error with system wide error codes
void ConvertStoreFieldL(const CContactItemField& aField,
MPIMContactItem& aItem);
* Adds a name field to a PIM Item
* @param aText text to add
* @param aItem item to add the field to
* @param aElement element which is added
* @param aLabel lable to be set
* @par Leaving:
* This method leaves on an error with system wide error codes.
void AddNameFieldToItemL(
TPtrC aText,
MPIMContactItem& aItem,
TPIMContactNameElement aElement,
TPtrC aLabel);
* Adds an addres field to a PIM Item
* @param aText text to add
* @param aItem item to add the field to
* @param aElement element which is added
* @param aAttributes attributes of the address field
* @param aLabel label to be set
* @par Leaving:
* This method leaves on an error with system wide error codes.
void AddAddressFieldToItemL(
TPtrC aText,
MPIMContactItem& aItem,
TPIMContactAddrElement aElement,
TPIMAttribute aAttributes,
TPtrC aLabel);
* Converts an address field from a PIM Item to a Contact Card.
* @param aItem item to read the field from
* @param aCard card to write the field to
* @param aField field to convert
* @param aIndex index to the field to convert
* @param aAttributes attributes of the field to convert
* @par Leaving:
* This method leaves on an error with system wide error codes.
void ConvertAddressFieldL(
const MPIMItemData& aItem,
CContactCard& aCard,
TPIMContactField aField,
TInt aIndex,
TPIMAttribute aAttributes);
* Converts a name field from a PIM Item to a Contact Card.
* @param aItem item to read the field from
* @param aCard card to write the field to
* @param aField field to convert
* @param aIndex index to the field to convert
* @par Leaving:
* This method leaves on an error with system wide error codes.
void ConvertNameFieldL(
const MPIMItemData& aItem,
CContactCard& aCard,
TPIMContactField aField,
TInt aIndex);
* Converts a date field from a PIM Item to a Contact Card.
* @param aItem item to read the field from
* @param aCard card to write the field to
* @param aField field to convert
* @param aIndex index to the field to convert
* @par Leaving:
* This method leaves on an error with system wide error codes.
* @par NOTE!
* The debug version of this method panics if the date is not a birthday!
void ConvertDateFieldL(
const MPIMItemData& aItem,
CContactCard& aCard,
TPIMContactField aField,
TInt aIndex);
* Converts a string field from a PIM Item to a Contact Card.
* @param aItem item to read the field from
* @param aCard card to write the field to
* @param aField field to convert
* @param aIndex index to the field to convert
* @par Leaving:
* This method leaves on an error with system wide error codes.
void ConvertStringFieldL(
const MPIMItemData& aItem,
CContactCard& aCard,
TPIMContactField aField,
TInt aIndex);
* Converts a photo field from a PIM Item to a Contact Card.
* @param aItem item to read the field from
* @param aCard card to write the field to
* @param aField field to convert
* @param aIndex index to the field to convert
* @par Leaving:
* This method may leave.
void ConvertPhotoFieldL(
const MPIMItemData& aItem,
CContactCard& aCard,
TPIMContactField aField,
TInt aIndex);
* Converts a class field from a PIM Item to a Contact Card.
* @param aItemData item to read the field from
* @param aCard card to write the field to
* @param aField field to convert
* @param aIndex index to the field to convert
* @par Leaving:
* This method may leave.
void ConvertClassFieldL(
const MPIMItemData& aItemData,
CContactCard& aCard,
TPIMContactField aField,
TInt aIndex);
* Converts a class field from a Contact Card to PIM item
* @param aItemData Item to add the field
* @param aClassDesValue Pointer descriptor to the native value
* @param aLabel Label for the field
* @par Leaving
* This method may leve
void AddClassFieldToItemL(
MPIMItemData& aItemData,
TPtrC& aClassDesValue,
TPtrC aLabel);
* Checks the attributes in the address values in the given
* item, and finds out optimal values for address index
* members.
* @param aItem item which is checked
* @param aPlainAddressIndex the index of address without
* attributes is placed here
* @param aHomeAddressIndex the index of address with home
* attribute is placed here
* @param aWorkAddressIndex the index of address with work
* attribute is placed here
void AddressAttributesL(const MPIMItemData& aItem,
TInt& aPlainAddressIndex,
TInt& aHomeAddressIndex,
TInt& aWorkAddressIndex);
* Checks that given string value does not exceed the limit
* specified for the given field.
void EnsureValidStringValueLengthL(
TPIMContactField aField,
const TDesC& aValue);
* Checks that given address array element does not exceed
* a predefined length limit.
void EnsureValidAddrElemLengthL(
TPIMContactAddrElement aElemIndex,
const TDesC& aElemValue);
* Checks that given name array element does not exceed
* a predefined length limit.
void EnsureValidNameElemLengthL(
TPIMContactNameElement aElemIndex,
const TDesC& aElemValue);
private: // members
// Handles categories
CPIMContactCategoryManager& iCategoryManager;
// Scales bitmaps, owned.
CPIMImageScaler* iImageScaler;
// Matches Contacts Model fields to PIM contact fields
CPIMContactFieldInfo* iFieldInfo;
// End of file