author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Wed, 09 Jun 2010 09:34:07 +0300
changeset 19 71c436fe3ce0
parent 14 04becd199f91
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: v2.1.28 Kit: 2010123

* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Localised strings for Java Runtime version 2.x for S60 - Java Application Installer


// d:Installation confirmation query
// d:displayed at the top of the popup
// d:with application name
// l:popup_note_window
#define qtn_java_inst_query "Install %U?"

// d:Softkey label in SK1
// d:for accepting installation, update, uninstallation, authentication query.
// d:Used also for dismissing error message
// l:control_pane_t1/opt7
#define qtn_java_inst_ok "Ok"

// d:Softkey label in SK2
// d:for cancelling installation, update, uninstallation, authentication query
// l:control_pane_t1/opt7
#define qtn_java_inst_cancel "Cancel"

// d:Link in installation and update confirmation query
// d:for opening application details view
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_view_app_details "View details"

// d:Title of authentication query
// d:requesting username and password
// l:heading_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_auth_query "Connect to"

// d:Authentication query prompt text
// d:with application name
// l:loc_type_pane
#define qtn_java_inst_auth_yourself "To download %U you need to authenticate yourself."

// d:Authentication query prompt text
// d:username
// l:none
#define qtn_java_inst_auth_username "Username:"

// d:Authentication query prompt text
// d:password
// l:none
#define qtn_java_inst_auth_password "Password:"

// d:Wait note displayed to user
// d:during application conversion with a progress bar
// l:popup_note_wait_window
#define qtn_java_inst_app_conversion_progress "Converting application %0N / %1N"

// d:Wait note displayed to user
// d:during OCSP check with a progress bar
// l:popup_note_wait_window
#define qtn_java_inst_ocsp_check_progress "Checking certificate validity"

// d:Wait note displayed to user
// d:during downloading process with a progress bar
// l:popup_note_wait_window
#define qtn_java_inst_download_progress "Downloading"

// d:Wait note displayed to user
// d:during installation process with a progress bar
// l:popup_note_wait_window
#define qtn_java_inst_progress "Installing"

// d:Installation completed prompt with softkeys
// d:listing all applications in the application suite
// d:with possible application icon(s)
// l:heading_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_complete "Installation complete"

// d:Installation completed prompt
// d:label for SK1 to launch applicationlisting all applications in the application suite
// l:control_pane_t1/opt7
#define qtn_java_inst_start "Start"

// d:Installation completed prompt
// d:label for SK2 to dismiss prompt
// l:control_pane_t1/opt7
#define qtn_java_inst_close "Close"

// d:Link in installation details query
// d:for opening application not certified details view
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_view_not_certified_details "Application not certified"

// d:Title for displaying application not certified details
// d:in a separate view with softkey
// l:heading_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_not_certified_title "Security warning"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query certificate details:
// d:application not certified warning
// l:loc_type_pane
#define qtn_java_inst_not_certified_warning "The application is untrusted and may be harmful to your phone."

// d:Link in installation details query
// d:for opening certificate details view
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_view_cert_details "Certificate information"

// d:Title for displaying details of a certificate
// d:in a separate view with softkey
// l:heading_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_cert_details_title "Certificate details"

// d:Softkey label for SK2 for returning from a view
// d:back to the application details
// l:control_pane_t1/opt7
#define qtn_java_inst_back "Back"

// d:Update (installation) confirmation query with application name and
// d:current and new version numbers,
// d:displayed at the top of the popup
// l:popup_note_window
#define qtn_java_inst_update_query "Update %0U from version %1U to %2U?"

// d:Update (installation) confirmation query application details
// d:with option to retain user data (with check box)
// l:list_single_graphic_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_update_retain_user_data "Retain user data"

// d:Uninstallation confirmation query
// d:displayed at the top of the popup
// l:popup_note_window
#define qtn_java_inst_uninstall_query "Uninstall %U and remove associated data?"

// d:Wait note displayed to user
// d:during uninstallation process with a progress bar
// l:popup_note_wait_window
#define qtn_java_inst_uninstalling_progress "Uninstalling"

// d:Installation failed error note
// d:displayed when installation/uninstallation/update failed
// d:displayed at the top of note and including an error icon
// l:heading_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_failed "Installation failed"

// d:Uninstallation failed error note
// d:displayed when installation/uninstallation/update failed
// d:displayed at the top of note and including an error icon
// l:heading_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_uninst_failed "Uninstallation failed"

// d:Softkey label for SK2 for viewing error details
// d:opening a new view
// l:control_pane_t1/opt7
#define qtn_java_inst_failed_details "Details"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query application details:
// d:application name
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_app_details_name "Name: %U"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query application details:
// d:vendor
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_app_details_vendor "Vendor: %U"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query application details:
// d:version
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_app_details_version "Version: %U"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query application details:
// d:size
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_app_details_size_kb "Size: %U kB"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query application details:
// d:applications
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_app_details_apps_list "Applications:"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query application details:
// d:application name
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_application_name "- %U"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query certificate details:
// d:domain
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_cert_details_domain "Domain: %U"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query certificate details:
// d:domain name (possible %U in qtn_java_inst_cert_details_domain)
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_cert_details_domain_operator "Operator"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query certificate details:
// d:domain name (possible %U in qtn_java_inst_cert_details_domain)
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_cert_details_domain_manufacturer "Manufacturer"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query certificate details:
// d:domain name (possible %U in qtn_java_inst_cert_details_domain)
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_cert_details_domain_trusted_third_party "Trusted 3rd party"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query certificate details:
// d:domain name (possible %U in qtn_java_inst_cert_details_domain)
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_cert_details_domain_untrusted_third_party "Untrusted 3rd party"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query certificate details:
// d:issuer
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_cert_details_issuer "Issuer: %U"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query certificate details:
// d:subject
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_cert_details_subject "Subject: %U"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query certificate details:
// d:valid from
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_cert_details_valid_from "Valid from: %U"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query certificate details:
// d:valid until
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_cert_details_valid_until "Valid until: %U"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query certificate details:
// d:serial number
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_cert_details_serial_number "Serial number: %U"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query certificate details:
// d:fingerprint
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_cert_details_fingerprint "Fingerprint (SHA1): %U"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query application details:
// d:title of installation drive drop down list, if available
// l:heading_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_app_details_install_to_drive "Install to drive:"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query application details:
// d:option in installation drive drop down list, if available
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_java_inst_drive_type_phone_memory "%U: Phone Memory"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query application details:
// d:option in installation drive drop down list, if available
// d:amount of free memory in kB (max three digits e.g. 256)
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_java_inst_drive_type_phone_memory_kb "%U: Phone Memory (%N kB)"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query application details:
// d:option in installation drive drop down list, if available
// d:amount of free memory in MB (max three digits e.g. 500)
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_java_inst_drive_type_phone_memory_mb "%U: Phone Memory (%N MB)"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query application details:
// d:option in installation drive drop down list, if available
// d:amount of free memory in GB (max three digits e.g. 100)
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_java_inst_drive_type_phone_memory_gb "%U: Phone Memory (%N GB)"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query application details:
// d:option in installation drive drop down list, if available
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_java_inst_drive_type_memory_card "%U: Memory Card"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query application details:
// d:option in installation drive drop down list, if available
// d:amount of free memory in kB (max three digits e.g. 256)
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_java_inst_drive_type_memory_card_kb "%U: Memory Card (%N kB)"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query application details:
// d:option in installation drive drop down list, if available
// d:amount of free memory in MB (max three digits e.g. 500)
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_java_inst_drive_type_memory_card_mb "%U: Memory Card (%N MB)"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query application details:
// d:option in installation drive drop down list, if available
// d:amount of free memory in GB (max three digits e.g. 100)
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_java_inst_drive_type_memory_card_gb "%U: Memory Card (%N GB)"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query application details:
// d:option in installation drive drop down list, if available
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_java_inst_drive_type_internal_mass_memory "%U: Internal Mass Storage"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query application details:
// d:option in installation drive drop down list, if available
// d:amount of free memory in kB (max three digits e.g. 256)
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_java_inst_drive_type_internal_mass_memory_kb "%U: Internal Mass Storage (%N kB)"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query application details:
// d:option in installation drive drop down list, if available
// d:amount of free memory in MB (max three digits e.g. 500)
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_java_inst_drive_type_internal_mass_memory_mb "%U: Internal Mass Storage (%N MB)"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query application details:
// d:option in installation drive drop down list, if available
// d:amount of free memory in GB (max three digits e.g. 100)
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_java_inst_drive_type_internal_mass_memory_gb "%U: Internal Mass Storage (%N GB)"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query application details:
// d:option in installation drive drop down list, drive type is unknown
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_java_inst_drive_type_unknown "%U: Unknown"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query application details:
// d:option in installation drive drop down list, drive type is unknown
// d:amount of free memory in kB (max three digits e.g. 256)
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_java_inst_drive_type_unknown_kb "%U: Unknown (%N kB)"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query application details:
// d:option in installation drive drop down list, drive type is unknown
// d:amount of free memory in MB (max three digits e.g. 500)
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_java_inst_drive_type_unknown_mb "%U: Unknown (%N MB)"

// d:Installation (update) confirmation query application details:
// d:option in installation drive drop down list, drive type is unknown
// d:amount of free memory in GB (max three digits e.g. 100)
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_java_inst_drive_type_unknown_gb "%U: Unknown (%N GB)"

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:short error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_no_mem "Unable to install application. Insufficient memory in device."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:short error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_no_net "Unable to install application. Network connection was lost."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:short error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_corrupt_pkg "Unable to install application. Corrupted installation package."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:short error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_compat_err "Unable to install application. Application is incompatible with the device."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:short error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_authorization_err "Unable to install application. Application authorization failed."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:short error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_authentication_err "Unable to install application. Application authentication failed."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:short error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_push_reg_err "Unable to install application. Push registration failed."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:short error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_unexpected "Unable to install application. Unexpected error."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:short error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_cancel "Installation was cancelled. Application not installed."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:short error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_uninst_not_allowed "Uninstallation not allowed."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:short error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_uninst_unexpected "Unable to uninstall application. Unexpected error."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:short error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_uninst_cancel "Uninstallation cancelled. Application not uninstalled."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:detailed error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_no_mem_detail "Application requires %U kB of memory. You have to remove other applications or data from the device to install the application."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:detailed error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_no_mem_detail_mb "Application requires %U MB of memory. You have to remove other applications or data from the device to install the application."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:detailed error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_no_net_detail "Cannot download installation package from URL %U."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:detailed error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_attr_bad_syntax "Attribute %U has bad syntax."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:detailed error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_attr_missing "Mandatory attribute %U is missing."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:detailed error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_attr_mismatch "Attribute %U is different in JAD and JAR files."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:detailed error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_attr_unsupported_value "Attribute %U has unsupported value."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:detailed error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_attr_handling_failed "Attribute %U handling failed."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:detailed error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_cert_unsupported "Application has been signed with a certificate that is not supported in this device."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:detailed error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_protected_pkg_misuse "Package %U is protected and can not be used."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:detailed error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_different_signers "The signers of the update and the already installed applications do not match."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:detailed error message
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_uninst_blocked "Uninstallation is blocked by an attribute in application."

// d:Installation/update/uninstallation error message:
// d:detailed error message with exception stack trace or other not localised information
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_error_internal "Internal error: %U"

// d:Security permission to access restricted device functionality
// d: - query
// l:loc_type_pane
#define qtn_java_inst_perm_query "Application asks permission to access protected device functions."

// d:Security permission to access restricted device functionality
// d:option for granting access always
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_java_inst_perm_allow_always "Allow always"

// d:Security permission to access restricted device functionality
// d:for asking access during runtime
// l:list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_java_inst_perm_ask_me_later "Ask me later"

// d:Link in security permission access query
// d:for opening permission details view
// l:popup_info_list_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_perm_view_details "View details"

// d:Title for displaying security permission details
// d:in a separate view
// l:heading_pane_t1
#define qtn_java_inst_perm_view_details_title "Permission details"

// End of File