* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: MIDlet suite Package Info represents installable JAR/JAD files
#include <appmngr2packageinfo.h> // CAppMngr2PackageInfo
#include <SWInstApi.h> // SwiUI::RSWInstLauncher
#include <downloadedcontenthandler.h> // MDownloadedContentHandler
#include "appmngr2midletinfo.h" // MAppMngr2MidletInfo
class CAppMngr2MidletInfoIterator;
class CAppMngr2MidletResourceHandler;
void CleanUpResetAndDestroy(TAny *aArray);
* MIDlet Suite Installation Package Info
* MIDlet Suite Installation Package Info represents installable
* MIDlet suite packages (JAD/JAR files).
* It handles installation, removal, sending and shows details of
* installable JAD/JAR files.
* @lib appmngr2midletplugin.dll
* @since S60 v9.1
class CAppMngr2MidletPackageInfo : public CAppMngr2PackageInfo,
public MAppMngr2MidletInfo,
public MDownloadedContentHandler
public: // constructor and destructor
* Two phase constructor
* @since S60 9.1
* @return instance
* @param aRuntime Runtime
* @param aJadFileName MIDlet suite JAD file name, KNullDesC if not available
* @param aJarFileName MIDlet suite JAR file name, KNullDesC if not available
* @param aFs Handle to a file server session
static CAppMngr2MidletPackageInfo* NewL(
CAppMngr2Runtime& aRuntime,
const TDesC& aJadFileName,
const TDesC& aJarFileName,
RFs& aFs,
CAppMngr2MidletResourceHandler& aResourceHandler);
* Two phase constructor
* @since S60 9.1
* @return instance
* @param aRuntime Runtime
* @param aJadFileName MIDlet suite JAD file name, KNullDesC if not available
* @param aJarFileName MIDlet suite JAR file name, KNullDesC if not available
* @param aFs Handle to a file server session
static CAppMngr2MidletPackageInfo* NewLC(
CAppMngr2Runtime& aRuntime,
const TDesC& aJadFileName,
const TDesC& aJarFileName,
RFs& aFs,
CAppMngr2MidletResourceHandler& aResourceHandler);
* Destructor
* @since S60 9.1
public: // from CAppMngr2InfoBase
* Icon index for the installed application or installation package.
* Returns icon index referring to the icon array loaded in function
* CAppMngr2Runtime::LoadIconsL(). If an item has a specific icon that
* no other items use, return EAppMngr2UseSpecificIcon and load the
* specific icon via CAppMngr2InfoBase::SpecificIconL().
* @return TInt Index to the icon array
TInt IconIndex() const;
* Name of the list item, first line
* @return const TDesC& Displayable name
const TDesC& Name() const;
* Additional info, second line (usually size)
* @returns const TDesC& Displayable additional information line
const TDesC& Details() const;
* Indicator icon index. Returns indexes to the icon array returned by
* CAppMngr2Runtime::LoadIconsL(). Also default icon indexes defined in
* AppMngr2Common.hrh (TAppMngr2IconIndex) can be used. Return
* EAppMngr2NoIndicatorIcon if no indicator icon should be displayed, or
* EAppMngr2UseSpecificIcon if item specific indicator icon is returned
* via CAppMngr2InfoBase::SpecificIndicatorIconL().
* @return TInt Index to the icon array, or default icon number
TInt IndicatorIconIndex() const;
* Defines item specific menu items.
* Empty default implementation is used, if plug-in does not override it.
* Menu commands are run via CAppMngr2InfoBase::HandleCommandL()
* @param aMenuCmds Array where plug-in specific menu items are added
void GetMenuItemsL(RPointerArray<CEikMenuPaneItem::SData>& aMenuCmds);
* Can be used to enable generic menu commands. Generic menu commands are
* defined in TAppMngr2GenericCommands enum in AppMngr2Common.hrh. Generic
* commands are hidden from the menu if the currently selected item does not
* support them. Return ETrue for those command ids that are supported by
* this item.
* @param aCmdId Generic command id
* @return TBool ETrue if command aCmdId is supported
TBool SupportsGenericCommand(TInt aCmdId);
* Starts user invoked commands asynchronously. Command id may be a generic
* command id or a plug-in specific command id. Generic command ids are defined
* inAppMngr2Common.hrh (see TAppMngr2GenericCommand enum). Plug-in specific
* commands are defined via functions CAppMngr2InfoBase::GetMenuItemsL() and
* CAppMngr2InfoBase::GetMiddleSoftkeyCommandL(). If the command is synchronous,
* the plug-in must complete the aStatus by calling User::RequestComplete().
* @param aCommandId Command id to be run
* @param aStatus Active object request status
void HandleCommandL(TInt aCommandId, TRequestStatus& aStatus);
* If CAppMngr2InfoBase::HandleCommandResultL() started an asynchronous operation,
* this function is called when the operation completes.
* @param aStatus Completion code, KErrNone or some error code
void HandleCommandResultL(TInt aStatus);
* Cancels asynchronously started HandleCommandL() command. This function
* may be called any time when an asynchronous command is running and it
* must cancel the running command as quickly as possible.
void CancelCommand();
public: // from MDownloadContentHandler for browser integration
* Handle downloaded content that has been saved to a file,
* and return ETrue if it was handled successfully.
* @since S60 9.1
* @param aFileName File name with path.
* @param aParamList Generic parameter list.
* @param aContinue Output parameter: It must be ETrue if the caller wants
* Browser not to terminate after the content is handled.
* @return ETrue if the implementer has processed the content. If it is
* EFalse, BrowserLauncher opens that content in an
* appropriate viewer application.
TBool HandleContentL(const TDesC& aFileName,
const CAiwGenericParamList& aParamList,
TBool& aContinue);
* From MDownloadContentHandler for browser integration
* @since S60 9.1
* reserved for future use
TAny* DownloadedContentHandlerReserved1(TAny* /*aAnyParam*/);
public: // from MAppMngr2MidletInfo
* Path to jad file
* @since S60 9.1
* @return Path to jad file, return KNullDesC if not available
const TDesC& JadFileName() const;
* Path to jar file
* @since S60 9.1
* @return Path to jar file, return KNullDesC if not available
const TDesC& JarFileName() const;
* Package MIME type
* @since S60 9.1
* @return Package MIME type
const TDesC8& MimeType() const;
public: // new functions
* Path to package file (Jar if no Jad file, else Jad)
* @since S60 9.1
* @return path to package file
const TDesC& FileName() const;
* Return true if package is DRM protected
* @since S60 9.1
* @return package is DRM protected
TBool IsDRMProtected() const;
* DRM protected package file path
* @since S60 9.1
* @return Path to protected package if available, else return KNullDesC
const TDesC& ProtectedFileName() const;
private: // new functions
* Constructor
* @since S60 9.1
* @param aRuntime Runtime
* @param aFs Handle to a file server session
CAppMngr2MidletPackageInfo(CAppMngr2Runtime& aRuntime, RFs& aFs, CAppMngr2MidletResourceHandler& aResourceHandler);
* Second phase constructor
* @since S60 9.1
* @param aJadFileName MIDlet suite JAD file name, KNullDesC if not available
* @param aJarFileName MIDlet suite JAR file name, KNullDesC if not available
void ConstructL(const TDesC& aJadFileName, const TDesC& aJarFileName);
* Removes MIDlet suite installation package
* @since S60 9.1
void RemoveL();
* Installs MIDlet suite installation package
* @since S60 9.1
* @param aStatus The request status. KErrNone on completion,
* otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
void InstallL(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
* Cancel MIDlet suite installation package installation
* @since S60 9.1
void CancelInstallationL();
* Show MIDlet suite installation package details
* @since S60 9.1
void ShowDetailsL();
* Send MIDlet suite installation package
* @since S60 9.1
void SendL();
* Starts the browser with midlet's MIDLET-Info-URL parameter
* @since S60 9.1
* @param aStatus The request status. KErrNone on completion,
* otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.
void ShowInfoUrlL();
* Return Info Iterator which implements MCUIInfoIterator API for
* CCUIDetailsDialog
* @since S60 9.1
* @return Info iterator object
CAppMngr2MidletInfoIterator& InfoIteratorL();
private: // data
* MIDlet suite is DRM protected
TBool iIsDRMProtected;
* MIDlet suite name
* Owned
HBufC* iName;
* MIDlet suite details
* Owned
HBufC* iDetails;
* MIDlet suite file name (jad or jar)
* Owned
HBufC* iFileName;
* MIDlet suite JAD file name
* Owned
HBufC* iJadFileName;
* MIDlet suite JAR
* Owned
HBufC* iJarFileName;
* MIDlet suite MIME type
* Owned
HBufC8* iMimeType;
* Installer launcher
* Owned
SwiUI::RSWInstLauncher* iSWInstLauncher;
* Info iterator
* Owned
CAppMngr2MidletInfoIterator* iInfoIterator;
CAppMngr2MidletResourceHandler& iResourceHandler;