author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Tue, 25 May 2010 12:34:19 +0300
changeset 18 9ac0a0a7da70
parent 14 04becd199f91
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: v2.1.26 Kit: 2010121

* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:

#include <bitdev.h>
#include <bitstd.h>
#include <lcdgdrv.h>
#include "LcdFbsImage.h"

const TUid KJvmExeUid = { 0x102033E6 };

 * Copy bitmap data from (aColorBitmap,aAlphaBitmap) to aFbsImage.
extern void CopyBitmapsL
    CLcdGraphicsDriver& /* aDriver */,  // not used yet
    CLcdFbsImage&       aFbsImage,
    CFbsBitmap*         aColorBitmap,
    CFbsBitmap*         aAlphaBitmap,
    TBool               aInvertMask

 * Create a CFbsBitmap of size aSize in displaymode aMode
LOCAL_C CFbsBitmap* CreateBitmapL(const TSize& aSize, TDisplayMode aMode);

 * Set alpha channel in EColor16MA mode aBitmap from aAlphaBitmap. If aAlphaBitmap is
 * in a mode other than EGray256 this procedure will create a temporary bitmap in
 * EGray256 mode and copy pixels from aAlphaBitmap into that first. It is expected
 * that aAlphaBitmap would be a binary mask.
LOCAL_C void SetAlphaChannelL(CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, CFbsBitmap* aAlphaBitmap, TBool aInvert);

 * Set the alpha channel in an EColor16MA mode aBitmap from an EGray256 mode
 * aGray256Bitmap.
LOCAL_C void SetAlphaChannel(CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, CFbsBitmap* aGray256Bitmap, TBool aInvert);

 * Copy alpha information from EColor16MA bitmap aSource, into EGray2 or EGray256
 * bitmap aTarget.
LOCAL_C void GetAlphaChannelL(CFbsBitmap* aTarget, CFbsBitmap* aSource, TBool aInvert);

 * Copy alpha channel from EColor16MA bitmap into an EGray256 bitmap
LOCAL_C void GetAlphaChannel(CFbsBitmap* aTargetGray256, CFbsBitmap* aSourceColor16MA, TBool aInvert);

#ifdef _DEBUG
// debug only - check that EColor16MA aBitmap is fully opaque
LOCAL_C TBool CheckOpaque(CFbsBitmap* aBitmap);

 * CLcdFbsImage potentially public bitmapped image class.

CLcdFbsImage* CLcdFbsImage::NewL(const TSize& aSize, TDisplayMode aColorMode, TDisplayMode aAlphaMode)
    CLcdFbsImage* image = new(ELeave) CLcdFbsImage;
    image->iColorBitmap = CreateBitmapL(aSize, aColorMode);
    if (aAlphaMode)
        image->iAlphaBitmap = CreateBitmapL(aSize, aAlphaMode);
    return image;

CLcdFbsImage* CLcdFbsImage::NewL(CFbsBitmap* aColorBitmap, CFbsBitmap* aAlphaBitmap)
    CLcdFbsImage* image = new(ELeave) CLcdFbsImage;

    image->iColorBitmap = DuplicateBitmapL(aColorBitmap);
    if (aAlphaBitmap)
        image->iAlphaBitmap = DuplicateBitmapL(aAlphaBitmap);

    return image;

    ASSERT(0 == iRefCount);
    delete iAlphaBitmap;
    delete iColorBitmap;

TSize CLcdFbsImage::Size() const
    return iColorBitmap->SizeInPixels();

void CLcdFbsImage::AddRef()

void CLcdFbsImage::RemoveRef()
    if (iRefCount == 0)
        delete this;

 *@return the color bitmap
CFbsBitmap* CLcdFbsImage::ColorBitmap() const
    return iColorBitmap;

 *@return the alpha bitmap if any
CFbsBitmap* CLcdFbsImage::AlphaBitmap() const
    return iAlphaBitmap;

void CLcdFbsImage::CreateAlphaBitmapL()
    if (iAlphaBitmap)

    iAlphaBitmap = CreateBitmapL(Size(), EGray256);

 * Create a bitmap of size aSize in display mode aMode.
LOCAL_C CFbsBitmap* CreateBitmapL(const TSize& aSize, TDisplayMode aMode)
    TInt err = KErrNotSupported;

    CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;

    // Attempt to create hardware bitmap which can be used with a
    // hardware graphics accelerator. Very few if any devices
    // appear to support RHardwareBitmap so this is very unlikely
    // to be used.
    err = bitmap->CreateHardwareBitmap(aSize, aMode, KJvmExeUid);

    if (err != KErrNone)
        // Fallback to software only bitmap if hardware unavailable/not supported.
        err = bitmap->Create(aSize, aMode);



    return bitmap;

 * Create a new bitmap in a given mode and copy the data.
 * Slowish closest match copy. We could use lcd graphics driver for some
 * of these copies but is good enough for now.
CFbsBitmap* CLcdFbsImage::CopyBitmapL(CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, TDisplayMode aMode, TBool aInvert)
    CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
    User::LeaveIfError(bitmap->Create(aBitmap->SizeInPixels(), aMode));
    CopyBitmapL(bitmap, aBitmap, aInvert);
    return bitmap;

 * Copy bitmap content from aSource to aTarget optionally inverting.
void CLcdFbsImage::CopyBitmapL(CFbsBitmap* aTarget, CFbsBitmap* aSource, TBool aInvert)
    CFbsBitmapDevice* device = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(aTarget);
    CFbsBitGc* gc = NULL;

    // Don't alpha blend (Either copy the alpha component or write opaque pixels)
    TInt drawMode = CGraphicsContext::EDrawModeWriteAlpha;
    if (aInvert)
        // Invert pixel values - only really makes sense for binary masks
        // For EColor16MA images the alpha component is not inverted
        drawMode |= CGraphicsContext::EInvertPen;

    gc->BitBlt(TPoint(), aSource);
    delete gc;

 * Dup the handle. This requires an FBSERV ipc.
CFbsBitmap* CLcdFbsImage::DuplicateBitmapL(CFbsBitmap* aBitmap)
    CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
    return bitmap;

 * Copy bitmap data from (aColorBitmap,aAlphaBitmap) to aFbsImage.
extern void CopyBitmapsL
    CLcdGraphicsDriver& /* aDriver */,  // not used yet
    CLcdFbsImage&       aFbsImage,
    CFbsBitmap*         aColorBitmap,
    CFbsBitmap*         aAlphaBitmap,
    TBool               aInvertMask
    // First copy the the pixel color data.
    CLcdFbsImage::CopyBitmapL(aFbsImage.ColorBitmap(), aColorBitmap, EFalse);

    // If target colour bitmap contains alpha channel, copy any alpha data
    // into it.
    if (aFbsImage.ColorBitmap()->DisplayMode() == EColor16MA)
        ASSERT(NULL == aFbsImage.AlphaBitmap());
        if (aAlphaBitmap)
            SetAlphaChannelL(aFbsImage.ColorBitmap(), aAlphaBitmap, aInvertMask);
#ifdef _DEBUG
    else if (aFbsImage.AlphaBitmap())
        if (aAlphaBitmap)
            CLcdFbsImage::CopyBitmapL(aFbsImage.AlphaBitmap(), aAlphaBitmap, EFalse);
        else if (aColorBitmap->DisplayMode() == EColor16MA)
            GetAlphaChannelL(aFbsImage.AlphaBitmap(), aColorBitmap, aInvertMask);

// Set the alpha channel in a bitmap in a mode that contains alpha
// information from an alpha bitmap.
// Not the cheapest, but this is hopefully an edge case.
// EColor16M,Gray256 is the most likely format, so a dedicated blitter
// could help.
LOCAL_C void SetAlphaChannelL(CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, CFbsBitmap* aAlphaBitmap, TBool aInvert)
    ASSERT(aBitmap->DisplayMode() == EColor16MA);
    if (aAlphaBitmap->DisplayMode() != EGray256)
        CFbsBitmap* alpha = CLcdFbsImage::CopyBitmapL(aAlphaBitmap, EGray256, EFalse);
        SetAlphaChannel(aBitmap, alpha, aInvert);
        delete alpha;
        SetAlphaChannel(aBitmap, aAlphaBitmap, aInvert);

// Set the alpha channel in an EColor16MA bitmap from an EGray256
// bitmap.
LOCAL_C void SetAlphaChannel(CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, CFbsBitmap* aGray256Bitmap, TBool aInvert)
    ASSERT(aBitmap->DisplayMode()        == EColor16MA);
    ASSERT(aGray256Bitmap->DisplayMode() == EGray256);

    TAcceleratedBitmapSpec targetSpec(aBitmap);
    TAcceleratedBitmapInfo target;
    TAcceleratedBitmapSpec sourceSpec(aGray256Bitmap);
    TAcceleratedBitmapInfo source;
    TBitmapLockCount count;



    ASSERT(target.iSize == source.iSize);

    TUint8* tgtAddress   = target.iAddress;
    TInt    tgtLinePitch = target.iLinePitch;
    TUint8* srcAddress   = source.iAddress;
    TInt    srcLinePitch = source.iLinePitch;

    TUint32 mask = aInvert ? 0xff:0x00;
    for (TInt h=target.iSize.iHeight; --h>=0;)
        TUint8*  src = srcAddress;
        TUint32* tgt = (TUint32*)tgtAddress;
        TUint32* end = tgt + target.iSize.iWidth;
        while (tgt < end)
            TUint32 alpha = (*src) ^ mask;
            TUint32 pixel = *tgt;
            pixel &= 0x00ffffff;
            pixel |= (alpha << 24);
            *tgt = pixel;
        tgtAddress += tgtLinePitch;
        srcAddress += srcLinePitch;


// Copy alpha information from EColor16MA bitmap aSource, into EGray2 or EGray256
// bitmap aTarget.
LOCAL_C void GetAlphaChannelL(CFbsBitmap* aTarget, CFbsBitmap* aSource, TBool aInvert)
    ASSERT(aTarget->DisplayMode() == EGray2 || aTarget->DisplayMode() == EGray256);
    if (aTarget->DisplayMode() == EGray2)
        TSize size = aSource->SizeInPixels();
        CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap;
        User::LeaveIfError(bitmap->Create(size, EGray256));
        GetAlphaChannel(bitmap, aSource, aInvert);
        CFbsBitmapDevice* device = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(aTarget);
        CFbsBitGc* context = NULL;
        context->BitBlt(TPoint(), bitmap);
        delete context;
        GetAlphaChannel(aTarget, aSource, aInvert);

// Copy alpha channel from EColor16MA bitmap into an EGray256 bitmap
LOCAL_C void GetAlphaChannel(CFbsBitmap* aTargetGray256, CFbsBitmap* aSourceColor16MA, TBool aInvert)
    ASSERT(aTargetGray256->DisplayMode()   == EGray256);
    ASSERT(aSourceColor16MA->DisplayMode() == EColor16MA);

    TAcceleratedBitmapSpec targetSpec(aTargetGray256);
    TAcceleratedBitmapInfo target;
    TAcceleratedBitmapSpec sourceSpec(aSourceColor16MA);
    TAcceleratedBitmapInfo source;
    TBitmapLockCount count;



    ASSERT(target.iSize == source.iSize);

    TUint8* tgtAddress   = target.iAddress;
    TInt    tgtLinePitch = target.iLinePitch;
    TUint8* srcAddress   = source.iAddress;
    TInt    srcLinePitch = source.iLinePitch;

    TUint32 mask = aInvert ? 0xff:0x00;
    for (TInt h=target.iSize.iHeight; --h>=0;)
        TUint32*  src = (TUint32*)srcAddress;
        TUint8*   tgt = (TUint8*)tgtAddress;
        TUint8*   end = tgt + target.iSize.iWidth;
        while (tgt < end)
            *tgt++ = (TUint8)(((*src++)>>24)^mask);
        tgtAddress += tgtLinePitch;
        srcAddress += srcLinePitch;


#ifdef _DEBUG
LOCAL_C TBool CheckOpaque(CFbsBitmap* aBitmap)
    ASSERT(aBitmap->DisplayMode() == EColor16MA);
    TAcceleratedBitmapSpec spec(aBitmap);
    TAcceleratedBitmapInfo info;
    TBitmapLockCount count;


    TUint8* address = info.iAddress;
    TInt    linePitch = info.iLinePitch;
    TUint32 accum = 0xff000000;

    for (TInt h=info.iSize.iHeight; --h>=0;)
        TUint32* src = (TUint32*)address;
        TUint32* end = src + info.iSize.iWidth;
        while (src < end)
            accum &= *src++;
        address += linePitch;


    return (accum == 0xff000000);