// Description: Testing utility for emulating pointer/key input events in X.
#include <QApplication>
#include <Xlib.h>
#include <new>
#include "os.h"
namespace Java {
namespace XlibUtils {
typedef enum
} XlibUtilsErr;
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_nokia_mj_impl_uitestutils_XlibUtils_XSendKeyToFocusWindow
( JNIEnv*, jclass, jint aKeycode, jint aModifiers, jint aPressOrRelease )
int keycode = static_cast<int>( aKeycode );
int modifiers = static_cast<int>( aModifiers );
bool press = ( aPressOrRelease == 0 ? true : false );
jint retVal = 0;
Display* display = NULL;
display = ::XOpenDisplay( NULL );
if( !display )
throw Java::XlibUtils::NO_DISPLAY;
Window focusWindow = 0;
int focusState = 0;
::XGetInputFocus( display, &focusWindow, &focusState );
Window rootWindow = ::XDefaultRootWindow( display );
if( focusWindow == None )
throw Java::XlibUtils::NO_FOCUSWINDOW;
else if( rootWindow == None )
throw Java::XlibUtils::NO_ROOTWINDOW;
XKeyEvent* event = new(std::nothrow) XKeyEvent();
if( !event )
throw Java::XlibUtils::NO_MEMORY;
event->type = ( press ? KeyPress : KeyRelease );
event->serial = None;
event->send_event = false;
event->display = display;
event->window = focusWindow;
event->root = rootWindow;
event->subwindow = None;
event->time = CurrentTime;
event->x = 0;
event->y = 0;
event->x_root = 0;
event->y_root = 0;
event->state = modifiers;
event->keycode = keycode;
event->same_screen = True;
if( ::XSendEvent( display,
reinterpret_cast<XEvent*>(event)) == 0 )
throw Java::XlibUtils::SENDEVENT_ERR;
::XFlush( display );
catch(Java::XlibUtils::XlibUtilsErr e)
retVal = static_cast<jint>( e );
if( retVal != Java::XlibUtils::NO_DISPLAY )
::XCloseDisplay( display );
return retVal;
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_nokia_mj_impl_uitestutils_XlibUtils_XKeysymToKeycode
(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint aKeysym)
int keysym = static_cast<int>(aKeysym);
KeyCode keycode = 0;
Display* display = ::XOpenDisplay( NULL );
if( display )
keycode = ::XKeysymToKeycode( display, keysym );
::XCloseDisplay( display );
return keycode;
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_nokia_mj_impl_uitestutils_XlibUtils_XSendPointerEvent
(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint aX, jint aY, jint aButton, jint aPressOrRelease)
bool press = ( aPressOrRelease == 0 ? true : false );
int x = static_cast<int>(aX);
int y = static_cast<int>(aY);
jint retVal = 0;
Display* display = NULL;
int buttonNMask = 1 << (7 + aButton); // Button1Mask, Button2Mask, ..., Button5Mask
display = ::XOpenDisplay( NULL );
if( !display )
throw Java::XlibUtils::NO_DISPLAY;
Window rootWindow = ::XDefaultRootWindow( display );
if( rootWindow == None )
throw Java::XlibUtils::NO_ROOTWINDOW;
// Release events don't seem to work if we do pointer warp.
// Pointer is warped only for press events. Releases use the
// current cursor position to determine the window where to
// send the event to.
if( press )
::XWarpPointer( display, None, rootWindow, 0, 0, 0, 0, x, y );
XButtonEvent* event = new(std::nothrow) XButtonEvent();
if( !event )
throw Java::XlibUtils::NO_MEMORY;
event->type = ( press ? ButtonPress : ButtonRelease );
event->serial = None;
event->send_event = False;
event->display = display;
// event->window = ;
// event->root = ;
// event->subWindow = ;
event->time = CurrentTime;
// event->x = ;
// event->y = ;
// event->x_root = ;
// event->y_root = ;
// event->state = ;
event->button = aButton;
event->same_screen = True;
::XQueryPointer( display,
&event->state );
event->subwindow = event->window;
event->state = buttonNMask;
// Find the top window at cursor position.
while( event->subwindow )
event->window = event->subwindow;
::XQueryPointer( display,
&event->state );
// For release event just adjust the coordinates in the event.
// Cursor is actually never moved to the release event location.
if( !press )
int delta_x = x - event->x_root;
int delta_y = y - event->y_root;
event->x += delta_x;
event->y += delta_y;
event->x_root += delta_x;
event->y_root += delta_y;
// Double click interval is set to zero in QApplication to avoid getting
// unwanted double-click events. It's common that test cases just keep
// clicking in the middle of a widget and tests execute in rapidly.
QApplication* app = qApp;
if(app) app->setDoubleClickInterval( 0 );
event->time = CurrentTime;
event->state = (press ? buttonNMask : 0);
// Unless the window is a tooltip or other window which will be ignored
// by the window manager, set input focus to make window activate like
// clicking with real mouse.
XWindowAttributes attr;
::memset(&attr, 0, sizeof(attr));
::XGetWindowAttributes(display, event->window, &attr);
if(attr.override_redirect == False)
::XSetInputFocus(display, event->window, RevertToNone, CurrentTime);
if( ::XSendEvent( display,
reinterpret_cast<XEvent*>(event) ) == 0)
throw Java::XlibUtils::SENDEVENT_ERR;
::XFlush( display );
catch(Java::XlibUtils::XlibUtilsErr e)
retVal = static_cast<jint>( e );
if( retVal != Java::XlibUtils::NO_DISPLAY )
::XCloseDisplay( display );
return retVal;
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_nokia_mj_impl_uitestutils_XlibUtils_XSendPointerMoveEvent
(JNIEnv *, jclass, jint aX, jint aY, jint aButton)
int x = static_cast<int>(aX);
int y = static_cast<int>(aY);
jint retVal = 0;
Display* display = NULL;
int buttonNMask = 1 << (7 + aButton); // Button1Mask, Button2Mask, ..., Button5Mask
display = ::XOpenDisplay( NULL );
if( !display )
throw Java::XlibUtils::NO_DISPLAY;
Window rootWindow = ::XDefaultRootWindow( display );
if( rootWindow == None )
throw Java::XlibUtils::NO_ROOTWINDOW;
XMotionEvent* event = new(std::nothrow) XMotionEvent();
if( !event )
throw Java::XlibUtils::NO_MEMORY;
event->type = MotionNotify;
event->serial = None;
event->send_event = False;
event->display = display;
// event->window = ;
// event->root = ;
// event->subWindow = ;
event->time = CurrentTime;
// event->x = ;
// event->y = ;
// event->x_root = ;
// event->y_root = ;
// event->state = ;
event->is_hint = NotifyNormal;
event->same_screen = True;
::XQueryPointer( display,
&event->state );
event->subwindow = event->window;
event->state = buttonNMask;
// Find the top window at cursor position.
while( event->subwindow )
event->window = event->subwindow;
::XQueryPointer( display,
&event->state );
// For motion event just adjust the coordinates in the event.
// Cursor is actually never moved to the motion event location.
int delta_x = x - event->x_root;
int delta_y = y - event->y_root;
event->x += delta_x;
event->y += delta_y;
event->x_root += delta_x;
event->y_root += delta_y;
event->state = buttonNMask;
if( ::XSendEvent( display,
reinterpret_cast<XEvent*>(event) ) == 0)
throw Java::XlibUtils::SENDEVENT_ERR;
::XFlush( display );
catch(Java::XlibUtils::XlibUtilsErr e)
retVal = static_cast<jint>( e );
if( retVal != Java::XlibUtils::NO_DISPLAY )
::XCloseDisplay( display );
return retVal;