* Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: javaregstore definition
#include <e32base.h>
#include "javastorage.h"
#include "javauid.h"
#include "javaregistryentrytype.h"
namespace Java
namespace Manager
namespace Registry
class CJavaPropertyArray;
class CJavaProperty;
* CJavaRegStore read application information from Java Storage.
* Information is then converterd to Java Registry format and sent
* back to client. Only reading is possible.
class CJavaRegStore : public CBase
* Creates object of this class.
* @since S60 v3.2
static CJavaRegStore* NewL();
* Creates object of this class.
* @since S60 v3.2
static CJavaRegStore* NewLC();
* Reads properties from the file identified with the given uid.
* If no properties found for the given uid aProperties is null else
* it is allocated a new CJavaPropertyArray object containing the read
* properties.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aUid properties belonging to this uid must be read
* @param aProperties [out] properties are read in this parameter
* @param aAllEntries decision, if we want to read entry
* from not presented MMC
void ReadPropertiesL(
TUid aUid,
CJavaPropertyArray*& aProperties,
TBool aAllEntries = EFalse);
* Returns the stored uids of all drives.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param [out] aUid stored uids are returned in this parameter
void GetUidsL(RArray<TUid>& aUids);
* Returns with a set of uids whose entries contains the properties (and
* has the same values) given in the aProperties parameter.
* @since S60 v3.2
* @param aProperties the set of properties which must exists
* (and must have the same values) in the looked entries
* @param[out] aFoundUids uids of the found entries are returned
* in this parameter
* @param aAllEntries means, that method give all entries including
* entries, which regards with midlets stored in not presented
* media. EFalse means entries with regarding not presented
* media will not return.
void FindEntriesL(
CJavaPropertyArray& aProperties,
RArray<TUid>& aFoundUids,
TBool aAllEntries = EFalse);
* Destructs object.
* @since S60 v3.2
* Constructor
* @since S60 v3.2
* ConstructL
* @since S60 v3.2
void ConstructL();
* Match given Uid to entry type.
* @param aApps List of applications where to match.
* @param aUid Uid to be matched.
* @param aType[out] Matched application type.
* @return ETrue if Uid matched to one in the application list, false
* otherwise.
TBool MatchUidL(
const java::storage::JavaStorageApplicationList_t& aApps,
const java::util::Uid& aUid,
Java::TJavaRegistryEntryType& aType) const;
* Read storage entry from Java Storage.
* The function may leave one of the Java Storage error codes.
* @param aUid Entry Uid to be read.
* @param aTableName Table where to read.
* @param aAppEntry[out] Application entry. Empty if not found from
* the storage.
void StorageEntryL(
const java::util::Uid& aUid,
const std::string& aTableName,
java::storage::JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t& aAppEntry) const;
* Convert application entries to registry format.
* @param aArray[out] Converted properties.
* @param aAttrs Application entries to be converted.
void PopulatePropertiesL(
CJavaPropertyArray*& aArray,
const java::storage::JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t& aAttrs) const;
* Convert application entry to registry property.
* @param aName Name of the application entry.
* @param aValue Value of the application entry.
* @return created property. Ownership is moved to caller.
* If property cannot be created NULL is returned.
CJavaProperty* CreatePropertyL(
const std::wstring& aName,
const std::wstring& aValue) const;
* Search from Java Storage.
* The function may leave one of the Java Storage error codes.
* @param aTableName Table name where to search.
* @param Query used in search.
* @param aFoundApps Matched applications. Empty if no matches.
void SearchL(
const std::string& aTableName,
const java::storage::JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t& aQuery,
java::storage::JavaStorageApplicationList_t& aFoundApps) const;
* Populate Uid array by Uids found from storage application list.
* @param aApps Application list.
* @param aEntry Entry to define Application type.
* @param[out] aUids Uid array to be populated.
void AddUidsL(
const java::storage::JavaStorageApplicationList_t& aApps,
const java::storage::JavaStorageEntry& aEntry,
RArray<TUid>& aUids) const;
* Read application complementary information. This information is such
* that cannot be read from information belogning to the application
* i.e. application suite stored information. One example is
* application installation drive.
* @param aUid Uid which application information to read.
* @param[out] aAttrs Attribute container where new attributes are
* added.
void ComplementaryInformationL(
const java::util::Uid& aUid,
java::storage::JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t& aAttrs) const;
void PopulateManifestAttributesL(
const java::util::Uid& aUid,
CJavaPropertyArray*& aProperties) const;
* Read attribute value from entry. Value is left empty if no value exists.
* @param aEntry application entry.
* @param aName attribute name to be read.
* @param aValue to be populated.
void EntryAttributeValue(
const java::storage::JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t& aEntry,
const std::wstring& aName,
std::wstring& aValue) const;
* Read Entry attributes from the storage.
* @param aUid Entry Uid.
* @param aAppType Entry type.
* @param[out] aAttributes Entry attributes.
void EntryAttributesL(
java::util::Uid& aUid,
Java::TJavaRegistryEntryType& aAppType,
java::storage::JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t& aAttributes) const;
* Populate Entry type specific attributes.
* @param aUid Entry Uid.
* @param aAppType Entry type.
* @param[out] aProperties Entry specific attributes.
void PopulateAppTypePropertiesL(
const java::util::Uid& aUid,
const Java::TJavaRegistryEntryType aAppType,
CJavaPropertyArray*& aProperties) const;
* Check application is stored in present media.
* @param aEntry Entry to be checked.
* @return ETrue if application is stored to present media,
* false otherwise.
TBool IsPresentL(
const java::storage::JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t& aEntry) const;
private: // members
java::storage::JavaStorage* iStorage;
}//namespace Registry
}//namespace Manager
}//namespace Java