author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Thu, 15 Jul 2010 18:31:06 +0300
changeset 23 e5618cc85d74
parent 14 04becd199f91
child 24 6c158198356e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: v2.1.32 Kit: 2010127

* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  OMJ S60 preinstaller process

#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include <e32property.h>
#include <javadomainpskeys.h>

#include "javauids.h"
#include "javaoslayer.h"
#include "javasymbianoslayer.h"
#include "silentmidletinstall.h"
#include "logger.h"

using namespace java::util;

_LIT_SECURE_ID(KJavaCaptainSecureID, KJavaCaptainUid);

// This file is used to indicate when converting old S60 midlets
// to OMJ midlets has been done.
_LIT(KConversionOngoing, "D:\\OMJConverting.dat");

 * The PS keys can be created from this process because javapreinstaller
 * has the same Symbian secure ID as javainstaller and so javainstaller
 * can later destroy the keys if necessary.
static void CreateJavaInstallerPSKeys()
    LOG(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo,
        "CreateJavaInstallerPSKeys: Going to create Java Installer PS keys");

    // any process can read the values of the PS keys
    // update allowed by processes with write system data capability
    _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1(KWritePolicy, ECapabilityWriteDeviceData);

    TInt err = RProperty::Define(KUidSystemCategory, KPSUidJavaLatestInstallation,
                                 RProperty::EInt, KReadPolicy, KWritePolicy);
    if (KErrAlreadyExists == err)
        err = KErrNone; // Ignore KErrAlreadyExists status.
    if (err != KErrNone)
        ELOG1(EJavaPreinstaller, "CreateJavaInstallerPSKeys: "
              "creating KPSUidJavaLatestInstallation failed with error %d", err);

    err = RProperty::Define(KUidSystemCategory, KPSUidJavaLatestInstallationProgress,
                            RProperty::EInt, KReadPolicy, KWritePolicy);
    if (KErrAlreadyExists == err)
        err = KErrNone; // Ignore KErrAlreadyExists status.
    if (err != KErrNone)
        ELOG1(EJavaPreinstaller, "CreateJavaInstallerPSKeys: "
              "creating KPSUidJavaLatestInstallationProgress failed with error %d", err);

    err = RProperty::Define(KUidSystemCategory, KPSUidJavaLatestInstallationState,
                            RProperty::EInt, KReadPolicy, KWritePolicy);
    if (KErrAlreadyExists == err)
        err = KErrNone; // Ignore KErrAlreadyExists status.
    if (err != KErrNone)
        ELOG1(EJavaPreinstaller, "CreateJavaInstallerPSKeys: "
              "creating KPSUidJavaLatestInstallationState failed with error %d", err);

 * Create file server connection,
 * create active scheduler,
 * add CSilentMIDletInstall active object to it and start it
static void startPreinstallationL()

    CActiveScheduler* as = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler();

    // Install active scheduler

    RFs fs;

    // Setup the MIDlet preinstaller and add it to the active scheduler
    CSilentMIDletInstall* si = CSilentMIDletInstall::NewLC(fs);

    LOG(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo, "startPreinstallationL: Call CSilentMIDletInstall::Start()");

    // Initialize the MIDlet preinstaller

    // Start active scheduler. Preinstallation starts.
    LOG(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo, "startPreinstallationL: Starting CActiveScheduler");

    // Now preinstallation has been done
    LOG(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo, "startPreinstallationL: Cleaning up");
    TInt err = fs.Delete(KConversionOngoing);
         "startPreinstallationL: Delete flag file returned status code %d",

    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&fs); // close connection to file server

 * Allow starting process only from Java Captain.
 * Execute actual preinstaller code in CSilentMIDletInstall.
void preinstallerMainL()
    // The only time that this application should be executed
    // is when Java Captain calls it.
    if (User::CreatorSecureId() != KJavaCaptainSecureID)
             "preinstallerMainL: Mismatch in secure ID, only Java Captain can launch this exe.");

    // Create the PS keys that Java Installer will update already now
    // so that other processes starting during device boot can start
    // immediately listening to the keys.


 * Using this kind of dllMain() allows starting preinstaller from
 * the same starter process as installer and runtime (so that they have the same
 * Symbian secure Uid and can access the same data cage).
int dllMain(int /*argc*/, char */*argv*/[])
    JELOG(EJavaPreinstaller, "PREINSTALLER main()");
    JavaOsLayer::startUpTrace("PREINSTALLER main() start", -1, -1);


    LOG(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo, "dllMain: Renaming process and thread done");

    // Make sure that this thread has always cleanup stack
    CTrapCleanup* cleanupStack = CTrapCleanup::New();

    TRAPD(err, preinstallerMainL());
    if (KErrNone != err)
        ELOG1(EJavaPreinstaller, "dllMain: preinstallerMainL leaved with error %d", err);

    delete cleanupStack;

    LOG1(EJavaPreinstaller, EInfo, "PREINSTALLER main() exit = %d", err);
    JavaOsLayer::startUpTrace("PREINSTALLER main() end", -1, -1);
    return err;

EXPORT_C FuncPtr findDllMethod(const char* funcName)
    FuncPtr ptr = 0;
    if (strcmp(funcName, "dllMain") == 0)
        ptr = (FuncPtr)dllMain;
    return ptr;
// eof