* Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: ?Description
// CEikBorderedControl inheritance in class declaration
#include <eikbctrl.h>
#include <eikmobs.h>
// needed for calling function SupplyMopObject in CMIDControlItem.cpp, CMIDDisplayable.cpp, CMIDForm.cpp
#include <eikmop.h>
#include <lcdui.h>
#include <eikmenub.h>
// used MAknLongTapDetectorCallBack interface in class declaration
// using CAknLongTapDetector* iLongTapDetector member
#include <aknlongtapdetector.h>
// Skin
// using API for icons in CMIDCanvas.cpp
// using API for skin in CMIDDisplayable.cpp
// using API for icons and skin in CMIDChoiceGroupModel.cpp
#include <AknsDrawUtils.h>// skin
// for backgroud control context (iBackGroundControlContext)
#include <AknsBasicBackgroundControlContext.h> //skin
#include "CMIDCommand.h"
// API needed for working with commands and command list (setting, getting, handling)
#include "CMIDCommandList.h"
// using CMIDMenuHandler::TMenuType
#include "CMIDMenuHandler.h"
// using TMidpCustomEvents enumeration
#include "S60LCDUICustomEvents.h"
#include "CMIDCanvasKeypad.h"
#include <e32property.h>
#include <touchfeedback.h>
#include <peninputclient.h>
// Constants
const TInt KSoftKeyLabelPropertyNumberOfSoftKeys = 3;
// Forward declarations
class CMIDAppUi;
class CMIDSoftKey;
class CMIDUIManager;
class CAknAppUi;
class CMIDTicker;
class CCommandList;
class MMIDDisplayableObserver;
class CEikButtonGroupContainer;
class CAknStylusPopUpMenu;
class CPropertyWatch;
// Container for MIDlet Displayables.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CMIDDisplayable) : public CEikBorderedControl, public MMIDDisplayable,
public MMIDEnvObserver, public MAknLongTapDetectorCallBack, public MEikMenuObserver
* On screen keypad options for devices that do not have physical keypads.
enum TOnScreenKeypadValue
EOnScreenKeypadValueUndefined = 0,
// is VKB on screen
TBool IsVKBOnScreen();
#endif // RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
* On-Screen Keypad SoftKey positions(used when hw-qwerty does not have LSK&RSK)
enum TOnScreenKeypadSoftKeysPosition
ESoftkeysBottom = 0,//default value
* Returns SoftKey position defined by JAD parameter(default position is bottom)
TInt GetSKPositionForOSK();
// Construction
static CMIDDisplayable* NewL(MMIDEnv& aEnv,CMIDUIManager& aUIManager);
// From MMIDDisplayable
void SetTitleL(const TDesC* aTitle);
void SetTickerL(MMIDTicker* aTicker);
MMIDTicker* Ticker() const;
void AddCommandL(MMIDCommand* aCommand);
void RemoveCommand(MMIDCommand* aCommand);
TSize ContentSize() const;
void HandleCurrentL(TBool aCurrent);
void SetComponentL(MMIDComponent& aComponent);
MMIDComponent* Component() const;
void SetFullScreenModeL(TBool aFullScreen);
#ifdef RD_JAVA_S60_RELEASE_9_2
void HandleSplitScreenKeyboard(TBool aOpened);
#endif // RD_JAVA_S60_RELEASE_9_2
CCoeControl& ContentWindow();
TBool SoftKeyLabelLocation(TInt aSoftKeyId, TPoint& aPosition, TSize& aSize);
TInt SoftKeyLabelAnchor(TInt aSoftKeyId);
void DrawNow();
void ChangeOSKBackgroundState(TBool aOSKBackgroundState);
* Sets a command listener existence info.
* @since Series S60 3.2
* @param aExistence ETrue if command listener is set
void SetCommandListenerExistence(TBool aExistence);
// From MMIDComponent
void Dispose();
// From MMIDEnvObserver
void HandleSwitchOnL(TBool aSwitchOn);
void HandleForegroundL(TBool aForeground);
void HandleResourceChangeL(TInt aType);
// Title handling
TBool HasTitle() const;
void ShowTitleL();
HBufC* Title();
void ClearTitleL();
// Command handling
CMIDCommandList* MainCommandList() const;
CMIDCommand* FindCommandWithId(TInt aCommandId) const;
* Find the correct softkey commands, if any, and draw the CBA.
* Finally draw the CBA.
* @see RestoreMenuL()
void InitializeCbasL();
void SetCba(CEikButtonGroupContainer* aCba);
TBool ShowOkOptionsMenuL();
TInt NumCommandsForOkOptionsMenu() const;
TInt GetHighestPriorityScreenOrHelpCommand() const;
void SetItemCommandList(CMIDCommandList* aList, CMIDCommand* aMSKCommand);
void SetMSKCommand(CMIDCommand* aMSKCommand);
* Stores select command to Displayable
* @param aSelectCommand a command used in MSK and in menu
void SetSelectCommand(CMIDCommand* aSelectCommand);
* Disables or enables select command
* @aEnableSelectCommand ETrue enables select command and EFalse disables select command
void SetSelectCommandState(TBool aEnableSelectCommand);
TInt CommandCount();
void ProcessCommandL(TInt aCommandId);
void DisplayableBehindPopupIsDestroyed();
// Processes native Help command event to java
void HandleHelpCommandL();
// Get number of inserted help commands
TInt NumCommandsForHelpOptionsMenu() const;
void HandleHighestPriorityScreenOrHelpCommandL();
// This function can be moved out from RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2 flag if needed.
// It is behind this flag because currently it is used only by Touch.
* Passes call to ProcessCommandL (TInt aCommandId) function.
* This is useful in situations in which the internal Command ID is not available.
* @param aCommand to be executed.
* @since S60 5.0
void ProcessCommandL(CMIDCommand* aCommand);
#endif // RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
void CreateMenuItemsL(const CMIDMenuHandler::TMenuType& aMenuType,
RArray<CEikMenuPaneItem::SData>& aMenuItems);
// Skin
MAknsControlContext* BackGroundControlContext();
/** From MAknLongTapDetectorCallBack */
void HandleLongTapEventL(const TPoint& /*aPenEventLocation*/, const TPoint& /*aPenEventScreenLocation*/);
* Way to report pointer event to displayable so that the component will get the
* default long tap functionality. This method should be called when ever a pointer
* event occurs in an ui component. Returns true if the event is consumed and should
* not be forwarded any more (e.g. pointer up event after a detected long tap).
TBool TryDetectLongTapL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
// Misc.
TBool IsFullScreenMode() const;
CMIDMenuHandler* MenuHandler() const;
TBool IsActive() const;
* Content component notifies Displayable about its deletion.
* @note It might happen that content is destroyed before displayable
* and that's why we need to notify displayable about its content deletion.
* @see Displayable.java: registeredFinalize()
void NotifyContentDestroyed();
* Gets a command listener existence info.
* @since Series S60 3.2
* @return ETrue if a command listener is set
TBool IsCommandListenerSet() const;
* Get UI manager
* @return CMIDUIManager instance
* @since s60
virtual CMIDUIManager* GetUIManager() const;
* Sets S60 Selection Key Compatibility
void SetS60SelectionKeyCompatibility(TBool aS60SelectionKeyCompatibility);
Adds a rectangle which is excluded from redrawing (for DSA)
@param "aRect" Rentangle to be exluded from redrawing.
void AddDirectContentArea(const TRect& aRect);
Removes a rectangle which is excluded from redrawing (for DSA)
@param "aRect" Rentangle to be removed from exclusion list.
void RemoveDirectContentArea(const TRect& aRect);
Checks if there were some direct content area added
@return ETrue if there no DC Area has been added
TBool NoDirectContentAreaDefined();
* Sets popup style TextBox boolean value. Called by CMIDTextBoxDialogControl when
* TextBox presentation is pop-up.
* @param "aPopup" boolean value indicating whether the textbox is popup or not.
* @since S60 5.0
void SetPopupTextBox(TBool aPopup);
* Returns boolean value indicating whether this displayable is pop-up TextBox.
* @return TBool
* @since S60 5.0
virtual TBool IsPopupTextBox();
* Handles the On-Screen Keypad visual appearance.
* @return void
* @since S60 5.0
void HandleOnScreenKeypadVisual();
* Notify a CMIDDisplayable then application is switch to background.
* @return void
* @since S60 5.0
void HandleApplicationBackground();
* Function process command which is mapped to MSK
* @return void
* @since S60 5.0
void ProcessMSKCommandL();
// Construction and destruction
CMIDDisplayable(MMIDEnv& aEnv,CMIDUIManager& aUIManager);
void ConstructL();
// From CCoeControl
void Draw(const TRect& aRect) const;
virtual TInt CountComponentControls() const;
CCoeControl* ComponentControl(TInt aIndex) const;
void SizeChanged();
TTypeUid::Ptr MopSupplyObject(TTypeUid aId);
// Private command handling
void PopulateMenuItemsWithListL(const CMIDMenuHandler::TMenuType& aMenuType,
RArray<CEikMenuPaneItem::SData>& aItems, CMIDCommandList* aCommandList, TBool aSeparator);
TBool CommandIsMappedToSk(const CMIDCommand* aCommand) const;
void HandleStandardCommandL(const TCommandEntry& aCmdEntry);
void HandleItemCommandL(const TCommandEntry& aCmdEntry);
TInt GetInternalCommandIdFor(CMIDCommand* aCommand) const;
void GetOkOptionsMenuCommands(RPointerArray<CMIDCommand>& aCommands) const;
void ResetSoftKeysAndCommands(const RArray<CMIDCommandList*>& aLists);
// Visual layouting and updating
void UpdateVisualAppearanceL();
void UpdateTickerL();
void Layout();
void SizeWindowAndToolBar();
void ReplaceBehindAlertIfNeeded();
void UpdateDisplayableRect();
// Activation handling
void HandleActivatedL();
void HandleDeactivated();
// The structure to store the Direct content bounds and its identification number
struct TDirectContentsRect
* Default ctor
: iRefCount(0) {}
* Ctor
* @param aRect Rectangle
TDirectContentsRect(const TRect& aRect)
: iRect(aRect), iRefCount(1) {}
TRect iRect;
TInt iRefCount;
* Determines whether two TDirectContentsRect type objects match
* @param aLhs First object
* @param aRhs Second object
* @return True if matched
* @see RArray::Find
static TBool MatchDirectContentsRects(
const TDirectContentsRect& aLhs, const TDirectContentsRect& aRhs);
* Updates <code>iDirectContentsRegion</code> according to
* the <code>iDirectContentsRects</code> array.
void UpdateDirectContentsRegion();
// From MEikMenuObserver
void SetEmphasis(CCoeControl* aMenuControl,TBool aEmphasis);
* OnScreenKeypad
* Returns canvas rect from LAF when using OnScreenKeypad.
* @return TRect Canvas Rect
* @since S60 5.0
TRect GetCanvasRectFromLaf();
* Set correct On-Screen keyboard type.
* @return void
* @since S60 5.0
void UpdateOnScreenKeypadSettings();
* Read On-Screen keyboard MIDlet suite settings
* @return void
* @since S60 5.0
void ReadOnScreenKeypadTypeFromSuiteSettings();
* Returns midlet suite setting for on screen keypad.
* The setting is retrieved from the User preferences API and it requires file accessing, thus
* this function should not be called repeatedly because of performance issues.
* @return TOnScreenKeypadValue Current setting value.
* Returns EOnScreenKeypadValueUndefined if reading of the setting fails.
* @since S60 5.0
TUint OnScreenKeypadL();
#endif // RD_SCALABLE_UI_V2
void RenewFullscreenCanvasLabelCacheL();
* In case content is Canvas, notifies it about changed
* foreground status.
* @param aForeground ETrue, if displayable is on foreground,
* EFalse otherwise.
* @since S60 9.2
void HandleCanvasForeground(TBool aForeground);
void HideIndicator(CEikStatusPane* aSp, TInt aId);
void HideIndicators();
CMIDAppUi* iAppUi;
CMIDUIManager* iUIManager;
MMIDEnv& iEnv;
CAknLongTapDetector* iLongTapDetector;
TBool iLongTapDetected;
CAknStylusPopUpMenu* iStylusPopupMenu;
// Controls
CCoeControl* iContentControl;
CEikButtonGroupContainer* iCba;
// Peers
CMIDTicker* iTicker;
MMIDComponent* iContent;
//The main displayable commands
CMIDCommandList* iCommandList;
//Displayable behind Alert and PopupTextBox
CMIDDisplayable* iDisplayableBehindPopup;
//The commands associated with form items
CMIDCommandList* iItemCommandList;
// The command associated with middle soft key, may be NULL
CMIDCommand* iMSKCommand;
//Sofkey information. For each softkey on the device it
//stores the allowed commands types, the mapped command
//or default CBA button
RPointerArray<CMIDSoftKey> iSoftKeys;
CMIDMenuHandler* iMenuHandler;
HBufC* iTitle;
TBool iHasTitle;
CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext* iBackGroundControlContext;
// State
TBool iIsFullScreenMode;
TBool iActive;
TBool iCommandListenerExistence;
TRect iDisplayableRect;
// current number of item commands
TInt iItemCommandsCount;
CMIDCommand* iSelectCommand;
TBool iSelectCommandEnabled;
TBool iS60SelectionKeyCompatibility;
//OnScreenKeypad specific members
CMIDCanvasKeypad* iCanvasKeypad;
CMIDCanvas* iCanvas;
TBool iUseOnScreenKeypad;
TInt iOnScreenKeyboardType;
TInt iSKPositionWithQwerty;
mutable RRegion iUpdateRegion;
RRegion iDirectContentsRegion;
// Direct content bounds list
RArray< TDirectContentsRect > iDirectContentsRects;
// Structure to store the softkey label position and anchor
struct TSoftkeyLabel
TPoint iPosition;
TSize iSize;
// Java anchor constant as defined in class Graphics
enum TJavaAnchor
EJavaHCenter = 1,
EJavaVCenter = 2,
EJavaLeft = 4,
EJavaRight = 8,
EJavaTop = 16,
EJavaBottom = 32
TInt iAnchor;
// Shows if the sk is used
TBool iIsOn;
// The storage of softkey labels data
// This is used for the increasing of the performace of getting SK properties
// The data validity is stored in iFullscreenCanvasLabelCacheIsValid
// The data are renewed/revalidated by RenewFullscreenCanvasLabelCache()
TSoftkeyLabel iFullscreenCanvasLabelCache[ KSoftKeyLabelPropertyNumberOfSoftKeys ];
// Shows if the data in iFullscreenCanvasLabelCache are valid
TBool iFullscreenCanvasLabelCacheIsValid;
// VKB status
RPeninputServer iPenInputServer;
TBool iPenInputServerConnected;
// Used by TextBox indicating whether the textbox is popup or not.
TBool iIsPopupTextBox;
* Initialize iPropertyWatch as CPropertyWatch. Active Object will be
* removed from Active Scheduler in CMIDDisplayable (destructor).
CPropertyWatch* iPropertyWatch;
//stores id of command mapped to the MSK
TInt iIdOfMSKCommand;
#ifdef RD_JAVA_S60_RELEASE_9_2
// Indicates opened split screen keyboard
TBool iSplitScreenKeyboard;
#endif // RD_JAVA_S60_RELEASE_9_2
// Timer delay
const TInt KTimerDelayValue = 200000;//0.2s
An active object that tracks changes to the active keyboard properties
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CPropertyWatch) : public CActive
static CPropertyWatch* NewL(MMIDDisplayable* aDisplayable);
void ConstructL(MMIDDisplayable* aDisplayable);
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
void HandleDelayTimerEventL();
static TInt DelayTimerCallbackL(TAny* aThis);
CMIDDisplayable* iDisplayable;
RProperty iProperty;
* Timer delay for reacting to keypad opening/closing.
CPeriodic* iDelayTimer;
// End of File