* Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#ifndef LCDIMAGE_H
#define LCDIMAGE_H
#include <e32base.h>
#include <fbs.h>
#include <lcdgdrv.h>
#include "fbslcdgraphics.h" // for TDrawRegion.
class TAcceleratedBitmapInfo;
class TBitmapLockCount;
class CLcdFbsImage;
* MIDP LCDUI Image peer
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CLcdImage) : public CBase
CLcdImage(CLcdGraphicsDriver& aDriver, TBool aMutable);
* 2nd phase constructor for blank (white) images.
void ConstructL(const TSize& aSize, const TImageType& aImageType);
* 2nd phase constructor from bitmaps.
* Where possible (bitmaps match aImageType ) makes a shallow copy (Duplicate) of aColorBitmap
* and optional aAlphaBitmap, otherwise makes a deep copy converting to aImageType.
void ConstructL(CFbsBitmap* aColorBitmap, CFbsBitmap* aAlphaBitmap, const TImageType& aImageType);
TSize Size() const;
TTransparency Transparency() const;
void Lock(TBitmapLockCount& aLockCount, TAcceleratedBitmapInfo& aColorBitmap, TAcceleratedBitmapInfo& aAlphaBitmap) const;
void Unlock(TBitmapLockCount& aLockCount) const;
void SetPixels(const TRect& aRect, const TUint32* aARGBArray, TInt aLength, TInt aOffset, TInt aLinePitch, const TSize& aSize, TBool aProcessAlpha);
void GetPixels(const TRect& aRect, TUint32* aARGBArray, TInt aLength, TInt aOffset, TInt aLinePitch, const TSize& aSize);
* Copy a region of pixels from aSourceImage applying a transformation.
void CopyRegion(CLcdImage& aSourceImage, const TDrawRegion&, const TRect& aClipRect);
Detect pixel level collision between two Images.
@param aRect1 image1 collison rect in image1 co-ordinates
@param aTransform1 image1 transform
@param aPoint1 position of image1 collison rect in painter's co-ordinates.
@param aImage2 image2
@param aRect2 image2 collison rect in image2 co-ordinates
@param aTransform2 image2 transform
@param aPoint2 position of image2 collison rect in painter's co-ordinates.
TBool DetectCollision(const TRect& aRect1, TInt aTransform1, const TPoint& aPoint1,
const CLcdImage& aImage2,
const TRect& aRect2, TInt aTransform2, const TPoint& aPoint2);
// Consider drawing surface accessor instead.
TBool Mutable();
* Change image type - may be used to allow mutable images to contain tranparent pixels.
TInt SetImageType(const TImageType& aType);
// Temporary.
CLcdFbsImage* FbsImage();
CLcdGraphicsDriver& iDriver;
CLcdFbsImage* iFbsImage;
TTransparency iTransparency;
TBool iMutable;
#endif // LCDIMAGE_H