changeset 0 72b543305e3a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:72b543305e3a
     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include "cimapcompounddelete.h"
    17 #include "cimapsession.h"
    18 #include "cimapfolder.h"
    19 #include "cimapsessionconsts.h"
    20 #include "cimaplogger.h"
    21 #include "imappaniccodes.h"
    23 #include "mobilitytestmtmapi.h"
    25 _LIT8(KImapAddFlags, "+FLAGS");
    26 _LIT8(KImapFlagDeleted, "(\\Deleted)");
    28 CImapCompoundDelete::CImapCompoundDelete(CImapSyncManager& aSyncManager,
    29 						 				 CMsvServerEntry& aServerEntry,
    30 						 				 CImapSettings& aImapSettings) :
    31 	CImapCompoundBase(aSyncManager, aServerEntry, aImapSettings)
    32 	{
    34 	}
    36 CImapCompoundDelete::~CImapCompoundDelete()
    37 	{
    38 	delete iSourceSel;
    39 	iMessageUids.Reset();
    40 	iFlagInfoResponseArray.Reset();
    41 	}
    43 CImapCompoundDelete* CImapCompoundDelete::NewL(CImapSyncManager& aSyncManager,
    44 						 				  	   CMsvServerEntry& aServerEntry,
    45 						 				  	   CImapSettings& aImapSettings, 
    46 						 				  	   const CMsvEntrySelection& aSourceSel)
    47 	{
    48 	CImapCompoundDelete* self = new (ELeave) CImapCompoundDelete(aSyncManager,
    49 																 aServerEntry,
    50 																 aImapSettings );
    51 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    52 	self->ConstructL(aSourceSel);
    53 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    54 	return self;
    55 	}
    57 void CImapCompoundDelete::ConstructL(const CMsvEntrySelection& aSourceSel)
    58 	{
    59 	iSourceSel=new (ELeave) CMsvEntrySelection;
    62 	// Check the source selection contains only messages
    63 	// Messages         True
    64 	// Handle Parts     False
    65 	// Handle Folders   False
    66 	// Check source     True
    67 	// Makes a local copy of the source selection in iSourceSel
    68 	CheckSelectionL(aSourceSel, iSourceSel, ETrue, EFalse, EFalse, ETrue);
    70 	// Initialise the progress counters	
    71 	iProgressMsgsToDo=iSourceSel->Count();
    72 	iProgressMsgsDone=0;
    74 	// Add to the active scheduler
    75 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    76 	}
    78 void CImapCompoundDelete::StartOperation(TRequestStatus& aStatus, CImapSession& aSession)
    79 	{
    80 	iSession = &aSession;
    81 	__LOG_TEXT(iSession->LogId(), "CImapCompoundDelete::StartOperation()");
    82 	iNextStep = ESelectSourceMailboxRW;
    83 	Queue(aStatus);
    84 	CompleteSelf();
    85 	}
    87 /**
    88 Handles the compound operation state machine
    90 @return ETrue if compound operation is completed, 
    91 		EFalse otherwise (will be called again, unless active)
    92 */
    93 TBool CImapCompoundDelete::DoRunLoopL()
    94 	{
    95 	SetCurrentStep();
    96 	switch (iCurrentStep)
    97 		{
    98 		case ESelectSourceMailboxRW: // asynchronous
    99 			{
   100 			MOBILITY_TEST_MTM_STATE(iImapSettings.ServiceId(), KMobilityTestMtmStateImapDelete1); // select source folder
   101 			// Anything to do?
   102 			if (iSourceSel->Count()==0)
   103 				{
   104 				iNextStep = EFinished;
   105 				return EFalse;
   106 				}
   108 			// suspend operation if stop for migrate has been requested
   109 			if (iStopForMigrate)
   110 				{
   111 				__LOG_TEXT(iSession->LogId(), "CImapCompoundDelete::Stopped for migrate");
   112 				iCurrentStep = ESuspendedForMigrate;
   113 				iNextStep = ESelectSourceMailboxRW;
   114 				Complete(KErrNone);
   115 				return ETrue;
   116 				}
   118 			// Find the parent folder for the first entry in the array
   119 			iParentFolderId = FindFolderL((*iSourceSel)[0]);
   120 			iParentFolder = iSyncManager.GetFolderL(iParentFolderId);
   121 			if (iParentFolder==NULL)
   122 				{
   123 				// Try again with the next message
   124 				// Delete the first entry in the source selection
   125 				iSourceSel->Delete(0, 1);
   126 				// increment progress counter
   127 				++iProgressMsgsDone;
   128 				return EFalse;
   129 				}
   131 			// reset the message UID list
   132 			iMessageUids.Reset();
   134 			__LOG_FORMAT((iSession->LogId(), "Deleting message %x in folder %x", (*iSourceSel)[0], iParentFolderId));
   136 			iParentFolder->SelectL(iStatus, *iSession);
   137 			iProgressState = TImap4GenericProgress::ESelecting;
   138 			iNextStep = EDeleteMessage;
   139 			SetActive();
   140 			break;
   141 			}
   143 		case EDeleteMessage: // asynchronous
   144 			{
   145 			MOBILITY_TEST_MTM_STATE(iImapSettings.ServiceId(), KMobilityTestMtmStateImapDelete2); // issue the STORE /deleted command
   146 			// build an array of the UIDs to delete,
   147 			// mark local IMAP \deleted flag.
   148 			TInt  i = 0;
   149 			TInt  count = iSourceSel->Count();
   150 			TBool sameParent = ETrue;
   151 			while (i<count && sameParent)
   152 				{
   153 				SetEntryL((*iSourceSel)[i]);
   154 				TMsvEmailEntry entry = iServerEntry.Entry();
   155 				if (entry.Parent()==iParentFolderId)
   156 					{
   157 					TUint id = entry.UID();
   158 					iMessageUids.AppendL(id);
   160 					// Set deleted flag on local entry
   161 					entry.SetDeletedIMAP4Flag(ETrue);
   162 					User::LeaveIfError(iServerEntry.ChangeEntry(entry));
   163 					++iSelectionToDelete;
   164 					}
   165 				else
   166 					{
   167 					sameParent=EFalse;
   168 					}
   169 				++i;
   170 				}
   172 			HBufC8* uidSeq = CImapSession::CreateSequenceSetLC(iMessageUids);
   174 			// issue the store command
   175 			iSession->StoreL(iStatus, uidSeq->Des(), KImapAddFlags, KImapFlagDeleted, ETrue, iFlagInfoResponseArray);
   176 			iProgressState = TImap4GenericProgress::EDeleting;
   177 			CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(uidSeq);
   178 			if (iImapSettings.UseExpunge())
   179 				{
   180 				iNextStep=EExpunge;
   181 				}
   182 			else
   183 				{
   184 				iNextStep=ECloseFolder;
   185 				}
   186 			SetActive();
   187 			break;
   188 			}
   190 		case EExpunge: // asynchronous
   191 			{
   192 			MOBILITY_TEST_MTM_STATE(iImapSettings.ServiceId(), KMobilityTestMtmStateImapDelete3); // issue the EXPUNGE command
   193 			// Messages have been marked for delete on the remote server
   194 			// issue the expunge command to remove them completely
   195 			iSession->ExpungeL(iStatus);
   196 			// no change in progress state
   197 			iNextStep = EDeleteLocalMessage;
   198 			SetActive();
   199 			break;
   200 			}
   202 		case ECloseFolder:
   203 			{
   204 			MOBILITY_TEST_MTM_STATE(iImapSettings.ServiceId(), KMobilityTestMtmStateImapDelete4); // CLOSE FOLDER
   205 			//Permanently removes all messages that have the deleted flag set
   206 			//from the currently selected mailbox
   207 			iSession->CloseL(iStatus);
   208 			iNextStep=ESelectFolderAfterClose;
   209 			SetActive();
   210 			break;
   211 			}
   213 		case ESelectFolderAfterClose:
   214 			{
   215 			MOBILITY_TEST_MTM_STATE(iImapSettings.ServiceId(), KMobilityTestMtmStateImapDelete5); // SELECT FOLDER
   216 			//Selecting a mailbox so that messages in the mailbox can be accessed. 
   217 			iParentFolder->SelectL(iStatus, *iSession);
   218 			iNextStep=EDeleteLocalMessage;
   219 			SetActive();
   220 			break;
   221 			}
   223 		case EDeleteLocalMessage: // synchronous
   224 			{
   225 			DeleteLocalMessagesL();
   226 			// test for remaining messages to delete performed in state ESelectSourceMailboxRW;
   227 			iNextStep=ESelectSourceMailboxRW;
   228 			// no async request made.
   229 			return EFalse;
   230 			}
   232 		case EFinished:	// finished
   233 			{
   234 			__LOG_TEXT(iSession->LogId(), "CImapCompoundDelete::Completing OK");
   235 			iProgressState = TImap4GenericProgress::EIdle;
   236 			Complete(KErrNone);
   237 			return ETrue;
   238 			}
   240 		default:
   241 			{
   242 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, 
   243 				TImapServerPanic::ImapPanic(TImapServerPanic::EDeleteCompoundUnexpectedState));
   244 			// unexpected state - complete the request
   245 			iProgressState = TImap4GenericProgress::EIdle;
   246 			return ETrue;
   247 			}
   248 		}
   249 	return EFalse;
   250 	}
   252 /**
   253 May be called in case of a genuine cancel or a cancel for migrate.
   254 Following a genuine cancel, the compound operation will be deleted.
   255 Following a cancel for migrate, the compound operation will be resumed,
   256 so the iNextState is updated here to ensure the operation is
   257 correctly restarted.
   259 In either case, CMsgActive::DoCancel() is called to complete the
   260 user request with KErrCancel.
   262 Note that if the default CMsgActive::DoComplete() is overridden,
   263 then that must also be modified to handle either case described above.
   264 */	
   265 void CImapCompoundDelete::DoCancel()
   266 	{
   267 	switch (iCurrentStep)
   268 		{
   269 		case ESelectSourceMailboxRW:
   270 			{
   271 			// There is an outstanding select command issued. Cancel it.
   272 			// Need to re-start with next step = ESelectSourceMailboxRW
   273 			iSession->Cancel();
   274 			iNextStep = ESelectSourceMailboxRW;
   275 			break;
   276 			}
   277 		case EDeleteMessage: 
   278 			{
   279 			// in DoRunL an array of messages in this folder has been created
   280 			// so, it is possible that that requested delete has not actually
   281 			// been received by the remote server. When the operation re-starts
   282 			// it will need to re-select the parent folder and then re-issue the
   283 			// STORE \deleted command.
   285 			// the entries have already been marked locally.
   286 			// we still have the iUID array - iMessageUids.
   288 			// Cancel the session command
   289 			iSession->Cancel();
   290 			iSelectionToDelete = 0; // reset the count of messages to delete locally
   291 			iNextStep = EDeleteMessage; // restart function
   292 			break;
   293 			}
   294 		case EExpunge:
   295 			{
   296 			// Messages have been marked for delete on the remote server
   297 			// and the expunge command issued - cancel it
   299 			// Cancel the session command
   300 			iSession->Cancel();
   302 			// need to re-issue the expunge command after migrate 
   303 			// (and re-select of correct folder)
   304 			iNextStep = EExpunge;
   305 			break;
   306 			}
   307 		case ECloseFolder:
   308 			{
   309 			iSession->Cancel();
   310 			iNextStep = ECloseFolder;
   311 			break;
   312 			}
   313 		case ESelectFolderAfterClose:
   314 			{
   315 			iSession->Cancel();
   316 			iNextStep = ESelectFolderAfterClose;
   317 			break;
   318 			}
   319 		case EDeleteLocalMessage:
   320 		case EFinished:
   321 			{
   322 			// self-completed or no outstanding request.
   323 			break;
   324 			}
   325 		case ESuspendedForMigrate:
   326 		default:
   327 			{
   328 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, 
   329 				TImapServerPanic::ImapPanic(TImapServerPanic::EDeleteCompoundCancelUnexpectedState));
   330 			break;
   331 			}
   332 		} // end switch (iCurrentStep)	
   334 	if (!iCancelForMigrate)
   335 		{
   336 		// genuine cancel - update progress
   337 		iProgressErrorCode = KErrCancel;
   338 		}
   339 	CMsgActive::DoCancel();
   340 	}
   343 void CImapCompoundDelete::Progress(TImap4CompoundProgress& aCompoundProgress)
   344 	{
   345 	aCompoundProgress.iGenericProgress.iOperation = TImap4GenericProgress::EDelete;
   346 	aCompoundProgress.iGenericProgress.iState = iProgressState;
   347 	aCompoundProgress.iGenericProgress.iMsgsToDo = iProgressMsgsToDo;
   348 	aCompoundProgress.iGenericProgress.iMsgsDone = iProgressMsgsDone;
   350 	// Put error into progress buffer
   351 	if( aCompoundProgress.iGenericProgress.iErrorCode == KErrNone )
   352 		{
   353 		aCompoundProgress.iGenericProgress.iErrorCode = iProgressErrorCode;
   354 		}
   356 	}
   359 /**
   360 Deletes messages locally
   361 Deletes messages in iSourceSel contains only messages
   362 belonging to a single parent folder.
   363 */
   364 void CImapCompoundDelete::DeleteLocalMessagesL()
   365 	{
   366 	// Set the server entry context to the parent.
   367 	SetEntryL((*iSourceSel)[0]);
   368 	SetEntryL(iServerEntry.Entry().Parent());
   370 	// delete local entries that have been expunged remotely
   371 	TInt count = 0;
   372 	while(count<iSelectionToDelete)
   373 		{
   374 		// Do not leave when entry is in use 
   375 		TInt err = iServerEntry.DeleteEntry((*iSourceSel)[count]);
   376 		if(err!=KErrNone)
   377 			{
   378 			if(err!=KErrInUse)
   379 				{
   380 				User::LeaveIfError(err);
   381 				}
   382 			}
   383 		++count;
   384 		} // end while()
   386 	// remove deleted items from the selection 
   387 	iSourceSel->Delete(0,count);
   388 	iSelectionToDelete=0;
   390 	// increment progress counter
   391 	iProgressMsgsDone+=count;
   392 	}
   395 /**
   396 Handles NO/BAD responses according to current step.
   397 Negative server responses are not fatal - the error is saved in
   398 the message currently being operated on and the state machine pushed
   399 on to process the next message in the requested selection.
   401 @return KErrNone if the error has been handled
   402 		Completion error code otherwise.
   403 */
   404 TInt CImapCompoundDelete::ProcessNegativeServerResponse()
   405 	{
   406 	TInt err = iStatus.Int();
   407 	switch (iCurrentStep)
   408 		{
   409 		case ESelectSourceMailboxRW:
   410 		case ESelectFolderAfterClose:
   411 			{
   412 			// only knowingly operating on a single message at this point.
   413 			if (err == KErrImapNo)
   414 				{
   415 				err = KErrNotFound;
   416 				}
   417 			// save the error with the associated message
   418 			TRAP_IGNORE(MessageErrorL((*iSourceSel)[0], err));
   419 			++iProgressMsgsDone;
   420 			// Skip to the next message, or finish
   421 			iNextStep = (iProgressMsgsDone<iProgressMsgsToDo)?ESelectSourceMailboxRW:EFinished;
   422 			break;
   423 			}
   424 		case EDeleteMessage:
   425 		case EExpunge:
   426 		case ECloseFolder:
   427 			{
   428 			// failed to mark one or more messages for delete.
   429 			// ignore the error - no point in storing it in a 
   430 			// message that is just about to be deleted.
   431 			break;
   432 			}
   433 		case EDeleteLocalMessage:
   434 		case EFinished:
   435 		case ESuspendedForMigrate:
   436 		default:
   437 			{
   438 			// positive error code not expected,
   439 			// self-completed states or no outstanding request.
   440 			TImapServerPanic::ImapPanic(TImapServerPanic::EDeleteCompoundUnexpectedState);
   441 			break;
   442 			}
   443 		} // end switch (iCurrentStep)
   444 	iProgressErrorCode = err;
   445 	return KErrNone;
   446 	}
   448 /**
   449 Resumes the operation following a migration.
   450 */
   451 void CImapCompoundDelete::ResumeOperationL(TRequestStatus& aStatus, CImapSession& aSession)
   452 	{
   453 	iSession = &aSession;
   454 	__LOG_TEXT(iSession->LogId(), "CImapCompoundDelete::Resuming");
   455 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(iCurrentStep==ESuspendedForMigrate, TImapServerPanic::ImapPanic(TImapServerPanic::EDeleteCompoundUnexpectedState));
   456 	iStopForMigrate = EFalse;
   458 	// Switch on next step - some "next steps" require a SELEECT first...
   459 	switch (iNextStep)
   460 		{
   461 		case ESelectSourceMailboxRW:
   462 		case ESelectFolderAfterClose:
   463 			{
   464 			// just return to the main state machine
   465 			CompleteSelf();
   466 			break;
   467 			}
   468 		case EDeleteMessage: 
   469 		case EExpunge:
   470 		case ECloseFolder:
   471 			{
   472 			// re-issue the SELECT before kicking off the DELETE or EXPUNGE command:
   473 			iParentFolder->SelectL(iStatus, *iSession);
   474 			iCurrentStep = ESelectSourceMailboxRW;
   475 			SetActive();
   476 			break;
   477 			}
   478 		case EDeleteLocalMessage:
   479 		case EFinished:
   480 			// not expected
   481 		default:
   482 			{
   483 			__ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, TImapServerPanic::ImapPanic(TImapServerPanic::EDeleteCompoundUnexpectedState));
   484 			// abandon the compound operation
   485 			iNextStep=EFinished;
   486 			CompleteSelf();
   487 			break;
   488 			}
   489 		} // end switch (iNextStep)
   490 	Queue(aStatus);
   491 	}