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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *       CImapConnectionOp declaration file
    16 *
    17 */
    19 #ifndef __IMAPCONNECTIONOP_H__
    20 #define __IMAPCONNECTIONOP_H__
    22 #include <msvapi.h>
    23 #include <imapset.h>
    24 #include "imapconnectionobserver.h"
    25 #include <mtmuibas.h>
    26 #include <MTMStore.h>
    27 #include <MsvPrgReporter.h>
    28 #include <imapconnectcompletionstates.h>
    29 #include <MuiuMsvSingleOpWatcher.h>
    30 #include <ImumInternalApi.h>
    32 //  Forward declarations
    33 //
    34 class CMsvEmailConnectionProgressProvider;
    35 class CCoeEnv;
    37 /**
    38 * class CImapConnectionOp
    39 *
    40 */
    41 class CImapConnectionOp :
    42     public CMsvOperation,
    43     public MMsvImapConnectionObserver,
    44     public MMsvProgressDecoder,
    45     public MMsvSingleOpWatcher
    46     {
    47     public:
    49         enum TImapConnectionType
    50             {
    51             ECompleteAfterConnect,
    52             EWithSyncCompleteAfterConnect,
    53             EWithSyncCompleteAfterFullSync,
    54             EWithSyncCompleteAfterDisconnection
    55             };
    57         /**
    58         * NewL()
    59         * Basic factory function - creates dialog with standard title resource
    60         * @param CMsvSession& CMsvSession reference
    61         * @param TInt priority
    62         * @param TRequestStatus& request status
    63         * @param TMsvId service (mailbox) id
    64         * @param MMsvProgressReporter& prog. reporter reference
    65         * @param TImapConnectionType connection type
    66         * @return CImapConnectionOp* self pointer
    67         */
    68         static CImapConnectionOp* NewL(
    69             CMsvSession& aMsvSession,
    70             TInt aPriority,
    71             TRequestStatus& aStatus,
    72             TMsvId aService,
    73             MMsvProgressReporter& aProgressReporter,
    74             TImapConnectionType aConnectionType);
    76         /**
    77         * ~CImapConnectionOp()
    78         * destructor
    79         */
    80         ~CImapConnectionOp();
    82         /**
    83         * ProgressL()
    84         * @return TDesC8&, progress
    85         */
    86         const TDesC8& ProgressL();
    88         /**
    89         * HandleImapConnectionEvent()
    90         * From MMsvImapConnectionObserver
    91         * @param TImapConnectionEvent, imap connection event
    92         */
    93         virtual void HandleImapConnectionEvent(
    94             TImapConnectionEvent aConnectionEvent);
    96         /**
    97         * DecodeProgress()
    98         * From MMsvProgressDecoder
    99         * @param TDesC8& progress
   100         * @param TBuf<CBaseMtmUi::EProgressStringMaxLen>&, return string
   101         * @param TInt&, total entry count
   102         * @param TInt& entries done
   103         * @param TInt& current entry size
   104         * @param TInt& current bytes transferred
   105         * @param TBool internal flag
   106         */
   107         virtual TInt DecodeProgress(
   108             const TDesC8& aProgress,
   109             TBuf<CBaseMtmUi::EProgressStringMaxLen>& aReturnString,
   110             TInt& aTotalEntryCount,
   111             TInt& aEntriesDone,
   112             TInt& aCurrentEntrySize,
   113             TInt& aCurrentBytesTrans,
   114             TBool aInternal);
   116         /**
   117         * OpCompleted()
   118         * From MMsvSingleOpWatcher
   119         * @param CMsvSingleOpWatcher& opwatcher which completed
   120         * @param TInt, completion code
   121         */
   122         virtual void OpCompleted(
   123             CMsvSingleOpWatcher& aOpWatcher,
   124             TInt aCompletionCode );
   126     private:
   128         enum TImapConnectionState
   129             {
   130             EConstructing,
   131             EEstablishingConnection,
   132             EUpdatingFolderList,
   133             EUpdatingInbox,
   134             EUpdatingFolders,
   135             EOnline,
   136             ECompleted
   137             };
   139         /**
   140         * CImapConnectionOp()
   141         * @param CMsvSession&, CMsvSession reference
   142         * @param TInt, priority
   143         * @param TRequestStatus&, request status
   144         * @param TMsvId, service ( mailbox ) id
   145         * @param MMsvProgressReporter&, prog. reporter
   146         * @param TImapConnectionType, connection type
   147         */
   148         CImapConnectionOp(
   149             CMsvSession& aMsvSession,
   150             TInt aPriority,
   151             TRequestStatus& aStatus,
   152             TMsvId aService,
   153             MMsvProgressReporter& aProgressReporter,
   154             TImapConnectionType aConnectionType );
   156         /**
   157         * ConstructL()
   158         */
   159         void ConstructL();
   162         /**
   163         * GetConnectionOperationL()
   164         * Generate the appropriate type of connection operation
   165         * @return CMsvOperation*, operation
   166         */
   167         CMsvOperation* GetConnectionOperationL();
   169         /**
   170         * DecodeConnectionProgress()
   171         * @param TDesC8& progress
   172         * @param TBuf<CBaseMtmUi::EProgressStringMaxLen>&, return string
   173         * @param TInt&, total entry count
   174         * @param TInt& entries done
   175         * @param TInt& current entry size
   176         * @param TInt& current bytes transferred
   177         */
   178         TInt DecodeConnectionProgress(
   179             const TDesC8& aProgress,
   180             TBuf<CBaseMtmUi::EProgressStringMaxLen>& aReturnString,
   181             TInt& aTotalEntryCount,
   182             TInt& aEntriesDone,
   183             TInt& aCurrentEntrySize,
   184             TInt& aCurrentBytesTrans);
   186         /**
   187         * RunL()
   188         */
   189         virtual void RunL();
   191         /**
   192         * DoRunL()
   193         */
   194         void DoRunL();
   196         /**
   197         * FinishConstructionL()
   198         */
   199         void FinishConstructionL();
   201         /**
   202         * ConnectionCompletionL()
   203         */
   204         void ConnectionCompletionL();
   206         /**
   207         * DoCancel()
   208         */
   209         virtual void DoCancel();
   211         /**
   212         * Complete()
   213         */
   214         void Complete();
   216         /**
   217         * RunError()
   218         */
   219 		virtual TInt RunError(TInt aError);                       
   221     private: //Data
   222         //Owned
   223         CImumInternalApi*                       iMailboxApi;
   224         CMsvOperation*                          iSubOperation;
   225         CMsvEmailConnectionProgressProvider*    iConnectionProgressProvider;
   226         TImapConnectionState                    iState;
   227         TImapConnectionType                     iConnectionType;
   228         TPckgBuf<TImap4SyncProgress>            iSyncProgress;
   229         MMsvProgressReporter&                   iProgressReporter;
   230         CBaseMtmUi*                             iMtmUi;
   231         HBufC*                                  iTitleText;
   232         HBufC*                                  iConnectionText;
   233         TMsvId                                  iRelatedServiceId;
   234         CCoeEnv*                                iCoeEnv;
   235         TInt                                    iLoginRetryCounter;
   237       //  CMsvSingleOpWatcherArray                iOperations;//for more operations
   238     };
   240 #endif