changeset 0 72b543305e3a
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:72b543305e3a
     1 // Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #if !defined(__OFFOP_H__)
    17 #define __OFFOP_H__
    19 #if !defined (__MSVIDS_H__)
    20 #include <msvids.h>
    21 #endif
    23 #if !defined (__MSVUIDS_H__)
    24 #include <msvuids.h>
    25 #endif
    27 #if !defined(__MSVSTORE_H__)
    28 #include <msvstore.h>
    29 #endif
    31 #include <miut_err.h>
    33 const TInt KCurrentOfflineOperationArrayVersion = 2;
    34 _LIT(KImcmPanic, "IMCM");
    36 class CMsvEntry;
    38 //
    39 // CImOffLineOperation container for cached off line operation, to be performed
    40 // on next connection to remote server.
    41 class CImOffLineOperation : public CBase
    42 /**
    43 @internalTechnology
    44 @released
    45 */
    46 	{
    47     public: 
    48         enum TOffLineOpType
    49         {
    50             EOffLineOpNone               = 0x0000,
    51 //
    52             EOffLineOpCopyToLocal        = 0x0001,
    53             EOffLineOpCopyFromLocal,
    54             EOffLineOpCopyWithinService,
    55 //
    56             EOffLineOpMoveToLocal        = 0x0010,
    57             EOffLineOpMoveFromLocal,
    58             EOffLineOpMoveWithinService,
    59 //
    60             EOffLineOpDelete             = 0x0020,
    61 //
    62             EOffLineOpChange             = 0x0030,
    63             EOffLineOpCreate,
    64 //
    65             EOffLineOpMtmSpecific        = 0x0100, 
    66         };
    68     public: // Constructor of a null operation
    69         IMPORT_C CImOffLineOperation(); 
    70         IMPORT_C ~CImOffLineOperation(); 
    71     public: // Set this operation to a specific type.
    72         inline   void SetCopyToLocal(TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aTargetFolderId);
    73         inline   void SetCopyFromLocal(TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aTargetFolderId);
    74         inline   void SetCopyWithinService(TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aTargetFolderId);
    75 //
    76         inline   void SetMoveToLocal(TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aTargetFolderId);
    77         inline   void SetMoveFromLocal(TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aTargetFolderId);
    78         inline   void SetMoveWithinService(TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aTargetFolderId);
    80         inline   void SetDelete(TMsvId aMessageId);
    81         inline   void SetChange(TMsvId aMessageId);
    82         inline   void SetCreate(TMsvId aMessageId);
    83         IMPORT_C void SetMtmSpecificCommandL(TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aTargetFolderId, TInt aMtmFunctionId, const TDesC8& aParameters);
    84     public: // Access to parameters of operation
    85         inline TOffLineOpType OpType()const ;
    86         inline TMsvId  MessageId()const ;
    87         inline TMsvId  TargetMessageId()const ;
    88         inline TInt    MtmFunctionId() const ;
    89         inline TPtrC8  MtmParameters() const ;
    91     public: 
    92         IMPORT_C void    DetachMtmParameters() ;
    93           // Need this detach because the copy constructor will not be called when appending this class to an array!
    94         IMPORT_C void DeleteBuffer();
    95           // Need this because destructor will not be called when item is removed from an array
    96     public: 
    97         IMPORT_C TBool Equals(const CImOffLineOperation& aOperation) const;
    98         IMPORT_C void CopyL(const CImOffLineOperation& aOperation);
    99           // Copy-constructor that can leave
   100     public: 
   101         IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL( RMsvWriteStream& aWriteStream ) const;
   102         IMPORT_C void InternalizeL( RMsvReadStream& aReadStream );
   103 	public:
   104 		IMPORT_C int operator ==(const CImOffLineOperation& otherOperation) const;
   105     private:
   106         IMPORT_C void SetOperation(TOffLineOpType aOpType, TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aTargetFolderId, TInt aMtmFunctionId, HBufC8* aParameters);
   107         IMPORT_C void SetOperation(TOffLineOpType aOpType, TMsvId aMessageId, TMsvId aTargetFolderId);
   108     private:
   109         TOffLineOpType iOpType;
   110         TMsvId  iMessageId;
   111         TMsvId  iTargetMessageId;
   112         TInt    iMtmFunctionId;
   113         HBufC8*  iMtmParameters; // Mtm-specifics
   114 	};
   116 //
   117 // MOffLineOperationArray : generic mixin for accessing arrays of Off line operations. 
   118 class MImOffLineOperationArray
   119 /**
   120 @internalTechnology
   121 @released
   122 */
   123     {
   124     public:
   125         virtual TInt CountOperations() const = 0;
   126         virtual const CImOffLineOperation& Operation(TInt aIndex) const = 0;
   127         virtual void AppendOperationL(const CImOffLineOperation& aOperation) = 0;
   128         virtual void Delete(TInt aIndex) = 0;
   129     };
   131 //
   132 // CImOffLineArrayStore : storing and restoring MImOffLineOperationArray
   133 // derived classes
   134 class CImOffLineArrayStore : public CBase
   135 /**
   136 @internalTechnology
   137 @released
   138 */
   139     {
   140     public:
   141         inline CImOffLineArrayStore(MImOffLineOperationArray& aArray);
   142         inline void SetVersion(TUint16 aVersion);
   143         inline TUint16 Version();
   144         IMPORT_C void StoreL(CMsvStore& aMsvStore) const;
   145         IMPORT_C void RestoreL(const CMsvStore& aMessageStore );
   146         IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RMsvWriteStream& aWriteStream) const;
   147         IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RMsvReadStream& aReadStream);
   148     private:
   149         TUint16 iVersion;
   150         MImOffLineOperationArray* iArray;
   151     };
   153 //
   154 // CImOffLineOperationArray : implementation of MImOffLineOperationArray
   155 class CImOffLineOperationArray : public  CBase, public MImOffLineOperationArray
   156 /**
   157 @internalTechnology
   158 @released
   159 */
   160     {
   161     public:
   162         IMPORT_C static CImOffLineOperationArray* NewL();
   163         IMPORT_C virtual ~CImOffLineOperationArray();
   164     public: // derived from MImOffLineOperationArray
   165         TInt CountOperations() const;
   166         const CImOffLineOperation& Operation(TInt aIndex) const;
   167         void AppendOperationL(const CImOffLineOperation& aOperation);
   168         void Delete(TInt aIndex);
   169     public: // Not derived from MImOffLineOperationArray
   170         IMPORT_C void InsertOperationL(CImOffLineOperation& aOperation, TInt aPosition);
   171     protected:
   172         CImOffLineOperationArray();
   173         IMPORT_C void ConstructL();
   174     protected:
   175         CArrayFixFlat<CImOffLineOperation> *iArray;
   176     };
   179 class TQueuedOperation 
   180 /**
   181 @internalComponent
   182 @released
   183 */
   184 	{
   185 	public:
   186         IMPORT_C static TQueuedOperation* NewL(TMsvId aFolderId,TInt aOperationIndex, const CImOffLineOperation& aStoredOperation);
   187         IMPORT_C TQueuedOperation();
   188 	    IMPORT_C TBool operator!=(const TQueuedOperation& aOp);
   189 		inline TMsvId FolderId() const;
   190 		inline TInt OperationIndex() const;
   191 		inline CImOffLineOperation& Operation() ;
   192         IMPORT_C void CopyL(const TQueuedOperation& aOperation);
   193 	private:
   194         TQueuedOperation(TMsvId aFolderId,TInt aOperationIndex);
   195 	private:
   196 		TMsvId iFolderId;
   197 		TInt   iOperationIndex;
   198 		CImOffLineOperation iStoredOperation;
   199 	};
   201 class CImQueuedList : public  CBase, public MImOffLineOperationArray
   202 /**
   203 @internalComponent
   204 @released
   205 */
   206     {
   207     public:
   208         IMPORT_C static CImQueuedList* NewL();
   209         IMPORT_C virtual ~CImQueuedList() ;
   210         IMPORT_C void SetFolder(TMsvId  aFolderId);
   211         IMPORT_C void ResetLineCounter();
   212 		IMPORT_C TQueuedOperation& operator[](TInt anIndex);
   213         IMPORT_C void Delete(TInt aIndex);
   214         IMPORT_C void Reset();
   215         IMPORT_C void AppendL(TQueuedOperation& aOperation);
   216     public: // From MOffLineOperationArrayStore
   217         IMPORT_C virtual TInt CountOperations() const;
   218         IMPORT_C virtual const CImOffLineOperation& Operation(TInt aIndex) const;
   219         IMPORT_C virtual void AppendOperationL(const CImOffLineOperation& aOperation);
   220     private:
   221         CImQueuedList() ;
   222     private:
   223         TMsvId  iFolderId;
   224         TInt    iLine;
   225         CArrayFixFlat<TQueuedOperation> *iArray;
   226     };
   228 class MImUndoOffLineOperation
   229 /**
   230 @internalTechnology
   231 @released
   232 */
   233     {
   234     public:
   235         virtual void UndoOffLineChangesL(const CImOffLineOperation& aDeleted, TMsvId aFolderId) = 0; 
   236     };
   238 class CImOperationQueueList : public CBase
   239 /**
   240 @internalComponent
   241 @released
   242 */
   243 	{
   244 	public:
   245 		IMPORT_C static CImOperationQueueList* NewL(CMsvEntry& aServiceEntry, MImUndoOffLineOperation *aImUndoOffLineOperation);
   246 		    // Create new list of queued operations for service entry aServiceEntry is set to.
   247 		IMPORT_C ~CImOperationQueueList();
   248 		inline const TInt Count() const;
   249 			// Current number of queued operations in list
   250 		inline TQueuedOperation& operator[](TInt anIndex);
   251 			// Access to array of queued operations.
   252 		IMPORT_C void DeleteL(TInt aLine);
   253 			// Remove operation from list of queued operations locally.
   254 		IMPORT_C void ExpungeDeletedOperationsL();
   255 			// Enforce removal of queued operations from the stores of the folders.
   256 	protected:
   257 		void ConstructL();
   258 		CImOperationQueueList(CMsvEntry& aServiceEntry,MImUndoOffLineOperation *aImUndoOffLineOperation);
   259 		void RestoreQueuedListL(CImQueuedList &/*aList*/);
   260 		void StoreQueuedListL(CImQueuedList &/*aList*/);
   261 		void ProcessFoldersL();
   262 	private:
   263 		CImQueuedList *iQueuedList;
   264 		CImQueuedList *iDeletedList;
   265 		CMsvEntry*  iServiceEntry;
   266 		TMsvId	    iServiceId;
   267         MImUndoOffLineOperation *iUndoOffline;
   268     };
   270 #include <offop.inl>
   272 #endif