changeset 0 72b543305e3a
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-1:000000000000 0:72b543305e3a
     1 // Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include "testframeparse.h"
    19 _LIT(KTestErrorUnknown, "No more details available");
    20 _LIT(KInvalidNumberOfArguments, "[%4d] Invalid number of arguments, actual: %d, expected: %d");
    21 _LIT(KGeneralParseError, "[%4d] Error in command: %S, section: %S");
    22 _LIT(KNotParsedError, "[%4d] Command not recognised: %S, in section: %S");
    24 //
    25 //
    26 // CTestBaseCommandParser
    27 //
    29 EXPORT_C CBaseCommandParser::~CBaseCommandParser()
    30 	{
    31 	delete iArgumentList;
    32 	delete iSupportedCommands;
    33 	delete iCurrentCommand;
    34 	delete iLastError;
    35 	}
    37 EXPORT_C void CBaseCommandParser::ConstructL()
    38 	{
    39 	iArgumentList = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(3);
    40 	iSupportedCommands = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(1);
    41 	iLastError = HBufC::NewL(0);
    42 	iCurrentCommand = 0;
    43 	}
    45 // TODO: this function should really use TLex!
    46 EXPORT_C void CBaseCommandParser::ParseL(const TDesC& aCommand, TTestDebugInfo aDebugInfo)
    47 // Extract the command and any argments from the given string
    48 	{
    49 	iDebugInfo = aDebugInfo;
    50 	iArgumentList->Reset();
    52 	delete iCurrentCommand;
    53 	iCurrentCommand = 0;
    54 	TInt commandIter = 0;
    55 	TInt commandStart = 0;
    56 	TBool inQuotes = EFalse;
    57 	while (commandIter <= aCommand.Length())
    58 		{
    59 		TBool commandFound = EFalse;
    61 		if (commandIter < aCommand.Length())
    62 			{
    63 			if (aCommand[commandIter] == '"')
    64 				{
    65 				// We assume that quotes only occur at the beginning and end
    66 				// of arguments. Hence, if we've just found a new quote, we should
    67 				// not make it part of the argument.
    68 				if (!inQuotes)
    69 					{
    70 					inQuotes = ETrue;
    71 					commandStart++;
    72 					}
    73 				else
    74 					{
    75 					// Assume we've got to the end of the argument and skip the
    76 					// following space.
    77 					commandFound = ETrue;
    78 					commandIter++;
    79 					}
    80 				}
    81 			else if ((aCommand[commandIter] == ' ') && (!inQuotes))
    82 				{
    83 				commandFound = ETrue;
    84 				}
    85 			}
    86 		else
    87 			{
    88 			commandFound = ETrue;
    89 			}
    91 		if (commandFound)
    92 			{
    93 			if (commandIter > commandStart)
    94 			// Command or argument found
    95 				{
    96 				TInt commandLength = commandIter - commandStart;
    98 				// If the argument ended in quotes, modify the length to exclude them.
    99 				if (inQuotes)
   100 					{
   101 					inQuotes = EFalse;
   102 					commandLength--;
   103 					}
   105 				if (iCurrentCommand == NULL)
   106 				// This is the main command
   107 					{
   108 					iCurrentCommand = HBufC::NewL(commandLength);
   109 					(*iCurrentCommand) = aCommand.Mid(commandStart, commandLength);
   110 					}
   111 				else
   112 				// This is a command argument
   113 					{
   114 					iArgumentList->AppendL(aCommand.Mid(commandStart, commandLength));
   115 					}
   117 				// Set the start of the next argument.
   118 				commandStart = commandIter + 1;
   119 				}
   120 			}
   122 		commandIter++;
   123 		}
   125 	ProcessL();
   126 	}
   128 EXPORT_C TBool CBaseCommandParser::CanParse(const TDesC& aCommand) const
   129 	{
   130 	TBool canParse = EFalse;
   132 	TInt commandCounter = iSupportedCommands->Count();
   133 	while ((commandCounter-- > 0) && (!canParse))
   134 	// Scan through each of the supported commands
   135 		{
   136 		TInt commandSize = (*iSupportedCommands)[commandCounter].Length();
   137 		if (commandSize <= aCommand.Length())
   138 		// The given command must be at least as long as the one it is being compared to
   139 			{
   140 			if (aCommand.Left(commandSize) == (*iSupportedCommands)[commandCounter])
   141 			// If the first character match
   142 				{
   143 				// Check that there are no more characters or that the next one is a whitespace
   144 				if (commandSize < aCommand.Length())
   145 					{
   146 					if (aCommand[commandSize] == ' ')
   147 						{
   148 						canParse = ETrue;
   149 						}
   150 					}
   151 				else
   152 					{
   153 					canParse = ETrue;
   154 					}
   155 				}
   156 			}
   157 		}
   159 	return canParse;
   160 	}
   162 EXPORT_C CBaseCommandParser::CBaseCommandParser()
   163 	{
   164 	}
   166 EXPORT_C void CBaseCommandParser::AddCommandL(const TDesC& aCommand)
   167 	{
   168 	iSupportedCommands->AppendL(aCommand);
   169 	}
   172 EXPORT_C TDesC& CBaseCommandParser::Error()
   173 	{
   174 	if (iLastError->Length() == 0)
   175 		{
   176 		delete iLastError;
   177 		iLastError = 0;
   178 		iLastError = HBufC::NewL(KTestErrorUnknown().Length());
   179 		(*iLastError) = KTestErrorUnknown;
   180 		}
   182 	return *iLastError;
   183 	}
   185 EXPORT_C void CBaseCommandParser::CheckNumberOfArgumentsL(TInt aNumberOfArguments)
   186 	{
   187 	if (iArgumentList->Count() != aNumberOfArguments)
   188 		{
   189 		TBuf<128> errorString;
   190 		errorString.Format(KInvalidNumberOfArguments, iDebugInfo.LineNumber(), iArgumentList->Count(), aNumberOfArguments);
   191 		SetErrorL(errorString);
   192 		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   193 		}
   194 	}
   196 EXPORT_C void CBaseCommandParser::SetErrorL(const TDesC& aError)
   197 	{
   198 	delete iLastError;
   199 	iLastError = 0;
   200 	iLastError = HBufC::NewL(aError.Length());
   201 	(*iLastError) = aError;
   202 	}
   205 //
   206 //
   207 // CBaseSectionParser
   208 //
   210 void CBaseSectionParser::SetSectionL(const TDesC& aSectionName)
   211 	{
   212 	delete iSection;
   213 	iSection = 0;
   214 	iSection = iScript.GetSectionL(aSectionName);
   215 	}
   217 EXPORT_C void CBaseSectionParser::ParseL()
   218 	{
   219 	// Go through each command in the section and parse it
   220 	TBool parsed = EFalse;
   221 	TBuf<512> currentCommand;
   222 	TBool commandNotRecognised = EFalse;
   223 	TInt lineNumber = 0;
   225 	while (((lineNumber = iSection->GetCurrentCommand(currentCommand)) > 0) && (!commandNotRecognised))
   226 		{
   227 		TInt commandParserIndex = iCommandParsers->Count();
   228 		parsed = EFalse;
   229 		while (commandParserIndex--)
   230 			// Look for a command parser that can parse the current command
   231 			{
   232 			if ((*iCommandParsers)[commandParserIndex]->CanParse(currentCommand))
   233 				{
   234 				TTestDebugInfo debugInfo(iScript, iSection->SectionPosition(), iSection->CurrentCommandPosition(), lineNumber);
   235 				TRAPD(err, (*iCommandParsers)[commandParserIndex]->ParseL(currentCommand, debugInfo));
   236 				if (err != KErrNone)
   237 					{
   238 					TBuf<128> errorString;
   239 					errorString.Format(KGeneralParseError, lineNumber, &currentCommand, &(iSection->SectionName()));
   240 					LogCommentL(errorString);
   241 					LogCommentL((*iCommandParsers)[commandParserIndex]->Error());
   242 					User::Leave(err);
   243 					}
   244 				parsed = ETrue;
   245 				}
   246 			}
   248 		if (!parsed)
   249 			{
   250 			commandNotRecognised = ETrue;
   251 			TBuf<256> aError;
   252 			aError.Format(KNotParsedError, lineNumber, &currentCommand, &(iSection->SectionName()));
   253 			LogCommentL(aError);
   254 			User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   255 			}
   257 		iSection->NextCommand();
   258 		}
   259 	}
   261 EXPORT_C CBaseSectionParser::~CBaseSectionParser()
   262 	{
   263 	iCommandParsers->ResetAndDestroy();
   264 	delete iCommandParsers;
   265 	delete iSection;
   266 	}
   268 EXPORT_C CBaseSectionParser::CBaseSectionParser(CTestScript& aScript) : iScript(aScript)
   269 	{
   270 	}
   272 EXPORT_C void CBaseSectionParser::AddCommandParserL(CBaseCommandParser* aParser)
   273 	{
   274 	TRAPD(err, iCommandParsers->AppendL(aParser));
   275 	// If the parser can't be appended then delete it.
   276 	// Then leave with the original error.
   277 	if (err != KErrNone)
   278 		{
   279 		delete aParser;
   280 		User::Leave(err);
   281 		}
   282 	}
   284 EXPORT_C void CBaseSectionParser::ConstructL(const TDesC& aSectionName)
   285 	{
   286 	iCommandParsers = new (ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CBaseCommandParser>(5);
   287 	SetSectionL(aSectionName);
   288 	}