changeset 0 72b543305e3a
child 26 ebe688cedc25
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:72b543305e3a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  
    15 *       Utility methods for UI and engine modules. Provides help for address
    16 *       string parsing, resource files and contact database access.
    17 *       General address format is either
    18 *           alias<real-address>
    19 *       or
    20 *           <real-address>
    21 *       as used in the Client MTM API.
    22 *
    23 */
    28 #include <barsc.h>               // resource file
    29 #include <bautils.h>
    30 #include <miutpars.h>            // e-mail utilities
    32 #include <miutconv.h>            // CharConv 
    33 #include <flogger.h>
    34 #include <e32svr.h>
    35 #include <e32base.h>
    37 #include <imcvcodc.h>
    38 #else
    39 #include <imcvcodc.h>
    40 #include <cimconvertheader.h>
    41 #endif
    42 #include <f32file.h>                 
    43 #include <UiklafInternalCRKeys.h>
    44 #include <telconfigcrkeys.h>
    45 #include <centralrepository.h>
    46 #include <CoreApplicationUIsSDKCRKeys.h>
    47 #include <data_caging_path_literals.hrh>
    49 #include <MVPbkContactStore.h>
    50 #include <MVPbkContactStoreProperties.h>
    51 #include <MVPbkContactLink.h>
    52 #include <CPbk2StoreConfiguration.h>   // Contact store configuration
    53 #include <contactmatcher.h> // contact match wrapper
    54 #include <CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy.h>
    55 #include <CVPbkContactLinkArray.h>
    56 #include <CVPbkFieldTypeRefsList.h>
    57 #include <TVPbkFieldVersitProperty.h>
    58 #include <VPbkFieldType.hrh>
    59 #include <MVPbkStoreContactFieldCollection.h>
    60 #include <MVPbkStoreContact.h>
    61 #include <CVPbkContactStoreUriArray.h>
    62 #include <VPbkContactStoreUris.h>
    63 #include <TVPbkContactStoreUriPtr.h>
    64 #include "mmsgenutils.h"
    65 #include "MmsEnginePrivateCRKeys.h"
    71 // CONSTANTS
    72 const TInt KLogBufferLength = 256;
    73 #ifdef _DEBUG
    74 _LIT( KLogDir, "mmsc" );
    75 _LIT( KLogFile, "mmsc.txt" );
    76 #endif
    77 const TUint KMinAliasMaxLength = 14;
    78 const TUint KExtraSpaceForConversion10 = 10;
    79 const TUint KExtraSpaceForConversion30 = 30;
    81 const TInt KErrMultipleMatchFound = KErrGeneral;
    82 // MACROS
    90 // ==================== LOCAL FUNCTIONS ====================
    92 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    94 // Constructor 
    95 //
    96 EXPORT_C TMmsGenUtils::TMmsGenUtils()
    97     {
    98     }
   100 // Destructor 
   101 //
   104 EXPORT_C TMmsGenUtils::~TMmsGenUtils()
   105     {
   106     }
   109 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   110 // TMmsGenUtils::AddressTypeAndRealAddress
   111 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   112 //
   113 EXPORT_C TInt TMmsGenUtils::AddressTypeAndRealAddress(
   114     const TDesC& aAddress,
   115     TMmsAddressType& aType,
   116     TDes& aRealAddress,
   117     TInt aMaxLength,
   118     const TDesC& aOpen,
   119     const TDesC& aClose )
   120     {
   121     aRealAddress.Zero();
   122     aType = EMmsAddressTypeUnknown;
   124     TPtrC realAddress;
   125     realAddress.Set( PureAddress( aAddress, aOpen, aClose ) );
   127     if ( realAddress.Length() > aMaxLength )
   128         {
   129         return KErrTooBig;
   130         }
   132     if ( IsValidMMSPhoneAddress( realAddress ) )
   133         {
   134         aType = EMmsAddressTypeMobile;
   135         }
   136     else if ( IsValidEmailAddress( realAddress ) )
   137         {
   138         aType = EMmsAddressTypeEmail;
   139         }
   140     else
   141         {
   143         }
   145     // we returned earlier if address was too big.
   146     if ( aType != EMmsAddressTypeUnknown )
   147         {
   148         aRealAddress.Copy( realAddress );
   149         }
   151     return KErrNone; 
   152     }
   154 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   155 // TMmsGenUtils::IsValidAddress
   156 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   157 //
   158 EXPORT_C TBool TMmsGenUtils::IsValidAddress( 
   159    const TDesC& aAddress,
   160    TBool aReal,
   161    const TDesC& aOpen,
   162    const TDesC& aClose )
   163    {
   164    TPtrC realAddress;
   166    if ( !aReal)
   167        {
   168        realAddress.Set( PureAddress( aAddress, aOpen, aClose ) );
   169        }
   170    else
   171        {
   172        realAddress.Set ( aAddress );
   173        }
   175    if ( !IsValidMMSPhoneAddress( realAddress ) )
   176        {
   177        return IsValidEmailAddress( realAddress );
   178        }
   180    return ETrue;
   181    }
   183 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   184 // TMmsGenUtils::IsValidEmailAddress
   185 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   186 //          
   187 EXPORT_C TBool TMmsGenUtils::IsValidEmailAddress( 
   188     const TDesC& aAddress,
   189     TBool aReal,
   190     const TDesC& aOpen,
   191     const TDesC& aClose )
   192     {
   193     // Strip off alias part if necessary
   194     TPtrC realAddress;
   195     if ( aReal )
   196       {
   197       realAddress.Set( aAddress ); 
   198       }
   199     else
   200       {
   201       realAddress.Set( PureAddress( aAddress, aOpen, aClose ) );
   202       }
   203     TImMessageField email;
   204     return email.ValidInternetEmailAddress( realAddress );
   205     }
   207 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   208 // TMmsGenUtils::IsValidMMSPhoneAddress
   209 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   210 //
   211 EXPORT_C TBool TMmsGenUtils::IsValidMMSPhoneAddress( 
   212   const TDesC& aAddress,
   213   TBool aReal,
   214   const TDesC& aOpen,
   215   const TDesC& aClose  )
   216   {
   217   // global_phone_number = [+] 1*(DIGIT, written-sep)
   218   // written_sep = ('-')
   220   // Strip off alias part if necessary
   221   TPtrC realAddress;
   222   if ( aReal )
   223       {
   224       realAddress.Set( aAddress ); 
   225       }
   226   else
   227       {
   228       realAddress.Set( PureAddress( aAddress, aOpen, aClose ) );
   229       }
   231   TInt length = realAddress.Length();
   233   if ( length == 0 )
   234       {
   235       return EFalse;
   236       }
   238   TInt pos = 0;
   239   TInt ich = realAddress[0];
   240   TChar ch = ich;
   241   if ( ch == '+' )
   242       {
   243       pos++;
   244       }
   246   if ( pos == length )
   247       {
   248       return EFalse;
   249       }
   251   while ( pos < length )
   252       {
   253       ich = realAddress[pos];
   254       ch = ich;
   255       ch.Fold(); 
   256       TInt fch = ch;
   257         // do not check for fch == '.'
   258 	//Even # and * are valid characters now
   259         if ( !( ch.IsDigit() || fch == '-' || fch == '#' || fch == '*' ) )
   260           {
   261           return EFalse;
   262           }
   263       pos++;
   264       }
   266   return ETrue;
   267   }
   270 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   271 // TMmsGenUtils::Alias
   272 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   273 //
   274 EXPORT_C TPtrC TMmsGenUtils::Alias( 
   275     const TDesC& aAddress,
   276     const TDesC& aOpen,
   277     const TDesC& aClose )
   278     {
   280     // syntax is :
   281     // <alias><separator1><pure_address><separator2> |
   282     // <pure_address>
   283     TInt firstPos = 0;
   284     TInt lastPos = 0;
   285     TInt length = aAddress.Length();
   286     TInt sepaLen1 = aOpen.Length();
   287     TInt sepaLen2 = aClose.Length();
   288     TInt firstSeparatorPosition = 0;
   290     while( firstSeparatorPosition >= 0 )
   291         {
   292         firstSeparatorPosition = aAddress.Mid( firstPos ).Find( aOpen );
   293         if ( firstSeparatorPosition >= 0 )
   294             {
   295             firstPos += firstSeparatorPosition + sepaLen1;
   296             }
   297         }
   298     if ( firstPos <= 0 )
   299         {
   300         // No alias
   301         return TPtrC();
   302         }
   304     // Search another separator after the first separator from
   305     lastPos = aAddress.Mid( firstPos ).Find( aClose );
   306     if ( lastPos == KErrNotFound )
   307         {
   308         return TPtrC();
   309         }
   310     firstPos -= sepaLen1; // point to first separator    
   311     if ( lastPos == length - firstPos - sepaLen1 - sepaLen2 )
   312         {
   313         // Alias part found
   314         // remove trailing and leading spaces
   315         lastPos = firstPos;
   316         firstPos = 0;
   317         while ( firstPos < aAddress.Length() &&
   318             aAddress.Mid( firstPos, 1 ).Compare( KSpace16 ) == 0 )
   319             {
   320             // remove leading spaces
   321             firstPos++;
   322             }
   323         while ( lastPos > 0 && aAddress.Mid( lastPos - 1, 1 ).Compare( KSpace16 ) == 0 )
   324             {
   325             lastPos--;
   326             }
   327         if ( lastPos > firstPos )
   328             {
   329             return aAddress.Mid( firstPos, lastPos - firstPos );
   330             }
   331         }
   332     // No alias defined - spaces alone do not count as alias.
   333     return TPtrC();
   334     }
   336 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   337 // TMmsGenUtils::PureAddress
   338 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   339 //
   340 EXPORT_C TPtrC TMmsGenUtils::PureAddress( 
   341     const TDesC& aAddress,
   342     const TDesC& aOpen,
   343     const TDesC& aClose )
   344     {
   345     // syntax is :
   346     // <alias><separator1><pure_address><separator2> |
   347     // <pure_address>
   348     TInt firstPos = 0;
   349     TInt lastPos = 0;
   350     TInt length = aAddress.Length();
   351     TInt sepaLen1 = aOpen.Length();
   352     TInt sepaLen2 = aClose.Length();
   353     TInt firstSeparatorPosition = 0;
   355     while( firstSeparatorPosition >= 0 )
   356         {
   357         firstSeparatorPosition = aAddress.Mid( firstPos ).Find( aOpen );
   358         if ( firstSeparatorPosition >= 0 )
   359             {
   360             firstPos += firstSeparatorPosition + sepaLen1;
   361             }
   362         }
   363     if ( firstPos <= 0 )
   364         {
   365         // No alias
   366         return aAddress;
   367         }
   369     // Check if the second separator ends the address
   370     TPtrC last = aAddress.Right( sepaLen2 );
   371     lastPos = length - sepaLen2;
   373     if ( !last.Compare( aClose ) )
   374         {
   375         // Alias part found
   376         if ( lastPos > firstPos )
   377             {
   378             return aAddress.Mid( firstPos, lastPos - firstPos );
   379             }
   380         }
   381     // No alias defined - return the original string as pure address
   382     // If syntax is weird, namely 
   383     // alias <>
   384     // with nothing between the separators, we return the original string as is
   385     return aAddress;
   386     }
   388 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   389 // TMmsGenUtils::GenerateDetails
   390 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   391 //
   392 EXPORT_C TInt TMmsGenUtils::GenerateDetails( 
   393     const TDesC& aAddress,
   394     TDes& aAlias,
   395     TInt aMaxLength,
   396     RFs& aFs ) 
   397     {
   399     TInt err = KErrNone;
   401     // alias search order: Local alias, remote alias, none
   403     TPtrC realAddress;
   404     realAddress.Set( PureAddress( aAddress, KSepaOpen, KSepaClose ) );
   406     TRAP( err, DoGetAliasL( aFs, realAddress, aAlias, aMaxLength ) );
   407     if ( err != KErrNone || aAlias.Length() == 0 )
   408         {
   409         // No alias found from Contact db, see if there is a local alias
   410         TPtrC myAddress = Alias( aAddress, KSepaOpen, KSepaClose );
   411         if ( myAddress.Length() > 0 )
   412             {
   413             // Alias was found from the address
   414             aAlias.Copy( myAddress.Left( aMaxLength ) );
   415             return KErrNone;
   416             }
   417         else
   418             {
   419             if ( err == KErrNotFound )
   420                 {
   421                 err = KErrNone;
   422                 }
   423             // just keep the original address
   424             aAlias.Copy( aAddress.Left( aMaxLength ) );
   425             }
   426         }
   428     return err;
   430     }
   433 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   434 // TMmsGenUtils::GetAlias
   435 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   436 //
   437 EXPORT_C TInt TMmsGenUtils::GetAlias( 
   438     const TDesC& aAddress,
   439     TDes& aAlias,
   440     TInt aMaxLength,
   441     RFs& aFs )
   442     {
   443     TInt err = KErrNone;
   444     TRAP( err, DoGetAliasL( aFs, aAddress, aAlias, aMaxLength ) );
   445     if ( err == KErrNotFound )
   446         {
   447         err = KErrNone;
   448         }
   449     return err;
   450     }
   453 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   454 // TMmsGenUtils::GetAliasForAllL
   455 // This function searches aliases for all addresses in a 
   456 // address field by opening the contact db only once for all 
   457 // addresses. This significantly reduces processing time 
   458 // when executing "Create Reply to all" with a lot of addresses
   459 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   460 // 
   461 EXPORT_C void TMmsGenUtils::GetAliasForAllL(
   462     const CDesCArray& aAddress,
   463     CDesCArray& aAlias,
   464     TInt aMaxLength,
   465     RFs& aFs )
   466     {
   468     if ( aMaxLength <= 0 )
   469         {
   470         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   471         }
   473     TUint stack = 0;
   475     //Let's find the number of digits to match
   476     TInt digitsToMatch = DigitsToMatch();
   477     TInt err = KErrNone;
   479     // Use contact wrapper to open all databases
   480     CContactMatcher* contactMatcher = OpenAllStoresL( aFs );
   481     CleanupStack::PushL( contactMatcher );
   482     stack++;
   484     HBufC* helpBuffer = HBufC::NewL( aMaxLength );
   485     CleanupStack::PushL( helpBuffer );
   486     stack++; 
   488     TPtr pHelpBuffer = helpBuffer->Des();   
   490     for ( TInt i = 0; i < aAddress.MdcaCount(); i++  )
   491         {  
   492         // We trap these one by one in order to be able
   493         // to continue to next match in case of error (not found)
   495         // make sure the alias is empty if nothing found
   496         pHelpBuffer.Zero();
   498     	TRAP( err, DoGetAliasL( 
   499             aAddress.MdcaPoint(i), 
   500     	    pHelpBuffer, 
   501     	    aMaxLength, 
   502     	    *contactMatcher, 
   503     	    digitsToMatch ) );
   505         // if alias is not found, we'll have an empty buffer
   506         // We have to insert it anyway to keep the indexes correct
   507         // as we have two parallel arrays
   508         aAlias.InsertL( i, pHelpBuffer );
   509         }
   511     // closing is best effort only.    
   512     TRAP_IGNORE( contactMatcher->CloseStoresL() );
   513     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( stack, contactMatcher );  //contactMatcher, helpBuffer   
   515     }
   517 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   518 // TMmsGenUtils::GenerateAddress
   519 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   520 //
   521 EXPORT_C HBufC* TMmsGenUtils::GenerateAddressL(
   522     const TDesC& aRealAddress,
   523     const TDesC& aAlias,
   524     const TDesC& aOpen,
   525     const TDesC& aClose )
   526     {
   527     TInt sepaLen1 = aOpen.Length();
   528     TInt sepaLen2 = aClose.Length();
   529     TInt length = aRealAddress.Length() + aAlias.Length() + sepaLen1 + sepaLen2;
   530     HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewL( length );
   531     buf->Des().Copy( aAlias );
   532     buf->Des().Append( aOpen );
   533     buf->Des().Append( aRealAddress );
   534     buf->Des().Append( aClose );
   535     return buf;
   536     }
   538 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   539 // TMmsGenUtils::GetDescriptionL
   540 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   541 //
   542 EXPORT_C void TMmsGenUtils::GetDescriptionL( 
   543     RFs& aFs,
   544     const TDesC& aPath,
   545     TInt aFileSize,
   546     TPtrC8 aMimetype,
   547     TInt aCharSet,
   548     TDes& aDescription )
   549     {
   550     TInt fileSize = aFileSize;  // file size in characters
   551     TInt error = KErrNone;
   552     // set empty description if we cannot get anything
   553     aDescription = TPtrC();
   555     // No subject set, so we have to 
   556     // find the first text/plain attachment.
   558     // Update iDescription if necessary 
   560     if ( aMimetype.CompareF( KMmsTextPlain ))
   561         {
   562         // no description available
   563         return;
   564         }
   566     TInt outLength = aDescription.MaxLength();
   568     // Open the attachment file
   569     RFileReadStream reader;
   570     reader.PushL(); 
   571     error = reader.Open( aFs, 
   572         aPath, 
   573         EFileShareReadersOnly );
   574     if ( error != KErrNone )
   575         {
   576         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &reader );  //reader
   577         // cannot open file, cannot get description
   578         return;
   579         }
   581     TInt firstSize = 0;
   582     if ( TUint( aCharSet ) == KMmsIso10646Ucs2 )
   583        {                    
   584        // Read the content
   585        TUint16 word = 0;
   586        TBool bom = EFalse;
   587        TBool nativeEndian = EFalse;
   589        // Check if first character is BOM and if so, then what kind it is.
   590        TRAP ( error, {word = reader.ReadUint16L();}); 
   591        if ( error != KErrNone )
   592            {
   593            CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &reader ); //reader
   594            return; // no description available        
   595            }
   597        // reserve extra space for conversion
   598        firstSize = outLength + KExtraSpaceForConversion10;
   599        HBufC* buf1 = HBufC::NewLC( firstSize ); 
   600        TPtr tp = buf1->Des();
   602        if ( word == KMmsByteOrderMark )
   603            {
   604            bom = ETrue;
   605            nativeEndian = ETrue;
   606            }
   607        else if ( word == KMmsReversedByteOrderMark )
   608            {
   609            bom = ETrue;
   610            } 
   611        else
   612            {
   613            }
   615        if ( bom )
   616            {
   617            fileSize -= 2;
   618            }
   620        fileSize = fileSize / 2;
   622        // Read the rest of the characters
   623        if ( nativeEndian )
   624            {
   625            // No need for byte order changes
   626            reader.ReadL( tp, Min( firstSize, fileSize ));
   627            }
   628        else if ( bom )
   629            {
   630            // Change byte order.
   631            TUint8 byte1 = 0;
   632            TUint16 byte2 = 0;
   633            TUint16 word1 = 0;
   634            TInt numChars = Min( firstSize, fileSize );
   635            for ( TInt i = 0; i < numChars; i++ )
   636                {
   637                byte1 = reader.ReadUint8L();
   638                byte2 = reader.ReadUint8L();
   639                word1 = byte1;
   640                const TInt KMmsBitsInByte = 8;
   641                word1 <<= KMmsBitsInByte; 
   642                word1 |= byte2;
   643                tp.Append( word1 );
   644                }
   645            }
   647        else // no bom
   648            {
   649            // Return the first character if it was not BOM.
   650            // should not happen regularly
   651            // Read the characters
   652            reader.ReadL( tp, Min( firstSize, fileSize - 2 ));
   653            TBuf<2> auxBuf;
   654            auxBuf.Append(word);
   655            tp.Insert(0, auxBuf);
   656            } 
   658        // Replace CR and LF with SPACE. 
   659        ReplaceCRLFAndTrim( tp );
   661         // Set output parameter
   662        aDescription = tp.Left( Min( outLength, tp.Length()) );
   663        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf1 );  
   664        }
   666     else if ( aCharSet == KMmsUsAscii )
   667         {
   668         // reserve extra space for conversion
   669         firstSize = outLength + KExtraSpaceForConversion10;
   670         HBufC8* buf8 = HBufC8::NewLC( firstSize );
   671         TPtr8 tp8 = buf8->Des();             
   673         // Read the characters
   674         reader.ReadL( tp8, Min( firstSize, fileSize ));
   676         // Replace CR and LF with SPACE
   677         ReplaceCRLFAndTrim( tp8 );
   679         // Copy 8 bit data to 16 bit description
   680         HBufC* buf16 = NULL;
   681         buf16 = HBufC::NewLC( tp8.Length() );
   682         TPtr tp16 = buf16->Des(); 
   683         tp16.Copy( tp8 );
   685         // Set output parameter
   686         aDescription = tp16.Left( Min( outLength, tp16.Length()) );
   687         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf16 );  
   688         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf8 );
   689         }
   690     else if ( aCharSet == KMmsUtf8 )
   691         {
   693         if ( fileSize > KMmsMaxDescription )
   694            {
   695            fileSize = KMmsMaxDescription;
   696            }
   698         // reserve extra space for conversion
   699         firstSize = outLength + KExtraSpaceForConversion30;
   700         HBufC8* buf8 = HBufC8::NewLC( firstSize );
   701         TPtr8 tp8 = buf8->Des(); 
   703         // Read the characters
   704         TRAP( error, reader.ReadL( tp8, Min( firstSize, fileSize )));
   706         if ( error == KErrNone )
   707             {
   708             // Convert 8-bit UTF to Unicode
   709             HBufC* buf16 = HBufC::NewLC( tp8.Length() );
   710             TPtr tp16 = buf16->Des();
   711             CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8( tp16, tp8 );
   713             // Replace CR and LF with SPACE
   714             ReplaceCRLFAndTrim( tp16 );
   716             // Set output parameter
   717             aDescription = tp16.Left( Min( outLength, tp16.Length()) );
   718             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf16 );  
   719             }
   720         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf8 );  
   721         }
   722     else
   723         {
   725         }
   727     // Free memory
   728     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &reader ); //reader
   729     }
   731 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   732 // TMmsGenUtils::ReplaceCRLFAndTrim
   733 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   734 //
   735 EXPORT_C void TMmsGenUtils::ReplaceCRLFAndTrim( TDes16& aDes )
   736     {
   737     TInt position = -1;
   739     // Find all <CR> and <LF> characters and replace them with spaces
   741     for ( position = 0; position < aDes.Length(); position++ )
   742         {
   743         if ( aDes.Mid( position, 1 ) < KSpace16 ||
   744             aDes.Mid( position, 1 ) == KMmsUnicodeLineSeparator ||
   745             aDes.Mid( position, 1 ) == KMmsUnicodeParagraphSeparator ||
   746             aDes.Mid( position, 1 ) == KMmsIdeographicSpace ||
   747             ((TChar)aDes[position]).IsControl() )
   748             {
   749             aDes.Replace( position, 1, KSpace16 );
   750             }
   751         }
   753     // Delete leading and trailing space characters from the descriptor’s
   754     // data and replace each contiguous set of space characters within 
   755     // the data by one space character. 
   756     aDes.TrimAll();
   757     }
   760 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   761 // TMmsGenUtils::ReplaceCRLFAndTrim
   762 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   763 //
   764 EXPORT_C void TMmsGenUtils::ReplaceCRLFAndTrim( TDes8& aDes )
   765     {
   766     // This function should be used for US-ASCII only
   767     TInt position = -1;
   769     for ( position = 0; position < aDes.Length(); position++ )
   770         {
   771         if ( aDes.Mid( position, 1 ) < KSpace8 )
   772              {
   773              aDes.Replace( position, 1, KSpace8 );
   774              }
   775         }
   777     // Delete leading and trailing space characters from the descriptor’s
   778     // data and replace each contiguous set of space characters within 
   779     // the data by one space character. 
   780     aDes.TrimAll();
   781     }
   783 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   784 // TMmsGenUtils::Log
   785 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   786 //
   787 EXPORT_C void TMmsGenUtils::Log( TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt,...)
   788     {
   789 #ifdef _DEBUG
   790     VA_LIST list;
   791     VA_START( list, aFmt );
   793     // Print to log file
   794     TBuf<KLogBufferLength> buf;
   795     buf.FormatList( aFmt, list );
   797     // Write to log file
   798     RFileLogger::Write( KLogDir, KLogFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend, buf );
   799 #endif
   800     }
   802 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   803 // TMmsGenUtils::DoGetAliasL
   804 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   805 //
   806 void TMmsGenUtils::DoGetAliasL(
   807     RFs& aFs,
   808     const TDesC& aAddress, 
   809     TDes& aAlias, 
   810     TInt aMaxLength )
   811     {
   813     //Let's find the number of digits to match
   814     TInt digitsToMatch = DigitsToMatch();
   816     // We have only one address and one alias to put into the array
   817     CDesCArray* aliasArray = new ( ELeave )CDesCArrayFlat( 1 );
   818     CleanupStack::PushL( aliasArray ); 
   820     CDesCArray* realAddressArray = new ( ELeave )CDesCArrayFlat( 1 );
   821     CleanupStack::PushL( realAddressArray ); 
   823     realAddressArray->InsertL( 0, aAddress );
   825     // GetAliasForAllL opens contact matcher
   826     GetAliasForAllL( *realAddressArray, *aliasArray, aMaxLength, aFs );
   828     TInt size = aliasArray->MdcaCount();
   830     if ( size > 0 )
   831         {
   832         // only one item in our array
   833         aAlias.Copy( aliasArray->MdcaPoint( 0 ).Left( Min( aMaxLength, aAlias.MaxLength() ) ) );
   834         }
   836     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( realAddressArray );
   837     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( aliasArray );
   839     return;
   841     }
   844 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   845 // TMmsGenUtils::DoGetAliasL
   846 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   847 //
   848 void TMmsGenUtils::DoGetAliasL(
   849     const TDesC& aAddress, 
   850     TDes& aAlias, 
   851     TInt aMaxLength,
   852     CContactMatcher& aContactMatcher,
   853     TInt aDigitsToMatch  )
   854     {
   855     // It appears that with the new phonebook system with multiple phonebooks,
   856     // TContactItemId type id cannot be extracted.
   857     // The result contains MVPbkContactLink type objects.
   859     // The given descriptor has to be at least 14 in length
   860     // (otherwise this method would leave later)
   861     if( aAlias.MaxLength() < KMinAliasMaxLength )
   862         {
   863         User::Leave( KErrBadDescriptor );
   864         }
   866     // These should be inline with each other, but if necessary,
   867     // size down aMaxLength.
   868     // aMaxLength, however, can be smaller than the buffer
   869     if ( aMaxLength > aAlias.MaxLength() )
   870         {
   871         aMaxLength = aAlias.MaxLength();
   872         }
   874     if ( aMaxLength > 0 )
   875         {
   876         // set length of alias to 0
   877         // this can be used to determine if alias was found
   878         // contact id not needed or used
   879         aAlias.Zero();
   880         }
   882     // Convert to real address just in case. The address should be pure already,
   883     // but we are just being paranoid...
   885     TPtrC realAddress;
   886     realAddress.Set( PureAddress( aAddress, KSepaOpen, KSepaClose ) );
   887     CVPbkContactLinkArray* linkArray = CVPbkContactLinkArray::NewL();
   888     CleanupStack::PushL( linkArray );
   890     // Check if the address is phone number or EMail address
   891     if ( IsValidMMSPhoneAddress( realAddress, ETrue ) )
   892         {
   893         // Lookup the telephone number in the contact database
   894         // For numbers shorter than 7 digits, only exact matches are returned
   896         aContactMatcher.MatchPhoneNumberL( realAddress, aDigitsToMatch, 
   897 	        CVPbkPhoneNumberMatchStrategy::EVPbkMatchFlagsNone, *linkArray );
   899         // If more than one matches have been found,
   900         // the first one will be used.
   901         }
   902     else if ( IsValidEmailAddress( realAddress ) )
   903         {
   904         // Try to match with EMail address
   906         TVPbkFieldVersitProperty prop;
   907         CVPbkFieldTypeRefsList* fieldTypes = CVPbkFieldTypeRefsList::NewL();
   908         CleanupStack::PushL( fieldTypes );
   910         const MVPbkFieldTypeList& fieldTypeList = aContactMatcher.FieldTypes();
   911         const MVPbkFieldType* foundType = NULL;
   913         prop.SetName( EVPbkVersitNameEMAIL );
   914 /*        
   915         // Remove code because matching matches properies, too.
   916         // We don't care about properties.
   918         // The phonebook should provide a function that allows mathcing name only
   919         foundType = fieldTypeList.FindMatch( prop, 0 );     
   921         if ( foundType )
   922             {
   923             fieldTypes->AppendL( *foundType );   
   924             }
   925 */
   927         // The field type matching does not work because it tries to match
   928         // parameters we are not interested in.
   929         // We try to generate a list that has all entries with versit type EMAIL
   931         TInt i;
   932         for ( i = 0; i < fieldTypeList.FieldTypeCount(); i++ )
   933             {
   934             foundType = &(fieldTypeList.FieldTypeAt( i ));
   935             if ( foundType->VersitProperties().Count() > 0
   936                 && foundType->VersitProperties()[0].Name() == prop.Name() )
   937                 {
   938                 fieldTypes->AppendL( *foundType );
   939                 }
   940             }
   943         // Here we stop at first match - email addresses should be unique
   944 		aContactMatcher.MatchDataL( realAddress, *fieldTypes, *linkArray );
   945 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fieldTypes );    
   946         }
   947     else
   948         {
   949         User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
   950         }
   952     TInt nameIndex = 0; //correct index if only one match is found
   953     if( linkArray->Count() == 0 )
   954         {
   955         Log( _L( "No match found" ) );
   956         User::Leave( KErrNotFound );        
   957         }
   958     else if( linkArray->Count() > 1 )
   959         {
   960         //Multiple matches found. Get the current store single match index if any.
   961         nameIndex = GetCurrentStoreIndexL( *linkArray );
   962         if( nameIndex == KErrMultipleMatchFound )
   963             {
   964             /* No unique match in current store, Hence show the name only if all the matches have 
   965              * identical names
   966              */
   967             if( ShowContactNameL( linkArray, nameIndex, aContactMatcher) == EFalse)
   968                 {
   969                 Log( _L( "No (Perfect) match found" ) );
   970                 User::Leave( KErrMultipleMatchFound );
   971                 }
   972             }
   973         }        
   975     // if not interested in alias, skip this
   976     if ( aMaxLength > 0 )
   977         {
   978         HBufC* alias = GetContactNameL( linkArray->At(nameIndex), aContactMatcher );
   979         if ( alias && alias->Des().Length() > 0 )
   980             {
   981             aAlias.Copy( alias->Des().Left( aMaxLength ) );
   982             }
   983         else
   984             {
   985             aAlias.Copy( TPtrC() );
   986             }
   987         delete alias;
   988         alias = NULL;
   989         // end of part skipped if not interested in alias
   990         }
   992     linkArray->ResetAndDestroy();
   993     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( linkArray );
   994     }
   996 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   997 // TMmsGenUtils::ConvertEscapesFromUri
   998 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   999 //
  1000 /*TInt TMmsGenUtils::ConvertEscapesFromUri(
  1001     const TDesC8& aInput,
  1002     TDes8& aOutput )
  1003     {
  1004     TInt retval = KErrNone;
  1006     // Checkings
  1007     if( aOutput.MaxLength() < aInput.Length() )
  1008         {
  1009         retval = KErrArgument;
  1010         return retval;
  1011         }
  1013     // Loop through aInput and find the number of '%' chars
  1014     for( TUint8 i = 0; i < aInput.Length(); i++ )
  1015         {
  1016         if( aInput[i] == 0x25 ) // '%' found
  1017             {
  1018             // Store the chars representing the hexvalue
  1019             TUint8 highbyte = aInput[i+1];
  1020             TUint8 lowbyte  = aInput[i+2];
  1022             // Check the bytes
  1023             TUint8 result = 0;
  1025             // Map the highbyte to correct upperbits of result
  1026             // (In order to save code lines and keep code readable,
  1027             //  the following does not follow the coding convention.)
  1028             if(highbyte == 0x30) result = 0x0;
  1029             if(highbyte == 0x31) result = 0x1;
  1030             if(highbyte == 0x32) result = 0x2;
  1031             if(highbyte == 0x33) result = 0x3;
  1032             if(highbyte == 0x34) result = 0x4;
  1033             if(highbyte == 0x35) result = 0x5;
  1034             if(highbyte == 0x36) result = 0x6;
  1035             if(highbyte == 0x37) result = 0x7;
  1036             if(highbyte == 0x38) result = 0x8;
  1037             if(highbyte == 0x39) result = 0x9;
  1038             if(highbyte == 0x41 || highbyte == 0x61) result = 0xA;
  1039             if(highbyte == 0x42 || highbyte == 0x62) result = 0xB;
  1040             if(highbyte == 0x43 || highbyte == 0x63) result = 0xC;
  1041             if(highbyte == 0x44 || highbyte == 0x64) result = 0xD;
  1042             if(highbyte == 0x45 || highbyte == 0x65) result = 0xE;
  1043             if(highbyte == 0x46 || highbyte == 0x66) result = 0xF;
  1045             if( ( result == 0 ) && ( highbyte != 0x30 ) )
  1046                 {
  1047                 retval = KErrArgument;
  1048                 }
  1049             result <<= 4;
  1051             // Map the lowbyte to correct lowerbits of result
  1052             // (In order to save code lines and keep code readable,
  1053             //  the following does not follow the coding convention.)
  1054             if(lowbyte == 0x30) result += 0x0;
  1055             if(lowbyte == 0x31) result += 0x1;
  1056             if(lowbyte == 0x32) result += 0x2;
  1057             if(lowbyte == 0x33) result += 0x3;
  1058             if(lowbyte == 0x34) result += 0x4;
  1059             if(lowbyte == 0x35) result += 0x5;
  1060             if(lowbyte == 0x36) result += 0x6;
  1061             if(lowbyte == 0x37) result += 0x7;
  1062             if(lowbyte == 0x38) result += 0x8;
  1063             if(lowbyte == 0x39) result += 0x9;
  1064             if(lowbyte == 0x41 || lowbyte == 0x61) result += 0xA;
  1065             if(lowbyte == 0x42 || lowbyte == 0x62) result += 0xB;
  1066             if(lowbyte == 0x43 || lowbyte == 0x63) result += 0xC;
  1067             if(lowbyte == 0x44 || lowbyte == 0x64) result += 0xD;
  1068             if(lowbyte == 0x45 || lowbyte == 0x65) result += 0xE;
  1069             if(lowbyte == 0x46 || lowbyte == 0x66) result += 0xF;
  1071             if( ( ( result & 0xF ) == 0 ) && ( lowbyte != 0x30 ) ) 
  1072                 {
  1073                 retval = KErrArgument;
  1074                 }
  1076             // Abort if error has occurred
  1077             if( retval != KErrNone )
  1078                 {
  1079                 return retval;
  1080                 }
  1082             // Insert the value to output parameter
  1083             aOutput.Append( result );
  1084             i += 2; // Jumping over the two chars already handled
  1085             }
  1086         else
  1087             {
  1088             aOutput.Append( aInput[i] );
  1089             }
  1090         } // for
  1091     return retval;
  1092     }*/
  1094 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1095 // TMmsGenUtils::DecodeMessageHeader
  1096 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1097 //
  1098 EXPORT_C void TMmsGenUtils::DecodeAndConvertMessageHeaderL(
  1099             const TDesC8& aInput,
  1100             TDes16& aOutput,
  1101             RFs& aFs
  1102             )
  1103     {
  1104     // Create CCnvCharacterSetConverter
  1105     CCnvCharacterSetConverter* characterSetConverter
  1106         = CCnvCharacterSetConverter::NewL();
  1107     CleanupStack::PushL( characterSetConverter );
  1109     // Create CImConvertCharconv 
  1110     // (this is a wrapper for the actual char converter)
  1111     CImConvertCharconv* converter 
  1112         = CImConvertCharconv::NewL( *characterSetConverter, aFs );
  1113     CleanupStack::PushL( converter );
  1115     // Create CImConvertHeader that actually does the task
  1116     CImConvertHeader* headerConverter = CImConvertHeader::NewL( *converter );
  1117     CleanupStack::PushL( headerConverter );
  1119     // Perform the decoding and charset conversion
  1120     headerConverter->DecodeHeaderFieldL( aInput, aOutput );
  1122     // Clean up and return
  1123     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( headerConverter );
  1124     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( converter );
  1125     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( characterSetConverter );
  1126     }
  1129 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1130 //
  1131 // Return the free space in a drive identified by the aDrive parameter
  1132 // and the media type of the drive.
  1133 //
  1134 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1135 static TInt64 FreeSpaceL(RFs* aFs, TInt aDrive, TMediaType& aMediaType)
  1136 {
  1137     RFs fs;
  1138     TInt err = KErrNone;
  1140     if ( !aFs )
  1141         User::LeaveIfError(fs.Connect());  // Create temp session
  1142     else
  1143         fs = *aFs;
  1145     TVolumeInfo vinfo;
  1146     err = fs.Volume(vinfo, aDrive);
  1148     TDriveInfo driveInfo;
  1149     TInt errorCode = fs.Drive( driveInfo, aDrive );
  1150     if ( errorCode == KErrNone )
  1151         {
  1152         aMediaType = driveInfo.iType;
  1153         }
  1154     else
  1155         {
  1156         aMediaType = EMediaUnknown;
  1157         }
  1159     if ( !aFs )
  1160         fs.Close(); // Close temp. session
  1162     if (err != KErrNone)
  1163         {
  1164         User::LeaveIfError(err);
  1165         }
  1167     return TInt64(vinfo.iFree);
  1168 }
  1170 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1171 // TMmsGenUtils::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL
  1172 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1173 //
  1174 EXPORT_C TBool TMmsGenUtils::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL(
  1175     RFs* aFs, TInt aBytesToWrite, TInt aDrive)
  1176     {
  1177     TInt64 free;
  1178     TInt64 criticalLevel;
  1179     CRepository* repository = NULL;
  1180     TMediaType mediaType = EMediaNotPresent;
  1181     free = FreeSpaceL(aFs, aDrive, mediaType);
  1183     TInt64 newFree = free - (TInt64)aBytesToWrite;
  1185     // Querying Critical Level from CenRep
  1186     TInt error = KErrNone;
  1187     TInt level = 0;
  1188     TRAP( error, repository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidUiklaf ) );  
  1189     if ( error == KErrNone)
  1190     	{
  1191     	error = repository->Get( KUikOODDiskCriticalThreshold, level );
  1192         delete repository;
  1193         if( error != KErrNone )
  1194             {
  1195             // Default value 0 means "anything goes"
  1196             level = 0;
  1197     	    }
  1198     	}
  1200 #ifdef _DEBUG
  1201     if ( error != KErrNone )
  1202         {
  1203         _LIT( KMmsCriticalSpaceError, "- Get critical disk space threshold returned error %d" );
  1204         Log( KMmsCriticalSpaceError, error );
  1205         }
  1206     else
  1207         {
  1208         _LIT( KMmsCriticalSpaceLog, "- Critical level: %d, free space: %d" );
  1209         Log( KMmsCriticalSpaceLog, level, newFree );
  1210         }
  1211 #endif    
  1213     criticalLevel = level;
  1214     return newFree <= criticalLevel;
  1215     }
  1217 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1218 // TMmsGenUtils::NetworkOperationsAllowed()
  1219 //
  1220 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1221 //
  1222 EXPORT_C TBool TMmsGenUtils::NetworkOperationsAllowed()
  1223     {
  1224     TBool networkAllowed = ETrue; // optimist
  1225     // If there is no such key, we will continue normally.
  1226     // This means that in a system where online/offline mode switching
  1227     // is not supported, we behave as we were always online
  1229     CRepository* repository = NULL;
  1230     TInt error = KErrNone;
  1231     TInt value = ECoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed;
  1232     TRAP( error, repository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidCoreApplicationUIs ) );
  1233     if( error == KErrNone )
  1234         {
  1235         repository->Get( KCoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionAllowed, value );
  1236         delete repository;
  1237         repository = NULL;
  1238         if ( value == ECoreAppUIsNetworkConnectionNotAllowed )
  1239             {
  1240             networkAllowed = EFalse;
  1241             }
  1242         }
  1244     return networkAllowed;
  1245     }
  1247 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1248 // TMmsGenUtils::GetLoggingSettings
  1249 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1250 //
  1251 EXPORT_C void TMmsGenUtils::GetLoggingSettings( TBool& aDecodeLoggingOn, TBool& aDumpOn )
  1252     {
  1253     // Consult CenRep for decodelogging and binarydump settings
  1254     CRepository* repository = NULL;
  1255     // default values are false if not found in repository
  1256     aDecodeLoggingOn = EFalse;
  1257     aDumpOn = EFalse;
  1259     TInt retval = KErrNone;
  1260     TRAP_IGNORE( 
  1261         {
  1262         repository = CRepository::NewL( KUidMmsServerMtm );
  1263         CleanupStack::PushL( repository );
  1264         TInt temp = 0;
  1265         retval = repository->Get( KMmsEngineDecodeLog, temp );
  1266         if( retval == KErrNone )
  1267             {
  1268             aDecodeLoggingOn = ( temp != 0 );
  1269             }
  1270         retval = repository->Get( KMmsEngineBinaryDump, temp );
  1271         if( retval == KErrNone )
  1272             {
  1273             aDumpOn = ( temp != 0 );
  1274             }
  1275         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( repository );
  1276         repository = NULL;
  1277         }
  1278         );
  1279 #ifndef __WINS__
  1280     // turn decode logging on in armv5 version
  1281     // Release versions never log anyway
  1282     aDecodeLoggingOn = ETrue;
  1283 #endif            
  1284     }
  1286 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1287 // TMmsGenUtils::AddAttributeL
  1288 //
  1289 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1290 //
  1291 EXPORT_C void TMmsGenUtils::AddAttributeL(
  1292             const TDesC& aName,
  1293             const TDesC& aValue,
  1294             CDesCArray& aAttributeList )
  1295     {
  1296     TInt position = FindAttributePosition( aName, aAttributeList );
  1297     TInt error = KErrNone;
  1299     if ( position == KErrNotFound )
  1300         {
  1301         // not found, append to end
  1302         aAttributeList.AppendL( aName );
  1303         TRAP ( error, aAttributeList.AppendL( aValue ) );
  1304         if ( error != KErrNone )
  1305             {
  1306             // could not add value, delete name, too.
  1307             // It is the last item in the list
  1308             aAttributeList.Delete( aAttributeList.MdcaCount() - 1 );
  1309             }
  1310         }
  1311     else
  1312         {
  1313         // delete old value and insert new one
  1314         aAttributeList.Delete( position + 1 );
  1315         TRAP ( error, aAttributeList.InsertL( position + 1,  aValue ) );
  1316         if ( error != KErrNone )
  1317             {
  1318             // could not add value, delete name, too.
  1319             aAttributeList.Delete( position );
  1320             }
  1321         }
  1322     User::LeaveIfError( error );        
  1324     }
  1326 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1327 // TMmsGenUtils::GetAttributeL
  1328 //
  1329 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1330 //
  1331 EXPORT_C TPtrC TMmsGenUtils::GetAttributeL(
  1332             const TDesC& aName,
  1333             const CDesCArray& aAttributeList )
  1334     {
  1335     TInt position = FindAttributePosition( aName, aAttributeList );
  1337     if ( position == KErrNotFound )
  1338         {
  1339         User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
  1340         }
  1341     return ( aAttributeList.MdcaPoint( position + 1 ) );
  1342     }
  1344 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1345 // TMmsGenUtils::FindAttribute
  1346 //
  1347 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1348 //
  1349 EXPORT_C TBool TMmsGenUtils::FindAttribute(
  1350             const TDesC& aName,
  1351             const CDesCArray& aAttributeList )
  1352     {
  1353     if ( FindAttributePosition( aName, aAttributeList ) == KErrNotFound )
  1354         {
  1355         return EFalse;
  1356         }
  1357     return ETrue;
  1358     }
  1360 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1361 // TMmsGenUtils::DeleteAttribute
  1362 //
  1363 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1364 //
  1365 EXPORT_C void TMmsGenUtils::DeleteAttribute(
  1366             const TDesC& aName,
  1367             CDesCArray& aAttributeList )
  1368     {
  1369     TInt position = FindAttributePosition( aName, aAttributeList );
  1371     if ( position == KErrNotFound )
  1372         {
  1373         return; // not found, nothing to delete
  1374         }
  1375     // delete both name and value
  1376     aAttributeList.Delete( position, 2 );
  1377     }
  1379 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1380 // TMmsGenUtils::FindAttributePosition
  1381 //
  1382 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1383 //
  1384 TInt TMmsGenUtils::FindAttributePosition(
  1385            const TDesC& aName,
  1386             const CDesCArray& aAttributeList )
  1387     {
  1388     TInt position = KErrNotFound;
  1390     TInt i;
  1392     for ( i = 0; i < aAttributeList.MdcaCount() - 1; i+=2 )
  1393         {
  1394         //It is not possible to index out of bound (codescanner warning)
  1395         if ( aAttributeList[i].Compare( aName ) == 0 )
  1396             {
  1397             position = i;
  1398             }
  1399         }
  1400     return position;
  1401     }
  1404 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1405 // TMmsGenUtils::DigitsToMatch
  1406 //
  1407 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1408 TInt TMmsGenUtils::DigitsToMatch()
  1409     {
  1410     // Find the number of digits to be used when matching phone numbers
  1411     TInt digitsToMatch( KMmsNumberOfDigitsToMatch );
  1413     CRepository* repository = NULL;
  1414     TRAPD( err, repository = CRepository::NewL( KCRUidTelConfiguration ));
  1415     if ( err == KErrNone )
  1416         {
  1417         err = repository->Get( KTelMatchDigits , digitsToMatch );
  1418         delete repository;
  1419         if( err != KErrNone )
  1420             {
  1421             digitsToMatch=KMmsNumberOfDigitsToMatch;
  1422             }
  1423     	}
  1424     return digitsToMatch;
  1425     }
  1427 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1428 // TMmsGenUtils::OpenAllStoresL
  1429 //
  1430 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1431 CContactMatcher* TMmsGenUtils::OpenAllStoresL( RFs& aFs )
  1432     {
  1433     // Use contact wrapper to open all databases
  1434     CContactMatcher* contactMatcher = CContactMatcher::NewL( &aFs );
  1435     CleanupStack::PushL( contactMatcher );
  1437     contactMatcher->OpenDefaultMatchStoresL();    
  1439     CleanupStack::Pop( contactMatcher );
  1440     return contactMatcher;
  1441     }
  1443 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1444 // TMmsGenUtils::GetContactNameL
  1445 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1446 //
  1447 HBufC* TMmsGenUtils::GetContactNameL(
  1448         const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink,
  1449         CContactMatcher &aContactMatcher)
  1450     {
  1451     Log(_L( "- TMmsGenUtils::GetContactNameL  -> start" ) );
  1452     MVPbkStoreContact* tempContact;
  1453     aContactMatcher.GetStoreContactL(aContactLink, &tempContact);
  1454     tempContact->PushL();
  1456     MVPbkStoreContactFieldCollection& coll = tempContact->Fields();
  1457     HBufC* nameBuff = aContactMatcher.GetNameL( coll );
  1459     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tempContact); // tempContact
  1461     Log( _L( "- TMmsGenUtils::GetContactNameL <- end" ) );
  1462     return nameBuff;
  1463     }
  1465 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1466 // TMmsGenUtils::GetContactNameInLowerCaseL
  1467 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1468 //
  1469 HBufC* TMmsGenUtils::GetContactNameInLowerCaseL(
  1470         const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink,
  1471         CContactMatcher &aContactMatcher)
  1472     {
  1473     //get the name 
  1474     HBufC* nameBuff =  GetContactNameL( aContactLink, aContactMatcher );
  1475     CleanupStack::PushL( nameBuff );
  1477     //Convert to lower case , since this name buffer is used to compare names.    
  1478     HBufC* nameInLowerCase = HBufC::NewL( nameBuff->Length() + 2 );
  1479     nameInLowerCase->Des().CopyLC( *nameBuff );
  1481     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( nameBuff ); // nameBuff
  1482     return nameInLowerCase;
  1483     }
  1485 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1486 // TMmsGenUtils::ShowContactNameL
  1487 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1488 //
  1489 TBool TMmsGenUtils::ShowContactNameL(
  1490         CVPbkContactLinkArray* aLinkArray,
  1491         TInt &aNameIndex,
  1492         CContactMatcher &aContactMatcher)
  1493     {
  1494     Log( _L("- TMmsGenUtils::ShowContactName -> start") );
  1495     Log( _L("Contact Match statistics to follow..." ) );
  1496     Log( _L("Match count: %d"), aLinkArray->Count() );
  1497     /* TODO:: compare the names upto standard
  1498      * 1. if all the names are same - display the name 
  1499      *    eg: "abcdef xyz" && "abcdef xyz"
  1500      * 2. find min name legth among all,(if ONLY Part-match is needed )
  1501      *    if this length is > standard length and matches upto standard length - display the larger name.
  1502      *    eg: abcdef xyz123,  abcdef xyz12, abcdef xyz and std length is 10,
  1503      *        since match upto 10 chars is fine, display abcdef xyz123
  1504      * 3. in any other case do not show name
  1505      *    eg: abcdef xyz , abcde xyz
  1506      *        abcdef xyz , abcdef xy
  1507      *        abcdef xyz , abcde
  1508      */
  1509     TInt i, minLength = 999, maxLength = 0, length = 0, maxLengthIndex = 0, stdLength = 14;
  1510     TBool retVal = ETrue ;
  1512     for( i = 0 ; i < aLinkArray->Count(); i++ )
  1513         {
  1514         HBufC* alias = GetContactNameL( aLinkArray->At(i), aContactMatcher );
  1515         Log( _L(":-> %s" ), alias->Des().PtrZ());
  1516         length = alias->Des().Length();
  1517         if(minLength > length)
  1518             {
  1519             minLength = length;
  1520             }
  1521         if(maxLength < length)
  1522             {
  1523             maxLength = length;
  1524             maxLengthIndex = i;
  1525             }
  1526         delete alias;
  1527         alias = NULL;
  1528         }
  1530     Log( _L( "Contact Lengths: Std Length  : %d\n MinLength   : %d\n MaxLength   : %d\n MaxLen index: %d" ),
  1531             stdLength,
  1532             minLength,
  1533             maxLength,
  1534             maxLengthIndex);
  1536     if(minLength != maxLength)
  1537         {
  1538         //complete length match not possible
  1539         retVal = EFalse;
  1541         /* NOTE:
  1542          * Uncomment below code if partial length(upto stdLength) match is sufficient, 
  1543          * ensure stdLength is correct
  1544          */
  1545         /*
  1546         if(minLength < stdLength)
  1547             {
  1548             retVal = EFalse;
  1549             }
  1550         */
  1551         }
  1553     if( retVal )
  1554         {
  1555         TInt ret;
  1556         HBufC* longestName = GetContactNameInLowerCaseL( aLinkArray->At(maxLengthIndex), aContactMatcher );
  1557         Log( _L( "Longest name:-> %s" ), longestName->Des().PtrZ());
  1558         for ( i = 0; i < aLinkArray->Count() && retVal; i++ )
  1559             {
  1560             HBufC* nameI = GetContactNameInLowerCaseL( aLinkArray->At(i), aContactMatcher );
  1561             Log( _L( "compared with -> %s" ), nameI->Des().PtrZ());
  1562             ret = longestName->Find(nameI->Des());
  1563             if(ret == KErrNotFound || ret != 0)
  1564                 {
  1565                 Log( _L( "Part/Full Match error/offset: %d" ), ret);
  1566                 retVal = EFalse;
  1567                 }
  1568             delete nameI;
  1569             nameI = NULL;
  1570            }
  1571         delete longestName;
  1572         longestName = NULL;
  1573         }
  1575     aNameIndex = maxLengthIndex;
  1577     Log( _L( "Final Match result : %d\n Final Match index  : %d" ), retVal, maxLengthIndex);
  1578     Log( _L( "- TMmsGenUtils::ShowContactName <- end" ) );
  1580     return retVal;
  1581     }
  1583 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1584 // TMmsGenUtils::GetCurrentStoreIndexL
  1585 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1586 //
  1587 TInt TMmsGenUtils::GetCurrentStoreIndexL( CVPbkContactLinkArray& aLinkArray )
  1588     {
  1589     TInt curStoreIndex( KErrMultipleMatchFound );
  1590     TInt curStoreMatchCount = 0;
  1591     RArray<TInt> otherStoreMatchIndices;
  1592     CleanupClosePushL( otherStoreMatchIndices );
  1594     //Get the current configured contact store array(s)
  1595     CPbk2StoreConfiguration* storeConfiguration = CPbk2StoreConfiguration::NewL();
  1596     CleanupStack::PushL( storeConfiguration );
  1597     CVPbkContactStoreUriArray* currStoreArray = storeConfiguration->CurrentConfigurationL();
  1598     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(storeConfiguration);
  1600     if ( currStoreArray )
  1601         {
  1602         /* Contact's store is compared against user selected stores.
  1603          * If contact is from such store, found index is incremented
  1604          * else, other store contact indices are populated into array for further use
  1605          */
  1606         for ( TInt i = 0; i < aLinkArray.Count(); i++ )
  1607             {
  1608             TVPbkContactStoreUriPtr uri = aLinkArray.At(i).ContactStore().StoreProperties().Uri();
  1609             if ( currStoreArray->IsIncluded( uri ) )
  1610                 {
  1611                 // Set index to found contact and increment the count.
  1612                 curStoreIndex = i;
  1613                 curStoreMatchCount++;
  1614                 }
  1615             else
  1616                 {
  1617                 otherStoreMatchIndices.AppendL(i);
  1618                 }
  1619             }
  1621         delete currStoreArray;    
  1622         if ( curStoreMatchCount > 1)
  1623             {
  1624             /* Multiple matches found from current user selected store(s) 
  1625              * Delete match from other stores in aLinkArray. New aLinkArray should only contain 
  1626              * current store contact matches, so that next level pruning can be done(e.g, names can be 
  1627              * compared and displayed if they are identical).
  1628              */
  1629             for(TInt i = otherStoreMatchIndices.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
  1630                 {
  1631                 aLinkArray.Delete( otherStoreMatchIndices[i] );
  1632                 }
  1633             curStoreIndex = KErrMultipleMatchFound;
  1634             }
  1635         }
  1636     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &otherStoreMatchIndices );
  1637     return curStoreIndex;
  1638     }
  1640 // ================= OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS ==============
  1642 //  End of File