changeset 0 72b543305e3a
child 1 d09ac5c1e252
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:72b543305e3a
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   ECOM plugin .dll for handling MMS related WAP push messages.
    15 *
    16 */
    21 #include <e32std.h>
    22 #include <msvapi.h>
    23 #include <msvids.h>
    24 #include <msvuids.h>
    25 #include <e32math.h>
    26 #include <apparc.h>
    28 #include <cpushhandlerbase.h>
    29 #include <implementationproxy.h>
    30 #include <pluginkiller.h>
    31 #include <pushmessage.h>
    32 #include <pushlog.h>
    34 #include "mmsconst.h"
    35 #include "mmscmds.h"
    36 #include "CMmsPushHandler.h"
    37 #include "mmsgenutils.h"
    43 // CONSTANTS
    44 const TUint KMinimumNumberOfMessageFields = 6;
    45 // ECOM framework related
    46 const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] = 
    47     {
    48     // different definition for new compiler
    49     IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(0x101F4692, CMmsPushHandler::NewL)
    50     };
    52 // MACROS
    57 // ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
    58 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    60 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    61 // CMmsPushHandler::New
    62 // 1st phase constructor
    63 // Returns: <new CMmsPushHandler>:
    64 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    65 //
    66 CMmsPushHandler* CMmsPushHandler::NewL()
    67     {
    68     CMmsPushHandler* self = new( ELeave ) CMmsPushHandler();
    69     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    70     self->ConstructL();
    71     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    72     LOGTEXT(_L("***** CMmsPushHandler NewL() *****"));
    73     return self;
    74     }
    76 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    77 // CMmsPushHandler::CMmsPushHandler
    78 // Initialises the object with zero/NULL values.
    79 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    80 //
    81 CMmsPushHandler::CMmsPushHandler()
    82     :CPushHandlerBase(),
    83     iState( EInitial ),
    84     iServiceId( KMsvNullIndexEntryId ),
    85     iMsvSession( NULL ),
    86     iMsvOperation( NULL ),
    87     iPushMsg( NULL ),
    88     iBody( NULL ),
    89     iRetryCount( 0 )
    90     {
    91     }
    93 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    94 // CMmsPushHandler::ConstructL
    95 //
    96 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    97 //
    98 void CMmsPushHandler::ConstructL()
    99     {
   100     // Connect to filesystem
   101     User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Connect() );
   102     User::LeaveIfError( iTimer.CreateLocal() );
   104     // Add plugin to AS
   105     CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
   106     }
   108 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   109 // CMmsPushHandler::~CMmsPushHandler
   110 // Destructor. Calls also baseclass destructor which calls
   111 //  REcomSession::DestroyedImplementation(iDtor_ID_Key)
   112 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   113 //
   114 CMmsPushHandler::~CMmsPushHandler()
   115     {
   116     LOGTEXT(_L("~CMmsPushHandler()"));
   118     // AO's destructor always calls Cancel()
   119     Cancel();
   121     // Delete the necessary instance attributes
   122     delete iMsvSession;
   123     delete iMsvOperation;
   124     delete iPushMsg;
   125     delete iBody;
   126     iFs.Close();
   127     iTimer.Close();
   128     }
   130 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   131 // CMmsPushHandler::HandleMessageL
   132 // 
   133 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   134 //
   135 void CMmsPushHandler::HandleMessageL(
   136     CPushMessage* aPushMsg,
   137     TRequestStatus& aStatus )
   138     {
   139     LOGTEXT(_L("Asynchronous HandleMessageL() called but not implemented."));
   141     iPushMsg = aPushMsg;
   142     SetConfirmationStatus( aStatus );
   143     SignalConfirmationStatus( KErrNotSupported );
   144     iPluginKiller->KillPushPlugin();
   145     }
   147 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   148 // CMmsPushHandler::HandleMessageL
   149 // 
   150 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   151 //
   152 void CMmsPushHandler::HandleMessageL( CPushMessage* aPushMsg )
   153     {
   154     LOGTEXT( _L("Synchronous HandleMessageL() called.") );
   156     iPushMsg = aPushMsg;
   158     //
   159     // Do sanity checks for the message.
   160     //
   161     TInt error = PerformChecks();
   162     if ( error )
   163         {
   164         LOGTEXT2( _L("HandleMessageL(): PerformChecks failed with code %d, returning silently. Notification is lost."), error );
   166         iPluginKiller->KillPushPlugin();        
   167         return;
   168         }
   170     //
   171     // Store the messagebody into handler's attribute
   172     // If memory runs out, tough luck..
   173     //
   174     TPtrC8 messageBodyPtr;
   175     iPushMsg->GetMessageBody( messageBodyPtr );
   176     iBody = messageBodyPtr.Alloc();
   177     if ( !iBody )
   178         {
   179         LOGTEXT( _L("HandleMessageL(): Out of memory when allocating body buffer") );
   180         // Commit suicide - the caller expects it even if we leave
   181         iPluginKiller->KillPushPlugin();
   182         User::Leave( KErrNoMemory );
   183         }
   185     //
   186     // Setting 'this' active and complete in order to get to RunL
   187     //
   188     TRequestStatus* status = &iStatus;
   189     iStatus = KRequestPending;
   190     User::RequestComplete( status, KErrNone ); //iStatus = KErrNone
   191     SetActive();
   192     }
   194 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   195 // CMmsPushHandler::CancelHandleMessage
   196 // Cancels the pending asynchronous HandleMessageL.
   197 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   198 //
   199 void CMmsPushHandler::CancelHandleMessage()
   200     {
   201     LOGTEXT( _L("CancelHandleMessage() called, but not supported.") );
   202     }
   204 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   205 // CMmsPushHandler::HandleSessionEventL
   206 // 
   207 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   208 //
   209 void CMmsPushHandler::HandleSessionEventL(
   210     TMsvSessionEvent aEvent, 
   211     TAny* /*aArg1*/, 
   212     TAny* /*aArg2*/, 
   213     TAny* /*aArg3*/)
   214     {
   215     switch (aEvent)
   216         {
   217         // If session is closed down, the object will be deleted
   218         case EMsvCloseSession:
   219             LOGTEXT(_L("HandleSessionEventL(): Session event EMsvCloseSession"));
   220             // fall through on purpose
   221         case EMsvServerTerminated:
   222             LOGTEXT(_L("HandleSessionEventL(): Session event EMsvServerTerminated"));
   223             if ( iMsvSession )
   224                 {
   225                 delete iMsvSession;
   226                 iMsvSession = NULL;
   227                 }
   228             break;
   229         case EMsvMediaUnavailable:
   230             LOGTEXT(_L("HandleSessionEventL(): EMsvMediaUnavailable"));
   231             break;
   232         default:
   233             //Nothing
   234             break;
   235         }
   236     }
   238 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   239 // CMmsPushHandler::DoCancel
   240 // 
   241 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   242 //
   243 void CMmsPushHandler::DoCancel()
   244     {
   245     LOGTEXT( _L("DoCancel()") );
   246     if( iState == ETransferCommand && iMsvOperation )
   247         {
   248         iMsvOperation->Cancel();
   249         }
   250     else if( iState == EMsDriveChange && iMsvOperation )
   251         {
   252         iMsvOperation->Cancel();
   253         }
   254     else if( iState == ETimer )
   255         {
   256         iTimer.Cancel();
   257         }
   258     else if( iState == EDiskSpaceWait )
   259         {
   260         iFs.NotifyDiskSpaceCancel();
   261         }
   263     // Finally clean up
   264     iPluginKiller->KillPushPlugin();
   265     }
   267 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   268 // CMmsPushHandler::RunL
   269 // Loops forever if MessageServer/ServerMtm respond correctly
   270 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   271 //
   272 void CMmsPushHandler::RunL()
   273     {
   274     LOGTEXT(_L("RunL(): Starting"));
   276     // Check for cancel
   277     if( iStatus == KErrCancel )
   278         {
   279         LOGTEXT( _L("RunL(): Operation cancelled.") );
   280         iPluginKiller->KillPushPlugin();
   281         return;
   282         }
   284     // Checking the retry count, because if something just keeps going wrong
   285     // there is nothing that can be done
   286     if( ++iRetryCount > KRetryCount )
   287         {
   288         LOGTEXT( _L("RunL(): Retrycount exceeded, quitting. Notification is lost.") );
   289         iPluginKiller->KillPushPlugin();
   290         return;
   291         }
   293     TInt error = KErrNone;
   295     //
   296     // Operation: TransferCommand
   297     //
   298     if( iState == ETransferCommand )
   299         {
   300         // Clean up
   301         if( iMsvOperation )
   302             {
   303             delete iMsvOperation;
   304             iMsvOperation = NULL;
   305             }
   307         // Go through statuses
   308         if( iStatus == KErrNone )
   309             {
   310             LOGTEXT( _L("RunL(): TransferCommandL() succeeded.") );
   311             iPluginKiller->KillPushPlugin();
   312             return;
   313             }
   314         else if( iStatus == KErrLocked ) // for a short wait
   315             {
   316             LOGTEXT2( _L("RunL(): TransferCommandL failed with code %d, entering short wait."), iStatus.Int() );
   317             iTimer.After( iStatus, KShortWait );
   318             iState = ETimer;
   319             SetActive();
   320             return;
   321             }
   322         else // default is long wait
   323             {
   324             LOGTEXT2( _L("RunL(): TransferCommandL failed with code %d, entering long wait."), iStatus.Int() );
   325             iTimer.After( iStatus, KLongWait );
   326             iState = ETimer;
   327             SetActive();
   328             return;
   329             }
   330         }
   332     //
   333     // Open session if not open
   334     // Session is needed to check drive
   335     //
   336     if ( !iMsvSession  )
   337         {
   338         TRAP( error, OpenSessionL() );
   339         if( error )
   340             {
   341             LOGTEXT2( _L("RunL: OpenSessionL left with code %d, entering long wait."), error );
   342             iState = ETimer;
   343             iTimer.After( iStatus, KLongWait );
   344             SetActive();
   345             return;
   346             }
   347         }
   348     //
   349     // Operation: MessageStore Drive Change
   350     //
   351     if( iState == EMsDriveChange )
   352         {
   353         // Clean up
   354         if( iMsvOperation )
   355             {
   356             delete iMsvOperation;
   357             iMsvOperation = NULL;
   358             }
   360         // Drive should be now on 'C:'
   361         // Asserting this:
   362         if( iMsvSession->CurrentDriveL() != EDriveC )
   363             {
   364             // if not, giving up without retrying
   365             LOGTEXT( _L("RunL(): Drive change attempt did not work, returning silently. Notification is lost." ) );
   366             iPluginKiller->KillPushPlugin();
   367             return;                        
   368             }
   369         LOGTEXT( _L("RunL(): Drive change attempt succeeded." ) );        
   370         }
   372     //
   373     // Find MMS default serviceId if not yet found
   374     //
   375     if( iServiceId == 0 )
   376         {
   377         TRAP( error, FindServiceL() );
   378         // If MessageStore is not available and push message is a notification,
   379         // The message store must be moved to C:
   380         // (delivery reports are handled on best effort basis)
   381         if( ( error == KErrCorrupt ||         
   382               error == KErrNotReady )          
   383             && (*iBody)[1] == 0x82 )
   384             { 
   385             // Try changing MessageStore to C:
   386             LOGTEXT2( _L("RunL: FindServiceL left with code %d, changing drive."), error );
   387             TRAP( error, { iMsvOperation = iMsvSession->ChangeDriveL( EDriveC, iStatus ); } );
   388             if( error == KErrNone )
   389                 {
   390                 iState = EMsDriveChange;
   391                 SetActive();
   392                 return;
   393                 }
   394             else
   395                 {
   396                 LOGTEXT2( _L("RunL: ChangeDriveL left with code %d."), error );
   397                 // This falls to the next if statement (below) on purpose
   398                 }
   399             }
   400         if( error != KErrNone ) // error is something else
   401             {
   402             LOGTEXT2( _L("RunL(): FindServiceL left with code %d, returning silently. Notification is lost."), error );
   403             iPluginKiller->KillPushPlugin();
   404             return;            
   405             }
   406         if( iServiceId == 0 ) // if iService still is 0 (FindServiceL should have found this)
   407             {
   408             LOGTEXT( _L("RunL(): FindServiceL didn't find MMS serviceId, returning silently. Notification is lost." ) );        
   409             iPluginKiller->KillPushPlugin();
   410             return;            
   411             }
   412         }
   414     //
   415     // Checking disk space before using it
   416     //
   417     TRAP( error, { error = CheckDiskSpaceL(); } );
   418     if( error == KErrDiskFull )
   419         {
   420         // CheckDiskSpaceL has handled the situation, i.e. we should active already
   421         return;
   422         }
   423     else if( error != KErrNone ) // other error
   424         {
   425         LOGTEXT2( _L("RunL(): CheckDiskSpaceL left with code %d, entering short wait."), error );
   426         iTimer.After( iStatus, KShortWait );
   427         iState = ETimer;
   428         SetActive();
   429         return;
   430         }
   432     //
   433     // Transfer the push message to MessageServer side
   434     //
   435     TRAP( error, TransferMessageL() );
   436     if( error == KErrCorrupt     // MMC is not present
   437         && (*iBody)[1] == 0x82 ) // push message is a notification
   438         {
   439         LOGTEXT( _L("RunL: TransferMessageL left with code %d, changing drive.") );
   440         // Try changing MessageStore to C:
   441         TRAP( error, { iMsvOperation = iMsvSession->ChangeDriveL( EDriveC, iStatus ); } );
   442         if( error == KErrNone )
   443             {
   444             iState = EMsDriveChange;
   445             SetActive();
   446             return;
   447             }
   448         else
   449             {
   450             LOGTEXT2( _L("RunL: ChangeDriveL left with code %d."), error );
   451             // This falls to the next if statement (below) on purpose
   452             }
   453         }
   454     if( error != KErrNone ) // other error
   455         {
   456         LOGTEXT2( _L("RunL(): TransferMessageL left with code %d, entering short wait."), error );
   457         iTimer.After( iStatus, KShortWait );
   458         iState = ETimer;
   459         SetActive();
   460         return;
   461         }
   462     }
   464 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   465 // CMmsPushHandler::CPushHandlerBase_Reserved1
   466 // 
   467 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   468 //
   469 void CMmsPushHandler::CPushHandlerBase_Reserved1()
   470     {
   471     User::Panic(
   472         _L("CPushHandlerBase_Reserved1() not supported."), 
   473         KErrNotSupported );
   474     }
   476 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   477 // CMmsPushHandler::CPushHandlerBase_Reserved2
   478 // 
   479 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   480 //
   481 void CMmsPushHandler::CPushHandlerBase_Reserved2()
   482     {
   483     User::Panic(
   484         _L("CPushHandlerBase_Reserved2() not supported."),
   485         KErrNotSupported );
   486     }
   488 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   489 // CMmsPushHandler::PerformChecksL
   490 // 
   491 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   492 //
   493 TInt CMmsPushHandler::PerformChecks()
   494     {
   495     // Check that message is not equal to NULL
   496     if( !iPushMsg )
   497         {
   498         LOGTEXT( _L("ERROR: Message == NULL.") );
   499         return KErrCorrupt;
   500         }
   502     // Check that body is not equial to NULL
   503     TPtrC8 messageBodyPtr;
   504     TBool bodyPresent = EFalse;
   505     bodyPresent = iPushMsg->GetMessageBody( messageBodyPtr );
   506     if( !bodyPresent )
   507         {
   508         LOGTEXT( _L("ERROR: Message has NULL body.") );
   509         return KErrCorrupt;
   510         }
   512     // KMinimumNumberOfMessageFields (6) is minimum number of message fields. 
   513     // This is a very "mild" check but
   514     // at least it guarantees that there is no empty body in the message
   515     if( messageBodyPtr.Size() < KMinimumNumberOfMessageFields )
   516         {
   517         LOGTEXT( _L("ERROR: Message has too short body.") );
   518         return KErrCorrupt;
   519         }
   521     // Check message-type
   522     TPtrC contentTypePtr;
   523     iPushMsg->GetContentType( contentTypePtr );
   524     _LIT( KMmsContentType, "application/vnd.wap.mms-message" );
   525     if( contentTypePtr.Compare( KMmsContentType ) != 0 )
   526         {
   527         LOGTEXT2( _L("ERROR: ContentType == %S"), &contentTypePtr );
   528         return KErrCorrupt;
   529         }
   531     return KErrNone;
   532     }
   534 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   535 // CMmsPushHandler::OpenSessionL
   536 // 
   537 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   538 //
   539 void CMmsPushHandler::OpenSessionL()
   540     {
   541     LOGTEXT( _L("OpenSessionL()") );
   542     iMsvSession = CMsvSession::OpenSyncL( *this );
   543     }
   545 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   546 // CMmsPushHandler::FindServiceL
   547 // 
   548 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   549 //
   550 void CMmsPushHandler::FindServiceL()
   551     {
   552     LOGTEXT( _L("FindServiceL()") );
   554     // Use first service found. There should never be more than one MMS Service
   556     // Create a new entry, showing invisible entries (because the service entry may be invisible)
   557     TMsvSelectionOrdering ordering(KMsvNoGrouping, EMsvSortByNone, ETrue);
   558     CMsvEntry* entry = CMsvEntry::NewL(*iMsvSession, KMsvRootIndexEntryId, ordering);
   559     CleanupStack::PushL(entry);
   561  	CMsvEntrySelection *sel=entry->ChildrenWithMtmL(KUidMsgTypeMultimedia);
   562 	CleanupStack::PushL(sel);
   563 	if(sel->Count() == 0)
   564 	    {
   565 	    User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   566 	    } 
   567 	iServiceId=sel->At(0);
   568  	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sel );
   569  	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entry );
   570  	return;
   572     }
   574 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   575 // CMmsPushHandler::TransferMessageL
   576 // 
   577 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   578 //
   579 void CMmsPushHandler::TransferMessageL()
   580     {
   581     LOGTEXT( _L("TransferMessageL()") );
   583     // In order to get to mms service fast (not wait for our turn)
   584     // we create an entry into our invisible mms directory.
   585     // This entry will contain the binary notification
   586     // and the service says "local service" with "MMS mtm"
   588     //
   589     // Get entry id of the notifications folder
   590     //
   591     TMsvId mmsFolder = GetMMSFolderL();
   593     // Create selection array
   594     CMsvEntrySelection* selection = new( ELeave ) CMsvEntrySelection;
   595     CleanupStack::PushL( selection );
   597     TMsvId tMsvId = CreateEntryL( mmsFolder );
   598     iMsvSession->CleanupEntryPushL( tMsvId );
   599     LOGTEXT2( _L("TransferMessageL(): Entry Created: %d"), tMsvId );
   601     //
   602     // The binary notification has been streamed into this entry.
   603     // Now we have an entry that says: local service, MMS MTM
   604     //
   605     if ( tMsvId != KMsvNullIndexEntryId )
   606         {
   607         LOGTEXT( _L("TransferMessageL(): iPushMessageId != KMsvNullIndexEntryId") );
   608         selection->AppendL( tMsvId );
   609         }
   610     else
   611         {
   612         LOGTEXT( _L("TransferMessageL(): iPushMessageId == KMsvNullIndexEntryId") );
   613         selection->AppendL( iServiceId );
   614         }
   615     LOGTEXT( _L("TransferMessageL(): iPushMessageId Appended to Selection.") );
   617     // Watcher parameters have become obsolete as all data is transferred in the entry
   618     TWatcherParameters parameters;
   619     TWatcherParametersBuf paramPack( parameters );
   621     //
   622     // Make asynch call to transfer the push message
   623     //
   624     LOGTEXT( _L("TransferMessageL(): invoking asynchronous TransferCommandL()") );
   625     iMsvOperation = iMsvSession->TransferCommandL(
   626         *selection,
   627         EMmsDecodePushedMessage, 
   628         paramPack, 
   629         iStatus );
   630     iState = ETransferCommand;
   631     SetActive();
   633     iMsvSession->CleanupEntryPop(); // tMsvId
   634     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( selection );
   635     LOGTEXT( _L("TransferMessageL() exiting") );
   636     }
   638 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   639 // CMmsPushHandler::CheckDiskSpaceL
   640 //
   641 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   642 //
   643 TInt CMmsPushHandler::CheckDiskSpaceL()
   644     {
   645     LOGTEXT( _L("CheckDiskSpaceL()") );
   646     TInt messageDrive = EDriveC; // C is default
   647     messageDrive = iMsvSession->CurrentDriveL();
   648     LOGTEXT2( _L("CheckDiskSpaceL(): Current Drive = %d"), messageDrive );
   649     if ( TMmsGenUtils::DiskSpaceBelowCriticalLevelL( 
   650         &iFs, 
   651         KRequiredDiskSpace, 
   652         messageDrive ) )
   653         {
   654         LOGTEXT( _L("CheckDiskSpaceL(): Not Enough Diskspace, subscribing a notification from FileServer.") );
   655         TVolumeInfo volumeInfo;
   656         User::LeaveIfError( iFs.Volume( volumeInfo, messageDrive ) );
   657         iFs.NotifyDiskSpace( 
   658             ( volumeInfo.iFree + KRequiredDiskSpace ), 
   659             messageDrive, 
   660             iStatus );
   661         iState = EDiskSpaceWait;
   662         SetActive();
   663         return KErrDiskFull;
   664         }
   665     return KErrNone;
   666     }
   668 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   669 // CMmsPushHandler::GetMMSFolderL
   670 // Creates an MMS folder into MessageServer's message store.
   671 // (As a subfolder of LocalService.)
   672 // Returns: <new TMsvId>: Entry Id of the created MMS folder.
   673 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   674 //
   675 TMsvId CMmsPushHandler::GetMMSFolderL()
   676     {
   677     LOGTEXT( _L("GetMMSFolderL()") );
   679     // First check if proper MMS folder already exists
   680     TMsvId mmsFolderId = FindMMSFolderL();
   682     // If below is true, the folder did not exist already and has to be created.
   683     // This should not happen unless the message store is corrupted
   684     if ( mmsFolderId == KMsvNullIndexEntryId )
   685         {
   686         mmsFolderId = CreateMMSFolderL();
   687         }
   689     return mmsFolderId;
   690     }
   692 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   693 // CMmsPushHandler::CreateMMSFolderL
   694 // Creates MMSNotifications folder into Message Store.
   695 // (As a subfolder of LocalService.)
   696 // Returns: <new TMsvId>: Entry Id of the created MMS folder.
   697 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   698 //
   699 TMsvId CMmsPushHandler::CreateMMSFolderL()
   700     {
   701     LOGTEXT( _L("CreateMMSFolderL()") );
   702     //
   703     // Create entry
   704     //
   705     TMsvEntry entry;
   706     entry.iType = KUidMsvFolderEntry;
   707     entry.iMtm = KUidMsvLocalServiceMtm;
   708     entry.iDetails.Set( KMMSNotificationFolder );
   709     entry.SetVisible( EFalse );
   710     entry.SetInPreparation( EFalse );
   711     entry.iServiceId = KMsvLocalServiceIndexEntryId;
   713     //
   714     // Make the created entry to be a subfolder of LocalService
   715     //
   716     CMsvEntry* cMsvEntry 
   717         = iMsvSession->GetEntryL( KMsvLocalServiceIndexEntryId );
   718     CleanupStack::PushL( cMsvEntry );
   719     cMsvEntry->CreateL( entry );
   720     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cMsvEntry );
   722     return entry.Id();
   723     }
   726 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   727 // CMmsPushHandler::FindMMSFolderL
   728 // Checks if MMS folder entry already exists.
   729 // Returns: KMMSNotificationFolder: Entry Id of the found MMS folder
   730 //          KMsvNullIndexEntryId:   MMS folder was not found
   731 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   732 //
   733 TMsvId CMmsPushHandler::FindMMSFolderL()
   734     {
   735     LOGTEXT( _L("FindMMSFolderL()") );
   737     TMsvId mmsFolderId = KMsvNullIndexEntryId;
   739     // Get Local Service as parent entry
   740     CMsvEntry* cMsvEntry = iMsvSession->GetEntryL( KMsvLocalServiceIndexEntryId );
   741     CleanupStack::PushL( cMsvEntry );
   742     // show invisible entries
   743     cMsvEntry->SetSortTypeL( TMsvSelectionOrdering( KMsvNoGrouping, 
   744                                                     EMsvSortByIdReverse, 
   745                                                     ETrue ) );
   746     // Get all folder entries.                                                    
   747     CMsvEntrySelection* selection 
   748         = cMsvEntry->ChildrenWithTypeL( KUidMsvFolderEntry );
   749     CleanupStack::PushL( selection );
   751     // Now we should have a list of all local folders.
   752     // Prune away the standard folders.
   753     // They should be at the end of the list
   754     TInt count = selection->Count();
   755     TInt i;
   756     for ( i = count - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
   757         {
   758         if ( selection->At( i ) <= KMsvDeletedEntryFolderEntryId )
   759             {
   760             // Anything below this should not be ours
   761             selection->Delete( i );
   762             }
   763         }
   765     // Check if anything left.
   766     count = selection->Count();
   767     // Loop through the rest and find possible correct folder
   768     for ( i = 0; i < count && mmsFolderId == KMsvNullIndexEntryId; i++ )
   769         {
   770         cMsvEntry->SetEntryL( selection->At( i ) );
   771         // must be exact match
   772         if (cMsvEntry->Entry().iDetails.Compare( KMMSNotificationFolder ) == 0)
   773             {
   774             mmsFolderId = selection->At( i );
   775             }
   776         }
   777     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( selection );
   778     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cMsvEntry );
   780     // If folder does not exist -> returns KMsvNullIndexEntryId
   781     // If folder exists -> returns its Id
   782     return mmsFolderId;
   783     }
   785 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   786 // CMmsPushHandler::CreateEntryL
   787 // 
   788 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   789 //
   790 TMsvId CMmsPushHandler::CreateEntryL( TMsvId aFolder )
   791     {
   792     LOGTEXT( _L("CreateEntryL()") );
   793     //
   794     // Basic "NULL test"
   795     //
   796     if( aFolder == KMsvNullIndexEntryId )
   797         {
   798         // No folder, no entry
   799         return KMsvNullIndexEntryId;
   800         }
   802     //
   803     // Get CMsvEntry context of the target folder
   804     //
   805     CMsvEntry* cMsvEntry = iMsvSession->GetEntryL( aFolder );
   806     CleanupStack::PushL( cMsvEntry ); // ***
   808     //
   809     // Create an entry representing the notification
   810     //
   811     TMsvEntry tMsvEntry;
   812     tMsvEntry.iType = KUidMsvMessageEntry;
   813     tMsvEntry.iMtm = KUidMsgTypeMultimedia;
   814     tMsvEntry.iServiceId = KMsvLocalServiceIndexEntryId;
   815     tMsvEntry.iRelatedId = iServiceId;
   816     tMsvEntry.iMtmData2 = KMmsNotificationBinary;
   817     // Visible and inPreparation flags will be changed after data has been
   818     // successfully streamed
   819     tMsvEntry.SetVisible( EFalse );
   820     tMsvEntry.SetInPreparation( ETrue );
   821     cMsvEntry->CreateL( tMsvEntry );
   823     //
   824     // Stream 
   825     // 1) length of the data as 32 bit integer
   826     // 2) pushed message data
   827     // into created entry's stream  
   828     //
   829     cMsvEntry->SetEntryL( tMsvEntry.Id() );
   830     CMsvStore* store = cMsvEntry->EditStoreL();
   831     CleanupStack::PushL( store );   // ***
   832     RMsvWriteStream outs;
   833     outs.AssignLC( *store, KUidBinaryNotificationStream ); // ***
   834     outs.WriteUint32L( iBody->Size() );
   835     LOGTEXT2( _L(" - streamed %d bytes into dummy-entry's store"), iBody->Size() );
   836     outs.WriteL( *iBody );
   837     outs.CommitL();
   838     outs.Close();
   839     store->CommitL();
   840     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &outs );  //outs
   841     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( store );
   842     //
   843     // Now, change the flags to their final values
   844     //
   845     tMsvEntry.SetVisible( ETrue );
   846     tMsvEntry.SetInPreparation( EFalse );
   847     cMsvEntry->ChangeL( tMsvEntry );
   848     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( cMsvEntry );  
   850     return tMsvEntry.Id();
   851     }
   853 // ========================== OTHER EXPORTED FUNCTIONS =========================
   855 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   856 // ImplementationGroupProxy
   857 // Returns: TImplementationProxy*: Implementation table to the ECOM framework 
   858 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   859 //
   860 EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy( TInt& aTableCount )
   861     {
   862     aTableCount = sizeof( ImplementationTable ) / sizeof( TImplementationProxy );
   864     return ImplementationTable;
   865     }
   867 //  End of File